int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { self = argv[0]; srand( getpid() * time( 0 ) ); const char *device = ""; const char *protocol = ""; const char *host = ""; const char *port = ""; const char *path = ""; const char *file = ""; int monitor_id = -1; static struct option long_options[] = { {"device", 1, 0, 'd'}, {"protocol", 1, 0, 'r'}, {"host", 1, 0, 'H'}, {"port", 1, 0, 'P'}, {"path", 1, 0, 'p'}, {"file", 1, 0, 'f'}, {"monitor", 1, 0, 'm'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"version", 0, 0, 'v'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; while (1) { int option_index = 0; int c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "d:H:P:p:f:m:h:v", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'd': device = optarg; break; case 'H': host = optarg; break; case 'P': port = optarg; break; case 'p': path = optarg; break; case 'f': file = optarg; break; case 'm': monitor_id = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': Usage(); break; case 'v': std::cout << ZM_VERSION << "\n"; exit(0); default: //fprintf( stderr, "?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c ); break; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf( stderr, "Extraneous options, " ); while (optind < argc) printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]); printf ("\n"); Usage(); } int modes = ( device[0]?1:0 + host[0]?1:0 + file[0]?1:0 + (monitor_id>0?1:0) ); if ( modes > 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Only one of device, host/port/path, file or monitor id allowed\n" ); Usage(); exit( 0 ); } if ( modes < 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "One of device, host/port/path, file or monitor id must be specified\n" ); Usage(); exit( 0 ); } char log_id_string[32] = ""; if ( device[0] ) { const char *slash_ptr = strrchr( device, '/' ); snprintf( log_id_string, sizeof(log_id_string), "zmc_d%s", slash_ptr?slash_ptr+1:device ); } else if ( host[0] ) { snprintf( log_id_string, sizeof(log_id_string), "zmc_h%s", host ); } else if ( file[0] ) { const char *slash_ptr = strrchr( file, '/' ); snprintf( log_id_string, sizeof(log_id_string), "zmc_f%s", slash_ptr?slash_ptr+1:file ); } else { snprintf( log_id_string, sizeof(log_id_string), "zmc_m%d", monitor_id ); } zmLoadConfig(); logInit( log_id_string ); ssedetect(); Monitor **monitors = 0; int n_monitors = 0; #if ZM_HAS_V4L if ( device[0] ) { n_monitors = Monitor::LoadLocalMonitors( device, monitors, Monitor::CAPTURE ); } else #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L if ( host[0] ) { if ( !port ) port = "80"; n_monitors = Monitor::LoadRemoteMonitors( protocol, host, port, path, monitors, Monitor::CAPTURE ); } else if ( file[0] ) { n_monitors = Monitor::LoadFileMonitors( file, monitors, Monitor::CAPTURE ); } else { Monitor *monitor = Monitor::Load( monitor_id, true, Monitor::CAPTURE ); if ( monitor ) { monitors = new Monitor *[1]; monitors[0] = monitor; n_monitors = 1; } } if ( !n_monitors ) { Error( "No monitors found" ); exit ( -1 ); } Info( "Starting Capture version %s", ZM_VERSION ); zmSetDefaultTermHandler(); zmSetDefaultDieHandler(); sigset_t block_set; sigemptyset( &block_set ); sigaddset( &block_set, SIGUSR1 ); sigaddset( &block_set, SIGUSR2 ); if ( monitors[0]->PrimeCapture() < 0 ) { Error( "Failed to prime capture of initial monitor" ); exit( -1 ); } long *capture_delays = new long[n_monitors]; long *alarm_capture_delays = new long[n_monitors]; long *next_delays = new long[n_monitors]; struct timeval * last_capture_times = new struct timeval[n_monitors]; for ( int i = 0; i < n_monitors; i++ ) { last_capture_times[i].tv_sec = last_capture_times[i].tv_usec = 