void GraphicsWindowWX::grabFocusIfPointerInWindow()
    // focus this window, if the pointer is in the window
    wxPoint pos = wxGetMousePosition();
    if( wxFindWindowAtPoint( pos ) == _canvas )
wxTopLevelWindow *ScreenshotCommand::GetFrontWindow(AudacityProject *project)
   wxWindow *front = NULL;
   wxWindow *proj = wxGetTopLevelParent(project);

   // This is kind of an odd hack.  There's no method to enumerate all
   // possible windows, so we search the whole screen for any windows
   // that are not this one and not the given Audacity project and
   // if we find anything, we assume that's the dialog the user wants
   // to capture.

   int width, height, x, y;
   wxDisplaySize(&width, &height);
   for (x = 0; x < width; x += 50) {
      for (y = 0; y < height; y += 50) {
         wxWindow *win = wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxPoint(x, y));
         if (win) {
            win = wxGetTopLevelParent(win);
            if (win != mIgnore && win != proj) {
               front = win;

   if (!front || !front->IsTopLevel()) {
      return (wxTopLevelWindow *)proj;

   return (wxTopLevelWindow *)front;
Exemple #3
void wxPopupTransientWindow::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event)

    if (IsShown() && m_child)
        // Store the last mouse position to minimize the number of calls to
        // wxFindWindowAtPoint() which are quite expensive.
        static wxPoint s_posLast;
        const wxPoint pos = wxGetMousePosition();
        if ( pos != s_posLast )
            s_posLast = pos;

            wxWindow* const winUnderMouse = wxFindWindowAtPoint(pos);

            // We release the mouse capture while the mouse is inside the popup
            // itself to allow using it normally with the controls inside it.
            if ( wxGetTopLevelParent(winUnderMouse) == this )
                if ( m_child->HasCapture() )
            else // And we reacquire it as soon as the mouse goes outside.
                if ( !m_child->HasCapture() )
Exemple #4
// Try to find the deepest child that contains 'pt'.
// We go backwards, to try to allow for controls that are spacially
// within other controls, but are still siblings (e.g. buttons within
// static boxes). Static boxes are likely to be created _before_ controls
// that sit inside them.
wxWindow* wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxWindow* win, const wxPoint& pt)
    if (!win->IsShown())
        return NULL;

    // Hack for wxNotebook case: at least in wxGTK, all pages
    // claim to be shown, so we must only deal with the selected one.
    if (win->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxNotebook)))
      wxNotebook* nb = (wxNotebook*) win;
      int sel = nb->GetSelection();
      if (sel >= 0)
        wxWindow* child = nb->GetPage(sel);
        wxWindow* foundWin = wxFindWindowAtPoint(child, pt);
        if (foundWin)
           return foundWin;

    wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = win->GetChildren().GetLast();
    while (node)
        wxWindow* child = node->GetData();
        wxWindow* foundWin = wxFindWindowAtPoint(child, pt);
        if (foundWin)
          return foundWin;
        node = node->GetPrevious();

    wxPoint pos = win->GetPosition();
    wxSize sz = win->GetSize();
    if ( !win->IsTopLevel() && win->GetParent() )
        pos = win->GetParent()->ClientToScreen(pos);

    wxRect rect(pos, sz);
    if (rect.Contains(pt))
        return win;

    return NULL;
Exemple #5
bool ForwardMouseWheelEvent(wxWindow *source, wxMouseEvent &evt) {
	wxWindow *target = wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxGetMousePosition());
	if (!target || target == source) return true;

	// If the mouse is over a parent of the source window just pretend it's
	// over the source window, so that the mouse wheel works on borders and such
	wxWindow *parent = source->GetParent();
	while (parent && parent != target) parent = parent->GetParent();
	if (parent == target) return true;

	// Otherwise send it to the new target
	return false;
Exemple #6
wxWindow* wxGenericFindWindowAtPoint(const wxPoint& pt)
    // Go backwards through the list since windows
    // on top are likely to have been appended most
    // recently.
    wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetLast();
    while (node)
        wxWindow* win = node->GetData();
        wxWindow* found = wxFindWindowAtPoint(win, pt);
        if (found)
            return found;
        node = node->GetPrevious();
    return NULL;
wxWindow* wxFindWindowAtPoint(const wxPoint& pt)

