Exemple #1
void lindexCommand(redisClient *c) {
    robj *o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.nullbulk);
    if (o == NULL || checkType(c,o,REDIS_LIST)) return;
    int index = atoi(c->argv[2]->ptr);
    robj *value = NULL;

    if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
        unsigned char *p;
        unsigned char *vstr;
        unsigned int vlen;
        long long vlong;
        p = ziplistIndex(o->ptr,index);
        if (ziplistGet(p,&vstr,&vlen,&vlong)) {
            if (vstr) {
                value = createStringObject((char*)vstr,vlen);
            } else {
                value = createStringObjectFromLongLong(vlong);
        } else {
    } else if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST) {
        listNode *ln = listIndex(o->ptr,index);
        if (ln != NULL) {
            value = listNodeValue(ln);
        } else {
    } else {
        redisPanic("Unknown list encoding");
Exemple #2
/* Get the value from a ziplist encoded hash, identified by field.
 * Returns -1 when the field cannot be found. */
int hashTypeGetFromZiplist(robj *o, robj *field,
                           unsigned char **vstr,
                           unsigned int *vlen,
                           long long *vll)
    unsigned char *zl, *fptr = NULL, *vptr = NULL;
    int ret;

    logicErrorExpr(o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST, "Never happend");

    field = getDecodedObject(field);

    zl = o->ptr;
    fptr = ziplistIndex(zl, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
    if (fptr != NULL) {
        fptr = ziplistFind(fptr, field->ptr, sdslen(field->ptr), 1);
        if (fptr != NULL) {
            /* Grab pointer to the value (fptr points to the field) */
            vptr = ziplistNext(zl, fptr);
            logicErrorExpr(vptr != NULL, "Never happend");


    if (vptr != NULL) {
        ret = ziplistGet(vptr, vstr, vlen, vll);
        logicErrorExpr(ret, "Never happend");
        return 0;

    return -1;
Exemple #3
/* Get the field or value at iterator cursor, for an iterator on a hash value
 * encoded as a ziplist. Prototype is similar to `hashTypeGetFromZiplist`. */
void hashTypeCurrentFromZiplist(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what,
                                unsigned char **vstr,
                                unsigned int *vlen,
                                long long *vll)
    int ret;

    logicErrorExpr(hi->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST, "Invalid type");

    if (what & REDIS_HASH_KEY) {
        ret = ziplistGet(hi->fptr, vstr, vlen, vll);
        logicErrorExpr(ret, "Never happend");
    } else {
            ret = ziplistGet(hi->vptr, vstr, vlen, vll);
            logicErrorExpr(ret, "Never happend");
Exemple #4
void lrangeCommand(redisClient *c) {
    robj *o;
    long start, end, llen, rangelen;

    if ((getLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[2], &start, NULL) != REDIS_OK) ||
        (getLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[3], &end, NULL) != REDIS_OK)) return;

    if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.emptymultibulk)) == NULL
         || checkType(c,o,REDIS_LIST)) return;
    llen = listTypeLength(o);

    /* convert negative indexes */
    if (start < 0) start = llen+start;
    if (end < 0) end = llen+end;
    if (start < 0) start = 0;

    /* Invariant: start >= 0, so this test will be true when end < 0.
     * The range is empty when start > end or start >= length. */
    if (start > end || start >= llen) {
    if (end >= llen) end = llen-1;
    rangelen = (end-start)+1;

    /* Return the result in form of a multi-bulk reply */
    if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
        unsigned char *p = ziplistIndex(o->ptr,start);
        unsigned char *vstr;
        unsigned int vlen;
        long long vlong;

        while(rangelen--) {
            if (vstr) {
            } else {
            p = ziplistNext(o->ptr,p);
    } else if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST) {
        listNode *ln;

