Exemple #1
__kernel void kern(
    __read_only image2d_t entry,
    __read_only image2d_t exit,
    __write_only image2d_t tex,
    __read_only image1d_t transfer,
    __global float * data,
    int width,
    int height,
    int depth
    int x = get_global_id(0);
    int y = get_global_id(1);

    int2 coords = (int2)(x,y);
    float2 tcoords = (float2)(x,y)/512.0f;

    const float Samplings = 100.0f;
    const float k = 3.0f;

    float3 a=read_imagef(entry,samplersrc,tcoords).xyz;
    float3 b=read_imagef(exit,samplersrc,tcoords).xyz;

    float3 dir=b-a;
    int steps = (int)(floor(Samplings * length(dir)));
    float3 diff1 = dir / (float)(steps);
    float delta=1.0f/Samplings;

    float4 result = (float4)(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
    for (int i=0; i<steps; i++) {
        float3 p=a;
        float valuex = 0.0f;
        float3 valued = 0.0f;
        //Calculate gradients
        evaldx(data, p.x, p.y, p.z, width, height, depth, &valuex, &valued);
        //Apply classification
        float4 color=read_imagef(transfer,samplersrc,valuex);

        if(result.w<0.05f) {

    write_imagef(tex, coords, result);

__kernel void merge(__write_only image2d_t destination, __read_only image2d_t previousDestination, __read_only image2d_t sourceA, __read_only image2d_t sourceB, int xA, int yA, int xB, int yB)
    int2 destinationCoord = (int2) (get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
    int2 sourceCoordA = (int2) (destinationCoord.x + xA, destinationCoord.y + yA);
    int2 sourceCoordB = (int2) (destinationCoord.x + xB, destinationCoord.y + yB);
    float4 destinationPixel = read_imagef(previousDestination, sampler, destinationCoord);
    float4 sourcePixelA = read_imagef(sourceA, sampler, sourceCoordA);
    float4 sourcePixelB = read_imagef(sourceB, sampler, sourceCoordB);

    destinationPixel = sourcePixelA + destinationPixel * (1 - sourcePixelA.w);
    destinationPixel = sourcePixelB + destinationPixel * (1 - sourcePixelB.w);

    write_imagef(destination, destinationCoord, destinationPixel);
    kernel void sobel_rgb(read_only image2d_t src, write_only image2d_t dst)
        int x = (int)get_global_id(0);
        int y = (int)get_global_id(1);

        if (x >= get_image_width(src) || y >= get_image_height(src))

        //  [(x-1, y+1), (x, y+1), (x+1, y+1)]
        //  [(x-1, y  ), (x, y  ), (x+1, y  )]
        //  [(x-1, y-1), (x, y-1), (x+1, y-1)]

        //  [p02, p12,   p22]
        //  [p01, pixel, p21]
        //  [p00, p10,   p20]

        //Basically finding influence of neighbour pixels on current pixel
        float4 p00 = read_imagef(src, sampler, (int2)(x - 1, y - 1));
        float4 p10 = read_imagef(src, sampler, (int2)(x,     y - 1));
        float4 p20 = read_imagef(src, sampler, (int2)(x + 1, y - 1));

        float4 p01 = read_imagef(src, sampler, (int2)(x - 1, y));
        //pixel that we are working on
        float4 p21 = read_imagef(src, sampler, (int2)(x + 1, y));

        float4 p02 = read_imagef(src, sampler, (int2)(x - 1, y + 1));
        float4 p12 = read_imagef(src, sampler, (int2)(x,     y + 1));
        float4 p22 = read_imagef(src, sampler, (int2)(x + 1, y + 1));

        //Find Gx = kernel + 3x3 around current pixel
        //           Gx = [-1 0 +1]     [p02, p12,   p22]
        //                [-2 0 +2]  +  [p01, pixel, p21]
        //                [-1 0 +1]     [p00, p10,   p20]
        float3 gx = -p00.xyz + p20.xyz +
                    2.0f * (p21.xyz - p01.xyz)
                    -p02.xyz + p22.xyz;

        //Find Gy = kernel + 3x3 around current pixel
        //           Gy = [-1 -2 -1]     [p02, p12,   p22]
        //                [ 0  0  0]  +  [p01, pixel, p21]
        //                [+1 +2 +1]     [p00, p10,   p20]
        float3 gy = p00.xyz + p20.xyz +
                    2.0f * (- p12.xyz + p10.xyz) -
                    p02.xyz - p22.xyz;
        //Find G
        float3 g = native_sqrt(gx * gx + gy * gy);

