bool Quests::parseQuestNode(xmlNodePtr p, bool checkDuplicate) { if(xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"quest")) return false; int32_t intValue; std::string strValue; uint32_t id = m_lastId; if(readXMLInteger(p, "id", intValue) && id > 0) { id = intValue; if(id > m_lastId) m_lastId = id; } std::string name; if(readXMLString(p, "name", strValue)) name = strValue; uint32_t startStorageId = 0; if(readXMLInteger(p, "startstorageid", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "storageId", intValue)) startStorageId = intValue; int32_t startStorageValue = 0; if(readXMLInteger(p, "startstoragevalue", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "storageValue", intValue)) startStorageValue = intValue; Quest* quest = new Quest(name, id, startStorageId, startStorageValue); if(!quest) return false; for(xmlNodePtr missionNode = p->children; missionNode; missionNode = missionNode->next) { if(xmlStrcmp(missionNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"mission")) continue; std::string missionName, missionState; if(readXMLString(missionNode, "name", strValue)) missionName = strValue; if(readXMLString(missionNode, "state", strValue) || readXMLString(missionNode, "description", strValue)) missionState = strValue; uint32_t storageId = 0; if(readXMLInteger(missionNode, "storageid", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "storageId", intValue)) storageId = intValue; int32_t startValue = 0, endValue = 0; if(readXMLInteger(missionNode, "startvalue", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "startValue", intValue)) startValue = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(missionNode, "endvalue", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "endValue", intValue)) endValue = intValue; if(Mission* mission = new Mission(missionName, missionState, storageId, startValue, endValue)) { if(missionState.empty()) { // parse sub-states only if main is not set for(xmlNodePtr stateNode = missionNode->children; stateNode; stateNode = stateNode->next) { if(xmlStrcmp(stateNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"missionstate")) continue; uint32_t missionId; if(!readXMLInteger(stateNode, "id", intValue)) { std::clog << "[Warning - Quests::parseQuestNode] Missing missionId for mission state" << std::endl; continue; } missionId = intValue; std::string description; if(readXMLString(stateNode, "description", strValue)) description = strValue; mission->newState(missionId, description); } } quest->newMission(mission); } } if(checkDuplicate) { for(QuestList::iterator it = quests.begin(); it != quests.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->getName() == name) delete *it; } } m_lastId++; quests.push_back(quest); return true; }
static int ooxml_basic_json(int fd, cli_ctx *ctx, const char *key) { int ret = CL_SUCCESS; const xmlChar *stack[OOXML_JSON_RECLEVEL]; json_object *summary, *wrkptr; int type, rlvl = 0; int32_t val2; const xmlChar *name, *value; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = NULL; cli_dbgmsg("in ooxml_basic_json\n"); reader = xmlReaderForFd(fd, "properties.xml", NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_basic_json: xmlReaderForFd error for %s\n", key); return CL_SUCCESS; // libxml2 failed! } summary = json_object_new_object(); if (NULL == summary) { cli_errmsg("ooxml_basic_json: no memory for json object.\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto ooxml_basic_exit; } while (xmlTextReaderRead(reader) == 1) { name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); type = xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader); cli_dbgmsg("%s [%i]: %s\n", name, type, value); switch (type) { case XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT: stack[rlvl] = name; rlvl++; break; case XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT: { wrkptr = summary; if (rlvl > 2) { /* 0 is root xml object */ int i; for (i = 1; i < rlvl-1; ++i) { json_object *newptr = json_object_object_get(wrkptr, stack[i]); if (!newptr) { newptr = json_object_new_object(); if (NULL == newptr) { cli_errmsg("ooxml_basic_json: no memory for json object.