Exemple #1
// TODO: eliminate the use of this function
wxPoint ViewPort::GetPixFromLL( double lat, double lon )
    wxPoint2DDouble p = GetDoublePixFromLL(lat, lon);
    if(wxIsNaN(p.m_x) || wxIsNaN(p.m_y))
        return wxPoint(INVALID_COORD, INVALID_COORD);
    return wxPoint(wxRound(p.m_x), wxRound(p.m_y));
Exemple #2
void BITMAP_BASE::DrawBitmap( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPos )
    if( m_bitmap == NULL )

    wxPoint pos  = aPos;
    wxSize  size = GetSize();

    // To draw the bitmap, pos is the upper left corner position
    pos.x -= size.x / 2;
    pos.y -= size.y / 2;

    double scale;
    int    logicalOriginX, logicalOriginY;
    aDC->GetUserScale( &scale, &scale );
    aDC->GetLogicalOrigin( &logicalOriginX, &logicalOriginY );
    aDC->SetUserScale( scale * GetScalingFactor(), scale * GetScalingFactor() );
    aDC->SetLogicalOrigin( logicalOriginX / GetScalingFactor(),
                          logicalOriginY / GetScalingFactor() );
    aDC->DrawBitmap( *m_bitmap,
                     wxRound( pos.x / GetScalingFactor() ),
                     wxRound( pos.y / GetScalingFactor() ),
                     true );
    aDC->SetUserScale( scale, scale );
    aDC->SetLogicalOrigin( logicalOriginX, logicalOriginY );
Exemple #3
void wxGCDCImpl::DoDrawPolyPolygon(int n,
                               const int count[],
                               const wxPoint points[],
                               wxCoord xoffset,
                               wxCoord yoffset,
                               wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle)
    wxASSERT(n > 1);
    wxGraphicsPath path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath();

    int i = 0;
    for ( int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
        wxPoint start = points[i];
        path.MoveToPoint( start.x+ xoffset, start.y+ yoffset);
        int l = count[j];
        for ( int k = 1; k < l; ++k)
            path.AddLineToPoint( points[i].x+ xoffset, points[i].y+ yoffset);
        // close the polygon
        if ( start != points[i-1])
            path.AddLineToPoint( start.x+ xoffset, start.y+ yoffset);
    m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path , fillStyle);

    wxRect2DDouble box = path.GetBox();
    CalcBoundingBox(wxRound(box.m_x), wxRound(box.m_y));
    CalcBoundingBox(wxRound(box.m_x + box.m_width),
                    wxRound(box.m_y + box.m_height));
Exemple #4
// Deduce m_FromFrequency from the samples at the beginning of
// the selection. Then set some other params accordingly.
void EffectChangePitch::DeduceFrequencies()
   // As a neat trick, attempt to get the frequency of the note at the
   // beginning of the selection.
   SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Wave, inputTracks());
   WaveTrack *track = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
   if (track) {
      double rate = track->GetRate();

      // Auto-size window -- high sample rates require larger windowSize.
      // Aim for around 2048 samples at 44.1 kHz (good down to about 100 Hz).
      // To detect single notes, analysis period should be about 0.2 seconds.
      // windowSize must be a power of 2.
      const size_t windowSize =
         // windowSize < 256 too inaccurate
         std::max(256, wxRound(pow(2.0, floor((log(rate / 20.0)/log(2.0)) + 0.5))));

      // we want about 0.2 seconds to catch the first note.
      // number of windows rounded to nearest integer >= 1.
      const unsigned numWindows =
         std::max(1, wxRound((double)(rate / (5.0f * windowSize))));

      double trackStart = track->GetStartTime();
      double t0 = mT0 < trackStart? trackStart: mT0;
      auto start = track->TimeToLongSamples(t0);

      auto analyzeSize = windowSize * numWindows;
      Floats buffer{ analyzeSize };