    Point screenPoint = { pt.y , pt.x };
    WindowRef windowRef;

    if ( FindWindow( screenPoint , &windowRef ) )
        wxNonOwnedWindow *nonOwned = wxNonOwnedWindow::GetFromWXWindow( windowRef );

        if ( nonOwned )
            return wxFindWindowAtPoint( nonOwned , pt );

    return NULL;


    return wxGenericFindWindowAtPoint( pt );

Exemple #8
// Find the wxWindow at the current mouse position, returning the mouse
// position.
wxWindow* wxFindWindowAtPointer(wxPoint& pt)
    return wxFindWindowAtPoint(pt = wxGetMousePosition());
Exemple #9
bool wxCheckBox::MSWOnDraw(WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT *item)

    if ( !IsOwnerDrawn() || dis->CtlType != ODT_BUTTON )
        return wxCheckBoxBase::MSWOnDraw(item);

    // calculate the rectangles for the check mark itself and the label
    HDC hdc = dis->hDC;
    RECT& rect = dis->rcItem;
    RECT rectCheck,
    rectCheck.top =
    rectLabel.top = rect.top;
    rectCheck.bottom =
    rectLabel.bottom = rect.bottom;
    const int checkSize = GetBestSize().y;
    const int MARGIN = 3;

    const bool isRightAligned = HasFlag(wxALIGN_RIGHT);
    if ( isRightAligned )
        rectCheck.right = rect.right;
        rectCheck.left = rectCheck.right - checkSize;

        rectLabel.right = rectCheck.left - MARGIN;
        rectLabel.left = rect.left;
    else // normal, left-aligned checkbox
        rectCheck.left = rect.left;
        rectCheck.right = rectCheck.left + checkSize;

        rectLabel.left = rectCheck.right + MARGIN;
        rectLabel.right = rect.right;

    // show we draw a focus rect?
    const bool isFocused = m_isPressed || FindFocus() == this;

    // draw the checkbox itself: note that this should really, really be in
    // wxRendererNative but unfortunately we can't add a new virtual function
    // to it without breaking backwards compatibility

    // classic Win32 version -- this can be useful when we move this into
    // wxRendererNative
#if defined(__WXWINCE__) || !wxUSE_UXTHEME
    if ( !IsEnabled() )
        state |= DFCS_INACTIVE;
    switch ( Get3StateValue() )
        case wxCHK_CHECKED:
            state |= DFCS_CHECKED;

        case wxCHK_UNDETERMINED:
            state |= DFCS_PUSHED;

            wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unexpected Get3StateValue() return value") );
            // fall through

        case wxCHK_UNCHECKED:
            // no extra styles needed

    if ( wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxGetMousePosition()) == this )
        state |= DFCS_HOT;

    if ( !::DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rectCheck, DFC_BUTTON, state) )
#else // XP version
    wxUxThemeEngine *themeEngine = wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive();
    if ( !themeEngine )
        return false;

    wxUxThemeHandle theme(this, L"BUTTON");
    if ( !theme )
        return false;

    int state;
    switch ( Get3StateValue() )
        case wxCHK_CHECKED:
            state = CBS_CHECKEDNORMAL;

        case wxCHK_UNDETERMINED:
            state = CBS_MIXEDNORMAL;

            wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unexpected Get3StateValue() return value") );
            // fall through

        case wxCHK_UNCHECKED:
            state = CBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL;

    if ( !IsEnabled() )
        state += CBS_DISABLED_OFFSET;
    else if ( m_isPressed )
        state += CBS_PRESSED_OFFSET;
    else if ( m_isHot )
        state += CBS_HOT_OFFSET;

    HRESULT hr = themeEngine->DrawThemeBackground
    if ( FAILED(hr) )
        wxLogApiError(_T("DrawThemeBackground(BP_CHECKBOX)"), hr);
#endif // 0/1

    // draw the text
    const wxString& label = GetLabel();

    // first we need to measure it
    UINT fmt = DT_NOCLIP;

    // drawing underlying doesn't look well with focus rect (and the native
    // control doesn't do it)
    if ( isFocused )
        fmt |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;
    if ( isRightAligned )
        fmt |= DT_RIGHT;
    // TODO: also use DT_HIDEPREFIX if the system is configured so

    // we need to get the label real size first if we have to draw a focus rect
    // around it
    if ( isFocused )
        if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label, label.length(), &rectLabel,
                         fmt | DT_CALCRECT) )

    if ( !IsEnabled() )
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));

    if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label, label.length(), &rectLabel, fmt) )

