Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
  // Data
  DATA_VECTOR( y_i );
  DATA_MATRIX( X_ij );

  // Parameters
  PARAMETER_VECTOR( theta_z );

  // Objective funcction
  Type zero_prob = 1 / (1 + exp(-theta_z(0)));
  Type logsd = exp(theta_z(1));
  Type jnll = 0;
  int n_data = y_i.size();

  // Linear predictor
  vector<Type> linpred_i( n_data );
  linpred_i = X_ij * b_j;

  // Probability of data conditional on fixed effect values
  for( int i=0; i<n_data; i++){
    if(y_i(i)==0) jnll -= log( zero_prob );
    if(y_i(i)!=0) jnll -= log( 1-zero_prob ) + dlognorm( y_i(i), linpred_i(i), logsd, true );
  // Reporting
  REPORT( zero_prob );
  REPORT( logsd );
  REPORT( linpred_i );
  return jnll;
bool LeastSquare(const std::vector<double>& x_value, const std::vector<double>& y_value, 
                 int M, std::vector<double>& a_value)
    assert(x_value.size() == y_value.size());
    assert(a_value.size() == M);

    double *matrix = new double[M * M];
    double *b= new double[M];

    std::vector<double> x_m(x_value.size(), 1.0);
    std::vector<double> y_i(y_value.size(), 0.0);
    for(int i = 0; i < M; i++)
        matrix[ARR_INDEX(0, i, M)] = std::accumulate(x_m.begin(), x_m.end(), 0.0);
        for(int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(y_value.size()); j++)
            y_i[j] = x_m[j] * y_value[j];
        b[i] = std::accumulate(y_i.begin(), y_i.end(), 0.0);
        for(int k = 0; k < static_cast<int>(x_m.size()); k++)
            x_m[k] *= x_value[k];
    for(int row = 1; row < M; row++)
        for(int i = 0; i < M - 1; i++)
            matrix[ARR_INDEX(row, i, M)] = matrix[ARR_INDEX(row - 1, i + 1, M)];
        matrix[ARR_INDEX(row, M - 1, M)] = std::accumulate(x_m.begin(), x_m.end(), 0.0);
        for(int k = 0; k < static_cast<int>(x_m.size()); k++)
            x_m[k] *= x_value[k];

    GuassEquation equation(M, matrix, b);
    delete[] matrix;
    delete[] b;

    return equation.Resolve(a_value);
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
  // Data
  DATA_INTEGER( n_y );
  DATA_INTEGER( n_s );
  DATA_IVECTOR( s_i );
  DATA_VECTOR( y_i );

  // Parameters
  PARAMETER( x0 );
  //PARAMETER( log_sdz ); //variability in site effect
  //PARAMETER_VECTOR( z_s );  //site effect

  // Objective funcction
  Type jnll = 0;

  // Probability of data conditional on fixed and random effect values
  vector<Type> ypred_i(n_y);
  for( int i=0; i<n_y; i++){
    ypred_i(i) = exp( x0 );//+ z_s(s_i(i)) );
    jnll -= dpois( y_i(i), ypred_i(i), true );

  // Probability of random coefficients
  //for( int s=0; s<n_s; s++){
  //  jnll -= dnorm( z_s(s), Type(0.0), exp(log_sdz), true );

  // Reporting
  //Type sdz = exp(log_sdz);

  //REPORT( sdz );
  //REPORT( z_s );
  REPORT( x0 );

  //ADREPORT( sdz );
  //ADREPORT( z_s );
  ADREPORT( x0 );

  return jnll;
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
  // Data
  DATA_VECTOR( y_i ); //capital letters - macro - Kasper built into C++ code

  // Parameters
  PARAMETER( mean );
  PARAMETER( log_sd );

  // Objective funcction
  Type sd = exp(log_sd);
  Type jnll = 0;
  int n_data = y_i.size();

  // Probability of data conditional on fixed effect values
  for( int i=0; i<n_data; i++){
    jnll -= dnorm( y_i(i), mean, sd, true );
  // Reporting
  return jnll;
Exemple #5
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() () {
// data:
DATA_IVECTOR(k_i); // vector of IDs
DATA_INTEGER(n_k); // number of IDs

// parameters:

int n_data = y_i.size(); // get number of data points to loop over

// Linear predictor
vector<Type> linear_predictor_i(n_data);
vector<Type> linear_predictor_sigma_i(n_data);
linear_predictor_i = x_ij*b_j;
linear_predictor_sigma_i = sqrt(exp(x_ij*sigma_j));