      Floats freq{ windowSize / 2 };
      Floats freqa{ windowSize / 2, true };

      track->Get((samplePtr) buffer.get(), floatSample, start, analyzeSize);
      for(unsigned i = 0; i < numWindows; i++) {
         ComputeSpectrum(buffer.get() + i * windowSize, windowSize,
                         windowSize, rate, freq.get(), true);
         for(size_t j = 0; j < windowSize / 2; j++)
            freqa[j] += freq[j];
      size_t argmax = 0;
      for(size_t j = 1; j < windowSize / 2; j++)
         if (freqa[j] > freqa[argmax])
            argmax = j;

      auto lag = (windowSize / 2 - 1) - argmax;
      m_dStartFrequency = rate / lag;

   double dFromMIDInote = FreqToMIDInote(m_dStartFrequency);
   double dToMIDInote = dFromMIDInote + m_dSemitonesChange;
   m_nFromPitch = PitchIndex(dFromMIDInote);
   m_nFromOctave = PitchOctave(dFromMIDInote);
   m_nToPitch = PitchIndex(dToMIDInote);
   m_nToOctave = PitchOctave(dToMIDInote);

   m_FromFrequency = m_dStartFrequency;
Exemple #5
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoGetSizeMM( int *width, int *height ) const
    if (width)
        *width = wxRound( (double)m_width / m_mm_to_pix_x );

    if (height)
        *height = wxRound( (double)m_height / m_mm_to_pix_y );
Exemple #6
void wxGCDCImpl::DoDrawRotatedText(const wxString& text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
                               double angle)
    wxCHECK_RET( IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoDrawRotatedText - invalid DC") );

    if ( text.empty() )
    if ( !m_logicalFunctionSupported )

    // we test that we have some font because otherwise we should still use the
    // "else" part below to avoid that DrawRotatedText(angle = 180) and
    // DrawRotatedText(angle = 0) use different fonts (we can't use the default
    // font for drawing rotated fonts unfortunately)
    if ( (angle == 0.0) && m_font.IsOk() )
        DoDrawText(text, x, y);
        // Bounding box already updated by DoDrawText(), no need to do it again.
    // Get extent of whole text.
    wxCoord w, h, heightLine;
    GetOwner()->GetMultiLineTextExtent(text, &w, &h, &heightLine);
    // Compute the shift for the origin of the next line.
    const double rad = wxDegToRad(angle);
    const double dx = heightLine * sin(rad);
    const double dy = heightLine * cos(rad);
    // Draw all text line by line
    const wxArrayString lines = wxSplit(text, '\n', '\0');
    for ( size_t lineNum = 0; lineNum < lines.size(); lineNum++ )
        // Calculate origin for each line to avoid accumulation of
        // rounding errors.
        if ( m_backgroundMode == wxTRANSPARENT )
            m_graphicContext->DrawText( lines[lineNum], x + wxRound(lineNum*dx), y + wxRound(lineNum*dy), wxDegToRad(angle ));
            m_graphicContext->DrawText( lines[lineNum], x + wxRound(lineNum*dx), y + wxRound(lineNum*dy), wxDegToRad(angle ), m_graphicContext->CreateBrush(m_textBackgroundColour) );
    // call the bounding box by adding all four vertices of the rectangle
    // containing the text to it (simpler and probably not slower than
    // determining which of them is really topmost/leftmost/...)
    // "upper left" and "upper right"
    CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
    CalcBoundingBox(x + wxCoord(w*cos(rad)), y - wxCoord(w*sin(rad)));
    // "bottom left" and "bottom right"
    x += (wxCoord)(h*sin(rad));
    y += (wxCoord)(h*cos(rad));
    CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
    CalcBoundingBox(x + wxCoord(w*cos(rad)), y - wxCoord(w*sin(rad)));
Exemple #7
wxSize wxGetDisplaySizeMM()
    const wxSize ppi = wxGetDisplayPPI();
    if ( !ppi.x || !ppi.y )
        return wxSize(0, 0);

    const wxSize pixels = wxGetDisplaySize();
    return wxSize(wxRound(pixels.x * inches2mm / ppi.x),
                  wxRound(pixels.y * inches2mm / ppi.y));
Exemple #8
wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::GetCrossHairScreenPosition() const
    wxPoint pos = m_crossHairPosition - m_DrawOrg;
    double scalar = GetScalingFactor();

    pos.x = wxRound( (double) pos.x * scalar );
    pos.y = wxRound( (double) pos.y * scalar );

    return pos;
Exemple #9
void wxGCDCImpl::DoDrawEllipticArc( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h,
                                double sa, double ea )
    wxCHECK_RET( IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoDrawEllipticArc - invalid DC") );

    if ( !m_logicalFunctionSupported )

    wxCoord dx = x + w / 2.0;
    wxCoord dy = y + h / 2.0;
    wxDouble factor = ((wxDouble) w) / h;
    m_graphicContext->Translate(dx, dy);
    m_graphicContext->Scale(factor, 1.0);
    wxGraphicsPath path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath();

