int xml_count( const char *xmlBuf, const char *elementName, int elementNumber, const char *childName, const char *childValue, int *iret ) /************************************************************************ * xml_count * * * * This function returns the number of specified elements that are * * contained in an xml file. * * * * The input element is actually part of an XPath expression. This * * expression by default assumes the searched for element is a child * * of the root node of the xml document (/root/elementName). The root * * node should not be specified in elementName, however. This routine * * will prepend "[slash]*[slash]" to the beginning of the element name, * * thus always matching the root. * * * * See additional documentation and usage examples of this and other * * cgemlib/xml library routines at: * * * * $NAWIPS/doc/Prog_guid/xml/cgemlibxml.sxw. * * * * Valid Inputs: * * * * int xml_count( xmlBuf, elementName, elementNumber, childName, * * childValue, iret ) * * * * Input parameters: * * *xmlBuf const char buffer containing xml document * * *elementName const char element name to be counted * * elementNumber int number of element or 0 for none * * *childName const char optional child element name * * *childValue const char optional element value or NULL * * * * Output parameters: * * *iret int Return code * * 0 = normal * * 1 = non-fatal xpath error * * see Valid Inputs above * * -1 = bad xmlBuf pointer (NULL) * * -2 = bufSize <= 0 * * -3 = fatal error creating * * XPath expression * * -4 = unable to allocate memory * * -5 = xpath context error * * -6 = error parsing xmlBuf * * -7 = xpath context error * * -8 = xpath expression error * * -9 = node list is empty * * Return: * * int number of instances of the * * specified element in xmlBuf * ** * * Log: * * E. Safford/SAIC 11/05 initial coding (adapted from tutorial * * by Aleksey Sanin, Copyright 2004, used * * under GNU Free Documentation License) * ***********************************************************************/ { int count = 0, ier = 0, bufSize = 0; xmlChar *xpathExpr = NULL; xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; xmlNodeSetPtr nodes = NULL; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *iret = 0; /* * Sanity check on input buffer */ if( xmlBuf == NULL ) { *iret = -1; return( count ); } bufSize = strlen( xmlBuf ); if( bufSize <= 0 ) { *iret = -2; return( count ); } /* * Init libxml */ xmlInitParser(); /* * Construct the XPath expression */ xml_makeXpathExpr( elementName, elementNumber, childName, 0, childValue, &xpathExpr, &ier ); if( ier < 0 ) { *iret = -3; G_FREE( xpathExpr, xmlChar ); return( count ); } else if( ier > 0 ) { *iret = 1; } xml_executeXpathExpr( xmlBuf, bufSize, xpathExpr, &doc, &xpathObj, &ier ); if( ier < 0 ) { *iret = -8; } else { /* * Process results */ nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; count = nodes->nodeNr; } /* * Shutdown libxml and cleanup */ G_FREE( xpathExpr, xmlChar ); xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); return( count ); }
bool Outfits::loadFromXml(const std::string& datadir) { std::string filename = datadir + "outfits.xml"; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(filename.c_str()); if(doc){ xmlNodePtr root, p; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"outfits") != 0){ xmlFreeDoc(doc); std::cout << "Warning: outfits.xml not found, using defaults." << std::endl; return true; } p = root->children; while(p){ if(xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"outfit") == 0){ int32_t intValue; std::string strValue; if(readXMLInteger(p, "id", intValue)){ Outfit outfit; outfit.outfitId = intValue; outfit.isDefault = true; if(readXMLInteger(p, "premium", intValue)){ outfit.isPremium = (intValue == 1); } if(readXMLInteger(p, "default", intValue)){ outfit.isDefault = (intValue == 1); } xmlNodePtr pchild = p->children; while(pchild){ if(xmlStrcmp(pchild->name, (const xmlChar*)"list") == 0){ if(readXMLInteger(pchild, "looktype", intValue)){ outfit.lookType = intValue; } else{ std::cout << "Missing looktype for an outfit." << std::endl; pchild = pchild->next; continue; } if(readXMLInteger(pchild, "addons", intValue)){ outfit.addons = intValue; } if(readXMLString(pchild, "name", strValue)){ = strValue; } if(readXMLString(pchild, "type", strValue)){ PlayerSex_t playersex = PLAYERSEX_LAST; if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "female"){ playersex = PLAYERSEX_FEMALE; } else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "male"){ playersex = PLAYERSEX_MALE; } else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "femalegm"){ playersex = PLAYERSEX_FEMALE_GAMEMASTER; } else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "malegm"){ playersex = PLAYERSEX_MALE_GAMEMASTER; } else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "femalecm"){ playersex = PLAYERSEX_FEMALE_MANAGER; } else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "malecm"){ playersex = PLAYERSEX_MALE_MANAGER; } else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "femalegod"){ playersex = PLAYERSEX_FEMALE_GOD; } else if(asLowerCaseString(strValue) == "malegod"){ playersex = PLAYERSEX_MALE_GOD; } else{ std::cout << "Invalid player sex " << strValue << " for an outfit." << std::endl; pchild = pchild->next; continue; } allOutfits.push_back(outfit); outfitMaps[playersex][outfit.outfitId] = outfit; } else{ std::cout << "Missing playersex for an outfit." << std::endl; pchild = pchild->next; continue; } } pchild = pchild->next; } } else{ std::cout << "Missing outfit id." << std::endl; } } p = p->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); } return true; }
void write_tasks_entries (GUI *appGUI) { gint i; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr main_node, node, note_node; xmlAttrPtr attr; gchar temp[BUFFER_SIZE]; GtkTreeIter iter; gboolean done; gchar *priority, *category, *summary, *desc; guint32 due_date_julian, start_date_julian; doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar *) "1.0"); attr = xmlNewDocProp (doc, (const xmlChar *) "encoding", (const xmlChar *) "utf-8"); main_node = xmlNewNode(NULL, (const xmlChar *) TASKS_NAME); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, main_node); node = xmlNewChild(main_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) TASKS_CATEGORY_ENTRIES_NAME, (xmlChar *) NULL); i = 0; while (gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child(GTK_TREE_MODEL(appGUI->opt->tasks_category_store), &iter, NULL, i++)) { gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(appGUI->opt->tasks_category_store), &iter, 0, &category, -1); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "name", (xmlChar *) category); g_free(category); } node = xmlNewChild(main_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) TASKS_ENTRIES_NAME, (xmlChar *) NULL); i = 0; while (gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child(GTK_TREE_MODEL(appGUI->tsk->tasks_list_store), &iter, NULL, i++)) { gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(appGUI->tsk->tasks_list_store), &iter, COLUMN_DONE, &done, COLUMN_DUE_DATE_JULIAN, &due_date_julian, COLUMN_START_DATE_JULIAN, &start_date_julian, COLUMN_PRIORITY, &priority, COLUMN_CATEGORY, &category, COLUMN_SUMMARY, &summary, COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, &desc, -1); note_node = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "entry", (xmlChar *) NULL); sprintf(temp, "%d", (gint) done); xmlNewChild(note_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "status", (xmlChar *) temp); sprintf(temp, "%d", (guint32) due_date_julian); xmlNewChild(note_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "due_date", (xmlChar *) temp); sprintf(temp, "%d", (guint32) start_date_julian); xmlNewChild(note_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "start_date", (xmlChar *) temp); sprintf(temp, "%d", get_priority_index(gettext(priority))); xmlNewChild(note_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "priority", (xmlChar *) temp); g_free (priority); xmlNewChild(note_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "category", (xmlChar *) category); g_free (category); xmlNewChild(note_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "summary", (xmlChar *) summary); g_free (summary); xmlNewChild(note_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "description", (xmlChar *) desc); g_free (desc); } xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(prefs_get_config_filename(TASKS_ENTRIES_FILENAME), doc, "utf-8", 1); xmlFreeDoc(doc); }
/*函数功能:读取配置文件 *函数参数:配置文件的路径 *函数返回值:无 */ void CConfig::ReadConfig(const char cPath[]) { char szIp[MAX_LEN] = {0}; char szProtocol[MAX_LEN] = {0}; char szPort[MAX_LEN] = {0}; xmlDocPtr Doc; int ret = CConfig::XmlParserFile(&Doc, cPath);//打开配置文件 if(FAULT == ret) { cout << "open file error\n" << endl; return ; } xmlNodePtr Cur, Tc, Tcc; CConfig::GetRoot(Doc, &Cur);//获取根节点 char cszBuf[128]; xmlChar *key; ZXDEBUG(); if(Cur != NULL) { bzero(szIp, MAX_LEN); bzero(szProtocol, MAX_LEN); bzero(szPort, MAX_LEN); Cur = Cur->xmlChildrenNode;//二级节点NetPort、Mainframe while(Cur != NULL) { ZXDEBUG(); if((!xmlStrcmp(Cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"NetPort"))) { if(0 == CConfig::GetNodeValue(Doc, Cur, &key, (char *)"NetPort")) { strcpy(this->m_cpNetPort, (const char *)key); xmlFree(key); } } Tc = Cur->xmlChildrenNode;//三级节点Ip、协议、端口 while(NULL != Tc) { if((!xmlStrcmp(Tc->name, (const xmlChar *)"Ip"))) //获取Ip { if(0 == CConfig::GetNodeValue(Doc, Tc, &key, (char *)"Ip")) { sprintf(szIp, "host %s", (char *)key); xmlFree(key); } } else if((!xmlStrcmp(Tc->name, (const xmlChar *)"Ports")))//获取端口信息 { Tcc = Tc->xmlChildrenNode; while(NULL != Tcc) { ZXDEBUG(); if((!xmlStrcmp(Tcc->name, (const xmlChar *)"Port"))) { if(0 == CConfig::GetNodeValue(Doc, Tcc, &key, (char *)"Port")) { if('\0' == szPort[0]) { sprintf(szPort, "port %s", (char *)key); } else { sprintf(cszBuf, " or %s", key); strcat(szPort, cszBuf); } xmlFree(key); } } Tcc = Tcc->next; } } else if((!xmlStrcmp(Tc->name, (const xmlChar *)"Protocols")))//获取协议信息 { Tcc = Tc->xmlChildrenNode; while(NULL != Tcc) { ZXDEBUG(); if((!xmlStrcmp(Tcc->name, (const xmlChar *)"Protocol"))) { if(0 == CConfig::GetNodeValue(Doc, Tcc, &key, (char *)"Protocol")) { if('\0' == szProtocol[0]) { strcpy(szProtocol, (const char *)key); } else { sprintf(cszBuf, " or %s", key); strcat(szProtocol, cszBuf); } xmlFree(key); } } Tcc = Tcc->next; } } Tc = Tc->next; } if((!xmlStrcmp(Cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"Mainframe"))) { this->StructureFilter(szProtocol, szIp, szPort);//调用函数构造过滤器 } Cur = Cur->next; } } xmlFreeDoc(Doc);//关闭打开的配置文件,并释放其占用的资源 xmlCleanupParser(); }
