Exemple #1

	Initiate communication with the XBee module, then accept AT and
   other commands from STDIO, pass them to the XBee module via the
   SXA library, and print the results.
int main( void)
   char cmdstr[80];
   int status;

   // Required local device initialization
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, xbee_awake_pin, xbee_reset_pin))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");

   // Initialize the Simple XBee API layer.  SXA handles a lot of the
   // book-keeping for multiple remote nodes and XBee on-module I/Os.
   // It also helps to hide the difference between local and remote nodes.
   sxa = sxa_init_or_exit(&my_xbee, endpoints_table, 1);

   if (!sxa)
   	printf("Failed to initialize Simple XBee API!\n");


   while (1)
   	// Accumulate a command string, and call the tick function while waiting.
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)

      // Have a command, process it.
		if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "menu", 4))
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
      else if ( sxa_select_command( cmdstr))
      	// empty, command done
      else if ( cmdstr[0] == '$')
      	issue_commands( sxa);
			process_command_remote( sxa_xbee( sxa), cmdstr,
         	have_target ? &target_ieee : NULL);

	Initiate communication with the XBee module, then accept AT commands from
	STDIO, pass them to the XBee module and print the result.
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
   char cmdstr[80];
	int status;
	xbee_serial_t XBEE_SERPORT;

	parse_serial_arguments( argc, argv, &XBEE_SERPORT);

	// initialize the serial and device layer for this XBee device
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, NULL, NULL))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");
		return 0;

	// Initialize the AT Command layer for this XBee device and have the
	// driver query it for basic information (hardware version, firmware version,
	// serial number, IEEE address, etc.)
	xbee_cmd_init_device( &my_xbee);
	printf( "Waiting for driver to query the XBee device...\n");
	do {
		xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);
		status = xbee_cmd_query_status( &my_xbee);
	} while (status == -EBUSY);
	if (status)
		printf( "Error %d waiting for query to complete.\n", status);

	// report on the settings
	xbee_dev_dump_settings( &my_xbee, XBEE_DEV_DUMP_FLAG_DEFAULT);

   printATCmds( &my_xbee);

   while (1)
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)
      	xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);

		if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "menu", 4))
      	printATCmds( &my_xbee);
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
			process_command( &my_xbee, cmdstr);
void main()
	xbee_fw_buffer_t fw;
	char buffer[80];
	unsigned long t;
	int i, result, last_state;

	xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, xbee_awake_pin, xbee_reset_pin);

	// Use helper API for reading firmware from a buffer (or ximported file).
	xbee_fw_buffer_init( &fw, ximport_length( FIRMWARE),
																ximport_data( FIRMWARE));

	xbee_fw_install_init( &my_xbee, NULL, &fw.source);
		t = MS_TIMER;
		last_state = fw.source.state;
		result = xbee_fw_install_oem_tick( &fw.source);
		t = MS_TIMER - t;
		if (t > 50)
			printf( "!!! tick blocked for %lums in state %u (now state %u)\n",
				t, last_state, fw.source.state);
		// clear to end of line and print new status
		printf( "\x1B[K" " %ls\r", xbee_fw_status_oem( &fw.source, buffer));
	} while (result == 0);

	if (result == 1)
		printf( "firmware update completed successfully\n");
		configure_modem( &my_xbee);
		printf( "firmware update failed with error %d\n", result);
		i = xbee_ser_read( &my_xbee.serport, buffer, 80);
		if (i > 0)
			printf( "extra bytes in buffer: [%.*s]\n", i, buffer);

	xbee_ser_close( &my_xbee.serport);

	Initiate communication with the XBee module, then accept AT commands from
	STDIO, pass them to the XBee module and print the result.
int main( void)
    char cmdstr[80];
    int status;
    uint16_t t;

    if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, xbee_awake_pin, xbee_reset_pin))
        printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");
        return 0;

    //xbee_dev_reset( &my_xbee);
    // give the XBee 500ms to wake up after resetting it (or exit if it
    // receives a packet)
    t = XBEE_SET_TIMEOUT_MS(500);
    while (! XBEE_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS(t) && xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee) <= 0);

