Exemple #1
int16_t DAIPin::update()
	uint16_t now = static_cast<uint16_t>(millis());
	uint16_t delta = now - m_lastTime;
	m_lastTime = now;
	if (read())
		// move up
		if (m_duration == 0)
			return writeInputValue(256);
		m_time += delta;
		// clamp
		if (m_time > m_duration)
			m_time = m_duration;
		// move down
		if (m_duration == 0)
			return writeInputValue(-256);
		// clamp
		if (m_time < delta)
			m_time = 0;
			m_time -= delta;
	return writeInputValue(rc::rangeToNormalized(m_time, m_duration));
Exemple #2
int16_t AIPin::read() const
	uint16_t raw = analogRead(m_pin);
	// reverse if needed
	if (m_reversed) raw = 1023 - raw;
	// apply trim
	raw += m_trim;
	// early abort
	if (raw <= m_min) return writeInputValue(-256);
	if (raw >= m_max) return writeInputValue( 256);
	// calculate distance from center and maximum distance from center
	uint16_t out = raw > m_center ?   raw - m_center : m_center -   raw;
	uint16_t max = raw > m_center ? m_max - m_center : m_center - m_min;
	// change the range from [0 - max] to [0 - 256]
	// first bring the value down to below 256, or we'll be getting overflows, we'll compensate later
	int bits = 0;
	while (out >= 256)
		out >>= 1;
	out <<= 8;  // multiply by 256
	out /= max; // bring down to new range
	// bring the value back up if we did any truncating before
	while (bits > 0)
		out <<= 1;
	return writeInputValue((raw < m_center) ? -out : out);
Exemple #3
int16_t AnalogSwitch::update(SwitchState p_state)
	uint16_t target = 0;
	switch (p_state)
	case SwitchState_Up:
		target = m_duration;
		if (m_duration == 0 || m_time == 0xFFFF)
			m_time = target;
			return writeInputValue(256);
	case SwitchState_Center:
		target = m_duration / 2;
		if (m_duration == 0 || m_time == 0xFFFF)
			m_time = target;
			return writeInputValue(0);
	case SwitchState_Down:
		target = 0;
		if (m_duration == 0 || m_time == 0xFFFF)
			m_time = target;
			return writeInputValue(-256);
	case SwitchState_Disconnected:
		return writeInputValue(0);
	uint16_t now = static_cast<uint16_t>(millis());
	uint16_t delta = now - m_lastTime;
	m_lastTime = now;
	if (m_time < target)
		// move up
		m_time += delta;
		// clamp
		if (m_time > target)
			m_time = target;
		// move down
		// clamp
		if (m_time > target + delta)
			m_time = target;
			m_time -= delta;
	return writeInputValue(rc::rangeToNormalized(m_time, m_duration));