Exemple #1
    if ( gs_MonitorFromPoint==NULL || gs_MonitorFromWindow==NULL
         || gs_GetMonitorInfo==NULL || gs_EnumDisplayMonitors==NULL )
        // First initialization, or last initialization failed.
        wxDynamicLibrary dllDisplay(displayDllName, wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET);

        wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, MonitorFromPoint, dllDisplay);
        wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, MonitorFromWindow, dllDisplay);
        wxDL_INIT_FUNC_AW(gs_, GetMonitorInfo, dllDisplay);
        wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, EnumDisplayMonitors, dllDisplay);

        // we can safely let dllDisplay go out of scope, the DLL itself will
        // still remain loaded as all programs link to it statically anyhow

    if ( gs_MonitorFromPoint==NULL || gs_MonitorFromWindow==NULL
         || gs_GetMonitorInfo==NULL || gs_EnumDisplayMonitors==NULL )

    // enumerate all displays
    if ( !gs_EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MultimonEnumProc, (LPARAM)this) )
Exemple #2
bool wxSocketMSWManager::OnInit()
  static LPCTSTR pclassname = NULL;
  int i;

  /* Create internal window for event notifications */
  hWin = wxCreateHiddenWindow(&pclassname, CLASSNAME, wxSocket_Internal_WinProc);
  if (!hWin)
      return false;

  /* Initialize socket list */
  for (i = 0; i < MAXSOCKETS; i++)
    socketList[i] = NULL;
  firstAvailable = 0;

  // we don't link with wsock32.dll (or ws2 in CE case) statically to avoid
  // dependencies on it for all the application using wx even if they don't use
  // sockets
#ifdef __WXWINCE__
    #define WINSOCK_DLL_NAME wxT("ws2.dll")
    #define WINSOCK_DLL_NAME wxT("wsock32.dll")

    gs_wsock32dll.Load(WINSOCK_DLL_NAME, wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET);
    if ( !gs_wsock32dll.IsLoaded() )
        return false;

#ifndef __WXWINCE__
    wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, WSAAsyncSelect, gs_wsock32dll);
    if ( !gs_WSAAsyncSelect )
        return false;
    wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, WSAEventSelect, gs_wsock32dll);
    if ( !gs_WSAEventSelect )
        return false;

    wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, WSACreateEvent, gs_wsock32dll);
    if ( !gs_WSACreateEvent )
        return false;

    wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, WSAWaitForMultipleEvents, gs_wsock32dll);
    if ( !gs_WSAWaitForMultipleEvents )
        return false;

    wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, WSAEnumNetworkEvents, gs_wsock32dll);
    if ( !gs_WSAEnumNetworkEvents )
        return false;

    currSocket = 0;
#endif // !__WXWINCE__/__WXWINCE__

  // finally initialize WinSock
  WSADATA wsaData;
  return WSAStartup((1 << 8) | 1, &wsaData) == 0;
Exemple #3
    if ( !ms_supportsMultimon )

    m_dllDDraw.Load(wxT("ddraw.dll"), wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET);

    if ( !m_dllDDraw.IsLoaded() )

        wxDL_INIT_FUNC_AW(pfn, DirectDrawEnumerateEx, m_dllDDraw);
    if ( !pfnDirectDrawEnumerateEx )

    // we can't continue without DirectDrawCreate() later, so resolve it right
    // now and fail the initialization if it's not available
    if ( !wxDL_INIT_FUNC(m_pfn, DirectDrawCreate, m_dllDDraw) )

    if ( (*pfnDirectDrawEnumerateEx)(DDEnumExCallback,
                                     DDENUM_ATTACHEDSECONDARYDEVICES) != DD_OK )
Exemple #4
bool wxSocketMSWManager::OnInit()
  LPCTSTR pclassname = NULL;
  int i;

  /* Create internal window for event notifications */
  hWin = wxCreateHiddenWindow(&pclassname, CLASSNAME, wxSocket_Internal_WinProc);
  if (!hWin)
      return false;

  /* Initialize socket list */
  for (i = 0; i < MAXSOCKETS; i++)
    socketList[i] = NULL;
  firstAvailable = 0;