Type nll = 0.0; // initialize negative log likelihood

for(int i = 0; i < n_data; i++){
  nll -= dnorm(y_i(i), b0_k(k_i(i)) + linear_predictor_i(i) , linear_predictor_sigma_i(i), true);
for(int k = 0; k < n_k; k++){
  nll -= dnorm(b0_k(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_b0_sigma), true);

REPORT( b0_k );
REPORT(b_j );

ADREPORT( b0_k );
ADREPORT( b_j );

return nll;
Exemple #6
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() () {
// data:
DATA_MATRIX(x_ij); // fixed effect model matrix
DATA_MATRIX(x_sigma_ij); // fixed effect model matrix
DATA_VECTOR(y_i); // response vector
DATA_IVECTOR(pholder_i); // vector of IDs for strategy
DATA_IVECTOR(strategy_i); // vector of IDs for permit holder
DATA_INTEGER(n_pholder); // number of IDs for pholder
DATA_INTEGER(n_strategy); // number of IDs for strategy
DATA_INTEGER(diversity_column); // fixed effect column position of diversity
DATA_VECTOR(b1_cov_re_i); // predictor data for random slope
DATA_VECTOR(b2_cov_re_i); // predictor data for random slope
/* DATA_VECTOR(b3_cov_re_i); // predictor data for random slope */
DATA_VECTOR(g1_cov_re_i); // predictor data for random slope
DATA_IVECTOR(spec_div_all_1); // indicator for if there is variability in diversity

// parameters:
// PARAMETER(log_b1_pholder_tau);
/* PARAMETER(log_b3_strategy_tau); */
// PARAMETER_VECTOR(b1_pholder);
/* PARAMETER_VECTOR(b3_strategy); */

// PARAMETER_VECTOR(g0_pholder);

int n_data = y_i.size();

// Linear predictor
vector<Type> linear_predictor_i(n_data);
vector<Type> linear_predictor_sigma_i(n_data);
vector<Type> eta(n_data);
vector<Type> eta_sigma(n_data);
linear_predictor_i = x_ij*b_j;
linear_predictor_sigma_i = x_sigma_ij*sigma_j;

/* // set slope deviations that we can't estimate to 0: */
/* for(int i = 0; i < n_data; i++){ */
/*   if(spec_div_all_1(strategy_i(i)) == 1) { */
/*     b1_strategy(strategy_i(i)) = 0; */
/*     g1_strategy(strategy_i(i)) = 0; */
/*   } */
/* } */

Type nll = 0.0; // initialize negative log likelihood

for(int i = 0; i < n_data; i++){

  eta(i) = b0_pholder(pholder_i(i)) +
      // b1_pholder(pholder_i(i)) * b1_cov_re_i(i) +
      b0_strategy(strategy_i(i)) +
      b1_strategy(strategy_i(i)) * b1_cov_re_i(i) +
      b2_strategy(strategy_i(i)) * b2_cov_re_i(i) +
      /* b3_strategy(strategy_i(i)) * b3_cov_re_i(i) + */

  eta_sigma(i) = sqrt(exp(
          // g0_pholder(pholder_i(i)) +
          g0_strategy(strategy_i(i)) +
          g1_strategy(strategy_i(i)) * g1_cov_re_i(i) +

  nll -= dnorm(y_i(i), eta(i), eta_sigma(i), true);

for(int k = 0; k < n_pholder; k++){
  nll -= dnorm(b0_pholder(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_b0_pholder_tau), true);
  // nll -= dnorm(g0_pholder(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_g0_pholder_tau), true);
  // nll -= dnorm(b1_pholder(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_b1_pholder_tau), true);

for(int k = 0; k < n_strategy; k++){
  nll -= dnorm(b0_strategy(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_b0_strategy_tau), true);
  nll -= dnorm(g0_strategy(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_g0_strategy_tau), true);

  // only include these species diversity slope deviations
  // if there was sufficient variation in species diversity
  // to estimate them:
  if(spec_div_all_1(k) == 0) {
    nll -= dnorm(b1_strategy(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_b1_strategy_tau), true);
    nll -= dnorm(g1_strategy(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_g1_strategy_tau), true);

  nll -= dnorm(b2_strategy(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_b2_strategy_tau), true);
  /* nll -= dnorm(b3_strategy(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_b3_strategy_tau), true); */

