int go(sLogin* logins, int argc, char *argv[]) { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "** Module was not properly built. Are the afpfs-ng headers and static library installed correctly? **"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); return FAILURE; }
int go(sLogin* logins, int argc, char *argv[]) { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "** Module was not properly built. Is OPENSSL installed correctly? **"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); return FAILURE; }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " EHLO:? (optional)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Sets the name sent via the EHLO command."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Usage example: \"-M smtp-vrfy -m EHLO:g3rg3 -U accounts.txt -p\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " DIR:? "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Sets target directory name. If left unset, the default is \"/root\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Usage example: \"-M cvs -m DIR:/some_project\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " MODE:? (NORMAL, AS400) [optional]"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Sets the mode for error detection."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Usage example: \"-M telnet -m MODE:AS400 -U accounts.txt -p password\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "** Module was not properly built. Are the afpfs-ng headers and static library installed correctly? **"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " TAG:? (Default: gerg)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " AUTH:? (Authentication Type (LOGIN/PLAIN/NTLM). Default: automatic)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " DOMAIN:? [optional]"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Usage example: \"-M imap -m TAG:A0001 -m AUTH:PLAIN"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "The DOMAIN option should supply the specified domain appropriately,"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "regardless of authentication type. The domain can also be supplied "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "via the username field, but the format appears to differ by auth type."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Example 1: NTLM authentication with DOMAIN option"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " \"medusa -M imap -m AUTH:NTLM -m DOMAIN:FOODOM -h host -u foo -p bar\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Example 2: NTLM authentication with domain via username"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " \"medusa -M imap -m AUTH:NTLM -h host -u foo@domain -p bar\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "* If no domain is specified when using NTLM authentication, the server"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "supplied value will be used."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Example 3: LOGIN authentication with domain via username"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " \"medusa -M imap -m AUTH:LOGIN -h host -u 'domain\\\\foo' -p bar\""); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " CONTEXT:? "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Sets user context information."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "It should be noted that libncp does not by default automatically specific a user context."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "If it fails to resolve the name provided it appends the server's context to the username and attempts"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "to resolve that value. It is advised that users specify a context for each account being tested."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "A global context can be specified using the CONTEXT option. A per-user context can be defined"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "as part of the account name within a file containing usernames or the username passed via the "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "command-line."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Usage example: \"-M ncp -m CONTEXT:.OU=administrators.O=foofus -u username\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Usage example: \"-M ncp -u username.OU=administrators.O=foofus\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Libncp, by default, also uses both the NDS and BIND authenticators. Unfortunately, the only"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "error message returned to the module is that of the BIND authenticator. These messages are not"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "as descriptive as NDS and only seem to report success or failure. In order to have more useful"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "messages (account disabled/max logons exceeded/etc.), create a ~/.nwclient or /etc/ncpfs.conf"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "file with the following text:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " [Requester]"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " NetWare Protocol = NDS"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " PASS:? (PASSWORD*, HASH)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " PASSWORD: Use normal password."