static void pwdfile_search( struct ldop *op, FILE *ofp ) { struct passwd *pw; struct ldentry *entry; int oneentry; oneentry = ( strchr( op->ldop_dn, '@' ) != NULL ); for ( pw = getpwent(); pw != NULL; pw = getpwent()) { if (( entry = pw2entry( op, pw )) != NULL ) { if ( oneentry ) { if ( strcasecmp( op->ldop_dn, entry->lde_dn ) == 0 ) { write_entry( op, entry, ofp ); break; } } else if ( test_filter( op, entry ) == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) { write_entry( op, entry, ofp ); } free_entry( entry ); } } endpwent(); write_result( ofp, LDAP_SUCCESS, NULL, NULL ); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { myResult *rtn; double sim_time = 25; double dt = 0.01; int print_interval = 10; int print_amount = 1; int method = MTHD_RUNGE_KUTTA; boolean use_lazy_method = false; if (argc < 2) { printf("Input SBML file is not specified.\n Usage: %s sbml.xml\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } rtn = simulateSBMLFromFile(argv[1], sim_time, dt, print_interval, print_amount, method, use_lazy_method); if (rtn == NULL) { printf("Returned result is NULL\n"); } else if (myResult_isError(rtn)) { printf("ERROR: %s\n", myResult_getErrorMessage(rtn)); } else { /* print_result(rtn); */ /* write_csv(rtn, "cresult.csv"); */ write_result(rtn, "test.dat"); printf("Simulation result is written to test.dat.\n"); } if (rtn != NULL) free_myResult(rtn); return 0; }
int take_result(int score,char* name,char* names,int* scores) { int i,j,value; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { if (score>=scores[i]) { value=i; break; } } for(i=9;i>=value;i--) { scores[i]=scores[i-1]; for(j=0;j<10;j++) { names[i*10+j]=names[(i-1)*10+j]; } } for(i=0;i<10;i++) { names[value*10+i]=name[i]; } scores[value]=score; write_result(names,scores); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { print_time("Begin"); char *topo[5000]; int edge_num; char *demand; int demand_num; char *topo_file = argv[1]; edge_num = read_file(topo, 5000, topo_file); if (edge_num == 0) { printf("Please input valid topo file.\n"); return -1; } char *demand_file = argv[2]; demand_num = read_file(&demand, 1, demand_file); if (demand_num != 1) { printf("Please input valid demand file.\n"); return -1; } search_route(topo, edge_num, demand); char *result_file = argv[3]; write_result(result_file); release_buff(topo, edge_num); release_buff(&demand, 1); print_time("End"); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int c, errflg; struct ldop op; if (( progname = strrchr( argv[ 0 ], '/' )) == NULL ) { progname = estrdup( argv[ 0 ] ); } else { progname = estrdup( progname + 1 ); } errflg = debugflg = 0; while (( c = getopt( argc, argv, "d" )) != EOF ) { switch( c ) { case 'd': #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG ++debugflg; #else /* LDAP_DEBUG */ fprintf( stderr, "%s: compile with -DLDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n", progname ); #endif /* LDAP_DEBUG */ break; default: ++errflg; } } if ( errflg || optind < argc ) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s [-d]\n", progname ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } debug_printf( "started\n" ); (void) memset( (char *)&op, '\0', sizeof( op )); if ( parse_input( stdin, stdout, &op ) < 0 ) { exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } if ( op.ldop_op != LDOP_SEARCH ) { write_result( stdout, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, NULL, "Command Not Implemented" ); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG dump_ldop( &op ); #endif /* LDAP_DEBUG */ pwdfile_search( &op, stdout ); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int *matrix_a; int *matrix_b; int *matrix_c; const char *matrix_a_filename = argv[1]; const char *matrix_b_filename = argv[2]; const char *matrix_c_filename = argv[3]; MPI_Comm matrix_comm; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); create_matrix_comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &matrix_comm); MPI_Comm_size(matrix_comm, &size); MPI_Comm_rank(matrix_comm, &rank); compute_matrixes_variables(matrix_a_filename, matrix_comm); alloc_submatrix_buffer(&matrix_a); alloc_submatrix_buffer(&matrix_b); alloc_submatrix_buffer(&matrix_c); distribute_matrix(matrix_a_filename, matrix_a, matrix_comm); distribute_matrix(matrix_b_filename, matrix_b, matrix_comm); /* The actual cannon algorithms */ int row_source, row_dst; int col_source, col_dst; MPI_Cart_shift(matrix_comm, 0, -1, &row_source, &row_dst); MPI_Cart_shift(matrix_comm, 1, -1, &col_source, &col_dst); int i; for (i = 0; i < pp_dims; i++) { compute_matrix_mul(matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c, N); MPI_Sendrecv_replace(matrix_a, sub_n * sub_n, MPI_INT, row_source, MPI_ANY_TAG, row_dst, MPI_ANY_TAG, matrix_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); MPI_Sendrecv_replace(matrix_b, sub_n * sub_n, MPI_INT, col_source, MPI_ANY_TAG, col_dst, MPI_ANY_TAG, matrix_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); } write_result(matrix_c_filename, matrix_c, matrix_comm); free(matrix_a); free(matrix_b); free(matrix_c); MPI_Comm_free(&matrix_comm); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
static void cli_command_end_complete(int sock_fd, const cl_error_desc_t *err_desc) { char *result; result = xml_command_end(err_desc); write_result(sock_fd, result); os_free(result); }
static void interpret(GSList* atoms, const char* fn) { GSList* stack = NULL; g_slist_foreach(atoms, interpret_one, &stack); fold_to(&stack, 1); write_result(GMIME_MESSAGE(stack->data), fn); g_slist_foreach(atoms, free_atom, NULL); g_object_unref(stack->data); g_slist_free(stack); }
/*--------------- main routine ---------------*/ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { THD_3dim_dataset * countset=NULL; param_t * params = &g_params; int rv, limit; if( argc < 1 ) { show_help(); return 0; } /* general stuff */ mainENTRY("3dmask_tool"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dmask_tool",argc,argv); enable_mcw_malloc(); /* process options: a negative return is considered an error */ rv = process_opts(params, argc, argv); if( rv ) RETURN(rv < 0); /* open, convert to byte, zeropad, dilate, unzeropad */ if( process_input_dsets(params) ) RETURN(1); /* create mask count dataset and return num volumes (delete old dsets) */ if( count_masks(params->dsets, params->ndsets, params->verb, &countset, ¶ms->nvols) ) RETURN(1); /* limit to frac of nvols (if not counting, convert to 0/1 mask) */ limit = ceil((params->frac>1) ? params->frac : params->nvols*params->frac ); if( params->verb ) INFO_message("frac %g over %d volumes gives min count %d\n", params->frac, params->nvols, limit); if( limit <= 0 ) limit = 1; /* if not counting, result is binary 0/1 */ if( limit_to_frac(countset, limit, params->count, params->verb) ) RETURN(1); /* maybe apply dilations to output */ if( params->RESD.num > 0 ) { countset = apply_dilations(countset, ¶ms->RESD, 0, params->verb); if( !countset ) RETURN(1); } /* maybe fill any remaining holes */ if( params->fill ) if ( fill_holes(countset, params->verb) ) RETURN(1); /* create output */ if( write_result(params, countset, argc, argv) ) RETURN(1); /* clean up a little memory */ DSET_delete(countset); free(params->dsets); RETURN(0); }
int bind_interface(char* interface_name,int sockfd) { struct ifreq interface; memset(&interface, 0, sizeof(interface)); strncpy(interface.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name, interface_name, strlen(interface_name)); if(setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, (char *)&interface, sizeof(interface)) < 0){ IK_APP_ERR_LOG("ik_speed bind to device failed\n"); write_result(interface_name," 绑定网卡失败 "); return 1; } return 0; }
void cli_payload_str(unsigned int uid, const char *str) { char *result; int i; if (uid == CMD_UID_INVALID) return; result = xml_payload_str_new(str); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTION; i++) if (uid == connectlist[i].uid) write_result(connectlist[i].fd, result); os_free(result); }
/* unique_lock 을 이용하여 lock 의 granularity 를 세분화 하여 lock 경합을 줄였다. */ void get_and_process_data() { std::mutex m; some_class get_next_data_chunk; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> my_lock(m); some_class data_to_process = get_next_data_chunk; my_lock.unlock(); /* (1) */ /* 이 시점에 get_and_process_data 를 다른 스레드에서 호출할 경우 invariant 가 파괴될 가능성이 매우 크다. */ int result = process(data_to_process); my_lock.lock(); /* (2) */ write_result(data_to_process, result); }
int main() { /* read config file information */ config_t *config = read_config(); /* get cluster number k */ int k = config->k; /* initialize dataset into an array */ point_t *dataset = init_dataset(config); /* get number of points */ int num_of_points = config->count; /* compute initial centroids from dataset */ point_t *centroids = init_centroid(dataset, k, num_of_points); /* start the kmeans process */ kmeans(centroids, dataset, k, num_of_points); /* print the results */ print_result(centroids, k); write_result(centroids, k, config); return 0; }
void cli_write_inprogress(unsigned int uid, const char *src_node, const char *desc, int err, const char *str) { char text_buf[EXA_MAXSIZE_BUFFER + 1]; cl_error_desc_t err_desc; int i; if (uid == CMD_UID_INVALID) return; set_error(&err_desc, err, str); xml_inprogress(text_buf, sizeof(text_buf), src_node, desc, &err_desc); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTION; i++) if (uid == connectlist[i].uid) write_result(connectlist[i].fd, text_buf); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Floyd test; test.initialvector((int *)V,6); test.floyd(); Dijkstra test_dijkstra; test_dijkstra.dijkstra(3,(int*)V,6); //print_time("Begin"); char *topo[5000]; int edge_num; char *demand; int demand_num; char *topo_file = argv[1]; edge_num = read_file(topo, 5000, topo_file); if (edge_num == 0) { printf("Please input valid topo file.\n"); return -1; } char *demand_file = argv[2]; demand_num = read_file(&demand, 1, demand_file); if (demand_num != 1) { printf("Please input valid demand file.\n"); return -1; } search_route(topo, edge_num, demand); char *result_file = argv[3]; write_result(result_file); release_buff(topo, edge_num); release_buff(&demand, 1); //print_time("End"); return 0; }