// Reporting
/* Type b0_pholder_tau = exp(log_b0_pholder_tau); */
/* Type b0_strategy_tau = exp(log_b0_strategy_tau); */
// Type b1_tau = exp(log_b1_tau);
/* Type g0_pholder_tau = exp(log_g0_pholder_tau); */
/* Type g0_strategy_tau = exp(log_g0_strategy_tau); */
// Type g1_tau = exp(log_g1_tau);

vector<Type> combined_b1_strategy(n_strategy);
vector<Type> combined_g1_strategy(n_strategy);
for(int k = 0; k < n_strategy; k++){
  // these are fixed-effect slopes + random-effect slopes
  combined_b1_strategy(k) = b_j(diversity_column) + b1_strategy(k);
  combined_g1_strategy(k) = sigma_j(diversity_column) + g1_strategy(k);

/* REPORT(b0_pholder); */
/* REPORT(g0_pholder); */
/* REPORT(b0_tau); */
// REPORT(b1_tau);
/* REPORT(g0_tau); */
// REPORT(g1_tau);

// /* ADREPORT(b0_pholder); */
// ADREPORT(b0_strategy);
// ADREPORT(b1_strategy);
// ADREPORT(b_j);
// /* ADREPORT(g0_pholder); */
// ADREPORT(g0_strategy);
// ADREPORT(g1_strategy);
// /* ADREPORT(b0_tau); */
// ADREPORT(b1_tau);
// /* ADREPORT(g0_tau); */
// ADREPORT(g1_tau);

return nll;
Exemple #7
void SolveSystem (
        Vector<double, int>& x_local,
        const MatrixDense<double, int>& K_local,
        const Vector<double, int>& b_local,
        const int numb_node_i,
        const int* list_node_i,
        const int* l2i,
        int numb_node_p,
        const int* list_node_p,
        const int* l2p,
        const int numb_global_node,
        const int numb_l2g,
        const int* l2g,
        const MPI_Comm& mpi_comm ) {
  // -- number of processors
  int numb_procs;
  // -- process number (process rank)
  int proc_numb;

  // -- get number of processes
  MPI_Comm_size( mpi_comm, &numb_procs );
  // -- get current process rank
  MPI_Comm_rank( mpi_comm, &proc_numb );

  MatrixDense<double,int> Kii;
  MatrixDense<double,int> Kip;
  MatrixDense<double,int> Kpi;
  MatrixDense<double,int> Kpp;

  Schur::SplitMatrixToBlock(Kii, Kip, Kpi, Kpp, K_local,
                            list_node_i, numb_node_i,
                            list_node_p, numb_node_p);

  // Check transpose
  //CheckTranspose(Kip, Kpi);

  // Reconstruct K
  //std::string gmatrix_filename = "../output/cube-125_2/cube-125_g_2.csv";
  //ReconstructK(K_local, l2g, numb_global_node, gmatrix_filename, mpi_comm);

  // LU factorization of Kii
  MatrixDense<double, int> Kii_lu;
  Factor::LU(Kii_lu, Kii);

  MatrixDense<double, int> Uii_inv,Lii_inv;
  Lii_inv.Allocate(numb_node_i, numb_node_i);
  Uii_inv.Allocate(numb_node_i, numb_node_i);

  Vector<double, int> x,rhs;

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_node_i;++i)
    rhs(i) = 0;

  // invert Lii and Uii
  for(int i = 0;i < numb_node_i;++i){
    if(i > 0) rhs(i - 1) = 0;
    rhs(i) = 1;
    DirectSolver::Forward(x, Kii_lu, rhs);

    for(int j = 0;j < numb_node_i;++j)
      Lii_inv(j,i) = x(j);

    DirectSolver::Backward(x,Kii_lu, rhs);

    for(int j = 0;j < numb_node_i;++j)
      Uii_inv(j,i) = x(j);

  // calculate S_local
  MatrixDense<double, int> Lpi,Uip,prod;
  Kpi.MatrixMatrixProduct(Lpi, Uii_inv);
  Lii_inv.MatrixMatrixProduct(Uip, Kip);
  Lpi.MatrixMatrixProduct(prod, Uip);

  MatrixDense<double, int> S_local;
  Kpp.MatrixMatrixSubstraction(S_local, prod);

  // merge all numb_node_p in one list
  int length_list_p[numb_procs];

  MPI_Allgather(&numb_node_p, 1, MPI_INT, length_list_p, 1, MPI_INT, mpi_comm);