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " HASH: Use a hash rather than a password. (non-SHA1 hashes only)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "\n(*) Default value"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Usage examples:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "1: Normal boring check..."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " medusa -M mysql -h somehost -u someuser -p somepassword"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "2: Using an old-style MySQL hash..."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " medusa -M mysql -h somehost -U users.txt -p 39b52a209cf03d62 -m PASS:HASH"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
int medusaConnectInternal(unsigned long nHost, int nPort, int nProtocol, int nType, int nWaitTime, int nRetries, int nRetryWait,unsigned long nProxyStringIP, int nProxyStringPort, char* szProxyAuthentication, int nSourcePort) { int s, ret = -1; int nFail = 0; struct sockaddr_in target, source; char *buf, *tmpptr = NULL; char out[16]; long flag; int nOpt, nSize; fd_set myset; struct timeval tv; int nUseProxy = nProxyStringIP > 0 ? 1 : 0; s = socket(PF_INET, nProtocol, nType); if (s >= 0) { /* Handle a source port request from a module */ if ( nSourcePort != 0 ) { int bind_ok=0; source.sin_family = PF_INET; source.sin_port = htons(nSourcePort); source.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* We will try to find a free port down to 512 */ while (!bind_ok && nSourcePort >= 512) { if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&source, sizeof(source))==-1) { if (errno == EADDRINUSE) { writeError(ERR_DEBUG, "Port %d in use trying next lower port.", nSourcePort); nSourcePort--; source.sin_port = htons(nSourcePort); } else { if (errno == EACCES && (getuid() > 0)) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "Source port for this service requires root privileges."); return FAILURE; } } } else bind_ok=1; } } /* End of source port fun */ if (nUseProxy > 0) { target.sin_port = htons(nProxyStringPort); memcpy(&target.sin_addr.s_addr, &nProxyStringIP, sizeof(unsigned long)); } else { target.sin_port = htons(nPort); memcpy(&target.sin_addr.s_addr, &nHost, sizeof(unsigned long)); } target.sin_family = AF_INET; // Set non-blocking if((flag = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, NULL)) < 0) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "Error fcntl(..., F_GETFL) (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } flag |= O_NONBLOCK; if(fcntl(s, F_SETFL, flag) < 0) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "Error fcntl(..., F_SETFL) (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } nFail = 0; ret = connect(s, (struct sockaddr*)&target, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (errno == EINPROGRESS) { do { if (nFail > 0 && nFail <= nRetries) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "Thread %X: Host: %s Cannot connect [unreachable], retrying (%d of %d retries)", (int)pthread_self(), inet_ntop(AF_INET, &target.sin_addr, out, sizeof(out)), nFail, nRetries); sleep(nRetryWait); } else if (nFail > nRetries) return -1; tv.tv_sec = nWaitTime; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&myset); FD_SET(s, &myset); ret = select(s + 1, NULL, &myset, NULL, &tv); if (ret < 0 && errno != EINTR) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "Error connecting to host: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } else if (ret > 0) { nSize = sizeof(int); if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*)(&nOpt), &nSize) < 0) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "Error in getsockopt() %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (nOpt != 0) { // Socket is not valid - connection failed writeVerbose(VB_GENERAL, "Unable to connect (invalid socket): unreachable destination"); return -1; } // If we get here, the socket should be valid ret = 0; break; } else { nFail++; } } while (1); } if (ret != 0 || nFail > nRetries) { writeVerbose(VB_GENERAL, "Unable to connect: unreachable destination"); ret = -1; return ret; } // Set the socket to be blocking again if((flag = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, NULL)) < 0) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "Error fcntl(..., F_GETFL) (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } flag &= ~O_NONBLOCK; if(fcntl(s, F_SETFL, flag) < 0) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "Error fcntl(..., F_SETFL) (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } ret = s; writeError(ERR_DEBUG, "Connected (internal)"); if (nUseProxy > 0) { buf = malloc(4096); memset(buf, 0, 4096); memset(&target, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); memcpy(&target.sin_addr.s_addr, &nHost, sizeof(unsigned long)); target.sin_family = AF_INET; if (szProxyAuthentication == NULL) snprintf(buf, 4095, "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET, &target.sin_addr, out, sizeof(out)), nPort); else