Exemple #1
static zyre_peer_t *
zyre_node_require_peer (zyre_node_t *self, zuuid_t *uuid, const char *endpoint)
    assert (self);
    assert (endpoint);

    zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, zuuid_str (uuid));
    if (!peer) {
        //  Purge any previous peer on same endpoint
        zhash_foreach (self->peers, (zhash_foreach_fn *) zyre_node_purge_peer, (char *) endpoint);

        peer = zyre_peer_new (self->peers, uuid);
        assert (peer);
        zyre_peer_set_origin (peer, self->name);
        zyre_peer_set_verbose (peer, self->verbose);
        zyre_peer_connect (peer, self->uuid, endpoint);

        //  Handshake discovery by sending HELLO as first message
        zlist_t *groups = zhash_keys (self->own_groups);
        zhash_t *headers = zhash_dup (self->headers);
        zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_HELLO);
        zre_msg_set_endpoint (msg, self->endpoint);
        zre_msg_set_groups (msg, &groups);
        zre_msg_set_status (msg, self->status);
        zre_msg_set_name (msg, self->name);
        zre_msg_set_headers (msg, &headers);
        zyre_peer_send (peer, &msg);
    return peer;
Exemple #2
static zre_peer_t *
s_require_peer (agent_t *self, char *identity, char *address, uint16_t port)
    zre_peer_t *peer = (zre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, identity);
    if (!peer) {
        //  Purge any previous peer on same endpoint
        char endpoint [100];
        snprintf (endpoint, 100, "%s:%hu", address, port);
        zhash_foreach (self->peers, agent_peer_purge, endpoint);

        peer = zre_peer_new (identity, self->peers, self->ctx);
        zre_peer_connect (peer, self->identity, endpoint);

        //  Handshake discovery by sending HELLO as first message
        zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_HELLO);
        zre_msg_ipaddress_set (msg, zre_udp_host (self->udp));
        zre_msg_mailbox_set (msg, self->port);
        zre_msg_groups_set (msg, zhash_keys (self->own_groups));
        zre_msg_status_set (msg, self->status);
        zre_msg_headers_set (msg, zhash_dup (self->headers));
        zre_peer_send (peer, &msg);
        zre_log_info (self->log, ZRE_LOG_MSG_EVENT_ENTER,
                      zre_peer_endpoint (peer), endpoint);

        //  Now tell the caller about the peer
        zstr_sendm (self->pipe, "ENTER");
        zstr_send (self->pipe, identity);
    return peer;
Exemple #3
int module_event_mcast (modhash_t *mh, const flux_msg_t *msg)
    const char *topic;
    zlist_t *uuids;
    char *uuid;
    int rc = -1;

    if (flux_msg_get_topic (msg, &topic) < 0)
        goto done;
    if (!(uuids = zhash_keys (mh->zh_byuuid)))
        oom ();
    uuid = zlist_first (uuids);
    while (uuid) {
        module_t *p = zhash_lookup (mh->zh_byuuid, uuid);
        assert (p != NULL);
        if (match_sub (p, topic)) {
            if (module_sendmsg (p, msg) < 0)
                goto done;
        uuid = zlist_next (uuids);
    rc = 0;
    zlist_destroy (&uuids);
    return rc;
Exemple #4
ztask_job_request_clean (ztask_job_request_t *self, ztask_node_manager_t *node_mgr)
    assert (self);
//    zclock_log ("Cleaning job request from %s ...", zyre_event_sender (self->request));
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (self->processes);
    char *key = (char *) zlist_first (keys);
    ztask_job_proc_t *p;
    int pid;
    while (key) {
        p = (ztask_job_proc_t *) zhash_lookup (self->processes, key);
        zhash_delete (self->processes, key);
        pid = ztask_job_proc_pid(p);
//        assert (pid);
        if (pid) {
            zclock_log("Killing pid=%d ...", ztask_job_proc_pid(p));
            kill (ztask_job_proc_pid(p), SIGKILL);

            zmsg_t *msg_report = zmsg_new ();
            zmsg_addstr (msg_report, "REPORT");
            zmsg_addstr (msg_report, ztask_job_proc_jobid(p));
            zmsg_addstr (msg_report, "-100");

            zyre_whisper (ztask_node_manager_zyre_node(node_mgr), zyre_event_sender(self->request), &msg_report);
            zmsg_destroy (&msg_report);

            zhash_delete (ztask_node_manager_list_running_processes (node_mgr), ztask_job_proc_jobid(p));
            zlist_append (ztask_node_manager_list_available_processes (node_mgr), p);