    // Initialize the AT Command layer for this XBee device and have the
    // driver query it for basic information (hardware version, firmware version,
    // serial number, IEEE address, etc.)
    xbee_cmd_init_device( &my_xbee);
    printf( "Waiting for driver to query the XBee device...\n");
    do {
        xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);
        status = xbee_cmd_query_status( &my_xbee);
    } while (status == -EBUSY);
    if (status)
        printf( "Error %d waiting for query to complete.\n", status);

    // report on the settings
    xbee_dev_dump_settings( &my_xbee, XBEE_DEV_DUMP_FLAG_DEFAULT);

    printATCmds( &my_xbee);
    printf("Target setting for remote commands:\n");
    printf(" > addr   (addr is hex ieee addr, high bytes assumed 0013a200)\n");
    printf(" >        (reset to local device)\n");
    printf(" <        (reinstate previous remote target)\n");

    while (1)
        while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)
            xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);

        if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "menu", 4))
            printATCmds( &my_xbee);
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
            return 0;
        else if ( cmdstr[0] == '>')
            have_target = set_target( cmdstr+1, &target_ieee);
        else if ( cmdstr[0] == '<')
            if (ever_had_target)
                have_target = 1;
                printf("Reinstating %" PRIsFAR "\n",
                       addr64_format(cmdstr, &target_ieee));
                printf("Nothing to reinstate\n");
            have_target ?
            process_command_remote( &my_xbee, cmdstr, &target_ieee) :
            process_command( &my_xbee, cmdstr);
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
   char cmdstr[80];
	int status, i;
	xbee_serial_t XBEE_SERPORT;
	target_t *target = NULL;

	memset( target_list, 0, sizeof target_list);

	parse_serial_arguments( argc, argv, &XBEE_SERPORT);

	// initialize the serial and device layer for this XBee device
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, NULL, NULL))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");
		return 0;

	// replace ZDO cluster table with one that intercepts Device Annce messages
	sample_endpoints.zdo.cluster_table = zdo_clusters;

	// Initialize the WPAN layer of the XBee device driver.  This layer enables
	// endpoints and clusters, and is required for all ZigBee layers.
	xbee_wpan_init( &my_xbee, &sample_endpoints.zdo);

	// Initialize the AT Command layer for this XBee device and have the
	// driver query it for basic information (hardware version, firmware version,
	// serial number, IEEE address, etc.)
	xbee_cmd_init_device( &my_xbee);
	printf( "Waiting for driver to query the XBee device...\n");
	do {
		xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);
		status = xbee_cmd_query_status( &my_xbee);
	} while (status == -EBUSY);
	if (status)
		printf( "Error %d waiting for query to complete.\n", status);

	// report on the settings
	xbee_dev_dump_settings( &my_xbee, XBEE_DEV_DUMP_FLAG_DEFAULT);

	// set Profile ID for our Basic Client Cluster endpoint
	sample_endpoints.zcl.profile_id = profile_id;


   puts( "searching for Commissioning Servers");

	while (1)
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)
      	wpan_tick( &my_xbee.wpan_dev);

		if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "help") || ! strcmp( cmdstr, "?"))
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "profile ", 8))
			profile_id = strtoul( &cmdstr[8], NULL, 16);
			printf( "Profile ID set to 0x%04x\n", profile_id);
			sample_endpoints.zcl.profile_id = profile_id;
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "find"))
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "target"))
			puts( " #: --IEEE Address--- Ver. --------Application Name--------"
				" ---Date Code----");
			for (i = 0; i < target_index; ++i)
				print_target( i);
			puts( "End of List");
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "target ", 7))
			i = (int) strtoul( &cmdstr[7], NULL, 10);
			if (target_index == 0)
				printf( "error, no targets in list, starting search now...\n");
			else if (i < 0 || i >= target_index)
				printf( "error, index %d is invalid (must be 0 to %u)\n", i,
					target_index - 1);
				target = &target_list[i];
				puts( "set target to:");
				print_target( i);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "save"))
			restart_target( target, TRUE);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "cancel"))
			restart_target( target, FALSE);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "default"))
			default_target( target);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "deploy"))
			set_pan( target, &network_deploy);
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "deploy ", 7))
			if (cmdstr[7] == 'r')
				puts( "deploy as router");
				network_deploy.startup_control = ZCL_COMM_STARTUP_JOINED;
			else if (cmdstr[7] == 'c')
				puts( "deploy as coordinator");
				network_deploy.startup_control = ZCL_COMM_STARTUP_COORDINATOR;
			set_pan( target, &network_deploy);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "comm"))
			set_pan( target, &network_comm);
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "AT", 2))
			process_command( &my_xbee, &cmdstr[2]);
	   	printf( "unknown command: '%s'\n", cmdstr);