int main() { //system("date"); int i,a; iAntCount=1000; counts[0]=150; counts[1]=300; ihapsize[0]=6; ihapsize[1]=3; alpha=1; rou=0.05; phe=100; iTopModel=1000; iTopLoci=200; iEpiModel=2; pvalue=0.01; char* para="parameters.txt"; loadparameters(para); SNPdata.input_data(inputfile); //SNPdata.setpheromone(phe); iLociCount=SNPdata.iLoci-1; char* logpath="AntEpiSeeker.log"; char* minipath="results_maximized.txt"; write_result(logpath,0); for(a=0;a<2;a++) { iItCount=counts[a]; cout<<a+1<<" round search"<<endl; iLociModel=ihapsize[a]; loci_TopModel=new int* [iTopModel]; for(i=0;i<iTopModel;i++) loci_TopModel[i]=new int [iLociModel]; loci_TopLoci=new int [iTopLoci]; phe_TopLoci=new double [iTopLoci]; eva_TopModel=new double [iTopModel]; for(i=0;i<iTopModel;i++) eva_TopModel[i]=0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cout<<"-----Initializing parameters-----"<<endl; cout<<"Number of ants: "<<iAntCount<<endl; cout<<"Number of iterations: "<<iItCount<<endl; cout<<"Start pheromone level: "<<phe<<endl; cout<<"Rou: "<<rou<<endl; cout<<"Alpha: "<<alpha<<endl; cout<<"Number of top ranking SNP sets: "<<iTopModel<<endl; cout<<"Number of top ranking loci: "<<iTopLoci<<endl; cout<<"Size of SNP sets: "<<ihapsize[a]<<endl; cout<<"Number of SNPs in an epistatic interaction: "<<iEpiModel<<endl; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNPdata.setpheromone(phe); project episeeker; episeeker.StartSearch(); get_toploci(); write_result(logpath,3); postprocessing(); for(i=0;i<iTopModel;i++) { delete [] loci_TopModel[i]; } delete [] loci_TopModel; delete [] loci_TopLoci; delete [] phe_TopLoci; delete [] eva_TopModel; } mini_fp(); //////////////////permutation/////////////////////////////// // cout<<"Permuting genotypes:\n"; // for(i=0;i<10000;i++) // { // if(i%500==0) // cout<<i<<" iteractions"<<endl; // rnd_values[i]=random_chi(); // } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// write_result(minipath,4); write_result(outputfile,1); SNPdata.destroy(); return 1; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) //{ int main(void) { sortingindex = 0; if((fpp = fopen(INPUT_FILE, "r")) == NULL) { printf("Cannot open 'parameter_file'.\n"); } for(j = 0; j < 11; j++) { if(fscanf(fpp, "%lf", &tmp) != EOF) { my_array[j] = tmp; } else { printf("Not enough data in 'input_parameter'!"); } } fclose(fpp); In_n= (int) my_array[0]; In_vect_n= (int) my_array[1]; Out_n= (int) my_array[2]; Mf_n= (int) my_array[3]; training_data_n= (int) my_array[4]; checking_data_n= (int) my_array[5]; epoch_n= (int) my_array[6]; step_size=my_array[7]; increase_rate=my_array[8]; decrease_rate=my_array[9]; threshold = my_array[10]; Rule_n = (int)pow((double)Mf_n, (double)In_n); //number of rules Node_n = In_n + In_n*Mf_n + 3*Rule_n + In_n*Rule_n + Out_n; /* allocate matrices and memories */ int trnnumcheck[training_data_n + 1]; int trnnumchecku[training_data_n + 1]; for(i=0; i<training_data_n +1; i++) { trnnumcheck[i]=0; trnnumchecku[i]=0; } diff =(double **)create_matrix(Out_n, training_data_n, sizeof(double)); double chkvar[checking_data_n]; double cdavg[checking_data_n]; double chkvar_un[checking_data_n]; double cdavg_un[checking_data_n]; target = calloc(Out_n, sizeof(double)); de_out = calloc(Out_n, sizeof(double)); node_p = (NODE_T **)create_array(Node_n, sizeof(NODE_T *)); config = (int **)create_matrix(Node_n, Node_n, sizeof(int)); training_data_matrix = (double **)create_matrix(training_data_n, In_n*In_vect_n + Out_n, sizeof(double)); if(checking_data_n > 0) { checking_data_matrix = (double **)create_matrix(checking_data_n, In_n*In_vect_n +Out_n, sizeof(double)); checking_data_matrix_un = (double **)create_matrix(checking_data_n, Out_n, sizeof(double)); chk_output = (double **)create_matrix(checking_data_n, Out_n, sizeof(double)); } layer_1_to_4_output = (COMPLEX_T **)create_matrix(training_data_n, In_n*Mf_n + 3*Rule_n, sizeof(COMPLEX_T)); trn_rmse_error = calloc(epoch_n, sizeof(double)); trnNMSE = calloc(epoch_n, sizeof(double)); chk_rmse_error = calloc(epoch_n, sizeof(double)); kalman_parameter = (double **)create_matrix(Out_n ,(In_n*In_vect_n + 1)*Rule_n, sizeof(double)); kalman_data = (double **)create_matrix(Out_n ,(In_n*In_vect_n + 1)*Rule_n, sizeof(double)); step_size_array = calloc(epoch_n, sizeof(double)); ancfis_output = (double **)create_matrix(training_data_n , Out_n, sizeof(double)); trn_error =calloc(Out_n +1, sizeof(double)); chk_error_n = calloc(Out_n +1, sizeof(double));// changing size for adding new error measures chk_error_un = calloc(Out_n +1, sizeof(double));// changing size for adding new error measures trn_datapair_error = calloc(training_data_n, sizeof(double)); trn_datapair_error_sorted = (double **)create_matrix(2,training_data_n, sizeof(double)); NMSE = calloc(Out_n, sizeof(double)); NDEI = calloc(Out_n, sizeof(double)); unNMSE = calloc(Out_n, sizeof(double)); unNDEI = calloc(Out_n, sizeof(double)); //Build Matrix of 0 nd 1 to show the connected nodes gen_config(In_n, Mf_n,Out_n, config);//gen_config.c //With the above matrix, build ANCFIS connected nodes build_ancfis(config); //datastru.c //Find total number of nodes in layer 1 and 5 parameter_n = set_parameter_mode(); //datastru.c parameter_array = calloc(parameter_n, sizeof(double)); initpara(TRAIN_DATA_FILE, training_data_n, In_n, In_vect_n+1, Mf_n); // initpara.c // after this step, the parameters (they are present in layer 1 and layer 5 only) are assigned a random initial value // using some basic algebra and these value are then stored in "para.ini" get_parameter(node_p,Node_n,INIT_PARA_FILE); //input.c // after this step, the initial random values of the parametrs are read from "oara.ini" and assigned to the appropriate nodes in the node structure by accessing their para list. //Get training and testing data get_data(TRAIN_DATA_FILE, training_data_n, training_data_matrix); //input.c // after this step, the training input data is read from the "data.trn" fle and stroed in the training data matrix. get_data(CHECK_DATA_FILE, checking_data_n, checking_data_matrix); //input.c // after the above step, the checking data is read from the "data.chk" file and then stored in the checking data matrix. for(i=0; i< Out_n; i++) { for(j=0; j<training_data_n; j++) { trnavg = trnavg + training_data_matrix[j][(i+1)*In_vect_n +i]; } } trnavg = trnavg /(Out_n * training_data_n); for(i=0; i< Out_n; i++) { for(j=0; j<training_data_n; j++) { temp = training_data_matrix[j][(i+1)*In_vect_n +i]- trnavg; temp = temp*temp; trnvariance = trnvariance + temp; } } trnvariance = trnvariance /((Out_n * training_data_n)-1); temp = 0.0; for(i=0; i< Out_n; i++) { for(j=0; j< checking_data_n; j++) { chkavg = chkavg + checking_data_matrix[j][(i+1)*In_vect_n +i]; } } chkavg = chkavg /(Out_n * checking_data_n); for(i=0; i< Out_n; i++) { for(j=0; j<checking_data_n; j++) { temp = checking_data_matrix[j][(i+1)*In_vect_n +i]- chkavg; temp = temp*temp; chkvariance = chkvariance + temp; } } chkvariance = chkvariance /((Out_n * checking_data_n)-1); printf("epochs \t trn error \t tst error\n"); printf("------ \t --------- \t ---------\n"); //printf("not entering the epoch loop and the i loop yoyoyo\n"); /************** for(ep_n = 0; ep_n < epoch_n; ep_n++) { //step_size_pointer= &step_size; //printf("epoch numbernumber %d \n", ep_n); //step_size_array[ep_n] = step_size_pointer; step_size_array[ep_n] = step_size; // after the above step, the updated stepsize at the end of the last loop is stored in the step_size_array. // this will keep happening every time we start en epoch and hence at the end of the loop, step_size_array will // have a list of all the updated step sizes. Since this is a offline version, step sizes are updated only // at the end of an epoch. for(m = 0; m < Out_n; m++) { //printf("m loop number %d \n", m); for(j = 0; j < training_data_n; j++) { //printf("j loop number %d \n", j); //copy the input vector(s) to input node(s) put_input_data(node_p,j, training_data_matrix); //input.c // after this(above) step, the input data is transferred frm the training data matrix to the "node" structure. //printf("testing \n"); //printf("reeeetesting \n"); target[m] = training_data_matrix[j][(m+1)*In_vect_n+m]; // *** // this step assigns the value of the "m"th output of "j" th trainig data pair to target. //printf("testing \n"); //forward pass, get node outputs from layer 1 to layer 4 calculate_output(In_n, In_n + In_n*Mf_n + 3*Rule_n - 1, j); //forward.c // after this step, output of nodes in layer 1 to 4 is calculated. Please note that when this happens for the first // time, i.e. when ep_n=0, our network parametrs are already initialized. thus, it is possible to get the // output of each node using the function definitios proposed in forward.c. After first epoch, our parametrs get // updated and this output is then calculated using teh new parameters. The essential point to note here is that // we can always calculate the output of each node since we have already initialized our parameters. //printf("testing \n"); //put outputs of layer 1 to 4 into layer_1_to_4_output for(k = 0; k < Mf_n*In_n + 3*Rule_n; k++) { //printf("testing \n"); layer_1_to_4_output[j][k] = *node_p[k + In_n]->value; } // the above loop simply puts the values of nodes from layer 1 to layer 4 in the layer_1_to_4_output matrix. //identify layer 5 params using LSE (Kalman filter) //printf("testing \n"); get_kalman_data(kalman_data, target); //kalman.c // this function call finds out the values of O4iXnl .. these are basically the coefficients // of the kalman parametrs for a given training data pair //puts them in kalman_data matrix. // this kalman_data matrix has In_n number of rows and number of columns equal to number of parametrs that are // responsible for determining each output... as stated above, the outputs are actually the coefficients of the // parameters. //printf("testing \n"); //calculate Kalman parameters kalman(ep_n, j+(m*training_data_n), m, kalman_data, kalman_parameter,target); //kalman.c // this function call evaluates kalman parametrs for a given output, for a given epoch.. that is it takes the epoch // number from us, takes the info about how many times has kalman been invoked before, also takes in the // output number(row number) for whihc the parametrs are to be found out... it also takes kalman_data and reads // from it to estimate the kalman parameters... it also takes target .. and stores the output in the mth row of // kalman_parameter. //printf("testing \n"); } // let me tell u what the abopve loop is doing.. after observing closely, it is easy to see that in the above loop, // for a given output node, one by one, all the training data are taken inside the ANCFIS structure, outputs // are calculated from one to 4, then a recursive kalman filetr is used to identify the kalman // parametrs corresponding to the output node.. these kalman parameters are updated after every tarining data pair // and finally at the end of all the training data, we have an estimate for the kalman parametrs corresponding to // the output node. } // thus, at the of the above loop, the kalman parametrs for all the output nodes are evaluated... // now, we are ready to actually calculate the outputs.. plase remember that, all this while, the actual // values of the parametrs of nodes in layer 1 and layer 5 are the ones that were randomly initialized. for(j = 0; j < training_data_n; j++) { //printf("testing 1\n"); put_input_data(node_p,j, training_data_matrix); //input.c //printf("testing 2 \n"); for(k = 0; k < Mf_n*In_n + 3*Rule_n; k++) { *node_p[k + In_n]->value = layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]; } // u must be able to see that in the above two loops, each time, whatever output we got for a given training // datta pair, it was safely stored in layer_1_to_4 array...and each time, the value on the actual nodes in the // structure got changed.. due to new incoming training data pair..this was periodic with period trainingdata_n.. // that is for each output node, we got the same results for a given training dat aapir.. that is the node values // were independent of m. Now, for a given traing data pair, we are getting those value back in the actual node // node structure from that laye blh blah matrix.. //printf("testing 3\n"); put_kalman_parameter(Out_n,kalman_parameter); //kalman.c // using this function call, we are placing the setimated value of the layer 5 parametrs in the node structure // by accessing each node and its parameter list. // Do forward pass for L5 and L6 calculate_output(In_n + In_n*Mf_n + 3*Rule_n, Node_n, j); //forward.c // for a given value of the training data pair, this function calculates the output of layer 5 and layer 6 nodes // and places them in the node structure. calculate_root(training_data_matrix,diff,j,node_p); //debug.c // this function call calculates the square of the erro between the predicted value of an output node and the // corresponding actual value in the training data matrix..