snprintf(buf, 4095, "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\n\r\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET, &target.sin_addr, out, sizeof(out)), nPort, szProxyAuthentication); send(s, buf, strlen(buf), 0); recv(s, buf, 4096, 0); if (strncmp("HTTP/", buf, strlen("HTTP/")) == 0 && (tmpptr = index(buf, ' ')) != NULL && *++tmpptr == '2') { writeError(ERR_DEBUG, "Connected (with proxy)"); } else { //writeError(ERR_DEBUG, "Unable to connect using SSL (Code: %c%c%c)", *tmpptr, *(tmpptr + 1), *(tmpptr + 2)); writeError(ERR_ERROR, "CONNECT call to proxy failed with code %c%c%c", *tmpptr, *(tmpptr + 1), *(tmpptr + 2)); close(s); ret = -1; free(buf); return ret; } free(buf); } nFail = 0; return ret; } return ret; }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " TYPE:? (SINGLE, STDIN)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Option sets type of script being called by module. See included sample scripts"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " for ideas how to use this module."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " SINGLE: Script expects all user input comes from original command line."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " STDIN: Host and user information passed to script via command line."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Passwords to test are passed via STDIN to script."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " PROG:? "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Option for setting path to executable file."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " ARGS:? "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Option for setting executable parameters. The following substitutions can be used:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " %H: Replaced with target IP address."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " %U: Replaced with username to test."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " %P: Replaced with password to test."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Usage example: \'-M wrapper -m TYPE:SINGLE -m PROG:./ -m ARGS:\"-h %H -u %U -p %P\"\'"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Usage example: \'-M wrapper -m TYPE:STDIN -m PROG:./ -m ARGS:\"--host %H --user %U\"\'"); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " EHLO:? [optional] "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Specify the EHLO greeting."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " AUTH:? (Authentication Type (PLAIN/LOGIN/NTLM). Default: automatic)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Module will query service for accepted methods via an \"AUTH\" request."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " PLAIN, LOGIN, and NTLM authentication methods are supported."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " DOMAIN:? [optional]"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "The DOMAIN option should supply the specified domain appropriately,"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "regardless of authentication type. The domain can also be supplied "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "via the username field, but the format appears to differ by auth type."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Usage example: "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " \"medusa -M smtp -m AUTH:NTLM -U accounts.txt -p password\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " \"medusa -M smtp -m EHLO:world -U accounts.txt -p password\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " USER-AGENT:? User-agent value. Default: \"I'm not Mozilla, I'm Ming Mong\"."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " FORM:? Target form to request. Default: \"/\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " DENY-SIGNAL:? Authentication failure message. Attempt flagged as successful if text is not present in"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " server response. Default: \"Login incorrect\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " FORM-DATA:<METHOD>?<FIELDS>"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Methods and fields to send to web service. Valid methods are GET and POST. The actual form"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " data to be submitted should also be defined here. Specifically, the fields: username and"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " password. The username field must be the first, followed by the password field."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Default: \"post?username=&password=\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Usage example: \"-M web-form -m USER-AGENT:\"g3rg3 gerg\" -m FORM:\"webmail/index.php\" -m DENY-SIGNAL:\"deny!\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " -m FORM-DATA:\"post?user=&pass=&submit=True\""); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Rsh is a service where you either have .rhosts/hosts.equiv access\nfrom the source host or you don't. Passwords really don't matter.