Exemple #1
int generic_cal_ao(calibration_setup_t *setup,
	const generic_layout_t *layout  )
	int channel, range, num_ao_ranges,
		num_ao_channels, retval;
	comedi_calibration_setting_t *current_cal;

	if(setup->da_subdev >= 0 && setup->do_output)
		assert( comedi_range_is_chan_specific( setup->dev, setup->da_subdev ) == 0 );

		num_ao_ranges = comedi_get_n_ranges( setup->dev, setup->da_subdev, 0 );
		if( num_ao_ranges < 0 ) return -1;

		num_ao_channels = comedi_get_n_channels( setup->dev, setup->da_subdev );
		if( num_ao_channels < 0 ) return -1;
		num_ao_ranges = num_ao_channels = 0;
	for( channel = 0; channel < num_ao_channels; channel++ )
		for( range = 0; range < num_ao_ranges; range++ )
			current_cal = sc_alloc_calibration_setting(setup->new_calibration);
			generic_prep_dac_caldacs( setup, layout, channel, range );
			generic_do_dac_channel( setup, layout, setup->new_calibration,
				current_cal, channel, range );
	retval = write_calibration_file(setup->cal_save_file_path, setup->new_calibration);
	return retval;
void writeCalibrationSet(const CalibrationSet &calibration, const std::string &driverName,
	const std::string &boardName, const std::string &filePath)
	comedi_calibration_t *c_cal = static_cast<comedi_calibration_t *>(malloc(sizeof(comedi_calibration_t)));
	if(c_cal == 0) throw std::runtime_error("writeCalibrationSet: malloc failed\n");
	memset(c_cal, 0, sizeof(comedi_calibration_t));
	c_cal->driver_name = static_cast<char*>(malloc(driverName.size() + 1));
	strcpy(c_cal->driver_name, driverName.c_str());
	c_cal->board_name = static_cast<char*>(malloc(boardName.size() + 1));
	strcpy(c_cal->board_name, boardName.c_str());
	CalibrationSet::const_iterator it;
	for(it = calibration.begin(); it != calibration.end(); ++it)
		const SubdeviceCalibration &subdeviceCalibration = it->second;
		std::map<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, Polynomial>::const_iterator jt;
		for(jt = it->second.polynomials().begin(); jt != it->second.polynomials().end(); ++jt)
			comedi_calibration_setting_t *setting = sc_alloc_calibration_setting(c_cal);
			setting->subdevice = it->first;
			unsigned channel = jt->first.first;
			if(channel != SubdeviceCalibration::allChannels)
				sc_push_channel(setting, channel);
			unsigned range = jt->first.second;
			if(range != SubdeviceCalibration::allRanges)
				sc_push_range(setting, range);
			const Polynomial &polynomial = jt->second;
			comedi_polynomial_t *comediPolynomial = static_cast<comedi_polynomial_t*>(malloc(sizeof(comedi_polynomial_t)));
			comediPolynomial->expansion_origin = polynomial.expansionOrigin;
			comediPolynomial->order = polynomial.order();
			unsigned i;
			for(i = 0; i < polynomial.coefficients.size(); ++i)
				comediPolynomial->coefficients[i] = polynomial.coefficients.at(i);
				setting->soft_calibration.to_phys = comediPolynomial;
				setting->soft_calibration.from_phys = comediPolynomial;
	int retval = write_calibration_file(filePath.c_str(), c_cal);
		std::ostringstream message;
		message << __FUNCTION__ << ": write_calibration_file() failed.";
		throw std::runtime_error(message.str());
Exemple #3
int generic_cal_by_range( calibration_setup_t *setup,
	const generic_layout_t *layout  )
	int channel, range, num_ai_ranges, num_ao_ranges,
		num_ao_channels, retval;
	comedi_calibration_setting_t *current_cal;
	int postgain_bip, postgain_unip;

	assert( comedi_range_is_chan_specific( setup->dev, setup->ad_subdev ) == 0 );

	num_ai_ranges = comedi_get_n_ranges( setup->dev, setup->ad_subdev, 0 );
	if( num_ai_ranges < 0 ) return -1;

	if(setup->da_subdev >= 0 && setup->do_output )
		assert( comedi_range_is_chan_specific( setup->dev, setup->da_subdev ) == 0 );

		num_ao_ranges = comedi_get_n_ranges( setup->dev, setup->da_subdev, 0 );
		if( num_ao_ranges < 0 ) return -1;

		num_ao_channels = comedi_get_n_channels( setup->dev, setup->da_subdev );
		if( num_ao_channels < 0 ) return -1;
		num_ao_ranges = num_ao_channels = 0;

