Exemple #1
Calculates a best-fit image transform from image feature correspondences
using RANSAC.

For more information refer to:

Fischler, M. A. and Bolles, R. C.  Random sample consensus: a paradigm for
model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography.
<EM>Communications of the ACM, 24</EM>, 6 (1981), pp. 381--395.

@param features an array of features; only features with a non-NULL match
	of type mtype are used in homography computation
@param n number of features in feat
@param mtype determines which of each feature's match fields to use
	for model computation; should be one of FEATURE_FWD_MATCH,
	correspondences are assumed to be between a feature's img_pt field
	and its match's mdl_pt field, otherwise correspondences are assumed to
	be between the the feature's img_pt field and its match's img_pt field
@param xform_fn pointer to the function used to compute the desired
	transformation from feature correspondences
@param m minimum number of correspondences necessary to instantiate the
	model computed by xform_fn
@param p_badxform desired probability that the final transformation
	returned by RANSAC is corrupted by outliers (i.e. the probability that
	no samples of all inliers were drawn)
@param err_fn pointer to the function used to compute a measure of error
	between putative correspondences and a computed model
@param err_tol correspondences within this distance of a computed model are
	considered as inliers
@param inliers if not NULL, output as an array of pointers to the final
	set of inliers
@param n_in if not NULL and \a inliers is not NULL, output as the final
	number of inliers

@return Returns a transformation matrix computed using RANSAC or NULL
	on error or if an acceptable transform could not be computed.
CvMat* ransac_xform( struct feature* features, int n, int mtype,
					ransac_xform_fn xform_fn, int m, double p_badxform,
					ransac_err_fn err_fn, double err_tol,
                    struct feature*** inliers, int* n_in )
	struct feature** matched, ** sample, ** consensus, ** consensus_max = NULL;
    struct ransac_data* rdata;//每个特征点的feature_data域的ransac数据指针
    CvPoint2D64f* pts, * mpts;//每个样本对应的两个坐标数组:特征点坐标数组pts和匹配点坐标数组mpts
    CvMat* M = NULL;//当前变换矩阵
	double p, in_frac = RANSAC_INLIER_FRAC_EST;
	int i, nm, in, in_min, in_max = 0, k = 0;

	nm = get_matched_features( features, n, mtype, &matched );
	if( nm < m )
    {   //出错处理,特征点对个数不足
		fprintf( stderr, "Warning: not enough matches to compute xform, %s" \
			" line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		goto end;

	/* initialize random number generator */
    srand( time(NULL) );//初始化随机数生成器

	in_min = calc_min_inliers( nm, m, RANSAC_PROB_BAD_SUPP, p_badxform );
    p = pow( 1.0 - pow( in_frac, m ), k );
	i = 0;

	while( p > p_badxform )
		sample = draw_ransac_sample( matched, nm, m );
		extract_corresp_pts( sample, m, mtype, &pts, &mpts );
        M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, m );//一般传入lsq_homog()函数
        if( ! M )//出错判断
			goto iteration_end;
		in = find_consensus( matched, nm, mtype, M, err_fn, err_tol, &consensus);

		if( in > in_max )
            if( consensus_max )//若之前有最优值,释放其空间
				free( consensus_max );
            consensus_max = consensus;//更新最优一致集
            in_max = in;//更新最优一致集中元素个数
            in_frac = (double)in_max / nm;//最优一致集中元素个数占样本总个数的百分比
			free( consensus );
		cvReleaseMat( &M );

        release_mem( pts, mpts, sample );
        p = pow( 1.0 - pow( in_frac, m ), ++k );//更新当前错误概率

	/* calculate final transform based on best consensus set */
	if( in_max >= in_min )
		extract_corresp_pts( consensus_max, in_max, mtype, &pts, &mpts );
		M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, in_max );
		in = find_consensus( matched, nm, mtype, M, err_fn, err_tol, &consensus);
		cvReleaseMat( &M );
		release_mem( pts, mpts, consensus_max );
		extract_corresp_pts( consensus, in, mtype, &pts, &mpts );
		M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, in );
		if( inliers )
            *inliers = consensus;//将最优一致集赋值给输出参数:inliers,即内点集合
			consensus = NULL;
		if( n_in )
            *n_in = in;//将最优一致集中元素个数赋值给输出参数:n_in,即内点个数
		release_mem( pts, mpts, consensus );
	else if( consensus_max )
    {   //没有计算出符合要求的一致集
		if( inliers )
			*inliers = NULL;
		if( n_in )
			*n_in = 0;
		free( consensus_max );