	Initiate communication with the XBee module, then accept AT commands from
	STDIO, pass them to the XBee module and print the result.
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
   char cmdstr[80];
   char buffer[ADDR64_STRING_LENGTH];
	int status;
	xbee_serial_t XBEE_SERPORT;
	addr64 return_ieee_be = *ZDO_IEEE_ADDR_PENDING;
	uint16_t return_net_addr = ZDO_NET_ADDR_PENDING;
	int err;

	parse_serial_arguments( argc, argv, &XBEE_SERPORT);

	// initialize the serial and device layer for this XBee device
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, NULL, NULL))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");
		return 0;

	// Initialize the WPAN layer of the XBee device driver.  This layer enables
	// endpoints and clusters, and is required for all ZigBee layers.
	xbee_wpan_init( &my_xbee, &sample_endpoints.zdo);

	// Initialize the AT Command layer for this XBee device and have the
	// driver query it for basic information (hardware version, firmware version,
	// serial number, IEEE address, etc.)
	xbee_cmd_init_device( &my_xbee);
	printf( "Waiting for driver to query the XBee device...\n");
	do {
		xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);
		status = xbee_cmd_query_status( &my_xbee);
	} while (status == -EBUSY);
	if (status)
		printf( "Error %d waiting for query to complete.\n", status);

	// report on the settings
	xbee_dev_dump_settings( &my_xbee, XBEE_DEV_DUMP_FLAG_DEFAULT);

	// have XBee handle ZDO responses -- on SE device, need to have it respond
	// to match descriptors looking for the Key Establishment cluster.
	xbee_cmd_simple( &my_xbee, "AO", 1);


   while (1)
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)
      	wpan_tick( &my_xbee.wpan_dev);
      	if (! addr64_equal( &return_ieee_be, ZDO_IEEE_ADDR_PENDING))
				if (addr64_equal( &return_ieee_be, ZDO_IEEE_ADDR_TIMEOUT))
					puts( "IEEE_addr request timed out");
				else if (addr64_is_zero( &return_ieee_be))
					printf( "Error retrieving IEEE_addr");
					printf( "IEEE address is %" PRIsFAR "\n",
						addr64_format( buffer, &return_ieee_be));
				return_ieee_be = *ZDO_IEEE_ADDR_PENDING;
      	if (return_net_addr != ZDO_NET_ADDR_PENDING)
      		if (return_net_addr == ZDO_NET_ADDR_TIMEOUT)
					puts( "NWK_addr request timed out");
      		else if (return_net_addr == ZDO_NET_ADDR_ERROR)
					printf( "Error retrieving NWK_addr");
      			printf( "Network address is 0x%04X\n", return_net_addr);
      		return_net_addr = ZDO_NET_ADDR_PENDING;

		if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "help") || ! strcmp( cmdstr, "?"))
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "ieee ", 5))
			addr64 ieee_be;

			if (addr64_parse( &ieee_be, &cmdstr[5]))
				printf( "couldn't parse '%s'\n", &cmdstr[5]);
				err = zdo_send_nwk_addr_req( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, &ieee_be,
				printf( "sent NWK_addr request for %" PRIsFAR " (err=%d)\n",
					addr64_format( buffer, &ieee_be), err);
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "net ", 4))
			uint16_t net_addr;
			char *tail;

			net_addr = strtoul( &cmdstr[4], &tail, 0);
			if (tail == NULL)
				printf( "couldn't parse '%s'\n", &cmdstr[4]);
				err = zdo_send_ieee_addr_req( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, net_addr,
				printf( "sent IEEE_addr request for 0x%04X (err=%d)\n", net_addr,
      else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "AT", 2))
			process_command( &my_xbee, cmdstr);