        /* If we are nearest to the end of the list, reach the element
         * starting from tail and going backward, as it is faster. */
        if (start > llen/2) start -= llen;
        ln = listIndex(o->ptr,start);

        while(rangelen--) {
            ln = ln->next;
    } else {
        redisPanic("List encoding is not LINKEDLIST nor ZIPLIST!");
Exemple #5
/* Emit the commands needed to rebuild a list object.
 * The function returns 0 on error, 1 on success. */
int rewriteListObject(rio *r, robj *key, robj *o) {
    long long count = 0, items = listTypeLength(o);

    if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
        unsigned char *zl = o->ptr;
        unsigned char *p = ziplistIndex(zl,0);
        unsigned char *vstr;
        unsigned int vlen;
        long long vlong;

        while(ziplistGet(p,&vstr,&vlen,&vlong)) {
            if (count == 0) {
                int cmd_items = (items > REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) ?
                    REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD : items;

                if (rioWriteBulkCount(r,'*',2+cmd_items) == 0) return 0;
                if (rioWriteBulkString(r,"RPUSH",5) == 0) return 0;
                if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,key) == 0) return 0;
            if (vstr) {
                if (rioWriteBulkString(r,(char*)vstr,vlen) == 0) return 0;
            } else {
                if (rioWriteBulkLongLong(r,vlong) == 0) return 0;
            p = ziplistNext(zl,p);
            if (++count == REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) count = 0;
    } else if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST) {
        list *list = o->ptr;
        listNode *ln;
        listIter li;

        while((ln = listNext(&li))) {
            robj *eleobj = listNodeValue(ln);

            if (count == 0) {
                int cmd_items = (items > REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) ?
                    REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD : items;

                if (rioWriteBulkCount(r,'*',2+cmd_items) == 0) return 0;
                if (rioWriteBulkString(r,"RPUSH",5) == 0) return 0;
                if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,key) == 0) return 0;
            if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,eleobj) == 0) return 0;
            if (++count == REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) count = 0;
    } else {
        redisPanic("Unknown list encoding");
    return 1;
Exemple #6
void pop(unsigned char *zl, int where) {
    unsigned char *p, *vstr;
    unsigned int vlen;
    long long vlong;

    p = ziplistIndex(zl,where == ZIPLIST_HEAD ? 0 : -1);
    if (ziplistGet(p,&vstr,&vlen,&vlong)) {
        if (where == ZIPLIST_HEAD)
            printf("Pop head: ");
            printf("Pop tail: ");

        if (vstr)
            if (vlen && fwrite(vstr,vlen,1,stdout) == 0) perror("fwrite");
            printf("%lld", vlong);

    } else {
        printf("ERROR: Could not pop\n");
Exemple #7
robj *listTypePop(robj *subject, int where) {
    robj *value = NULL;
    if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
        unsigned char *p;
        unsigned char *vstr;
        unsigned int vlen;
        long long vlong;
        int pos = (where == REDIS_HEAD) ? 0 : -1;
        p = ziplistIndex(subject->ptr,pos);
        if (ziplistGet(p,&vstr,&vlen,&vlong)) {
            if (vstr) {
                value = createStringObject((char*)vstr,vlen);
            } else {
                value = createStringObjectFromLongLong(vlong);
            /* We only need to delete an element when it exists */
            subject->ptr = ziplistDelete(subject->ptr,&p);
    } else if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST) {
        list *list = subject->ptr;
        listNode *ln;
        if (where == REDIS_HEAD) {
            ln = listFirst(list);
        } else {
            ln = listLast(list);
        if (ln != NULL) {
            value = listNodeValue(ln);
    } else {
        redisPanic("Unknown list encoding");
    return value;
Exemple #8
/* Return entry or NULL at the current position of the iterator. */
robj *listTypeGet(listTypeEntry *entry) {
    listTypeIterator *li = entry->li;
    robj *value = NULL;
    if (li->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
        unsigned char *vstr;
        unsigned int vlen;
        long long vlong;
        redisAssert(entry->zi != NULL);
        if (ziplistGet(entry->zi,&vstr,&vlen,&vlong)) {
            if (vstr) {
                value = createStringObject((char*)vstr,vlen);
            } else {
                value = createStringObjectFromLongLong(vlong);
    } else if (li->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST) {
        redisAssert(entry->ln != NULL);
        value = listNodeValue(entry->ln);
    } else {
        redisPanic("Unknown list encoding");
    return value;
Exemple #9
static void *loadZsetZiplistObject(unsigned char* zl, unsigned int *rlen) {
    unsigned int i = 0, len;
    unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
    unsigned char *vstr;
    unsigned int vlen;
    int buf_len;
    long long vlong;
    double score;
    char buf[128];
    sds ele;

