Exemple #1
int jsc_notify_status_obj (flux_t h, jsc_handler_obj_f func, void *d)
    int rc = -1;
    cb_pair_t *c = NULL; 
    jscctx_t *ctx = NULL; 

    if (!func) 
        goto done;
    if (reg_newjob_hdlr (h, new_job_cb) == -1) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "jsc_notify_status: reg_newjob_hdlr failed");
        goto done;

    ctx = getctx (h);
    c = (cb_pair_t *) xzmalloc (sizeof(*c));
    c->cb = func;
    c->arg = d; 
    if (zlist_append (ctx->callbacks, c) < 0) 
        goto done; 

    zlist_freefn (ctx->callbacks, c, free, true);   
    rc = 0;

    return rc;
Exemple #2
static void
handle_request (client_t *self)
    const char *service_name = mdp_msg_service(self->message);

    if(strstr(service_name, "mmi.")) {
        handle_mmi(self, service_name);

    // Create a fresh instance of mdp_msg_t to append to the list of requests.
    mdp_msg_t *msg = mdp_msg_new();

    // routing id, messageid, service, body
    mdp_msg_set_routing_id(msg, mdp_msg_routing_id(self->message));
    mdp_msg_set_id(msg, mdp_msg_id(self->message));
    mdp_msg_set_service(msg, service_name);
    zmsg_t *body = mdp_msg_get_body(self->message);
    mdp_msg_set_body(msg, &body);

    service_t *service = s_service_require(self->server, service_name);
    zlist_append(service->requests, msg);

Exemple #3
void send_frames_at_server(zhash_t *frames, void *worker,  enum SEND_TYPE type, int n, ...) {
    char *key;
    va_list valist;
    int i;

    va_start(valist, n);

    zlist_t *names = zlist_new();

    for(i=0; i < n; i++ ) {
        key = va_arg(valist, char *);
        zframe_t *frame = (zframe_t *)zhash_lookup(frames, key);

        zlist_append(names, key);

        if( i == n-1 && type==SEND_FINAL)  {
            zframe_send(&frame, worker, ZFRAME_REUSE);
        } else
            zframe_send(&frame, worker, ZFRAME_REUSE + ZFRAME_MORE);

    if(DEBUG_MODE) print_out_hash_in_order(frames, names);


Exemple #4
static int
s_collector (zloop_t *loop, zmq_pollitem_t *poller, void *args)
    clonesrv_t *self = (clonesrv_t *) args;

    kvmsg_t *kvmsg = kvmsg_recv (poller->socket);
    if (kvmsg) {
        if (self->master) {
            kvmsg_set_sequence (kvmsg, ++self->sequence);
            kvmsg_send (kvmsg, self->publisher);
            int ttl = atoi (kvmsg_get_prop (kvmsg, "ttl"));
            if (ttl)
                kvmsg_set_prop (kvmsg, "ttl",
                    "%" PRId64, zclock_time () + ttl * 1000);
            kvmsg_store (&kvmsg, self->kvmap);
            zclock_log ("I: publishing update=%d", (int) self->sequence);
        else {
            //  If we already got message from master, drop it, else
            //  hold on pending list
            if (s_was_pending (self, kvmsg))
                kvmsg_destroy (&kvmsg);
                zlist_append (self->pending, kvmsg);
    return 0;
Exemple #5
static void
peering_raise (peering_t *self)
    vocket_t *vocket = self->vocket;
    driver_t *driver = self->driver;
    if (driver->verbose)
        zclock_log ("I: (tcp) bring up peering to %s", self->address);

    if (!self->alive) {
        self->alive = TRUE;
        zlist_append (vocket->live_peerings, self);

        //  Send ZMTP handshake, which is an empty message
        zmq_msg_t msg;
        zmq_msg_init_size (&msg, 0);
        s_queue_output (self, &msg, FALSE);

