Exemple #1
// Export:
void AboutOpera::generateData( URL& url )
	writePreamble( url ); // <html><body> surplus
	// <require> each of these should close exactly the HTML tags it opens:
	writeVersion( url );
	writeUA( url );
	writeRegInfo( url );
	writePaths( url );
	writeSound( url );
	writeCredits( url );
	// </require>
	url.WriteDocumentData(UNI_L("\n\n <address>"));
	OpString span;
	TRAP(rc, g_languageManager->GetStringL(Str::S_DEDICATED_TO, span));
	if (OpStatus::IsSuccess(rc))
		// In memory of Geir Ivars&oslash;y.
		url.WriteDocumentData(UNI_L("</span> "));
	outASCII(url, "Copyright &copy; 1995-");
	outASCII(url, __DATE__ + 7); // "Mmm dd Year" + 7 == "Year"
	outASCII(url, " Opera Software ASA.\n"
			 "All rights reserved.</address>\n"
void CodeGenerator::writeCoreHelperClasses(const QString &fileName, ClassComponent component) const
    if (!m_parser)

    QFile file(fileName);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QTextStream stream(&file);

    // Write the preamble
    writePreamble(fileName, stream);

    // Iterate over each OpenGL version. For each version output a private class for
    // core functions and a private class for deprecated functions.
    const QString privateRootClass = QStringLiteral("QOpenGLVersionFunctionsBackend");
    Q_FOREACH (const VersionProfile &versionProfile, m_parser->versionProfiles()) {
        switch (component) {
        case Declaration:
            writeBackendClassDeclaration(stream, versionProfile, privateRootClass);

        case Definition:
            writeBackendClassImplementation(stream, versionProfile, privateRootClass);

    // Write the postamble
    writePostamble(fileName, stream);
void CodeGenerator::writeCoreFactoryHeader(const QString &fileName) const
    if (!m_parser)

    QFile file(fileName);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QTextStream stream(&file);

    // Write the preamble
    writePreamble(fileName, stream);

    // Write the postamble
    writePostamble(fileName, stream);
void CodeGenerator::writeCoreFactoryImplementation(const QString &fileName) const
    if (!m_parser)

    QFile file(fileName);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QTextStream stream(&file);

    // Write the preamble
    writePreamble(fileName, stream);

    // Get the set of version functions classes we need to create
    QList<Version> versions = m_parser->versions();
    qSort(versions.begin(), versions.end(), qGreater<Version>());

    // Outout the #include statements
    stream << QStringLiteral("#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)") << endl;
    Q_FOREACH (const Version &classVersion, versions) {
        if (!versionHasProfiles(classVersion)) {
            stream << QString(QStringLiteral("#include \"qopenglfunctions_%1_%2.h\""))
                      .arg(classVersion.minor) << endl;
        } else {
            const QList<VersionProfile::OpenGLProfile> profiles = (QList<VersionProfile::OpenGLProfile>()
                << VersionProfile::CoreProfile << VersionProfile::CompatibilityProfile);

            Q_FOREACH (const VersionProfile::OpenGLProfile profile, profiles) {
                const QString profileSuffix = profile == VersionProfile::CoreProfile
                                            ? QStringLiteral("core")
                                            : QStringLiteral("compatibility");
                stream << QString(QStringLiteral("#include \"qopenglfunctions_%1_%2_%3.h\""))
                          .arg(profileSuffix) << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("#else") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("#include \"qopenglfunctions_es2.h\"") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("#endif") << endl;

    stream << endl;

    stream << QStringLiteral("QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE") << endl << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("QAbstractOpenGLFunctions *QOpenGLVersionFunctionsFactory::create(const QOpenGLVersionProfile &versionProfile)") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("{") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("    const int major = versionProfile.version().first;") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("    const int minor = versionProfile.version().second;") << endl << endl;