    len = ziplistLen (zl);
    eptr = ziplistIndex(zl,0);
    sptr = ziplistNext(zl,eptr);
    if(rdb_version < 2) {
        *rlen = len * 2;
    } else {
        *rlen = len;
    sds *results = zmalloc(*rlen * sizeof(sds));
    while (eptr != NULL) {
        score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
        if (vstr == NULL)
            ele = sdsfromlonglong(vlong);
            ele = sdsnewlen((char*)vstr,vlen);
        results[i] = ele;
        buf_len = snprintf(buf, 128, "%f", score);
        results[i+1] = sdsnewlen(buf, buf_len);
        i += 2;

    return results;
Exemple #10
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned char *zl, *p;
    unsigned char *entry;
    unsigned int elen;
    long long value;

    /* If an argument is given, use it as the random seed. */
    if (argc == 2)

    zl = createIntList();

    zl = createList();





    printf("Get element at index 3:\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, 3);
        if (!ziplistGet(p, &entry, &elen, &value)) {
            printf("ERROR: Could not access index 3\n");
            return 1;
        if (entry) {
            if (elen && fwrite(entry,elen,1,stdout) == 0) perror("fwrite");
        } else {
            printf("%lld\n", value);

    printf("Get element at index 4 (out of range):\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, 4);
        if (p == NULL) {
            printf("No entry\n");
        } else {
            printf("ERROR: Out of range index should return NULL, returned offset: %ld\n", p-zl);
            return 1;

    printf("Get element at index -1 (last element):\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, -1);
        if (!ziplistGet(p, &entry, &elen, &value)) {
            printf("ERROR: Could not access index -1\n");
            return 1;
        if (entry) {
            if (elen && fwrite(entry,elen,1,stdout) == 0) perror("fwrite");
        } else {
            printf("%lld\n", value);

    printf("Get element at index -4 (first element):\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, -4);
        if (!ziplistGet(p, &entry, &elen, &value)) {
            printf("ERROR: Could not access index -4\n");
            return 1;
        if (entry) {
            if (elen && fwrite(entry,elen,1,stdout) == 0) perror("fwrite");
        } else {
            printf("%lld\n", value);

    printf("Get element at index -5 (reverse out of range):\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, -5);
        if (p == NULL) {
            printf("No entry\n");
        } else {
            printf("ERROR: Out of range index should return NULL, returned offset: %ld\n", p-zl);
            return 1;

    printf("Iterate list from 0 to end:\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, 0);
        while (ziplistGet(p, &entry, &elen, &value)) {
            printf("Entry: ");
            if (entry) {
                if (elen && fwrite(entry,elen,1,stdout) == 0) perror("fwrite");
            } else {
                printf("%lld", value);
            p = ziplistNext(zl,p);

    printf("Iterate list from 1 to end:\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, 1);
        while (ziplistGet(p, &entry, &elen, &value)) {
            printf("Entry: ");
            if (entry) {
                if (elen && fwrite(entry,elen,1,stdout) == 0) perror("fwrite");
            } else {
                printf("%lld", value);
            p = ziplistNext(zl,p);

    printf("Iterate list from 2 to end:\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, 2);
        while (ziplistGet(p, &entry, &elen, &value)) {
            printf("Entry: ");
            if (entry) {
                if (elen && fwrite(entry,elen,1,stdout) == 0) perror("fwrite");
            } else {
                printf("%lld", value);
            p = ziplistNext(zl,p);

    printf("Iterate starting out of range:\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, 4);
        if (!ziplistGet(p, &entry, &elen, &value)) {
            printf("No entry\n");
        } else {

    printf("Iterate from back to front:\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, -1);
        while (ziplistGet(p, &entry, &elen, &value)) {
            printf("Entry: ");
            if (entry) {
                if (elen && fwrite(entry,elen,1,stdout) == 0) perror("fwrite");
            } else {
                printf("%lld", value);
            p = ziplistPrev(zl,p);