(actual output) and stores it in diff. // this call performs the above action for a given training data pair and for all output nodes. // Do backward pass and calculate all error rate for each node calculate_de_do(j,Out_n,target,ancfis_output); //backward.c // calculates de_do for each node fora given training data pair update_de_dp(j); //de_dp.c // updates de_do for each node.... } // thus at the end of this loop, estimated outputs for all the training data are calculated..also back propogatin // is done and de_dp for all the nodes is updated. //printf("testing 1\n"); calculate_trn_err(diff,trn_error,trn_datapair_error,training_data_n); //debug.c //printf("testing 2 \n"); //training_error_measure(target,ancfis_output,diff, training_data_n, trn_error,out_n); //trn_err.c trn_rmse_error[ep_n] = trn_error[Out_n]; printf("%3d \t %.11f \n", ep_n+1, trn_error[Out_n]); //Find RMSE of testing error /************************************* if(checking_data_n != 0) { printf("testing 3 \n"); epoch_checking_error(checking_data_matrix, checking_data_n, chk_error, training_data_n, chk_output, ep_n); //chk_err.c writes to tracking.txt printf("testing 4 \n"); chk_rmse_error[ep_n] = chk_error[Out_n]; for (i=0; i<Out_n; i++) //printf("%3d \t %.11f \t %.11f\n", ep_n+1, trn_error[i], chk_error[i]); printf("%3d \t %.11f \n", ep_n+1, trn_error[i]); //printf("%.11f\t %.11f\n", trn_error[Out_n],chk_error[Out_n]); printf("%.11f\t %.11f\n", trn_error[Out_n]); write_result(ep_n+1,Out_n,trn_error,chk_error); //debug.c writes to result.txt } else { for (i=0; i<Out_n; i++) printf("%4d \t %.11f\n", ep_n+1, trn_error[i]); } ***************************/ /** //Find minimum training error and its epoch-number if(trn_rmse_error[ep_n] < min_trn_RMSE) { min_trn_RMSE_epoch = ep_n +1; min_trn_RMSE = trn_rmse_error[ep_n]; record_parameter(parameter_array); } if(ep_n < epoch_n-1) { //update parameters in 1st layer (Using VNCSA) update_parameter(1, step_size); //new_para.c //update stepsize update_step_size(trn_rmse_error, ep_n, &step_size, decrease_rate, increase_rate); //stepsize.c } } ***/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fppp = (FILE *)open_file("status.txt", "w"); fpppp = (FILE *)open_file("trn.txt", "w"); ep_n=0; do { //step_size_pointer= &step_size; printf("epoch numbernumber %d \n", ep_n+1); //step_size_array[ep_n] = step_size_pointer; step_size_array[ep_n] = step_size; // after the above step, the updated stepsize at the end of the last loop is stored in the step_size_array. // this will keep happening every time we start en epoch and hence at the end of the loop, step_size_array will // have a list of all the updated step sizes. Since this is a offline version, step sizes are updated only // at the end of an epoch. for(m = 0; m < Out_n; m++) { //printf("m loop number %d \n", m); for(j = 0; j < training_data_n; j++) { //printf("j loop number %d \n", j); //copy the input vector(s) to input node(s) put_input_data(node_p,j, training_data_matrix); //input.c // after this(above) step, the input data is transferred frm the training data matrix to the "node" structure. //printf("testing \n"); //printf("reeeetesting \n"); target[m] = training_data_matrix[j][(m+1)*In_vect_n+m]; // *** // this step assigns the value of the "m"th output of "j" th trainig data pair to target. //printf("testing \n"); //forward pass, get node outputs from layer 1 to layer 4 calculate_output(In_n, In_n + In_n*Mf_n + 3*Rule_n, j); //forward.c // after this step, output of nodes in layer 1 to 4 is calculated. Please note that when this happens for the first // time, i.e. when ep_n=0, our network parametrs are already initialized. thus, it is possible to get the // output of each node using the function definitios proposed in forward.c. After first epoch, our parametrs get // updated and this output is then calculated using teh new parameters. The essential point to note here is that // we can always calculate the output of each node since we have already initialized our parameters. //printf("testing \n"); //put outputs of layer 1 to 4 into layer_1_to_4_output for(k = 0; k < Mf_n*In_n + 3*Rule_n; k++) { //printf("testing \n"); layer_1_to_4_output[j][k] = *node_p[k + In_n]->value; //fprintf(fppp, "%lf \t %lf \t \n", (layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]).real, (layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]).imag); } // the above loop simply puts the values of nodes from layer 1 to layer 4 in the layer_1_to_4_output matrix. //identify layer 5 params using LSE (Kalman filter) //printf("testing \n"); get_kalman_data(kalman_data, target); //kalman.c // this function call finds out the values of O4iXnl .. these are basically the coefficients // of the kalman parametrs for a given training data pair //puts them in kalman_data matrix. // this kalman_data matrix has In_n number of rows and number of columns equal to number of parametrs that are // responsible for determining each output... as stated above, the outputs are actually the coefficients of the // parameters. //printf("testing \n"); //calculate Kalman parameters kalman(ep_n, j+(m*training_data_n), m, kalman_data, kalman_parameter,target); //kalman.c // this function call evaluates kalman parametrs for a given output, for a given epoch.. that is it takes the epoch // number from us, takes the info about how many times has kalman been invoked before, also takes in the // output number(row number) for whihc the parametrs are to be found out... it also takes kalman_data and reads // from it to estimate the kalman parameters... it also takes target .. and stores the output in the mth row of // kalman_parameter. //printf("testing \n"); } // let me tell u what the abopve loop is doing.. after observing closely, it is easy to see that in the above loop, // for a given output node, one by one, all the training data are taken inside the ANCFIS structure, outputs // are calculated from one to 4, then a recursive kalman filetr is used to identify the kalman // parametrs corresponding to the output node.. these kalman parameters are updated after every tarining data pair // and finally at the end of all the training data, we have an estimate for the kalman parametrs corresponding to // the output node. } // thus, at the of the above loop, the kalman parametrs for all the output nodes are evaluated... // now, we are ready to actually calculate the outputs.. plase remember that, all this while, the actual // values of the parametrs of nodes in layer 1 and layer 5 are the ones that were randomly initialized. for(j = 0; j < training_data_n; j++) { //printf("testing 1\n"); put_input_data(node_p,j, training_data_matrix); //input.c //printf("testing 2 \n"); for(k = 0; k < Mf_n*In_n + 3*Rule_n; k++) { *node_p[k + In_n]->value = layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]; /*if(ep_n==1) { fprintf(fppp, "%d.\t %lf \t + \t i%lf \n", k, (layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]).real,(layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]).imag); }*/ } // u must be able to see that in the above two loops, each time, whatever output we got for a given training // datta pair, it was safely stored in layer_1_to_4 array...and each time, the value on the actual nodes in the // structure got changed.. due to new incoming training data pair..this was periodic with period trainingdata_n.. // that is for each output node, we got the same results for a given training dat aapir.. that is the node values // were independent of m. Now, for a given traing data pair, we are getting those value back in the actual node // node structure from that laye blh blah matrix.. //printf("testing 3\n"); put_kalman_parameter(Out_n,kalman_parameter); //kalman.c //printf("hihahahha \n"); // using this function call, we are placing the setimated value of the layer 5 parametrs in the node structure // by accessing each node and its parameter list. // Do forward pass for L5 and L6 calculate_output(In_n + In_n*Mf_n + 3*Rule_n, Node_n, j); //forward.c // for a given value of the training data pair, this function calculates the output of layer 5 and layer 6 nodes // and places them in the node structure. //printf("hihahahha no 2 \n"); calculate_root(training_data_matrix,diff,j,node_p); //debug.c // this function call calculates the square of the erro between the predicted value of an output node and the // corresponding actual value in the training data matrix..(actual output) and stores it in diff. // this call performs the above action for a given training data pair and for all output nodes. // Do backward pass and calculate all error rate for each node calculate_de_do(j,Out_n,target,ancfis_output); //backward.c //printf("hihahahha no 3 \n"); // calculates de_do for each node fora given training data pair update_de_dp(j); //de_dp.c // updates de_do for each node.... } // thus at the end of this loop, estimated outputs for all the training data are calculated..also back propogatin // is done and de_dp for all the nodes is updated. //printf("testing 1\n"); calculate_trn_err(diff,trn_error, trn_datapair_error, training_data_n); //debug.c //printf("testing 2 \n"); //training_error_measure(target,ancfis_output,diff, training_data_n, trn_error,out_n); //trn_err.c trn_rmse_error[ep_n] = trn_error[Out_n]; trnNMSE[ep_n] = trn_rmse_error[ep_n]*trn_rmse_error[ep_n]/trnvariance; fprintf(fppp, "epoch number is %d \t trn RMSE is %.11f \t trn NMSE is %lf \t \n", ep_n + 1, trn_rmse_error[ep_n], trnNMSE[ep_n]); //fprintf(fpppp, "\n"); fprintf(fpppp, "epoch number is %d \t trn RMSE is %.11f \t trn NMSE is %lf \t \n", ep_n + 1, trn_rmse_error[ep_n], trnNMSE[ep_n]); printf("trn RMSE is \t %lf \n", trn_rmse_error[ep_n]); printf("trn NMSE is \t %lf \n", trnNMSE[ep_n]); for(i=0; i<training_data_n; i++) { trn_datapair_error_sorted[0][i]=trn_datapair_error[i]; trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][i]= i+1; } for(j=1; j<training_data_n; j++) { for(i=0; i<training_data_n-j; i++) { if(trn_datapair_error_sorted[0][i]>trn_datapair_error_sorted[0][i+1]) { sorting=trn_datapair_error_sorted[0][i+1]; trn_datapair_error_sorted[0][i+1]=trn_datapair_error_sorted[0][i]; trn_datapair_error_sorted[0][i]=sorting; sortingindex = sorting=trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][i+1]; trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][i+1]=trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][i]; trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][i]=sortingindex; } } } for(j=0; j<training_data_n; j++) { fprintf(fppp, "\n"); fprintf(fppp, "training data pair sorted number \t %d \n", j+1); fprintf(fppp, "training data pair original number \t %d \n", (int)(trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][j])); fprintf(fppp, "training data pair sorted error in RMSE is \t %lf \n",trn_datapair_error_sorted[0][j]); fprintf(fpppp, "%d \t", (int)(trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][j])); complexsum = complex(0.0, 0.0); fprintf(fppp,"Normalized layer 3 outputs are as follows \n"); for(k= In_n*Mf_n + Rule_n; k< In_n*Mf_n + 2*Rule_n; k++) { fprintf(fppp, "%d.