        key = (char *) zlist_next (keys);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);
Exemple #5
void setup_subscriptions(subscriber_state_t *state)
    zlist_t *subscriptions = zhash_keys(stream_subscriptions);
    setup_subscriptions_for_sub_socket(subscriptions, state->sub_socket);
static void _devio_destroy_smio_all (devio_t *self)
#if 0
    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0; i < self->nnodes; ++i) {
        /* This cannot fail at this point... but it can */
        zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
        /* An empty message means to selfdestruct */
        zmsg_pushstr (msg, "");
        zmsg_send (&msg, self->pipes [i]);
    /* Get all hash keys */
    zlist_t *hash_keys = zhash_keys (self->sm_io_h);
    ASSERT_ALLOC (hash_keys, err_hash_keys_alloc);
    char *hash_item = zlist_first (hash_keys);

    /* Iterate over all keys removing each of one */
    for (; hash_item != NULL; hash_item = zlist_next (hash_keys)) {
        /* FIXME: Usage of stroul fucntion for reconverting the string
         * into a uint32_t */
        _devio_destroy_smio (self, (uint32_t) strtoul (hash_item,
                    (char **) NULL, 16));

    zlist_destroy (&hash_keys);

Exemple #7
flux_modlist_t module_get_modlist (modhash_t *mh)
    flux_modlist_t mods;
    zlist_t *uuids;
    char *uuid;
    module_t *p;

    if (!(mods = flux_modlist_create ()))
        goto done;
    if (!(uuids = zhash_keys (mh->zh_byuuid)))
        oom ();
    uuid = zlist_first (uuids);
    while (uuid) {
        p = zhash_lookup (mh->zh_byuuid, uuid);
        assert (p != NULL);
        if (flux_modlist_append (mods, module_get_name (p), p->size,
                                 p->digest, module_get_idle (p)) < 0) {
            flux_modlist_destroy (mods);
            mods = NULL;
            goto done;
        uuid = zlist_next (uuids);
    zlist_destroy (&uuids);
    return mods;
Exemple #8
void cache_get_stats (struct cache *cache, tstat_t *ts, int *sizep,
                      int *incompletep, int *dirtyp)
    zlist_t *keys;
    struct cache_entry *hp;
    char *ref;
    int size = 0;
    int incomplete = 0;
    int dirty = 0;

    if (!(keys = zhash_keys (cache->zh)))
        oom ();
    while ((ref = zlist_pop (keys))) {
        hp = zhash_lookup (cache->zh, ref);
        if (cache_entry_get_valid (hp)) {
            int obj_size = strlen (Jtostr (hp->o));
            size += obj_size;
            tstat_push (ts, obj_size);
        } else
        if (cache_entry_get_dirty (hp))
        free (ref);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);
    if (sizep)
        *sizep = size;
    if (incompletep)
        *incompletep = incomplete;
    if (dirtyp)
        *dirtyp = dirty;
Exemple #9
static int cb_rlist_result (zhash_t *mods, flux_lsmod_f cb, void *arg)
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (mods);
    char *key;
    int rc = -1;

    if (!keys) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto done;
    key = zlist_first (keys);
    while (key) {
        module_t *m = zhash_lookup (mods, key);
        if (m) {
            const char *ns = nodeset_str (m->nodeset);
            if (cb (m->name, m->size, m->digest, m->idle, ns, arg) < 0)
                goto done;
        key = zlist_next (keys);
    rc = 0;
    zlist_destroy (&keys);
    return rc;
Exemple #10
static zyre_peer_t *
zyre_node_require_peer (zyre_node_t *self, zuuid_t *uuid, char *address, uint16_t port)
    zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, zuuid_str (uuid));
    if (!peer) {
        //  Purge any previous peer on same endpoint
        char endpoint [100];
        snprintf (endpoint, 100, "tcp://%s:%hu", address, port);
        zhash_foreach (self->peers, zyre_node_purge_peer, endpoint);

        peer = zyre_peer_new (self->ctx, self->peers, uuid);
        zyre_peer_connect (peer, self->uuid, endpoint);

        //  Handshake discovery by sending HELLO as first message
        zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_HELLO);
        zre_msg_set_ipaddress (msg, self->host);
        zre_msg_set_mailbox (msg, self->port);
        zre_msg_set_groups (msg, zhash_keys (self->own_groups));
        zre_msg_set_status (msg, self->status);
        zre_msg_set_headers (msg, zhash_dup (self->headers));
        zyre_peer_send (peer, &msg);