    // If end angle equals start angle we want draw a full ellipse.
    if (ea == sa)
        ea += 360.0;
    // since these angles (ea,sa) are measured counter-clockwise, we invert them to
    // get clockwise angles
    if ( m_brush.GetStyle() != wxBRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT )
        path.MoveToPoint( 0, 0 );
        path.AddArc( 0, 0, h/2.0, wxDegToRad(-sa), wxDegToRad(-ea), false );
        path.AddLineToPoint( 0, 0 );
        m_graphicContext->FillPath( path );

        path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath();
        path.AddArc( 0, 0, h/2.0, wxDegToRad(-sa), wxDegToRad(-ea), false );
        m_graphicContext->StrokePath( path );
        path.AddArc( 0, 0, h/2.0, wxDegToRad(-sa), wxDegToRad(-ea), false );
        m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path );

    wxRect2DDouble box = path.GetBox();
    // apply the transformation to the box
    box.m_x *= factor;
    box.m_width *= factor;
    box.m_x += dx;
    box.m_y += dy;

    CalcBoundingBox(wxRound(box.m_x), wxRound(box.m_y));
    CalcBoundingBox(wxRound(box.m_x + box.m_width),
                    wxRound(box.m_y + box.m_height));

Exemple #10
void wxGenericStaticBitmap::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    if ( !m_bitmap.IsOk() )

    wxPaintDC dc(this);
    const wxSize drawSize = GetClientSize();
    const wxSize bmpSize = m_bitmap.GetSize();
    wxDouble w = 0;
    wxDouble h = 0;
    switch ( m_scaleMode )
        case Scale_None:
            dc.DrawBitmap(m_bitmap, 0, 0, true);
        case Scale_Fill:
            w = drawSize.x;
            h = drawSize.y;
        case Scale_AspectFill:
        case Scale_AspectFit:
            wxDouble scaleFactor;
            wxDouble scaleX = (wxDouble)drawSize.x / (wxDouble)bmpSize.x;
            wxDouble scaleY = (wxDouble)drawSize.y / (wxDouble)bmpSize.y;
            if ( ( m_scaleMode == Scale_AspectFit && scaleY < scaleX ) ||
                 ( m_scaleMode == Scale_AspectFill && scaleY > scaleX ) )
                scaleFactor = scaleY;
                scaleFactor = scaleX;

            w = bmpSize.x * scaleFactor;
            h = bmpSize.y * scaleFactor;


    wxASSERT_MSG(w, wxS("Unknown scale mode"));

    wxDouble x = (drawSize.x - w) / 2;
    wxDouble y = (drawSize.y - h) / 2;
    wxScopedPtr<wxGraphicsContext> const
    gc->DrawBitmap(m_bitmap, x, y, w, h);
    wxImage img = m_bitmap.ConvertToImage();
    img.Rescale(wxRound(w), wxRound(h), wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH);
    dc.DrawBitmap(wxBitmap(img), wxRound(x), wxRound(y), true);
Exemple #11
bool wxUIActionSimulator::MouseMove(long x, long y)
    // Because MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE takes measurements scaled between 0 & 65535
    // we need to scale our input too
    int displayx, displayy;
    wxDisplaySize(&displayx, &displayy);

    int scaledx = wxRound(((float)x / displayx) * 65535);
    int scaledy = wxRound(((float)y / displayy) * 65535);
    mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, scaledx, scaledy, 0, 0);

    return true;
Exemple #12
void wxGCDCImpl::DoDrawArc( wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1,
                        wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2,
                        wxCoord xc, wxCoord yc )
    wxCHECK_RET( IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoDrawArc - invalid DC") );

    if ( !m_logicalFunctionSupported )

