Exemple #1
static void _handle_stream_start(char *name, char **attrs, 
                                 void * const userdata)
    xmpp_conn_t *conn = (xmpp_conn_t *)userdata;
    char *id;
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "debug: _handle_stream_start");
    if (strcmp(name, "stream:stream") != 0) {
        printf("name = %s\n", name);
        xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "conn", "Server did not open valid stream.");
    } else {
        _log_open_tag(conn, attrs);
        if (conn->stream_id) xmpp_free(conn->ctx, conn->stream_id);

        id = _get_stream_attribute(attrs, "id");
        if (id)
            conn->stream_id = xmpp_strdup(conn->ctx, id);

        if (!conn->stream_id) {
            xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "conn", "Memory allocation failed.");
    /* call stream open handler */
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "will call open_handler");
Exemple #2
static int _handle_sasl_result(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
			       xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza,
			       void * const userdata)
    char *name;

    name = xmpp_stanza_get_name(stanza);

    /* the server should send a <success> or <failure> stanza */
    if (strcmp(name, "failure") == 0) {
	xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "SASL %s auth failed",
		   (char *)userdata);

	/* fall back to next auth method */
    } else if (strcmp(name, "success") == 0) {
	/* SASL PLAIN auth successful, we need to restart the stream */
	xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "SASL %s auth successful",
		   (char *)userdata);

	/* reset parser */
	conn_prepare_reset(conn, _handle_open_sasl);

	/* send stream tag */
    } else {
	/* got unexpected reply */
	xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Got unexpected reply to SASL %s"\
		   "authentication.", (char *)userdata);

    return 0;
Exemple #3
static int _handle_proceedtls_default(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
			      xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza,
			      void * const userdata)
    char *name;
    name = xmpp_stanza_get_name(stanza);
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp",
	"handle proceedtls called for %s", name);

    if (strcmp(name, "proceed") == 0) {
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "proceeding with TLS");

	conn->tls = tls_new(conn->ctx, conn->sock);

	if (!tls_start(conn->tls))
	    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Couldn't start TLS! error %d", tls_error(conn->tls));
	    conn->tls = NULL;
	    conn->tls_failed = 1;

	    /* failed tls spoils the connection, so disconnect */
            conn->secured = 1;
            conn_prepare_reset(conn, auth_handle_open);


    return 0;
Exemple #4
/** Initiate a connection to the XMPP server.
 *  This function returns immediately after starting the connection
 *  process to the XMPP server, and notifications of connection state changes
 *  will be sent to the callback function.  The domain and port to connect to
 *  are usually determined by an SRV lookup for the xmpp-client service at
 *  the domain specified in the JID.  If SRV lookup fails, altdomain and 
 *  altport will be used instead if specified.
 *  @param conn a Strophe connection object
 *  @param altdomain a string with domain to use if SRV lookup fails.  If this
 *      is NULL, the domain from the JID will be used.
 *  @param altport an integer port number to use if SRV lookup fails.  If this
 *      is 0, the default port will be assumed.
 *  @param callback a xmpp_conn_handler callback function that will receive
 *      notifications of connection status
 *  @param userdata an opaque data pointer that will be passed to the callback
 *  @return XMPP_EOK (0) on success or a number less than 0 on failure
 *  @ingroup Connections
int xmpp_connect_client(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
                        const char * const altdomain,
                        unsigned short altport,
                        xmpp_conn_handler callback,
                        void * const userdata)
    resolver_srv_rr_t *srv_rr_list = NULL;
    resolver_srv_rr_t *rr;
    char *domain;
    const char *host = NULL;
    unsigned short port = 0;
    int found = XMPP_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND;
    int rc;

    domain = xmpp_jid_domain(conn->ctx, conn->jid);
    if (!domain) return XMPP_EMEM;

    if (altdomain != NULL) {
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Connecting via altdomain.");
        host = altdomain;
        port = altport ? altport : _conn_default_port(conn, XMPP_CLIENT);
        found = XMPP_DOMAIN_ALTDOMAIN;