        //  Send new peer event to logger, if any
        zyre_log_info (self->log, ZRE_LOG_MSG_EVENT_ENTER,
                      zyre_peer_endpoint (peer), endpoint);
    return peer;
Exemple #11
/* N.B. services is hardwired to test1,test2,testN, where N is the local
 * broker rank.  This is a specific setup for the flux-module test.  This
 * base component does not perform message routing to its extension modules.
static json_t *module_list (void)
    json_t *mods;
    zlist_t *keys;
    module_t *m;
    char *name;
    char rankstr[16];
    int n;

    if (!(mods = json_array ()))
        oom ();
    if (!(keys = zhash_keys (modules)))
        oom ();
    name = zlist_first (keys);
    n = snprintf (rankstr, sizeof (rankstr), "rank%d", (int)rank);
    assert (n < sizeof (rankstr));
    while (name) {
        json_t *o;
        m = zhash_lookup (modules, name);
        if (!(o = json_pack ("{s:s s:i s:s s:i s:i s:[s,s,s]}",
                             "name", m->name,
                             "size", m->size,
                             "digest", m->digest,
                             "idle", m->idle,
                             "status", m->status,
                             "services", "test1", "test2", rankstr)))
            oom ();
        if (json_array_append_new (mods, o) < 0)
            oom ();
        name = zlist_next (keys);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);
    return mods;
Exemple #12
static zsync_node_t *
zsync_node_new ()
    int rc;
    zsync_node_t *self = (zsync_node_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zsync_node_t));
    self->ctx = zctx_new ();
    assert (self->ctx);
    self->zyre = zyre_new (self->ctx);  
    assert (self->zyre);
    // Obtain permanent UUID
    self->own_uuid = zuuid_new ();
    if (zsys_file_exists (UUID_FILE)) {
        // Read uuid from file
        zfile_t *uuid_file = zfile_new (".", UUID_FILE);
        int rc = zfile_input (uuid_file);    // open file for reading        
        assert (rc == 0); 

        zchunk_t *uuid_chunk = zfile_read (uuid_file, 16, 0);
        assert (zchunk_size (uuid_chunk) == 16);    // make sure read succeeded
        zuuid_set (self->own_uuid, zchunk_data (uuid_chunk));
        zfile_destroy (&uuid_file);
    } else {
        // Write uuid to file
        zfile_t *uuid_file = zfile_new (".", UUID_FILE);
        rc = zfile_output (uuid_file); // open file for writing
        assert (rc == 0);
        zchunk_t *uuid_bin = zchunk_new ( zuuid_data (self->own_uuid), 16);
        rc = zfile_write (uuid_file, uuid_bin, 0);
        assert (rc == 0);
        zfile_destroy (&uuid_file);
    // Obtain peers and states
    self->peers = zlist_new ();
    if (zsys_file_exists (PEER_STATES_FILE)) {
        zhash_t *peer_states = zhash_new ();
        int rc = zhash_load (peer_states, PEER_STATES_FILE);
        assert (rc == 0);
        zlist_t *uuids = zhash_keys (peer_states);
        char *uuid = zlist_first (uuids);
        while (uuid) {
            char * state_str = zhash_lookup (peer_states, uuid);
            uint64_t state;
            sscanf (state_str, "%"SCNd64, &state);
            zlist_append (self->peers, zsync_peer_new (uuid, state)); 
            uuid = zlist_next (uuids);
    self->zyre_peers = zhash_new ();
    self->terminated = false;
    return self;
Exemple #13
static void
zyre_node_dump (zyre_node_t *self)
    void *item;

    zsys_info ("zyre_node: dump state");
    zsys_info (" - name=%s uuid=%s", self->name, zuuid_str (self->uuid));

    zsys_info (" - endpoint=%s", self->endpoint);
    if (self->beacon_port)
        zsys_info (" - discovery=beacon port=%d interval=%zu",
                   self->beacon_port, self->interval);
    else {
        zsys_info (" - discovery=gossip");
        if (self->gossip_bind)
            zsys_info ("   - bind endpoint=%s", self->gossip_bind);
        if (self->gossip_connect)
            zsys_info ("   - connect endpoint=%s", self->gossip_connect);
    zsys_info (" - headers=%zu:", zhash_size (self->headers));
    for (item = zhash_first (self->headers); item != NULL;
            item = zhash_next (self->headers))
        zyre_node_log_pair (zhash_cursor (self->headers), item, self);