        //  If we can now route to peerings, start reading from msgpipe
        if (zlist_size (vocket->live_peerings) == vocket->min_peerings) {
            //  Ask reactor to start monitoring vocket's msgpipe pipe
            zmq_pollitem_t item = { vocket->msgpipe, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 };
            zloop_poller (driver->loop, &item, s_vocket_input, vocket);
Exemple #6
zcertstore_insert (zcertstore_t *self, zcert_t **cert_p)
    zlist_append (self->cert_list, *cert_p);
    zhash_insert (self->cert_hash, zcert_public_txt (*cert_p), *cert_p);
    *cert_p = NULL;             //  We own this now
zlist_t *
get_update (uint64_t from_state)
    printf("[ST] GET_UPDATE\n");
    zlist_t *filemeta_list = zlist_new ();
    DIR *dir;
    struct dirent *ent;
    if ((dir = opendir ("./syncfolder")) != NULL) {
        /* print all the files and directories within directory */
        while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
            if (strcmp (ent->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp (ent->d_name, "..") != 0) {
                struct stat st;
                stat(ent->d_name, &st);

                zs_fmetadata_t *fmetadata = zs_fmetadata_new ();
                zs_fmetadata_set_path (fmetadata, "%s", ent->d_name);
                zs_fmetadata_set_size (fmetadata, st.st_size);
                zs_fmetadata_set_operation (fmetadata, ZS_FILE_OP_UPD);
                zs_fmetadata_set_timestamp (fmetadata, st.st_ctime);
                zs_fmetadata_set_checksum (fmetadata, 0x3312AFFDE12);
                zlist_append(filemeta_list, fmetadata);
        closedir (dir);
    if (zlist_size (filemeta_list) > 0) {
        return filemeta_list;
    else {
        return NULL;
Exemple #8
zloop_poller (zloop_t *self, zmq_pollitem_t *item, zloop_fn handler, void *arg)
    assert (self);

    if (!item->socket && !item->fd)
        return -1;

    if (item->socket)
        if (streq (zsocket_type_str (item->socket), "UNKNOWN"))
            return -1;

    s_poller_t *poller = s_poller_new (item, handler, arg);
    if (poller) {
        if (zlist_append (self->pollers, poller))
            return -1;

        self->dirty = true;
        if (self->verbose)
            zclock_log ("I: zloop: register %s poller (%p, %d)",
                item->socket? zsocket_type_str (item->socket): "FD",
                item->socket, item->fd);
        return 0;
        return -1;
Exemple #9
static void
server_connect (server_t *self, const char *endpoint)
    zsock_t *remote = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (remote);          //  No recovery if exhausted

    //  Never block on sending; we use an infinite HWM and buffer as many
    //  messages as needed in outgoing pipes. Note that the maximum number
    //  is the overall tuple set size.
    zsock_set_unbounded (remote);
    if (zsock_connect (remote, "%s", endpoint)) {
        zsys_warning ("bad zgossip endpoint '%s'", endpoint);
        zsock_destroy (&remote);
    //  Send HELLO and then PUBLISH for each tuple we have
    zgossip_msg_send_hello (remote);
    tuple_t *tuple = (tuple_t *) zhash_first (self->tuples);
    while (tuple) {
        int rc = zgossip_msg_send_publish (remote, tuple->key, tuple->value, 0);
        assert (rc == 0);
        tuple = (tuple_t *) zhash_next (self->tuples);
    //  Now monitor this remote for incoming messages
    engine_handle_socket (self, remote, remote_handler);
    zlist_append (self->remotes, remote);
Exemple #10
static void
s_win32_populate_entry (zdir_t *self, WIN32_FIND_DATA *entry)
    if (entry->cFileName [0] == '.')
        ; //  Skip hidden files
    //  If we have a subdirectory, go load that
    if (entry->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
        zdir_t *subdir = zdir_new (entry->cFileName, self->path);
        zlist_append (self->subdirs, subdir);
    else {
        //  Add file entry to directory list
        zfile_t *file = zfile_new (self->path, entry->cFileName);
        zlist_append (self->files, file);
Exemple #11
void wait_addqueue (waitqueue_t *q, wait_t *w)
    assert (q->magic == WAITQUEUE_MAGIC);
    assert (w->magic == WAIT_MAGIC);
    if (zlist_append (q->q, w) < 0)
        oom ();
Exemple #12
zmsg_add (zmsg_t *self, zframe_t *frame)
    assert (self);
    assert (frame);
    self->content_size += zframe_size (frame);
    return zlist_append (self->frames, frame);
Exemple #13
static int defer_enqueue (zlist_t **l, flux_msg_t *msg)
    if ((!*l && !(*l = zlist_new ())) || zlist_append (*l, msg) < 0) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #14
zmsg_addmem (zmsg_t *self, const void *src, size_t size)
    assert (self);
    zframe_t *frame = zframe_new (src, size);
    self->content_size += size;
    zlist_append (self->frames, frame);
Exemple #15
//  Process message from pipe
static void
server_control_message (server_t *self)
    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (self->pipe);
    char *method = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    if (streq (method, "BIND")) {
        char *endpoint = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        self->port = zsocket_bind (self->router, endpoint);
        zstr_sendf (self->pipe, "%d", self->port);
        free (endpoint);
    if (streq (method, "PUBLISH")) {
        char *location = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        char *alias = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        mount_t *mount = mount_new (location, alias);
        zlist_append (self->mounts, mount);          
        free (location);
        free (alias);
    if (streq (method, "SET ANONYMOUS")) {
        char *enabled_string = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        long enabled = atoi (enabled_string);
        free (enabled_string);
        //  Enable anonymous access without a config file                   
        zconfig_put (self->config, "security/anonymous", enabled? "1" :"0");
    if (streq (method, "CONFIG")) {
        char *config_file = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        zconfig_destroy (&self->config);
        self->config = zconfig_load (config_file);
        if (self->config)
            server_apply_config (self);
        else {
            printf ("E: cannot load config file '%s'\n", config_file);
            self->config = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
        free (config_file);
    if (streq (method, "SETOPTION")) {
        char *path = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        char *value = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        zconfig_put (self->config, path, value);
        server_config_self (self);
        free (path);
        free (value);
    if (streq (method, "STOP")) {
        zstr_send (self->pipe, "OK");
        self->stopped = true;
    free (method);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);
Exemple #16
struct subprocess * subprocess_create (struct subprocess_manager *sm)
    int fds[2];
    int saved_errno;
    struct subprocess *p = xzmalloc (sizeof (*p));