silvia_issuescript::silvia_issuescript(const std::string file_name) { is_valid = false; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read the issuing script //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// xmlDocPtr xmldoc = xmlParseFile(file_name.c_str()); if (xmldoc == NULL) { return; } // Check integrity xmlNodePtr root_elem = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmldoc); if ((root_elem == NULL) || (xmlStrcasecmp(root_elem->name, (const xmlChar*) "SilviaIssuingScript") != 0)) { xmlFreeDoc(xmldoc); return; } // Parse the data xmlNodePtr child_elem = root_elem->xmlChildrenNode; bool userPIN_set = false; bool atLeastOneCredSpec = false; while (child_elem != NULL) { if (xmlStrcasecmp(child_elem->name, (const xmlChar*) "Description") == 0) { xmlChar* description_value = xmlNodeListGetString(xmldoc, child_elem->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (description_value != NULL) { description = std::string((const char*) description_value); xmlFree(description_value); } } else if (xmlStrcasecmp(child_elem->name, (const xmlChar*) "UserPIN") == 0) { xmlChar* userPIN_value = xmlNodeListGetString(xmldoc, child_elem->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (userPIN_value != NULL) { userPIN = std::string((const char*) userPIN_value); xmlFree(userPIN_value); userPIN_set = true; } } else if (xmlStrcasecmp(child_elem->name, (const xmlChar*) "Credentials") == 0) { xmlNodePtr credentials = child_elem->xmlChildrenNode; while (credentials != NULL) { if (xmlStrcasecmp(credentials->name, (const xmlChar*) "Credential") == 0) { std::string issueSpec; std::string issuerIPK; std::string issuerISK; xmlNodePtr credential_info = credentials->xmlChildrenNode; while (credential_info != NULL) { if (xmlStrcasecmp(credential_info->name, (const xmlChar*) "IssueSpecification") == 0) { xmlChar* issueSpec_value = xmlNodeListGetString(xmldoc, credential_info->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (issueSpec_value != NULL) { issueSpec = std::string((const char*) issueSpec_value); xmlFree(issueSpec_value); } } else if (xmlStrcasecmp(credential_info->name, (const xmlChar*) "IssuerPublicKey") == 0) { xmlChar* issuerIPK_value = xmlNodeListGetString(xmldoc, credential_info->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (issuerIPK_value != NULL) { issuerIPK = std::string((const char*) issuerIPK_value); xmlFree(issuerIPK_value); } } else if (xmlStrcasecmp(credential_info->name, (const xmlChar*) "IssuerPrivateKey") == 0) { xmlChar* issuerISK_value = xmlNodeListGetString(xmldoc, credential_info->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (issuerISK_value != NULL) { issuerISK = std::string((const char*) issuerISK_value); xmlFree(issuerISK_value); } } credential_info = credential_info->next; } if (issueSpec.empty() || issuerIPK.empty() || issuerISK.empty()) { return; } issue_specs.push_back(issueSpec); issuer_ipks.push_back(issuerIPK); issuer_isks.push_back(issuerISK); atLeastOneCredSpec = true; } credentials = credentials->next; } } child_elem = child_elem->next; } xmlFreeDoc(xmldoc); is_valid = userPIN_set && atLeastOneCredSpec; }
/**\brief Load an XML file * \arg filename The XML file that should be parsed. * \arg optional If this is true, an error is not returned if the file doesn't exist. */ bool Components::Load(string filename, bool optional) { xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr cur, ver; int versionMajor = 0, versionMinor = 0, versionMacro = 0; int numObjs = 0; bool success = true; File xmlfile = File (filename); long filelen = xmlfile.GetLength(); char *buffer = xmlfile.Read(); doc = xmlParseMemory( buffer, static_cast<int>(filelen) ); delete [] buffer; // This path will be used when saving the file later. filepath = filename; if( doc == NULL ) { LogMsg(ERR, "Could not load '%s' for parsing.", filename.c_str() ); return optional; } cur = xmlDocGetRootElement( doc ); if( cur == NULL ) { LogMsg(ERR, "'%s' file appears to be empty.", filename.c_str() ); xmlFreeDoc( doc ); return false; } if( xmlStrcmp( cur->name, (const xmlChar *)rootName.c_str() ) ) { LogMsg(ERR, "'%s' appears to be invalid. Root element was %s.", filename.c_str(), (char *)cur->name ); xmlFreeDoc( doc ); return false; } else { LogMsg(INFO, "'%s' file found and valid, parsing...", filename.c_str() ); } // Get the version number if( (ver = FirstChildNamed(cur, "version-major")) != NULL ) { versionMajor = NodeToInt(doc,ver); } if( (ver = FirstChildNamed(cur, "version-minor")) != NULL ) { versionMinor = NodeToInt(doc,ver); } if( (ver = FirstChildNamed(cur, "version-macro")) != NULL ) { versionMacro = NodeToInt(doc,ver); } if( ( versionMajor != EPIAR_VERSION_MAJOR ) || ( versionMinor != EPIAR_VERSION_MINOR ) || ( versionMacro != EPIAR_VERSION_MICRO ) ) { LogMsg(WARN, "File '%s' is version %d.%d.%d. This may cause problems since it does not match the current version %d.%d.%d.", filename.c_str(), versionMajor, versionMinor, versionMacro, EPIAR_VERSION_MAJOR, EPIAR_VERSION_MINOR, EPIAR_VERSION_MICRO ); } // Get the components cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode; while( success && cur != NULL ) { // Parse for the version information and any children nodes if( ( !xmlStrcmp( cur->name, BAD_CAST componentName.c_str() ) ) ) { // Parse a Component success = ParseXMLNode( doc, cur ); assert(success || optional); if(success) numObjs++; } cur = cur->next; } xmlFreeDoc( doc ); LogMsg(INFO, "Parsing of file '%s' done, found %d objects. File is version %d.%d.%d.", filename.c_str(), numObjs, versionMajor, versionMinor, versionMacro ); return success; }
static int rest_set_filter(noit_http_rest_closure_t *restc, int npats, char **pats) { noit_http_session_ctx *ctx = restc->http_ctx; xmlDocPtr doc = NULL, indoc = NULL; xmlNodePtr node, parent, root, newfilter; char xpath[1024]; int error_code = 500, complete = 0, mask = 0; const char *error = "internal error"; if(npats != 2) goto error; indoc = rest_get_xml_upload(restc, &mask, &complete); if(!complete) return mask; if(indoc == NULL) FAIL("xml parse error"); snprintf(xpath, sizeof(xpath), "//filtersets%sfilterset[@name=\"%s\"]", pats[0], pats[1]); node = noit_conf_get_section(NULL, xpath); if(!node && noit_filter_exists(pats[1])) { /* It's someone else's */ error_code = 403; goto error; } if((newfilter = validate_filter_post(indoc)) == NULL) goto error; xmlSetProp(newfilter, (xmlChar *)"name", (xmlChar *)pats[1]); parent = make_conf_path(pats[0]); if(!parent) FAIL("invalid path"); if(node) { xmlUnlinkNode(node); xmlFreeNode(node); } xmlUnlinkNode(newfilter); xmlAddChild(parent, newfilter); if(noit_conf_write_file(NULL) != 0) noitL(noit_error, "local config write failed\n"); noit_conf_mark_changed(); noit_filter_compile_add(newfilter); if(restc->call_closure_free) restc->call_closure_free(restc->call_closure); restc->call_closure_free = NULL; restc->call_closure = NULL; restc->fastpath = rest_show_filter; return restc->fastpath(restc, restc->nparams, restc->params); error: noit_http_response_standard(ctx, error_code, "ERROR", "text/html"); doc = xmlNewDoc((xmlChar *)"1.0"); root = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, (xmlChar *)"error", NULL); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root); xmlNodeAddContent(root, (xmlChar *)error); noit_http_response_xml(ctx, doc); noit_http_response_end(ctx); goto cleanup; cleanup: if(doc) xmlFreeDoc(doc); return 0; }
Datum xpath_table(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { /* Function parameters */ char *pkeyfield = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0)); char *xmlfield = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1)); char *relname = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(2)); char *xpathset = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(3)); char *condition = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(4)); /* SPI (input tuple) support */ SPITupleTable *tuptable; HeapTuple spi_tuple; TupleDesc spi_tupdesc; /* Output tuple (tuplestore) support */ Tuplestorestate *tupstore = NULL; TupleDesc ret_tupdesc; HeapTuple ret_tuple; ReturnSetInfo *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo; AttInMetadata *attinmeta; MemoryContext per_query_ctx; MemoryContext oldcontext; char **values; xmlChar **xpaths; char *pos; const char *pathsep = "|"; int numpaths; int ret; int proc; int i; int j; int rownr; /* For issuing multiple rows from one original * document */ bool had_values; /* To determine end of nodeset results */ StringInfoData query_buf; PgXmlErrorContext *xmlerrcxt; volatile xmlDocPtr doctree = NULL; /* We only have a valid tuple description in table function mode */ if (rsinfo == NULL || !IsA(rsinfo, ReturnSetInfo)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set"))); if (rsinfo->expectedDesc == NULL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("xpath_table must be called as a table function"))); /* * We want to materialise because it means that we don't have to carry * libxml2 parser state between invocations of this function */ if (!(rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("xpath_table requires Materialize mode, but it is not " "allowed in this context"))); /* * The tuplestore must exist in a higher context than this function call * (per_query_ctx is used) */ per_query_ctx = rsinfo->econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory; oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx); /* * Create the tuplestore - work_mem is the max in-memory size before a * file is created on disk to hold it. */ tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize_Random, false, work_mem); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); /* get the requested return tuple description */ ret_tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(rsinfo->expectedDesc); /* must have at least one output column (for the pkey) */ if (ret_tupdesc->natts < 1) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("xpath_table must have at least one output column"))); /* * At the moment we assume that the returned attributes make sense for the * XPath specififed (i.e. we trust the caller). It's not fatal if they get * it wrong - the input function for the column type will raise an error * if the path result can't be converted into the correct binary * representation. */ attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(ret_tupdesc); /* Set return mode and allocate value space. */ rsinfo->returnMode = SFRM_Materialize; rsinfo->setDesc = ret_tupdesc; values = (char **) palloc(ret_tupdesc->natts * sizeof(char *)); xpaths = (xmlChar **) palloc(ret_tupdesc->natts * sizeof(xmlChar *)); /* * Split XPaths. xpathset is a writable CString. * * Note that we stop splitting once we've done all needed for tupdesc */ numpaths = 0; pos = xpathset; while (numpaths < (ret_tupdesc->natts - 1)) { xpaths[numpaths++] = (xmlChar *) pos; pos = strstr(pos, pathsep); if (pos != NULL) { *pos = '\0'; pos++; } else break; } /* Now build query */ initStringInfo(&query_buf); /* Build initial sql statement */ appendStringInfo(&query_buf, "SELECT %s, %s FROM %s WHERE %s", pkeyfield, xmlfield, relname, condition); if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0) elog(ERROR, "xpath_table: SPI_connect returned %d", ret); if ((ret = SPI_exec(, 0)) != SPI_OK_SELECT) elog(ERROR, "xpath_table: SPI execution failed for query %s",; proc = SPI_processed; /* elog(DEBUG1,"xpath_table: SPI returned %d rows",proc); */ tuptable = SPI_tuptable; spi_tupdesc = tuptable->tupdesc; /* Switch out of SPI context */ MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); /* * Check that SPI returned correct result. If you put a comma into one of * the function parameters, this will catch it when the SPI query returns * e.g. 3 columns. */ if (spi_tupdesc->natts != 2) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("expression returning multiple columns is not valid in parameter list"), errdetail("Expected two columns in SPI result, got %d.", spi_tupdesc->natts))); } /* * Setup the parser. This should happen after we are done evaluating the * query, in case it calls functions that set up libxml differently. */ xmlerrcxt = pgxml_parser_init(PG_XML_STRICTNESS_LEGACY); PG_TRY(); { /* For each row i.e. document returned from SPI */ for (i = 0; i < proc; i++) { char *pkey; char *xmldoc; xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt; xmlXPathObjectPtr res; xmlChar *resstr; xmlXPathCompExprPtr comppath; /* Extract the row data as C Strings */ spi_tuple = tuptable->vals[i]; pkey = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, 1); xmldoc = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, 2); /* * Clear the values