	Initiate communication with the XBee module, then accept AT commands from
	STDIO, pass them to the XBee module and print the result.
int main( void)
   char cmdstr[80];
	int status;
	int i;
	xbee_node_id_t *target = NULL;

	// initialize the serial and device layer for this XBee device
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, xbee_awake_pin, xbee_reset_pin))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");
		return 0;

	// Initialize the WPAN layer of the XBee device driver.  This layer enables
	// endpoints and clusters, and is required for all ZigBee layers.
	xbee_wpan_init( &my_xbee, sample_endpoints);

	// Register handler to receive Node ID messages
	xbee_disc_add_node_id_handler( &my_xbee, &node_discovered);

	// Initialize the AT Command layer for this XBee device and have the
	// driver query it for basic information (hardware version, firmware version,
	// serial number, IEEE address, etc.)
	xbee_cmd_init_device( &my_xbee);
	printf( "Waiting for driver to query the XBee device...\n");
	do {
		xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);
		status = xbee_cmd_query_status( &my_xbee);
	} while (status == -EBUSY);
	if (status)
		printf( "Error %d waiting for query to complete.\n", status);

	// report on the settings
	xbee_dev_dump_settings( &my_xbee, XBEE_DEV_DUMP_FLAG_DEFAULT);

	xbee_disc_discover_nodes( &my_xbee, NULL);

   while (1)
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)
      	wpan_tick( &my_xbee.wpan_dev);

		if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "help") || ! strcmp( cmdstr, "?"))
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "nd", 2))
			// Initiate discovery for a specified node id (as parameter in command
			// or all node IDs.
			if (cmdstr[2] == ' ')
				printf( "Looking for node [%s]...\n", &cmdstr[3]);
				xbee_disc_discover_nodes( &my_xbee, &cmdstr[3]);
				puts( "Discovering nodes...");
				xbee_disc_discover_nodes( &my_xbee, NULL);
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
      else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "AT", 2))
			process_command( &my_xbee, cmdstr);
	   else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "target"))
	   else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "target", 6))
	   	target = node_by_name( &cmdstr[7]);
	   	if (target == NULL)
	   		printf( "couldn't find a target named '%s'\n", &cmdstr[7]);
	   		printf( "target: ");
	   		xbee_disc_node_id_dump( target);
	   	if (target == NULL)
	   		puts( "you must first select a target with the `target` command");
	   		i = strlen( cmdstr);
	   		printf( "sending %u bytes to '%s'\n", i, target->node_info);
	   		send_data( target, cmdstr, i);
Exemple #8

	Initiate communication with the XBee module, then accept AT commands from
	STDIO, pass them to the XBee module and print the result.
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
   char cmdstr[80];
	int status;
	xbee_serial_t XBEE_SERPORT;
	uint16_t params[3];

	parse_serial_arguments( argc, argv, &XBEE_SERPORT);

	// initialize the serial and device layer for this XBee device
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, NULL, NULL))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");
		return 0;

	// Initialize the WPAN layer of the XBee device driver.  This layer enables
	// endpoints and clusters, and is required for all ZigBee layers.
	xbee_wpan_init( &my_xbee, sample_endpoints);

	// Initialize the AT Command layer for this XBee device and have the
	// driver query it for basic information (hardware version, firmware version,
	// serial number, IEEE address, etc.)
	xbee_cmd_init_device( &my_xbee);
	printf( "Waiting for driver to query the XBee device...\n");
	do {
		xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);
		status = xbee_cmd_query_status( &my_xbee);
	} while (status == -EBUSY);
	if (status)
		printf( "Error %d waiting for query to complete.\n", status);

