Exemple #1
static void
save_window_size (GtkWidget *dialog, XfceSettingsEditorBox *settings_editor)
	GdkWindowState            state;
	gint                      width, height;
	gint                      paned_pos;

	g_object_get (G_OBJECT(settings_editor), "paned-pos", &paned_pos, NULL);

	state = gdk_window_get_state (gtk_widget_get_window(dialog));

		/* save window size */
		gtk_window_get_size (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), &width, &height);
		xfconf_channel_set_int (channel, "/last/window-width", width),
			xfconf_channel_set_int (channel, "/last/window-height", height);
		xfconf_channel_set_int (channel, "/last/paned-position", paned_pos);

/* Update xfconf property if combobox selection is changed */
static void
power_manager_plugin_combo_changed (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                    gpointer user_data)
  XfconfChannel *channel = user_data;
  GtkTreeModel *model;
  GtkTreeIter iter;
  int show_panel_label;

  if (!gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter (combo, &iter))

  model = gtk_combo_box_get_model (combo);

  gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 0, &show_panel_label, -1);
  xfconf_channel_set_int (channel, XFPM_PROPERTIES_PREFIX SHOW_PANEL_LABEL, show_panel_label);
Exemple #3
main(int argc,
     char **argv)
    XfconfChannel *channel;
        return 1;
    channel = xfconf_channel_new(TEST_CHANNEL_NAME);
    TEST_OPERATION(xfconf_channel_set_int(channel, test_int_property, test_int));
    return 0;
Exemple #4
main (gint argc, gchar **argv)
  GError        *error = NULL;
  GtkWidget     *dialog;
  GtkWidget     *button;
  gint           result;
  gint           retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
  gint           default_response = GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL;
  XfconfChannel *channel;
  gint           configver;
  gchar         *filename_46;
  gchar         *filename_default;
  gboolean       migrate_vendor_default;

  /* set translation domain */

#ifndef NDEBUG
  /* terminate the program on warnings and critical messages */
  g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING);

  gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

  if (!xfconf_init (&error))
      g_critical ("Failed to initialize Xfconf: %s", error->message);
      g_error_free (error);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  channel = xfconf_channel_get (LDE_PANEL_CHANNEL_NAME);
  if (!xfconf_channel_has_property (channel, "/panels"))
      /* lookup the old 4.6 config file */
      filename_46 = lde_resource_lookup (LDE_RESOURCE_CONFIG, LDE_46_CONFIG);

      /* lookup the default configuration */
      lde_resource_push_path (LDE_RESOURCE_CONFIG, XDGCONFIGDIR);
      filename_default = lde_resource_lookup (LDE_RESOURCE_CONFIG, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME);
      lde_resource_pop_path (LDE_RESOURCE_CONFIG);

      if (filename_46 == NULL && filename_default == NULL)
          g_warning ("No default or old configuration found");
          return EXIT_FAILURE;

      /* if the default configuration does not match with the file found
       * by the resource lookup, migrate it without asking */
      migrate_vendor_default = (g_strcmp0 (DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, filename_default) != 0);

      /* check if we auto-migrate the default configuration */
      if (g_getenv ("LDE_PANEL_MIGRATE_DEFAULT") != NULL
          || migrate_vendor_default)
          if (filename_46 != NULL)
            g_message ("Tried to auto-migrate, but old configuration found");
          else if (filename_default == NULL)
            g_message ("Tried to auto-migrate, but no default configuration found");
            goto migrate_default;

      /* create question dialog */
      dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL, 0, GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION, GTK_BUTTONS_NONE,
                                       _("Welcome to the first start of the panel"));
      gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), _("Panel"));
      gtk_window_set_icon_name (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES);
      gtk_window_stick (GTK_WINDOW (dialog));
      gtk_window_set_keep_above (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), TRUE);

      if (filename_46 != NULL)
          gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dialog), "%s\n%s",
              _("Because the panel moved to a new system for storing the "
                "settings, it has to load a fresh initial configuration."),
              _("Choose below which setup you want for the first startup."));

          button = gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), _("Migrate old config"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
          gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (button, _("Migrate the old 4.6 configuration to Xfconf"));
          default_response = GTK_RESPONSE_OK;
          gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dialog),
              _("Choose below which setup you want for the first startup."));

      if (filename_default != NULL)
          button = gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), _("Use default config"), GTK_RESPONSE_YES);
          gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (button, _("Load the default configuration"));

          if (default_response == GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL)
            default_response = GTK_RESPONSE_YES;

      button = gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), _("One empty panel"), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL);
      gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (button, _("Start with one empty panel"));

      gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), default_response);
      result = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
      gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

      if (result == GTK_RESPONSE_OK && filename_46 != NULL)
          /* restore 4.6 config */
          if (!migrate_46 (filename_46, channel, &error))
              lde_dialog_show_error (NULL, error, _("Failed to migrate the old panel configuration"));
              g_error_free (error);
              retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
      else if (result == GTK_RESPONSE_YES && filename_default != NULL)