    /* SSL tunneled connection on 5223 port is legacy and doesn't
     * have an SRV record. */
    } else if (!conn->tls_legacy_ssl) {
        found = resolver_srv_lookup(conn->ctx, "xmpp-client", "tcp", domain,

    if (XMPP_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND == found) {
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "SRV lookup failed, "
                                      "connecting via domain.");
        host = domain;
        port = altport ? altport : _conn_default_port(conn, XMPP_CLIENT);
        found = XMPP_DOMAIN_ALTDOMAIN;

    rr = srv_rr_list;
    do {
        if (XMPP_DOMAIN_FOUND == found && rr != NULL) {
            host = rr->target;
            port = rr->port;
            rr = rr->next;
        rc = _conn_connect(conn, domain, host, port, XMPP_CLIENT,
                           callback, userdata);
    } while (rc != 0 && rr != NULL);

    xmpp_free(conn->ctx, domain);
    resolver_srv_free(conn->ctx, srv_rr_list);

    return rc;
Exemple #5
/** Initiate a connection to the XMPP server.
 *  This function returns immediately after starting the connection
 *  process to the XMPP server, and notifiations of connection state changes
 *  will be sent to the callback function.  The domain and port to connect to
 *  are usually determined by an SRV lookup for the xmpp-client service at
 *  the domain specified in the JID.  If SRV lookup fails, altdomain and 
 *  altport will be used instead if specified.
 *  @param conn a Strophe connection object
 *  @param altdomain a string with domain to use if SRV lookup fails.  If this
 *      is NULL, the domain from the JID will be used.
 *  @param altport an integer port number to use if SRV lookup fails.  If this
 *      is 0, the default port (5222) will be assumed.
 *  @param callback a xmpp_conn_handler callback function that will receive
 *      notifications of connection status
 *  @param userdata an opaque data pointer that will be passed to the callback
 *  @return 0 on success and -1 on an error
 *  @ingroup Connections
int xmpp_connect_client(xmpp_conn_t * const conn, 
			  const char * const altdomain,
			  unsigned short altport,
			  xmpp_conn_handler callback,
			  void * const userdata)
    char connectdomain[2048];
    int connectport;
    const char * domain;

    conn->type = XMPP_CLIENT;

    conn->domain = xmpp_jid_domain(conn->ctx, conn->jid);
    if (!conn->domain) return -1;

    if (altdomain) {
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Connecting via altdomain.");
        strcpy(connectdomain, altdomain);
        connectport = altport ? altport : 5222;
    } else if (!sock_srv_lookup("xmpp-client", "tcp", conn->domain,
                                connectdomain, 2048, &connectport)) {
	    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "SRV lookup failed.");
	    if (!altdomain)
		    domain = conn->domain;
		    domain = altdomain;
	    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Using alternate domain %s, port %d",
                   altdomain, altport);
	    strcpy(connectdomain, domain);
	    connectport = altport ? altport : 5222;
    conn->sock = sock_connect(connectdomain, connectport);
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "sock_connect to %s:%d returned %d",
               connectdomain, connectport, conn->sock);
    if (conn->sock == -1) return -1;

    /* setup handler */
    conn->conn_handler = callback;
    conn->userdata = userdata;

    /* FIXME: it could happen that the connect returns immediately as
     * successful, though this is pretty unlikely.  This would be a little
     * hard to fix, since we'd have to detect and fire off the callback
     * from within the event loop */

    conn->state = XMPP_STATE_CONNECTING;
    conn->timeout_stamp = time_stamp();
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "attempting to connect to %s", connectdomain);

    if (conn->xev)
    return 0;
Exemple #6
static void _handle_stream_stanza(xmpp_stanza_t *stanza,
                                  void * const userdata)
    xmpp_conn_t *conn = (xmpp_conn_t *)userdata;
    char *buf;
    size_t len;
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "debug: _handle_stream_stanza");
    if (xmpp_stanza_to_text(stanza, &buf, &len) == 0) {
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "RECV: %s", buf);
        xmpp_free(conn->ctx, buf);

