Exemple #1
/* Reply has been mostly initialised by do_command */
void send_reply()
  int i;

  if ((vtcmd.cmd)==VTC_QUICK) {     /* Only send buffer on a quick read */
    writeP(portfd, &vtreply.cmd, 1);
    if (vtreply.cmd!=VTC_QUICK) return;	/* Must have been an error */
    for (i=0; i< BLKSIZE; i++) writeP(portfd, &inbuf[i], 1);

  sum0 = 0;
  sum1 = 0;

  /* Transmit the reply */
  write0(portfd, &vtreply.hdr1, 1);
  write1(portfd, &vtreply.hdr2, 1);
  write0(portfd, &vtreply.cmd, 1);
  write1(portfd, &vtreply.record, 1);
	unsigned char tmp;

	tmp = block;
	write0(portfd, &tmp, 1);
	tmp = block>>8;
	write1(portfd, &tmp, 1);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_io_netty_channel_epoll_Native_write(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint fd, jobject jbuffer, jint pos, jint limit) {
    void *buffer = (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, jbuffer);
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        throwRuntimeException(env, "Unable to access address of buffer");
        return -1;
    return  write0(env, clazz, fd, buffer, pos, limit);
Exemple #3
功    能:向I2C总线发送一个字节的数据
参    数:WriteData--发送的数据
返回值  :无
void write1byte(uchar WriteData)
	uchar i;
	for(i = 8;i > 0;i--)
	  if(WriteData & 0x80)	write1();
	  else 		        write0();
	  WriteData <<= 1;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_io_netty_channel_epoll_Native_write(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint fd, jobject jbuffer, jint pos, jint limit) {
    void *buffer = (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, jbuffer);
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        throwRuntimeException(env, "Unable to access address of buffer");
        return -1;
    jint res = write0(env, clazz, fd, buffer, pos, limit);
    if (res > 0) {
        // Increment the pos of the ByteBuffer as it may be only partial written to prevent data-corruption later once we
        // try to write the remaining data.
        // See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2371
        incrementPosition(env, jbuffer, res);
    return res;
Exemple #5
// pat added: write an Optional Field controlled by an initial 0/1 field.
void MsgCommonWrite::writeOptField01(uint64_t value, unsigned len, int present, const char*)
	if (present) { write1(); writeField(value,len); } else { write0(); }
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_io_netty_channel_epoll_Native_writeAddress(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint fd, jlong address, jint pos, jint limit) {
    return write0(env, clazz, fd, (void *) address, pos, limit);