    // Iterate over classes with profiles
    stream << QStringLiteral("    if (versionProfile.hasProfiles()) {") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("        switch (versionProfile.profile()) {") << endl;
    const QList<VersionProfile::OpenGLProfile> profiles = (QList<VersionProfile::OpenGLProfile>()
        << VersionProfile::CoreProfile << VersionProfile::CompatibilityProfile);
    Q_FOREACH (const VersionProfile::OpenGLProfile profile, profiles) {
        const QString caseLabel = profile == VersionProfile::CoreProfile
                                ? QStringLiteral("QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile")
                                : QStringLiteral("QSurfaceFormat::CompatibilityProfile");
        stream << QString(QStringLiteral("        case %1:")).arg(caseLabel) << endl;

        int i = 0;
        Q_FOREACH (const Version &classVersion, versions) {
            if (!versionHasProfiles(classVersion))

            const QString ifString = (i++ == 0) ? QStringLiteral("if") : QStringLiteral("else if");
            stream << QString(QStringLiteral("            %1 (major == %2 && minor == %3)"))
                      .arg(classVersion.minor) << endl;

            VersionProfile v;
            v.version = classVersion;
            v.profile = profile;
            stream << QString(QStringLiteral("                return new %1;"))
                      .arg(generateClassName(v)) << endl;

        stream << QStringLiteral("            break;") << endl << endl;

    stream << QStringLiteral("        case QSurfaceFormat::NoProfile:") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("        default:") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("            break;") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("        };") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("    } else {") << endl;

    // Iterate over the legacy classes (no profiles)
    int i = 0;
    Q_FOREACH (const Version &classVersion, versions) {
        if (versionHasProfiles(classVersion))

        const QString ifString = (i++ == 0) ? QStringLiteral("if") : QStringLiteral("else if");
        stream << QString(QStringLiteral("        %1 (major == %2 && minor == %3)"))
                  .arg(classVersion.minor) << endl;

        VersionProfile v;
        v.version = classVersion;
        stream << QString(QStringLiteral("            return new %1;"))
                  .arg(generateClassName(v)) << endl;

    stream << QStringLiteral("    }") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("    return 0;") << endl;

    stream << QStringLiteral("#else") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("    Q_UNUSED(versionProfile);") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("    return new QOpenGLFunctions_ES2;") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("#endif") << endl;
    stream << QStringLiteral("}") << endl;

    // Write the postamble
    writePostamble(fileName, stream);
Exemple #5
void CuboidVTKout3D<double>::write(SuperLatticeF3D<double,descriptors::D3Q19Descriptor>& f, int iT, int offset ) {

  CuboidGeometry3D<double> const& cGeometry = f.getSuperLattice3D().get_cGeometry();
  loadBalancer& load = f.getSuperLattice3D().get_load();

  int rank = 0;
  int size = 1;
  rank = singleton::mpi().getRank();
  size = singleton::mpi().getSize();

  std::string fullName = singleton::directories().getVtkOutDir() + graphics::createFileName(f.name(), iT, 7) + ".vti";

  int nx     = cGeometry.get_motherC().get_nX()-1;
  int ny     = cGeometry.get_motherC().get_nY()-1;
  int nz     = cGeometry.get_motherC().get_nZ()-1;
  double delta = cGeometry.get_motherC().get_delta();
  double originX = cGeometry.get_motherC().get_globPosX();
  double originY = cGeometry.get_motherC().get_globPosY();
  double originZ = cGeometry.get_motherC().get_globPosZ();

  if(rank==0) {
    writePreamble(fullName, nx/offset, ny/offset, nz/offset, originX, originY, originZ, delta*offset);

  for (int iRank=0; iRank<size; iRank++) {
    if(rank==iRank) {
      for (int iC=0; iC<load.size(); iC++) {
        double globX = cGeometry.get_cuboid(load.glob(iC)).get_globPosX();
        double globY = cGeometry.get_cuboid(load.glob(iC)).get_globPosY();
        double globZ = cGeometry.get_cuboid(load.glob(iC)).get_globPosZ();
        int nx2 = cGeometry.get_cuboid(load.glob(iC)).get_nX();
        int ny2 = cGeometry.get_cuboid(load.glob(iC)).get_nY();
        int nz2 = cGeometry.get_cuboid(load.glob(iC)).get_nZ();

        double deltaX = cGeometry.get_cuboid(load.glob(iC)).get_delta();
        /*int originX;
        int originY;
        int originZ;
        if(!cGeometry.get_motherC().checkPoint(globX, globY, globZ, originX, originY, originZ)) {
            std::cerr << "The grid is not uniform! Cant write vtk file " << fullName << std::endl;

        writePiece(fullName, f.name(), f,
                   load.glob(iC), nx2, ny2, nz2, 
                   deltaX, 1, offset, globX, globY, globZ);

  if(rank==0) {