    handler_fire_stanza(conn, stanza);
Exemple #7
/** Initiate a component connection to server.
 *  This function returns immediately after starting the connection
 *  process to the XMPP server, and notifiations of connection state changes
 *  will be sent to the internal callback function that will set up handler
 *  for the component handshake as defined in XEP-0114.
 *  The domain and port to connect to must be provided in this case as the JID
 *  provided to the call serves as component identifier to the server and is
 *  not subject to DNS resolution.
 *  @param conn a Strophe connection object
 *  @param server a string with domain to use directly as the domain can't be
 *      extracted from the component name/JID. If this is not set, the call
 *      will fail.
 *  @param port an integer port number to use to connect to server expecting
 *      an external component.  If this is 0, the port 5347 will be assumed.
 *  @param callback a xmpp_conn_handler callback function that will receive
 *      notifications of connection status
 *  @param userdata an opaque data pointer that will be passed to the callback
 *  @return 0 on success and -1 on an error
 *  @ingroup Connections
int xmpp_connect_component(xmpp_conn_t * const conn, const char * const server,
                           unsigned short port, xmpp_conn_handler callback,
                           void * const userdata)
    int connectport;

    if (conn->state != XMPP_STATE_DISCONNECTED)
        return -1;
    if (conn->domain != NULL)
        xmpp_free(conn->ctx, conn->domain);

    conn->type = XMPP_COMPONENT;
    conn->secured = 0;
    conn->tls_failed = 0;
    /* JID serves as an identificator here and will be used as "to" attribute
       of the stream */
    conn->domain = xmpp_strdup(conn->ctx, conn->jid);

    /*  The server domain, jid and password MUST be specified. */
    if (!(server && conn->jid && conn->pass)) return -1;

    connectport = port ? port : _conn_default_port(conn);

    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Connecting via %s", server);
    conn->sock = sock_connect(server, connectport);
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "sock_connect to %s:%d returned %d",
               server, connectport, conn->sock);
    if (conn->sock == -1) return -1;

    /* XEP-0114 does not support TLS */
    conn->tls_disabled = 1;

    /* setup handler */
    conn->conn_handler = callback;
    conn->userdata = userdata;

    conn_prepare_reset(conn, auth_handle_component_open);

    /* FIXME: it could happen that the connect returns immediately as
     * successful, though this is pretty unlikely.  This would be a little
     * hard to fix, since we'd have to detect and fire off the callback
     * from within the event loop */

    conn->state = XMPP_STATE_CONNECTING;
    conn->timeout_stamp = time_stamp();
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "attempting to connect to %s", server);

    return 0;
Exemple #8
int tls_start(tls_t *tls)
    int error;
    int ret;
    long x509_res;

    /* Since we're non-blocking, loop the connect call until it
       succeeds or fails */
    while (1) {
        ret = SSL_connect(tls->ssl);
        error = ret <= 0 ? SSL_get_error(tls->ssl, ret) : 0;

        if (ret == -1 && tls_is_recoverable(error)) {
            /* wait for something to happen on the sock before looping back */
            _tls_sock_wait(tls, error);

        /* success or fatal error */

    x509_res = SSL_get_verify_result(tls->ssl);
    xmpp_debug(tls->ctx, "tls", "Certificate verification %s",
               x509_res == X509_V_OK ? "passed" : "FAILED");

    _tls_set_error(tls, error);
    return ret <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
Exemple #9
static int _handle_register(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
			     xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza,
			     void * const userdata)
    char *type;

    /* delete missing handler */
    xmpp_timed_handler_delete(conn, _handle_missing_register);