    // finally draw the focus
    if ( isFocused )
        if ( !::DrawFocusRect(hdc, &rectLabel) )

    return true;
Exemple #10
bool wxCheckBox::MSWOnDraw(WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT *item)

    if ( !IsOwnerDrawn() || dis->CtlType != ODT_BUTTON )
        return wxCheckBoxBase::MSWOnDraw(item);

    // calculate the rectangles for the check mark itself and the label
    HDC hdc = dis->hDC;
    RECT& rect = dis->rcItem;
    RECT rectCheck,
    rectLabel.top = rect.top + (rect.bottom - rect.top - GetBestSize().y) / 2;
    rectLabel.bottom = rectLabel.top + GetBestSize().y;
    const int MARGIN = 3;
    const int CXMENUCHECK = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK);
    // the space between the checkbox and the label is included in the
    // check-mark bitmap
    const int checkSize = wxMin(CXMENUCHECK - MARGIN, GetSize().y);
    rectCheck.top = rect.top + (rect.bottom - rect.top - checkSize) / 2;
    rectCheck.bottom = rectCheck.top + checkSize;

    const bool isRightAligned = HasFlag(wxALIGN_RIGHT);
    if ( isRightAligned )
        rectLabel.right = rect.right - CXMENUCHECK;
        rectLabel.left = rect.left;

        rectCheck.left = rectLabel.right + ( CXMENUCHECK + MARGIN - checkSize ) / 2;
        rectCheck.right = rectCheck.left + checkSize;
    else // normal, left-aligned checkbox
        rectCheck.left = rect.left + ( CXMENUCHECK - MARGIN - checkSize ) / 2;
        rectCheck.right = rectCheck.left + checkSize;

        rectLabel.left = rect.left + CXMENUCHECK;
        rectLabel.right = rect.right;

    // shall we draw a focus rect?
    const bool isFocused = m_isPressed || FindFocus() == this;

    // draw the checkbox itself
    wxDCTemp dc(hdc);

    int flags = 0;
    if ( !IsEnabled() )
        flags |= wxCONTROL_DISABLED;
    switch ( Get3StateValue() )
        case wxCHK_CHECKED:
            flags |= wxCONTROL_CHECKED;

        case wxCHK_UNDETERMINED:
            flags |= wxCONTROL_PRESSED;

            wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("unexpected Get3StateValue() return value") );
            // fall through

        case wxCHK_UNCHECKED:
            // no extra styles needed

    if ( wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxGetMousePosition()) == this )
        flags |= wxCONTROL_CURRENT;

        DrawCheckBox(this, dc, wxRectFromRECT(rectCheck), flags);

    // draw the text
    const wxString& label = GetLabel();

    // first we need to measure it
    UINT fmt = DT_NOCLIP;

    // drawing underlying doesn't look well with focus rect (and the native
    // control doesn't do it)
    if ( isFocused )
        fmt |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;
    if ( isRightAligned )
        fmt |= DT_RIGHT;
    // TODO: also use DT_HIDEPREFIX if the system is configured so

    // we need to get the label real size first if we have to draw a focus rect
    // around it
    if ( isFocused )
        RECT oldLabelRect = rectLabel; // needed if right aligned

        if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label.t_str(), label.length(), &rectLabel,
                         fmt | DT_CALCRECT) )

        if ( isRightAligned )
            // move the label rect to the right
            const int labelWidth = rectLabel.right - rectLabel.left;
            rectLabel.right = oldLabelRect.right;
            rectLabel.left = rectLabel.right - labelWidth;

    if ( !IsEnabled() )
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));

    if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label.t_str(), label.length(), &rectLabel, fmt) )

    // finally draw the focus
    if ( isFocused )
        if ( !::DrawFocusRect(hdc, &rectLabel) )

    return true;
Exemple #11
wxWindow * bmx_wxfindwindowatpoint(int x, int y) {
	return wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxPoint(x, y));
Exemple #12
bool gcCheckBox::MSWOnDraw(WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT *item)

    if ( !IsOwnerDrawn() || dis->CtlType != ODT_BUTTON )
        return wxCheckBoxBase::MSWOnDraw(item);

