bool wxRegConfig::RenameGroup(const wxString& oldName, const wxString& newName)
    // check that the old group exists...
    if ( !HasGroup(oldName) )
        return false;

    // and that the new one doesn't
    if ( HasGroup(newName) )
        return false;

    return wxRegKey(m_keyLocal, oldName).Rename(newName);
wxString wxFileTypeImpl::GetCommand(const wxString& verb) const
    // suppress possible error messages
    wxLogNull nolog;
    wxString strKey;

        wxRegKey explorerKey(wxRegKey::HKCU, wxT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\FileExts\\") + m_ext);
        if (explorerKey.Exists())
            if (explorerKey.Open(wxRegKey::Read))
                if (explorerKey.QueryValue(wxT("Progid"), strKey))
                    strKey = wxFileTypeImplGetCurVer(strKey);

    if (!strKey && wxRegKey(wxRegKey::HKCR, m_ext + wxT("\\shell")).Exists())
        strKey = m_ext;

    if ( !strKey && !m_strFileType.empty())
        wxString fileType = wxFileTypeImplGetCurVer(m_strFileType);
        if (wxRegKey(wxRegKey::HKCR, fileType + wxT("\\shell")).Exists())
            strKey = fileType;

    if ( !strKey )
        // no info
        return wxEmptyString;

    strKey << wxT("\\shell\\") << verb;
    wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey + wxT("\\command"));
    wxString command;
    if ( key.Open(wxRegKey::Read) ) {
        // it's the default value of the key
        if ( key.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, command) ) {
            bool foundFilename = CanonicalizeParams(command);

#if wxUSE_IPC
            // look whether we must issue some DDE requests to the application
            // (and not just launch it)
            strKey += wxT("\\DDEExec");
            wxRegKey keyDDE(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey);
            if ( keyDDE.Open(wxRegKey::Read) ) {
                wxString ddeCommand, ddeServer, ddeTopic;
                keyDDE.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, ddeCommand);
                ddeCommand.Replace(wxT("%1"), wxT("%s"));

                wxRegKey keyServer(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey + wxT("\\Application"));
                keyServer.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, ddeServer);
                wxRegKey keyTopic(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey + wxT("\\Topic"));
                keyTopic.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, ddeTopic);

                if (ddeTopic.empty())
                    ddeTopic = wxT("System");

                // HACK: we use a special feature of wxExecute which exists
                //       just because we need it here: it will establish DDE
                //       conversation with the program it just launched
                command << wxT('#') << ddeServer
                        << wxT('#') << ddeTopic
                        << wxT('#') << ddeCommand;
#endif // wxUSE_IPC
            if ( !foundFilename )
                // we didn't find any '%1' - the application doesn't know which
                // file to open (note that we only do it if there is no DDEExec
                // subkey)
                // HACK: append the filename at the end, hope that it will do
                command << wxT(" %s");
    //else: no such file type or no value, will return empty string

    return command;
Exemple #3
static bool wxLaunchDefaultBrowserBaseImpl(const wxString& url, int flags)

#if defined(__WXMSW__)

#if wxUSE_IPC
    if ( flags & wxBROWSER_NEW_WINDOW )
        // ShellExecuteEx() opens the URL in an existing window by default so
        // we can't use it if we need a new window
        wxURI uri(url);
        wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKCR, uri.GetScheme() + _T("\\shell\\open"));
        if ( !key.Exists() )
            // try default browser, it must be registered at least for http URLs
            key.SetName(wxRegKey::HKCR, _T("http\\shell\\open"));

        if ( key.Exists() )
            wxRegKey keyDDE(key, wxT("DDEExec"));
            if ( keyDDE.Exists() )
                // we only know the syntax of WWW_OpenURL DDE request for IE,
                // optimistically assume that all other browsers are compatible
                // with it
                static const wxString TOPIC_OPEN_URL = wxT("WWW_OpenURL");
                wxString ddeCmd;
                wxRegKey keyTopic(keyDDE, wxT("topic"));
                bool ok = keyTopic.Exists() && (keyTopic.QueryDefaultValue() = TOPIC_OPEN_URL);
                if ( ok )
                    ddeCmd = keyDDE.QueryDefaultValue();
                    ok = !ddeCmd.empty();