    printf("Iterate from back to front, deleting all items:\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl, -1);
        while (ziplistGet(p, &entry, &elen, &value)) {
            printf("Entry: ");
            if (entry) {
                if (elen && fwrite(entry,elen,1,stdout) == 0) perror("fwrite");
            } else {
                printf("%lld", value);
            zl = ziplistDelete(zl,&p);
            p = ziplistPrev(zl,p);

    printf("Delete inclusive range 0,0:\n");
        zl = createList();
        zl = ziplistDeleteRange(zl, 0, 1);

    printf("Delete inclusive range 0,1:\n");
        zl = createList();
        zl = ziplistDeleteRange(zl, 0, 2);

    printf("Delete inclusive range 1,2:\n");
        zl = createList();
        zl = ziplistDeleteRange(zl, 1, 2);

    printf("Delete with start index out of range:\n");
        zl = createList();
        zl = ziplistDeleteRange(zl, 5, 1);

    printf("Delete with num overflow:\n");
        zl = createList();
        zl = ziplistDeleteRange(zl, 1, 5);

    printf("Delete foo while iterating:\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl,0);
        while (ziplistGet(p,&entry,&elen,&value)) {
            if (entry && strncmp("foo",(char*)entry,elen) == 0) {
                printf("Delete foo\n");
                zl = ziplistDelete(zl,&p);
            } else {
                printf("Entry: ");
                if (entry) {
                    if (elen && fwrite(entry,elen,1,stdout) == 0)
                } else {
                p = ziplistNext(zl,p);

    printf("Regression test for >255 byte strings:\n");
        char v1[257],v2[257];
        zl = ziplistNew();
        zl = ziplistPush(zl,(unsigned char*)v1,strlen(v1),ZIPLIST_TAIL);
        zl = ziplistPush(zl,(unsigned char*)v2,strlen(v2),ZIPLIST_TAIL);

        /* Pop values again and compare their value. */
        p = ziplistIndex(zl,0);
        assert(strncmp(v1,(char*)entry,elen) == 0);
        p = ziplistIndex(zl,1);
        assert(strncmp(v2,(char*)entry,elen) == 0);

    printf("Regression test deleting next to last entries:\n");
        char v[3][257];
        zlentry e[3];
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(v)/sizeof(v[0])); i++) {
            memset(v[i], 'a' + i, sizeof(v[0]));

        v[0][256] = '\0';
        v[1][  1] = '\0';
        v[2][256] = '\0';

        zl = ziplistNew();
        for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(v)/sizeof(v[0])); i++) {
            zl = ziplistPush(zl, (unsigned char *) v[i], strlen(v[i]), ZIPLIST_TAIL);

        verify(zl, e);

        assert(e[0].prevrawlensize == 1);
        assert(e[1].prevrawlensize == 5);
        assert(e[2].prevrawlensize == 1);

        /* Deleting entry 1 will increase `prevrawlensize` for entry 2 */
        unsigned char *p = e[1].p;
        zl = ziplistDelete(zl, &p);

        verify(zl, e);

        assert(e[0].prevrawlensize == 1);
        assert(e[1].prevrawlensize == 5);


    printf("Create long list and check indices:\n");
        zl = ziplistNew();
        char buf[32];
        int i,len;
        for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            len = sprintf(buf,"%d",i);
            zl = ziplistPush(zl,(unsigned char*)buf,len,ZIPLIST_TAIL);
        for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            p = ziplistIndex(zl,i);
            assert(i == value);

            p = ziplistIndex(zl,-i-1);
            assert(999-i == value);

    printf("Compare strings with ziplist entries:\n");
        zl = createList();
        p = ziplistIndex(zl,0);
        if (!ziplistCompare(p,(unsigned char*)"hello",5)) {
            printf("ERROR: not \"hello\"\n");
            return 1;
        if (ziplistCompare(p,(unsigned char*)"hella",5)) {
            printf("ERROR: \"hella\"\n");
            return 1;

        p = ziplistIndex(zl,3);
        if (!ziplistCompare(p,(unsigned char*)"1024",4)) {
            printf("ERROR: not \"1024\"\n");
            return 1;
        if (ziplistCompare(p,(unsigned char*)"1025",4)) {
            printf("ERROR: \"1025\"\n");
            return 1;

    printf("Stress with random payloads of different encoding:\n");
        int i,j,len,where;
        unsigned char *p;
        char buf[1024];
        int buflen;
        list *ref;
        listNode *refnode;