  // we don't link with wsock32.dll statically to avoid
  // dependencies on it for all the application using wx even if they don't use
  // sockets
    #define WINSOCK_DLL_NAME wxT("wsock32.dll")

    gs_wsock32dll.Load(WINSOCK_DLL_NAME, wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET);
    if ( !gs_wsock32dll.IsLoaded() )
        return false;

    wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, WSAAsyncSelect, gs_wsock32dll);
    if ( !gs_WSAAsyncSelect )
        return false;

  // finally initialize WinSock
  WSADATA wsaData;
  return WSAStartup((1 << 8) | 1, &wsaData) == 0;
Exemple #5
bool wxTextEntry::AutoCompleteFileNames()
    typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *SHAutoComplete_t)(HWND, DWORD);
    static SHAutoComplete_t s_pfnSHAutoComplete = (SHAutoComplete_t)-1;
    static wxDynamicLibrary s_dllShlwapi;
    if ( s_pfnSHAutoComplete == (SHAutoComplete_t)-1 )
        if ( !s_dllShlwapi.Load(wxT("shlwapi.dll"), wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET) )
            s_pfnSHAutoComplete = NULL;
            wxDL_INIT_FUNC(s_pfn, SHAutoComplete, s_dllShlwapi);

    if ( !s_pfnSHAutoComplete )
        return false;

    HRESULT hr = (*s_pfnSHAutoComplete)(GetEditHwnd(), SHACF_FILESYS_ONLY);
    if ( FAILED(hr) )
        wxLogApiError(wxT("SHAutoComplete()"), hr);

        return false;
    return true;
    return false;
Exemple #6
    if ( ms_supportsMultimon == -1 )
        ms_supportsMultimon = 0;

        wxDynamicLibrary dllDisplay(displayDllName, wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET);

        if ( (wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, MonitorFromPoint, dllDisplay)) == NULL ||
             (wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, MonitorFromWindow, dllDisplay)) == NULL ||
             (wxDL_INIT_FUNC_AW(gs_, GetMonitorInfo, dllDisplay)) == NULL )

        ms_supportsMultimon = 1;

        // we can safely let dllDisplay go out of scope, the DLL itself will
        // still remain loaded as all programs link to it statically anyhow
Exemple #7
    // This is not supposed to happen with the current code, the factory is
    // implicitly a singleton.
    wxASSERT_MSG( !ms_factory, wxS("Using more than one factory?") );

    ms_factory = this;

    m_hiddenHwnd = NULL;
    m_hiddenClass = NULL;

    if ( gs_MonitorFromPoint==NULL || gs_MonitorFromWindow==NULL
         || gs_GetMonitorInfo==NULL || gs_EnumDisplayMonitors==NULL )
        // First initialization, or last initialization failed.
        wxDynamicLibrary dllDisplay(displayDllName, wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET);

        wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, MonitorFromPoint, dllDisplay);
        wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, MonitorFromWindow, dllDisplay);
        wxDL_INIT_FUNC_AW(gs_, GetMonitorInfo, dllDisplay);
        wxDL_INIT_FUNC(gs_, EnumDisplayMonitors, dllDisplay);

        // we can safely let dllDisplay go out of scope, the DLL itself will
        // still remain loaded as all programs link to it statically anyhow

    if ( gs_MonitorFromPoint==NULL || gs_MonitorFromWindow==NULL
         || gs_GetMonitorInfo==NULL || gs_EnumDisplayMonitors==NULL )


    // Also create a hidden window to listen for WM_SETTINGCHANGE that we
    // receive when a monitor is added to or removed from the system as we must
    // refresh our monitor handles information then.
    m_hiddenHwnd = wxCreateHiddenWindow
Exemple #8
bool wxFrame::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                     wxWindowID id,
                     const wxString& title,
                     const wxPoint& pos,
                     const wxSize& size,
                     long style,
                     const wxString& name)
    if ( !wxTopLevelWindow::Create(parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name) )
        return false;


    static bool s_taskbarButtonCreatedMsgRegistered = false;
    if ( !s_taskbarButtonCreatedMsgRegistered )
        s_taskbarButtonCreatedMsgRegistered = true;
        wxMsgTaskbarButtonCreated =

        // In case the application is run elevated, allow the
        // TaskbarButtonCreated and WM_COMMAND messages through.
        typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ChangeWindowMessageFilter_t)(UINT message,
                                                           DWORD dwFlag);
        wxDynamicLibrary dllUser32(wxT("user32.dll"));