    zsys_info (" - peers=%zu:", zhash_size (self->peers));
    for (item = zhash_first (self->peers); item != NULL;
            item = zhash_next (self->peers))
        zyre_node_log_item (zhash_cursor (self->peers), item, self);

    zsys_info (" - own groups=%zu:", zlist_size (self->own_groups));
    const char *group = (const char *) zlist_first (self->own_groups);
    while (group) {
        zsys_info ("   - %s", group);
        group = (const char *) zlist_next (self->own_groups);

    zsys_info (" - peer groups=%zu:", zhash_size (self->peer_groups));
    zlist_t *groups = zhash_keys (self->peer_groups);
    group = (const char *) zlist_first (groups);
    while (group) {
        zsys_info ("   - %s", group);
        zyre_group_t *rgroup = (zyre_group_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peer_groups, group);
        zlist_t *neighbors = zyre_group_peers (rgroup);
        char *neighbor = (char *) zlist_first (neighbors);
        while (neighbor) {
            zsys_info ("     - %s", neighbor);
            neighbor = (char *) zlist_next (neighbors);
        zlist_destroy (&neighbors);
        group = (const char *) zlist_next (groups);
    zlist_destroy (&groups);

halutils_err_e disp_table_remove_all (disp_table_t *self)
    assert (self);

    zlist_t *hash_keys = zhash_keys (self->table_h);
    void * table_item = zlist_first (hash_keys);

    for (; table_item; table_item = zlist_next (hash_keys)) {
        zhash_delete (self->table_h, (char *) table_item);

    zlist_destroy (&hash_keys);
Exemple #15
static char *
zsync_node_zyre_uuid (zsync_node_t *self, char *sender)
    assert (self);
    assert (sender);

    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (self->zyre_peers);
    char *key = zlist_first (keys);
    while (key) {
        zsync_peer_t *peer = zhash_lookup (self->zyre_peers, key);
        if (peer && streq (sender, zsync_peer_uuid (peer))) {
           return key;
        key = zlist_next (keys);
    return NULL;
Exemple #16
static void freectx (void *arg)
    ctx_t *ctx = arg;
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (ctx->ping_requests);
    char *key = zlist_first (keys);
    while (key) {
        zmsg_t *zmsg = zhash_lookup (ctx->ping_requests, key);
        zmsg_destroy (&zmsg);
        key = zlist_next (keys);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);
    zhash_destroy (&ctx->ping_requests);

    zmsg_t *zmsg;
    while ((zmsg = zlist_pop (ctx->clog_requests)))
        zmsg_destroy (&zmsg);
    zlist_destroy (&ctx->clog_requests);

    free (ctx);
Exemple #17
ztask_job_request_dump (ztask_job_request_t *self)
    assert (self);
    zclock_log("ztask_job_request: Processes=%ld", zhash_size (self->processes));
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (self->processes);
    char *key = (char *) zlist_first (keys);
    ztask_job_proc_t *p;
    while (key) {
        zclock_log ("ztask_job_request: key=%s", key);
        p = (ztask_job_proc_t *) zhash_lookup (self->processes, key);
        ztask_job_proc_dump (p);
        key = (char *) zlist_next (keys);

    zlist_destroy (&keys);

Exemple #18
int module_start_all (modhash_t *mh)
    zlist_t *uuids;
    char *uuid;
    int rc = -1;

    if (!(uuids = zhash_keys (mh->zh_byuuid)))
        oom ();
    uuid = zlist_first (uuids);
    while (uuid) {
        module_t *p = zhash_lookup (mh->zh_byuuid, uuid);
        assert (p != NULL);
        if (module_start (p) < 0)
            goto done;
        uuid = zlist_next (uuids);
    rc = 0;
    zlist_destroy (&uuids);
    return rc;
Exemple #19
int cache_expire_entries (struct cache *cache, int current_epoch, int thresh)
    zlist_t *keys;
    char *ref;
    struct cache_entry *hp;
    int count = 0;

    if (!(keys = zhash_keys (cache->zh)))
        oom ();
    while ((ref = zlist_pop (keys))) {
        if ((hp = zhash_lookup (cache->zh, ref))
            && !cache_entry_get_dirty (hp)
            && cache_entry_get_valid (hp)
            && (thresh == 0 || cache_entry_age (hp, current_epoch) > thresh)) {
                zhash_delete (cache->zh, ref);
        free (ref);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);
    return count;
Exemple #20
module_t *module_lookup_byname (modhash_t *mh, const char *name)
    zlist_t *uuids;
    char *uuid;
    module_t *result = NULL;