\nSo the best way to use this module is with a single dummy password and a\nlist of users you suspect may have .rhosts/hosts.equiv allows for your source.\nGood luck."); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " MODE:? (NORMAL, AS400) [optional]"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Sets the mode for error detection."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " AUTH:? (Authentication Type (USER/PLAIN/LOGIN/NTLM). Default: automatic)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Module will query service for accepted methods via an \"AUTH\" request."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " USER (clear-text), SASL PLAIN, SASL LOGIN, and SASL NTLM authentication methods are supported."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " DOMAIN:? [optional]"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " AUTH USER - Appends domain to username (e.g. [email protected])."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " AUTH NTLM - Supplies specified domain during NTLM authentication. The default"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " behaviour is to use the server supplied domain value."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Usage example: "); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " \"medusa -M pop3 -m MODE:AS400 -U accounts.txt -p password\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " \"medusa -M pop3 -m -U accounts.txt -p password\""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
int initModule(_MODULE_DATA *_psSessionData, sLogin* psLogin) { enum MODULE_STATE nState = MSTATE_NEW; char *pPass, *szTmp, *szCmdTmp; sUser* user = psLogin->psUser; int iRet, nCmdLength, nCmdPartLength; if (user != NULL) { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] module started for host: %s user: '******'", MODULE_NAME, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP, user->pUser); } else { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] module started for host: %s", MODULE_NAME, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); } pPass = getNextPass(psLogin->psServer->psAudit, user); if (pPass == NULL) { writeVerbose(VB_GENERAL, "[%s] out of passwords for user '%s' at host '%s', bailing", MODULE_NAME, user->pUser, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); } while(NULL != pPass) { switch(nState) { case MSTATE_NEW: /* perform parameter substitution -- this is messy... */ writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "User-supplied parameters: %s", _psSessionData->szCmdParam); /* --host %H --user %U --pass %P */ if (_psSessionData->nType == TYPE_SINGLE) { nCmdLength = strlen(_psSessionData->szCmdParam); nCmdLength -= 6; nCmdLength += strlen(psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); nCmdLength += strlen(user->pUser); nCmdLength += strlen(pPass); } /* --host %H --user %U */ else { nCmdLength = strlen(_psSessionData->szCmdParam); nCmdLength -= 4; nCmdLength += strlen(psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); nCmdLength += strlen(user->pUser); } _psSessionData->szCmdParamFull = malloc(nCmdLength + 1); memset(_psSessionData->szCmdParamFull, 0, nCmdLength + 1); szCmdTmp = malloc(nCmdLength + 1); memset(szCmdTmp, 0, nCmdLength + 1); if (szTmp = strstr(_psSessionData->szCmdParam, "%H")) { nCmdPartLength = (int) szTmp - (int) _psSessionData->szCmdParam; writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "Processing \%H... Copying (%d) parameter characters.", nCmdPartLength); strncpy(szCmdTmp, _psSessionData->szCmdParam, nCmdPartLength); strncpy(szCmdTmp + nCmdPartLength, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP, strlen(psLogin->psServer->pHostIP)); strncpy(szCmdTmp + nCmdPartLength + strlen(psLogin->psServer->pHostIP), szTmp + 2, strlen(szTmp) - 2); } else { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "Invalid command parameter format. Missing %H format."); psLogin->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN; psLogin->iStatus = LOGIN_FAILED; FREE(szCmdTmp); nState = MSTATE_EXITING; break; } writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "Parameters (pass 1): %s", szCmdTmp); if (szTmp = strstr(szCmdTmp, "%U")) { nCmdPartLength = (int) szTmp - (int) szCmdTmp; writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "Processing \%U... Copying (%d) parameter characters.", nCmdPartLength); strncpy(_psSessionData->szCmdParamFull, szCmdTmp, nCmdPartLength); strncpy(_psSessionData->szCmdParamFull + nCmdPartLength, user->pUser, strlen(user->pUser)); strncpy(_psSessionData->szCmdParamFull + nCmdPartLength + strlen(user->pUser), szTmp + 2, strlen(szTmp) - 2); }