	// report on the settings
	xbee_dev_dump_settings( &my_xbee, XBEE_DEV_DUMP_FLAG_DEFAULT);

	xbee_gpm_envelope_local( &envelope_self, &my_xbee.wpan_dev);
	if (envelope_self.ieee_address.u[0] == 0x0000)
		// We're connected to a Wi-Fi XBee and need to use an IP address
		// (localhost, as the target.
		envelope_self.ieee_address.l[0] = 0;
		envelope_self.ieee_address.l[1] = htobe32( 0x7F000001);

	// get flash info, for use by later commands
	xbee_gpm_get_flash_info( &envelope_self);

   while (1)
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)
      	xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);

		if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "help") || ! strcmp( cmdstr, "?"))
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "info"))
      	printf( "Sending platform info request (result %d)\n",
      			xbee_gpm_get_flash_info( &envelope_self));
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "erase all"))
   		printf( "Erasing entire GPM (result %d)\n",
   				xbee_gpm_erase_flash( &envelope_self));
      else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "erase ", 6))
      	if (blocksize == 0)
      		puts( "Need to get 'info' response to learn blocksize before"
      				"erasing a page.");
      	else if (parse_uint16( params, &cmdstr[6], 1) == 1)
      		printf( "Erasing block %u (result %d)\n", params[0],
      				xbee_gpm_erase_block( &envelope_self, params[0], blocksize));
      		printf( "Couldn't parse block number from [%s]\n", &cmdstr[6]);
      else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "read", 4))
      	if (parse_uint16( params, &cmdstr[5], 3) == 3)
      		printf( "Read %u bytes from offset %u of block %u (result %d)\n",
      				params[2], params[1], params[0],
      				xbee_gpm_read( &envelope_self,
      						params[0], params[1], params[2]));
      		printf( "Couldn't parse three values from [%s]\n", &cmdstr[5]);
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "pagesize"))
      	printf( "upload page size is %u\n", upload_pagesize);
      else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "pagesize ", 9))
      	if (parse_uint16( params, &cmdstr[9], 1) == 1)
				if (params[0] > xbee_gpm_max_write( &my_xbee.wpan_dev))
					printf( "page size of %u exceeds maximum of %u\n",
							params[0], xbee_gpm_max_write( &my_xbee.wpan_dev));
					upload_pagesize = params[0];
					printf( "upload page size is now %u\n", upload_pagesize);
				printf( "Couldn't parse page size from [%s]\n", &cmdstr[9]);
      else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "upload ", 7))
      	start_upload( &cmdstr[7]);
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "verify"))
   		printf( "Verify firmware in GPM (result %d)\n",
   				xbee_gpm_firmware_verify( &envelope_self));
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "install"))
   		printf( "Install firmware in GPM (result %d)\n",
   				xbee_gpm_firmware_install( &envelope_self));
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "AT", 2))
			process_command( &my_xbee, &cmdstr[2]);
	   	printf( "unknown command: '%s'\n", cmdstr);
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *firmware = NULL;
    char xmodem_buffer[69];
    char cmdstr[80];
    int status, i;
    xbee_serial_t XBEE_SERPORT;
    FILE *fw_file = NULL;
#ifdef VERBOSE
    uint16_t last_state;
    uint16_t last_packet;
    target_t *target = NULL;

    // turn off buffering so status changes (lines ending in \r) display
    setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    memset( target_list, 0, sizeof target_list);

    // set serial port
    parse_serial_arguments( argc, argv, &XBEE_SERPORT);

    // parse args for this program
    parse_args( argc, argv);

    // initialize the serial and device layer for this XBee device
    if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, NULL, NULL))
        printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");
        return 0;

    // Initialize the WPAN layer of the XBee device driver.  This layer enables
    // endpoints and clusters, and is required for all ZigBee layers.
    xbee_wpan_init( &my_xbee, &sample_endpoints.zdo);

    // Initialize the AT Command layer for this XBee device and have the
    // driver query it for basic information (hardware version, firmware version,
    // serial number, IEEE address, etc.)
    xbee_cmd_init_device( &my_xbee);
    printf( "Waiting for driver to query the XBee device...\n");
    do {
        xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);
        status = xbee_cmd_query_status( &my_xbee);
    } while (status == -EBUSY);
    if (status)
        printf( "Error %d waiting for query to complete.\n", status);