    double dx = x1 - xc;
    double dy = y1 - yc;
    double radius = sqrt((double)(dx * dx + dy * dy));
    wxCoord rad = (wxCoord)radius;
    double sa, ea;
    if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2)
        sa = 0.0;
        ea = 360.0;
    else if (radius == 0.0)
        sa = ea = 0.0;
        sa = (x1 - xc == 0) ?
     (y1 - yc < 0) ? 90.0 : -90.0 :
             -atan2(double(y1 - yc), double(x1 - xc)) * RAD2DEG;
        ea = (x2 - xc == 0) ?
     (y2 - yc < 0) ? 90.0 : -90.0 :
             -atan2(double(y2 - yc), double(x2 - xc)) * RAD2DEG;

    bool fill = m_brush.GetStyle() != wxBRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT;

    wxGraphicsPath path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath();
    if ( fill && ((x1!=x2)||(y1!=y2)) )
        path.MoveToPoint( xc, yc );
    // since these angles (ea,sa) are measured counter-clockwise, we invert them to
    // get clockwise angles
    path.AddArc( xc, yc , rad, wxDegToRad(-sa), wxDegToRad(-ea), false );
    if ( fill && ((x1!=x2)||(y1!=y2)) )
        path.AddLineToPoint( xc, yc );

    wxRect2DDouble box = path.GetBox();
    CalcBoundingBox(wxRound(box.m_x), wxRound(box.m_y));
    CalcBoundingBox(wxRound(box.m_x + box.m_width),
                    wxRound(box.m_y + box.m_height));
Exemple #13
/* Function GetSize
 * returns the actual size (in user units, not in pixels) of the image
wxSize BITMAP_BASE::GetSize() const
    wxSize size;

    if( m_bitmap )
        size.x = m_bitmap->GetWidth();
        size.y = m_bitmap->GetHeight();

        size.x = wxRound( size.x * GetScalingFactor() );
        size.y = wxRound( size.y * GetScalingFactor() );

    return size;
Exemple #14
numberPopup::numberPopup(wxWindow* parent,int ratio, wxColour colourGreen, wxWindowID)
    //wxSizerFlags flagsExpand(1);
    //flagsExpand.Expand().Border(wxALL, 2);
	wxBoxSizer* BoxSizer1;

	Create(parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSTAY_ON_TOP|wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR|wxNO_BORDER, _T("wxID_ANY"));
	BoxSizer1 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
	Button1 = new wxButton(this, ID_BUTTON1, _("Label"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER, wxDefaultValidator, _T("ID_BUTTON1"));
	Timer1.SetOwner(this, ID_TIMER1);

	//find the screen size
	wxSize displaySize = wxGetDisplaySize();
    this->SetSize(wxDefaultCoord,wxDefaultCoord,wxRound((double(displaySize.GetWidth()))*(((double)ratio)/100)), wxRound((double(displaySize.GetHeight()))*(((double)ratio)/100)),wxSIZE_FORCE);

 void SplitterWindow2::updateSashPosition(const wxSize& oldSize, const wxSize& newSize) {
     if (m_splitMode != SplitMode_Unset) {
         const wxSize diff = newSize - oldSize;
         const int actualDiff = wxRound(m_sashGravity * h(diff));
         setSashPosition(sashPosition(m_currentSplitRatio, h(oldSize)) + actualDiff);
Exemple #16
void wxNativeFontInfo::SetFractionalPointSize(float pointsize)
    wxString s;
    if ( pointsize < 0 )
        s = '*';
        s.Printf("%d", wxRound(10*pointsize));

    SetXFontComponent(wxXLFD_POINTSIZE, s);
Exemple #17
 * Function PlotImage
 * Only Postscript plotters can plot bitmaps
 * for plotters that cannot plot a bitmap, a rectangle is plotted
 * For GERBER_PLOTTER, draws a rectangle
 * param aImage = the bitmap
 * param aPos = position of the center of the bitmap
 * param aScaleFactor = the scale factor to apply to the bitmap size
 *                      (this is not the plot scale factor)
void GERBER_PLOTTER::PlotImage( wxImage & aImage, wxPoint aPos, double aScaleFactor )
    wxSize size;
    size.x = aImage.GetWidth();
    size.y = aImage.GetHeight();

    size.x = wxRound( size.x * aScaleFactor );
    size.y = wxRound( size.y * aScaleFactor );

    wxPoint start = aPos;
    start.x -= size.x / 2;
    start.y -= size.y / 2;

    wxPoint end = start;
    end.x += size.x;
    end.y += size.y;

    rect( start, end, NO_FILL );

