Exemple #1
static void
xfce_keyboard_layout_helper_init (XfceKeyboardLayoutHelper *helper)
    /* init */
    helper->channel = NULL;

    /* open the channel */
    helper->channel = xfconf_channel_get ("keyboard-layout");

    helper->xkb_disable_settings = xfconf_channel_get_bool (helper->channel, "/Default/XkbDisable", TRUE);

    /* monitor channel changes */
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (helper->channel), "property-changed", G_CALLBACK (xfce_keyboard_layout_helper_channel_property_changed), helper);

    helper->engine = xkl_engine_get_instance (GDK_DISPLAY ());
    helper->config = xkl_config_rec_new ();
    xkl_config_rec_get_from_server (helper->config, helper->engine);
    helper->system_keyboard_model = g_strdup (helper->config->model);

    gdk_window_add_filter (NULL, (GdkFilterFunc) handle_xevent, helper);
    g_signal_connect (helper->engine, "X-new-device",
                      G_CALLBACK (xfce_keyboard_layout_reset_xkl_config), helper);
    xkl_engine_start_listen (helper->engine, XKLL_TRACK_KEYBOARD_STATE);

    /* load settings */
    xfce_keyboard_layout_helper_set_model (helper);
    xfce_keyboard_layout_helper_set_layout (helper);
    xfce_keyboard_layout_helper_set_variant (helper);
    xfce_keyboard_layout_helper_set_grpkey (helper);
    xfce_keyboard_layout_helper_set_composekey (helper);

    xfce_keyboard_layout_helper_process_xmodmap ();
mdm_layout_activate (const char *layout)
        XklConfigRec *config;
        char         *p;
        int          ii, ic;

        init_xkl ();

        config = xkl_config_rec_new ();
        config->model = g_strdup (initial_config->model);

        if (layout == NULL) {
                config->layouts = g_strdupv (initial_config->layouts);
                config->variants = g_strdupv (initial_config->variants);
                config->options = g_strdupv (initial_config->options);
        } else {
                config->layouts = g_new0 (char *, g_strv_length (initial_config->layouts) + 2);
                config->variants = g_new0 (char *, g_strv_length (initial_config->variants) + 2);
                config->layouts[0] = g_strdup (layout);

                p = strchr (config->layouts[0], '\t');
                if (p != NULL) {
                        config->layouts[0][p - config->layouts[0]] = 0;
                        config->variants[0] = g_strdup (p + 1);
                } else {
                        config->variants[0] = g_strdup ("");

                /* append other layouts from the initial configuration, so that
                 * the session gets all of them */
                ic = 1;
                for (ii = 0; ii < g_strv_length (initial_config->layouts); ++ii) {
                        if (g_strcmp0 (config->layouts[0], initial_config->layouts[ii]) ||
                            strcmp_null_empty (config->variants[0], initial_config->variants[ii])) {
                                config->layouts[ic] = g_strdup (initial_config->layouts[ii]);
                                if (initial_config->variants[ii] != NULL)
                                        config->variants[ic] = g_strdup (initial_config->variants[ii]);
                                        config->variants[ic] = g_strdup ("");
                config->options = g_strdupv (initial_config->options);

        xkl_config_rec_activate (config, engine);

        g_object_unref (config);
xkb_layout_preview_set_drawing_layout (GtkWidget * kbdraw,
				       const gchar * id)
	if (kbdraw != NULL) {
		if (id != NULL) {
			XklConfigRec *data;
			char **p, *layout, *variant;
			XkbComponentNamesRec component_names;

			data = xkl_config_rec_new ();
			if (xkl_config_rec_get_from_server (data, engine)) {
				if ((p = data->layouts) != NULL)
					g_strfreev (data->layouts);

				if ((p = data->variants) != NULL)
					g_strfreev (data->variants);

				data->layouts = g_new0 (char *, 2);
				data->variants = g_new0 (char *, 2);
				if (matekbd_keyboard_config_split_items
				    (id, &layout, &variant)
				    && variant != NULL) {
					data->layouts[0] =
					    (layout ==
					     NULL) ? NULL :
					    g_strdup (layout);
					data->variants[0] =
					    (variant ==
					     NULL) ? NULL :
					    g_strdup (variant);
				} else {
					data->layouts[0] =
					    (id ==
					     NULL) ? NULL : g_strdup (id);
					data->variants[0] = NULL;

				if (xkl_xkb_config_native_prepare
				    (engine, data, &component_names)) {
					     (kbdraw), &component_names);