    if (!(uuids = zhash_keys (mh->zh_byuuid)))
        oom ();
    uuid = zlist_first (uuids);
    while (uuid) {
        module_t *p = zhash_lookup (mh->zh_byuuid, uuid);
        assert (p != NULL);
        if (!strcmp (module_get_name (p), name)) {
            result = p;
        uuid = zlist_next (uuids);
        p = NULL;
    zlist_destroy (&uuids);
    return result;
Exemple #21
void lsmod_map_hash (zhash_t *mods, flux_lsmod_f cb, void *arg)
    zlist_t *keys = NULL;
    const char *key;
    mod_t *m;
    int errnum = 0;

    if (!(keys = zhash_keys (mods)))
        oom ();
    key = zlist_first (keys);
    while (key != NULL) {
        if ((m = zhash_lookup (mods, key))) {
            if (cb (m->name, m->size, m->digest, m->idle,
                                       nodeset_str (m->nodeset), arg) < 0) {
                if (errno > errnum)
                    errnum = errno;
        key = zlist_next (keys);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);
Exemple #22
static void emit_command_help_from_pattern (const char *pattern, FILE *fp)
    zhash_t *zh = NULL;
    zlist_t *keys = NULL;
    const char *cat;

    zh = get_command_list_hash (pattern);
    if (zh == NULL)

    keys = zhash_keys (zh);
    zlist_sort (keys, (zlist_compare_fn *) category_cmp);

    cat = zlist_first (keys);
    while (cat) {
        emit_command_list_category (zh, cat, fp);
        if ((cat = zlist_next (keys)))
            fprintf (fp, "\n");
    zlist_destroy (&keys);
    zhash_destroy (&zh);
Exemple #23
zhash_test (int verbose)
    printf (" * zhash: ");

    //  @selftest
    zhash_t *hash = zhash_new ();
    assert (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 0);

    //  Insert some items
    int rc;
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "dead beef");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "ABADCAFE", "a bad cafe");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "C0DEDBAD", "coded bad");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADF00D", "dead food");
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 4);

    //  Look for existing items
    char *item;
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "C0DEDBAD");
    assert (streq (item, "coded bad"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADF00D");
    assert (streq (item, "dead food"));

    //  Look for non-existent items
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "foo");
    assert (item == NULL);

    //  Try to insert duplicate items
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "foo");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Some rename tests

    //  Valid rename, key is now LIVEBEEF
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "DEADBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == 0);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Trying to rename an unknown item to a non-existent key
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "NONESUCH");
    assert (rc == -1);

    //  Trying to rename an unknown item to an existing key
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Trying to rename an existing item to another existing item
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "LIVEBEEF", "ABADCAFE");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));

    //  Test keys method
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (hash);
    assert (zlist_size (keys) == 4);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);

    //  Test dup method
    zhash_t *copy = zhash_dup (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);

    //  Test pack/unpack methods
    zframe_t *frame = zhash_pack (hash);
    copy = zhash_unpack (frame);
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    assert (zhash_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);

    // Test foreach
    rc = zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach, hash);
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach_error, hash);
    assert (rc == -1);

    //  Test save and load
    zhash_comment (hash, "This is a test file");
    zhash_comment (hash, "Created by %s", "czmq_selftest");
    zhash_save (hash, ".cache");
    copy = zhash_new ();
    zhash_load (copy, ".cache");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);
    zsys_file_delete (".cache");

    //  Delete a item
    zhash_delete (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item == NULL);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 3);

    //  Check that the queue is robust against random usage
    struct {
        char name [100];
        bool exists;
    } testset [200];
    memset (testset, 0, sizeof (testset));
    int testmax = 200, testnbr, iteration;

    srandom ((unsigned) time (NULL));
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 25000; iteration++) {
        testnbr = randof (testmax);
        if (testset [testnbr].exists) {
            item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            assert (item);
            zhash_delete (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            testset [testnbr].exists = false;
        else {
            sprintf (testset [testnbr].name, "%x-%x", rand (), rand ());
            if (zhash_insert (hash, testset [testnbr].name, "") == 0)
                testset [testnbr].exists = true;
    //  Test 10K lookups
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 10000; iteration++)
        item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEFABADCAFE");

    //  Destructor should be safe to call twice
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    assert (hash == NULL);