    /* server responded to legacy auth request */
    type = xmpp_stanza_get_type(stanza);
    if (!type) {
	xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Server sent us an unexpected response "\
		   "to register request.");
    } else if (strcmp(type, "error") == 0) {
	/* legacy client auth failed, no more fallbacks */
	xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Register clientfailed.");
    } else if (strcmp(type, "result") == 0) {
	/* auth succeeded */
	xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Register succeeded.");

    } else {
	xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Server sent us a register"	\
		   "response with a bad type.");

    return 0;
Exemple #10
int conn_tls_start(xmpp_conn_t * const conn)
    int rc;

    if (conn->tls_disabled) {
        conn->tls = NULL;
        rc = -ENOSYS;
    } else {
        conn->tls = tls_new(conn->ctx, conn->sock);
        rc = conn->tls == NULL ? -ENOMEM : 0;

    if (conn->tls != NULL) {
        if (tls_start(conn->tls)) {
            conn->secured = 1;
            conn_prepare_reset(conn, auth_handle_open);
        } else {
            rc = tls_error(conn->tls);
            conn->error = rc;
            conn->tls = NULL;
            conn->tls_failed = 1;
    if (rc != 0)
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "conn", "Couldn't start TLS! error %d", rc);

    return rc;
Exemple #11
/** Stop the event loop.
 *  This will stop the event loop after the current iteration and cause
 *  xmpp_run to exit.
 *  @param ctx a Strophe context object
 *  @ingroup EventLoop
void xmpp_stop(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx)
    xmpp_debug(ctx, "event", "Stopping event loop.");

    if (ctx->loop_status == XMPP_LOOP_RUNNING)
	ctx->loop_status = XMPP_LOOP_QUIT;
Exemple #12
static int _handle_session(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
			   xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza,
			   void * const userdata)
    char *type;

    /* delete missing session handler */
    xmpp_timed_handler_delete(conn, _handle_missing_session);

    /* server has replied to the session request */
    type = xmpp_stanza_get_type(stanza);
    if (type && strcmp(type, "error") == 0) {
	xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Session establishment failed.");
    } else if (type && strcmp(type, "result") == 0) {
	xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Session establishment successful.");

	conn->authenticated = 1;

	/* call connection handler */
	conn->conn_handler(conn, XMPP_CONN_CONNECT, 0, NULL, conn->userdata);
    } else {
	xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Server sent malformed session reply.");

    return 0;
Exemple #13
/* Check if the received stanza is <handshake/> and set auth to true
 * and fire connection handler.
int _handle_component_hs_response(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
            xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza,
            void * const userdata)
    char *name;

    xmpp_timed_handler_delete(conn, _handle_missing_handshake);

    name = xmpp_stanza_get_name(stanza);
    if (strcmp(name, "handshake") != 0) {
        char *msg;
        size_t msg_size;
        xmpp_stanza_to_text(stanza, &msg, &msg_size);
        if (msg) {
            xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "auth", "Handshake failed: %s", msg);
            xmpp_free(conn->ctx, msg);
        return XMPP_EINT;
    } else {
        conn->authenticated = 1;
        conn->conn_handler(conn, XMPP_CONN_CONNECT, 0, NULL, conn->userdata);

    /* We don't need this handler anymore, return 0 so it can be deleted
     * from the list of handlers.
    return 0;
Exemple #14
static void _log_open_tag(xmpp_conn_t *conn, char **attrs)
    char buf[4096];
    size_t pos;
    int len;
    int i;
    if (!attrs) return;

    pos = 0;
    len = xmpp_snprintf(buf, 4096, "<stream:stream");
    if (len < 0) return;
    pos += len;
    for (i = 0; attrs[i]; i += 2) {
        len = xmpp_snprintf(&buf[pos], 4096 - pos, " %s='%s'",
                            attrs[i], attrs[i+1]);
        if (len < 0) return;
        pos += len;

    len = xmpp_snprintf(&buf[pos], 4096 - pos, ">");
    if (len < 0) return;