array, so that not-well-formed documents * return NULL in all columns. Note that this also means that * spare columns will be NULL. */ for (j = 0; j < ret_tupdesc->natts; j++) values[j] = NULL; /* Insert primary key */ values[0] = pkey; /* Parse the document */ if (xmldoc) doctree = xmlParseMemory(xmldoc, strlen(xmldoc)); else /* treat NULL as not well-formed */ doctree = NULL; if (doctree == NULL) { /* not well-formed, so output all-NULL tuple */ ret_tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(attinmeta, values); tuplestore_puttuple(tupstore, ret_tuple); heap_freetuple(ret_tuple); } else { /* New loop here - we have to deal with nodeset results */ rownr = 0; do { /* Now evaluate the set of xpaths. */ had_values = false; for (j = 0; j < numpaths; j++) { ctxt = xmlXPathNewContext(doctree); ctxt->node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doctree); /* compile the path */ comppath = xmlXPathCompile(xpaths[j]); if (comppath == NULL) xml_ereport(xmlerrcxt, ERROR, ERRCODE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_EXCEPTION, "XPath Syntax Error"); /* Now evaluate the path expression. */ res = xmlXPathCompiledEval(comppath, ctxt); xmlXPathFreeCompExpr(comppath); if (res != NULL) { switch (res->type) { case XPATH_NODESET: /* We see if this nodeset has enough nodes */ if (res->nodesetval != NULL && rownr < res->nodesetval->nodeNr) { resstr = xmlXPathCastNodeToString(res->nodesetval->nodeTab[rownr]); had_values = true; } else resstr = NULL; break; case XPATH_STRING: resstr = xmlStrdup(res->stringval); break; default: elog(NOTICE, "unsupported XQuery result: %d", res->type); resstr = xmlStrdup((const xmlChar *) "<unsupported/>"); } /* * Insert this into the appropriate column in the * result tuple. */ values[j + 1] = (char *) resstr; } xmlXPathFreeContext(ctxt); } /* Now add the tuple to the output, if there is one. */ if (had_values) { ret_tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(attinmeta, values); tuplestore_puttuple(tupstore, ret_tuple); heap_freetuple(ret_tuple); } rownr++; } while (had_values); } if (doctree != NULL) xmlFreeDoc(doctree); doctree = NULL; if (pkey) pfree(pkey); if (xmldoc) pfree(xmldoc); } } PG_CATCH(); { if (doctree != NULL) xmlFreeDoc(doctree); pg_xml_done(xmlerrcxt, true); PG_RE_THROW(); } PG_END_TRY(); if (doctree != NULL) xmlFreeDoc(doctree); pg_xml_done(xmlerrcxt, false); tuplestore_donestoring(tupstore); SPI_finish(); rsinfo->setResult = tupstore; /* * SFRM_Materialize mode expects us to return a NULL Datum. The actual * tuples are in our tuplestore and passed back through rsinfo->setResult. * rsinfo->setDesc is set to the tuple description that we actually used * to build our tuples with, so the caller can verify we did what it was * expecting. */ return (Datum) 0; }
int pres_watcher_allowed(subs_t* subs) { xmlDocPtr xcap_tree= NULL; xmlNodePtr node= NULL, actions_node = NULL; xmlNodePtr sub_handling_node = NULL; char* sub_handling = NULL; int ret = 0; /* if force_active set status to active*/ if(force_active) { subs->status= ACTIVE_STATUS; subs->reason.s= NULL; subs->reason.len= 0; return 0; } if(subs->auth_rules_doc== NULL) { subs->status= PENDING_STATUS; subs->reason.s= NULL; subs->reason.len= 0; return 0; } xcap_tree= xmlParseMemory(subs->auth_rules_doc->s, subs->auth_rules_doc->len); if(xcap_tree== NULL) { LM_ERR("parsing xml memory\n"); return -1; } node= get_rule_node(subs, xcap_tree); if(node== NULL) { /* if no rule node was found and the previous state was active -> set the * state to terminated with reason xcapauth_userdel_reason (default "probation") */ if(subs->status != PENDING_STATUS) { subs->status= TERMINATED_STATUS; subs->reason= xcapauth_userdel_reason; } goto done; } subs->status= PENDING_STATUS; subs->reason.s= NULL; subs->reason.len= 0; /* process actions */ actions_node = xmlNodeGetChildByName(node, "actions"); if(actions_node == NULL) { LM_DBG("actions_node NULL\n"); goto done; } LM_DBG("actions_node->name= %s\n", actions_node->name); sub_handling_node = xmlNodeGetChildByName(actions_node, "sub-handling"); if(sub_handling_node== NULL) { LM_DBG("sub_handling_node NULL\n"); goto done; } sub_handling = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(sub_handling_node); LM_DBG("sub_handling_node->name= %s\n", sub_handling_node->name); LM_DBG("sub_handling_node->content= %s\n", sub_handling); if(sub_handling== NULL) { LM_ERR("Couldn't get sub-handling content\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } if( strncmp((char*)sub_handling, "block",5 )==0) { subs->status = TERMINATED_STATUS;; subs->reason.s= "rejected"; subs->reason.len = 8; } else if( strncmp((char*)sub_handling, "confirm",7 )==0) { subs->status = PENDING_STATUS; } else if( strncmp((char*)sub_handling , "polite-block",12 )==0) { subs->status = ACTIVE_STATUS; subs->reason.s= "polite-block"; subs->reason.len = 12; } else if( strncmp((char*)sub_handling , "allow",5 )==0) { subs->status = ACTIVE_STATUS; } else { LM_ERR("unknown subscription handling action\n"); ret = -1; } done: if(sub_handling) xmlFree(sub_handling); xmlFreeDoc(xcap_tree); return ret; }
/* {{{ proto DOMDocument dom_domimplementation_create_document(string namespaceURI, string qualifiedName, DOMDocumentType doctype); URL: Since: DOM Level 2 */ PHP_METHOD(domimplementation, createDocument) { zval *node = NULL; xmlDoc *docp; xmlNode *nodep; xmlDtdPtr doctype = NULL; xmlNsPtr nsptr = NULL; int ret, uri_len = 0, name_len = 0, errorcode = 0; char *uri = NULL, *name = NULL; char *prefix = NULL, *localname = NULL; dom_object *doctobj; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|ssO", &uri, &uri_len, &name, &name_len, &node, dom_documenttype_class_entry) == FAILURE) { return; } if (node != NULL) { DOM_GET_OBJ(doctype, node, xmlDtdPtr, doctobj); if (doctype->type == XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Invalid DocumentType object"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (doctype->doc != NULL) { php_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, 1 TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_FALSE; } } else { doctobj = NULL; } if (name_len > 0) { errorcode = dom_check_qname(name, &localname, &prefix, 1, name_len); if (errorcode == 0 && uri_len > 0 && ((nsptr = xmlNewNs(NULL, uri, prefix)) == NULL)) { errorcode = NAMESPACE_ERR; } } if (prefix != NULL) { xmlFree(prefix); } if (errorcode != 0) { if (localname != NULL) { xmlFree(localname); } php_dom_throw_error(errorcode, 1 TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_FALSE; } /* currently letting libxml2 set the version string */ docp = xmlNewDoc(NULL); if (!docp) { if (localname != NULL) { xmlFree(localname); } RETURN_FALSE; } if (doctype != NULL) { docp->intSubset = doctype; doctype->parent = docp; doctype->doc = docp; docp->children = (xmlNodePtr) doctype; docp->last = (xmlNodePtr) doctype; } if (localname != NULL) { nodep = xmlNewDocNode (docp, nsptr, localname, NULL); if (!nodep) { if (doctype != NULL) { docp->intSubset = NULL; doctype->parent = NULL; doctype->doc = NULL; docp->children = NULL; docp->last = NULL; } xmlFreeDoc(docp); xmlFree(localname); /* Need some type of error here */ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unexpected Error"); RETURN_FALSE; } nodep->nsDef = nsptr; xmlDocSetRootElement(docp, nodep); xmlFree(localname); } DOM_RET_OBJ((xmlNodePtr) docp, &ret, NULL); if (doctobj != NULL) { doctobj->document = ((dom_object *)((php_libxml_node_ptr *)docp->_private)->_private)->document; php_libxml_increment_doc_ref((php_libxml_node_object *)doctobj, docp TSRMLS_CC); } }
// TODO: This looks like should be ported to C code. or a big part of it. bool DivelogsDeWebServices::prepare_dives_for_divelogs(const QString &tempfile, const bool selected) { static const char errPrefix[] = ""; if (!amount_selected) { report_error(tr("no dives were selected").toUtf8()); return false; } xsltStylesheetPtr xslt = NULL; struct zip *zip; xslt = get_stylesheet("divelogs-export.xslt"); if (!xslt) { qDebug() << errPrefix << "missing stylesheet"; report_error(tr("stylesheet to export to is not found").toUtf8()); return false; } int error_code; zip = zip_open(QFile::encodeName(QDir::toNativeSeparators(tempfile)), ZIP_CREATE, &error_code); if (!zip) { char buffer[1024]; zip_error_to_str(buffer, sizeof buffer, error_code, errno); report_error(tr("failed to create zip file for upload: %s").toUtf8(), buffer); return false; } /* walk the dive list in chronological order */ int i; struct dive *dive; for_each_dive (i, dive) { char filename[PATH_MAX]; int streamsize; const char *membuf; xmlDoc *transformed; struct zip_source *s; struct membuffer mb = {}; /* * Get the i'th dive in XML format so we can process it. * We need to save to a file before we can reload it back into memory... */ if (selected && !dive->selected) continue; /* make sure the buffer is empty and add the dive */ mb.len = 0; struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(dive->dive_site_uuid); if (ds) { put_format(&mb, "<divelog><divesites><site uuid='%8x' name='", dive->dive_site_uuid); put_quoted(&mb, ds->name, 1, 0); put_format(&mb, "'"); if (ds->latitude.udeg || ds->longitude.udeg) { put_degrees(&mb, ds->latitude, " gps='", " "); put_degrees(&mb, ds->longitude, "", "'"); } put_format(&mb, "/>\n</divesites>\n"); } save_one_dive_to_mb(&mb, dive); if (ds) { put_format(&mb, "</divelog>\n"); } membuf = mb_cstring(&mb); streamsize = strlen(membuf); /* * Parse the memory buffer into XML document and * transform it to format, finally dumping * the XML into a character buffer. */ xmlDoc *doc = xmlReadMemory(membuf, streamsize, "divelog", NULL, 0); if (!doc) { qWarning() << errPrefix << "could not parse back into memory the XML file we've just created!"; report_error(tr("internal error").toUtf8()); goto error_close_zip; } free((void *)membuf); transformed = xsltApplyStylesheet(xslt, doc, NULL); if (!transformed) { qWarning() << errPrefix << "XSLT transform failed for dive: " << i; report_error(tr("Conversion of dive %1 to format failed").arg(i).toUtf8()); continue; } xmlDocDumpMemory(transformed, (xmlChar **)&membuf, &streamsize); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlFreeDoc(transformed); /* * Save the XML document into a zip file. */ snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%d.xml", i + 1); s = zip_source_buffer(zip, membuf, streamsize, 1); if (s) { int64_t ret = zip_add(zip, filename, s); if (ret == -1) qDebug() << errPrefix << "failed to include dive:" << i; } }