                if ( ok )
                    // for WWW_OpenURL, the index of the window to open the URL
                    // in is -1 (meaning "current") by default, replace it with
                    // 0 which means "new" (see KB article 160957)
                    ok = ddeCmd.Replace(wxT("-1"), wxT("0"),
                                        false /* only first occurence */) == 1;

                if ( ok )
                    // and also replace the parameters: the topic should
                    // contain a placeholder for the URL
                    ok = ddeCmd.Replace(wxT("%1"), url, false) == 1;

                if ( ok )
                    // try to send it the DDE request now but ignore the errors
                    wxLogNull noLog;

                    const wxString ddeServer = wxRegKey(keyDDE, wxT("application")).QueryDefaultValue();
                    if ( wxExecuteDDE(ddeServer, TOPIC_OPEN_URL, ddeCmd) )
                        return true;

                    // this is not necessarily an error: maybe browser is
                    // simply not running, but no matter, in any case we're
                    // going to launch it using ShellExecuteEx() below now and
                    // we shouldn't try to open a new window if we open a new
                    // browser anyhow
#endif // wxUSE_IPC

    WinStruct<SHELLEXECUTEINFO> sei;
    sei.lpFile = url.c_str();
    sei.lpVerb = _T("open");
    sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
    sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; // we give error message ourselves

    BOOL nExecResult = ::ShellExecuteEx(&sei);

    //From MSDN for wince
    //hInstApp member is only valid if the function fails, in which case it
    //receives one of the following error values, which are less than or
    //equal to 32.
    const int nResult = (int) sei.hInstApp;

    // Firefox returns file not found for some reason, so make an exception
    // for it
    if ( nResult > 32 || nResult == SE_ERR_FNF  || nExecResult == TRUE )
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
        // Log something if SE_ERR_FNF happens
        if ( nResult == SE_ERR_FNF || nExecResult == FALSE )
            wxLogDebug(wxT("SE_ERR_FNF from ShellExecute -- maybe FireFox?"));
#endif // __WXDEBUG__
        return true;
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
    OSStatus err;
    ICInstance inst;
    long int startSel;
    long int endSel;

    err = ICStart(&inst, 'STKA'); // put your app creator code here
    if (err == noErr)
        err = ICFindConfigFile(inst, 0, NULL);
        if (err == noErr)
            ConstStr255Param hint = 0;
            startSel = 0;
            endSel = url.length();
            err = ICLaunchURL(inst, hint, url.fn_str(), endSel, &startSel, &endSel);
            if (err != noErr)
                wxLogDebug(wxT("ICLaunchURL error %d"), (int) err);
        return true;
        wxLogDebug(wxT("ICStart error %d"), (int) err);
        return false;
    // (non-Mac, non-MSW)

#ifdef __UNIX__

    // Our best best is to use xdg-open from cross-desktop
    // compatibility suite xdg-utils
    // (see -- this is installed on
    // most modern distributions and may be tweaked by them to handle
    // distribution specifics. Only if that fails, try to find the right
    // browser ourselves.
    wxString path, xdg_open;
    if ( wxGetEnv(_T("PATH"), &path) &&
         wxFindFileInPath(&xdg_open, path, _T("xdg-open")) )
        if ( wxExecute(xdg_open + _T(" ") + url) )
            return true;

    wxString desktop = wxTheApp->GetTraits()->GetDesktopEnvironment();

    // GNOME and KDE desktops have some applications which should be always installed
    // together with their main parts, which give us the
    if (desktop == wxT("GNOME"))
        wxArrayString errors;
        wxArrayString output;