    // report on the settings
    xbee_dev_dump_settings( &my_xbee, XBEE_DEV_DUMP_FLAG_DEFAULT);


    if (dynamic_profile.profile_id != 0)
        printf( "Using profile ID 0x%04x with%s APS encryption.\n",
                (dynamic_profile.flags & WPAN_CLUST_FLAG_ENCRYPT) ? "" : "out");
        xbee_ota_find_devices( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, xbee_found, NULL);

    while (1)
        while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)
            wpan_tick( &my_xbee.wpan_dev);

            if (fw_file != NULL)
                if (xbee_xmodem_tx_tick( &xbee_ota.xbxm) != 0)
                    uint16_t timer;

                    printf( "upload complete     \n");
                    fclose( fw_file);
                    fw_file = NULL;

                    // wait one second for device to reboot then rediscover it
                    timer = XBEE_SET_TIMEOUT_MS(1000);
                    while (! XBEE_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS( timer));

                    xbee_ota_find_devices( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, xbee_found, NULL);

#ifdef VERBOSE
                if (last_state != xbee_ota.xbxm.state)
                    printf( "state change from %u to %u\n", last_state,
                    last_state = xbee_ota.xbxm.state;
                if (last_packet != xbee_ota.xbxm.packet_num)
#ifdef VERBOSE
                    printf( "packet #%u\n", xbee_ota.xbxm.packet_num);
                    printf( " %" PRIu32 " bytes\r",
                            UINT32_C(64) * xbee_ota.xbxm.packet_num);
                    last_packet = xbee_ota.xbxm.packet_num;

        if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
            return 0;
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "help") || ! strcmp( cmdstr, "?"))
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "find"))
            if (dynamic_profile.profile_id == 0)
                puts( "Error: specify a profile via cmd line or 'profile' cmd");
                xbee_ota_find_devices( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, xbee_found, NULL);
        else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "profile ", 8))
            dynamic_profile.profile_id = strtoul( &cmdstr[8], NULL, 16);
            printf( "Profile ID set to 0x%04x\n", dynamic_profile.profile_id);
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "target"))
            puts( " #: --IEEE Address--- Ver. --------Application Name--------"
                  " ---Date Code----");
            for (i = 0; i < target_index; ++i)
                print_target( i);
            puts( "End of List");
        else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "target ", 7))
            i = (int) strtoul( &cmdstr[7], NULL, 10);
            if (target_index == 0)
                printf( "error, no targets in list, starting search now...\n");
                xbee_ota_find_devices( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, xbee_found, NULL);
            else if (i < 0 || i >= target_index)
                printf( "error, index %d is invalid (must be 0 to %u)\n", i,
                        target_index - 1);
                target = &target_list[i];
                puts( "set target to:");
                print_target( i);
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "F") && target != NULL)
            // If the target is stuck in the bootloader, send an 'F' to start
            // a firmware update.
            wpan_envelope_t envelope;

            wpan_envelope_create( &envelope, &my_xbee.wpan_dev, &target->ieee,
            envelope.options = current_profile->flags;
            xbee_transparent_serial_str( &envelope, "F");
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "firmware"))
            firmware = get_file();
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "password"))
            set_password( "");
            puts( "cleared password (will use default of a single null byte)");
        else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "password ", 9))
            set_password( &cmdstr[9]);
            printf( "set password to [%.*s]\n", xbee_ota.auth_length,
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "aps"))
            xbee_ota.flags ^= XBEE_OTA_FLAG_APS_ENCRYPT;
            printf( "APS encryption %sabled\n",
                    (xbee_ota.flags & XBEE_OTA_FLAG_APS_ENCRYPT) ? "en" : "dis");
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "go"))
            if (target == NULL)
                if (target_index > 0)
                    target = &target_list[0];
                    puts( "no targets available to send to");

            if (firmware == NULL)
                firmware = get_file();
                if (firmware == NULL)
                    printf( "Canceled.\n");