    // Test autofree; automatically copies and frees string values
    hash = zhash_new ();
    zhash_autofree (hash);
    char value [255];
    strcpy (value, "This is a string");
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "key1", value);
    assert (rc == 0);
    strcpy (value, "Ring a ding ding");
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "key2", value);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "key1"), "This is a string"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "key2"), "Ring a ding ding"));
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #24
zlist_t *
zcert_meta_keys (zcert_t *self)
    assert (self);
    return zhash_keys (self->metadata);
Exemple #25
ztask_run_manager_loop (ztask_run_manager_t *self)
    assert (self);

    if (!self->packetizer) {
        zclock_log ("E: No packetizer set !!!");

    //  Setting network interface if neede
    if (self->node_interface)
        zyre_set_interface(self->node, self->node_interface);

    zyre_set_header (self->node, "X-ZTASK-RUN", "ZTASK RUN");

    zyre_start (self->node);
    zyre_dump (self->node);
    zclock_sleep (10);
//    ztask_packetizer_dump (self->packetizer);

    ztask_packet_t *packet;
    int request_sent = 0;
    zyre_event_t *event;
    while (!zsys_interrupted) {

        if (ztask_packetizer_is_finished (self->packetizer))

        event = zyre_event_new (self->node);
        if (!event)
        if (zyre_event_type (event) == ZYRE_EVENT_ENTER) {
            //  Ignoring nodes which don't have service X-ZTASK-NODE defined
            if (zyre_event_header (event, "X-ZTASK-NODE")) {
                zhash_insert (self->nodes, zyre_event_sender (event),"");
                ztask_log_debug (self->log, "Adding node -> workers=%ld", zhash_size (self->nodes));
            } else {
                //  TODO disconnect worker (zyre peer) somehow
        if (zyre_event_type (event) == ZYRE_EVENT_EXIT) {
            if (zhash_lookup (self->nodes, zyre_event_sender (event))) {
                ztask_log_debug (self->log, "Removing node -> workers=%ld", zhash_size (self->nodes));
                zhash_delete (self->nodes, zyre_event_sender (event));
                //  Cleanup packetizer in case ztask_node was killed
                request_sent -= ztask_packetizer_running_node_cleanup (self->packetizer, zyre_event_sender (event));
        if (zyre_event_type (event) == ZYRE_EVENT_WHISPER) {

            //  Ingoring whispers when they are not from our nodes
            if (!zhash_lookup(self->nodes, zyre_event_sender (event))) {
                ztask_log_warning (self->log, "W: Ingoring whisper from %s", zyre_event_sender (event));
                zyre_event_destroy (&event);
            zmsg_t *msg_report = zyre_event_msg(event);
            char *str_msg = zmsg_popstr (msg_report);
            if (streq(str_msg, "REQUEST")) {
                //  Let's handle request
                packet = ztask_packetizer_next_packet (self->packetizer);
                if (packet) {
                    char *cmd;
                    if ( asprintf (&cmd, "%s", ztask_packet_cmd (packet)) < 0)
                         cmd = NULL;
                    assert (cmd);
                    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
                    zmsg_addstr (msg, "REQUEST");
                    zmsg_addstrf (msg, "%s_%ld", zyre_uuid (self->node), ztask_packet_id (packet));
                    zmsg_addstr (msg, cmd);
                    zyre_whisper (self->node, zyre_event_sender (event), &msg);
                    ztask_packet_set_node (packet, zyre_event_sender (event));
                    ztask_packetizer_info (self->packetizer, request_sent);
                    ztask_log_debug (self->log, "ID=%s_%ld cmd='%s' running=%d", zyre_uuid (self->node), ztask_packet_id (packet), cmd, request_sent);
                    free (cmd);
                else {
                    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
                    zmsg_addstr (msg, "NO_PACKETS");
                    zyre_whisper (self->node, zyre_event_sender (event), &msg);

            if (streq(str_msg, "REPORT")) {
                //  It's report
                char *str_id = zmsg_popstr (msg_report);
                char *str_pid_rc = zmsg_popstr (msg_report);

                ztask_log_debug (self->log, "REPORT ID=%s rc=%s", str_id, str_pid_rc);
                ztask_packetizer_report (self->packetizer, str_id, str_pid_rc);
                ztask_packetizer_info (self->packetizer, request_sent);
                free (str_id);
                free (str_pid_rc);
            else {
                ztask_log_error (self->log, "E: ztask_run_manager_loop : Wrong message %s", str_msg);
                assert (false);
            free (str_msg);

        zyre_event_destroy (&event);

    //  FIXME : simplify zhash_foreach()
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (self->nodes);
    char *key = (char *) zlist_first (keys);
    while (key) {
        zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
        zmsg_addstr (msg, "END");
        zyre_whisper (self->node, key, &msg);
        key = (char *) zlist_next (keys);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);