    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "RECV: %s", buf);
Exemple #15
static int _handle_legacy(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
			  xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza,
			  void * const userdata)
    char *type, *name;

    /* delete missing handler */
    xmpp_timed_handler_delete(conn, _handle_missing_legacy);

    /* server responded to legacy auth request */
    type = xmpp_stanza_get_type(stanza);
    name = xmpp_stanza_get_name(stanza);
    if (!type || strcmp(name, "iq") != 0) {
	xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Server sent us an unexpected response "\
		   "to legacy authentication request.");
    } else if (strcmp(type, "error") == 0) {
	/* legacy client auth failed, no more fallbacks */
	xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Legacy client authentication failed.");
    } else if (strcmp(type, "result") == 0) {
	/* auth succeeded */
	xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Legacy auth succeeded.");

	conn->authenticated = 1;
	conn->conn_handler(conn, XMPP_CONN_CONNECT, 0, NULL, conn->userdata);
    } else {
	xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Server sent us a legacy authentication "\
		   "response with a bad type.");

    return 0;
Exemple #16
/* handle the rspauth phase of digest auth */
static int _handle_digestmd5_rspauth(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
			      xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza,
			      void * const userdata)
    xmpp_stanza_t *auth;
    char *name;

    name = xmpp_stanza_get_name(stanza);
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp",
	"handle digest-md5 (rspauth) called for %s", name);

    if (strcmp(name, "challenge") == 0) {
	/* assume it's an rspauth response */
	auth = xmpp_stanza_new(conn->ctx);
	if (!auth) {
	    return 0;
	xmpp_stanza_set_name(auth, "response");
	xmpp_stanza_set_ns(auth, XMPP_NS_SASL);
	xmpp_send(conn, auth);
    } else {
	return _handle_sasl_result(conn, stanza, "DIGEST-MD5");

    return 1;
Exemple #17
int conn_tls_start(xmpp_conn_t * const conn)
    int rc;

    if (conn->tls_disabled) {
        conn->tls = NULL;
        rc = XMPP_EINVOP;
    } else {
        conn->tls = tls_new(conn);
        rc = conn->tls == NULL ? XMPP_EMEM : 0;

    if (conn->tls != NULL) {
        if (tls_start(conn->tls)) {
            conn->secured = 1;
        } else {
            rc = XMPP_EINT;
            conn->error = tls_error(conn->tls);
            conn->tls = NULL;
            conn->tls_failed = 1;
    if (rc != 0) {
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "conn", "Couldn't start TLS! "
                   "error %d tls_error %d", rc, conn->error);
    return rc;
Exemple #18
static int _conn_connect(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
                         const char * const domain,
                         const char * const host,
                         unsigned short port,
                         xmpp_conn_type_t type,
                         xmpp_conn_handler callback,
                         void * const userdata)
    xmpp_open_handler open_handler;

    if (conn->state != XMPP_STATE_DISCONNECTED) return XMPP_EINVOP;
    if (type != XMPP_CLIENT && type != XMPP_COMPONENT) return XMPP_EINVOP;
    if (host == NULL || port == 0) return XMPP_EINT;


    conn->type = type;
    conn->domain = xmpp_strdup(conn->ctx, domain);
    if (!conn->domain) return XMPP_EMEM;

    conn->sock = sock_connect(host, port);
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "sock_connect() to %s:%u returned %d",
               host, port, conn->sock);
    if (conn->sock == -1) return XMPP_EINT;
    if (conn->ka_timeout || conn->ka_interval)
        sock_set_keepalive(conn->sock, conn->ka_timeout, conn->ka_interval);

    /* setup handler */
    conn->conn_handler = callback;
    conn->userdata = userdata;

    open_handler = conn->is_raw ? auth_handle_open_stub :
                   type == XMPP_CLIENT ? auth_handle_open :
    conn_prepare_reset(conn, open_handler);