static GList * anjuta_profile_read_plugins_from_xml (AnjutaProfile *profile, GFile *file, GError **error) { gchar *read_buf; gsize size; xmlDocPtr xml_doc; GList *descs_list = NULL; GList *not_found_names = NULL; GList *not_found_urls = NULL; gboolean parse_error; /* Read xml file */ if (!g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &read_buf, &size, NULL, error)) { return NULL; } /* Parse xml file */ parse_error = TRUE; xml_doc = xmlParseMemory (read_buf, size); g_free (read_buf); if (xml_doc != NULL) { xmlNodePtr xml_root; xml_root = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml_doc); if (xml_root && (xml_root->name) && xmlStrEqual(xml_root->name, (const xmlChar *)"anjuta")) { xmlNodePtr xml_node; parse_error = FALSE; for (xml_node = xml_root->xmlChildrenNode; xml_node; xml_node = xml_node->next) { GList *groups = NULL; GList *attribs = NULL; GList *values = NULL; xmlChar *name, *url, *mandatory_text; xmlNodePtr xml_require_node; gboolean mandatory; if (!xml_node->name || !xmlStrEqual (xml_node->name, (const xmlChar*)"plugin")) { continue; } name = xmlGetProp (xml_node, (const xmlChar*)"name"); url = xmlGetProp (xml_node, (const xmlChar*)"url"); /* Ensure that both name is given */ if (!name) { g_warning ("XML error: Plugin name should be present in plugin tag"); parse_error = TRUE; break; } if (!url) url = xmlCharStrdup (""); /* Check if the plugin is mandatory */ mandatory_text = xmlGetProp (xml_node, (const xmlChar*)"mandatory"); mandatory = mandatory_text && (xmlStrcasecmp (mandatory_text, (const xmlChar *)"yes") == 0); xmlFree(mandatory_text); /* For all plugin attribute conditions */ for (xml_require_node = xml_node->xmlChildrenNode; xml_require_node; xml_require_node = xml_require_node->next) { xmlChar *group; xmlChar *attrib; xmlChar *value; if (!xml_require_node->name || !xmlStrEqual (xml_require_node->name, (const xmlChar*)"require")) { continue; } group = xmlGetProp (xml_require_node, (const xmlChar *)"group"); attrib = xmlGetProp(xml_require_node, (const xmlChar *)"attribute"); value = xmlGetProp(xml_require_node, (const xmlChar *)"value"); if (group && attrib && value) { groups = g_list_prepend (groups, group); attribs = g_list_prepend (attribs, attrib); values = g_list_prepend (values, value); } else { if (group) xmlFree (group); if (attrib) xmlFree (attrib); if (value) xmlFree (value); parse_error = TRUE; g_warning ("XML parse error: group, attribute and value should be defined in require"); break; } } if (!parse_error) { if (g_list_length (groups) == 0) { parse_error = TRUE; g_warning ("XML Error: No attributes to match given"); } else { GList *plugin_descs; plugin_descs = anjuta_plugin_manager_list_query (profile->priv->plugin_manager, groups, attribs, values); if (plugin_descs) { descs_list = g_list_prepend (descs_list, plugin_descs); } else if (mandatory) { not_found_names = g_list_prepend (not_found_names, g_strdup ((const gchar *)name)); not_found_urls = g_list_prepend (not_found_urls, g_strdup ((const gchar *)url)); } } } g_list_foreach (groups, (GFunc)xmlFree, NULL); g_list_foreach (attribs, (GFunc)xmlFree, NULL); g_list_foreach (values, (GFunc)xmlFree, NULL); g_list_free (groups); g_list_free (attribs); g_list_free (values); xmlFree (name); xmlFree (url); } } xmlFreeDoc(xml_doc); } if (parse_error) { /* Error during parsing */ gchar *uri = g_file_get_uri (file); g_set_error (error, ANJUTA_PROFILE_ERROR, ANJUTA_PROFILE_ERROR_URI_READ_FAILED, _("Failed to read '%s': XML parse error. " "Invalid or corrupted Anjuta plugins profile."), uri); g_free (uri); g_list_foreach (descs_list, (GFunc)g_list_free, NULL); g_list_free (descs_list); descs_list = NULL; } else if (not_found_names) { /* * FIXME: Present a nice dialog box to promt the user to download * the plugin from corresponding URLs, install them and proceed. */ GList *node_name, *node_url; GString *mesg = g_string_new (""); gchar *uri = g_file_get_uri (file); not_found_names = g_list_reverse (not_found_names); not_found_urls = g_list_reverse (not_found_urls); node_name = not_found_names; node_url = not_found_urls; while (node_name) { /* <Pluginname>: Install it from <some location on the web> */ g_string_append_printf (mesg, _("%s: Install it from '%s'\n"), (char *)node_name->data, (char*)node_url->data); node_name = g_list_next (node_name); node_url = g_list_next (node_url); } g_set_error (error, ANJUTA_PROFILE_ERROR, ANJUTA_PROFILE_ERROR_URI_READ_FAILED, _("Failed to read '%s': Following mandatory plugins are missing:\n%s"), uri, mesg->str); g_free (uri); g_string_free (mesg, TRUE); g_list_foreach (descs_list, (GFunc)g_list_free, NULL); g_list_free (descs_list); descs_list = NULL; } g_list_foreach (not_found_names, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free (not_found_names); g_list_foreach (not_found_urls, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free (not_found_urls); return descs_list; }
/* * EXTERNAL ENTRY POINT * * Builds the localized fault registry from XML files supplied in * various directories. * * Returns the number of faults successfully loaded into registry. If * the registry was previously loaded, returns the number of previously * loaded faults as a negative number. */ int init_eucafaults (char *fileprefix) { struct stat dirstat; static int faults_loaded = 0; char *locale = NULL; static char faultdirs[NUM_FAULTDIR_TYPES][PATH_MAX]; pthread_mutex_lock (&fault_mutex); if (faults_loaded) { logprintfl (EUCATRACE, "Attempt to reinitialize fault registry? Skipping...\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock (&fault_mutex); return -faults_loaded; // Negative return because already loaded. } char *euca_env = getenv (EUCALYPTUS_ENV_VAR_NAME); if (euca_env) { strncpy (euca_base, euca_env, MAX_PATH - 1); } initialize_faultlog (fileprefix); logprintfl (EUCATRACE, "Initializing fault registry directories.\n"); if ((locale = getenv (LOCALIZATION_ENV_VAR)) == NULL) { logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "$%s not set, using default value of: %s\n", LOCALIZATION_ENV_VAR, DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION); } LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; /* Cycle through list of faultdirs in priority order, noting any missing. */ if (locale != NULL) { snprintf (faultdirs[CUSTOM_LOCALIZED], PATH_MAX, EUCALYPTUS_CUSTOM_FAULT_DIR "/%s/", euca_base, locale); } else { faultdirs[CUSTOM_LOCALIZED][0] = 0; } snprintf (faultdirs[CUSTOM_DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION], PATH_MAX, EUCALYPTUS_CUSTOM_FAULT_DIR "/%s/", euca_base, DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION); if (locale != NULL) { snprintf (faultdirs[DISTRO_LOCALIZED], PATH_MAX, EUCALYPTUS_FAULT_DIR "/%s/", euca_base, locale); } else { faultdirs[DISTRO_LOCALIZED][0] = 0; } snprintf (faultdirs[DISTRO_DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION], PATH_MAX, EUCALYPTUS_FAULT_DIR "/%s/", euca_base, DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FAULTDIR_TYPES; i++) { if (faultdirs[i][0]) { if (stat (faultdirs[i], &dirstat) != 0) { logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "stat() problem with %s: %s\n", faultdirs[i], strerror (errno)); } else if (!S_ISDIR (dirstat.st_mode)) { logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "stat() problem with %s: Not a directory\n", faultdirs[i], strerror (errno)); } else { struct dirent **namelist; int numfaults = scandir (faultdirs[i], &namelist, &scandir_filter, alphasort); if (numfaults == 0) { logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "No faults found in %s\n", faultdirs[i]); } else { logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "Found %d %s files in %s\n", numfaults, XML_SUFFIX, faultdirs[i]); while (numfaults--) { xmlDoc *new_fault = read_eucafault (faultdirs[i], str_trim_suffix (namelist[numfaults]->d_name, XML_SUFFIX)); free (namelist[numfaults]); if (new_fault) { if (add_eucafault (new_fault)) { faults_loaded++; } xmlFreeDoc (new_fault); } else { logprintfl (EUCATRACE, "Not adding new fault--mismatch or already exists...?\n"); } } free (namelist); } } } } pthread_mutex_unlock (&fault_mutex); logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "Loaded %d eucafault descriptions into registry.\n", faults_loaded); return faults_loaded; }
int cgiMain (void) { int ret = OK; char name[512]; char cmd[1024]; char *keyName=NULL; char *ErrMsg = NULL; char *fileName=NULL; char *backName=NULL; char *p = NULL; char *directory= NULL; char *confFile=NULL; char *title=NULL; struct stat buf ; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr pNode,pRoot; // // 认证用户,并且获取用户名 // ret = authentication(NULL,NULL); cgiHeaderContent("text/html"); if (ret) { // // 认证失败 // goto exit; } // // 获取属性文件名 // ErrMsg = "propertyFile"; ret = cgiGetString(&confFile,2,255,ErrMsg); if(ret) goto exit; // // 获取要使用的属性记录主键 // ErrMsg = "keyName"; ret = cgiGetString(&keyName,1,255,ErrMsg); if (ret) goto exit; ErrMsg = NULL; // // 先在属性文件中获取cgi程序 // doc = xmlParseFile(confFile); if (NULL == doc) { ret = NO_MESSAGE; ErrMsg="没有打开属性文件<p>或没有属性文件"; goto exit; } // // 获取根节点 // pRoot = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (NULL == pRoot) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); ret = NO_MESSAGE; ErrMsg="空的属性文件"; goto exit; } pNode = pRoot->xmlChildrenNode; // // 查找使用的配置树 // while(pNode) { if (xmlStrcmp(pNode->name,"conf")==0) { xmlChar * keyValue = NULL; // // 查找使用的属性记录 // keyValue = xmlGetProp(pNode,"name"); if (xmlStrcmp(keyValue,(const xmlChar*)keyName)==0) { break; } xmlFree(keyValue); } pNode = pNode->next; } if (NULL == pNode) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); doc=NULL; ret = NO_MESSAGE; ErrMsg="没有找到指定的配置项"; goto exit; } title = xmlGetProp(pNode,"title"); if (strcmp(keyName,"systemLog")==0) { // // 系统日志处理部分。 // time_t cur_time; struct tm *myTime; int i; cur_time = time(NULL); myTime = localtime(&cur_time); xmlFreeDoc(doc); doc = NULL; for(i=1;i<32;i++) { sprintf(name,"%s.%d",LOG_FILE_NAME,i); ret = stat(name,&buf); if ((ret)||(buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) continue; break; } if (i>=32) { cgiPrintf("<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"290;URL=/timeout.html\"></head></HEAD>" "<body background=\"/icons/bg01.gif\"><br><center><H2>%s</H2><P></center>" "<P><P><HR width=60%><br>" "<table align=center><tr><td>没有记录日志</td></tr></TABLE><P><P><HR width=60%><center></BODY></HTML>",title); dispOperateInfo(NULL,NO_DISP_MSG,"没有记录日志"); return 0; } // // 生成备份文件名 // //snprintf(name,512,"../../htdocs/login/webadminLog.%d-%d-%d.tar.gz",myTime->tm_year+1900,myTime->tm_mon+1,myTime->tm_mday); snprintf(name,512,"../download/webadminLog.%d-%d-%d.tar.gz",myTime->tm_year+1900,myTime->tm_mon+1,myTime->tm_mday); snprintf(cmd,1024,"cd ./log ; tar -zcf %s sysLog.*",name); if (system(cmd)==-1) ret = EXEC_FAULT; else { //sprintf(name,"../htdocs/login/webadminLog.%d-%d-%d.tar.gz",myTime->tm_year+1900,myTime->tm_mon+1,myTime->tm_mday); sprintf(name,"./download/webadminLog.%d-%d-%d.tar.gz",myTime->tm_year+1900,myTime->tm_mon+1,myTime->tm_mday); ret = stat(name,&buf); if (ret) { ret = BACK_FALSE; } else { //sprintf(name,"/login/webadminLog.%d-%d-%d.tar.gz",myTime->tm_year+1900,myTime->tm_mon+1,myTime->tm_mday); sprintf(name,"webadminLog.%d-%d-%d.tar.gz",myTime->tm_year+1900,myTime->tm_mon+1,myTime->tm_mday); //sprintf(cmd,"请 <font size =\"14\" color=blue><a href=%s color=red>下载</a> </font>后,妥善保存。",name); sprintf(cmd,"请 <font size =\"14\" color=blue><a href=/cgi-bin/download.cgi?downloadFile=%s color=red>下载</a> </font>后,妥善保存。",name); cgiPrintf("<HTML><head><link href=\"/icons/all.css\" >" "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"290;URL=/timeout.html\"></head>" "<BODY background=\"/icons/bg01.gif\"><br><center><H2>备份%s</H2><P></center>" "<P><HR width=60%><br><center>%s",title,cmd); cgiPrintf("<br><HR width=60%></body></html>"); dispOperateInfo(NULL,NO_DISP_OK_MSG,NULL); return 0; } } goto exit; } fileName = xmlGetProp(pNode,"fileName"); if (fileName) { ret = stat(fileName,&buf); if ((ret)||(buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) { ret = NO_MESSAGE; ErrMsg="日志文件不存在"; goto exit; } } backName = xmlGetProp(pNode,"backName"); if ((backName==NULL)||(strlen(backName)==0)) { ret = NO_MESSAGE; ErrMsg = "没有给出备份文件名"; goto exit; } directory = xmlGetProp(pNode,"directory"); xmlFree(doc); doc = NULL; // // 获取日志所在的目录 // strncpy(name,fileName,512); p=strrchr(name,'/'); if (p) { *p=0; // // 生成备份文件名 // if (directory) snprintf(cmd,1023,"cd %s ; tar -zcf %s.tar.gz %s %s",name,backName,p+1,directory); else snprintf(cmd,1023,"cd %s ; tar -zcf %s.tar.gz %s",name,backName,p+1); } else { if (directory) snprintf(cmd,1023,"tar -zcf %s.tar.gz %s %s",backName,fileName,directory); else snprintf(cmd,1023,"tar -zcf %s.tar.gz %s",backName,fileName); } if (system(cmd)==-1) ret = EXEC_FAULT; else { sprintf(name,"%s.tar.gz",backName); ret = stat(name,&buf); if (ret) { ret = BACK_FALSE; } else { p=strrchr(backName,'/'); if (p) p++; else p = backName; //snprintf(name,512,"/%s.tar.gz",p); snprintf(name,512,"%s.tar.gz",p); //snprintf(cmd,1023,"请 <font size =\"14\" color=blue><a href=%s color=red>下载</a> </font>后,妥善保存。",name); snprintf(cmd,1023,"请 <font size =\"14\" color=blue><a href=/cgi-bin/download.cgi?downloadFile=%s color=red>下载</a> </font>后,妥善保存。",name); cgiPrintf("<HTML><head><link href=\"/icons/all.css\" >" "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"290;URL=/timeout.html\"></head>" "<BODY background=\"/icons/bg01.gif\"><br><center><H2>备份%s</H2><P></center>" "<P><HR width=60%><br><center>%s",title,cmd); cgiPrintf("<br><HR width=60%></body></html>"); snprintf(cmd,1024,"%s",fileName); dispOperateInfo(NULL,NO_DISP_MSG,cmd); return 0; } } exit: if (doc) xmlFree(doc); if (fileName) free(fileName); if (backName) free(backName); if (directory) free(directory); dispOperateInfo(NULL,ret,ErrMsg); return ret; }
