Exemple #1
FFillPolygonObj* TopoFace::polygon() {
  int npt = npts();
  float* xp = (float*)xpoints();
  float* yp = (float*)ypoints();
  FFillPolygonObj* poly = new FFillPolygonObj(xp, yp, npt);
  return poly;
Exemple #2
/** Get the i-th parameter.
 *  @param i :: The parameter index
 *  @return the value of the requested parameter
double ChFun::getParameter(size_t i)const
  if (i >= nParams())
    throw std::out_of_range("ChFun parameter index out of range.");
  return ypoints()[i];
Exemple #3
double TopoFace::area() {
   int i,j;
   double area = 0;
   int N = npts();
   const float* x = xpoints();
   const float* y = ypoints();

   for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
      j = (i + 1) % N;
      area += x[i] * y[j];
      area -= y[i] * x[j];

   area /= 2;
   return(area < 0 ? -area : area);
Exemple #4
int delaunayTriang(const vector<Vector2d> &points,
		   vector<Triangle> &triangles,
		   double z)
  vector<Vector2d> spoints = simplified(points, 1);
  uint npoints = spoints.size();
  vector<double> xpoints(npoints);
  vector<double> ypoints(npoints);
  for (uint i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
    xpoints[i] = spoints[npoints-i-1].x();
    ypoints[i] = spoints[npoints-i-1].y();

  polytri::PolygonTriangulator pt(xpoints, ypoints);

  const polytri::PolygonTriangulator::Triangles * tr = pt.triangles();

  uint ntr = tr->size();

  cerr << npoints << " -> " << ntr << endl;


  uint itri=0;
  for (polytri::PolygonTriangulator::Triangles::const_iterator itr = tr->begin();
       itr != tr->end(); ++itr) {

    const polytri::PolygonTriangulator::Triangle t = *itr;

    triangles[itri] = Triangle(Vector3d(xpoints[t[0]], ypoints[t[0]], z),
			       Vector3d(xpoints[t[1]], ypoints[t[1]], z),
			       Vector3d(xpoints[t[2]], ypoints[t[2]], z));

  return ntr;

  // struct triangulateio in;

  // in.numberofpoints = npoints;
  // in.numberofpointattributes = (int)0;
  // in.pointlist =
  // in.pointattributelist = NULL;
  // in.pointmarkerlist = (int *) NULL;
  // in.numberofsegments = 0;
  // in.numberofholes = 0;
  // in.numberofregions = 0;
  // in.regionlist = (REAL *) NULL;

  // delclass = new piyush;
  // piyush *pdelclass = (piyush *)delclass;
  // triswitches.push_back('\0');
  // char *ptris = &triswitches[0];

  // pmesh = new piyush::__pmesh;
  // pbehavior = new piyush::__pbehavior;

  // piyush::__pmesh     * tpmesh     = (piyush::__pmesh *)     pmesh;
  // piyush::__pbehavior * tpbehavior = (piyush::__pbehavior *) pbehavior;

  // pdelclass->triangleinit(tpmesh);
  // pdelclass->parsecommandline(1, &ptris, tpbehavior);

  // pdelclass->transfernodes(tpmesh, tpbehavior, in.pointlist,
  // 			   in.pointattributelist,
  // 			   in.pointmarkerlist, in.numberofpoints,
  // 			   in.numberofpointattributes);
  // tpmesh->hullsize = pdelclass->delaunay(tpmesh, tpbehavior);

  // /* Ensure that no vertex can be mistaken for a triangular bounding */
  // /*   box vertex in insertvertex().                                 */
  // tpmesh->infvertex1 = (piyush::vertex) NULL;
  // tpmesh->infvertex2 = (piyush::vertex) NULL;
  // tpmesh->infvertex3 = (piyush::vertex) NULL;

  // 	/* Calculate the number of edges. */
  // tpmesh->edges = (3l * tpmesh->triangles.items + tpmesh->hullsize) / 2l;
  // pdelclass->numbernodes(tpmesh, tpbehavior);

  /////////////////////////////////////////////// triangle++ crap

  // typedef reviver::dpoint <double, 2> Point;
  // vector<Point> p(points.size());
  // for (uint i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {
  //   p[i] = Point(points[i].x(),points[i].y());
  // }
  // tpp::Delaunay del(p);
  // /*
  //   -p  Triangulates a Planar Straight Line Graph (.poly file).
  //   -r  Refines a previously generated mesh.
  //   -q  Quality mesh generation.  A minimum angle may be specified.
  //   -a  Applies a maximum triangle area constraint.
  //   -u  Applies a user-defined triangle constraint.
  //   -A  Applies attributes to identify triangles in certain regions.
  //   -c  Encloses the convex hull with segments.
  //   -D  Conforming Delaunay:  all triangles are truly Delaunay.
  //   -j  Jettison unused vertices from output .node file.
  //   -e  Generates an edge list.
  //   -v  Generates a Voronoi diagram.
  //   -n  Generates a list of triangle neighbors.
  //   -g  Generates an .off file for Geomview.
  //   -B  Suppresses output of boundary information.
  //   -P  Suppresses output of .poly file.
  //   -N  Suppresses output of .node file.
  //   -E  Suppresses output of .ele file.
  //   -I  Suppresses mesh iteration numbers.
  //   -O  Ignores holes in .poly file.
  //   -X  Suppresses use of exact arithmetic.
  //   -z  Numbers all items starting from zero (rather than one).
  //   -o2 Generates second-order subparametric elements.
  //   -Y  Suppresses boundary segment splitting.
  //   -S  Specifies maximum number of added Steiner points.
  //   -i  Uses incremental method, rather than divide-and-conquer.
  //   -F  Uses Fortune's sweepline algorithm, rather than d-and-c.
  //   -l  Uses vertical cuts only, rather than alternating cuts.
  //   -s  Force segments into mesh by splitting (instead of using CDT).
  //   -C  Check consistency of final mesh.
  //   -Q  Quiet:  No terminal output except errors.
  // */
  // string switches = "pq0DzQ";
  // del.Triangulate(switches);
  // int ntri = del.ntriangles();
  // if (ntri>0) {
  //   triangles.resize(ntri);
  //   uint itri=0;
  //   for (tpp::Delaunay::fIterator dit = del.fbegin(); dit != del.fend(); ++dit) {
  //     Point pA = del.point_at_vertex_id(del.Org (dit));
  //     Point pB = del.point_at_vertex_id(del.Dest(dit));
  //     Point pC = del.point_at_vertex_id(del.Apex(dit));
  //     triangles[itri] = Triangle(Vector3d(pA[0],pA[1],z),
  //     				 Vector3d(pB[0],pB[1],z),
  //     				 Vector3d(pC[0],pC[1],z));
  //     // Vector2d vA = points[del.Org (dit)];
  //     // Vector2d vB = points[del.Dest(dit)];
  //     // Vector2d vC = points[del.Apex(dit)];
  //     // triangles[itri] = Triangle(Vector3d(vA.x(),vA.y(),z),
  //     // 				 Vector3d(vB.x(),vB.y(),z),
  //     // 				 Vector3d(vC.x(),vC.y(),z));
  //     itri++;
  //   }
  // }

  // return ntri;
  return 0;