Exemple #18
wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::GetNearestGridPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition, wxRealPoint* aGridSize )
    wxPoint pt;
    wxRealPoint gridSize;

    if( aGridSize )
        gridSize = *aGridSize;
        gridSize = GetGridSize();

    wxPoint gridOrigin = m_GridOrigin;

    double offset = fmod( gridOrigin.x, gridSize.x );
    int x = wxRound( (aPosition.x - offset) / gridSize.x );
    pt.x = wxRound( x * gridSize.x + offset );

    offset = fmod( gridOrigin.y, gridSize.y );
    int y = wxRound( (aPosition.y - offset) / gridSize.y );
    pt.y = wxRound ( y * gridSize.y + offset );

    return pt;
Exemple #19
wxString GRIBTable::GetWindBf(GribRecord **recordarray)
    wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
    int altitude = 0;
    double vkn, ang;
    if(GribRecord::getInterpolatedValues(vkn, ang,
                                         recordarray[Idx_WIND_VX + altitude],
                                         recordarray[Idx_WIND_VY + altitude],
                                         m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat)) {
       vkn = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetmstobfFactor(vkn)* vkn;
       skn.Printf( wxString::Format( _T("%2d bf"), (int)wxRound( vkn )) );
    return skn;
Exemple #20
void EffectChangeSpeed::Update_Vinyl()
// Update Vinyl controls from percent change.
   // Match Vinyl rpm when within 0.01% of a standard ratio.
   // Ratios calculated as: ((toRPM / fromRPM) - 1) * 100 * 100
   int ratio = wxRound(m_PercentChange * 100);

   switch (ratio)
      case 0: // toRPM is the same as fromRPM
         if (mFromVinyl != kVinyl_NA) {
         } else {
            // Use the last saved option.
            GetPrivateConfig(GetCurrentSettingsGroup(), wxT("VinylChoice"), mFromVinyl, 0);
      case 3500:
      case 13400:
      case -2593:
      case 7333:
      case -5727:
      case -4231:
   // and update variables.
   mFromVinyl = mpChoice_FromVinyl->GetSelection();
   mToVinyl = mpChoice_ToVinyl->GetSelection();
Exemple #21
bool LIB_CIRCLE::HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold, const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    if( aThreshold < 0 )
        aThreshold = GetPenSize() / 2;

    wxPoint relpos = aPosRef - aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos );

    int dist = wxRound( sqrt( ( (double) relpos.x * relpos.x ) +
                              ( (double) relpos.y * relpos.y ) ) );

    if( abs( dist - m_Radius ) <= aThreshold )
        return true;
    return false;
wxPoint CalcNegPos(const wxRealPoint& pos, const wxPoint& pxPos, int w, int h, int lm, int tm, int rm, int bm, wxDC* dc)
    double origX = pos.x;
    double origY = pos.y;
    int px_x = pxPos.x;
    int px_y = pxPos.y;
    wxSize pageSize = dc->GetSize();

    double sx, sy;
    dc->GetUserScale(&sx, &sy);
    int pagex = wxRound((double)(pageSize.x)/sx - lm - rm);
    int pagey = wxRound((double)(pageSize.y)/sy - tm - bm);

    int x = px_x + lm;
    int y = px_y + tm;

    if(origX < 0)
        x = pagex + px_x - w + lm / sx;
    else if(origX == wxRP_LEFT)
        x = lm;
    else if(origX == wxRP_CENTER)
        x = (pagex - w) / 2. + lm;
    else if(origX == wxRP_RIGHT)
        x = pagex - w + lm;

    if(origY < 0)
        y = pagey + px_x - h + tm / sy;
    else if(origY == wxRP_TOP)
        y = tm;
    else if(origY == wxRP_CENTER)
        y = (pagey - h) / 2. + tm;
    else if(origY == wxRP_BOTTOM)
        y = pagey - h + tm;

    return wxPoint(x, y);
Exemple #23
void DIALOG_ORIENT_FOOTPRINTS::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    double d_orient;
    wxString text = m_OrientationCtrl->GetValue();

    if ( ! text.ToDouble(&d_orient) )
        DisplayError(this, _("Bad value for footprints orientation"));