    /* FIXME: it could happen that the connect returns immediately as
     * successful, though this is pretty unlikely.  This would be a little
     * hard to fix, since we'd have to detect and fire off the callback
     * from within the event loop */

    conn->state = XMPP_STATE_CONNECTING;
    conn->timeout_stamp = time_stamp();
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Attempting to connect to %s", host);

    return 0;
Exemple #19
static void _tls_set_error(tls_t *tls, int error)
    if (error != 0 && !tls_is_recoverable(error)) {
        xmpp_debug(tls->ctx, "tls", "error=%d errno=%d", error, errno);
    tls->lasterror = error;
Exemple #20
/* timed handler for cleanup if normal disconnect procedure takes too long */
static int _disconnect_cleanup(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
			       void * const userdata)
	xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "disconnection forced by cleanup timeout");

	return 0;
Exemple #21
static void _handle_stream_end(char *name,
                               void * const userdata)
    xmpp_conn_t *conn = (xmpp_conn_t *)userdata;

    /* stream is over */
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "RECV: </stream:stream>");
Exemple #22
/* Will compute SHA1 and authenticate the component to the server */
int _handle_component_auth(xmpp_conn_t * const conn)
    uint8_t md_value[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE];
    SHA1_CTX mdctx;
    char *digest;
    size_t i;

    if (conn->stream_id == NULL) {
        xmpp_error(conn->ctx, "auth", "Received no stream id from the server.");
        return XMPP_EINT;

    /* Feed the session id and passphrase to the algorithm.
     * We need to compute SHA1(session_id + passphrase)
    crypto_SHA1_Update(&mdctx, (uint8_t*)conn->stream_id,
    crypto_SHA1_Update(&mdctx, (uint8_t*)conn->pass, strlen(conn->pass));
    crypto_SHA1_Final(&mdctx, md_value);

    digest = xmpp_alloc(conn->ctx, 2*sizeof(md_value)+1);
    if (digest) {
        /* convert the digest into string representation */
        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(md_value); i++)
            xmpp_snprintf(digest+i*2, 3, "%02x", md_value[i]);
        digest[2*sizeof(md_value)] = '\0';

        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "auth", "Digest: %s, len: %d",
                   digest, strlen(digest));

        /* Send the digest to the server */
        xmpp_send_raw_string(conn, "<handshake xmlns='%s'>%s</handshake>",
                             XMPP_NS_COMPONENT, digest);
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "auth", "Sent component handshake to the server.");
        xmpp_free(conn->ctx, digest);
    } else {
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "auth", "Couldn't allocate memory for component "\
                                      "handshake digest.");
        return XMPP_EMEM;

    return 0;
Exemple #23
/* called when stream:stream tag received after SASL auth */
static void _handle_open_sasl(xmpp_conn_t * const conn)
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "Reopened stream successfully.");

    /* setup stream:features handlers */
    handler_add(conn, _handle_features_sasl,
		XMPP_NS_STREAMS, "features", NULL, NULL);
    handler_add_timed(conn, _handle_missing_features_sasl,
Exemple #24
/* stream:features handlers */
static int _handle_missing_features(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
				    void * const userdata)
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "didn't get stream features");

    /* legacy auth will be attempted */

    return 0;
Exemple #25
/* handle the challenge phase of digest auth */
static int _handle_digestmd5_challenge(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
			      xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza,
			      void * const userdata)
    char *text;
    char *response;
    xmpp_stanza_t *auth, *authdata;
    char *name;

    name = xmpp_stanza_get_name(stanza);
    xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp",\
	"handle digest-md5 (challenge) called for %s", name);

    if (strcmp(name, "challenge") == 0) {
	text = xmpp_stanza_get_text(stanza);
	response = sasl_digest_md5(conn->ctx, text, conn->jid, conn->pass);
	if (!response) {
	    return 0;
	xmpp_free(conn->ctx, text);

	auth = xmpp_stanza_new(conn->ctx);
	if (!auth) {
	    return 0;
	xmpp_stanza_set_name(auth, "response");
	xmpp_stanza_set_ns(auth, XMPP_NS_SASL);

	authdata = xmpp_stanza_new(conn->ctx);
	if (!authdata) {
	    return 0;

	xmpp_stanza_set_text(authdata, response);
	xmpp_free(conn->ctx, response);

	xmpp_stanza_add_child(auth, authdata);

	handler_add(conn, _handle_digestmd5_rspauth,

	xmpp_send(conn, auth);