int initModule(sLogin* psLogin, _MODULE_DATA *_psSessionData) { int hSocket = -1; enum MODULE_STATE nState = MSTATE_NEW; char* bufReceive; int nReceiveBufferSize = 0, nFirstPass = 0, nFoundPrompt = 0; int i = 0; char *pPass; sUser* user = psLogin->psUser; sConnectParams params; memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(sConnectParams)); params.nPort = PORT_SMTP; initConnectionParams(psLogin, ¶ms); if (user != NULL) { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] module started for host: %s user: '******'", MODULE_NAME, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP, user->pUser); } else { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] module started for host: %s", MODULE_NAME, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); } pPass = getNextPass(psLogin->psServer->psAudit, user); if (pPass == NULL) { writeVerbose(VB_GENERAL, "[%s] out of passwords for user '%s' at host '%s', bailing", MODULE_NAME, user->pUser, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); } if (_psSessionData->szEHLO == NULL) { _psSessionData->szEHLO = malloc(7); memset(_psSessionData->szEHLO, 0, 7); sprintf(_psSessionData->szEHLO, "MEDUSA"); } writeError(ERR_DEBUG, "[%s] Set EHLO value: %s", MODULE_NAME, _psSessionData->szEHLO); while(NULL != pPass) { switch(nState) { case MSTATE_NEW: if (hSocket > 0) medusaDisconnect(hSocket); if (psLogin->psServer->psHost->iUseSSL > 0) hSocket = medusaConnectSSL(¶ms); else hSocket = medusaConnect(¶ms); if (hSocket < 0) { writeError(ERR_NOTICE, "%s: failed to connect, port %d was not open on %s", MODULE_NAME, params.nPort, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); psLogin->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN; psLogin->iStatus = LOGIN_FAILED; return FAILURE; } writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "Connected"); /* send EHLO */ writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] Sending EHLO command.", MODULE_NAME); if (sayEHLO(hSocket, _psSessionData) == SUCCESS) nState = MSTATE_RUNNING; else nState = MSTATE_EXITING; break; case MSTATE_RUNNING: nState = tryLogin(hSocket, &psLogin, _psSessionData, pPass, user->pUser); if (psLogin->iResult != LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN) pPass = getNextPass(psLogin->psServer->psAudit, user); break; case MSTATE_EXITING: sayQUIT(hSocket); if (hSocket > 0) medusaDisconnect(hSocket); hSocket = -1; pPass = NULL; break; default: writeError(ERR_CRITICAL, "Unknown %s module state %d", MODULE_NAME, nState); if (hSocket > 0) medusaDisconnect(hSocket); hSocket = -1; psLogin->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN; psLogin->iStatus = LOGIN_FAILED; return FAILURE; } } psLogin->iStatus = LOGIN_DONE; return SUCCESS; }
int initModule(sLogin* psLogin) { int hSocket = -1; enum MODULE_STATE nState = MSTATE_NEW; char* bufReceive; int nReceiveBufferSize = 0, nFirstPass = 0, nFoundPrompt = 0; int i = 0; char *pPass; sUser* user = psLogin->psUser; sConnectParams params; memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(sConnectParams)); if (psLogin->psServer->psAudit->iPortOverride > 0) params.nPort = psLogin->psServer->psAudit->iPortOverride; else if (psLogin->psServer->psHost->iUseSSL > 0) writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] module asked for RLOGIN/SSL. Don't know if such a thing exists...\n"); else params.nPort = PORT_RLOGIN; params.nSourcePort = 1023; initConnectionParams(psLogin, ¶ms); if (user != NULL) { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] module started for host: %s user: '******'", MODULE_NAME, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP, user->pUser); } else { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] module started for host: %s", MODULE_NAME, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); } pPass = getNextPass(psLogin->psServer->psAudit, user); if (pPass == NULL) { writeVerbose(VB_GENERAL, "[%s] out of passwords for user '%s' at host '%s', bailing", MODULE_NAME, user->pUser, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); } while(NULL != pPass) { switch(nState) { case MSTATE_NEW: // Already have an open socket - close it if (hSocket > 0) medusaDisconnect(hSocket); if (psLogin->psServer->psHost->iUseSSL > 0) hSocket = medusaConnectSSL(¶ms); else hSocket = medusaConnect(¶ms); if (hSocket < 0) { writeError(ERR_NOTICE, "%s: failed to connect, port %d was not open on %s", MODULE_NAME, params.nPort, psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); psLogin->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN; psLogin->iStatus = LOGIN_FAILED; return FAILURE; } writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "Connected"); nState = MSTATE_RUNNING; break; case MSTATE_RUNNING: nState = tryLogin(hSocket, &psLogin, user->pUser, pPass); if (psLogin->iResult != LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN) pPass = getNextPass(psLogin->psServer->psAudit, user); break; case MSTATE_EXITING: if (hSocket > 0) medusaDisconnect(hSocket); hSocket = -1; pPass = NULL; break; default: writeError(ERR_CRITICAL, "Unknown %s module state %d", MODULE_NAME, nState); if (hSocket > 0) medusaDisconnect(hSocket); hSocket = -1; psLogin->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN; psLogin->iStatus = LOGIN_FAILED; return FAILURE; } } psLogin->iStatus = LOGIN_DONE; return SUCCESS; }