0; capture_delays[i] = monitors[i]->GetCaptureDelay(); alarm_capture_delays[i] = monitors[i]->GetAlarmCaptureDelay(); } int result = 0; struct timeval now; struct DeltaTimeval delta_time; while( !zm_terminate ) { sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); for ( int i = 0; i < n_monitors; i++ ) { long min_delay = MAXINT; gettimeofday( &now, NULL ); for ( int j = 0; j < n_monitors; j++ ) { if ( last_capture_times[j].tv_sec ) { DELTA_TIMEVAL( delta_time, now, last_capture_times[j], DT_PREC_3 ); if ( monitors[i]->GetState() == Monitor::ALARM ) next_delays[j] = alarm_capture_delays[j]; else next_delays[j] = capture_delays[j]; if ( next_delays[j] < 0 ) next_delays[j] = 0; } else { next_delays[j] = 0; } if ( next_delays[j] <= min_delay ) { min_delay = next_delays[j]; } } if ( next_delays[i] <= min_delay || next_delays[i] <= 0 ) { if ( monitors[i]->PreCapture() < 0 ) { Error( "Failed to pre-capture monitor %d %d (%d/%d)", monitors[i]->Id(), monitors[i]->Name(), i+1, n_monitors ); zm_terminate = true; result = -1; break; } if ( monitors[i]->Capture() < 0 ) { Error( "Failed to capture image from monitor %d %s (%d/%d)", monitors[i]->Id(), monitors[i]->Name(), i+1, n_monitors ); zm_terminate = true; result = -1; break; } if ( monitors[i]->PostCapture() < 0 ) { Error( "Failed to post-capture monitor %d %s (%d/%d)", monitors[i]->Id(), monitors[i]->Name(), i+1, n_monitors ); zm_terminate = true; result = -1; break; } if ( next_delays[i] > 0 ) { gettimeofday( &now, NULL ); DELTA_TIMEVAL( delta_time, now, last_capture_times[i], DT_PREC_3 ); long sleep_time = next_delays[i]; if ( sleep_time > 0 ) { usleep( sleep_time*(DT_MAXGRAN/DT_PREC_3) ); } } gettimeofday( &(last_capture_times[i]), NULL ); } } sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); } for ( int i = 0; i < n_monitors; i++ ) { delete monitors[i]; } delete [] monitors; delete [] alarm_capture_delays; delete [] capture_delays; delete [] next_delays; delete [] last_capture_times; logTerm(); zmDbClose(); return( result ); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { if ( access(ZM_CONFIG, R_OK) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't open %s: %s\n", ZM_CONFIG, strerror(errno) ); exit( -1 ); } self = argv[0]; srand( getpid() * time( 0 ) ); static struct option long_options[] = { {"device", 2, 0, 'd'}, {"monitor", 1, 0, 'm'}, {"verbose", 0, 0, 'v'}, {"image", 2, 0, 'i'}, {"scale", 1, 0, 'S'}, {"timestamp", 2, 0, 't'}, {"state", 0, 0, 's'}, {"brightness", 2, 0, 'B'}, {"contrast", 2, 0, 'C'}, {"hue", 2, 0, 'H'}, {"contrast", 2, 0, 'O'}, {"read_index", 0, 0, 'R'}, {"write_index", 0, 0, 'W'}, {"event", 0, 0, 'e'}, {"fps", 0, 0, 'f'}, {"zones", 2, 0, 'z'}, {"alarm", 0, 0, 'a'}, {"noalarm", 0, 0, 'n'}, {"cancel", 0, 0, 'c'}, {"reload", 0, 0, 'L'}, {"enable", 0, 0, 'E'}, {"disable", 0, 0, 'D'}, {"suspend", 0, 0, 'u'}, {"resume", 0, 0, 'r'}, {"query", 0, 0, 'q'}, {"username", 1, 0, 'U'}, {"password", 1, 0, 'P'}, {"auth", 1, 0, 'A'}, {"version", 1, 0, 'V'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"list", 0, 0, 'l'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; const char *device = 0; int mon_id = 0; bool verbose = false; int function = ZMU_BOGUS; int image_idx = -1; int scale = -1; int brightness = -1; int contrast = -1; int hue = -1; int colour = -1; char *zoneString = 0; char *username = 0; char *password = 0; char *auth = 0; #if ZM_HAS_V4L #if ZM_HAS_V4L2 int v4lVersion = 2; #elif ZM_HAS_V4L1 int v4lVersion = 1; #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L2/1 #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L while (1) { int option_index = 0; int