Exemple #1
write_image(const char *filename, int width, int height, unsigned char *rgb)
    FILE *outfile;
    char *extension = strrchr(filename, '.');
    char *lowercase;
    char *ptr;
    int success = 0;
    lowercase = malloc(strlen(extension) + 1);
    strcpy(lowercase, extension);
    ptr = lowercase;

    while (*ptr != '\0') *ptr++ = tolower(*extension++);

    outfile = fopen(filename, "wb");
    if (outfile == NULL) return(0);
    if (strcmp(lowercase, ".bmp" ) == 0)
        success = write_bmp(filename, width, height, rgb); 
    else if (strcmp(lowercase, ".gif" ) == 0)
        success = write_gif(filename, width, height, rgb); 
                "Sorry, this program was not compiled with GIF support\n");
        success = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */
    else if ((   strcmp(lowercase, ".jpg" ) == 0)
             || (strcmp(lowercase, ".jpeg") == 0))
        success = write_jpeg(outfile, width, height, rgb, Q); 
                "Sorry, this program was not compiled with JPEG support\n");
        success = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBJPEG */

    else if (strcmp(lowercase, ".png" ) == 0)
        success = write_png(outfile, width, height, rgb, alpha); 
                "Sorry, this program was not compiled with PNG support\n");
        success = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */

    else if ((   strcmp(lowercase, ".pbm") == 0)
             || (strcmp(lowercase, ".pgm") == 0)
             || (strcmp(lowercase, ".ppm") == 0))
        if (strcmp(lowercase, ".pbm") == 0)
            success = write_pnm(outfile, width, height, rgb, 1, PBM_TYPE, 0);
        else if (strcmp(lowercase, ".pgm") == 0)
            success = write_pnm(outfile, width, height, rgb, 255, 
                                PGM_TYPE, 0);
        else if (strcmp(lowercase, ".ppm") == 0)
            success = write_pnm(outfile, width, height, rgb, 255, 
                                PPM_TYPE, 0);
                "Sorry, this program was not compiled with PNM support\n");
        success = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBPNM */

    else if ((strcmp(lowercase, ".tif" ) == 0)
             || (strcmp(lowercase, ".tiff" ) == 0))
        success = write_tiff(filename, width, height, rgb); 
                "Sorry, this program was not compiled with TIFF support\n");
        success = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBTIFF */

        fprintf(stderr, "Unknown image format\n");
        success = 0;

Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("%15c########################################\n", ' ');
    printf("%15c# Image Manipulation Program for CS350 #\n", ' ');
    printf("%15c#        NOW WITH MORE THREADS!!!!     #\n", ' ');
    printf("%15c########################################\n\n", ' ');

    if (argc != 5) {
	    ("Wrong inputs: Run as: %s inFile outFile scaleFactor threads\n\n",
	printf("bye bye....\n");
	return 0;

    image_ptr imagePtr;		/* Image Read In */
    int rows, cols, type, s = atoi(argv[3]);
    imagePtr = read_pnm(argv[1], &rows, &cols, &type);
    int requestedThreads = atoi(argv[4]);

    /* Something about having an array representation of this image data
     * rather than a linear representation seems much more intuitive */
    int nonlin[rows][cols];
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j <= cols; j++) {
	    nonlin[i][j] = imagePtr[i * cols + j];

    /* Allocate space for the image we're going to write OUT */
    unsigned char outputImage[rows / s][cols / s];

    /* Welcome to McDonalds.. bla bla bla */
    printf("Input File: %s\n", argv[1]);
    printf("Output File: %s\n", argv[2]);
    printf("Scale Factor: %d\n", s);
    printf("Input image has: \n %d rows\n %d cols\n", rows, cols);
    printf("Resulting image will have: \n %d rows\n %d cols\n", rows / s,
	   cols / s);
	("Process will try to run using %d thread server(s) at a time\n\n",

    pthread_t threads[cols / s];	/* Map of all the threads */
    int rc, workingCols = 0, threadsCreated = 0, remainingChunks =
	rows / s, threadJoining;
    long int status;		/* passed to pthread_join as an address so we can check on their finishing status */

    struct imgArgs threadStructs[cols / s];