        // gconf will tell us the path of the application to use as browser
        long res = wxExecute( wxT("gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/applications/browser/exec"),
                              output, errors, wxEXEC_NODISABLE );
        if (res >= 0 && errors.GetCount() == 0)
            wxString cmd = output[0];
            cmd << _T(' ') << url;
            if (wxExecute(cmd))
                return true;
    else if (desktop == wxT("KDE"))
        // kfmclient directly opens the given URL
        if (wxExecute(wxT("kfmclient openURL ") + url))
            return true;

    bool ok = false;
    wxString cmd;

    wxFileType *ft = wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromExtension(_T("html"));
    if ( ft )
        wxString mt;

        ok = ft->GetOpenCommand(&cmd, wxFileType::MessageParameters(url));
        delete ft;
#endif // wxUSE_MIMETYPE

    if ( !ok || cmd.empty() )
        // fallback to checking for the BROWSER environment variable
        cmd = wxGetenv(wxT("BROWSER"));
        if ( !cmd.empty() )
            cmd << _T(' ') << url;

    ok = ( !cmd.empty() && wxExecute(cmd) );
    if (ok)
        return ok;

    // no file type for HTML extension
    wxLogError(_T("No default application configured for HTML files."));

#endif // !wxUSE_MIMETYPE && !__WXMSW__
    return false;
Exemple #4
void FileNameTestCase::TestNormalize()
    // prepare some data to be used later
    wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
    wxString cwd = wxGetCwd();
    wxString home = wxGetUserHome();

    cwd.Replace(sep, wxT("/"));
    if (cwd.Last() != wxT('/'))
        cwd += wxT('/');
    home.Replace(sep, wxT("/"));
    if (home.Last() != wxT('/'))
        home += wxT('/');

    // since we will always be testing paths using the wxPATH_UNIX
    // format, we need to remove the volume, if present
    if (home.Contains(wxT(':')))
        home = home.AfterFirst(wxT(':'));
    if (cwd.Contains(wxT(':')))
        cwd = cwd.AfterFirst(wxT(':'));

    static const struct FileNameTest
        const char *original;
        int flags;
        const char *expected;
        wxPathFormat fmt;
    } tests[] =
        // test wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
        { "%ABCDEF%/g/h/i", wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS, "abcdef/g/h/i", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "$(ABCDEF)/g/h/i", wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS, "abcdef/g/h/i", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test wxPATH_NORM_DOTS
        { "a/.././b/c/../../", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "./foo", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "foo", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "b/../bar", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "bar", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "c/../../quux", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "../quux", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/c/../../quux", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "/quux", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test wxPATH_NORM_TILDE: notice that ~ is only interpreted specially
        // when it is the first character in the file name
        { "/a/b/~", wxPATH_NORM_TILDE, "/a/b/~", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/~/a/b", wxPATH_NORM_TILDE, "/~/a/b", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "~/a/b", wxPATH_NORM_TILDE, "HOME/a/b", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test wxPATH_NORM_CASE
        { "Foo", wxPATH_NORM_CASE, "Foo", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "Foo", wxPATH_NORM_CASE, "foo", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "C:\\Program Files\\wx", wxPATH_NORM_CASE,
          "c:\\program files\\wx", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "C:/Program Files/wx", wxPATH_NORM_ALL | wxPATH_NORM_CASE,
          "c:\\program files\\wx", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "C:\\Users\\zeitlin", wxPATH_NORM_ALL | wxPATH_NORM_CASE,
          "c:\\users\\zeitlin", wxPATH_DOS },

        // test wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE
        { "a/b/", wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE, "CWD/a/b/", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "a/b/c.ext", wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE, "CWD/a/b/c.ext", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/a", wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE, "/a", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test giving no flags at all to Normalize()
        { "a/b/", 0, "a/b/", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "a/b/c.ext", 0, "a/b/c.ext", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/a", 0, "/a", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test handling dots without wxPATH_NORM_DOTS and wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE
        // for both existing and non-existent files (this is important under
        // MSW where GetLongPathName() works only for the former)
        { "./foo", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, "./foo", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "../foo", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, "../foo", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { ".\\test.bkl", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, ".\\test.bkl", wxPATH_DOS },
        { ".\\foo", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, ".\\foo", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "..\\", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, "..\\", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "..\\foo", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, "..\\foo", wxPATH_DOS },