    // calculate the rectangles for the check mark itself and the label
    HDC hdc = dis->hDC;
    RECT& rect = dis->rcItem;
    RECT rectCheck,
    rectCheck.top =
    rectLabel.top = rect.top;
    rectCheck.bottom =
    rectLabel.bottom = rect.bottom;
    const int checkSize = GetBestSize().y;
    const int MARGIN = 3;

    const bool isRightAligned = HasFlag(wxALIGN_RIGHT);
    if ( isRightAligned )
        rectCheck.right = rect.right;
        rectCheck.left = rectCheck.right - checkSize;

        rectLabel.right = rectCheck.left - MARGIN;
        rectLabel.left = rect.left;
    else // normal, left-aligned checkbox
        rectCheck.left = rect.left;
        rectCheck.right = rectCheck.left + checkSize;

        rectLabel.left = rectCheck.right + MARGIN;
        rectLabel.right = rect.right;

    // show we draw a focus rect?
    const bool isFocused = IsChecked() || FindFocus() == this;

    // draw the checkbox itself
    wxDCTemp dc(hdc);

    int flags = 0;
    if ( !IsEnabled() )
        flags |= wxCONTROL_DISABLED;
    switch ( Get3StateValue() )
        case wxCHK_CHECKED:
            flags |= wxCONTROL_CHECKED;

        case wxCHK_UNDETERMINED:
            flags |= wxCONTROL_PRESSED;

            wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unexpected Get3StateValue() return value") );
            // fall through

        case wxCHK_UNCHECKED:
            // no extra styles needed

    if ( wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxGetMousePosition()) == this )
        flags |= wxCONTROL_CURRENT;

        DrawCheckBox(this, dc, wxRectFromRECT(rectCheck), flags);

    // draw the text
    const wxString& label = GetLabel();

    // first we need to measure it
    UINT fmt = DT_NOCLIP;

    // drawing underlying doesn't look well with focus rect (and the native
    // control doesn't do it)
    if ( isFocused )
        fmt |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;
    if ( isRightAligned )
        fmt |= DT_RIGHT;
    // TODO: also use DT_HIDEPREFIX if the system is configured so

    // we need to get the label real size first if we have to draw a focus rect
    // around it
    if ( isFocused )
        if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label.wx_str(), label.length(), &rectLabel,
                         fmt | DT_CALCRECT) )

    if ( !IsEnabled() )
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));

    if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label.wx_str(), label.length(), &rectLabel, fmt) )

    //// finally draw the focus
    if ( isFocused )
		COLORREF colBg = wxColourToRGB(wxColor(GetGCThemeManager()->getColor("checkbox", "focus-fg")));
		HBRUSH hbrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(colBg);


        ::FrameRect(hdc, &rectLabel, hbrush);

    return true;
Exemple #13
void wxPopupWindowHandler::OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
    // let the window have it first (we're the first event handler in the chain
    // of handlers for this window)
    if ( m_popup->ProcessLeftDown(event) )

    wxPoint pos = event.GetPosition();

    // in non-Univ ports the system manages scrollbars for us
#if defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) && wxUSE_SCROLLBAR
    // scrollbar on which the click occurred
    wxWindow *sbar = NULL;

    wxWindow *win = (wxWindow *)event.GetEventObject();

    switch ( win->HitTest(pos.x, pos.y) )
        case wxHT_WINDOW_OUTSIDE:
                // do the coords translation now as after DismissAndNotify()
                // m_popup may be destroyed
                wxMouseEvent event2(event);

                m_popup->ClientToScreen(&event2.m_x, &event2.m_y);

                // clicking outside a popup dismisses it

                // dismissing a tooltip shouldn't waste a click, i.e. you
                // should be able to dismiss it and press the button with the
                // same click, so repost this event to the window beneath us
                wxWindow *winUnder = wxFindWindowAtPoint(event2.GetPosition());
                if ( winUnder )
                    // translate the event coords to the ones of the window
                    // which is going to get the event
                    winUnder->ScreenToClient(&event2.m_x, &event2.m_y);

                    wxPostEvent(winUnder->GetEventHandler(), event2);

#if defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) && wxUSE_SCROLLBAR
            sbar = win->GetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL);

            sbar = win->GetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL);