    } else {
	return _handle_sasl_result(conn, stanza, "DIGEST-MD5");

    /* remove ourselves */
    return 0;
Exemple #26
/** Start the event loop.
 *  This function continuously calls xmpp_run_once and does not return
 *  until xmpp_stop has been called.
 *  @param ctx a Strophe context object
 *  @ingroup EventLoop
void xmpp_run(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx)
    if (ctx->loop_status != XMPP_LOOP_NOTSTARTED) return;

    ctx->loop_status = XMPP_LOOP_RUNNING;
    while (ctx->loop_status == XMPP_LOOP_RUNNING) {
	xmpp_run_once(ctx, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    xmpp_debug(ctx, "event", "Event loop completed.");
Exemple #27
/** Send an XML stanza to the XMPP server.
 *  This is the main way to send data to the XMPP server.  The function will
 *  terminate without action if the connection state is not CONNECTED.
 *  @param conn a Strophe connection object
 *  @param stanza a Strophe stanza object
 *  @ingroup Connections
void xmpp_send(xmpp_conn_t * const conn, xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza)
	char *buf;
	size_t len;

	if (conn->state == XMPP_STATE_CONNECTED &&
	    !xmpp_stanza_to_text(stanza, &buf, &len)) {
			xmpp_send_raw(conn, buf, len);
			xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "conn", "SENT: %s", buf);
			xmpp_free(conn->ctx, buf);
Exemple #28
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    xmpp_ctx_t *ctx;
    xmpp_mem_t mymem;
    xmpp_log_t mylog;
    char my_str[5] = "asdf";
    void *testptr1, *testptr2;

    ctx = xmpp_ctx_new(NULL, NULL);
    if (ctx == NULL) return 1;

    /* destroy context */

    /* setup our memory handler */
    mymem.alloc = my_alloc;
    mymem.free = my_free;
    mymem.realloc = my_realloc;

    /* setup our logger */
    mylog.handler = my_logger;
    mylog.userdata = my_str;

    ctx = xmpp_ctx_new(&mymem, &mylog);
    xmpp_debug(ctx, "test", "hello");

    testptr1 = xmpp_alloc(ctx, 1024);
    if (testptr1 == NULL) {
	return 1;

    testptr2 = xmpp_realloc(ctx, testptr1, 2048);
    if (testptr2 == NULL) {
	xmpp_free(ctx, testptr1);
	return 1;

    xmpp_free(ctx, testptr2);


    /* check for test failure */
    if (!(log_called && mem_alloc_called && mem_realloc_called && 
	return 1;
    if (mem_alloc_called != mem_free_called)
        return 1;
    return 0;
Exemple #29
static void _tls_log_error(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx)
    unsigned long e;
    char buf[256];

    do {
        e = ERR_get_error();
        if (e != 0) {
            ERR_error_string_n(e, buf, sizeof(buf));
            xmpp_debug(ctx, "tls", "%s", buf);
    } while (e != 0);
Exemple #30
static void _log_open_tag(xmpp_conn_t *conn, char **attrs)
    char **attributes;
    char *tag;
    size_t nr;

    _conn_attributes_new(conn, attrs, &attributes, &nr);
    tag = _conn_build_stream_tag(conn, attributes, nr);
    if (tag) {
        xmpp_debug(conn->ctx, "xmpp", "RECV: %s", tag);
        xmpp_free(conn->ctx, tag);
    _conn_attributes_destroy(conn, attributes, nr);