        /* Hold temp vars from ziplist */
        unsigned char *sstr;
        unsigned int slen;
        long long sval;

        for (i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
            zl = ziplistNew();
            ref = listCreate();
            listSetFreeMethod(ref, sdsfree);
            len = rand() % 256;

            /* Create lists */
            for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
                where = (rand() & 1) ? ZIPLIST_HEAD : ZIPLIST_TAIL;
                if (rand() % 2) {
                    buflen = randstring(buf,1,sizeof(buf)-1);
                } else {
                    switch(rand() % 3) {
                    case 0:
                        buflen = sprintf(buf,"%lld",(0LL + rand()) >> 20);
                    case 1:
                        buflen = sprintf(buf,"%lld",(0LL + rand()));
                    case 2:
                        buflen = sprintf(buf,"%lld",(0LL + rand()) << 20);

                /* Add to ziplist */
                zl = ziplistPush(zl, (unsigned char*)buf, buflen, where);

                /* Add to reference list */
                if (where == ZIPLIST_HEAD) {
                    listAddNodeHead(ref,sdsnewlen(buf, buflen));
                } else if (where == ZIPLIST_TAIL) {
                    listAddNodeTail(ref,sdsnewlen(buf, buflen));
                } else {

            assert(listLength(ref) == ziplistLen(zl));
            for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
                /* Naive way to get elements, but similar to the stresser
                 * executed from the Tcl test suite. */
                p = ziplistIndex(zl,j);
                refnode = listIndex(ref,j);

                if (sstr == NULL) {
                    buflen = sprintf(buf,"%lld",sval);
                } else {
                    buflen = slen;
                    buf[buflen] = '\0';
                assert(memcmp(buf,listNodeValue(refnode),buflen) == 0);

    printf("Stress with variable ziplist size:\n");

    return 0;
Exemple #11
/* This command implements SCAN, HSCAN and SSCAN commands.
 * If object 'o' is passed, then it must be a Hash or Set object, otherwise
 * if 'o' is NULL the command will operate on the dictionary associated with
 * the current database.
 * When 'o' is not NULL the function assumes that the first argument in
 * the client arguments vector is a key so it skips it before iterating
 * in order to parse options.
 * In the case of a Hash object the function returns both the field and value
 * of every element on the Hash. */
void scanGenericCommand(client *c, robj *o, unsigned long cursor) {
    int i, j;
    list *keys = listCreate();
    listNode *node, *nextnode;
    long count = 10;
    sds pat = NULL;
    int patlen = 0, use_pattern = 0;
    dict *ht;

    /* Object must be NULL (to iterate keys names), or the type of the object
     * must be Set, Sorted Set, or Hash. */
    serverAssert(o == NULL || o->type == OBJ_SET || o->type == OBJ_HASH ||
                o->type == OBJ_ZSET);

    /* Set i to the first option argument. The previous one is the cursor. */
    i = (o == NULL) ? 2 : 3; /* Skip the key argument if needed. */

    /* Step 1: Parse options. */
    while (i < c->argc) {
        j = c->argc - i;
        if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[i]->ptr, "count") && j >= 2) {
            if (getLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[i+1], &count, NULL)
                != C_OK)
                goto cleanup;

            if (count < 1) {
                goto cleanup;

            i += 2;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[i]->ptr, "match") && j >= 2) {
            pat = c->argv[i+1]->ptr;
            patlen = sdslen(pat);

            /* The pattern always matches if it is exactly "*", so it is
             * equivalent to disabling it. */
            use_pattern = !(pat[0] == '*' && patlen == 1);

            i += 2;
        } else {
            goto cleanup;

    /* Step 2: Iterate the collection.
     * Note that if the object is encoded with a ziplist, intset, or any other
     * representation that is not a hash table, we are sure that it is also
     * composed of a small number of elements. So to avoid taking state we
     * just return everything inside the object in a single call, setting the
     * cursor to zero to signal the end of the iteration. */

