Exemple #1
char* Scan::scanServo() {
	int i = 0;

	for(i = 0; i <= 180 ; i += INCRANGLE ) {

	for(i = 180; i >= 0 ; i -= INCRANGLE ) {

	return scanner->data;
    void uArmClass::moveToOpts(double x, double y, double z, double hand_angle, byte relative_flags, double time, byte path_type, byte ease_type) {


        // find current position using cached servo values
        double current_x;
        double current_y;
        double current_z;
        getCalXYZ(cur_rot, cur_left, cur_right, current_x, current_y, current_z);

        // deal with relative xyz positioning
        byte posn_relative = (relative_flags & F_POSN_RELATIVE) ? 1 : 0;
        x = current_x * posn_relative + x;
        y = current_y * posn_relative + y;
        z = current_z * posn_relative + z;

        // find target angles
        double tgt_rot;
        double tgt_left;
        double tgt_right;
        calAngles(x, y, z, tgt_rot, tgt_left, tgt_right);

        // deal with relative hand orientation
        if (relative_flags & F_HAND_RELATIVE) {
            hand_angle += cur_hand;                 // rotates a relative amount, ignoring base rotation
        } else if (relative_flags & F_HAND_ROT_REL) {
            hand_angle = hand_angle + cur_hand + (tgt_rot - cur_rot); // rotates relative to base servo, 0 value keeps an object aligned through movement

        if (time > 0) {
            if (path_type == PATH_ANGLES) {
                // we will calculate angle value targets
                double rot_array[INTERP_INTVLS];
                double left_array[INTERP_INTVLS];
                double right_array[INTERP_INTVLS];
                double hand_array[INTERP_INTVLS];

                interpolate(cur_rot, tgt_rot, rot_array, ease_type);
                interpolate(cur_left, tgt_left, left_array, ease_type);
                interpolate(cur_right, tgt_right, right_array, ease_type);
                interpolate(cur_hand, hand_angle, hand_array, ease_type);

                for (byte i = 0; i < INTERP_INTVLS; i++)

                     writeAngle(rot_array[i], left_array[i], right_array[i], hand_array[i]);
                    //writeServoAngle(SERVO_ROT_NUM, rot_array[i], true);
                    // writeServoAngle(SERVO_LEFT_NUM, left_array[i],true);
                    // writeServoAngle(SERVO_RIGHT_NUM, right_array[i],true);
                    //writeLeftRightServoAngle(left_array[i], right_array[i], true);
                    //writeServoAngle(SERVO_HAND_ROT_NUM, hand_array[i],true);
                    delay(time * 1000 / INTERP_INTVLS);
            } else if (path_type == PATH_LINEAR) {
                // we will calculate linear path targets
                double x_array[INTERP_INTVLS];
                double y_array[INTERP_INTVLS];
                double z_array[INTERP_INTVLS];
                double hand_array[INTERP_INTVLS];

                interpolate(current_x, x, x_array, ease_type);
                interpolate(current_y, y, y_array, ease_type);
                interpolate(current_z, z, z_array, ease_type);
                interpolate(cur_hand, hand_angle, hand_array, ease_type);

                for (byte i = 0; i < INTERP_INTVLS; i++)
                    // double rot;
                    double rot,left, right;
                    calAngles(x_array[i], y_array[i], z_array[i], rot, left, right);
                    // Serial.println(rot);
                    // Serial.println(left);
                    // Serial.println(right);
                    // Serial.println();
                    //writeServoAngle(SERVO_ROT_NUM, rot,true);
                    // writeServoAngle(SERVO_LEFT_NUM, tgt_left,true);
                    // writeServoAngle(SERVO_RIGHT_NUM, tgt_right,true);
                    //writeLeftRightServoAngle(left, right, true);
                    // if(enable_hand)
                    //writeServoAngle(SERVO_HAND_ROT_NUM, hand_array[i], true);
                    writeAngle(rot, left, right, hand_array[i]);
                    delay(time * 1000 / INTERP_INTVLS);

        // set final target position at end of interpolation or "atOnce"
        //writeServoAngle(SERVO_ROT_NUM, tgt_rot, true);
        // writeServoAngle(SERVO_LEFT_NUM, tgt_left, true);
        // writeServoAngle(SERVO_RIGHT_NUM, tgt_right, true);
        //writeLeftRightServoAngle(tgt_left, tgt_right, true);
        //writeServoAngle(SERVO_HAND_ROT_NUM, hand_angle, true);
         writeAngle(tgt_rot, tgt_left, tgt_right, hand_angle);