\n"); ret = CL_EMEM; goto ooxml_basic_exit; } json_object_object_add(wrkptr, stack[i], newptr); } else { /* object already exists */ if (!json_object_is_type(newptr, json_type_object)) { cli_warnmsg("ooxml_content_cb: json object already exists as not an object\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto ooxml_basic_exit; } } wrkptr = newptr; cli_dbgmsg("stack %d: %s\n", i, stack[i]); } } if (ooxml_is_int(value, xmlStrlen(value), &val2)) { ret = cli_jsonint(wrkptr, stack[rlvl-1], val2); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(value, "true")) { ret = cli_jsonbool(wrkptr, stack[rlvl-1], 1); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(value, "false")) { ret = cli_jsonbool(wrkptr, stack[rlvl-1], 0); } else { ret = cli_jsonstr(wrkptr, stack[rlvl-1], value); } if (ret != CL_SUCCESS) goto ooxml_basic_exit; } break; case XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT: rlvl--; break; default: cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_content_cb: unhandled xml node %s [%i]: %s\n", name, type, value); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto ooxml_basic_exit; } } json_object_object_add(ctx->wrkproperty, key, summary); if (rlvl != 0) { cli_warnmsg("ooxml_basic_json: office property file has unbalanced tags\n"); /* FAIL */ } ooxml_basic_exit: xmlTextReaderClose(reader); xmlFreeTextReader(reader); return ret; }
static int ooxml_content_cb(int fd, cli_ctx *ctx) { int ret = CL_SUCCESS; int core=0, extn=0, cust=0, dsig=0; const xmlChar *name, *value, *CT, *PN; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = NULL; uint32_t loff; cli_dbgmsg("in ooxml_content_cb\n"); reader = xmlReaderForFd(fd, "[Content_Types].xml", NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_content_cb: xmlReaderForFd error for ""[Content_Types].xml""\n"); return CL_SUCCESS; // libxml2 failed! } /* locate core-properties, extended-properties, and custom-properties (optional) */ while (xmlTextReaderRead(reader) == 1) { name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); if (name == NULL) continue; if (strcmp(name, "Override")) continue; if (!xmlTextReaderHasAttributes(reader)) continue; CT = NULL; PN = NULL; while (xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(reader) == 1) { name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); if (name == NULL || value == NULL) continue; if (!xmlStrcmp(name, "ContentType")) { CT = value; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(name, "PartName")) { PN = value; } cli_dbgmsg("%s: %s\n", name, value); } if (!CT && !PN) continue; if (!core && !xmlStrcmp(CT, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml")) { /* default: /docProps/core.xml*/ if (unzip_search(ctx, PN+1, xmlStrlen(PN)-1, &loff) != CL_VIRUS) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_process_ooxml: failed to find core properties file \"%s\"!\n", PN); } else { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_content_cb: found core properties file \"%s\" @ %x\n", PN, loff); ret = unzip_single_internal(ctx, loff, ooxml_core_cb); } core = 1; } else if (!extn && !xmlStrcmp(CT, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml")) { /* default: /docProps/app.xml */ if (unzip_search(ctx, PN+1, xmlStrlen(PN)-1, &loff) != CL_VIRUS) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_process_ooxml: failed to find extended properties file \"%s\"!\n", PN); } else { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_content_cb: found extended properties file \"%s\" @ %x\n", PN, loff); ret = unzip_single_internal(ctx, loff, ooxml_extn_cb); } extn = 1; } else if (!cust && !xmlStrcmp(CT, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.custom-properties+xml")) { /* default: /docProps/custom.xml */ if (unzip_search(ctx, PN+1, xmlStrlen(PN)-1, &loff) != CL_VIRUS) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_process_ooxml: failed to find custom properties file \"%s\"!\n", PN); } else { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_content_cb: found custom properties file \"%s\" @ %x\n", PN, loff); /* custom properties ignored for now */ cli_jsonbool(ctx->wrkproperty, "CustomProperties", 1); //ret = unzip_single_internal(ctx, loff, ooxml_cust_cb); } cust = 1; } else if (!dsig && !xmlStrcmp(CT, "application/")) { if (unzip_search(ctx, PN+1, xmlStrlen(PN)-1, &loff) != CL_VIRUS) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_process_ooxml: failed to find digital signature file \"%s\"!