        // we could also approximate this as g = fabs(gx) + fabs(gy)
        write_imagef(dst, (int2)(x, y), (float4)(g.x, g.y, g.z, 1.0f));
Exemple #4
    __kernel void resize_image(__read_only image2d_t input,
                               const sampler_t sampler,
                               __write_only image2d_t output)
        const uint x = get_global_id(0);
        const uint y = get_global_id(1);

        const float w = get_image_width(output);
        const float h = get_image_height(output);

        float2 coord = { ((float) x / w) * get_image_width(input),
                         ((float) y / h) * get_image_height(input) };

        float4 pixel = read_imagef(input, sampler, coord);
        write_imagef(output, (int2)(x, h - y - 1), pixel);
    __kernel void optical_flow (
                                image2d_t current_image,
                                read_only image2d_t previous_image,
                                write_only image2d_t optical_flow,
                                const float scale,
                                const float offset,
                                const float lambda,
                                const float threshold )
        sampler_t sampler = CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
        int2 coords = (int2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
        float4 current_pixel    = read_imagef(current_image,
        float4 previous_pixel   = read_imagef(previous_image,
        int2 x1 	= (int2)(offset, 0.f);
        int2 y1 	= (int2)(0.f, offset);

        //get the difference
        float4 curdif = previous_pixel - current_pixel;

        //calculate the gradient
        //Image 2 first
        float4 gradx = read_imagef(previous_image,
                                   coords+x1) -
        //Image 1
        gradx += read_imagef(current_image,
                             coords+x1) -
        //Image 2 first
        float4 grady = read_imagef(previous_image,
                                   coords+y1) -
        //Image 1
        grady += read_imagef(current_image,
                             coords+y1) -

        float4 sqr = (gradx*gradx) + (grady*grady) +
                     (float4)(lambda,lambda, lambda, lambda);
        float4 gradmag = sqrt(sqr);

        float4 vx = curdif * (gradx / gradmag);
        float vxd = vx.x;//assumes greyscale

        //format output for flowrepos, out(-x,+x,-y,+y)
        float2 xout = (float2)(fmax(vxd,0.f),fabs(fmin(vxd,0.f)));
        xout *= scale;
        float4 vy = curdif*(grady/gradmag);
        float vyd = vy.x;//assumes greyscale

        //format output for flowrepos, out(-x,+x,-y,+y)
        float2 yout = (float2)(fmax(vyd,0.f),fabs(fmin(vyd,0.f)));
        yout *= scale;

        float4 out = (float4)(xout, yout);
        float cond = (float)isgreaterequal(length(out), threshold);
        out *= cond;

        write_imagef(optical_flow, coords, out);
    __kernel void convolution(__read_only  image2d_t  sourceImage,
                              __write_only image2d_t  outputImage,
                              __constant float* filter,
                              int filterWidth)
        const sampler_t sampler = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE |
                                  CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE   |

        // Store each work-item’s unique row and column
        int x   = get_global_id(0);
        int y   = get_global_id(1);

        // Half the width of the filter is needed for indexing
        // memory later
        int halfWidth = (int)(filterWidth/2);

        // All accesses to images return data as four-element vector
        // (i.e., float4).
        float4 sum = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

        // Iterator for the filter
        int filterIdx = 0;

        // Each work-item iterates around its local area based on the
        // size of the filter
        int2 coords;  // Coordinates for accessing the image

        // Iterate the filter rows
        for(int i = -halfWidth; i <= halfWidth; i++)
            coords.y = y + i;

            // Iterate over the filter columns
            for(int j = -halfWidth; j <= halfWidth; j++)
                coords.x = x + j;

                float4 pixel;

                // Read a pixel from the image.
                // Work on a channel
                pixel = read_imagef(sourceImage, sampler, coords);
                sum.x += pixel.x * filter[filterIdx++];
                //sum.y += pixel.y * filter[filterIdx++];
                //sum.z += pixel.z * filter[filterIdx++];

        // Copy the data to the output image if the
        // work-item is in bounds
        if(y < get_image_height(sourceImage) &&
                x < get_image_width(sourceImage))
            coords.x = x;
            coords.y = y;

            //Same channel is copied in all three channels
            //write_imagef(outputImage, coords,
                        // (float4)(sum.x,sum.x,sum.x,1.0f));

            write_imagef(outputImage, coords, sum);