  /*std::stringstream out_length_list;

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_procs;++i){
    out_length_list << length_list_p[i] << " ";
  out_length_list << "\n";*/

  int all_list_global_p[numb_procs][numb_global_node];

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_procs;++i){
    if(proc_numb == i){
      for(int j = 0;j < numb_node_p;++j){
        all_list_global_p[i][j] = l2g[ list_node_p[j] ];

    MPI_Bcast(all_list_global_p[i], length_list_p[i], MPI_INT, i, mpi_comm);

  /*for(int i = 0;i < numb_procs;++i){
    for(int j = 0;j < length_list_p[i];++j){
      out_length_list << all_list_global_p[i][j] << " ";

    out_length_list << "\n";

  iomrg::printf("%s\n", out_length_list.str().c_str());*/

  // create array pos_S : from global position to position in S
  int pos_S[numb_global_node];

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_global_node;++i){
    pos_S[i] = -1;

  std::vector<int> S_indices;

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_procs;++i){
    for(int j = 0;j < length_list_p[i];++j){

  std::sort(S_indices.begin(), S_indices.end());
  S_indices.erase(std::unique(S_indices.begin(), S_indices.end()), S_indices.end());
  int size_S = S_indices.size();

  for(int i = 0;i < size_S;++i){
    pos_S[ S_indices[i] ] = i;

  // Assemble S
  MatrixDense<double, int> S;
  S.Allocate(size_S, size_S);

  double aux_coef[size_S];

  iomrg::printf("size_S = %d\n",size_S);

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_procs;++i){
    int size_local_S = length_list_p[i];

    for(int j = 0;j < size_local_S;++j){
      if(proc_numb == i){
        for(int k = 0;k < size_local_S;++k){
          aux_coef[k] = S_local(j,k);

      MPI_Bcast(aux_coef, size_local_S, MPI_DOUBLE, i, mpi_comm);

      int r = pos_S[ all_list_global_p[i][j] ];

      for(int k = 0;k < size_local_S;++k){
        S(r, pos_S[ all_list_global_p[i][k] ]) += aux_coef[k];

  // Separate b_local
  Vector<double, int> b_i,b_p;

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_l2g;++i){
    if(l2p[i] == -1){
      b_i( l2i[i] ) = b_local(i);
      b_p( l2p[i] ) = b_local(i);

  // Calculate y_p_local
  Vector<double, int> z;
  DirectSolver::Forward(z, Kii_lu, b_i);

  Vector<double, int> aux_prod;
  Lpi.MatrixVectorProduct(aux_prod, z);
  Vector<double, int> y_p_local;

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_node_p;++i){
    y_p_local(i) = b_p(i) - aux_prod(i);

  // Calculate y_p
  Vector<double, int> y_p(size_S);

  for(int i = 0;i < size_S;++i){
    aux_coef[i] = 0;

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_node_p;++i){
    aux_coef[ pos_S[ l2g[ list_node_p[i] ] ] ] += y_p_local(i);

  MPI_Allreduce(aux_coef, y_p.GetCoef(), size_S, MPI_DOUBLE,  MPI_SUM,mpi_comm);

  // Calculate x_p
  Vector<double, int> x_p;
  DirectSolver::SolveLU(x_p, S, y_p);

  // Calculate y_i
  Vector<double, int> aux_prod_2;
  aux_prod_2.Assign(0, numb_node_i - 1, 0);

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_node_i;++i){
    for(int j = 0;j < numb_node_p;++j){
      int id_S = pos_S[ l2g[ list_node_p[j] ] ];
      aux_prod_2(i) += Uip(i,j) * x_p(id_S);

  Vector<double, int> y_i;

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_node_i;++i){
    y_i(i) = z(i) - aux_prod_2(i);

  // Calculate x_i
  Vector<double, int> x_i;
  DirectSolver::Backward(x_i, Kii_lu, y_i);

  // Assemble x_local
  for(int i = 0;i < numb_node_i;++i){
    x_local(list_node_i[i]) = x_i(i);

  for(int i = 0;i < numb_node_p;++i){
    x_local(list_node_p[i]) = x_p(i);
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
  // Data
  DATA_INTEGER( like ); // define likelihood type, 1==delta lognormal, 2==delta gamma
  DATA_VECTOR( y_i ); // observations
  DATA_MATRIX( X_ij ); // covariate design matrix
  DATA_VECTOR( include ); //0== include in NLL, 1== exclude from NLL