        ChangeWindowMessageFilter_t pfnChangeWindowMessageFilter = NULL;
        wxDL_INIT_FUNC(pfn, ChangeWindowMessageFilter, dllUser32);
        if ( pfnChangeWindowMessageFilter )
            pfnChangeWindowMessageFilter(WM_COMMAND, wxMSGFLT_ADD);
        ChangeWindowMessageFilter(wxMsgTaskbarButtonCreated, wxMSGFLT_ADD);
        ChangeWindowMessageFilter(WM_COMMAND, wxMSGFLT_ADD);
#endif // wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS

    return true;
Exemple #9
    if ( !ms_supportsMultimon )

    // look up EnumDisplayMonitors() which we don't need with DirectDraw
    // implementation
    EnumDisplayMonitors_t pfnEnumDisplayMonitors;
        wxDynamicLibrary dllDisplay(displayDllName, wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET);
        if ( (wxDL_INIT_FUNC(pfn, EnumDisplayMonitors, dllDisplay)) == NULL )

    // enumerate all displays
    if ( !pfnEnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MultimonEnumProc, (LPARAM)this) )
bool wxChoice::MSWGetComboBoxInfo(tagCOMBOBOXINFO* info) const
    // TODO-Win9x: Get rid of this once we officially drop support for Win9x
    //             and just call the function directly.
    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetComboBoxInfo_t)(HWND, tagCOMBOBOXINFO*);
    static GetComboBoxInfo_t s_pfnGetComboBoxInfo = NULL;
    static bool s_triedToLoad = false;
    if ( !s_triedToLoad )
        s_triedToLoad = true;
        wxLoadedDLL dllUser32("user32.dll");
        wxDL_INIT_FUNC(s_pfn, GetComboBoxInfo, dllUser32);

    if ( s_pfnGetComboBoxInfo )
        return (*s_pfnGetComboBoxInfo)(GetHwnd(), info) != 0;
#endif // wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS

    return false;
Exemple #11
WXHWND wxComboBox::GetEditHWNDIfAvailable() const
#if defined(WINVER) && WINVER >= 0x0500
    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetComboBoxInfo_t)(HWND, COMBOBOXINFO*);
    static GetComboBoxInfo_t s_pfnGetComboBoxInfo = NULL;
    static bool s_triedToLoad = false;
    if ( !s_triedToLoad )
        s_triedToLoad = true;
        wxLoadedDLL dllUser32("user32.dll");
        wxDL_INIT_FUNC(s_pfn, GetComboBoxInfo, dllUser32);

    if ( s_pfnGetComboBoxInfo )
        WinStruct<COMBOBOXINFO> info;
        (*s_pfnGetComboBoxInfo)(GetHwnd(), &info);
        return info.hwndItem;
#endif // WINVER >= 0x0500
#endif // wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS

    if (HasFlag(wxCB_SIMPLE))
        POINT pt;
        pt.x = pt.y = 4;
        return (WXHWND) ::ChildWindowFromPoint(GetHwnd(), pt);

    // notice that a slightly safer alternative could be to use FindWindowEx()
    // but it's not available under WinCE so just take the first child for now
    // to keep one version of the code for all platforms and fix it later if
    // problems are discovered

    // we assume that the only child of the combobox is the edit window
    return (WXHWND)::GetWindow(GetHwnd(), GW_CHILD);
Exemple #12
int wxDirDialog::ShowIFileDialog(WXHWND owner)
    HRESULT hr;
    wxCOMPtr<IFileDialog> fileDialog;

    hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
                            wxIID_PPV_ARGS(IFileDialog, &fileDialog));
    if ( FAILED(hr) )
        wxLogApiError(wxS("CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog)"), hr);
        return wxID_NONE;

    // allow user to select only a file system folder
    hr = fileDialog->SetOptions(FOS_PICKFOLDERS | FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM);
    if ( FAILED(hr) )
        wxLogApiError(wxS("IFileDialog::SetOptions"), hr);
        return wxID_NONE;

    hr = fileDialog->SetTitle(m_message.wc_str());
    if ( FAILED(hr) )
        // This error is not serious, let's just log it and continue even
        // without the title set.
        wxLogApiError(wxS("IFileDialog::SetTitle"), hr);

    // set the initial path
    if ( !m_path.empty() )
        // We need to link SHCreateItemFromParsingName() dynamically as it's
        // not available on pre-Vista systems.
        typedef HRESULT
        (WINAPI *SHCreateItemFromParsingName_t)(PCWSTR,