    memset (p, 0, sizeof (*p));
    p->childfd = -1;
    p->parentfd = -1;
    fda_zero (p->child_fda);

    p->sm = sm;
    if (!(p->zhash = zhash_new ())
     || hooks_table_init (p) < 0) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto error;

    p->pid = (pid_t) -1;
    p->refcount = 1;

    if (socketpair (PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, fds) < 0)
        goto error;
    p->childfd = fds[0];
    p->parentfd = fds[1];

    p->started = 0;
    p->running = 0;
    p->exited = 0;
    p->completed = 0;

    if (!(p->zio_in = zio_pipe_writer_create ("stdin", (void *) p)))
        goto error;
    if (!(p->zio_out = zio_pipe_reader_create ("stdout", NULL, (void *) p)))
        goto error;
    if (!(p->zio_err = zio_pipe_reader_create ("stderr", NULL, (void *) p)))
        goto error;

    zio_set_send_cb (p->zio_out, output_handler);
    zio_set_send_cb (p->zio_err, output_handler);

    if (zlist_append (sm->processes, (void *)p) < 0) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto error;

    if (sm->reactor) {
        zio_reactor_attach (p->zio_in, sm->reactor);
        zio_reactor_attach (p->zio_err, sm->reactor);
        zio_reactor_attach (p->zio_out, sm->reactor);
    return (p);
    saved_errno = errno;
    subprocess_destroy (p);
    errno = saved_errno;
    return (NULL);
Exemple #17
int main (void)
    zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();
    void *frontend = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER);
    void *backend = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER);
    zsocket_bind (frontend, "tcp://*:5555");    //  For clients
    zsocket_bind (backend,  "tcp://*:5556");    //  For workers

    //  Queue of available workers
    zlist_t *workers = zlist_new ();
    //  The body of this example is exactly the same as lruqueue2.
    //  .skip
    while (1) {
        zmq_pollitem_t items [] = {
            { backend,  0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 },
            { frontend, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 }
        //  Poll frontend only if we have available workers
        int rc = zmq_poll (items, zlist_size (workers)? 2: 1, -1);
        if (rc == -1)
            break;              //  Interrupted

        //  Handle worker activity on backend
        if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
            //  Use worker address for LRU routing
            zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (backend);
            if (!msg)
                break;          //  Interrupted
            zframe_t *address = zmsg_unwrap (msg);
            zlist_append (workers, address);