static gboolean xspf_playlist_save (const gchar * filename, VFSFile * file, const gchar * title, Index * filenames, Index * tuples) { gint entries = index_count (filenames); xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr rootnode, tracklist; gint count; doc = xmlNewDoc((xmlChar *)"1.0"); doc->charset = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8; doc->encoding = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *)"UTF-8"); rootnode = xmlNewNode(NULL, (xmlChar *)XSPF_ROOT_NODE_NAME); xmlSetProp(rootnode, (xmlChar *)"version", (xmlChar *)"1"); xmlSetProp(rootnode, (xmlChar *)"xmlns", (xmlChar *)XSPF_XMLNS); /* common */ xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, rootnode); if (title) xspf_add_node (rootnode, TUPLE_STRING, FALSE, "title", title, 0); tracklist = xmlNewNode(NULL, (xmlChar *)"trackList"); xmlAddChild(rootnode, tracklist); for (count = 0; count < entries; count ++) { const gchar * filename = index_get (filenames, count); const Tuple * tuple = index_get (tuples, count); xmlNodePtr track, location; gchar *scratch = NULL; gint scratchi = 0; track = xmlNewNode(NULL, (xmlChar *)"track"); location = xmlNewNode(NULL, (xmlChar *)"location"); xmlAddChild(location, xmlNewText((xmlChar *)filename)); xmlAddChild(track, location); xmlAddChild(tracklist, track); if (tuple != NULL) { gint i; for (i = 0; i < xspf_nentries; i++) { const xspf_entry_t *xs = &xspf_entries[i]; gboolean isOK = (tuple_get_value_type (tuple, xs->tupleField, NULL) == xs->type); switch (xs->type) { case TUPLE_STRING: scratch = tuple_get_str (tuple, xs->tupleField, NULL); if (! scratch) isOK = FALSE; str_unref(scratch); break; case TUPLE_INT: scratchi = tuple_get_int (tuple, xs->tupleField, NULL); break; default: break; } if (isOK) xspf_add_node(track, xs->type, xs->isMeta, xs->xspfName, scratch, scratchi); } } } xmlSaveCtxt * save = xmlSaveToIO (write_cb, close_cb, file, NULL, XML_SAVE_FORMAT); if (! save) goto ERR; if (xmlSaveDoc (save, doc) < 0 || xmlSaveClose (save) < 0) goto ERR; xmlFreeDoc(doc); return TRUE; ERR: xmlFreeDoc (doc); return FALSE; }
int presence_offline_body(str* body, str** offline_body) { xmlDocPtr doc= NULL; xmlDocPtr new_doc= NULL; xmlNodePtr node, tuple_node= NULL, status_node; xmlNodePtr root_node, add_node, pres_node; xmlErrorPtr xml_error; str* new_body; char *err_msg; int rc = OFFB_STATUS_ERROR; doc= xmlParseMemory(body->s, body->len); if(doc== NULL) { GET_LAST_XML_ERROR(xml_error, err_msg); LM_ERR("xml memory parsing failed: %s\n", err_msg); goto done; } node= xmlDocGetNodeByName(doc, "basic", NULL); if(node== NULL) { LM_ERR("while extracting basic node\n"); goto done; } xmlNodeSetContent(node, (const unsigned char*)"closed"); tuple_node= xmlDocGetNodeByName(doc, "tuple", NULL); if(tuple_node== NULL) { LM_ERR("while extracting tuple node\n"); goto done; } status_node= xmlDocGetNodeByName(doc, "status", NULL); if(status_node== NULL) { LM_ERR("while extracting tuple node\n"); goto done; } pres_node= xmlDocGetNodeByName(doc, "presence", NULL); if(node== NULL) { LM_ERR("while extracting presence node\n"); goto done; } new_doc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); if(new_doc==0) { GET_LAST_XML_ERROR(xml_error, err_msg); LM_ERR("failed to create new XML document: %s\n", err_msg); goto done; } root_node= xmlCopyNode(pres_node, 2); if(root_node== NULL) { GET_LAST_XML_ERROR(xml_error, err_msg); LM_ERR("failed to copy root node: %s\n", err_msg); goto done; } xmlNewProp(root_node, BAD_CAST "xmlns", BAD_CAST "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf"); xmlDocSetRootElement(new_doc, root_node); tuple_node= xmlCopyNode(tuple_node, 2); if(tuple_node== NULL) { GET_LAST_XML_ERROR(xml_error, err_msg); LM_ERR("failed to copy tuple node: %s\n", err_msg); goto done; } xmlAddChild(root_node, tuple_node); add_node= xmlCopyNode(status_node, 1); if(add_node== NULL) { GET_LAST_XML_ERROR(xml_error, err_msg); LM_ERR("failed to copy status node: %s\n", err_msg); goto done; } xmlAddChild(tuple_node, add_node); new_body = (str*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(str)); if(new_body == NULL) { LM_ERR("No more pkg memory"); goto done; } memset(new_body, 0, sizeof(str)); xmlDocDumpMemory(new_doc,(xmlChar**)(void*)&new_body->s, &new_body->len); *offline_body = new_body; rc = OFFB_STATUS_OK; done: if(doc) xmlFreeDoc(doc); if(new_doc) xmlFreeDoc(new_doc); return rc; }
int benthos_dc_manifest_parse(plugin_manifest_t * ptr, const char * path) { int rv; struct plugin_manifest_t_ * manifest; struct stat finfo; xmlDoc * doc; xmlNode * root; iconv_t conv; if (! ptr || ! path) return EINVAL; /* Create the Encoding Converter */ conv = iconv_open("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"); if (conv == (iconv_t)(-1)) return errno; /* Create the Manifest Object */ manifest = new struct plugin_manifest_t_; if (! manifest) { iconv_close(conv); return ENOMEM; } /* Check that the File Exists */ rv = stat(path, & finfo); if (rv != 0) { delete manifest; iconv_close(conv); return errno; } if (! S_ISREG(finfo.st_mode)) { delete manifest; iconv_close(conv); return ENOENT; } /* Load the Manifest File */ doc = xmlReadFile(path, 0, 0); if (doc == NULL) { delete manifest; xmlCleanupParser(); iconv_close(conv); return MANFIEST_ERR_MALFORMED; } /* Load the Root Node */ root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if ((root == NULL) || (root->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) { delete manifest; xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); iconv_close(conv); return MANIFEST_ERR_NOROOT; } /* Check the Root Node */ if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, BAD_CAST("plugin")) != 0) { delete manifest; xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); iconv_close(conv); return MANIFEST_ERR_NOTPLUGIN; } /* Parse the Manifest Entry */ rv = parse_manifest(manifest, root, conv); if (rv != 0) { delete manifest; xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); iconv_close(conv); return rv; } /* Set Manifest Pointer */ (* ptr) = manifest; /* Cleanup */ xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); iconv_close(conv); return 0; }
str* agregate_xmls(str* pres_user, str* pres_domain, str** body_array, int n, char* root_name, char* elem_name) { int i, j= 0, append ; xmlNodePtr p_root= NULL, new_p_root= NULL ; xmlDocPtr* xml_array ; xmlNodePtr node = NULL; xmlNodePtr add_node = NULL ; str *body= NULL; char* id= NULL, *elem_id = NULL; xmlDocPtr pidf_manip_doc= NULL; str* pidf_doc= NULL; xml_array = (xmlDocPtr*)pkg_malloc( (n+2)*sizeof(xmlDocPtr)); if(xml_array== NULL) { LM_ERR("while alocating memory"); return NULL; } memset(xml_array, 0, (n+2)*sizeof(xmlDocPtr)) ; /* if pidf_manipulation usage is configured */ if(pidf_manipulation) { if( get_rules_doc(pres_user, pres_domain, PIDF_MANIPULATION, &pidf_doc)< 0) { LM_ERR("while getting xcap tree for doc_type PIDF_MANIPULATION\n"); goto error; } if(pidf_doc== NULL) { LM_DBG("No PIDF_MANIPULATION doc for [user]= %.*s [domain]= %.*s\n", pres_user->len, pres_user->s, pres_domain->len, pres_domain->s); } else { pidf_manip_doc= xmlParseMemory(pidf_doc->s, pidf_doc->len); pkg_free(pidf_doc->s); pkg_free(pidf_doc); if(pidf_manip_doc== NULL) { LM_ERR("parsing xml memory\n"); goto error; } else { xml_array[0]= pidf_manip_doc; j++; } } } for(i=0; i<n; i++) { if(body_array[i] == NULL ) continue; xml_array[j] = NULL; xml_array[j] = xmlParseMemory( body_array[i]->s, body_array[i]->len ); LM_DBG("i = [%d] - body: %.*s\n", i, body_array[i]->len, body_array[i]->s); if( xml_array[j]== NULL) { LM_ERR("while parsing xml body message\n"); goto error; } j++; } if(j== 0) /* no body */ { if(xml_array) pkg_free(xml_array); return NULL; } j--; p_root = xmlDocGetNodeByName( xml_array[j], root_name, NULL); if(p_root ==NULL) { LM_ERR("while geting the xml_tree root\n"); goto error; } for(i= j-1; i>=0; i--) { LM_DBG("i = %d\n", i); new_p_root= xmlDocGetNodeByName( xml_array[i], root_name, NULL); if(new_p_root ==NULL) { LM_ERR("while geting the xml_tree root\n"); goto error; } node= xmlNodeGetChildByName(new_p_root, elem_name); if(node== NULL) { LM_DBG("no %s node found\n", elem_name); append = 1; goto append_label; } elem_id= xmlNodeGetAttrContentByName(node, "id"); if(elem_id== NULL) { LM_ERR("while extracting %s id\n", elem_name); goto error; } append= 1; for (node = p_root->children; node!=NULL; node = node->next) { if( xmlStrcasecmp(node->name,(unsigned char*)"text")==0) continue; if( xmlStrcasecmp(node->name,(unsigned char*)elem_name)==0) { id = xmlNodeGetAttrContentByName(node, "id"); if(id== NULL) { LM_ERR("while extracting %s id\n", elem_name); goto error; } if(xmlStrcasecmp((unsigned char*)elem_id, (unsigned char*)id )== 0) { append = 0; xmlFree(id); break; } xmlFree(id); } } xmlFree(elem_id); elem_id= NULL; append_label: if(append) { LM_DBG("in if\n"); for(node= new_p_root->children; node; node= node->next) { LM_DBG("adding node [%s]\n", node->name); add_node= xmlCopyNode(node, 1); if(add_node== NULL) { LM_ERR("while copying node [%s]\n", node->name); goto error; } if(xmlAddChild(p_root, add_node)== NULL) { LM_ERR("while adding child\n"); goto error; } } } } body = (str*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(str)); if(body == NULL) { ERR_MEM(PKG_MEM_STR); } xmlDocDumpMemory(xml_array[j],(xmlChar**)(void*)&body->s, &body->len); LM_DBG("body = %.*s\n", body->len, body->s); for(i=0; i<=j; i++) { if(xml_array[i]!=NULL) xmlFreeDoc( xml_array[i]); } if(xml_array!=NULL) pkg_free(xml_array); return body; error: if(xml_array!=NULL) { for(i=0; i<=j; i++) { if(xml_array[i]!=NULL) xmlFreeDoc( xml_array[i]); } pkg_free(xml_array); } if(elem_id) xmlFree(elem_id); if(body) pkg_free(body); return NULL; }
bool Raid::loadFromXml(const std::string& _filename) { if(isLoaded()) return true; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(_filename.c_str()); if(!doc) { std::cout << "[Error - Raid::loadFromXml] Could not load raid file (" << _filename << ")." << std::endl; std::cout << getLastXMLError() << std::endl; return false; } xmlNodePtr root, eventNode; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"raid")) { std::cout << "[Error - Raid::loadFromXml] Malformed raid file (" << _filename << ")." << std::endl; xmlFreeDoc(doc); return false; } std::string strValue; eventNode = root->children; while(eventNode) { RaidEvent* event; if(!xmlStrcmp(eventNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"announce")) event = new AnnounceEvent(this, ref); else if(!xmlStrcmp(eventNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"effect")) event = new EffectEvent(this, ref); else if(!xmlStrcmp(eventNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"itemspawn")) event = new ItemSpawnEvent(this, ref); else if(!xmlStrcmp(eventNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"singlespawn")) event = new SingleSpawnEvent(this, ref); else if(!xmlStrcmp(eventNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"areaspawn")) event = new AreaSpawnEvent(this, ref); else if(!xmlStrcmp(eventNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"script")) event = new ScriptEvent(this, ref); else { eventNode = eventNode->next; continue; } if(!event->configureRaidEvent(eventNode)) { std::cout << "[Error - Raid::loadFromXml] Could not configure raid in file: " << _filename << ", eventNode: " << eventNode->name << std::endl; delete event; } else raidEvents.push_back(event); eventNode = eventNode->next; } //sort by delay time std::sort(raidEvents.begin(), raidEvents.end(), RaidEvent::compareEvents); xmlFreeDoc(doc); loaded = true; return true; }