            printf( "Starting xmodem upload of\n  %s\n", firmware);

            fw_file = fopen( firmware, "rb");
            if (! fw_file)
                printf( "Failed to open '%s'\n", firmware);
                exit( -1);

            status = xbee_ota_init( &xbee_ota, &my_xbee.wpan_dev, &target->ieee);

            if (status)
                printf( "%s returned %d\n", "xbee_ota_init", status);

            status = xbee_xmodem_set_source( &xbee_ota.xbxm, xmodem_buffer,
                                             fw_read, fw_file);
            if (status)
                printf( "%s returned %d\n", "xbee_xmodem_set_source", status);

            // reset the xbee_xmodem_state_t state machine, keeping existing flags
            status = xbee_xmodem_tx_init( &xbee_ota.xbxm, xbee_ota.xbxm.flags);
            if (status)
                printf( "%s returned %d\n", "xbee_xmodem_tx_init", status);

            // reset copies of basic cluster -- need to refresh after update
            memset( &target->basic, 0, sizeof(target->basic));

#ifdef VERBOSE
            last_state = last_packet = 0;

            // main loop will tick the xmodem transfre until fw_file == NULL
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "ACK"))
            xbee_ota.xbxm.flags |= XBEE_XMODEM_FLAG_DROP_ACK;
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "FRAME"))
            xbee_ota.xbxm.flags |= XBEE_XMODEM_FLAG_DROP_FRAME;
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "CRC"))
            xbee_ota.xbxm.flags |= XBEE_XMODEM_FLAG_BAD_CRC;
        else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "AT", 2))
            process_command( &my_xbee, &cmdstr[2]);
            printf( "unknown command: '%s'\n", cmdstr);

	Initiate communication with the XBee module, then accept AT and
   other commands from STDIO, pass them to the XBee module via the
   SXA library, and print the results.
int main( void)
   char cmdstr[80];
   char * slash;
   int ionum;
   int msglen;
   int msgsent;
   int status;
   int chunksize;

   // Required local device initialization
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, xbee_awake_pin, xbee_reset_pin))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");

   // Initialize the Simple XBee API layer.  SXA handles a lot of the
   // book-keeping for multiple remote nodes and XBee on-module I/Os.
   // It also helps to hide the difference between local and remote nodes.
   sxa = sxa_init_or_exit(&my_xbee, endpoints_table, 1);

   if (!sxa)
   	printf("Failed to initialize Simple XBee API!\n");


   while (1)
   	// Accumulate a command string, and call the tick function while waiting.
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)

      // Have a command, process it.
		if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "menu", 4))
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
      else if ( sxa_select_command( cmdstr))
      	// empty, command done
      else if ( cmdstr[0] == '$')
      	if (!have_target)
      		printf("Need a remote target to send data\n");
	         msglen = atoi(cmdstr+1);
            slash = strchr(cmdstr, '/');
            if (slash)
            	chunksize = atoi(slash + 1);
               if (chunksize > sizeof(qbf) || chunksize < 1) chunksize = sizeof(qbf);
            	chunksize = 64;
            msgsent = 0;
	         while (msglen >= chunksize)
					status = send_data( sxa, qbf, chunksize);
               if (status)
               	printf("Error sending %d bytes: status=%d\n", chunksize, status);
               	msgsent += chunksize;
               msglen -= chunksize;
            if (msglen)
					status = send_data( sxa, qbf, msglen);
               if (status)
               	printf("Error sending %d bytes: status=%d\n", msglen, status);
               	msgsent += msglen;
            printf("Total %d sent\n", msgsent);
      else if (!strncasecmp(cmdstr, "at", 2))
			process_command_remote( sxa_xbee( sxa), cmdstr,
         	have_target ? &target_ieee : NULL);
      else if (have_target)
      	msglen = strlen(cmdstr);
	   	printf( "sending %u bytes to '%ls'\n", msglen, sxa->id.node_info);
	   	status = send_data( sxa, cmdstr, msglen);
         if (status)
         	printf("Error sending %d bytes: status=%d\n", msglen, status);
      	printf("Need a remote target to send data\n");