\t %lf + i%lf \t %lf < %lf \n", k, (layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]).real,(layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]).imag, c_abs(layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]), c_phase(layer_1_to_4_output[j][k])*180/PI); complexsum = c_add(complexsum, layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]); } fprintf(fppp, "Sum of the outputs of layer 3 is \t %lf+i%lf \t %lf<%lf \n", complexsum.real, complexsum.imag, c_abs(complexsum), c_phase(complexsum)*180/PI); complexsum = complex(0.0, 0.0); fprintf(fppp,"dot producted layer 4 outputs are as follows \n"); for(k=In_n*Mf_n + 2*Rule_n; k< In_n*Mf_n + 3*Rule_n; k++) { fprintf(fppp, "%d.\t %lf + i%lf \t %lf < %lf \n", k, (layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]).real,(layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]).imag, c_abs(layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]), c_phase(layer_1_to_4_output[j][k])*180/PI); complexsum = c_add(complexsum, layer_1_to_4_output[j][k]); } fprintf(fppp, "sum of the outputs of layer 4 is \t %lf +i%lf \t %lf<%lf \n", complexsum.real, complexsum.imag, c_abs(complexsum), c_phase(complexsum)*180/PI); if(j> training_data_n -6 ) { trnnumcheck[(int)(trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][j])]= trnnumcheck[(int)(trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][j])] +1; } if(j<5 ) { trnnumchecku[(int)(trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][j])]= trnnumchecku[(int)(trn_datapair_error_sorted[1][j])] +1; } } fprintf(fpppp, "\n"); //Find RMSE of testing error /******************************************************************************** if(checking_data_n != 0) { printf("testing 3 \n"); epoch_checking_error(checking_data_matrix, checking_data_n, chk_error, training_data_n, chk_output, ep_n); //chk_err.c writes to tracking.txt printf("testing 4 \n"); chk_rmse_error[ep_n] = chk_error[Out_n]; for (i=0; i<Out_n; i++) printf("%3d \t %.11f \t %.11f\n", ep_n+1, trn_error[i], chk_error[i]); printf("%.11f\t %.11f\n", trn_error[Out_n],chk_error[Out_n]); write_result(ep_n+1,Out_n,trn_error,chk_error); //debug.c writes to result.txt } else { for (i=0; i<Out_n; i++) printf("%4d \t %.11f\n", ep_n+1, trn_error[i]); } **************************************************************************************/ // check whether the current training RMSE is less than the threhold and store its epch number and parametrs if(trn_rmse_error[ep_n] < min_trn_RMSE) { min_trn_RMSE_epoch = ep_n +1; min_trn_RMSE = trn_rmse_error[ep_n]; min_trnNMSE = trnNMSE[ep_n]; record_parameter(parameter_array); } if(ep_n < epoch_n-1) { //update parameters in 1st layer (Using VNCSA) update_parameter(1, step_size); //new_para.c //update stepsize update_step_size(trn_rmse_error, ep_n, &step_size, decrease_rate, increase_rate); //stepsize.c } ep_n++; } while((trnNMSE[ep_n -1]>= threshold) && (ep_n <= epoch_n -1)); for(i=1; i<=training_data_n; i++) { fprintf(fpppp, "%d \t %d \n", i, trnnumcheck[i]); } for(i=1; i<=training_data_n; i++) { fprintf(fpppp, "%d \t %d \n", i, trnnumchecku[i]); } if(trnNMSE[ep_n -1]< threshold) { fprintf(fppp, "\n"); fprintf(fppp, "We have gone below the threshold value \n"); fprintf(fppp, "the epoch number in which this happened is %d \n", min_trn_RMSE_epoch); } else { fprintf(fppp, "\n"); fprintf(fppp, "We exhausted the available epochs and threshold was not broken :( \n"); fprintf(fppp, "the epoch number which yielded minimum training RMSE is %d \n", min_trn_RMSE_epoch); } fclose(fppp); fclose(fpppp); double *minmaxc; minmaxc= (double *)calloc(2*In_n, sizeof(double)); if((fpp = fopen("minmax.txt", "r")) == NULL) { printf("Cannot open 'parameter_file'.\n"); } for(j = 0; j < 2*In_n; j++) { if(fscanf(fpp, "%lf", &tmp) != EOF) { minmaxc[j] = tmp; } else { printf("Not enough data in 'input_parameter'!"); } } fclose(fpp); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// restore_parameter(parameter_array); //output.c write_parameter(FINA_PARA_FILE); //output.c write_array(trnNMSE, epoch_n, TRAIN_ERR_FILE); //lib.c if (checking_data_n != 0) { //printf("testing 3 \n"); epoch_checking_error(checking_data_matrix, checking_data_n, chk_error_n, chk_error_un, training_data_n, chk_output, ep_n -1, minmaxc); //chk_err.c writes to tracking.txt //printf("testing 4 \n"); //chk_rmse_error[ep_n] = chk_error[Out_n]; min_chk_RMSE_n = chk_error_n[Out_n]; printf(" initial checking RMSE is %lf \n ", min_chk_RMSE_n); min_chk_RMSE_un = chk_error_un[Out_n]; //for (i=0; i<Out_n; i++) //printf("%3d \t %.11f \t %.11f\n", ep_n+1, trn_error[i], chk_error[i]); //printf("%3d \t %.11f \n", ep_n+1, trn_error[i]); //printf("%.11f\t %.11f\n", trn_error[Out_n],chk_error[Out_n]); //printf("%.11f\t \n", trn_error[Out_n]); //write_result(min_trn_RMSE_epoch ,Out_n,trn_rmse_error,chk_error); //debug.c writes to result.txt about the epoch number at which the stopping was done and the corresponding training RMSE and checking RMSE } //write_array(chk_rmse_error, epoch_n, CHECK_ERR_FILE); //lib.c //} write_array(step_size_array, epoch_n, STEP_SIZE_FILE); //lib.c /************************************************************************** min_chk_RMSE = chk_rmse_error[epoch_n -1]; min_chk_RMSE_epoch = epoch_n -1; for(j=0; j< epoch_n; j++) { if(chk_rmse_error[j]< min_chk_RMSE) { min_chk_RMSE = chk_rmse_error[j]; min_chk_RMSE_epoch = j; } } *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************** double minmaxc[2*In_n]; if((fpp = fopen("minmax.txt", "r")) == NULL) { printf("Cannot open 'parameter_file'.\n"); } for(j = 0; j < 2*In_n; j++) { if(fscanf(fpp, "%lf", &tmp) != EOF) { minmaxc[j] = tmp; } else { printf("Not enough data in 'input_parameter'!"); } } fclose(fpp); ***************************************************************************/ for(k=0; k< Out_n; k++) { for(j=0; j< checking_data_n; j++) { checking_data_matrix_un[j][k]= (checking_data_matrix[j][(k+1)*In_vect_n +k])* (minmaxc[(2*k) +1] - minmaxc[2*k]) + minmaxc[2*k]; } } // the following code calculates the cdavg_un and checking datat average bothe un normalized for(k=0; k< Out_n; k++) { for(j=0; j< checking_data_n; j++) { checking_data_average_un = checking_data_average_un + checking_data_matrix_un[j][k]; } cdavg_un[k]=checking_data_average_un/checking_data_n; checking_data_average_un_temp=checking_data_average_un_temp+checking_data_average_un; checking_data_average_un=0; } checking_data_average_un = checking_data_average_un_temp/(Out_n*checking_data_n); printf("%lf is the checking datat average non normalized\n", checking_data_average_un); // the following code calcuates the chkvar_un un normalized for(k=0; k< Out_n; k++) { for(j=0; j< checking_data_n; j++) { temp= temp + (checking_data_matrix_un[j][k] - cdavg_un[k])*(checking_data_matrix_un[j][k] - cdavg_un[k]); } chkvar_un[k]=temp/(checking_data_n-1); //checking_variance_un = checking_variance_un + temp; temp=0; } temp =0.0; // the following code cacluates the un normalized checking varinace for(j=0; j< checking_data_n; j++) { for(k=0; k< Out_n; k++) { temp = checking_data_matrix_un[j][k] - checking_data_average_un; temp = temp*temp; checking_variance_un = checking_variance_un + temp; } } checking_variance_un = checking_variance_un/((Out_n*checking_data_n)-1); printf("%lf is the checking variance non normalized \n", checking_variance_un); temp =0.0; checking_data_average_n=0.0; checking_data_average_n_temp=0.0; // the following code calculates the cdavg and checking data average both normalized for(k=0; k< Out_n; k++) { for(j=0; j< checking_data_n; j++) { checking_data_average_n = checking_data_average_n + checking_data_matrix[j][(k+1)*In_vect_n +k]; } cdavg[k]=checking_data_average_n/checking_data_n; checking_data_average_n_temp=checking_data_average_n_temp+checking_data_average_n; checking_data_average_n=0; } checking_data_average_n = checking_data_average_n_temp/(Out_n*checking_data_n); printf("%lf is the checking datat average normalized\n", checking_data_average_n); temp =0.0; checking_variance_n =0.0; // the following code cacluates the normalized checking varinace for(j=0; j< checking_data_n; j++) { for(k=0; k< Out_n; k++) { temp = checking_data_matrix[j][(k+1)*In_vect_n +k] - checking_data_average_n; temp = temp*temp; checking_variance_n = checking_variance_n + temp; } } checking_variance_n = checking_variance_n/((Out_n*checking_data_n)-1); temp = 0.0; printf("%lf is the checking variance normalized \n", checking_variance_n); // the following code calcuatres the normalized chkvar[k] temp=0.0; for(k=0; k< Out_n; k++) { for(j=0; j< checking_data_n; j++) { temp= temp + (checking_data_matrix[j][(k+1)*In_vect_n +k] - cdavg[k])*(checking_data_matrix[j][(k+1)*In_vect_n +k] - cdavg[k]); } chkvar[k]=temp/(checking_data_n-1); //checking_variance_n = checking_variance_n + temp; temp=0; } NMSE_un = min_chk_RMSE_un * min_chk_RMSE_un / checking_variance_un; NMSE_n = min_chk_RMSE_n * min_chk_RMSE_n / checking_variance_n; NMSE_n2 = min_chk_RMSE_n * min_chk_RMSE_n / chkvariance; NDEI_un = sqrt(NMSE_un); NDEI_n = sqrt(NMSE_n); for(k=0;k<Out_n;k++) { NMSE[k]=chk_error_n[k]*chk_error_n[k]/chkvar[k]; NDEI[k]=sqrt(NMSE[k]); unNMSE[k]=chk_error_un[k]*chk_error_un[k]/chkvar_un[k]; unNDEI[k]=sqrt(unNMSE[k]); } write_result(min_trn_RMSE_epoch ,Out_n,trn_rmse_error,chk_error_un, chk_error_n, NDEI_un, NMSE_un, NDEI_n, NMSE_n, NMSE, NDEI, unNMSE, unNDEI); //debug.c writes to result.txt about the epoch number at which the stopping was done and the corresponding training RMSE and checking RMSE printf("Minimum training RMSE is \t %f \t \n",min_trn_RMSE); printf("Minimum training RMSE epoch is \t %d \n",min_trn_RMSE_epoch); printf("Minimum training NMSE is \t %f \t \n",min_trnNMSE); //printf("Minimum training RMSE epoch is \t %d \n",min_trnNMSE_epoch); //printf("Minimum training RMSE is \t %f \t \n",min_trn_RMSE); //printf("Minimum training RMSE epoch is \t %d \n",min_trn_RMSE_epoch); printf("%f \t is the checking RMSE non normalized\n",min_chk_RMSE_un); printf("%f \t is the checking RMSE normalized\n",min_chk_RMSE_n); //printf("%f \t is the checking RMSE normalized22222222 \n",min_chk_RMSE_n2); printf(" checking NMSE non normlized is %f \t NDEI non normalized is %f \n",NMSE_un, NDEI_un); printf("checking NMSE normalized is %f \t NDEI normalized is %f \n",NMSE_n, NDEI_n); printf("checking NMSE2 normalized is %f \n",NMSE_n2); printf("traning data variance is %f \n",trnvariance); return(0);