    /* Handle the case of a hash table. */
    ht = NULL;
    if (o == NULL) {
        ht = c->db->dict;
    } else if (o->type == OBJ_SET && o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
        ht = o->ptr;
    } else if (o->type == OBJ_HASH && o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
        ht = o->ptr;
        count *= 2; /* We return key / value for this type. */
    } else if (o->type == OBJ_ZSET && o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
        zset *zs = o->ptr;
        ht = zs->dict;
        count *= 2; /* We return key / value for this type. */

    if (ht) {
        void *privdata[2];
        /* We set the max number of iterations to ten times the specified
         * COUNT, so if the hash table is in a pathological state (very
         * sparsely populated) we avoid to block too much time at the cost
         * of returning no or very few elements. */
        long maxiterations = count*10;

        /* We pass two pointers to the callback: the list to which it will
         * add new elements, and the object containing the dictionary so that
         * it is possible to fetch more data in a type-dependent way. */
        privdata[0] = keys;
        privdata[1] = o;
        do {
            cursor = dictScan(ht, cursor, scanCallback, privdata);
        } while (cursor &&
              maxiterations-- &&
              listLength(keys) < (unsigned long)count);
    } else if (o->type == OBJ_SET) {
        int pos = 0;
        int64_t ll;

        cursor = 0;
    } else if (o->type == OBJ_HASH || o->type == OBJ_ZSET) {
        unsigned char *p = ziplistIndex(o->ptr,0);
        unsigned char *vstr;
        unsigned int vlen;
        long long vll;

        while(p) {
                (vstr != NULL) ? createStringObject((char*)vstr,vlen) :
            p = ziplistNext(o->ptr,p);
        cursor = 0;
    } else {
        serverPanic("Not handled encoding in SCAN.");

    /* Step 3: Filter elements. */
    node = listFirst(keys);
    while (node) {
        robj *kobj = listNodeValue(node);
        nextnode = listNextNode(node);
        int filter = 0;

        /* Filter element if it does not match the pattern. */
        if (!filter && use_pattern) {
            if (sdsEncodedObject(kobj)) {
                if (!stringmatchlen(pat, patlen, kobj->ptr, sdslen(kobj->ptr), 0))
                    filter = 1;
            } else {
                char buf[LONG_STR_SIZE];
                int len;

                serverAssert(kobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT);
                len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),(long)kobj->ptr);
                if (!stringmatchlen(pat, patlen, buf, len, 0)) filter = 1;

        /* Filter element if it is an expired key. */
        if (!filter && o == NULL && expireIfNeeded(c->db, kobj)) filter = 1;

        /* Remove the element and its associted value if needed. */
        if (filter) {
            listDelNode(keys, node);

        /* If this is a hash or a sorted set, we have a flat list of
         * key-value elements, so if this element was filtered, remove the
         * value, or skip it if it was not filtered: we only match keys. */
        if (o && (o->type == OBJ_ZSET || o->type == OBJ_HASH)) {
            node = nextnode;
            nextnode = listNextNode(node);
            if (filter) {
                kobj = listNodeValue(node);
                listDelNode(keys, node);
        node = nextnode;

    /* Step 4: Reply to the client. */
    addReplyMultiBulkLen(c, 2);

    addReplyMultiBulkLen(c, listLength(keys));
    while ((node = listFirst(keys)) != NULL) {
        robj *kobj = listNodeValue(node);
        addReplyBulk(c, kobj);
        listDelNode(keys, node);

Exemple #12
/* Emit the commands needed to rebuild a sorted set object.
 * The function returns 0 on error, 1 on success. */
int rewriteSortedSetObject(rio *r, robj *key, robj *o) {
    long long count = 0, items = zsetLength(o);

    if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
        unsigned char *zl = o->ptr;
        unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
        unsigned char *vstr;
        unsigned int vlen;
        long long vll;
        double score;

        eptr = ziplistIndex(zl,0);
        redisAssert(eptr != NULL);
        sptr = ziplistNext(zl,eptr);
        redisAssert(sptr != NULL);

        while (eptr != NULL) {
            score = zzlGetScore(sptr);

            if (count == 0) {
                int cmd_items = (items > REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) ?
                    REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD : items;

