Exemple #1
wxTaskBarIcon::ShowBalloon(const wxString& title,
                           const wxString& text,
                           unsigned msec,
                           int flags)
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_iconAdded, false,
                    wxT("can't be used before the icon is created") );

    const HWND hwnd = GetHwndOf(m_win);

    // we need to enable version 5.0 behaviour to receive notifications about
    // the balloon disappearance
    NotifyIconData notifyData(hwnd);
    notifyData.uFlags = 0;
    notifyData.uVersion = 3 /* NOTIFYICON_VERSION for Windows 2000/XP */;

    if ( !wxShellNotifyIcon(NIM_SETVERSION, &notifyData) )

    // do show the balloon now
    notifyData = NotifyIconData(hwnd);
    notifyData.uFlags |= NIF_INFO;
    notifyData.uTimeout = msec;
    wxStrlcpy(notifyData.szInfo, text.wx_str(), WXSIZEOF(notifyData.szInfo));
    wxStrlcpy(notifyData.szInfoTitle, title.wx_str(),

    if ( flags & wxICON_INFORMATION )
        notifyData.dwInfoFlags |= NIIF_INFO;
    else if ( flags & wxICON_WARNING )
        notifyData.dwInfoFlags |= NIIF_WARNING;
    else if ( flags & wxICON_ERROR )
        notifyData.dwInfoFlags |= NIIF_ERROR;

    bool ok = wxShellNotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &notifyData) != 0;
    if ( !ok )

    return ok;
Exemple #2
bool wxTaskBarIcon::RemoveIcon()
    if (!m_iconAdded)
        return false;

    m_iconAdded = false;

    NotifyIconData notifyData(GetHwndOf(m_win));

    bool ok = wxShellNotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, &notifyData) != 0;
    if ( !ok )

    return ok;
Exemple #3
// Operations
bool wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon, const wxString& tooltip)
    // NB: we have to create the window lazily because of backward compatibility,
    //     old applications may create a wxTaskBarIcon instance before wxApp
    //     is initialized (as samples/taskbar used to do)
    if (!m_win)
        m_win = new wxTaskBarIconWindow(this);

    m_icon = icon;
    m_strTooltip = tooltip;

    NotifyIconData notifyData(GetHwndOf(m_win));

    if (icon.Ok())
        notifyData.uFlags |= NIF_ICON;
        notifyData.hIcon = GetHiconOf(icon);

    // set NIF_TIP even for an empty tooltip: otherwise it would be impossible
    // to remove an existing tooltip using this function
    notifyData.uFlags |= NIF_TIP;
    if ( !tooltip.empty() )
        wxStrlcpy(notifyData.szTip, tooltip.wx_str(), WXSIZEOF(notifyData.szTip));

    bool ok = wxShellNotifyIcon(m_iconAdded ? NIM_MODIFY
                                            : NIM_ADD, &notifyData) != 0;

    if ( !ok )

    if ( !m_iconAdded && ok )
        m_iconAdded = true;

    return ok;
Exemple #4
// Operations
bool gcTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon, const wxString& tooltip)
#ifdef WIN32
	m_icon = icon;
	m_strTooltip = tooltip;

	NotifyIconData notifyData(GetHwndOf(m_win));

	if (icon.Ok())
		notifyData.uFlags |= NIF_ICON;
		notifyData.hIcon = GetHiconOf(icon);

	// set NIF_TIP even for an empty tooltip: otherwise it would be impossible
	// to remove an existing tooltip using this function
	notifyData.uFlags |= NIF_TIP;
	if ( !tooltip.empty() )
		wxStrlcpy(notifyData.szTip, tooltip.wx_str(), WXSIZEOF(notifyData.szTip));

	bool ok = wxShellNotifyIcon(m_iconAdded ? NIM_MODIFY
											: NIM_ADD, &notifyData) != 0;

	if ( !ok )

	if ( !m_iconAdded && ok )
		m_iconAdded = true;

	return ok;
	return wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(icon, tooltip);
Exemple #5
bool gcTaskBarIcon::ShowBalloon(const wxString& title, const wxString& text, unsigned msec, int flags)
#if defined(WIN32)
	wxCHECK_MSG( m_iconAdded, false,
					_T("can't be used before the icon is created") );

	const HWND hwnd = GetHwndOf(m_win);

	// we need to enable version 5.0 behaviour to receive notifications about
	// the balloon disappearance
	NotifyIconData notifyData(hwnd);
	notifyData.uFlags = 0;
	notifyData.uVersion = 3 /* NOTIFYICON_VERSION for Windows XP */;

	if ( !wxShellNotifyIcon(NIM_SETVERSION, &notifyData) )

	// do show the balloon now
	notifyData = NotifyIconData(hwnd);
	notifyData.uFlags |= NIF_INFO;
	notifyData.uTimeout = msec;
	wxStrlcpy(notifyData.szInfo, text.wx_str(), WXSIZEOF(notifyData.szInfo));
	wxStrlcpy(notifyData.szInfoTitle, title.wx_str(),

	if ( flags & wxICON_INFORMATION )
		notifyData.dwInfoFlags |= NIIF_INFO;
	else if ( flags & wxICON_WARNING )
		notifyData.dwInfoFlags |= NIIF_WARNING;
	else if ( flags & wxICON_ERROR )
		notifyData.dwInfoFlags |= NIIF_ERROR;

	bool ok = wxShellNotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &notifyData) != 0;
	if ( !ok )

	return ok;
#elif defined(NIX)
	const char* icon = NULL;
	if ( flags & wxICON_INFORMATION )
		icon = "dialog-information";
	else if ( flags & wxICON_WARNING )
		icon = "dialog-warning";
	else if ( flags & wxICON_ERROR )
		icon = "dialog-error";
	NotifyNotification* notification =
	notify_notification_show(notification, NULL);
	return true;
	return false;