int est_load_cacerts(struct hs20_osu_client *ctx, const char *url) { char *buf, *resp; size_t buflen; unsigned char *pkcs7; size_t pkcs7_len, resp_len; int res; buflen = os_strlen(url) + 100; buf = os_malloc(buflen); if (buf == NULL) return -1; os_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s/cacerts", url); wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Download EST cacerts from %s", buf); write_summary(ctx, "Download EST cacerts from %s", buf); ctx->no_osu_cert_validation = 1; http_ocsp_set(ctx->http, 1); res = http_download_file(ctx->http, buf, "Cert/est-cacerts.txt", ctx->ca_fname); http_ocsp_set(ctx->http, (ctx->workarounds & WORKAROUND_OCSP_OPTIONAL) ? 1 : 2); ctx->no_osu_cert_validation = 0; if (res < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Failed to download EST cacerts from %s", buf); write_result(ctx, "Failed to download EST cacerts from %s", buf); os_free(buf); return -1; } os_free(buf); resp = os_readfile("Cert/est-cacerts.txt", &resp_len); if (resp == NULL) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Could not read Cert/est-cacerts.txt"); write_result(ctx, "Could not read EST cacerts"); return -1; } pkcs7 = base64_decode((unsigned char *) resp, resp_len, &pkcs7_len); if (pkcs7 && pkcs7_len < resp_len / 2) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Too short base64 decode (%u bytes; downloaded %u bytes) - assume this was binary", (unsigned int) pkcs7_len, (unsigned int) resp_len); os_free(pkcs7); pkcs7 = NULL; } if (pkcs7 == NULL) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "EST workaround - Could not decode base64, assume this is DER encoded PKCS7"); pkcs7 = os_malloc(resp_len); if (pkcs7) { os_memcpy(pkcs7, resp, resp_len); pkcs7_len = resp_len; } } os_free(resp); if (pkcs7 == NULL) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Could not fetch PKCS7 cacerts"); write_result(ctx, "Could not fetch EST PKCS#7 cacerts"); return -1; } res = pkcs7_to_cert(ctx, pkcs7, pkcs7_len, "Cert/est-cacerts.pem", NULL); os_free(pkcs7); if (res < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Could not parse CA certs from PKCS#7 cacerts response"); write_result(ctx, "Could not parse CA certs from EST PKCS#7 cacerts response"); return -1; } unlink("Cert/est-cacerts.txt"); return 0; }
static int pkcs7_to_cert(struct hs20_osu_client *ctx, const u8 *pkcs7, size_t len, char *pem_file, char *der_file) { #ifdef OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL CBS pkcs7_cbs; #else /* OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL */ PKCS7 *p7 = NULL; const unsigned char *p = pkcs7; #endif /* OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL */ STACK_OF(X509) *certs; int i, num, ret = -1; BIO *out = NULL; #ifdef OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL certs = sk_X509_new_null(); if (!certs) goto fail; CBS_init(&pkcs7_cbs, pkcs7, len); if (!PKCS7_get_certificates(certs, &pkcs7_cbs)) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Could not parse PKCS#7 object: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); write_result(ctx, "Could not parse PKCS#7 object from EST"); goto fail; } #else /* OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL */ p7 = d2i_PKCS7(NULL, &p, len); if (p7 == NULL) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Could not parse PKCS#7 object: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); write_result(ctx, "Could not parse PKCS#7 object from EST"); goto fail; } switch (OBJ_obj2nid(p7->type)) { case NID_pkcs7_signed: certs = p7->d.sign->cert; break; case NID_pkcs7_signedAndEnveloped: certs = p7->d.signed_and_enveloped->cert; break; default: certs = NULL; break; } #endif /* OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL */ if (!certs || ((num = sk_X509_num(certs)) == 0)) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "No certificates found in PKCS#7 object"); write_result(ctx, "No certificates found in PKCS#7 object"); goto fail; } if (der_file) { FILE *f = fopen(der_file, "wb"); if (f == NULL) goto fail; i2d_X509_fp(f, sk_X509_value(certs, 0)); fclose(f); } if (pem_file) { out = BIO_new(BIO_s_file()); if (out == NULL || BIO_write_filename(out, pem_file) <= 0) goto fail; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { X509 *cert = sk_X509_value(certs, i); X509_print(out, cert); PEM_write_bio_X509(out, cert); BIO_puts(out, "\n"); } } ret = 0; fail: #ifdef OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL if (certs) sk_X509_pop_free(certs, X509_free); #else /* OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL */ PKCS7_free(p7); #endif /* OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL */ if (out) BIO_free_all(out); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) { FILE *modelIn, *dataIn, *out; init_data(example, sv, lambda, svNonZeroFeature, nonZeroFeature, target, weight, output, zeroFeatureExample, rbfConstant, degree , b, numSv, numExample, kernelType, maxFeature); char* mfile = "C:\\Users\\Owner\\Desktop\\SVM\\SMO\\smosynth\\smosynth\\linear_results\\model.dat"; if(( modelIn = fopen( mfile, "r" ) ) == ((void *)0) ) { fprintf( (&_iob[2]), "Can't open %s\n", mfile); exit(2); } char* tfile = "C:\\Users\\Owner\\Desktop\\SVM\\SMO\\smosynth\\smosynth\\linear_results\\test.dat"; if(( dataIn = fopen( tfile, "r" ) ) == ((void *)0) ) { fprintf( (&_iob[2]), "Can't open %s\n", tfile ); exit(2); } char* pfile = "C:\\Users\\Owner\\Desktop\\SVM\\SMO\\smosynth\\smosynth\\linear_results\\pred.dat"; if(( out = fopen( pfile, "w" ) ) == ((void *)0) ) { fprintf( (&_iob[2]), "Can't open %s\n", pfile ); exit(2); } if( ! readModel( modelIn, example, sv, lambda, svNonZeroFeature, nonZeroFeature, target, weight, output, zeroFeatureExample, rbfConstant, degree , b, numSv, numExample, kernelType, maxFeature ) ) { fprintf( (&_iob[2]), "Error in reading model file %s\n", mfile ); exit (3); } else fclose( modelIn ); printf("Finish reading model file\n"); if( !readData( dataIn, example, sv, lambda, svNonZeroFeature, nonZeroFeature, target, weight, output, zeroFeatureExample, rbfConstant, degree , b, numSv, numExample, kernelType, maxFeature )) { printf("Error reading data file\n"); exit(4); } fclose( dataIn ); printf("Finish reading test data file\n"); int ret=synth_top(example, sv, lambda, svNonZeroFeature, nonZeroFeature, weight, output, 0); if ( ret==0 ) printf("Classification is completed\n"); else fprintf( (&_iob[2]), "Classification process failed\n"); write_result(out, output, b); fclose( out ); ret = diff_files(); printf("RETURN VALUE %d\n", ret); if (ret != 0) { printf("Test failed %d!!!\n", ret); return 1; } else { printf("Test passed %d!\n", ret); return 0; } }
void similarity_for_set( unsigned int set_index, FILE* fout, float good_threshold, unsigned int* set_ids, unsigned int set_id_count, unsigned int* indexptr, unsigned int* arraysptr, struct fileinfo arrays) { clock_t started_at = clock(); unsigned int set_id_a = set_ids[set_index], set_id_b, set_a_length; unsigned int *set_a_start, *set_a_end, *set_b_start, *set_b_end; // be super careful to subtract addresses and not sizeof(int) quantities set_a_start = (unsigned int*)((char*)arraysptr + indexptr[set_id_a]); if (set_index + 1 == set_id_count) { set_a_end = (unsigned int*)((char*)arraysptr + arrays.filesize); } else { set_a_end = (unsigned int*)((char*)arraysptr + indexptr[set_ids[set_index+1]]); } set_a_length = (unsigned int)((char*)set_a_end - (char*)set_a_start); if (set_a_start == set_a_end) { return; } // goodmatches is a basic heuristic for preventing any set_a's iteration // from taking too long. Once sampling is effective, this can be removed unsigned short int goodmatches = 0; for (int b = set_index + 1; b < set_id_count; b++) { // We don't compare sets to themselves. if (set_index == b) { continue; } set_id_b = set_ids[b]; set_b_start = (unsigned int*)((char*)arraysptr + indexptr[set_id_b]); if (set_index + 1 == set_id_count) { set_b_end = (unsigned int*)((char*)arraysptr + arrays.filesize); } else { set_b_end = (unsigned int*)((char*)arraysptr + indexptr[set_ids[b+1]]); } unsigned int intersection_count = set_intersection( set_a_start, set_a_end, set_b_start, set_b_end ); // Calculate the percentage of set_a that intersects with set_b. double intersection_percent = ((double) intersection_count)/set_a_length; // record "good" matches if (intersection_percent >= good_threshold) { write_result(fout, set_id_a, set_id_b, intersection_percent); ++goodmatches; // early out when we have "enough" good matches if (goodmatches >= 100) { break; } } } printf( "%9u %9u %9u %20d %20.4f \n", (unsigned int)getpid(), set_id_a, set_a_length, goodmatches, ((float)clock() - started_at) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { if ( argc < 4 ) { printf( "Usage: %s format_file input_file output_file\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // For checking the library initialisation int retval; // EventSet for L2 & L3 cache misses and accesses int EventSet = PAPI_NULL; int EventSet1 = PAPI_NULL; // Data pointer for getting the cpu info const PAPI_hw_info_t * hwinfo = NULL; PAPI_mh_info_t mem_hrch; // Initialising the library retval = PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT ); if ( retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT ) { printf( "Initialisation of Papi failed \n" ); exit( 1 ); } if ( ( hwinfo = PAPI_get_hardware_info() ) == NULL ) { printf( "Unable to access hw info \n" ); return 1; } /* Accessing the cpus per node, threads per core, memory, frequency */ printf( "No. of cpus in one node : %d \n", hwinfo->ncpu ); printf( "Threads per core : %d \n", hwinfo->threads ); printf( "No. of cores per socket : %d \n", hwinfo->cores ); printf( "No. of sockets : %d \n", hwinfo->sockets ); printf( "Total CPUS in the entire system : %d \n", hwinfo->totalcpus ); /* Variables for reading counters of EventSet*/ long long eventValues[NUMEVENTS] = { 0 }; // long long eventFpValue[ NUM_FPEVENTS ] = {0}; char *format = argv[1]; char *file_in = argv[2]; char *file_out = argv[3]; char delim[] = "."; char *cp = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * 10 ); cp = strcpy( cp, file_in ); char *token = malloc( sizeof(char) * 10 ); token = strtok( cp, delim ); char * res_file = malloc( sizeof(char) * 30 ); res_file = strcpy( res_file, file_out ); res_file = strcat( res_file, token ); free( cp ); // free( token ); char *csv_file = malloc( sizeof(char) * 30 ); csv_file = strcpy( csv_file, res_file ); FILE *csv_fp = fopen( strcat( csv_file, OPTI ), "w" ); FILE *res_fp = fopen( strcat( res_file, "_psdats.dat" ), "w" ); int status = 0; free( res_file ); free( csv_file ); /** internal cells start and end index*/ int nintci, nintcf; /** external cells start and end index. The external cells are only ghost cells. * They are accessed only through internal cells*/ int nextci, nextcf; /** link cell-to-cell array. Stores topology information*/ int **lcc; /** red-black colouring of the cells*/ int *nboard; /** boundary coefficients for each volume cell */ double *bs, *be, *bn, *bw, *bl, *bh, *bp, *su; // Parameters for measuring the time long long startusec, endusec; /*the total number of points (after conversion to unstructured mesh topology)*/ int nodeCnt; /* the array containing the coordinate of the points * (after conversion to unstructured mesh topology) */ int **points; /* the array containing the mesh elements (after conversion to unstructured mesh topology) */ int **elems; // Creating the eventSets if ( PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet ) != PAPI_OK ) { printf( "Problem in create eventset \n" ); exit( 1 ); } // Create the Flops eventSet /*if ( PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet1 ) != PAPI_OK ) { printf( "Problem in creating the flops eventset \n" ); exit(1); }*/ int EventCode[NUMEVENTS] = { PAPI_L2_TCM, PAPI_L2_TCA, PAPI_L3_TCM, PAPI_L3_TCA }; // int EventFpCode[ NUM_FPEVENTS ] = { PAPI_FP_OPS }; // Adding events to the eventset if ( PAPI_add_events( EventSet, EventCode, NUMEVENTS ) != PAPI_OK ) { printf( "Problem in adding events \n" ); exit( 1 ); } /*if( PAPI_add_events( EventSet1, EventFpCode, 1 ) != PAPI_OK ){ printf( "Problem in adding the flops event \n" ); exit( 1 ); }*/ printf( "Success in adding events \n" ); // Start the eventset counters PAPI_start( EventSet ); // PAPI_start( EventSet1 ); startusec = PAPI_get_real_usec(); /* initialization */ // read-in the input file int f_status; if ( !strcmp( format, "bin" ) ) { f_status = read_bin_formatted( file_in, &nintci, &nintcf, &nextci, &nextcf, &lcc, &bs, &be, &bn, &bw, &bl, &bh, &bp, &su, &nboard ); } else if ( !strcmp( format, "txt" ) ) { f_status = read_formatted( file_in, &nintci, &nintcf, &nextci, &nextcf, &lcc, &bs, &be, &bn, &bw, &bl, &bh, &bp, &su, &nboard ); } if ( f_status != 0 ) { printf( "failed to initialize data! \n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // allocate arrays used in gccg int nomax = 3; /** the reference residual*/ double resref = 0.0; /** the ratio between the reference and the current residual*/ double ratio; /** array storing residuals */ double* resvec = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nintcf + 1 ) ); /** the variation vector -> keeps the result in the end */ double* var = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nextcf + 1 ) ); /** the computation vectors */ double* direc1 = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nextcf + 1 ) ); double* direc2 = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nextcf + 1 ) ); /** additional vectors */ double* cgup = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nextcf + 1 ) ); double* oc = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nintcf + 1 ) ); double* cnorm = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nintcf + 1 ) ); double* adxor1 = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nintcf + 1 ) ); double* adxor2 = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nintcf + 1 ) ); double* dxor1 = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nintcf + 1 ) ); double* dxor2 = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double), ( nintcf + 1 ) ); // initialize the reference residual for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { resvec[nc] = su[nc]; resref = resref + resvec[nc] * resvec[nc]; } resref = sqrt( resref ); if ( resref < 1.0e-15 ) { printf( "i/o - error: residue sum less than 1.e-15 - %lf\n", resref ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // initialize the arrays for ( int nc = 0; nc <= 10; nc++ ) { oc[nc] = 0.0; cnorm[nc] = 1.0; } for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { cgup[nc] = 0.0; var[nc] = 0.0; } for ( int nc = nextci; nc <= nextcf; nc++ ) { var[nc] = 0.0; cgup[nc] = 0.0; direc1[nc] = 0.0; bs[nc] = 0.0; be[nc] = 0.0; bn[nc] = 0.0; bw[nc] = 0.0; bl[nc] = 0.0; bh[nc] = 0.0; } for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) cgup[nc] = 1.0 / bp[nc]; int if1 = 0; int if2 = 0; int iter = 1; int nor = 1; int nor1 = nor - 1; /* finished initalization */ endusec = PAPI_get_real_usec(); // Read the eventSet counters PAPI_read( EventSet, eventValues ); // PAPI_read( EventSet1, eventFpValue ); fprintf( res_fp, "Execution time in microseconds for the initialisation: %lld \n", endusec - startusec ); fprintf( res_fp, "Initialisation.... \n" ); fprintf( res_fp, "INPUT \t PAPI_L2_TCM \t %lld \n", eventValues[0] ); fprintf( res_fp, "INPUT \t PAPI_L2_TCA \t %lld \n", eventValues[1] ); fprintf( res_fp, "INPUT \t PAPI_L3_TCM \t %lld \n", eventValues[2] ); fprintf( res_fp, "INPUT \t PAPI_L3_TCA \t %lld \n", eventValues[3] ); // fprintf( res_fp, "INPUT \t PAPI_FP_OPS \t %lld \n", eventFpValue[0] ); // Cache miss rate calculations float L2_cache_miss_rate, L3_cache_miss_rate; L2_cache_miss_rate = ( (float) eventValues[0] / eventValues[1] ) * 100; L3_cache_miss_rate = ( (float) eventValues[2] / eventValues[3] ) * 100; fprintf( res_fp, "INPUT \t L2MissRate \t %f% \n", L2_cache_miss_rate ); fprintf( res_fp, "INPUT \t L3MissRate \t %f% \n", L3_cache_miss_rate ); fprintf( csv_fp, "Results for the INPUT phase \n" ); fprintf( csv_fp, "%s, %lld, %lld, %lld, %lld, %f, %f \n", OPTI, eventValues[0], eventValues[1], eventValues[2], eventValues[3], L2_cache_miss_rate, L3_cache_miss_rate ); // Resetting the event counters PAPI_reset( EventSet ); // PAPI_reset( EventSet1 ); fprintf( res_fp, "Starting with the computation part \n" ); startusec = PAPI_get_real_usec(); /* start computation loop */ while ( iter < 10000 ) { /* start phase 1 */ // update the old values of direc for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { direc1[nc] = direc1[nc] + resvec[nc] * cgup[nc]; } // compute new guess (approximation) for direc for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { direc2[nc] = bp[nc] * direc1[nc] - bs[nc] * direc1[lcc[0][nc]] - bw[nc] * direc1[lcc[3][nc]] - bl[nc] * direc1[lcc[4][nc]] - bn[nc] * direc1[lcc[2][nc]] - be[nc] * direc1[lcc[1][nc]] - bh[nc] * direc1[lcc[5][nc]]; } /* end phase 1 */ /* start phase 2 */ // execute normalization steps double oc1, oc2, occ; if ( nor1 == 1 ) { oc1 = 0; occ = 0; for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { occ = occ + adxor1[nc] * direc2[nc]; } oc1 = occ / cnorm[1]; for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { direc2[nc] = direc2[nc] - oc1 * adxor1[nc]; direc1[nc] = direc1[nc] - oc1 * dxor1[nc]; } if1++; } else if ( nor1 == 2 ) { oc1 = 0; occ = 0; for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) occ = occ + adxor1[nc] * direc2[nc]; oc1 = occ / cnorm[1]; oc2 = 0; occ = 0; for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) occ = occ + adxor2[nc] * direc2[nc]; oc2 = occ / cnorm[2]; for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { direc2[nc] = direc2[nc] - oc1 * adxor1[nc] - oc2 * adxor2[nc]; direc1[nc] = direc1[nc] - oc1 * dxor1[nc] - oc2 * dxor2[nc]; } if2++; } cnorm[nor] = 0; double omega = 0; // compute the new residual for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { cnorm[nor] = cnorm[nor] + direc2[nc] * direc2[nc]; omega = omega + resvec[nc] * direc2[nc]; } omega = omega / cnorm[nor]; double resnew = 0.0; for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { var[nc] = var[nc] + omega * direc1[nc]; resvec[nc] = resvec[nc] - omega * direc2[nc]; resnew = resnew + resvec[nc] * resvec[nc]; } resnew = sqrt( resnew ); ratio = resnew / resref; // exit on no improvements of residual if ( ratio <= 1.0e-10 ) break; iter++; // prepare additional arrays for the next iteration step if ( nor == nomax ) nor = 1; else { if ( nor == 1 ) { for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { dxor1[nc] = direc1[nc]; adxor1[nc] = direc2[nc]; } } else if ( nor == 2 ) { for ( int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++ ) { dxor2[nc] = direc1[nc]; adxor2[nc] = direc2[nc]; } } nor++; } nor1 = nor - 1; }/* end phase 2 */ /* finished computation loop */ endusec = PAPI_get_real_usec(); // Read the eventSet counters PAPI_read( EventSet, eventValues ); // PAPI_read( EventSet1, eventFpValue ); fprintf( res_fp, "Execution time in microseconds for the computation : %lld \n", endusec - startusec ); fprintf( res_fp, "CALC \t PAPI_L2_TCM \t %lld \n", eventValues[0] ); fprintf( res_fp, "CALC \t PAPI_L2_TCA \t %lld \n", eventValues[1] ); fprintf( res_fp, "CALC \t PAPI_L3_TCM \t %lld \n", eventValues[2] ); fprintf( res_fp, "CALC \t PAPI_L3_TCA \t %lld \n", eventValues[3] ); // fprintf( res_fp, "CALC \t PAPI_FP_OPS \t %lld \n", eventFpValue[0] ); L2_cache_miss_rate = ( (float) eventValues[0] / eventValues[1] ) * 100; L3_cache_miss_rate = ( (float) eventValues[2] / eventValues[3] ) * 100; fprintf( res_fp, "CALC \t L2MissRate \t %f%\n", L2_cache_miss_rate ); fprintf( res_fp, "CALC \t L3MissRate \t %f%\n", L3_cache_miss_rate ); fprintf( csv_fp, "Results for the CALC phase \n" ); fprintf( csv_fp, "%s, %lld, %lld, %lld, %lld, %f, %f \n", OPTI, eventValues[0], eventValues[1], eventValues[2], eventValues[3], L2_cache_miss_rate, L3_cache_miss_rate ); // Resetting the event counters PAPI_reset( EventSet ); // PAPI_reset( EventSet1 ); char *vtk_file = malloc( sizeof(char) * 30 ); fprintf( res_fp, "Starting with the output vtk part \n" ); startusec = PAPI_get_real_usec(); /* write output file */ vol2mesh( nintci, nintcf, lcc, &nodeCnt, &points, &elems ); if( write_result( file_in, file_out, nintci, nintcf, var, iter, ratio ) != 0 ) { printf( "error when trying to write to file %s\n", file_out ); } if( write_result_vtk( strcat( strcpy( vtk_file, file_out ), "SU.vtk" ), nintci, nintcf, nodeCnt, points, elems, su ) != 0 ) { printf( "error when trying to write to vtk file %s\n", "SU.vtk" ); } if( write_result_vtk( strcat( strcpy( vtk_file, file_out ), "CGUP.vtk" ), nintci, nintcf, nodeCnt, points, elems, cgup ) != 0 ) { printf( "error when trying to write to vtk file %s\n", "CGUP.vtk" ); } if( write_result_vtk( strcat( strcpy( vtk_file, file_out ), "VAR.vtk" ), nintci, nintcf, nodeCnt, points, elems, var ) != 0 ) { printf( "error when trying to write to vtk file %s\n", "VAR.vtk" ); } free( vtk_file ); /* finished computation loop */ endusec = PAPI_get_real_usec(); // Read the eventSet counters PAPI_stop( EventSet, eventValues ); // PAPI_stop( EventSet1, eventFpValue ); fprintf( res_fp, "Execution time in microseconds for the output vtk part : %lld \n", endusec - startusec ); fprintf( res_fp, "OUTPUT \t PAPI_L2_TCM \t %lld \n", eventValues[0] ); fprintf( res_fp, "OUTPUT \t PAPI_L2_TCA \t %lld \n", eventValues[1] ); fprintf( res_fp, "OUTPUT \t PAPI_L3_TCM \t %lld \n", eventValues[2] ); fprintf( res_fp, "OUTPUT \t PAPI_L3_TCA \t %lld \n", eventValues[3] ); // fprintf( res_fp, "CALC \t PAPI_FP_OPS \t %lld \n", eventFpValue[0] ); L2_cache_miss_rate = ( (float) eventValues[0] / eventValues[1] ) * 100; L3_cache_miss_rate = ( (float) eventValues[2] / eventValues[3] ) * 100; fprintf( res_fp, "OUTPUT \t L2MissRate \t %f%\n", L2_cache_miss_rate ); fprintf( res_fp, "OUTPUT \t L3MissRate \t %f%\n", L3_cache_miss_rate ); fprintf( csv_fp, "Results for the OUTPUT phase \n" ); fprintf( csv_fp, "%s, %lld, %lld, %lld, %lld, %f, %f \n", OPTI, eventValues[0], eventValues[1], eventValues[2], eventValues[3], L2_cache_miss_rate, L3_cache_miss_rate ); /* Free all the dynamically allocated memory */ free( direc2 ); free( direc1 ); free( dxor2 ); free( dxor1 ); free( adxor2 ); free( adxor1 ); free( cnorm ); free( oc ); free( var ); free( cgup ); free( resvec ); free( su ); free( bp ); free( bh ); free( bl ); free( bw ); free( bn ); free( be ); free( bs ); printf( "Simulation completed successfully!