    // wait for shout to be delivered
    zclock_sleep (100);

    ztask_packetizer_summary(self->packetizer, 0);

    zyre_stop (self->node);
Exemple #26
static void
zyre_node_recv_api (zyre_node_t *self)
    //  Get the whole message off the pipe in one go
    zmsg_t *request = zmsg_recv (self->pipe);
    if (!request)
        return;                 //  Interrupted

    char *command = zmsg_popstr (request);
    if (streq (command, "UUID"))
        zstr_send (self->pipe, zuuid_str (self->uuid));
    if (streq (command, "NAME"))
        zstr_send (self->pipe, self->name);
    if (streq (command, "SET NAME")) {
        free (self->name);
        self->name = zmsg_popstr (request);
        assert (self->name);
    if (streq (command, "SET HEADER")) {
        char *name = zmsg_popstr (request);
        char *value = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zhash_update (self->headers, name, value);
        zstr_free (&name);
        zstr_free (&value);
    if (streq (command, "SET VERBOSE"))
        self->verbose = true;
    if (streq (command, "SET PORT")) {
        char *value = zmsg_popstr (request);
        self->beacon_port = atoi (value);
        zstr_free (&value);
    if (streq (command, "SET EVASIVE TIMEOUT")) {
        char *value = zmsg_popstr (request);
        self->evasive_timeout = atoi (value);
        zstr_free (&value);
    if (streq (command, "SET EXPIRED TIMEOUT")) {
        char *value = zmsg_popstr (request);
        self->expired_timeout = atoi (value);
        zstr_free (&value);
    if (streq (command, "SET INTERVAL")) {
        char *value = zmsg_popstr (request);
        self->interval = atol (value);
        zstr_free (&value);
    if (streq (command, "SET ENDPOINT")) {
        zyre_node_gossip_start (self);
        char *endpoint = zmsg_popstr (request);
        if (zsock_bind (self->inbox, "%s", endpoint) != -1) {
            zstr_free (&self->endpoint);
            self->endpoint = endpoint;
            zsock_signal (self->pipe, 0);
        else {
            zstr_free (&endpoint);
            zsock_signal (self->pipe, 1);
    if (streq (command, "GOSSIP BIND")) {
        zyre_node_gossip_start (self);
        zstr_free (&self->gossip_bind);
        self->gossip_bind = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zstr_sendx (self->gossip, "BIND", self->gossip_bind, NULL);
    if (streq (command, "GOSSIP CONNECT")) {
        zyre_node_gossip_start (self);
        zstr_free (&self->gossip_connect);
        self->gossip_connect = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zstr_sendx (self->gossip, "CONNECT", self->gossip_connect, NULL);
    if (streq (command, "START"))
        zsock_signal (self->pipe, zyre_node_start (self));
    if (streq (command, "STOP"))
        zsock_signal (self->pipe, zyre_node_stop (self));
    if (streq (command, "WHISPER")) {
        //  Get peer to send message to
        char *identity = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, identity);

        //  Send frame on out to peer's mailbox, drop message
        //  if peer doesn't exist (may have been destroyed)
        if (peer) {
            zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_WHISPER);
            zre_msg_set_content (msg, &request);
            zyre_peer_send (peer, &msg);
        zstr_free (&identity);
    if (streq (command, "SHOUT")) {
        //  Get group to send message to
        char *name = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zyre_group_t *group = (zyre_group_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peer_groups, name);
        if (group) {
            zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_SHOUT);
            zre_msg_set_group (msg, name);
            zre_msg_set_content (msg, &request);
            zyre_group_send (group, &msg);
        zstr_free (&name);
    if (streq (command, "JOIN")) {
        char *name = zmsg_popstr (request);
        if (!zlist_exists (self->own_groups, name)) {
            void *item;
            //  Only send if we're not already in group
            zlist_append (self->own_groups, name);
            zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_JOIN);
            zre_msg_set_group (msg, name);
            //  Update status before sending command
            zre_msg_set_status (msg, ++(self->status));
            for (item = zhash_first (self->peers); item != NULL;
                    item = zhash_next (self->peers))
                zyre_node_send_peer (zhash_cursor (self->peers), item, msg);
            zre_msg_destroy (&msg);
            if (self->verbose)
                zsys_info ("(%s) JOIN group=%s", self->name, name);
        zstr_free (&name);
    if (streq (command, "LEAVE")) {
        char *name = zmsg_popstr (request);
        if (zlist_exists (self->own_groups, name)) {
            void *item;
            //  Only send if we are actually in group
            zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_LEAVE);
            zre_msg_set_group (msg, name);
            //  Update status before sending command
            zre_msg_set_status (msg, ++(self->status));
            for (item = zhash_first (self->peers); item != NULL;
                    item = zhash_next (self->peers))
                zyre_node_send_peer (zhash_cursor (self->peers), item, msg);
            zre_msg_destroy (&msg);
            zlist_remove (self->own_groups, name);
            if (self->verbose)
                zsys_info ("(%s) LEAVE group=%s", self->name, name);
        zstr_free (&name);
    if (streq (command, "PEERS"))
        zsock_send (self->pipe, "p", zhash_keys (self->peers));
    if (streq (command, "GROUP PEERS")) {
        char *name = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zyre_group_t *group = (zyre_group_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peer_groups, name);
        if (group)
            zsock_send (self->pipe, "p", zyre_group_peers (group));
            zsock_send (self->pipe, "p", NULL);