str* get_final_notify_body( subs_t *subs, str* notify_body, xmlNodePtr rule_node) { xmlNodePtr transf_node = NULL, node = NULL, dont_provide = NULL; xmlNodePtr doc_root = NULL, doc_node = NULL, provide_node = NULL; xmlNodePtr all_node = NULL; xmlDocPtr doc= NULL; char name[15]; char service_uri_scheme[10]; int i= 0, found = 0; str* new_body = NULL; char* class_cont = NULL, *occurence_ID= NULL, *service_uri= NULL; char* deviceID = NULL; char* content = NULL; char all_name[20]; strcpy(all_name, "all-"); new_body = (str*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(str)); if(new_body == NULL) { LM_ERR("while allocating memory\n"); return NULL; } memset(new_body, 0, sizeof(str)); doc = xmlParseMemory(notify_body->s, notify_body->len); if(doc== NULL) { LM_ERR("while parsing the xml body message\n[%.*s]\n", notify_body->len, notify_body->s); goto error; } doc_root = xmlDocGetNodeByName(doc,"presence", NULL); if(doc_root == NULL) { LM_ERR("while extracting the presence node\n"); goto error; } transf_node = xmlNodeGetChildByName(rule_node, "transformations"); if(transf_node == NULL) { LM_DBG("No transformations node found\n"); goto done; } for(node = transf_node->children; node; node = node->next ) { if(xmlStrcasecmp(node->name, (unsigned char*)"text")== 0) continue; LM_DBG("transf_node->name:%s\n",node->name); strcpy((char*)name ,(char*)(node->name + 8)); strcpy(all_name+4, name); if(xmlStrcasecmp((unsigned char*)name,(unsigned char*)"services") == 0) strcpy(name, "tuple"); if(strncmp((char*)name,"person", 6) == 0) name[6] = '\0'; doc_node = xmlNodeGetNodeByName(doc_root, name, NULL); if(doc_node == NULL) continue; LM_DBG("searched doc_node->name:%s\n",name); content = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(node); if(content) { LM_DBG("content = %s\n", content); if(xmlStrcasecmp((unsigned char*)content, (unsigned char*) "FALSE") == 0) { LM_DBG("found content false\n"); while( doc_node ) { xmlUnlinkNode(doc_node); xmlFreeNode(doc_node); doc_node = xmlNodeGetChildByName(doc_root, name); } xmlFree(content); continue; } if(xmlStrcasecmp((unsigned char*)content, (unsigned char*) "TRUE") == 0) { LM_DBG("found content true\n"); xmlFree(content); continue; } xmlFree(content); } while (doc_node ) { if (xmlStrcasecmp(doc_node->name,(unsigned char*)"text")==0) { doc_node = doc_node->next; continue; } if (xmlStrcasecmp(doc_node->name,(unsigned char*)name)!=0) { break; } all_node = xmlNodeGetChildByName(node, all_name) ; if( all_node ) { LM_DBG("must provide all\n"); doc_node = doc_node->next; continue; } found = 0; class_cont = xmlNodeGetNodeContentByName(doc_node, "class", NULL); if(class_cont == NULL) LM_DBG("no class tag found\n"); else LM_DBG("found class = %s\n", class_cont); occurence_ID = xmlNodeGetAttrContentByName(doc_node, "id"); if(occurence_ID == NULL) LM_DBG("no id found\n"); else LM_DBG("found id = %s\n", occurence_ID); deviceID = xmlNodeGetNodeContentByName(doc_node, "deviceID", NULL); if(deviceID== NULL) LM_DBG("no deviceID found\n"); else LM_DBG("found deviceID = %s\n", deviceID); service_uri = xmlNodeGetNodeContentByName(doc_node, "contact", NULL); if(service_uri == NULL) LM_DBG("no service_uri found\n"); else LM_DBG("found service_uri = %s\n", service_uri); i = 0; if(service_uri!= NULL) { while(service_uri[i]!= ':') { service_uri_scheme[i] = service_uri[i]; i++; } service_uri_scheme[i] = '\0'; LM_DBG("service_uri_scheme: %s\n", service_uri_scheme); } provide_node = node->children; while ( provide_node!= NULL ) { if(xmlStrcasecmp(provide_node->name,(unsigned char*) "text")==0) { provide_node = provide_node->next; continue; } if(xmlStrcasecmp(provide_node->name,(unsigned char*)"class")== 0 && class_cont ) { content = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(provide_node); if(content&& xmlStrcasecmp((unsigned char*)content, (unsigned char*)class_cont) == 0) { found = 1; LM_DBG("found class= %s", class_cont); xmlFree(content); break; } if(content) xmlFree(content); } if(xmlStrcasecmp(provide_node->name, (unsigned char*) "deviceID")==0&&deviceID ) { content = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(provide_node); if(content && xmlStrcasecmp ((unsigned char*)content, (unsigned char*)deviceID) == 0) { found = 1; LM_DBG("found deviceID= %s", deviceID); xmlFree(content); break; } if(content) xmlFree(content); } if(xmlStrcasecmp(provide_node->name, (unsigned char*)"occurence-id")== 0&& occurence_ID) { content = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(provide_node); if(content && xmlStrcasecmp ((unsigned char*)content, (unsigned char*)occurence_ID) == 0) { found = 1; LM_DBG("found occurenceID= %s\n", occurence_ID); xmlFree(content); break; } if(content) xmlFree(content); } if(xmlStrcasecmp(provide_node->name, (unsigned char*)"service-uri")== 0 && service_uri) { content = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(provide_node); if(content&& xmlStrcasecmp ((unsigned char*)content, (unsigned char*)service_uri) == 0) { found = 1; LM_DBG("found service_uri= %s", service_uri); xmlFree(content); break; } if(content) xmlFree(content); } if(xmlStrcasecmp(provide_node->name, (unsigned char*)"service-uri-scheme")==0&& i) { content = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(provide_node); LM_DBG("service_uri_scheme=%s\n",content); if(content && xmlStrcasecmp((unsigned char*)content, (unsigned char*)service_uri_scheme) == 0) { found = 1; LM_DBG("found service_uri_scheme= %s", service_uri_scheme); xmlFree(content); break; } if(content) xmlFree(content); } provide_node = provide_node->next; } if(found == 0) { LM_DBG("delete node: %s\n", doc_node->name); dont_provide = doc_node; doc_node = doc_node->next; xmlUnlinkNode(dont_provide); xmlFreeNode(dont_provide); } else doc_node = doc_node->next; } } done: xmlDocDumpMemory(doc,(xmlChar**)(void*)&new_body->s, &new_body->len); LM_DBG("body = \n%.*s\n", new_body->len, new_body->s); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlFree(class_cont); xmlFree(occurence_ID); xmlFree(deviceID); xmlFree(service_uri); return new_body; error: if(doc) xmlFreeDoc(doc); if(new_body) { if(new_body->s) xmlFree(new_body->s); pkg_free(new_body); } if(class_cont) xmlFree(class_cont); if(occurence_ID) xmlFree(occurence_ID); if(deviceID) xmlFree(deviceID); if(service_uri) xmlFree(service_uri); return NULL; }
// Load colours from the XML file. // void Colour_Container::load_xml(void) { char const *error_prefix = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; std::string file_name = "named_colours.xml"; if (!el_file_exists_anywhere(file_name.c_str())) return; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr cur; if ((doc = xmlReadFile(file_name.c_str(), NULL, 0)) == NULL) { LOG_ERROR("%s : Can't open file [%s]\n", error_prefix, file_name.c_str() ); return; } if ((cur = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc)) == NULL) { LOG_ERROR("%s : Empty xml document\n", error_prefix ); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return; } if (xmlStrcasecmp (cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "named_colours")) { LOG_ERROR("%s : no named_colours element\n", error_prefix ); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return; } for (cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (!xmlStrcasecmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"colour")) { const int NUM_STR = 5; char *read_strings[NUM_STR] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; const char *names[NUM_STR] = {"name", "r", "g", "b", "a"}; for (int i=0; i<NUM_STR; i++) { char *tmp = (char*)xmlGetProp(cur, (xmlChar *)names[i]); if (!tmp) continue; MY_XMLSTRCPY(&read_strings[i], tmp); xmlFree(tmp); } if (read_strings[0]) { GLfloat col_vals[NUM_STR-1] = { -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f}; for (int i=1; i<NUM_STR; i++) { if (read_strings[i]) { GLfloat tmpcol = -1.0f; std::stringstream ss(read_strings[i]); if( (ss >> tmpcol).fail() ) continue; col_vals[i-1] = tmpcol; } } bool valid = true; for (int i=0; i<NUM_STR-1; i++) if (col_vals[i] < 0) valid = false; if (valid && (NUM_STR == 5)) add(read_strings[0], Colour_Tuple(col_vals[0],col_vals[1],col_vals[2],col_vals[3])); } for (int i=0; i<NUM_STR; i++) if (read_strings[i]) free(read_strings[i]); } } xmlFreeDoc(doc); }
/** * gupnp_didl_lite_parser_parse_didl_recursive: * @parser: A #GUPnPDIDLLiteParser * @didl: The DIDL-Lite XML string to be parsed * @error: The location where to store any error, or %NULL * * Parses DIDL-Lite XML string @didl, emitting the ::object-available, * ::item-available and ::container-available signals appropriately during the * process. * * Return value: TRUE on success. **/ gboolean gupnp_didl_lite_parser_parse_didl_recursive (GUPnPDIDLLiteParser *parser, const char *didl, gboolean recursive, GError **error) { xmlDoc *doc; xmlNode *element; xmlNs *upnp_ns = NULL; xmlNs *dc_ns = NULL; xmlNs *dlna_ns = NULL; xmlNs *pv_ns = NULL; GUPnPAVXMLDoc *xml_doc = NULL; gboolean result; doc = xmlRecoverMemory (didl, strlen (didl)); if (doc == NULL) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, "Could not parse DIDL-Lite XML:\n%s", didl); return FALSE; } /* Get a pointer to root element */ element = xml_util_get_element ((xmlNode *) doc, "DIDL-Lite", NULL); if (element == NULL) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, "No 'DIDL-Lite' node in the DIDL-Lite XML:\n%s", didl); xmlFreeDoc (doc); return FALSE; } if (element->children == NULL) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_EMPTY, "Empty 'DIDL-Lite' node in the DIDL-Lite XML:\n%s", didl); xmlFreeDoc (doc); return FALSE; } /* Create namespaces if they don't exist */ upnp_ns = xml_util_lookup_namespace (doc, GUPNP_XML_NAMESPACE_UPNP); if (! upnp_ns) upnp_ns = xml_util_create_namespace (xmlDocGetRootElement (doc), GUPNP_XML_NAMESPACE_UPNP); dc_ns = xml_util_lookup_namespace (doc, GUPNP_XML_NAMESPACE_DC); if (! dc_ns) dc_ns = xml_util_create_namespace (xmlDocGetRootElement (doc), GUPNP_XML_NAMESPACE_DC); dlna_ns = xml_util_lookup_namespace (doc, GUPNP_XML_NAMESPACE_DLNA); if (! dlna_ns) dlna_ns = xml_util_create_namespace (xmlDocGetRootElement (doc), GUPNP_XML_NAMESPACE_DLNA); pv_ns = xml_util_lookup_namespace (doc, GUPNP_XML_NAMESPACE_PV); if (! pv_ns) pv_ns = xml_util_create_namespace (xmlDocGetRootElement (doc), GUPNP_XML_NAMESPACE_PV); xml_doc = xml_doc_new (doc); result = parse_elements (parser, element, xml_doc, upnp_ns, dc_ns, dlna_ns, pv_ns, recursive, error); xml_doc_unref (xml_doc); return result; }