\n", PN); } else { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_content_cb: found digital signature file \"%s\" @ %x\n", PN, loff); /* digital signatures ignored for now */ cli_jsonbool(ctx->wrkproperty, "DigitalSignatures", 1); //ret = unzip_single_internal(ctx, loff, ooxml_dsig_cb); } dsig = 1; } if (ret != CL_SUCCESS) goto ooxml_content_exit; } if (!core) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_process_ooxml: file does not contain core properties file\n"); } if (!extn) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_process_ooxml: file does not contain extended properties file\n"); } if (!cust) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_process_ooxml: file does not contain custom properties file\n"); } ooxml_content_exit: xmlTextReaderClose(reader); xmlFreeTextReader(reader); return ret; }
static void initListValue(CompDisplay *d, CompOptionValue *v, CompOptionRestriction *r, CompActionState state, Bool helper, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) { xmlNodePtr child; v->list.value = NULL; v->list.nValue = 0; if (!doc) return; for (child = node->xmlChildrenNode; child; child = child->next) { CompOptionValue *value; if (xmlStrcmp (child->name, BAD_CAST "value")) continue; value = realloc (v->list.value, sizeof (CompOptionValue) * (v->list.nValue + 1)); if (value) { switch (v->list.type) { case CompOptionTypeBool: initBoolValue (&value[v->list.nValue], doc, child); break; case CompOptionTypeInt: initIntValue (&value[v->list.nValue], r, doc, child); break; case CompOptionTypeFloat: initFloatValue (&value[v->list.nValue], r, doc, child); break; case CompOptionTypeString: initStringValue (&value[v->list.nValue], r, doc, child); break; case CompOptionTypeColor: initColorValue (&value[v->list.nValue], doc, child); break; /* case CompOptionTypeAction: * initActionValue (d, &value[v->list.nValue], state, doc, child); * break; */ case CompOptionTypeMatch: initMatchValue (d, &value[v->list.nValue], helper, doc, child); default: break; } v->list.value = value; v->list.nValue++; } } }
static int ooxml_parse_element(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, json_object *wrkptr, int rlvl, int skip) { const char *element_tag = NULL, *end_tag = NULL; const xmlChar *node_name = NULL, *node_value = NULL; json_object *njptr; int node_type, ret = CL_SUCCESS; int32_t val2; cli_dbgmsg("in ooxml_parse_element @ layer %d\n", rlvl); /* check recursion level */ if (rlvl >= OOXML_JSON_RECLEVEL_MAX) { return CL_EMAXREC; } if (wrkptr == NULL) { skip = 1; } /* acquire element type */ node_type = xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader); if (node_type != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_parse_element: first node typed %d, not %d\n", node_type, XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT); return CL_EPARSE; /* first type is not an element */ } /* acquire element tag */ node_name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); if (!node_name) { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_parse_element: element tag node nameless\n"); return CL_EPARSE; /* no name, nameless */ } element_tag = ooxml_check_key(node_name, xmlStrlen(node_name)); if (!element_tag) { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_parse_element: invalid element tag [%s]\n", node_name); skip = 1; /* skipping element */ //return CL_EFORMAT; /* REMOVE */ } /* handle attributes if you want */ /* loop across all element contents */ while (xmlTextReaderRead(reader) == 1) { node_type = xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader); switch (node_type) { case XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT: if (!skip) { njptr = json_object_object_get(wrkptr, element_tag); if (!njptr) { njptr = json_object_new_object(); if (NULL == njptr) { cli_errmsg("ooxml_basic_json: no memory for json object.\n"); return CL_EMEM; } cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_basic_json: added json object [%s]\n", element_tag); json_object_object_add(wrkptr, element_tag, njptr); } else { if (!json_object_is_type(njptr, json_type_object)) { cli_warnmsg("ooxml_content_cb: json object [%s] already exists as not an object\n", element_tag); return CL_EFORMAT; } } } else { njptr = NULL; } ret = ooxml_parse_element(reader, njptr, rlvl+1, skip); if (ret != CL_SUCCESS) { return ret; } break; case XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT: cli_dbgmsg("in ooxml_parse_element @ layer %d closed\n", rlvl); node_name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); if (!node_name) { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_parse_element: element end tag node nameless\n"); return CL_EPARSE; /* no name, nameless */ } if (!skip) { end_tag = ooxml_check_key(node_name, xmlStrlen(node_name)); if (!end_tag) { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_parse_element: invalid element end tag [%s]\n", node_name); return CL_EFORMAT; /* unrecognized element tag */ } if (strncmp(element_tag, end_tag, strlen(element_tag))) { cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_parse_element: element tag does not match end tag\n"); return CL_EFORMAT; } } return CL_SUCCESS; case XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT: if (!skip) { node_value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); njptr = json_object_object_get(wrkptr, element_tag); if (njptr) { cli_warnmsg("ooxml_parse_element: json object [%s] already exists\n", element_tag); } if (ooxml_is_int(node_value, xmlStrlen(node_value), &val2)) { ret = cli_jsonint(wrkptr, element_tag, val2); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(node_value, "true")) { ret = cli_jsonbool(wrkptr, element_tag, 1); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(node_value, "false")) { ret = cli_jsonbool(wrkptr, element_tag, 0); } else { ret = cli_jsonstr(wrkptr, element_tag, node_value); } if (ret != CL_SUCCESS) return ret; cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_basic_json: added json value [%s: %s]\n", element_tag, node_value); } else { node_name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); node_value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_parse_element: not adding xml node %s [%d]: %s\n", node_name, node_type, node_value); } break; default: node_name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); node_value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); cli_dbgmsg("ooxml_parse_element: unhandled xml node %s [%d]: %s\n", node_name, node_type, node_value); return CL_EPARSE; } } return CL_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt, r = 0; char *alt_config = NULL, *pub = NULL, *ver = NULL, *winfile = NULL; char prefix[2048]; enum { REBUILD, WINZONES, NONE } op = NONE; if ((geteuid()) == 0 && (become_cyrus(/*ismaster*/0) != 0)) { fatal("must run as the Cyrus user", EC_USAGE); } while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "C:r:vw:")) != EOF) { switch (opt) { case 'C': /* alt config file */ alt_config = optarg; break; case 'r': if (op == NONE) { op = REBUILD; pub = optarg; ver = strchr(optarg, ':'); if (ver) *ver++ = '\0'; else usage(); } else usage(); break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'w': if (op == NONE) { op = WINZONES; winfile = optarg; } else usage(); break; default: usage(); } } cyrus_init(alt_config, "ctl_zoneinfo", 0, 0); signals_set_shutdown(&shut_down); signals_add_handlers(0); snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "%s%s", config_dir, FNAME_ZONEINFODIR); switch (op) { case REBUILD: { struct hash_table tzentries; struct zoneinfo *info; struct txn *tid = NULL; char buf[1024]; FILE *fp; construct_hash_table(&tzentries, 500, 1); /* Add INFO record (overall lastmod and TZ DB source version) */ info = xzmalloc(sizeof(struct zoneinfo)); info->type = ZI_INFO; appendstrlist(&info->data, pub); appendstrlist(&info->data, ver); hash_insert(INFO_TZID, info, &tzentries); /* Add LEAP record (last updated and hash) */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", prefix, FNAME_LEAPSECFILE); if (verbose) printf("Processing leap seconds file %s\n", buf); if (!(fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open leap seconds file %s\n", buf); } else { struct zoneinfo *leap = xzmalloc(sizeof(struct zoneinfo)); leap->type = ZI_INFO; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if (buf[0] == '#') { /* comment line */ if (buf[1] == '$') { /* last updated */ unsigned long last; sscanf(buf+2, "\t%lu", &last); leap->dtstamp = last - NIST_EPOCH_OFFSET; } else if (buf[1] == 'h') { /* hash */ char *p, *hash = buf+3 /* skip "#h\t" */; /* trim trailing whitespace */ for (p = hash + strlen(hash); isspace(*--p); *p = '\0'); appendstrlist(&leap->data, hash); } } } fclose(fp); hash_insert(LEAP_TZID, leap, &tzentries); info->dtstamp = leap->dtstamp; } /* Add ZONE/LINK records */ do_zonedir(prefix, &tzentries, info); zoneinfo_open(NULL); /* Store records */ hash_enumerate(&tzentries, &store_zoneinfo, &tid); zoneinfo_close(tid); free_hash_table(&tzentries, &free_zoneinfo); break; } case WINZONES: { xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr node; struct buf tzidbuf = BUF_INITIALIZER; struct buf aliasbuf = BUF_INITIALIZER; if (verbose) printf("Processing Windows Zone file %s\n", winfile); /* Parse the XML file */ ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt(); if (!ctxt) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create XML parser context\n"); break; } doc = xmlCtxtReadFile(ctxt, winfile, NULL, 0); xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); if (!doc) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse XML document\n"); break; } node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (!node || xmlStrcmp(node->name, BAD_CAST "supplementalData")) { fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect root node\n"); goto done; } for (node = xmlFirstElementChild(node); node && xmlStrcmp(node->name, BAD_CAST "windowsZones"); node = xmlNextElementSibling(node)); if (!node) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing windowsZones node\n"); goto done; } node = xmlFirstElementChild(node); if (!node || xmlStrcmp(node->name, BAD_CAST "mapTimezones")) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing mapTimezones node\n"); goto done; } if (chdir(prefix)) { fprintf(stderr, "chdir(%s) failed\n", prefix); goto done; } for (node = xmlFirstElementChild(node); node; node = xmlNextElementSibling(node)) { if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, BAD_CAST "mapZone") && !xmlStrcmp(xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "territory"), BAD_CAST "001")) { const char *tzid, *alias; buf_setcstr(&tzidbuf, (const char *) xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "type")); buf_appendcstr(&tzidbuf, ".ics"); tzid = buf_cstring(&tzidbuf); buf_setcstr(&aliasbuf, (const char *) xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "other")); buf_appendcstr(&aliasbuf, ".ics"); alias = buf_cstring(&aliasbuf); if (verbose) printf("\tLINK: %s -> %s\n", alias, tzid); if (symlink(tzid, alias)) { if (errno == EEXIST) { struct stat sbuf; if (stat(alias, &sbuf)) { fprintf(stderr, "stat(%s) failed: %s\n", alias, strerror(errno)); errno = EEXIST; } else if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IFLNK) { char link[MAX_MAILBOX_PATH+1]; int n = readlink(alias, link, MAX_MAILBOX_PATH); if (n == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "readlink(%s) failed: %s\n", alias, strerror(errno)); errno = EEXIST; } else if (n == (int) strlen(tzid) && !strncmp(tzid, link, n)) { errno = 0; } } } if (errno) { fprintf(stderr, "symlink(%s, %s) failed: %s\n", tzid, alias, strerror(errno)); } } } } done: buf_free(&aliasbuf); buf_free(&tzidbuf); xmlFreeDoc(doc); break; } case NONE: r = 2; usage(); break; } cyrus_done(); return r; }
int importDatabase( const char * filename, struct database_t * databaseList, int * databaseListTotal, struct userAttr_t * userAttr ){ int subscript; int subscriptCount; int attrSubscript; xmlChar * longStr; xmlNodePtr node; xmlNodePtr content; xmlNodePtr sonNode; xmlNodePtr grandsonNode; *databaseListTotal = 0; userAttr->userStatus = NULL; userAttr->mobileNumber = NULL; xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); // create the doc and root node xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile( filename, "UTF-8", XML_PARSE_RECOVER ); if ( doc == NULL ){ // printf("Error: xml Data file \"%s\" import failed.\n", filename); return 0; } xmlNodePtr root_node = xmlDocGetRootElement( doc ); if ( root_node == NULL ){ // printf("Error: failed to get the root of xml doc.\n"); return 0; } if ( xmlStrcmp( root_node->name, BAD_CAST "databaseList") != 0 ){ // printf("Error: name of root node of xml doc not matched.\n"); return 0; } if ( xmlHasProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "databaseListTotal") && xmlHasProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "userStatus") ){ longStr = xmlGetProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "databaseListTotal" ); *databaseListTotal = xatoi( (char *) longStr ); if ( *databaseListTotal > MAX_DATABASE_SAVE ) *databaseListTotal = MAX_DATABASE_SAVE; longStr = xmlGetProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "userStatus" ); userAttr->userStatus = malloc( strlen(longStr)+1 ); strcpy( userAttr->userStatus, longStr ); // printf("itemListTotal: %d\n", *itemListTotal ); }else{ // printf("Error: failed to get the itemListTotal.