          /* apply default config */
          if (!migrate_default (filename_default, &error))
              lde_dialog_show_error (NULL, error, _("Failed to load the default configuration"));
              g_error_free (error);
              retval = EXIT_FAILURE;

      g_free (filename_46);
      g_free (filename_default);

  configver = xfconf_channel_get_int (channel, "/configver", -1);
  if (configver < LDE4_PANEL_CONFIG_VERSION)
      g_message (_("Panel config needs migration..."));

      if (!migrate_config (channel, configver, &error))
          lde_dialog_show_error (NULL, error, _("Failed to migrate the existing configuration"));
          g_error_free (error);
          retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
          g_message (_("Panel configuration has been updated."));

      /* migration complete, set new version */
      xfconf_channel_set_int (channel, "/configver", LDE4_PANEL_CONFIG_VERSION);

  xfconf_shutdown ();

  return retval;
xfce_randr_save_output (XfceRandr     *randr,
                        const gchar   *scheme,
                        XfconfChannel *channel,
                        guint          output,
                        gint           rel_changed)
    gchar             property[512];
    gchar            *str_value;
    const XfceRRMode *mode;
    gint              degrees;

    g_return_if_fail (randr != NULL && scheme != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail (XFCONF_IS_CHANNEL (channel));
    g_return_if_fail (output < randr->noutput);

    /* save the device name */
    g_snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "/%s/%s", scheme,
    xfconf_channel_set_string (channel, property, randr->friendly_name[output]);

    /* find the resolution and refresh rate */
    mode = xfce_randr_find_mode_by_id (randr, output, randr->mode[output]);

    /* if no resolution was found, mark it as inactive and stop */
    g_snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "/%s/%s/Active", scheme,
    xfconf_channel_set_bool (channel, property, mode != NULL);

    if (mode == NULL)

    /* save the resolution */
    str_value = g_strdup_printf ("%dx%d", mode->width, mode->height);
    g_snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "/%s/%s/Resolution", scheme,
    xfconf_channel_set_string (channel, property, str_value);
    g_free (str_value);

    /* save the refresh rate */
    g_snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "/%s/%s/RefreshRate", scheme,
    xfconf_channel_set_double (channel, property, mode->rate);

    /* convert the rotation into degrees */
    switch (randr->rotation[output] & XFCE_RANDR_ROTATIONS_MASK)
        case RR_Rotate_90:  degrees = 90;  break;
        case RR_Rotate_180: degrees = 180; break;
        case RR_Rotate_270: degrees = 270; break;
        default:            degrees = 0;   break;

    /* save the rotation in degrees */
    g_snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "/%s/%s/Rotation", scheme,
    xfconf_channel_set_int (channel, property, degrees);

    /* convert the reflection into a string */
    switch (randr->rotation[output] & XFCE_RANDR_REFLECTIONS_MASK)
        case RR_Reflect_X:              str_value = "X";  break;
        case RR_Reflect_Y:              str_value = "Y";  break;
        case RR_Reflect_X|RR_Reflect_Y: str_value = "XY"; break;
        default:                        str_value = "0";  break;

    /* save the reflection string */
    g_snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "/%s/%s/Reflection", scheme,
    xfconf_channel_set_string (channel, property, str_value);

    /* is it the primary output? */
    g_snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "/%s/%s/Primary", scheme,
    xfconf_channel_set_bool (channel, property,
                             randr->status[output] == XFCE_OUTPUT_STATUS_PRIMARY);

    /* update positions according to the current relations */
    if (rel_changed)
        xfce_randr_update_positions (randr, output);

    /* save the position */
    g_snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "/%s/%s/Position/X", scheme,
    xfconf_channel_set_int (channel, property, MAX (randr->priv->position[output].x, 0));
    g_snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "/%s/%s/Position/Y", scheme,
    xfconf_channel_set_int (channel, property, MAX (randr->priv->position[output].y, 0));