    /* here's the process..... 
     * make batches of threads up to requestedThreads
     * keep doing that and making sure they all finish executing (join each) UNTIL...
     * remaining chunks <= requestedThreads
     * move to the "catch all run" of thread building.
     * this last thread initialization will create <= requestedThreads.
     * we only ever had alive UP TO 'requestedThreads' at once because we can only run with 
     * 'requestedThreads' server threads (read from argv[4])
     * ....
     * along the way we keep track of how many have been created to date with 'threadsCreated'
     * each batch uses workingRows to keep track of how many its made in that batch
     * workingCols shall never exceed requestedThreads but MAY be equal to requestedThreads

    printf("Initializing threads...\n");
    int startPoint;
    while (remainingChunks > requestedThreads) {	/* "until remainingChunks <= requested Threads" */
	for (workingCols = 0; workingCols < requestedThreads;
	     workingCols++) {
	    threadStructs[threadsCreated].initColumn = threadsCreated * s;
	    threadStructs[threadsCreated].scale = &s;
	    threadStructs[threadsCreated].rows = &rows;
	    threadStructs[threadsCreated].columns = &cols;
	    threadStructs[threadsCreated].nonlin = &nonlin;
	    threadStructs[threadsCreated].tid = threadsCreated;
	    threadStructs[threadsCreated].newImage = &outputImage;

	    rc = pthread_create(&threads[threadsCreated], NULL, resize,
				(void *) &threadStructs[threadsCreated]);

	    if (rc) {
		printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n",
	}			/* End batch thread creation process */

	/* Join the last spawned threads and wait for them all to finish processing before continuing */
	threadJoining = threadsCreated - requestedThreads;	/* Join from where we last started spawning threads */
	for (; threadJoining < threadsCreated; threadJoining++) {
	    rc = pthread_join(threads[threadJoining], &status);
	    if (rc) {
		printf("error joining thread %d\n", threadJoining);

	}			/* End thread joining process */
    }				/* End while: remainingChunks > requestedThreads */

    /* Details at this point: either you requested <= the number of threads required to process the image
     * or we've calculated all the thread batches up to the point where we have (remainingChunks <= requestedThreads)
    for (; threadsCreated < cols / s; threadsCreated++) {
	threadStructs[threadsCreated].initColumn = threadsCreated * s;
	threadStructs[threadsCreated].scale = &s;
	threadStructs[threadsCreated].rows = &rows;
	threadStructs[threadsCreated].columns = &cols;
	threadStructs[threadsCreated].nonlin = &nonlin;
	threadStructs[threadsCreated].tid = threadsCreated;
	threadStructs[threadsCreated].newImage = &outputImage;
	rc = pthread_create(&threads[threadsCreated], NULL, resize,
			    (void *) &threadStructs[threadsCreated]);

	if (rc) {
	    printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc);

    /* Join the last spawned threads and wait for them all to finish processing before continuing */
    threadJoining = threadsCreated - remainingChunks;	/* Join from where we last started spawning threads */
    for (; threadJoining < threadsCreated; threadJoining++) {
	rc = pthread_join(threads[threadJoining], &status);
	if (rc) {
	    printf("error joining thread %d\n", threadJoining);

    printf("Calculations complete! Writing to file...\n");
    /* Hard work's done, write it to file */
    write_pnm((image_ptr) outputImage, argv[2], rows / s, cols / s, type);
    printf("Wrote: %s to file!\n", argv[2]);

Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char** argv){
	int i, j, num_frames;
	char buf[MAX_PATH_LEN];
	char input_path[MAX_PATH_LEN];
	char output_path[MAX_PATH_LEN];
	struct image input[NUM_STREAMS];
	struct image scaled[NUM_STREAMS];
	struct image big_image;
	struct timeval t1, t2, t3, t4;
	double scale_time = 0, total_time = 0;
	if (argc != 4){
		printf("Usage: ./serial input_path output_path num_frames\n");
	gettimeofday(&t3, NULL);
	strncpy(input_path, argv[1], MAX_PATH_LEN - 1);
	strncpy(output_path, argv[2], MAX_PATH_LEN - 1);
	num_frames = atoi(argv[3]);
	if (num_frames > MAX_FRAMES)
		num_frames = MAX_FRAMES;
	for (i = 0; i < num_frames; i++){
		printf("Processing Frame %d\n", i + 1);
		//read the input images
		for (j = 0; j < NUM_STREAMS; j++){
			sprintf(buf, "%s/stream%02d/image%d.pnm", input_path, 
				j + 1, i + 1);
			read_pnm(buf, &input[j]);
		gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
		//scale the input images
		for (j = 0; j < NUM_STREAMS; j++){
			scaled[j].height = input[j].height / SCALE_FACTOR;
			scaled[j].width = input[j].width / SCALE_FACTOR;
			scale_area_avg(&input[j], &scaled[j]);
		//create the big image out of the scaled images
		big_image.height = scaled[0].height * NUM_IMAGES_HEIGHT;
		big_image.width = scaled[0].width * NUM_IMAGES_WIDTH;
		create_big_image(scaled, &big_image);
		gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
		scale_time += GET_TIME_DELTA(t1, t2);
		//write the big image
		sprintf(buf, "%s/result%d.pnm", output_path, i + 1);
		write_pnm(buf, &big_image);
		//free the image data
		for (j = 0; j < NUM_STREAMS; j++){
	gettimeofday(&t4, NULL);
	total_time += GET_TIME_DELTA(t3, t4);
	printf("Scale time: %lf\n", scale_time);
	printf("Total time: %lf\n", total_time);
	return 0;