    // set the env var ABCDEF
    wxSetEnv("ABCDEF", "abcdef");

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(tests); i++ )
        const FileNameTest& fnt = tests[i];
        wxFileName fn(fnt.original, fnt.fmt);

        // be sure this normalization does not fail
            ("#%d: Normalize(%s) failed", (int)i, fnt.original),
            fn.Normalize(fnt.flags, cwd, fnt.fmt)

        // compare result with expected string
        wxString expected(tests[i].expected);
        expected.Replace("HOME/", home);
        expected.Replace("CWD/", cwd);
            ("array element #%d", (int)i),
            expected, fn.GetFullPath(fnt.fmt)

    // MSW-only test for wxPATH_NORM_LONG: notice that we only run it if short
    // names generation is not disabled for this system as otherwise the file
    // MKINST~1 doesn't exist at all and normalizing it fails (it's possible
    // that we're on a FAT partition in which case the test would still succeed
    // and also that the registry key was changed recently and didn't take
    // effect yet but these are marginal cases which we consciously choose to
    // ignore for now)
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    long shortNamesDisabled;
    if ( wxRegKey
         ).QueryValue("NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation", &shortNamesDisabled) &&
            !shortNamesDisabled )
        wxFileName fn("..\\MKINST~1");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT( fn.Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_LONG, cwd) );
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "..\\mkinstalldirs", fn.GetFullPath() );
    //else: when in doubt, don't run the test
#endif // __WINDOWS__
Exemple #5
wxString wxFileTypeImpl::GetCommand(const wxString& verb) const
    // suppress possible error messages
    wxLogNull nolog;
    wxString strKey;

    // Since Windows Vista the association used by Explorer is different from
    // the association information stored in the traditional part of the
    // registry. Unfortunately the new schema doesn't seem to be documented
    // anywhere so using it involves a bit of guesswork:
    // The information is stored under Explorer-specific key whose path is
    // below. The interesting part is UserChoice subkey which is the only one
    // we use so far but there is also OpenWithProgids subkey which can exist
    // even if UserChoice doesn't. However in practice there doesn't seem to be
    // any cases when OpenWithProgids values for the given extension are
    // different from those found directly under HKCR\.ext, so for now we don't
    // bother to use this, apparently the programs registering their file type
    // associations do it in both places. We do use UserChoice because when the
    // association is manually changed by the user it's only recorded there and
    // so must override whatever value was created under HKCR by the setup
    // program.

        wxRegKey explorerKey
                    wxT("Explorer\\FileExts\\") +
                    m_ext +
        if ( explorerKey.Open(wxRegKey::Read) &&
                explorerKey.QueryValue(wxT("Progid"), strKey) )
            strKey = wxFileTypeImplGetCurVer(strKey);

    if (!strKey && wxRegKey(wxRegKey::HKCR, m_ext + wxT("\\shell")).Exists())
        strKey = m_ext;

    if ( !strKey && !m_strFileType.empty())
        wxString fileType = wxFileTypeImplGetCurVer(m_strFileType);
        if (wxRegKey(wxRegKey::HKCR, fileType + wxT("\\shell")).Exists())
            strKey = fileType;

    if ( !strKey )
        // no info
        return wxEmptyString;

    strKey << wxT("\\shell\\") << verb;
    wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey + wxT("\\command"));
    wxString command;
    if ( key.Open(wxRegKey::Read) ) {
        // it's the default value of the key
        if ( key.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, command) ) {
            bool foundFilename = CanonicalizeParams(command);

#if wxUSE_IPC
            // look whether we must issue some DDE requests to the application
            // (and not just launch it)
            strKey += wxT("\\DDEExec");
            wxRegKey keyDDE(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey);
            if ( keyDDE.Open(wxRegKey::Read) ) {
                wxString ddeCommand, ddeServer, ddeTopic;
                keyDDE.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, ddeCommand);