        SHCreateItemFromParsingName_t pfnSHCreateItemFromParsingName = NULL;
        wxDynamicLibrary dllShell32;
        if ( dllShell32.Load(wxS("shell32.dll"), wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_QUIET) )
            wxDL_INIT_FUNC(pfn, SHCreateItemFromParsingName, dllShell32);

        if ( !pfnSHCreateItemFromParsingName )
            wxLogLastError(wxS("SHCreateItemFromParsingName() not found"));
            return wxID_NONE;

        wxCOMPtr<IShellItem> folder;
        hr = pfnSHCreateItemFromParsingName(m_path.wc_str(),

        // Failing to parse the folder name is not really an error, we'll just
        // ignore the initial directory in this case, but we should still show
        // the dialog.
        if ( FAILED(hr) )
            if ( hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) )
                wxLogApiError(wxS("SHCreateItemFromParsingName"), hr);
                return wxID_NONE;
        else // The folder was parsed correctly.
            hr = fileDialog->SetFolder(folder);
            if ( FAILED(hr) )
                wxLogApiError(wxS("IFileDialog::SetFolder"), hr);
                return wxID_NONE;

    wxString path;

    hr = fileDialog->Show(owner);
    if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
        wxCOMPtr<IShellItem> folder;

        hr = fileDialog->GetResult(&folder);
        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
            LPOLESTR pathOLE = NULL;

            hr = folder->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &pathOLE);
            if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
                path = pathOLE;
                wxLogApiError(wxS("IShellItem::GetDisplayName"), hr);
            wxLogApiError(wxS("IFileDialog::GetResult"), hr);
    else if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED) )
        return wxID_CANCEL; // the user cancelled the dialog
        wxLogApiError(wxS("IFileDialog::Show"), hr);

    if ( path.empty() )
        // the user didn't cancel the dialog and yet the path is empty
        // it means there was an error, already logged by wxLogApiError()
        // now report the error to the user and return
        wxLogSysError(_("Couldn't obtain folder name"), hr);
        return wxID_CANCEL;

    m_path = path;
    return wxID_OK;
Exemple #13
// Code from http://dslweb.nwnexus.com/~ast/dload/guicon.htm
// Andrew Tucker, no license, assumed to be public domain.
void wxlua_RedirectIOToDosConsole(bool alloc_new_if_needed, short max_console_lines)
    int  hConHandle = 0;
    long lStdHandle = 0;
    memset(&coninfo, 0, sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO));
    FILE *fp = 0; // we don't close this, let the OS close it when the app exits

    wxDynamicLibrary kernel;
    // Dynamically load kernel32 because AttachConsole() is not supported pre-XP
    BOOL attached_ok = kernel.Load(wxT("kernel32.dll"));
    if (attached_ok)
        // Try to attach to the parent process if it's a console, i.e. we're run from a DOS prompt.
        // The code below is equivalent to calling this code:
        //   BOOL attached_ok = AttachConsole( ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS );

        typedef BOOL (WINAPI *AttachConsole_t)(DWORD dwProcessId);
        AttachConsole_t wxDL_INIT_FUNC(pfn, AttachConsole, kernel);

        if (pfnAttachConsole)
            attached_ok = pfnAttachConsole( ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS );
            attached_ok = 0;

    if (attached_ok == 0) // failed attaching
        // we tried to attach, but failed don't alloc a new one
        if (!alloc_new_if_needed)

        // Unable to attach, allocate a console for this app

    // set the screen buffer to be big enough to let us scroll text
    GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &coninfo);
    coninfo.dwSize.Y = (WORD)max_console_lines;
    SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coninfo.dwSize);
    // redirect unbuffered STDOUT to the console
    lStdHandle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    hConHandle = _open_osfhandle(lStdHandle, _O_TEXT);
    fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "w" );
    *stdout = *fp;
    setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
    // redirect unbuffered STDIN to the console
    lStdHandle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
    hConHandle = _open_osfhandle(lStdHandle, _O_TEXT);
    fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "r" );
    *stdin = *fp;
    setvbuf( stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
    // redirect unbuffered STDERR to the console
    lStdHandle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
    hConHandle = _open_osfhandle(lStdHandle, _O_TEXT);
    fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "w" );
    *stderr = *fp;
    setvbuf( stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
    // make cout, wcout, cin, wcin, wcerr, cerr, wclog and clog
    // point to console as well