    newOrientation = wxRound(d_orient * 10);
    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_180( newOrientation );
    EndModal( wxID_OK );
Exemple #24
/* static */
int wxFontBase::AdjustToSymbolicSize(wxFontSymbolicSize size, int base)
    // Using a fixed factor (1.2, from CSS2) is a bad idea as explained at
    // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-size-props so use the values
    // from http://style.cleverchimp.com/font_size_intervals/altintervals.html
    // instead.
    static const float factors[] = { 0.60f, 0.75f, 0.89f, 1.f, 1.2f, 1.5f, 2.f };


    return wxRound(factors[size - wxFONTSIZE_XX_SMALL]*base);
Exemple #25
void LIB_CIRCLE::calcEdit( const wxPoint& aPosition )
    if( m_Flags == IS_NEW || m_Flags == IS_RESIZED )
        if( m_Flags == IS_NEW )

        int dx = m_Pos.x - aPosition.x;
        int dy = m_Pos.y - aPosition.y;
        m_Radius = wxRound( sqrt( ( (double) dx * dx ) + ( (double) dy * dy ) ) );
        Move( m_initialPos + aPosition - m_initialCursorPos );
void DIALOG_GENERALOPTIONS::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    EDA_UNITS_T ii;
    DISPLAY_OPTIONS* displ_opts = (DISPLAY_OPTIONS*)GetParent()->GetDisplayOptions();

    displ_opts->m_DisplayPolarCood = ( m_PolarDisplay->GetSelection() == 0 ) ? false : true;
    ii = g_UserUnit;
    g_UserUnit = ( m_UnitsSelection->GetSelection() == 0 )  ? INCHES : MILLIMETRES;

    if( ii != g_UserUnit )

    GetParent()->SetCursorShape( m_CursorShape->GetSelection() );
    GetParent()->SetAutoSaveInterval( m_SaveTime->GetValue() * 60 );
    GetParent()->SetRotationAngle( wxRound( 10.0 * wxAtof( m_RotationAngle->GetValue() ) ) );

    GetParent()->GetScreen()->SetMaxUndoItems( m_spinMaxUndoItems->GetValue() );

    /* Updating the combobox to display the active layer. */
    displ_opts->m_MaxLinksShowed = m_MaxShowLinks->GetValue();
    g_Drc_On = m_DrcOn->GetValue();

    if( m_Board->IsElementVisible(RATSNEST_VISIBLE) != m_ShowGlobalRatsnest->GetValue() )
        GetParent()->SetElementVisibility( RATSNEST_VISIBLE, m_ShowGlobalRatsnest->GetValue() );

    displ_opts->m_Show_Module_Ratsnest = m_ShowModuleRatsnest->GetValue();
    g_AutoDeleteOldTrack   = m_TrackAutodel->GetValue();
    g_Segments_45_Only = m_Segments_45_Only_Ctrl->GetValue();
    g_Track_45_Only_Allowed    = m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl->GetValue();

    GetParent()->GetCanvas()->SetEnableZoomNoCenter( ! m_ZoomCenterOpt->GetValue() );
    GetParent()->GetCanvas()->SetEnableMiddleButtonPan( m_MiddleButtonPANOpt->GetValue() );
    GetParent()->GetCanvas()->SetMiddleButtonPanLimited( m_OptMiddleButtonPanLimited->GetValue() );

    GetParent()->GetCanvas()->SetEnableAutoPan( m_AutoPANOpt->GetValue() );
    g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild = m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl->GetValue();
    g_MagneticPadOption   = m_MagneticPadOptCtrl->GetSelection();
    g_MagneticTrackOption = m_MagneticTrackOptCtrl->GetSelection();
    g_DumpZonesWhenFilling = m_DumpZonesWhenFilling->GetValue();