	for( i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
		rdata = feat_ransac_data( matched[i] );
		matched[i]->feature_data = rdata->orig_feat_data;
        free( rdata );//释放内存
	free( matched );

    return M;//返回求出的变换矩阵M
Exemple #2
  Calculates a best-fit image transform from image feature correspondences
  using RANSAC.
  For more information refer to:
  Fischler, M. A. and Bolles, R. C.  Random sample consensus: a paradigm for
  model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography.
  <EM>Communications of the ACM, 24</EM>, 6 (1981), pp. 381--395.
  @param features an array of features; only features with a non-NULL match
    of type mtype are used in homography computation
  @param n number of features in feat
  @param mtype determines which of each feature's match fields to use
    for model computation; should be one of FEATURE_FWD_MATCH,
    correspondences are assumed to be between a feature's img_pt field
    and its match's mdl_pt field, otherwise correspondences are assumed to
    be between the the feature's img_pt field and its match's img_pt field
  @param xform_fn pointer to the function used to compute the desired
    transformation from feature correspondences
  @param m minimum number of correspondences necessary to instantiate the
    model computed by xform_fn
  @param p_badxform desired probability that the final transformation
    returned by RANSAC is corrupted by outliers (i.e. the probability that
    no samples of all inliers were drawn)
  @param err_fn pointer to the function used to compute a measure of error
    between putative correspondences and a computed model
  @param err_tol correspondences within this distance of a computed model are
    considered as inliers
  @param inliers if not NULL, output as an array of pointers to the final
    set of inliers
  @param n_in if not NULL and \a inliers is not NULL, output as the final
    number of inliers
  @return Returns a transformation matrix computed using RANSAC or NULL
    on error or if an acceptable transform could not be computed.
CvMat* ransac_xform( struct feature* features, int n, int mtype,
		     ransac_xform_fn xform_fn, int m, double p_badxform,
		     ransac_err_fn err_fn, double err_tol,
		     struct feature*** inliers, int* n_in )
  struct feature** matched, ** sample, ** consensus, ** consensus_max = NULL;
  struct ransac_data* rdata;
  CvPoint2D64f* pts, * mpts;
  CvMat* M = NULL;
  double p, in_frac = RANSAC_INLIER_FRAC_EST;
  int i, nm, in, in_min, in_max = 0, k = 0;

  nm = get_matched_features( features, n, mtype, &matched );
  if( nm < m )
      fprintf( stderr, "Warning: not enough matches to compute xform, %s" \
	       " line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
      goto end;

  srandom( time(NULL) );

  in_min = calc_min_inliers( nm, m, RANSAC_PROB_BAD_SUPP, p_badxform );
  p = pow( 1.0 - pow( in_frac, m ), k );
  while( p > p_badxform )
      sample = draw_ransac_sample( matched, nm, m );
      extract_corresp_pts( sample, m, mtype, &pts, &mpts );
      M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, m );
      if( ! M )
	goto iteration_end;
      in = find_consensus( matched, nm, mtype, M, err_fn, err_tol, &consensus);
      if( in > in_max )
	  if( consensus_max )
	    free( consensus_max );
	  consensus_max = consensus;
	  in_max = in;
	  in_frac = (double)in_max / nm;
	free( consensus );
      cvReleaseMat( &M );

      release_mem( pts, mpts, sample );
      p = pow( 1.0 - pow( in_frac, m ), ++k );

  /* calculate final transform based on best consensus set */
  if( in_max >= in_min )
      extract_corresp_pts( consensus_max, in_max, mtype, &pts, &mpts );
      M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, in_max );
      in = find_consensus( matched, nm, mtype, M, err_fn, err_tol, &consensus);
      cvReleaseMat( &M );
      release_mem( pts, mpts, consensus_max );
      extract_corresp_pts( consensus, in, mtype, &pts, &mpts );
      M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, in );
      if( inliers )
	  *inliers = consensus;
	  consensus = NULL;
      if( n_in )
	*n_in = in;
      release_mem( pts, mpts, consensus );
  else if( consensus_max )
      if( inliers )
	*inliers = NULL;
      if( n_in )
	*n_in = 0;
      free( consensus_max );

  for( i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
      rdata = feat_ransac_data( matched[i] );
      matched[i]->feature_data = rdata->orig_feat_data;
      free( rdata );
  free( matched );
  return M;