            //  Forward message to client if it's not a READY
            zframe_t *frame = zmsg_first (msg);
            if (memcmp (zframe_data (frame), LRU_READY, 1) == 0)
                zmsg_destroy (&msg);
                zmsg_send (&msg, frontend);
        if (items [1].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
            //  Get client request, route to first available worker
            zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (frontend);
            if (msg) {
                zmsg_wrap (msg, (zframe_t *) zlist_pop (workers));
                zmsg_send (&msg, backend);
    //  When we're done, clean up properly
    while (zlist_size (workers)) {
        zframe_t *frame = (zframe_t *) zlist_pop (workers);
        zframe_destroy (&frame);
    zlist_destroy (&workers);
    zctx_destroy (&ctx);
    return 0;
    //  .until
Exemple #18
static int backlog_append (flux_msg_handler_t *w, flux_msg_t **msg)
    if (!w->backlog && !(w->backlog = zlist_new ()))
        oom ();
    if (zlist_append (w->backlog, *msg) < 0)
        oom ();
    *msg = NULL;
    return 0;
Exemple #19
static void
client_store_chunk (client_t *self, zchunk_t **chunk_p)
    zchunk_t *chunk = *chunk_p;
    assert (chunk);
    zlist_append (self->queue, chunk);
    self->pending += zchunk_size (chunk);
    *chunk_p = NULL;
Exemple #20
// Distribute all backlog messages while are workers available.
// Failed-to-send messages are put back in the backlog.
broker_check_backlog (broker_t *self)
    while (zlist_size (self->backlog) && zlist_size (self->executor_lb)) {
        zmsg_t *backlog_msg = zlist_pop (self->backlog);
        if (0 != broker_send_to_executor (self, backlog_msg))
            zlist_append (self->backlog, backlog_msg);
Exemple #21
static int client_send_nocopy (client_t *c, flux_msg_t **msg)
    if (zlist_append (c->outqueue, *msg) < 0) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return -1;
    *msg = NULL;
    return client_send_try (c);
Exemple #22
static zsync_node_t *
zsync_node_new ()
    int rc;
    zsync_node_t *self = (zsync_node_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zsync_node_t));
    self->ctx = zctx_new ();
    assert (self->ctx);
    self->zyre = zyre_new (self->ctx);  
    assert (self->zyre);
    // Obtain permanent UUID
    self->own_uuid = zuuid_new ();
    if (zsys_file_exists (UUID_FILE)) {
        // Read uuid from file
        zfile_t *uuid_file = zfile_new (".", UUID_FILE);
        int rc = zfile_input (uuid_file);    // open file for reading        
        assert (rc == 0); 

        zchunk_t *uuid_chunk = zfile_read (uuid_file, 16, 0);
        assert (zchunk_size (uuid_chunk) == 16);    // make sure read succeeded
        zuuid_set (self->own_uuid, zchunk_data (uuid_chunk));
        zfile_destroy (&uuid_file);
    } else {
        // Write uuid to file
        zfile_t *uuid_file = zfile_new (".", UUID_FILE);
        rc = zfile_output (uuid_file); // open file for writing
        assert (rc == 0);
        zchunk_t *uuid_bin = zchunk_new ( zuuid_data (self->own_uuid), 16);
        rc = zfile_write (uuid_file, uuid_bin, 0);
        assert (rc == 0);
        zfile_destroy (&uuid_file);
    // Obtain peers and states
    self->peers = zlist_new ();
    if (zsys_file_exists (PEER_STATES_FILE)) {
        zhash_t *peer_states = zhash_new ();
        int rc = zhash_load (peer_states, PEER_STATES_FILE);
        assert (rc == 0);
        zlist_t *uuids = zhash_keys (peer_states);
        char *uuid = zlist_first (uuids);
        while (uuid) {
            char * state_str = zhash_lookup (peer_states, uuid);
            uint64_t state;
            sscanf (state_str, "%"SCNd64, &state);
            zlist_append (self->peers, zsync_peer_new (uuid, state)); 
            uuid = zlist_next (uuids);
    self->zyre_peers = zhash_new ();
    self->terminated = false;
    return self;
Exemple #23
void *thread (void *arg)
    thd_t *t = arg;
    char *key, *fence_name = NULL;
    int i, flags = 0;
    struct timespec t0;
    uint32_t rank;
    flux_future_t *f;
    flux_kvs_txn_t *txn;