bool AdminProtocolConfig::loadXMLConfig() { xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile("data/XML/admin.xml"); if(!doc) return false; xmlNodePtr root, p, q; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if(!xmlStrEqual(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"otadmin")) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return false; } int enabled; if(readXMLInteger(root, "enabled", enabled)) { if(enabled) m_enabled = true; else m_enabled = false; } int value; p = root->children; while(p) { if(xmlStrEqual(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"security")) { if(readXMLInteger(p, "onlylocalhost", value)) { if(value) m_onlyLocalHost = true; else m_onlyLocalHost = false; } if(readXMLInteger(p, "maxconnections", value) && value > 0) m_maxConnections = value; if(readXMLInteger(p, "loginrequired", value)) { if(value) m_requireLogin = true; else m_requireLogin = false; } std::string password; if(readXMLString(p, "loginpassword", password)) m_password = password; else { if(m_requireLogin) std::cout << "Security warning: require login but use default password." << std::endl; } } else if(xmlStrEqual(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"encryption")) { if(readXMLInteger(p, "required", value)) { if(value) m_requireEncryption = true; else m_requireEncryption = false; } q = p->children; while(q) { if(xmlStrEqual(q->name, (const xmlChar*)"key")) { std::string str; if(readXMLString(q, "type", str)) { if(asLowerCaseString(str) == "rsa1024xtea") { if(readXMLString(q, "file", str)) { m_key_RSA1024XTEA = new RSA(); if(!m_key_RSA1024XTEA->setKey("data/XML/" + str)) { delete m_key_RSA1024XTEA; m_key_RSA1024XTEA = NULL; std::cout << "Can not load key from data/XML/" << str << std::endl; } } else std::cout << "Missing file for RSA1024XTEA key." << std::endl; } else std::cout << str << " is not a valid key type." << std::endl; } } q = q->next; } } p = p->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); return true; }
bool readEventsFromFile(std::string &epgname, int &ev_count) { xmlDocPtr event_parser = NULL; xmlNodePtr service; xmlNodePtr event; t_original_network_id onid = 0; t_transport_stream_id tsid = 0; t_service_id sid = 0; if (!(event_parser = parseXmlFile(epgname.c_str()))) { dprintf("unable to open %s for reading\n", epgname.c_str()); return false; } service = xmlDocGetRootElement(event_parser); service = xmlChildrenNode(service); while (service) { onid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(service, "original_network_id", 16); tsid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(service, "transport_stream_id", 16); sid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(service, "service_id", 16); event = xmlChildrenNode(service); while (event) { SIevent e(onid,tsid,sid,xmlGetNumericAttribute(event, "id", 16)); uint8_t tid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(event, "tid", 16); std::string contentClassification, userClassification; if(tid) e.table_id = tid; e.table_id |= 0x80; /* make sure on-air data has a lower table_id */ xmlNodePtr node; node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "name"))) { const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string"); if (s) e.setName(ZapitTools::UTF8_to_Latin1(xmlGetAttribute(node, "lang")), s); node = xmlNextNode(node); } node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "text"))) { const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string"); if (s) e.setText(ZapitTools::UTF8_to_Latin1(xmlGetAttribute(node, "lang")), s); node = xmlNextNode(node); } node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "item"))) { #ifdef USE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string"); if (s) e.item = s; #endif node = xmlNextNode(node); } node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "item_description"))) { #ifdef USE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string"); if (s) e.itemDescription = s; #endif node = xmlNextNode(node); } node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "extended_text"))) { const char *l = xmlGetAttribute(node, "lang"); const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string"); if (l && s) e.appendExtendedText(ZapitTools::UTF8_to_Latin1(l), s); node = xmlNextNode(node); } node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "time"))) { e.times.insert(SItime(xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "start_time", 10), xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "duration", 10))); node = xmlNextNode(node); } node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "content"))) { const char cl = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "class", 16); contentClassification += cl; const char cl2 = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "user", 16); userClassification += cl2; node = xmlNextNode(node); } node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "component"))) { SIcomponent c; c.streamContent = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "stream_content", 16); c.componentType = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "type", 16); c.componentTag = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "tag", 16); const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "text"); if (s) c.setComponent(s); //e.components.insert(c); e.components.push_back(c); node = xmlNextNode(node); } node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "parental_rating"))) { const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "country"); if (s) #if 0 e.ratings.insert(SIparentalRating(ZapitTools::UTF8_to_Latin1(s), (unsigned char) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "rating", 10))); #endif e.ratings.push_back(SIparentalRating(ZapitTools::UTF8_to_Latin1(s), (unsigned char) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "rating", 10))); node = xmlNextNode(node); } node = xmlChildrenNode(event); while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "linkage"))) { SIlinkage l; l.linkageType = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "type", 16); l.transportStreamId = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "transport_stream_id", 16); l.originalNetworkId = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "original_network_id", 16); l.serviceId = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "service_id", 16); const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "linkage_descriptor"); if (s) = s; e.linkage_descs.insert(e.linkage_descs.end(), l); node = xmlNextNode(node); } if (!contentClassification.empty()) { #ifdef FULL_CONTENT_CLASSIFICATION ssize_t off = e.classifications.reserve(2 * contentClassification.size()); if (off > -1) for (unsigned i = 0; i < contentClassification.size(); i++) off = e.classifications.set(off,,; #else e.classifications.content =; e.classifications.user =; #endif } addEvent(e, 0); ev_count++; event = xmlNextNode(event); } service = xmlNextNode(service); } xmlFreeDoc(event_parser); return true; }
int create_lost_req(xmlNode* location, char* service, loc_fmt d_loc_fmt, str* lost_req){ xmlDocPtr doc= NULL; xmlNodePtr root_node; xmlNodePtr loc_node = NULL, loc_copy=NULL; char * id = "1234"; char * profile; xmlChar * req_body = NULL; int req_len = 0; if(d_loc_fmt == ERR_LOC){ ERROR_LOG("cannot use location with errornous format\n"); goto error; } profile = map_profile[d_loc_fmt]; /* creating the xml doc for the LoST message*/ doc= xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); if(doc== NULL){ ERROR_LOG("when creating new xml doc\n"); goto error; } root_node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST LOST_FIND_SERVICE_CMD); if(root_node==0){ ERROR_LOG("when adding new node %s\n", LOST_FIND_SERVICE_CMD); goto error; } xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root_node); if(!xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST LOST_NS_HREF, NULL)){ ERROR_LOG("could not add the namespace %s to the root node\n", LOST_NS_HREF); goto error; } loc_node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST LOST_LOCATION_NODE); if(!loc_node){ ERROR_LOG("when creating new node %s\n", LOST_LOCATION_NODE); goto error; } if(!xmlNewProp(loc_node, BAD_CAST LOST_ID_PROP , BAD_CAST id)){ ERROR_LOG("could not add the property %s\n", LOST_ID_PROP); goto error; } if(!xmlNewProp(loc_node, BAD_CAST LOST_PROFILE_PROP , BAD_CAST profile)){ ERROR_LOG("could not add the property %s\n", LOST_ID_PROP); goto error; } //do a recursive copy of the location information loc_copy = xmlCopyNode(location, 1); if(!loc_copy){ ERROR_LOG("could not duplicate the location information node\n"); goto error; } if(!xmlAddChild(loc_node, loc_copy)){ ERROR_LOG("could not add the location information to the location node\n"); goto error; } loc_copy = NULL; if(!xmlAddChild(root_node, loc_node)){ ERROR_LOG("could not add the %s node to root\n", LOST_LOCATION_NODE); goto error; } loc_node = NULL; if(!xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST LOST_SERVICE_NODE, BAD_CAST service)){ ERROR_LOG("could not add the %s node to root\n", LOST_SERVICE_NODE); goto error; } //print_element_names(root_node); xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(doc, &req_body, &req_len, LOST_XML_ENC, 1); lost_req->s = (char*) req_body; lost_req->len = req_len; if(!lost_req->s || !lost_req->len){ ERROR_LOG("could not output the xml document\n"); goto error; } //DEBUG_LOG("lost request: %.*s\n", lost_req->len, lost_req->s); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return 0; error: if(loc_node) xmlFreeNode(loc_node); if(loc_copy) xmlFreeNode(loc_copy); if(doc) xmlFreeDoc(doc); return 1; }
/* * Internal handler function */ static Datum handler_internal(Oid function_oid, FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, bool execute) { HeapTuple proctuple; Form_pg_proc pg_proc_entry; char *sourcecode; Datum prosrcdatum; bool isnull; const char **xslt_params; int i; Oid *argtypes; char **argnames; char *argmodes; int numargs; xmlDocPtr ssdoc; xmlDocPtr xmldoc; xmlDocPtr resdoc; xsltStylesheetPtr stylesheet; int reslen; xmlChar *resstr; Datum resdatum; if (CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("trigger functions not supported"))); proctuple = SearchSysCache(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(function_oid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(proctuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u", function_oid); prosrcdatum = SysCacheGetAttr(PROCOID, proctuple, Anum_pg_proc_prosrc, &isnull); if (isnull) elog(ERROR, "null prosrc"); sourcecode = pstrdup(DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, prosrcdatum))); /* allow one blank line at the start */ if (sourcecode[0] == '\n') sourcecode++; numargs = get_func_arg_info(proctuple, &argtypes, &argnames, &argmodes); if (numargs < 1) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("XSLT function must have at least one argument"))); if (argtypes[0] != XMLOID) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("first argument of XSLT function must have type XML"))); #if 0 xsltSetGenericErrorFunc(NULL, xmlGenericError); #endif ssdoc = xmlParseDoc((xmlChar *) sourcecode); /* XXX use backend's xml_parse here() */ stylesheet = xsltParseStylesheetDoc(ssdoc); /* XXX check error handling */ if (!stylesheet) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("could not parse stylesheet"))); pg_proc_entry = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(proctuple); { char *method; method = (char *) stylesheet->method; /* * TODO: This is strictly speaking not correct because the * default output method may be "html", but that can only * detected at run time, so punt for now. */ if (!method) method = "xml"; if (strcmp(method, "xml") == 0 && pg_proc_entry->prorettype != XMLOID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("XSLT stylesheet has output method \"xml\" but return type of function is not xml"))); else if ((strcmp(method, "html") == 0 || strcmp(method, "text") == 0) && pg_proc_entry->prorettype != TEXTOID && pg_proc_entry->prorettype != VARCHAROID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("XSLT stylesheet has output method \"%s\" but return type of function is not text or varchar", method))); } /* validation stops here */ if (!execute) { ReleaseSysCache(proctuple); PG_RETURN_VOID(); } /* execution begins here */ xslt_params = palloc(((numargs - 1) * 2 + 1) * sizeof(*xslt_params)); for (i = 0; i < numargs-1; i++) { xslt_params[i*2] = argnames[i+1]; xslt_params[i*2+1] = type_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_DATUM(i+1), argtypes[i+1]); } xslt_params[i*2] = NULL; { xmltype *arg0 = PG_GETARG_XML_P(0); // XXX this ought to use xml_parse() xmldoc = xmlParseMemory((char *) VARDATA(arg0), VARSIZE(arg0) - VARHDRSZ); } resdoc = xsltApplyStylesheet(stylesheet, xmldoc, xslt_params); if (!resdoc) elog(ERROR, "xsltApplyStylesheet() failed"); xmlFreeDoc(xmldoc); if (xsltSaveResultToString(&resstr, &reslen, resdoc, stylesheet) != 0) elog(ERROR, "result serialization failed"); xsltFreeStylesheet(stylesheet); xmlFreeDoc(resdoc); xsltCleanupGlobals(); xmlCleanupParser(); resdatum = cstring_to_type(resstr ? (char *) resstr : "", pg_proc_entry->prorettype); ReleaseSysCache(proctuple); PG_RETURN_DATUM(resdatum); }