            // forgot to update the switch after adding a new hit test code?
            wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("unexpected HitTest() return value") );

        case wxHT_WINDOW_CORNER:
            // don't actually know if this one is good for anything, but let it
            // pass just in case

        case wxHT_WINDOW_INSIDE:
            // let the normal processing take place

#if defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) && wxUSE_SCROLLBAR
    if ( sbar )
        // translate the event coordinates to the scrollbar ones
        pos = sbar->ScreenToClient(win->ClientToScreen(pos));

        // and give the event to it
        wxMouseEvent event2 = event;
        event2.m_x = pos.x;
        event2.m_y = pos.y;

Exemple #14
bool wxMSWOwnerDrawnButtonBase::MSWDrawButton(WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT *item)

    if ( !MSWIsOwnerDrawn() || dis->CtlType != ODT_BUTTON )
        return false;

    // shall we draw a focus rect?
    const bool isFocused = m_isPressed || m_win->HasFocus();

    int flags = MSWGetButtonCheckedFlag();

    if ( dis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED )

    if ( !m_win->IsEnabled() )
        flags |= wxCONTROL_DISABLED;

    if ( m_isPressed )
        flags |= wxCONTROL_PRESSED;

    if ( wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxGetMousePosition()) == m_win )
        flags |= wxCONTROL_CURRENT;

    // calculate the rectangles for the button itself and the label
    HDC hdc = dis->hDC;
    const RECT& rect = dis->rcItem;

    // calculate the rectangles for the button itself and the label
    const wxSize bestSize = m_win->GetBestSize();
    RECT rectButton,
    rectLabel.top = rect.top + (rect.bottom - rect.top - bestSize.y) / 2;
    rectLabel.bottom = rectLabel.top + bestSize.y;

    // choose the values consistent with those used for native, non
    // owner-drawn, buttons
    static const int MARGIN = 3;
    int CXMENUCHECK = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK) + 1;

    // the buttons were even bigger under Windows XP
    if ( wxGetWinVersion() < wxWinVersion_6 )
        CXMENUCHECK += 2;

    // The space between the button and the label
    // is included in the button bitmap.
    const int buttonSize = wxMin(CXMENUCHECK - MARGIN, m_win->GetSize().y);
    rectButton.top = rect.top + (rect.bottom - rect.top - buttonSize) / 2;
    rectButton.bottom = rectButton.top + buttonSize;

    const bool isRightAligned = m_win->HasFlag(wxALIGN_RIGHT);
    if ( isRightAligned )
        rectLabel.right = rect.right - CXMENUCHECK;
        rectLabel.left = rect.left;

        rectButton.left = rectLabel.right + ( CXMENUCHECK + MARGIN - buttonSize ) / 2;
        rectButton.right = rectButton.left + buttonSize;
    else // normal, left-aligned button
        rectButton.left = rect.left + ( CXMENUCHECK - MARGIN - buttonSize ) / 2;
        rectButton.right = rectButton.left + buttonSize;

        rectLabel.left = rect.left + CXMENUCHECK;
        rectLabel.right = rect.right;

    // Erase the background.
    ::FillRect(hdc, &rect, m_win->MSWGetBgBrush(hdc));

    // draw the button itself
    wxDCTemp dc(hdc);

    MSWDrawButtonBitmap(dc, wxRectFromRECT(rectButton), flags);

    // draw the text
    const wxString& label = m_win->GetLabel();

    // first we need to measure it
    UINT fmt = DT_NOCLIP;

    // drawing underlying doesn't look well with focus rect (and the native
    // control doesn't do it)
    if ( isFocused )
        fmt |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;
    if ( isRightAligned )
        fmt |= DT_RIGHT;
    // TODO: also use DT_HIDEPREFIX if the system is configured so

    // we need to get the label real size first if we have to draw a focus rect
    // around it
    if ( isFocused )
        RECT oldLabelRect = rectLabel; // needed if right aligned

        if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label.t_str(), label.length(), &rectLabel,
                         fmt | DT_CALCRECT) )

        if ( isRightAligned )
            // move the label rect to the right
            const int labelWidth = rectLabel.right - rectLabel.left;
            rectLabel.right = oldLabelRect.right;
            rectLabel.left = rectLabel.right - labelWidth;

    if ( flags & wxCONTROL_DISABLED )
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));

    if ( !::DrawText(hdc, label.t_str(), label.length(), &rectLabel, fmt) )

    // finally draw the focus
    if ( isFocused )
        if ( !::DrawFocusRect(hdc, &rectLabel) )

    return true;