                if (rioWriteBulkCount(r,'*',2+cmd_items*2) == 0) return 0;
                if (rioWriteBulkString(r,"ZADD",4) == 0) return 0;
                if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,key) == 0) return 0;
            if (rioWriteBulkDouble(r,score) == 0) return 0;
            if (vstr != NULL) {
                if (rioWriteBulkString(r,(char*)vstr,vlen) == 0) return 0;
            } else {
                if (rioWriteBulkLongLong(r,vll) == 0) return 0;
            if (++count == REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) count = 0;
    } else if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
        zset *zs = o->ptr;
        dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(zs->dict);
        dictEntry *de;

        while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
            robj *eleobj = dictGetKey(de);
            double *score = dictGetVal(de);

            if (count == 0) {
                int cmd_items = (items > REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) ?
                    REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD : items;

                if (rioWriteBulkCount(r,'*',2+cmd_items*2) == 0) return 0;
                if (rioWriteBulkString(r,"ZADD",4) == 0) return 0;
                if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,key) == 0) return 0;
            if (rioWriteBulkDouble(r,*score) == 0) return 0;
            if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,eleobj) == 0) return 0;
            if (++count == REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) count = 0;
    } else {
        redisPanic("Unknown sorted zset encoding");
    return 1;
Exemple #13
/* Write a sequence of commands able to fully rebuild the dataset into
 * "filename". Used both by REWRITEAOF and BGREWRITEAOF. */
int rewriteAppendOnlyFile(char *filename) {
    dictIterator *di = NULL;
    dictEntry *de;
    FILE *fp;
    char tmpfile[256];
    int j;
    time_t now = time(NULL);

    /* Note that we have to use a different temp name here compared to the
     * one used by rewriteAppendOnlyFileBackground() function. */
    snprintf(tmpfile,256,"temp-rewriteaof-%d.aof", (int) getpid());
    fp = fopen(tmpfile,"w");
    if (!fp) {
        redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "Failed rewriting the append only file: %s", strerror(errno));
        return REDIS_ERR;
    for (j = 0; j < server.dbnum; j++) {
        char selectcmd[] = "*2\r\n$6\r\nSELECT\r\n";
        redisDb *db = server.db+j;
        dict *d = db->dict;
        if (dictSize(d) == 0) continue;
        di = dictGetSafeIterator(d);
        if (!di) {
            return REDIS_ERR;

        /* SELECT the new DB */
        if (fwrite(selectcmd,sizeof(selectcmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
        if (fwriteBulkLongLong(fp,j) == 0) goto werr;

        /* Iterate this DB writing every entry */
        while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
            sds keystr = dictGetEntryKey(de);
            robj key, *o;
            time_t expiretime;
            int swapped;

            keystr = dictGetEntryKey(de);
            o = dictGetEntryVal(de);
            /* If the value for this key is swapped, load a preview in memory.
             * We use a "swapped" flag to remember if we need to free the
             * value object instead to just increment the ref count anyway
             * in order to avoid copy-on-write of pages if we are forked() */
            if (!server.vm_enabled || o->storage == REDIS_VM_MEMORY ||
                o->storage == REDIS_VM_SWAPPING) {
                swapped = 0;
            } else {
                o = vmPreviewObject(o);
                swapped = 1;
            expiretime = getExpire(db,&key);

            /* Save the key and associated value */
            if (o->type == REDIS_STRING) {
                /* Emit a SET command */
                char cmd[]="*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n";
                if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                /* Key and value */
                if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,o) == 0) goto werr;
            } else if (o->type == REDIS_LIST) {
                /* Emit the RPUSHes needed to rebuild the list */
                char cmd[]="*3\r\n$5\r\nRPUSH\r\n";
                if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
                    unsigned char *zl = o->ptr;
                    unsigned char *p = ziplistIndex(zl,0);
                    unsigned char *vstr;
                    unsigned int vlen;
                    long long vlong;

                    while(ziplistGet(p,&vstr,&vlen,&vlong)) {
                        if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (vstr) {
                            if (fwriteBulkString(fp,(char*)vstr,vlen) == 0)
                                goto werr;
                        } else {
                            if (fwriteBulkLongLong(fp,vlong) == 0)
                                goto werr;
                        p = ziplistNext(zl,p);
                } else if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST) {
                    list *list = o->ptr;
                    listNode *ln;
                    listIter li;

                    while((ln = listNext(&li))) {
                        robj *eleobj = listNodeValue(ln);