\n" ); fclose( res_fp ); fclose( csv_fp ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/*-------------------------------------*/ void save_result (char *source, char *obj_file, char type, char *prefix, char *clean2, char *contam2) { char *so = NULL, *obj = NULL; char *match = (char *)calloc(4 * ONE, sizeof (char)), *mismatch = (char *)calloc(4 * ONE, sizeof (char)), *so_name = (char *)calloc(4 * ONE, sizeof (char)), *obj_name = (char *)calloc(4 * ONE, sizeof (char)); so = strrchr (source, '/'); obj = strrchr (obj_file, '/'); if (so) so += 1; else so = NULL; if (obj) obj += 1; else obj = NULL; if (so) strncat (so_name, so, strrchr (source, '.') - so); else strncat (so_name, source, strrchr (source, '.') - source); if (obj) strncat (obj_name, obj, strrchr (obj_file, '.') - obj); else strncat (obj_name, obj_file, strrchr (obj_file, '.') - obj_file); if (prefix) { strcat (match, prefix); strcat (mismatch, prefix); } else if (so) { strncat (match, source, so - source); strncat (mismatch, source, so - source); } strcat (match, so_name); strcat (mismatch, so_name); strcat (match, "_"); strcat (mismatch, "_"); strcat (match, obj_name); strcat (mismatch, obj_name); strcat (match, "_contam"); strcat (mismatch, "_clean"); if (type == '>') { strcat (match, ".fasta"); strcat (mismatch, ".fasta"); } else { strcat (match, ".fastq"); strcat (mismatch, ".fastq"); } printf ("match->%s\n", match); printf ("mis->%s\n", mismatch); write_result (match, contam2); write_result (mismatch, clean2); memset(contam2,0,strlen(contam2)); memset(clean2,0,strlen(clean2)); free (match); free (mismatch); free (so_name); free (obj_name); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4) { printf("Usage: %s <format> <input_file> <output_file_prefix>\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } char *format = argv[1]; char *file_in = argv[2]; char *file_out = argv[3]; int status = 0; /** internal cells start and end index*/ int nintci, nintcf; /** external cells start and end index. The external cells are only ghost * cells. They are accessed only through internal cells*/ int nextci, nextcf; /** link cell-to-cell array. Stores topology information*/ int **lcc; /** red-black colouring of the cells*/ int *nboard; /** boundary coefficients for each volume cell */ double *bs, *be, *bn, *bw, *bl, *bh, *bp, *su; const PAPI_hw_info_t* hw_info = PAPI_get_hardware_info(); if ( test_start() != 0 ) exit(1); /************************************************************/ /* initialization */ // read-in the input file int f_status; if (strcmp(format, "text") == 0) f_status = read_formatted(file_in, &nintci, &nintcf, &nextci, &nextcf, &lcc, &bs, &be, &bn, &bw, &bl, &bh, &bp, &su, &nboard); else f_status = read_formatted_bin(file_in, &nintci, &nintcf, &nextci, &nextcf, &lcc, &bs, &be, &bn, &bw, &bl, &bh, &bp, &su, &nboard); if (f_status != 0) { printf("failed to initialize data!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // allocate arrays used in gccg int nomax = 3; /** the reference residual*/ double resref = 0.0; /** the ratio between the reference and the current residual*/ double ratio; /** array storing residuals */ double* resvec = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nintcf + 1)); /** the variation vector -> keeps the result in the end */ double* var = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nextcf + 1)); /** the computation vectors */ double* direc1 = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nextcf + 1)); double* direc2 = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nextcf + 1)); /** additional vectors */ double* cgup = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nextcf + 1)); double* oc = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nintcf + 1)); double* cnorm = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nintcf + 1)); double* adxor1 = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nintcf + 1)); double* adxor2 = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nintcf + 1)); double* dxor1 = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nintcf + 1)); double* dxor2 = (double *) calloc(sizeof(double), (nintcf + 1)); // initialize the reference residual for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { resvec[nc] = su[nc]; resref = resref + resvec[nc] * resvec[nc]; } resref = sqrt(resref); if (resref < 1.0e-15) { printf("i/o - error: residue sum less than 1.e-15 - %lf\n", resref); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // initialize the arrays for (int nc = 0; nc <= 10; nc++) { oc[nc] = 0.0; cnorm[nc] = 1.0; } for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { cgup[nc] = 0.0; var[nc] = 0.0; } for (int nc = nextci; nc <= nextcf; nc++) { var[nc] = 0.0; cgup[nc] = 0.0; direc1[nc] = 0.0; bs[nc] = 0.0; be[nc] = 0.0; bn[nc] = 0.0; bw[nc] = 0.0; bl[nc] = 0.0; bh[nc] = 0.0; } for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) cgup[nc] = 1.0 / bp[nc]; int if1 = 0; int if2 = 0; int iter = 1; int nor = 1; int nor1 = nor - 1; /* finished initalization */ if ( test_measure("INPUT") != 0 ) exit( 1 ); /***************************************************/ while (iter < 10000) { /* start phase 1 */ // update the old values of direc for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { direc1[nc] = direc1[nc] + resvec[nc] * cgup[nc]; } // compute new guess (approximation) for direc for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { direc2[nc] = bp[nc] * direc1[nc] - bs[nc] * direc1[lcc[0][nc]] - bw[nc] * direc1[lcc[3][nc]] - bl[nc] * direc1[lcc[4][nc]] - bn[nc] * direc1[lcc[2][nc]] - be[nc] * direc1[lcc[1][nc]] - bh[nc] * direc1[lcc[5][nc]]; } /* end phase 1 */ /* start phase 2 */ // execute normalization steps double oc1, oc2, occ; if (nor1 == 1) { oc1 = 0; occ = 0; for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { occ = occ + adxor1[nc] * direc2[nc]; } oc1 = occ / cnorm[1]; for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { direc2[nc] = direc2[nc] - oc1 * adxor1[nc]; direc1[nc] = direc1[nc] - oc1 * dxor1[nc]; } if1++; } else if (nor1 == 2) { oc1 = 0; occ = 0; for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) occ = occ + adxor1[nc] * direc2[nc]; oc1 = occ / cnorm[1]; oc2 = 0; occ = 0; for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) occ = occ + adxor2[nc] * direc2[nc]; oc2 = occ / cnorm[2]; for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { direc2[nc] = direc2[nc] - oc1 * adxor1[nc] - oc2 * adxor2[nc]; direc1[nc] = direc1[nc] - oc1 * dxor1[nc] - oc2 * dxor2[nc]; } if2++; } cnorm[nor] = 0; double omega = 0; // compute the new residual for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { cnorm[nor] = cnorm[nor] + direc2[nc] * direc2[nc]; omega = omega + resvec[nc] * direc2[nc]; } omega = omega / cnorm[nor]; double resnew = 0.0; for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { var[nc] = var[nc] + omega * direc1[nc]; resvec[nc] = resvec[nc] - omega * direc2[nc]; resnew = resnew + resvec[nc] * resvec[nc]; } resnew = sqrt(resnew); ratio = resnew / resref; // exit on no improvements of residual if (ratio <= 1.0e-10) break; iter++; // prepare additional arrays for the next iteration step if (nor == nomax) nor = 1; else { if (nor == 1) { for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { dxor1[nc] = direc1[nc]; adxor1[nc] = direc2[nc]; } } else if (nor == 2) { for (int nc = nintci; nc <= nintcf; nc++) { dxor2[nc] = direc1[nc]; adxor2[nc] = direc2[nc]; } } nor++; } nor1 = nor - 1; }/* end phase 2 */ /* finished computation loop */ if ( test_measure("CALC") != 0 ) exit( 1 ); /**************************************************************/ /* write output file */ if ( write_result(file_in, file_out, nintci, nintcf, var, iter, ratio) != 0 ) printf("error when trying to write to file %s\n", file_out); if ( test_measure("OUTPUT") != 0 ) exit( 1 ); int nodeCnt; int** points; int** elems; vol2mesh(nintci, nintcf, lcc, &nodeCnt, &points, &elems); write_result_vtk("SU.vtk", nintci, nintcf, nodeCnt, points, elems, su); write_result_vtk("VAR.vtk", nintci, nintcf, nodeCnt, points, elems, var); write_result_vtk("CGUP.vtk", nintci, nintcf, nodeCnt, points, elems, cgup); /* Free all the dynamically allocated memory */ free(direc2); free(direc1); free(dxor2); free(dxor1); free(adxor2); free(adxor1); free(cnorm); free(oc); free(var); free(cgup); free(resvec); free(su); free(bp); free(bh); free(bl); free(bw); free(bn); free(be); free(bs); printf("Simulation completed successfully!\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int parse_input( FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp, struct ldop *op ) { char *p, *args, line[ MAXLINELEN + 1 ]; struct inputparams *ip; if ( fgets( line, MAXLINELEN, ifp ) == NULL ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_OTHER, NULL, "Empty Input" ); } line[ strlen( line ) - 1 ] = '\0'; if ( strncasecmp( line, STR_OP_SEARCH, sizeof( STR_OP_SEARCH ) - 1 ) != 0 ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, NULL, "Operation Not Supported" ); return( -1 ); } op->ldop_op = LDOP_SEARCH; while ( fgets( line, MAXLINELEN, ifp ) != NULL ) { line[ strlen( line ) - 1 ] = '\0'; debug_printf( "<< %s\n", line ); args = line; if (( ip = find_input_tag( &args )) == NULL ) { debug_printf( "ignoring %s\n", line ); continue; } switch( ip->ip_type ) { case IP_TYPE_SUFFIX: add_strval( &op->ldop_suffixes, args ); break; case IP_TYPE_BASE: op->ldop_dn = estrdup( args ); break; case IP_TYPE_SCOPE: if (( op->ldop_srch.ldsp_scope = atoi( args )) != LDAP_SCOPE_BASE && op->ldop_srch.ldsp_scope != LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL && op->ldop_srch.ldsp_scope != LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_OTHER, NULL, "Bad scope" ); return( -1 ); } break; case IP_TYPE_ALIASDEREF: op->ldop_srch.ldsp_aliasderef = atoi( args ); break; case IP_TYPE_SIZELIMIT: op->ldop_srch.ldsp_sizelimit = atoi( args ); break; case IP_TYPE_TIMELIMIT: op->ldop_srch.ldsp_timelimit = atoi( args ); break; case IP_TYPE_FILTER: op->ldop_srch.ldsp_filter = estrdup( args ); break; case IP_TYPE_ATTRSONLY: op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrsonly = ( *args != '0' ); break; case IP_TYPE_ATTRS: if ( strcmp( args, "all" ) == 0 ) { op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrs = NULL; } else { while ( args != NULL ) { if (( p = strchr( args, ' ' )) != NULL ) { *p++ = '\0'; while ( isspace( (unsigned char) *p )) { ++p; } } add_strval( &op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrs, args ); args = p; } } break; } } if ( op->ldop_suffixes == NULL || op->ldop_dn == NULL || op->ldop_srch.ldsp_filter == NULL ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_OTHER, NULL, "Required suffix:, base:, or filter: missing" ); return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("Checking arguments.