void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "** Module was not properly built. Is OPENSSL installed correctly? **"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "MODE:? (NORMAL*, EXPLICIT, IMPLICIT)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " EXPLICIT: AUTH TLS Mode as defined in RFC 4217"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Explicit FTPS (FTP/SSL) connects to a FTP service in the clear. Prior to"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " sending any credentials, however, an \"AUTH TLS\" command is issued and a"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " SSL session is negotiated."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " IMPLICIT: FTP over SSL (990/tcp)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Implicit FTPS requires a SSL handshake to be performed before any FTP"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " commands are sent. This service typically resides on tcp/990. If the user"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " specifies this option or uses the \"-n\" (SSL) option, the module will"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " default to this mode and tcp/990."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " NORMAL"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " The default behaviour if no MODE is specified. Authentication is attempted"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " in the clear. If the server requests encryption for the given user,"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " Explicit FTPS is utilized."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Example Usage:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " medusa -M ftp -h host -u username -p password"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " medusa -M ftp -s -h host -u username -p password"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " medusa -M ftp -m MODE:EXPLICIT -h host -u username -p password"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "(*) Default value"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }
int initModule(sLogin* _psLogin, _MODULE_DATA *_psSessionData) { int hSocket = -1; enum MODULE_STATE nState = MSTATE_NEW; char* bufReceive; int nReceiveBufferSize = 0, nFoundPrompt = PROMPT_UNKNOWN; int i = 0; sCredentialSet *psCredSet = NULL; sConnectParams params; psCredSet = malloc( sizeof(sCredentialSet) ); memset(psCredSet, 0, sizeof(sCredentialSet)); if (getNextCredSet(_psLogin, psCredSet) == FAILURE) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Error retrieving next credential set to test.", MODULE_NAME); nState = MSTATE_COMPLETE; } else if (psCredSet->psUser) { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] module started for host: %s user: %s", MODULE_NAME, _psLogin->psServer->pHostIP, psCredSet->psUser->pUser); } else { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] module started for host: %s - no more available users to test.", MODULE_NAME); nState = MSTATE_COMPLETE; } memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(sConnectParams)); if (_psLogin->psServer->psAudit->iPortOverride > 0) params.nPort = _psLogin->psServer->psAudit->iPortOverride; else if (_psLogin->psServer->psHost->iUseSSL > 0) params.nPort = PORT_TELNETS; else params.nPort = PORT_TELNET; initConnectionParams(_psLogin, ¶ms); while (nState != MSTATE_COMPLETE) { switch (nState) { case MSTATE_NEW: // Already have an open socket - close it if (hSocket > 0) medusaDisconnect(hSocket); if (_psLogin->psServer->psHost->iUseSSL > 0) hSocket = medusaConnectSSL(¶ms); else hSocket = medusaConnect(¶ms); if (hSocket <= 0) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Failed to connect, port %d was not open on %s", MODULE_NAME, params.nPort, _psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); _psLogin->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN; setPassResult(_psLogin, psCredSet->pPass); return FAILURE; } writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "Connected"); // Examine the first line returned nReceiveBufferSize = 0; bufReceive = medusaReceiveLineDelay(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize, RECEIVE_DELAY_1, RECEIVE_DELAY_2); if (bufReceive == NULL) return FAILURE; bufReceive[nReceiveBufferSize] = 0; // Make certain buffer is null-terminated if (bufReceive == NULL) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] null response was unexpected from a telnet server (is one running?)", MODULE_NAME); _psLogin->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN; setPassResult(_psLogin, psCredSet->pPass); return FAILURE; } // Telnet protocol negotiation do { nFoundPrompt = PROMPT_UNKNOWN; processIAC(hSocket, _psSessionData, &bufReceive, &nReceiveBufferSize); if (bufReceive != NULL && bufReceive[0] != 0 && (unsigned char)bufReceive[0] != IAC) makeToLower(bufReceive); if (bufReceive != NULL) { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "Looking for login prompts"); if (_psSessionData->nMode == MODE_AS400) { if (strcasestr(bufReceive, (char *)"Sign On") != '\0') { writeError(ERR_INFO, "[%s] Detected AS/400 Sign On Screen.", MODULE_NAME); nFoundPrompt = PROMPT_LOGIN_PASSWORD; FREE(bufReceive); if (medusaDataReadyTimed(hSocket, 0, 20000) > 0) { // More data waiting bufReceive = medusaReceiveLineDelay(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize, RECEIVE_DELAY_1, RECEIVE_DELAY_2); if (bufReceive != NULL) bufReceive[nReceiveBufferSize] = 0; // Make