    EndModal( wxID_OK );
Exemple #27
wxString GRIBTable::GetWindBf(GribRecord **recordarray)
    wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
    if( recordarray[Idx_WIND_VX] && recordarray[Idx_WIND_VY] ) {
        double vx = recordarray[Idx_WIND_VX]->
            getInterpolatedValue(m_pGDialog->m_cursor_lon, m_pGDialog->m_cursor_lat, true );
        double vy = recordarray[Idx_WIND_VY]->
            getInterpolatedValue(m_pGDialog->m_cursor_lon, m_pGDialog->m_cursor_lat, true );

        if( ( vx != GRIB_NOTDEF ) && ( vy != GRIB_NOTDEF ) ) {
            double vkn = sqrt( vx * vx + vy * vy );
            vkn = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetmstobfFactor(vkn)* vkn;
            skn.Printf( wxString::Format( _T("%2d bf"), (int)wxRound( vkn )) );
     return skn;
Exemple #28
bool LIB_ARC::HitTest( wxPoint aPosition, int aThreshold, const TRANSFORM& aTransform )

    if( aThreshold < 0 )
        aThreshold = GetPenSize() / 2;

    // TODO: use aTransMat to calculates parameters
    wxPoint relativePosition = aPosition;

    NEGATE( relativePosition.y );       // reverse Y axis

    int distance = wxRound( EuclideanNorm( TwoPointVector( m_Pos, relativePosition ) ) );

    if( abs( distance - m_Radius ) > aThreshold )
        return false;

    // We are on the circle, ensure we are only on the arc, i.e. between
    //  m_ArcStart and m_ArcEnd

    wxPoint startEndVector = TwoPointVector( m_ArcStart, m_ArcEnd);
    wxPoint startRelativePositionVector = TwoPointVector( m_ArcStart, relativePosition );

    wxPoint centerStartVector = TwoPointVector( m_Pos, m_ArcStart );
    wxPoint centerEndVector = TwoPointVector( m_Pos, m_ArcEnd );
    wxPoint centerRelativePositionVector = TwoPointVector( m_Pos, relativePosition );

    // Compute the cross product to check if the point is in the sector
    int crossProductStart = CrossProduct( centerStartVector, centerRelativePositionVector );
    int crossProductEnd = CrossProduct( centerEndVector, centerRelativePositionVector );

    // The cross products need to be exchanged, depending on which side the center point
    // relative to the start point to end point vector lies
    if( CrossProduct( startEndVector, startRelativePositionVector ) < 0 )
        EXCHG( crossProductStart, crossProductEnd );

    // When the cross products have a different sign, the point lies in sector
    // also check, if the reference is near start or end point
    return 	HitTestPoints( m_ArcStart, relativePosition, MINIMUM_SELECTION_DISTANCE ) ||
            HitTestPoints( m_ArcEnd, relativePosition, MINIMUM_SELECTION_DISTANCE ) ||
            ( crossProductStart <= 0 && crossProductEnd >= 0 );
Exemple #29
 * Function circle
 * writes a non filled circle to output file
 * Plot one circle as segments (6 to 16 depending on its radius
 * @param aCentre = center coordinates
 * @param aDiameter = diameter of the circle
 * @param aFill = plot option (NO_FILL, FILLED_SHAPE, FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR)
 * not used here: circles are always not filled the gerber. Filled circles are flashed
 * @param aWidth = line width
void GERBER_PLOTTER::circle( wxPoint aCentre, int aDiameter, FILL_T aFill, int aWidth )
    wxASSERT( output_file );
    wxPoint   start, end;
    double    radius = aDiameter / 2;
    const int delta  = 3600 / 32; /* increment (in 0.1 degrees) to draw circles */

    start.x = aCentre.x + wxRound( radius );
    start.y = aCentre.y;
    set_current_line_width( aWidth );
    move_to( start );

    for( int ii = delta; ii < 3600; ii += delta )
        end.x = aCentre.x + (int) ( radius * cos( DEG2RAD( (double)ii / 10.0 ) ) );
        end.y = aCentre.y + (int) ( radius * sin( DEG2RAD( (double)ii / 10.0 ) ) );
        line_to( end );

    finish_to( start );
Exemple #30
void LATITUDE::Write( SENTENCE& sentence )

   wxString temp_string;
    int neg = 0;
    int d;
    int m;

    if (Latitude < 0.0) {
            Latitude = -Latitude;
            neg = 1;
    d = (int) Latitude;
    double m0 = (Latitude - (double) d) * 60000.0;
    m = (int)wxRound(m0);

    if (neg)
            d = -d;

    temp_string.Printf(_T("%02d%02d.%03d"), d, m / 1000, m % 1000);

   sentence += temp_string;

   if ( Northing == North )
       sentence += _T("N");
   else if ( Northing == South )
       sentence += _T("S");
      ** Add Nothing