\n"); int n_workers; check_args(argc, argv, &n_workers); printf("Reading file.\n"); int xsize, ysize, colmax; pixel* image = read_file(argv, &xsize, &ysize, &colmax); pthread_t workers[n_workers]; thread_data t_data[n_workers]; int i; for(i = 0; i < n_workers; i++){ t_data[i].tid = i; t_data[i].n_workers = &n_workers; t_data[i].xsize = &xsize; t_data[i].ysize = &ysize; t_data[i].colmax = &colmax; t_data[i].image = image; } /* printf("rank: %d\t ystart: %d\t yend: %d\t diff: %d\t count %d\t displ %d\n", */ /* rank, ystarts[rank], yends[rank], yends[rank] - ystarts[rank], sendcounts[rank], displs[rank]); */ /* start timing */ struct timespec stime; clock_gettime(0, &stime); /* calculate average. */ for(i = 0; i < n_workers; i++){ pthread_create(&workers[i], NULL, threshold_average, &t_data[i]); } for(i = 0; i < n_workers; i++){ pthread_join(workers[i], NULL); } /* calculate average. */ int avg = 0; for(i = 0; i < n_workers; i++){ avg += t_data[i].own_avg; } avg /= n_workers; /* filter */ printf("Running filter.\n"); for(i = 0; i < n_workers; i++){ t_data[i].own_avg = avg; pthread_create(&workers[i], NULL, threshold_filter, &t_data[i]); } for(i = 0; i < n_workers; i++){ pthread_join(workers[i], NULL); } /* stop timing */ struct timespec etime; clock_gettime(0, &etime); printf("Filtering took: %g secs\n", (etime.tv_sec - stime.tv_sec) + 1e-9*(etime.tv_nsec - stime.tv_nsec)) ; printf("Writing output.\n"); write_result(argv, xsize, ysize, colmax, image); free(image); exit(0); }
int main() { int i; double cl; kase = 1; // The final output will be written in the outFile and the initial input will be read from inFile std::string outFile = "output.txt"; std::string inFile = "input.txt"; // Create the output file FILE *fpout = fopen(outFile.c_str(), "wt"); fclose(fpout); // Open the input file FILE *fpin = fopen(inFile.c_str(), "rt"); // Reading each of the cases, There may be two types of cases, with 4 parameters, with 5 parameters // There may also be comments that starts with # while(fgets(buff, 1000, fpin)) { // No data if(strlen(buff) == 0) continue; // Comment if(buff[0] == '#') continue; StringTokenizer token; // tokeniize using space token.parse(buff, " \n\r"); std::vector<std::string> vecToken; token.getTokens(vecToken); int totParam = vecToken.size(); // Not enough parameters if(totParam < 4) continue; // First token is the graph file name std::string graphFile = vecToken[0]; // 2nd and 3rd tokens are start and end node id respectively int startNode = atoi(vecToken[1].c_str()); int endNode = atoi(vecToken[2].c_str()); // 4th Token is the result file for this query std::string pathFile = vecToken[3]; int ind = pathFile.length() - 1; while(pathFile[ind] < 32) { pathFile[ind] = '\0'; ind--; } // Load edge information from graph file loadGraph(graphFile); // Use bidirectional AStar to get the route BiDirAStar gdef; cl = clock(); int res = gdef.bidir_astar(edges, edge_count, maxNode, startNode, endNode, &path, &path_count, &err_msg); cl = clock() - cl; // Write the route in the result file write_result(pathFile, res); // There is an answer file if(totParam > 4) { std::string ansFile = vecToken[4]; ind = ansFile.length() - 1; while(ansFile[ind] < 32) { ansFile[ind] = '\0'; ind--; } // Match and write result in the final output file match(pathFile, ansFile, outFile, cl / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } else { // Provide information that the route is generated in path file. fpout = fopen(outFile.c_str(), "a+"); fprintf(fpout, "Case %d: Path Written to file %s", kase, pathFile.c_str()); fprintf(fpout, "Query Time: %lf sec\n\n", cl / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fclose(fpout); } kase++; free(path); delete [] edges; } return 0; }
void getBestServer(char* interface_name) { FILE* file_fd; char buffer[BUF_SIZE]; char vist_url[BUF_SIZE]; char vist_ip[IPV4_SIZE]; char result_ip[IPV4_SIZE]; double min_delay = MIN_DELAY; /*choice best from 5 address */ int test_num = 0; file_fd = fopen("/tmp/speed_best","r"); if(file_fd == NULL){ IK_APP_ERR_LOG("ik_speed_test open file best failed\n"); exit(1); } while(!feof(file_fd)){ bzero(buffer,BUF_SIZE); bzero(vist_url,BUF_SIZE); bzero(vist_ip,IPV4_SIZE); test_num++; if(fgets(buffer,1024,file_fd) == NULL){ write_result(interface_name,"ik_speed getbestserver 读取失败"); exit(1); } char* url = strstr(buffer,"url"); if(url==NULL) continue; char* http = strstr(url,"http://"); if(http == NULL){ continue; } int len1 = strlen(http); char* http_end = strstr(http,"speedtest/upload."); if(http_end == NULL){ continue; } int len2 = strlen(http_end); int diff = len1 - len2 - 7; snprintf(vist_url,diff,"%s",http+7); struct hostent *host; if((host = gethostbyname(vist_url)) == NULL){ write_result(interface_name,"ik_speed getbestserver dns 解析失败"); exit(1); } if(inet_ntop(host->h_addrtype,*host->h_addr_list,vist_ip,IPV4_SIZE) == NULL){ write_result(interface_name,"ik_speed getbestserver 转换ip失败"); exit(1); } double delay=0.0; int delay_loop; for(delay_loop=0;delay_loop<3;delay_loop++){ delay+=get_average_delay(vist_ip,vist_url,interface_name); } //printf("%s : %f\n",vist_url,delay); if(delay<min_delay){ min_delay = delay; strncpy(result_ip,vist_ip,IPV4_SIZE); } /* loop number limit*/ if(5 == test_num) break; } fclose(file_fd); printf("min_delay : %f,last_ip : %s\n",min_delay,result_ip); printf("start test download speed! ......\n"); download_speed(result_ip,interface_name,vist_url); sleep(1); printf("start test upload speed! ......\n"); pool_init(pthread_number); upload_speed(result_ip,interface_name,vist_url); }
void* file_upload(void *arg) { struct download_post_info *info; info = (struct download_post_info *)arg; int i = 0,seek; int size = 250*100*100; int loop_num = size / (36*30); char * chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; char * first_one = "content1=0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; int first_len = strlen(first_one); char post_string[SEND_BUF+1]; long long send_sum = 0; bzero(post_string,(SEND_BUF+1)); for(i=0;i<30;i++){ seek = i*36; snprintf((post_string+seek),SEND_BUF,"%s",chars); } int post_string_len = strlen(post_string); /* socket init */ int sockfd; struct sockaddr_in dest_addr; dest_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; dest_addr.sin_port = htons(HTTP_PORT); dest_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(info->server_ip); /* create socket*/ if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0){ IK_APP_ERR_LOG("ik_speed upload socket() %s\n",strerror(errno)); goto psend; } /* bind choice */ if(bind_fd == 1){ if(bind_interface(info->interface,sockfd)==1){ goto psend; } } /*connect timeout set time */ struct timeval timeo = {TIME_OUT_MIN,0}; socklen_t len = sizeof(timeo); if(setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeo, len) == -1){ IK_APP_ERR_LOG("ik_speed upload setsockopt() %s \n",strerror(errno)); goto psend; } /* http connect to server ip */ int connect_res = connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&dest_addr,sizeof(dest_addr)); if(connect_res == -1){ IK_APP_ERR_LOG("ik_speed upload connect() %s\n",strerror(errno)); goto psend;; } /*set recv time out time */ if(setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeo, len) == -1){ IK_APP_ERR_LOG("ik_speed upload setsockopt() %s\n",strerror(errno)); write_result(info->interface,"线程 设置接受超时时间失败"); goto psend; } /*get upload delay*/ int nSend,nRecv; int head_sendlen = strlen(info->post_string); nSend = send(sockfd,info->post_string,head_sendlen,0); if(nSend<0){ write_result(info->interface," upload 线程发送数据包失败"); goto psend; } send_sum += nSend; nSend = send(sockfd,first_one,first_len,0); if(nSend<0){ write_result(info->interface," upload 线程发送数据包失败"); goto psend; } //send_sum = head_sendlen + first_len; send_sum += nSend; /*send post string */ for(i=1;i<loop_num;i++){ nSend = send(sockfd,post_string,post_string_len,0); if(nSend<0){ IK_APP_ERR_LOG("ik_speed upload send() %s\n",strerror(errno)); goto psend; } //send_sum += post_string_len; send_sum += nSend; } char read_buf[20]; nRecv = recv(sockfd,read_buf,11,0); if(nRecv<0){ IK_APP_ERR_LOG("ik_speed upload recv %s\n",strerror(errno)); goto psend; } psend: //printf("thread send : %lld\n",send_sum); pthread_mutex_lock (&(pool->queue_lock)); sum_send_lens += send_sum; pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pool->queue_lock)); close(sockfd); return NULL; }
void* maxArray_pthread_func(void* tdata) { maxarray_thread_args targs = get_data(maxarray_thread_args,tdata); int tid = get_tid(tdata); int dim = targs.dimension; int start = get_start(tdata); int end = get_end(tdata); int* iter_i = targs.iter_i; int** ps =; int max_sum = targs.mat0; int top = 0, left = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0; //Auxilliary variables int sum[dim]; int pos[dim]; int local_max; int i = 0; for(; i<dim&&iter_i[i]<=start; i++); int next_i = i<dim ? iter_i[i] : end; i--; for(int n=start; n<end; n++) { if(n >= next_i) next_i = ++i<dim-1 ? iter_i[i+1] : end; int k = i + n - iter_i[i]; // Kandane over all columns with the i..k rows clear(sum, dim); clear(pos, dim); local_max = 0; // We keep track of the position of the max value over each Kandane's execution // Notice that we do not keep track of the max value, but only its position sum[0] = ps[k][0] - (i==0 ? 0 : ps[i-1][0]); for (int j=1; j<dim; j++) { if (sum[j-1] > 0) { sum[j] = sum[j-1] + ps[k][j] - (i==0 ? 0 : ps[i-1][j]); pos[j] = pos[j-1]; } else { sum[j] = ps[k][j] - (i==0 ? 0 : ps[i-1][j]); pos[j] = j; } if (sum[j] > sum[local_max]) { local_max = j; } } //Kandane ends here if (sum[local_max] > max_sum) { // sum[local_max] is the new max value // the corresponding submatrix goes from rows i..k. // and from columns pos[local_max]..local_max max_sum = sum[local_max]; top = i; left = pos[local_max]; bottom = k; right = local_max; } } maxarray_thread_ret ret; ret.max_sum = max_sum; = top; ret.left = left; ret.bottom = bottom; ret.right = right; write_result(maxarray_thread_ret,tdata,ret); }