					    (engine, &component_names);
			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (data));
		} else
static void
init_xkl (void)
        if (config_registry == NULL) {
                engine = xkl_engine_get_instance (GDK_DISPLAY ());
                config_registry = xkl_config_registry_get_instance (engine);
                xkl_config_registry_load (config_registry, FALSE);

                initial_config = xkl_config_rec_new ();
                if (!xkl_config_rec_get_from_server (initial_config, engine)) {
                        g_warning ("failed to load XKB configuration");
                        initial_config->model = g_strdup ("pc105");
static void
popup_menu_show_layout ()
	static GkbdKeyboardDrawingGroupLevel groupsLevels[] = { {
								 0, 1}, {
	 0, 0}, {
		 0, 2}
	static GkbdKeyboardDrawingGroupLevel *pGroupsLevels[] = {
		groupsLevels, groupsLevels + 1, groupsLevels + 2,
		groupsLevels + 3

	GtkBuilder *builder;
	GtkWidget *dialog, *kbdraw;
	XkbComponentNamesRec component_names;
	XklConfigRec *xkl_data;
	GdkRectangle *rect;
	GError *error = NULL;

	XklEngine *engine = xkl_engine_get_instance (GDK_DISPLAY ());
	XklState *xkl_state = xkl_engine_get_current_state (engine);
	gchar **group_names = gkbd_status_get_group_names ();
	gpointer p = g_hash_table_lookup (preview_dialogs,
	if (p != NULL) {
		/* existing window */
		gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (p));

	builder = gtk_builder_new ();
	gtk_builder_add_from_file (builder, DATADIR "/show-layout.ui",

	if (error) {
		g_error ("building ui from %s failed: %s",
			 DATADIR "/show-layout.ui", error->message);
		g_clear_error (&error);

	dialog =
	    GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object
			(builder, "gswitchit_layout_view"));
	kbdraw = gkbd_keyboard_drawing_new ();

	if (xkl_state->group >= 0 &&
	    xkl_state->group < g_strv_length (group_names)) {
		char title[128] = "";
		snprintf (title, sizeof (title),
			  _("Keyboard Layout \"%s\""),
		gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);
		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (dialog), "group_name",
					g_strdup (group_names

	gkbd_keyboard_drawing_set_groups_levels (GKBD_KEYBOARD_DRAWING
						 (kbdraw), pGroupsLevels);

	xkl_data = xkl_config_rec_new ();
	if (xkl_config_rec_get_from_server (xkl_data, engine)) {
		int num_layouts = g_strv_length (xkl_data->layouts);
		int num_variants = g_strv_length (xkl_data->variants);
		if (xkl_state->group >= 0 &&
		    xkl_state->group < num_layouts &&
		    xkl_state->group < num_variants) {
			char *l =
			    g_strdup (xkl_data->layouts[xkl_state->group]);
			char *v =
			    g_strdup (xkl_data->variants
			char **p;
			int i;

			if ((p = xkl_data->layouts) != NULL)
				for (i = num_layouts; --i >= 0;)
					g_free (*p++);

			if ((p = xkl_data->variants) != NULL)
				for (i = num_variants; --i >= 0;)
					g_free (*p++);

			xkl_data->layouts =
			    g_realloc (xkl_data->layouts,
				       sizeof (char *) * 2);
			xkl_data->variants =
			    g_realloc (xkl_data->variants,
				       sizeof (char *) * 2);
			xkl_data->layouts[0] = l;
			xkl_data->variants[0] = v;
			xkl_data->layouts[1] = xkl_data->variants[1] =

		if (xkl_xkb_config_native_prepare
		    (engine, xkl_data, &component_names)) {
			    (GKBD_KEYBOARD_DRAWING (kbdraw),
			xkl_xkb_config_native_cleanup (engine,
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (xkl_data));

	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "builderData", builder);
	g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (dialog),
			  "destroy", G_CALLBACK (show_layout_destroy),
			  GINT_TO_POINTER (xkl_state->group));
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response",
			  G_CALLBACK (show_layout_response), NULL);

	rect = gkbd_preview_load_position ();
	if (rect != NULL) {
		gtk_window_move (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), rect->x, rect->y);
		gtk_window_resize (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), rect->width,
		g_free (rect);
	} else
		gtk_window_resize (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), 700, 400);

	gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), TRUE);

	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER
			    (builder, "preview_vbox")), kbdraw);

	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "kbdraw", kbdraw);

	g_hash_table_insert (preview_dialogs,
			     GINT_TO_POINTER (xkl_state->group), dialog);

	gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));