    if (!(t->h = flux_open (NULL, 0))) {
        log_err ("%d: flux_open", t->n);
        goto done;
    if (flux_get_rank (t->h, &rank) < 0) {
        log_err ("%d: flux_get_rank", t->n);
        goto done;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        if (!(txn = flux_kvs_txn_create ()))
            log_err_exit ("flux_kvs_txn_create");
        key = xasprintf ("%s.%"PRIu32".%d.%d", prefix, rank, t->n, i);
        if (fopt)
            fence_name = xasprintf ("%s-%d", prefix, i);
        if (sopt)
            monotime (&t0);
        if (flux_kvs_txn_pack (txn, 0, key, "i", 42) < 0)
            log_err_exit ("%s", key);
        if (nopt && (i % nopt_divisor) == 0)
            flags |= FLUX_KVS_NO_MERGE;
            flags = 0;
        if (fopt) {
            if (!(f = flux_kvs_fence (t->h, flags, fence_name,
                                                   fence_nprocs, txn))
                    || flux_future_get (f, NULL) < 0)
                log_err_exit ("flux_kvs_fence");
            flux_future_destroy (f);
        } else {
            if (!(f = flux_kvs_commit (t->h, flags, txn))
                    || flux_future_get (f, NULL) < 0)
                log_err_exit ("flux_kvs_commit");
            flux_future_destroy (f);
        if (sopt && zlist_append (t->perf, ddup (monotime_since (t0))) < 0)
            oom ();
        free (key);
        free (fence_name);
        flux_kvs_txn_destroy (txn);
    if (t->h)
        flux_close (t->h);
    return NULL;
Exemple #24
PUB tcp://*:9003
<<  [ "(?stock:[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+)" ]
    [ timestamp :f64            ]
    [ price     :f64            ]
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])

  // initialize random number generator
  srand( (unsigned int)time(NULL) );

  // initialize stock data
  tick_t msft = tick_new("MSFT", 41.78);
  tick_t aapl = tick_new("AAPL", 95.35);
  tick_t goog = tick_new("GOOG",571.09);
  tick_t yhoo = tick_new("YHOO", 34.53);
  tick_t bbry = tick_new("BBRY", 10.90);
  zlist_t *stocks = zlist_new();
  // set up publisher
  zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new();
  void *pub = zsocket_new(ctx,ZMQ_PUB);

  // set up main loop
  zloop_t *loop = zloop_new();
  zloop_data_t loopdata;
  loopdata.stocks = stocks;
  loopdata.socket = pub;

  // every 500 ms, update the stocks and publish the new data
  int timer = zloop_timer(loop,500,0,onloop,&loopdata); //TOOD: take delay as input
  zloop_start(loop); //NOTE: CTRL+C will cleanly interrupt the infinite loop
  // clean up

  return 0;
Exemple #25
/* This test is to make sure that deferred responses are handled in order.
 * Arrange for module to source 10K sequenced responses.  Messages 5000-5499
 * are "put back" on the handle using flux_putmsg().  We ensure that
 * the 10K messages are nonetheless received in order.
void test_putmsg (flux_t *h, uint32_t nodeid)
    flux_future_t *f;
    const char *json_str;
    const int count = 10000;
    const int defer_start = 5000;
    const int defer_count = 500;
    json_object *in = Jnew ();
    json_object *out = NULL;
    int seq, myseq = 0;
    zlist_t *defer = zlist_new ();
    bool popped = false;
    flux_msg_t *z;

    if (!defer)
        oom ();