	if( layout->adc_postgain_offset( 0 ) >= 0 )
		/* bipolar postgain */
		current_cal = sc_alloc_calibration_setting(setup->new_calibration);
		generic_do_adc_postgain_offset( setup, layout, current_cal, 0, 0 );
		sc_push_channel( current_cal, SC_ALL_CHANNELS );
		for( range = 0; range < num_ai_ranges; range++ )
			if( is_bipolar( setup->dev, setup->ad_subdev, 0, range ) )
				sc_push_range( current_cal, range );
		postgain_bip = setup->caldacs[ layout->adc_postgain_offset( 0 ) ].value;
		/* unipolar postgain */
		if( layout->do_adc_unipolar_postgain )
			current_cal = sc_alloc_calibration_setting(setup->new_calibration);
			generic_do_adc_postgain_offset( setup, layout, current_cal, 0, 1 );
			sc_push_channel( current_cal, SC_ALL_CHANNELS );
		for( range = 0; range < num_ai_ranges; range++ )
			if( is_unipolar( setup->dev, setup->ad_subdev, 0, range ) )
				sc_push_range( current_cal, range );
		postgain_unip = setup->caldacs[ layout->adc_postgain_offset( 0 ) ].value;
		postgain_bip = postgain_unip = -1;

	for( range = 0; range < num_ai_ranges; range++ )
		current_cal = sc_alloc_calibration_setting(setup->new_calibration);
		generic_prep_adc_caldacs( setup, layout, 0, range );
		if( is_unipolar( setup->dev, setup->ad_subdev, 0, range ) )
			update_caldac( setup, layout->adc_postgain_offset( 0 ), postgain_unip );
			update_caldac( setup, layout->adc_postgain_offset( 0 ), postgain_bip );
		generic_do_adc_channel( setup, layout, current_cal, 0, range );
		sc_push_channel( current_cal, SC_ALL_CHANNELS );
	for( channel = 0; channel < num_ao_channels; channel++ )
		for( range = 0; range < num_ao_ranges; range++ )
			current_cal = sc_alloc_calibration_setting(setup->new_calibration);
			generic_prep_dac_caldacs( setup, layout, channel, range );
			generic_do_dac_channel( setup, layout, setup->new_calibration,
				current_cal, channel, range );
	retval = write_calibration_file(setup->cal_save_file_path, setup->new_calibration);
	return retval;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//	Calibrator::calibrate
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
void Calibrator::calibrate(void)
	// Bring globals into scope
	extern GladeXML     *gui;

    // Locals
	unsigned int        seq_index,

	char                label_text[50];

    bool                skip,

	Sequence            *seq;

	GtkWidget           *label,

	vector< vector<float> > temp;
	Template sequence_template(NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS,sequences->length());

	gdk_threads_enter();    // Get GDK lock
	progress_bar = glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_progress_bar");
	window = glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_progress");
	label = glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_label");
	notify = glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_notify");
    username = (const char*)gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "user_field")));
    gdk_threads_leave();    // Release GDK lock

	for(seq_index = 0; seq_index < sequences->number(); ++seq_index)	// calibrate for each sequence
        // Reset calibration progress window
        sprintf(label_text, "Calibrate Sequence %d", seq_index+1);

        gdk_threads_enter();    // Get GDK lock
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_skip"),TRUE);
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_pause"),FALSE);
        gdk_threads_leave();    // Release GDK lock


        // wait for user to click start button
            gdk_threads_enter();    // Get GDK lock
            skip = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_skip")));
            gdk_threads_leave();    // Release GDK lock

                gdk_threads_enter();    // Get GDK lock
                gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_skip")),FALSE);

                break;		// return to beginning

            gdk_threads_enter();    // Get GDK lock
            started = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_start")));
            gdk_threads_leave();    // Release GDK lock


        if (seq_index < sequences->number())

            gdk_threads_enter();    // Get GDK lock
            gtk_widget_set_sensitive(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_start"), FALSE);
            gtk_widget_set_sensitive(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_skip"),FALSE);
            gtk_widget_set_sensitive(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_pause"),TRUE);
            gdk_threads_leave();    // Release GDK lock

            // Reset the template

            // average PERIODS_TO_AVERAGE periods of EEG signal
            for(count = 0; count < PERIODS_TO_AVERAGE; ++count)
                // Check pause button
                    paused = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_pause")));
                    for(unsigned i = 0; i < 10000; ++i);
                } while (paused); // Wait in loop

                temp = get_one_period();

                if (!is_corrupt(temp) )

                else{ --count; }

            seq = sequences->at(seq_index);

            // Write cal file
            write_calibration_file(seq_index+1, sequence_template.get_template());

		// Reset toggle button
		gdk_threads_enter();    // Get GDK lock
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_start"), TRUE);
		gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(glade_xml_get_widget(gui, "cal_start")),FALSE);
        gdk_threads_leave();    // Release GDK lock

	// Hide widget
	gdk_threads_enter();    // Get GDK lock
	gdk_threads_leave();    // Release GDK lock