                        if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,eleobj) == 0) goto werr;
                } else {
                    redisPanic("Unknown list encoding");
            } else if (o->type == REDIS_SET) {
                char cmd[]="*3\r\n$4\r\nSADD\r\n";

                /* Emit the SADDs needed to rebuild the set */
                if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) {
                    int ii = 0;
                    int64_t llval;
                    while(intsetGet(o->ptr,ii++,&llval)) {
                        if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkLongLong(fp,llval) == 0) goto werr;
                } else if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
                    dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(o->ptr);
                    dictEntry *de;
                    while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
                        robj *eleobj = dictGetEntryKey(de);
                        if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,eleobj) == 0) goto werr;
                } else {
                    redisPanic("Unknown set encoding");
            } else if (o->type == REDIS_ZSET) {
                /* Emit the ZADDs needed to rebuild the sorted set */
                char cmd[]="*4\r\n$4\r\nZADD\r\n";

                if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
                    unsigned char *zl = o->ptr;
                    unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
                    unsigned char *vstr;
                    unsigned int vlen;
                    long long vll;
                    double score;

                    eptr = ziplistIndex(zl,0);
                    redisAssert(eptr != NULL);
                    sptr = ziplistNext(zl,eptr);
                    redisAssert(sptr != NULL);

                    while (eptr != NULL) {
                        score = zzlGetScore(sptr);

                        if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkDouble(fp,score) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (vstr != NULL) {
                            if (fwriteBulkString(fp,(char*)vstr,vlen) == 0)
                                goto werr;
                        } else {
                            if (fwriteBulkLongLong(fp,vll) == 0)
                                goto werr;
                } else if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
                    zset *zs = o->ptr;
                    dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(zs->dict);
                    dictEntry *de;

                    while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
                        robj *eleobj = dictGetEntryKey(de);
                        double *score = dictGetEntryVal(de);

                        if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkDouble(fp,*score) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,eleobj) == 0) goto werr;
                } else {
                    redisPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
            } else if (o->type == REDIS_HASH) {
                char cmd[]="*4\r\n$4\r\nHSET\r\n";

                /* Emit the HSETs needed to rebuild the hash */
                if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP) {
                    unsigned char *p = zipmapRewind(o->ptr);
                    unsigned char *field, *val;
                    unsigned int flen, vlen;

                    while((p = zipmapNext(p,&field,&flen,&val,&vlen)) != NULL) {
                        if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkString(fp,(char*)field,flen) == 0)
                            goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkString(fp,(char*)val,vlen) == 0)
                            goto werr;
                } else {
                    dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(o->ptr);
                    dictEntry *de;

                    while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
                        robj *field = dictGetEntryKey(de);
                        robj *val = dictGetEntryVal(de);

                        if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,field) == 0) goto werr;
                        if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,val) == 0) goto werr;
            } else {
                redisPanic("Unknown object type");
            /* Save the expire time */
            if (expiretime != -1) {
                char cmd[]="*3\r\n$8\r\nEXPIREAT\r\n";
                /* If this key is already expired skip it */
                if (expiretime < now) continue;
                if (fwrite(cmd,sizeof(cmd)-1,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
                if (fwriteBulkObject(fp,&key) == 0) goto werr;
                if (fwriteBulkLongLong(fp,expiretime) == 0) goto werr;
            if (swapped) decrRefCount(o);

    /* Make sure data will not remain on the OS's output buffers */

    /* Use RENAME to make sure the DB file is changed atomically only
     * if the generate DB file is ok. */
    if (rename(tmpfile,filename) == -1) {
        redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Error moving temp append only file on the final destination: %s", strerror(errno));
        return REDIS_ERR;
    redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"SYNC append only file rewrite performed");
    return REDIS_OK;

    redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Write error writing append only file on disk: %s", strerror(errno));
    if (di) dictReleaseIterator(di);
    return REDIS_ERR;