        zstr_free (&name);
    if (streq (command, "PEER ENDPOINT")) {
        char *uuid = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, uuid);
        assert (peer);
        zsock_send (self->pipe, "s", zyre_peer_endpoint (peer));
        zstr_free (&uuid);
    if (streq (command, "PEER NAME")) {
        char *uuid = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, uuid);
        assert (peer);
        zsock_send (self->pipe, "s", zyre_peer_name (peer));
        zstr_free (&uuid);
    if (streq (command, "PEER HEADER")) {
        char *uuid = zmsg_popstr (request);
        char *key = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, uuid);
        if (!peer)
            zstr_send (self->pipe, "");
            zstr_send (self->pipe, zyre_peer_header (peer, key, NULL));
        zstr_free (&uuid);
        zstr_free (&key);
    if (streq (command, "PEER GROUPS"))
        zsock_send (self->pipe, "p", zhash_keys (self->peer_groups));
    if (streq (command, "OWN GROUPS"))
        zsock_send (self->pipe, "p", zlist_dup (self->own_groups));
    if (streq (command, "DUMP"))
        zyre_node_dump (self);
    if (streq (command, "$TERM"))
        self->terminated = true;
    else {
        zsys_error ("invalid command '%s'", command);
        assert (false);
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&request);
Exemple #27
//  Return keys for items in table
QZlist * QZhash::keys ()
    QZlist *rv = new QZlist (zhash_keys (self));
    return rv;
Exemple #28
zhash_test (int verbose)
    printf (" * zhash: ");

    //  @selftest
    zhash_t *hash = zhash_new ();
    assert (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 0);

    //  Insert some items
    int rc;
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "dead beef");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "ABADCAFE", "a bad cafe");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "C0DEDBAD", "coded bad");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADF00D", "dead food");
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 4);

    //  Look for existing items
    char *item;
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "C0DEDBAD");
    assert (streq (item, "coded bad"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADF00D");
    assert (streq (item, "dead food"));

    //  Look for non-existent items
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "foo");
    assert (item == NULL);

    //  Try to insert duplicate items
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "foo");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Rename an item
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "DEADBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == -1);

    //  Test keys method
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (hash);
    assert (zlist_size (keys) == 4);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);

    //  Test dup method
    zhash_t *copy = zhash_dup (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);

    // Test foreach
    assert (0 == zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach, hash));
    assert (-1 == zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach_error, hash));

    //  Test save and load
    zhash_save (hash, ".cache");
    copy = zhash_new ();
    zhash_load (copy, ".cache");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);
#if (defined (WIN32))
    DeleteFile (".cache");
    unlink (".cache");
    //  Delete a item
    zhash_delete (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item == NULL);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 3);

    //  Check that the queue is robust against random usage
    struct {
        char name [100];
        bool exists;
    } testset [200];
    memset (testset, 0, sizeof (testset));
    int testmax = 200, testnbr, iteration;

    srandom ((unsigned) time (NULL));
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 25000; iteration++) {
        testnbr = randof (testmax);
        if (testset [testnbr].exists) {
            item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            assert (item);
            zhash_delete (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            testset [testnbr].exists = false;
        else {
            sprintf (testset [testnbr].name, "%x-%x", rand (), rand ());
            if (zhash_insert (hash, testset [testnbr].name, "") == 0)
                testset [testnbr].exists = true;
    //  Test 10K lookups
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 10000; iteration++)
        item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEFABADCAFE");

    //  Destructor should be safe to call twice
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    assert (hash == NULL);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");