certain buffer is null-terminated } break; } /* Sign On System . . . . . : TSTDBS16 Subsystem . . . . : QINTER Display . . . . . : QPADEV0001 */ } else { // Look for known login prompts for (i = 0; i < KNOWN_LOGIN_SIZE; i++) { if (strcasestr(bufReceive, KNOWN_LOGIN_PROMPTS[i]) != '\0') { // Do we have a prompt? writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "Found login prompt..."); nFoundPrompt = PROMPT_LOGIN_PASSWORD; break; } } /* Some systems do not provide a login prompt and go right to password */ for (i = 0; i < KNOWN_PWD_SIZE; i++) { if (strcasestr(bufReceive, KNOWN_PWD_PROMPTS[i]) != '\0') { // Do we have a prompt? writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "Found a password prompt already..."); nFoundPrompt = PROMPT_PASSWORD; if (_psLogin->psServer->iLoginsDone < 1 && _psLogin->iId == 0) writeVerbose(VB_NONE_FILE, "Password Prompt Only: %s\n", _psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); break; } } if (nFoundPrompt == PROMPT_UNKNOWN) { FREE(bufReceive); if (medusaDataReadyTimed(hSocket, 0, 20000) > 0) { // More data waiting bufReceive = medusaReceiveLineDelay(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize, RECEIVE_DELAY_1, RECEIVE_DELAY_2); if (bufReceive != NULL) bufReceive[nReceiveBufferSize] = 0; // Make certain buffer is null-terminated } } } } } while (bufReceive != NULL && (unsigned char)bufReceive[0] == IAC && nFoundPrompt == PROMPT_UNKNOWN); FREE(bufReceive); if (nFoundPrompt == PROMPT_UNKNOWN) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Failed to identify logon prompt.", MODULE_NAME); _psLogin->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN; setPassResult(_psLogin, psCredSet->pPass); return FAILURE; } else nState = MSTATE_RUNNING; break; case MSTATE_RUNNING: if (_psSessionData->nMode == MODE_AS400) nState = tryLoginAS400(hSocket, &_psLogin, _psSessionData, psCredSet->psUser->pUser, psCredSet->pPass); else nState = tryLogin(hSocket, &_psLogin, _psSessionData, psCredSet->psUser->pUser, psCredSet->pPass, nFoundPrompt); if (nState != MSTATE_EXITING) { if (processIAClogout(hSocket, _psSessionData) == FAILURE) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Failed to close existing Telnet session.", MODULE_NAME); } medusaDisconnect(hSocket); hSocket = -1; /* Cisco devices appear to keep sessions open for a brief time after we terminate the connection. They also seem to ignore "IAC DO LOGOUT" commands. Adding a sleep() hack here, to give them some time to clean-up. */ sleep(1); if (getNextCredSet(_psLogin, psCredSet) == FAILURE) { writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Error retrieving next credential set to test.", MODULE_NAME); nState = MSTATE_EXITING; } else { if (psCredSet->iStatus == CREDENTIAL_DONE) { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] No more available credential sets to test.", MODULE_NAME); nState = MSTATE_EXITING; } else if (psCredSet->iStatus == CREDENTIAL_NEW_USER) { writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] Starting testing for new user: %s.", MODULE_NAME, psCredSet->psUser->pUser); nState = MSTATE_NEW; } else writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] Next credential set - user: %s password: %s", MODULE_NAME, psCredSet->psUser->pUser, psCredSet->pPass); } } break; case MSTATE_EXITING: if (hSocket > 0) medusaDisconnect(hSocket); hSocket = -1; nState = MSTATE_COMPLETE; break; default: writeError(ERR_CRITICAL, "Unknown %s module (%d) state %d host: %s", MODULE_NAME, _psLogin->iId, nState, _psLogin->psServer->pHostIP); _psLogin->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN; } } FREE(psCredSet); return SUCCESS; }
/* Display module usage information */ void showUsage() { writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "%s (%s) %s :: %s\n", MODULE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION, MODULE_AUTHOR, MODULE_SUMMARY_USAGE); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Available module options:"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " DOMAIN:? [optional]"); #if defined(HAVE_LIBFREERDP12) || defined(HAVE_LIBFREERDP11PTH) writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " PASS:? (PASSWORD*, HASH)"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " PASSWORD: Use normal password."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, " HASH: Use a NTLM hash rather than a password."); #endif writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Usage example: \"-M rdp\""); #if defined(HAVE_LIBFREERDP12) || defined(HAVE_LIBFREERDP11PTH) writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Usage example: \"-M rdp -m PASS:HASH -u Administrator -p 31D78236327B9619B14ED8EC9AB454C1"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "Note: This module does NOT work against Microsoft Windows 2003/XP and earlier."); #endif writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "*** There appears to be thread-safety issues within the FreeRDP library and/or this module. ***"); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, "*** It is recommended that you avoid using concurrent hosts/users (i.e., -T/-t)."); writeVerbose(VB_NONE, ""); }