// Private method
uint8_t EEPROM_24XX1025::writeChunk(uint32_t fulladdr, const void *data, uint8_t bytesToWrite) {
  // Used to turn 1-128 byte writes into full page writes (i.e. turn them into proper single-page writes)
  if (bytesToWrite == 0 || bytesToWrite > 128 || fulladdr >= DEVICE_SIZE)
    return 0;

  if (fulladdr + bytesToWrite > DEVICE_SIZE)
    bytesToWrite = DEVICE_SIZE - fulladdr;

  // Calculate the 16-bit address, and the page number of the first and second (if applicable)
  // blocks we're going to write to.
  uint32_t pageaddr = TO_PAGEADDR(fulladdr);
  uint8_t firstBlock = BLOCKNUM(fulladdr);
  uint8_t secondBlock = BLOCKNUM(fulladdr + bytesToWrite - 1);

  // These page numbers are *relative to the block number*, i.e. firstPage = 0 may mean at byte 0 or byte 65536
  // depending on firstBlock above. Same goes for secondPage/secondBlock of course.
  uint16_t firstPage = pageaddr / 128; // pageaddr is already relative to block!
  uint16_t secondPage = (TO_PAGEADDR(pageaddr + bytesToWrite - 1))/128;

  if (firstPage == secondPage && firstBlock == secondBlock) {
    // Data doesn't "cross the border" between pages. Easy!
    return writeSinglePage(fulladdr, data, bytesToWrite);
  else {
    // The data spans two pages, e.g. begins at address 120 and is 12 bytes long, which would make it go
    // past the edge of this page (addresses 0 - 127) and onto the next.
    // We need to split this write manually.

    uint8_t bytesInFirstPage = ((firstPage + 1) * 128) - pageaddr;
    uint8_t bytesInSecondPage = bytesToWrite - bytesInFirstPage;

    uint8_t ret = 0;

    // Write the data that belongs to the first page
    if ((ret = writeSinglePage(TO_FULLADDR(firstBlock, pageaddr), data, bytesInFirstPage))
      != bytesInFirstPage)
      return ret;

    // Write the data that belongs to the second page
    if ((ret = writeSinglePage(TO_FULLADDR(secondBlock, secondPage * 128), (const void*)((byte *)data + bytesInFirstPage), bytesInSecondPage))
      != bytesInSecondPage)
      return bytesInFirstPage + ret;

  return bytesToWrite;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    HEX_LINE  *hexFile;
    hexFile = parseHexFile(argv[1]);
    return 0;
} // end main()