  // Parameters
  PARAMETER_VECTOR( b_j ); // betas to generate expected values
  PARAMETER_VECTOR( theta_z ); // variances

  // Transformations
  Type zero_prob = 1 / (1 + exp(-theta_z(0)));
  Type sd = exp(theta_z(1)); //standard deviation (lognormal), scale parameter theta (gamma)
  int n_data = y_i.size();

  Type jnll = 0;
  Type pred_jnll = 0;
  vector<Type> jnll_i(n_data);

  // linear predictor
  vector<Type> logpred_i( n_data );
  logpred_i = X_ij * b_j; 

  // Delta lognormal
  	for( int i=0; i<n_data; i++){
      if(y_i(i)==0) jnll_i(i) -= log( zero_prob );
      if(y_i(i)!=0) jnll_i(i) -= log( 1-zero_prob ) + dlognorm( y_i(i), logpred_i(i), sd, true );
      // Running counter
      if( include(i)==0 ) jnll += jnll_i(i);
      if( include(i)==1 ) pred_jnll += jnll_i(i);

  // Delta gamma
    for(int i=0; i<n_data; i++){
    	if(y_i(i)==0) jnll_i(i) -= log( zero_prob );
    	if(y_i(i)!=0) jnll_i(i) -= log( 1-zero_prob ) + dgamma( y_i(i), pow(sd,-2), exp(logpred_i(i))*pow(sd,2), true );

        // Running counter
        if( include(i)==0 ) jnll += jnll_i(i);
        if( include(i)==1 ) pred_jnll += jnll_i(i);

  // Reporting
  REPORT( zero_prob );
  REPORT( sd );
  REPORT( logpred_i );
  REPORT( b_j );
  REPORT( pred_jnll );
  REPORT( jnll_i );
  return jnll;
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() () {
// data:
DATA_IVECTOR(k_i); // vector of IDs
DATA_INTEGER(n_k); // number of IDs
DATA_INTEGER(n_j); // number of IDs
DATA_VECTOR(b1_cov_re_i); // predictor data for random slope
DATA_VECTOR(sigma1_cov_re_i); // predictor data for random slope
//DATA_VECTOR(sigma2_cov_re_i); // predictor data for random slope

// parameters:

int n_data = y_i.size(); // get number of data points to loop over

// Linear predictor
vector<Type> linear_predictor_i(n_data);
vector<Type> linear_predictor_sigma_i(n_data);
linear_predictor_i = x_ij*b_j;
linear_predictor_sigma_i = x_ij*sigma_j;

Type nll = 0.0; // initialize negative log likelihood

for(int i = 0; i < n_data; i++){
  nll -= dnorm(

      b0_k(k_i(i)) + b1_k(k_i(i)) * b1_cov_re_i(i) +

          sigma0_k(k_i(i)) +
          sigma1_k(k_i(i)) * sigma1_cov_re_i(i) +

for(int k = 0; k < n_k; k++){
  nll -= dnorm(b0_k(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_b0_sigma), true);
  nll -= dnorm(b1_k(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_b1_sigma), true);
  nll -= dnorm(sigma0_k(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_sigma0_sigma), true);
  nll -= dnorm(sigma1_k(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_sigma1_sigma), true);
  //nll -= dnorm(sigma2_k(k), Type(0.0), exp(log_sigma2_sigma), true);

// Reporting
Type b0_sigma = exp(log_b0_sigma);
Type b1_sigma = exp(log_b1_sigma);
Type sigma0_sigma = exp(log_sigma0_sigma);
Type sigma1_sigma = exp(log_sigma1_sigma);
//Type sigma2_sigma = exp(log_sigma2_sigma);

vector<Type> b1_b1_k(n_k);
vector<Type> sigma1_sigma1_k(n_k);
for(int k = 0; k < n_k; k++){
  // these are fixed-effect slopes + random-effect slopes
  b1_b1_k(k) = b_j(n_j) + b1_k(k);
  sigma1_sigma1_k(k) = sigma_j(n_j) + sigma1_k(k);

REPORT( b0_k );
REPORT( b1_k );
REPORT( b_j );
REPORT( sigma0_k );
REPORT( sigma1_k );
//REPORT( sigma2_k );

//ADREPORT( b0_k );
//ADREPORT( b1_k );
//ADREPORT( b_j );
//ADREPORT( sigma0_k );
//ADREPORT( sigma1_k );
//ADREPORT( sigma2_k );

return nll;