                // in some cases "DDEExec" subkey exists but has no value, we
                // shouldn't use DDE in this case
                if ( !ddeCommand.empty() ) {
                    ddeCommand.Replace(wxT("%1"), wxT("%s"));

                    wxRegKey keyServer(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey + wxT("\\Application"));
                    keyServer.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, ddeServer);
                    wxRegKey keyTopic(wxRegKey::HKCR, strKey + wxT("\\Topic"));
                    keyTopic.QueryValue(wxEmptyString, ddeTopic);

                    if (ddeTopic.empty())
                        ddeTopic = wxT("System");

                    // HACK: we use a special feature of wxExecute which exists
                    //       just because we need it here: it will establish DDE
                    //       conversation with the program it just launched
                    command << wxT('#') << ddeServer
                            << wxT('#') << ddeTopic
                            << wxT('#') << ddeCommand;
#endif // wxUSE_IPC
            if ( !foundFilename )
                // we didn't find any '%1' - the application doesn't know which
                // file to open (note that we only do it if there is no DDEExec
                // subkey)
                // HACK: append the filename at the end, hope that it will do
                command << wxT(" %s");
    //else: no such file type or no value, will return empty string

    return command;
Exemple #6
bool wxDoLaunchDefaultBrowser(const wxString& url, const wxString& scheme, int flags)

#if wxUSE_IPC
    if ( flags & wxBROWSER_NEW_WINDOW )
        // ShellExecuteEx() opens the URL in an existing window by default so
        // we can't use it if we need a new window
        wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKCR, scheme + wxT("\\shell\\open"));
        if ( !key.Exists() )
            // try the default browser, it must be registered at least for http URLs
            key.SetName(wxRegKey::HKCR, wxT("http\\shell\\open"));

        if ( key.Exists() )
            wxRegKey keyDDE(key, wxT("DDEExec"));
            if ( keyDDE.Exists() )
                // we only know the syntax of WWW_OpenURL DDE request for IE,
                // optimistically assume that all other browsers are compatible
                // with it
                static const wxChar *TOPIC_OPEN_URL = wxT("WWW_OpenURL");
                wxString ddeCmd;
                wxRegKey keyTopic(keyDDE, wxT("topic"));
                bool ok = keyTopic.Exists() &&
                            keyTopic.QueryDefaultValue() == TOPIC_OPEN_URL;
                if ( ok )
                    ddeCmd = keyDDE.QueryDefaultValue();
                    ok = !ddeCmd.empty();

                if ( ok )
                    // for WWW_OpenURL, the index of the window to open the URL
                    // in is -1 (meaning "current") by default, replace it with
                    // 0 which means "new" (see KB article 160957)
                    ok = ddeCmd.Replace(wxT("-1"), wxT("0"),
                                        false /* only first occurrence */) == 1;

                if ( ok )
                    // and also replace the parameters: the topic should
                    // contain a placeholder for the URL
                    ok = ddeCmd.Replace(wxT("%1"), url, false) == 1;

                if ( ok )
                    // try to send it the DDE request now but ignore the errors
                    wxLogNull noLog;

                    const wxString ddeServer = wxRegKey(keyDDE, wxT("application"));
                    if ( wxExecuteDDE(ddeServer, TOPIC_OPEN_URL, ddeCmd) )
                        return true;

                    // this is not necessarily an error: maybe browser is
                    // simply not running, but no matter, in any case we're
                    // going to launch it using ShellExecuteEx() below now and
                    // we shouldn't try to open a new window if we open a new
                    // browser anyhow
#endif // wxUSE_IPC

    WinStruct<SHELLEXECUTEINFO> sei;
    sei.lpFile = url.c_str();
    sei.lpVerb = wxT("open");
    sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
    sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; // we give error message ourselves

    if ( ::ShellExecuteEx(&sei) )
        return true;

    return false;