void read_tasks_entries (GUI *appGUI) { xmlDocPtr doc; xmlChar *key; xmlNodePtr node, cnode, category_node, main_node; GtkTreeIter iter; gboolean done; gchar priority[BUFFER_SIZE], category[BUFFER_SIZE]; gchar summary[MAX_SUMMARY_SIZE]; guint32 due_date_julian, start_date_julian, priority_n; if (g_file_test (prefs_get_config_filename(TASKS_ENTRIES_FILENAME), G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR) == FALSE) return; if((doc = xmlParseFile(prefs_get_config_filename(TASKS_ENTRIES_FILENAME)))) { if(!(node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc))) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return; } if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar *) TASKS_NAME)) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return; } main_node = node->xmlChildrenNode; while (main_node != NULL) { if(!xmlStrcmp(main_node->name, (xmlChar *) TASKS_CATEGORY_ENTRIES_NAME)) { /* read note */ category_node = main_node->xmlChildrenNode; while (category_node != NULL) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(category_node->name, (const xmlChar *) "name"))) { key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, category_node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (key != NULL) { gtk_list_store_append(appGUI->opt->tasks_category_store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set(appGUI->opt->tasks_category_store, &iter, 0, (gchar *) key, -1); } xmlFree(key); } category_node = category_node->next; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(!xmlStrcmp(main_node->name, (xmlChar *) TASKS_ENTRIES_NAME)) { /* read note */ node = main_node->xmlChildrenNode; while (node != NULL) { if(!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (xmlChar *) "entry")) { cnode = node->xmlChildrenNode; done = FALSE; due_date_julian = start_date_julian = 0; while (cnode != NULL) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(cnode->name, (const xmlChar *) "status"))) { key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cnode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (key != NULL) { sscanf((gchar *) key, "%d", &done); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(cnode->name, (const xmlChar *) "due_date"))) { key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cnode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (key != NULL) { sscanf((gchar *) key, "%d", &due_date_julian); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(cnode->name, (const xmlChar *) "start_date"))) { key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cnode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (key != NULL) { sscanf((gchar *) key, "%d", &start_date_julian); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(cnode->name, (const xmlChar *) "priority"))) { key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cnode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (key != NULL) { strncpy (priority, (gchar *) key, BUFFER_SIZE-1); if (get_priority_index(gettext(priority)) == -1) { sscanf((gchar *) key, "%d", &priority_n); strncpy (priority, get_priority_text(priority_n), BUFFER_SIZE-1); } xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(cnode->name, (const xmlChar *) "category"))) { key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cnode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (key != NULL) { strncpy (category, (gchar *) key, BUFFER_SIZE-1); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(cnode->name, (const xmlChar *) "summary"))) { key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cnode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (key != NULL) { strncpy (summary, (gchar *) key, MAX_SUMMARY_SIZE-1); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(cnode->name, (const xmlChar *) "description"))) { key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cnode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); add_item_to_list(done, due_date_julian, start_date_julian, priority, category, summary, (gchar *) key, appGUI); if (key != NULL) { xmlFree(key); } } cnode = cnode->next; } } node = node->next; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ main_node = main_node->next; } xmlFree(node); xmlFreeDoc(doc); } }
gboolean brasero_project_open_project_xml (const gchar *uri, BraseroBurnSession *session, gboolean warn_user) { xmlNodePtr track_node = NULL; gchar *label = NULL; gchar *cover = NULL; xmlDocPtr project; xmlNodePtr item; gboolean retval; GFile *file; gchar *path; file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (uri); path = g_file_get_path (file); g_object_unref (file); if (!path) return FALSE; /* start parsing xml doc */ project = xmlParseFile (path); g_free (path); if (!project) { if (warn_user) brasero_project_invalid_project_dialog (_("The project could not be opened")); return FALSE; } /* parses the "header" */ item = xmlDocGetRootElement (project); if (!item) { if (warn_user) brasero_project_invalid_project_dialog (_("The file is empty")); xmlFreeDoc (project); return FALSE; } if (xmlStrcmp (item->name, (const xmlChar *) "braseroproject") || item->next) goto error; item = item->children; while (item) { if (!xmlStrcmp (item->name, (const xmlChar *) "version")) { /* simply ignore it */ } else if (!xmlStrcmp (item->name, (const xmlChar *) "label")) { label = (gchar *) xmlNodeListGetString (project, item->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (!(label)) goto error; } else if (!xmlStrcmp (item->name, (const xmlChar *) "cover")) { xmlChar *escaped; escaped = xmlNodeListGetString (project, item->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (!escaped) goto error; cover = g_uri_unescape_string ((char *) escaped, NULL); g_free (escaped); } else if (!xmlStrcmp (item->name, (const xmlChar *) "track")) { if (track_node) goto error; track_node = item; } else if (item->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) goto error; item = item->next; } retval = _get_tracks (project, track_node, session); if (!retval) goto error; xmlFreeDoc (project); brasero_burn_session_set_label (session, label); g_free (label); if (cover) { GValue *value; value = g_new0 (GValue, 1); g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_STRING); g_value_set_string (value, cover); brasero_burn_session_tag_add (session, BRASERO_COVER_URI, value); g_free (cover); } return retval; error: if (cover) g_free (cover); if (label) g_free (label); xmlFreeDoc (project); if (warn_user) brasero_project_invalid_project_dialog (_("It does not seem to be a valid Brasero project")); return FALSE; }
bool BaseEvents::loadFromXml(const std::string& datadir) { if(m_loaded){ std::cout << "Error: [BaseEvents::loadFromXml] loaded == true" << std::endl; return false; } m_datadir = datadir; Event* event = NULL; std::string scriptsName = getScriptBaseName(); if(getScriptInterface().loadFile(std::string(m_datadir + scriptsName + "/lib/" + scriptsName + ".lua")) == -1){ std::cout << "Warning: [BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Can not load " << scriptsName << " lib/" << scriptsName << ".lua" << std::endl; } std::string filename = m_datadir + scriptsName + "/" + scriptsName + ".xml"; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(filename.c_str()); if(doc){ m_loaded = true; xmlNodePtr root, p; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)scriptsName.c_str()) != 0){ xmlFreeDoc(doc); return false; } p = root->children; while(p){ if(p->name){ std::string nodeName = (const char*)p->name; if((event = getEvent(nodeName))){ if(event->configureEvent(p)){ bool success = true; std::string scriptfile; if(readXMLString(p, "script", scriptfile)){ /*if(!event->checkScript(m_datadir, scriptsName, "/scripts/" + scriptfile)){ success = false; } else*/ if(!event->loadScript(m_datadir + scriptsName + "/scripts/" + scriptfile)){ success = false; } } else if(readXMLString(p, "function", scriptfile)){ if(!event->loadFunction(scriptfile)){ success = false; } } else{ success = false; } if(success){ if(!registerEvent(event, p)){ success = false; delete event; } } else{ delete event; } } else{ std::cout << "Warning: [BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Can not configure event" << std::endl; delete event; } event = NULL; } } p = p->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); } else{ std::cout << "Warning: [BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Can not open " << scriptsName << ".xml" << std::endl; } return m_loaded; }
gJobPtr parseGjobFile(char *filename) { xmlDocPtr doc; gJobPtr ret; jobPtr job; xmlNsPtr ns; xmlNodePtr cur; /* * build an XML tree from a the file; */ doc = xmlParseFile(filename); if (doc == NULL) return(NULL); /* * Check the document is of the right kind */ // cur = doc->root; // cur = doc->children; cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (cur == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"empty document\n"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return(NULL); } ns = xmlSearchNsByHref(doc, cur, ""); if (ns == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "document of the wrong type, GJob Namespace not found\n"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return(NULL); } if (strcmp(cur->name, "Helping")) { fprintf(stderr,"document of the wrong type, root node != Helping"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return(NULL); } /* * Allocate the structure to be returned. */ ret = (gJobPtr) malloc(sizeof(gJob)); if (ret == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"out of memory\n"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return(NULL); } memset(ret, 0, sizeof(gJob)); /* * Now, walk the tree. */ /* First level we expect just Jobs */ // cur = cur->children; cur = cur -> children; while ( cur && xmlIsBlankNode ( cur ) ) { cur = cur -> next; } if ( cur == 0 ) return ( NULL ); if ((strcmp(cur->name, "Jobs")) || (cur->ns != ns)) { fprintf(stderr,"document of the wrong type, was '%s', Jobs expected", cur->name); fprintf(stderr,"xmlDocDump follows\n"); xmlDocDump ( stderr, doc ); fprintf(stderr,"xmlDocDump finished\n"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); free(ret); return(NULL); } /* Second level is a list of Job, but be laxist */ cur = cur->children; while (cur != NULL) { if ((!strcmp(cur->name, "Job")) && (cur->ns == ns)) { job = parseJob(doc, ns, cur); if (job != NULL) ret->jobs[ret->nbJobs++] = job; if (ret->nbJobs >= 500) break; } cur = cur->next; } return(ret); }