\n"); return 0; } if ( xmlHasProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "mobileNumber") ){ longStr = xmlGetProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "mobileNumber" ); userAttr->mobileNumber = malloc( strlen(longStr)+1 ); strcpy( userAttr->mobileNumber, longStr ); } node = root_node->xmlChildrenNode; for (subscriptCount=1; subscriptCount <= *databaseListTotal; subscriptCount++){ // printf("subscriptCount: %d\n", subscriptCount); if ( node == NULL ){ // printf("Error: not enough item node.\n"); *databaseListTotal = 0; return 0; } subscript = subscriptCount; databaseList[subscript].url = NULL; databaseList[subscript].urlstatus = NULL; databaseList[subscript].filenamePrefix = NULL; sonNode = node->xmlChildrenNode; while( sonNode != NULL ){ if ( xmlStrcmp( sonNode->name, BAD_CAST "url" ) == 0){ longStr = xmlNodeGetContent( sonNode ); databaseList[subscript].url = malloc( strlen(longStr) +1 ); strcpy( databaseList[subscript].url, (char *) longStr ); }else if ( xmlStrcmp( sonNode->name, BAD_CAST "urlstatus" ) == 0){ longStr = xmlNodeGetContent( sonNode ); databaseList[subscript].urlstatus = malloc( strlen(longStr) +1 ); strcpy( databaseList[subscript].urlstatus, (char *) longStr ); }else if ( xmlStrcmp( sonNode->name, BAD_CAST "filenamePrefix" ) == 0){ longStr = xmlNodeGetContent( sonNode ); databaseList[subscript].filenamePrefix = malloc( strlen(longStr) +1 ); strcpy( databaseList[subscript].filenamePrefix, (char *) longStr ); }else{ // printf("Error: unknown sonNode of xml doc item, %s", (char *) sonNode->name ); *databaseListTotal = 0; return 0; } sonNode = sonNode->next; } node = node->next; } printf("databaseList import success.\n"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); return 1; }
int tdsOpendir (rsComm_t *rsComm, char *dirUrl, void **outDirPtr) { CURLcode res; CURL *easyhandle; tdsDirStruct_t *tdsDirStruct = NULL; if (dirUrl == NULL || outDirPtr == NULL) return USER__NULL_INPUT_ERR; *outDirPtr = NULL; easyhandle = curl_easy_init(); if(!easyhandle) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "tdsOpendir: curl_easy_init error"); return OOI_CURL_EASY_INIT_ERR; } curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_URL, dirUrl); curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, tdsDirRespHandler); tdsDirStruct = (tdsDirStruct_t *) calloc (1, sizeof (tdsDirStruct_t)); tdsDirStruct->easyhandle = easyhandle; curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, tdsDirStruct); /* this is needed for ERDDAP site */ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); res = curl_easy_perform (easyhandle); if (res != CURLE_OK) { /* res is +ive for error */ rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "tdsOpendir: curl_easy_perform error: %d", res); freeTdsDirStruct (&tdsDirStruct); curl_easy_cleanup (easyhandle); return OOI_CURL_EASY_PERFORM_ERR - res; } tdsDirStruct->doc = xmlParseMemory (tdsDirStruct->httpResponse, tdsDirStruct->len); if (tdsDirStruct->doc == NULL) { freeTdsDirStruct (&tdsDirStruct); rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "tdsOpendir: xmlParseMemory error for %s", dirUrl); return XML_PARSING_ERR; } free (tdsDirStruct->httpResponse); /* don't need this anymore */ tdsDirStruct->httpResponse = NULL; tdsDirStruct->rootnode = xmlDocGetRootElement (tdsDirStruct->doc); if (tdsDirStruct->rootnode == NULL) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "tdsOpendir: xmlDocGetRootElement error for %s", dirUrl); freeTdsDirStruct (&tdsDirStruct); return XML_PARSING_ERR; } if (xmlStrcmp(tdsDirStruct->rootnode->name, (const xmlChar *) "catalog")) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "tdsOpendir: root node name %s is not 'catalog' for %s", tdsDirStruct->rootnode, dirUrl); freeTdsDirStruct (&tdsDirStruct); return XML_PARSING_ERR; } tdsDirStruct->curnode = tdsDirStruct->rootnode; rstrcpy (tdsDirStruct->dirUrl, dirUrl, MAX_NAME_LEN); *outDirPtr = tdsDirStruct; return 0; }