    Jadd_int (in, "count", count);
    if (!(f = flux_rpc (h, "req.nsrc", Jtostr (in), FLUX_NODEID_ANY,
        log_err_exit ("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    flux_future_destroy (f);
    do {
        flux_msg_t *msg = flux_recv (h, FLUX_MATCH_ANY, 0);
        if (!msg)
            log_err_exit ("%s", __FUNCTION__);
        if (flux_response_decode (msg, NULL, &json_str) < 0)
            log_msg_exit ("%s: decode", __FUNCTION__);
        if (!json_str
            || !(out = Jfromstr (json_str))
            || !Jget_int (out, "seq", &seq))
            log_msg_exit ("%s: decode - payload", __FUNCTION__);
        Jput (out);
        if (seq >= defer_start && seq < defer_start + defer_count && !popped) {
            if (zlist_append (defer, msg) < 0)
                oom ();
            if (seq == defer_start + defer_count - 1) {
                while ((z = zlist_pop (defer))) {
                    if (flux_requeue (h, z, FLUX_RQ_TAIL) < 0)
                        log_err_exit ("%s: flux_requeue", __FUNCTION__);
                    flux_msg_destroy (z);
                popped = true;
        if (seq != myseq)
            log_msg_exit ("%s: expected %d got %d", __FUNCTION__, myseq, seq);
        flux_msg_destroy (msg);
    } while (myseq < count);
    zlist_destroy (&defer);
    Jput (in);
Exemple #26
zmsg_addstr (zmsg_t *self, const char *string)
    assert (self);
    assert (zmsg_is (self));
    assert (string);

    self->content_size += strlen (string);
    zlist_append (self->frames, zframe_new (string, strlen (string)));
    return 0;
Exemple #27
zmsg_addmem (zmsg_t *self, const void *src, size_t size)
    assert (self);
    zframe_t *frame = zframe_new (src, size);
    if (frame) {
        self->content_size += size;
        return zlist_append (self->frames, frame);
        return -1;
Exemple #28
void list_timer_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents)
    static int i = 100;
    zlist_t *l = w->data;
    if (--i == 0) {
        ev_break (loop, EVBREAK_ALL);
    } else {
        zmsg_t *zmsg;
        if (!(zmsg = zmsg_new ()) || zlist_append (l, zmsg) < 0)
            oom ();
Exemple #29
static int
s_subscriber (zloop_t *loop, zmq_pollitem_t *poller, void *args)
    clonesrv_t *self = (clonesrv_t *) args;
    //  Get state snapshot if necessary
    if (self->kvmap == NULL) {
        self->kvmap = zhash_new ();
        void *snapshot = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_DEALER);
        zsocket_connect (snapshot, "tcp://localhost:%d", self->peer);
        zclock_log ("I: asking for snapshot from: tcp://localhost:%d",
        zstr_sendm (snapshot, "ICANHAZ?");
        zstr_send (snapshot, ""); // blank subtree to get all
        while (true) {
            kvmsg_t *kvmsg = kvmsg_recv (snapshot);
            if (!kvmsg)
                break;          //  Interrupted
            if (streq (kvmsg_key (kvmsg), "KTHXBAI")) {
                self->sequence = kvmsg_sequence (kvmsg);
                kvmsg_destroy (&kvmsg);
                break;          //  Done
            kvmsg_store (&kvmsg, self->kvmap);
        zclock_log ("I: received snapshot=%d", (int) self->sequence);
        zsocket_destroy (self->ctx, snapshot);
    //  Find and remove update off pending list
    kvmsg_t *kvmsg = kvmsg_recv (poller->socket);
    if (!kvmsg)
        return 0;

    if (strneq (kvmsg_key (kvmsg), "HUGZ")) {
        if (!s_was_pending (self, kvmsg)) {
            //  If active update came before client update, flip it
            //  around, store active update (with sequence) on pending
            //  list and use to clear client update when it comes later
            zlist_append (self->pending, kvmsg_dup (kvmsg));
        //  If update is more recent than our kvmap, apply it
        if (kvmsg_sequence (kvmsg) > self->sequence) {
            self->sequence = kvmsg_sequence (kvmsg);
            kvmsg_store (&kvmsg, self->kvmap);
            zclock_log ("I: received update=%d", (int) self->sequence);
            kvmsg_destroy (&kvmsg);
        kvmsg_destroy (&kvmsg);

    return 0;
Exemple #30
zmsg_append (zmsg_t *self, zframe_t **frame_p)
    assert (self);
    assert (zmsg_is (self));
    assert (frame_p);

    zframe_t *frame = *frame_p;
    *frame_p = NULL;            //  We now own frame
    self->content_size += zframe_size (frame);
    return zlist_append (self->frames, frame);