Exemple #1
mono_arch_invalidate_method (MonoJitInfo *ji, void *func, gpointer func_arg)
	/* FIXME: This is not thread safe */
	guint8 *code = (guint8*)ji->code_start;

	x86_push_imm (code, func_arg);
	x86_call_code (code, (guint8*)func);
Exemple #2
 * mono_win32_get_handle_stackoverflow (void):
 * Returns a pointer to a method which restores the current context stack
 * and calls handle_exceptions, when done restores the original stack.
static gpointer
mono_win32_get_handle_stackoverflow (void)
	static guint8 *start = NULL;
	guint8 *code;

	if (start)
		return start;

	/* restore_contect (void *sigctx) */
	start = code = mono_global_codeman_reserve (128);

	/* load context into ebx */
	x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_EBX, X86_ESP, 4, 4);

	/* move current stack into edi for later restore */
	x86_mov_reg_reg (code, X86_EDI, X86_ESP, 4);

	/* use the new freed stack from sigcontext */
	x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_ESP, X86_EBX,  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct sigcontext, esp), 4);

	/* get the current domain */
	x86_call_code (code, mono_domain_get);

	/* get stack overflow exception from domain object */
	x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_EAX, X86_EAX, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoDomain, stack_overflow_ex), 4);

	/* call mono_arch_handle_exception (sctx, stack_overflow_exception_obj, FALSE) */
	x86_push_imm (code, 0);
	x86_push_reg (code, X86_EAX);
	x86_push_reg (code, X86_EBX);
	x86_call_code (code, mono_arch_handle_exception);

	/* restore the SEH handler stack */
	x86_mov_reg_reg (code, X86_ESP, X86_EDI, 4);

	/* return */
	x86_ret (code);

	return start;
Exemple #3
mono_arch_create_specific_trampoline (gpointer arg1, MonoTrampolineType tramp_type, MonoDomain *domain, guint32 *code_len)
	guint8 *code, *buf, *tramp;
	tramp = mono_get_trampoline_code (tramp_type);

	code = buf = mono_domain_code_reserve_align (domain, TRAMPOLINE_SIZE, 4);

	x86_push_imm (buf, arg1);
	x86_jump_code (buf, tramp);
	g_assert ((buf - code) <= TRAMPOLINE_SIZE);

	mono_arch_flush_icache (code, buf - code);
	MONO_PROFILER_RAISE (jit_code_buffer, (code, buf - code, MONO_PROFILER_CODE_BUFFER_SPECIFIC_TRAMPOLINE, mono_get_generic_trampoline_simple_name (tramp_type)));

	if (code_len)
		*code_len = buf - code;

	return code;