int tdsReaddir (rsComm_t *rsComm, void *dirPtr, struct dirent *direntPtr) { int status = -1; tdsDirStruct_t *tdsDirStruct = (tdsDirStruct_t *) dirPtr; xmlAttrPtr myprop; const xmlChar *myname, *myurlPath, *mytitle, *myhref, *tmpname; xmlNodePtr mynode; while (getNextNode (tdsDirStruct)) { mynode = tdsDirStruct->curnode; if (xmlIsBlankNode (tdsDirStruct->curnode)) { continue; } else if (xmlStrcmp (mynode->name, (const xmlChar *) "dataset") == 0) { myprop = mynode->properties; myname = myurlPath = mytitle = NULL; while (myprop) { if (xmlStrcmp (myprop->name, (const xmlChar *) "name") == 0) { myname = myprop->children->content; } else if (xmlStrcmp (myprop->name, (const xmlChar *) "urlPath") == 0) { myurlPath = myprop->children->content; } else if (xmlStrcmp (myprop->name, (const xmlChar *) "title") == 0) { mytitle = myprop->children->content; } myprop = myprop->next; } if (myurlPath == NULL) { /* drill down */ setTdsCurdir (tdsDirStruct, (char *) myname); continue; } else { if ((char *)myname != NULL && strlen ((char *)myname) > 0) { tmpname = myname; } else if ((char *)mytitle != NULL && strlen ((char *)mytitle) > 0) { tmpname = mytitle; } else { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "tdsReaddir: dataset %s has no name nor title", myurlPath); continue; } rstrcpy (direntPtr->d_name, (char *) tmpname, NAME_MAX); status = setTDSUrl (tdsDirStruct, (char *)myurlPath, False); if (status >= 0) direntPtr->d_ino = status; return status; } } else if (xmlStrcmp (mynode->name, (const xmlChar *) "catalogRef") == 0) { /* this is a link */ myprop = mynode->properties; myname = myhref = mytitle = NULL; while (myprop) { if (xmlStrcmp (myprop->name, (const xmlChar *) "name") == 0) { myname = myprop->children->content; } else if (xmlStrcmp (myprop->name, (const xmlChar *) "href") == 0) { myhref = myprop->children->content; } else if (xmlStrcmp (myprop->name, (const xmlChar *) "title") == 0) { mytitle = myprop->children->content; } myprop = myprop->next; } if (myhref == NULL) continue; if ((char *)myname != NULL && strlen ((char *)myname) > 0) { tmpname = myname; } else if ((char *)mytitle != NULL && strlen ((char *)mytitle) > 0) { tmpname = mytitle; } else { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "tdsReaddir: dataset %s has no name nor title", myurlPath); continue; } snprintf (direntPtr->d_name, NAME_MAX, "%s", (char *) tmpname); status = setTDSUrl (tdsDirStruct, (char *)myhref, True); if (status >= 0) direntPtr->d_ino = status; return status; } } return status; }
static int XMLNode2Value(ValueStruct *val, xmlNodePtr root) { int i; char *buff1; xmlNodePtr node; if (val == NULL || root == NULL) { return MCP_BAD_OTHER; } switch (ValueType(val)) { case GL_TYPE_INT: if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, "int") != 0) { break; } buff1 = XMLGetString(root, "0"); SetValueStringWithLength(val, buff1, strlen(buff1), NULL); free(buff1); break; case GL_TYPE_FLOAT: if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, "float") != 0) { break; } buff1 = XMLGetString(root, "0"); SetValueStringWithLength(val, buff1, strlen(buff1), NULL); free(buff1); break; case GL_TYPE_NUMBER: if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, "number") != 0) { break; } buff1 = XMLGetString(root, "0.0"); SetValueStringWithLength(val, buff1, strlen(buff1), NULL); free(buff1); break; case GL_TYPE_BOOL: if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, "bool") != 0) { break; } buff1 = XMLGetString(root, "FALSE"); SetValueStringWithLength(val, buff1, strlen(buff1), NULL); free(buff1); break; case GL_TYPE_CHAR: case GL_TYPE_VARCHAR: case GL_TYPE_SYMBOL: case GL_TYPE_DBCODE: case GL_TYPE_TEXT: if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, "string") != 0) { break; } buff1 = XMLGetString(root, ""); SetValueStringWithLength(val, buff1, strlen(buff1), NULL); free(buff1); break; case GL_TYPE_ARRAY: if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, "array") != 0) { break; } node = root->children; for (i = 0; i < ValueArraySize(val); i++) { if (node == NULL) { break; } XMLNode2Value(ValueArrayItem(val, i), node); node = node->next; } break; case GL_TYPE_RECORD: if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, "record") != 0) { break; } for (i = 0; i < ValueRecordSize(val); i++) { for (node = root->children; node != NULL; node = node->next) { if ((buff1 = xmlGetProp(node, "name")) == NULL) { continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(buff1, ValueRecordName(val, i))) { XMLNode2Value(ValueRecordItem(val, i), node); free(buff1); break; } free(buff1); } } break; case GL_TYPE_OBJECT: break; default: return MCP_BAD_ARG; break; } return MCP_OK; }