c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "d:m:vsEDLurwei::S:t::fz::ancqhlB::C::H::O::U:P:A:V:", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'd': if ( optarg ) device = optarg; break; case 'm': mon_id = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 's': function |= ZMU_STATE; break; case 'i': function |= ZMU_IMAGE; if ( optarg ) image_idx = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'S': scale = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': function |= ZMU_TIME; if ( optarg ) image_idx = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'R': function |= ZMU_READ_IDX; break; case 'W': function |= ZMU_WRITE_IDX; break; case 'e': function |= ZMU_EVENT; break; case 'f': function |= ZMU_FPS; break; case 'z': function |= ZMU_ZONES; if ( optarg ) zoneString = optarg; break; case 'a': function |= ZMU_ALARM; break; case 'n': function |= ZMU_NOALARM; break; case 'c': function |= ZMU_CANCEL; break; case 'L': function |= ZMU_RELOAD; break; case 'E': function |= ZMU_ENABLE; break; case 'D': function |= ZMU_DISABLE; break; case 'u': function |= ZMU_SUSPEND; break; case 'r': function |= ZMU_RESUME; break; case 'q': function |= ZMU_QUERY; break; case 'B': function |= ZMU_BRIGHTNESS; if ( optarg ) brightness = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'C': function |= ZMU_CONTRAST; if ( optarg ) contrast = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'H': function |= ZMU_HUE; if ( optarg ) hue = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'O': function |= ZMU_COLOUR; if ( optarg ) colour = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'U': username = optarg; break; case 'P': password = optarg; break; case 'A': auth = optarg; break; #if ZM_HAS_V4L case 'V': v4lVersion = (atoi(optarg)==1)?1:2; break; #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L case 'h': Usage( 0 ); break; case 'l': function |= ZMU_LIST; break; case '?': Usage(); break; default: //fprintf( stderr, "?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c ); break; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf( stderr, "Extraneous options, " ); while (optind < argc) fprintf( stderr, "%s ", argv[optind++]); fprintf( stderr, "\n"); Usage(); } if ( device && !(function&ZMU_QUERY) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error, -d option cannot be used with this option\n" ); Usage(); } if ( scale != -1 && !(function&ZMU_IMAGE) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error, -S option cannot be used with this option\n" ); Usage(); } //printf( "Monitor %d, Function %d\n", mon_id, function ); zmLoadConfig(); logInit( "zmu" ); zmSetDefaultTermHandler(); zmSetDefaultDieHandler(); User *user = 0; if ( config.opt_use_auth ) { if ( strcmp( config.auth_relay, "none" ) == 0 ) { if ( !username ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error, username must be supplied\n" ); exit( -1 ); } if ( username ) { user = zmLoadUser( username ); } } else { if ( !(username && password) && !auth ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error, username and password or auth string must be supplied\n" ); exit( -1 ); } //if ( strcmp( config.auth_relay, "hashed" ) == 0 ) { if ( auth ) { user = zmLoadAuthUser( auth, false ); } } //else if ( strcmp( config.auth_relay, "plain" ) == 0 ) { if ( username && password ) { user = zmLoadUser( username, password ); } } } if ( !user ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error, unable to authenticate user\n" ); exit( -1 ); } ValidateAccess( user, mon_id, function ); } if ( mon_id > 0 ) { Monitor *monitor = Monitor::Load( mon_id, function&(ZMU_QUERY|ZMU_ZONES), Monitor::QUERY ); if ( monitor ) { if ( verbose ) { printf( "Monitor %d(%s)\n", monitor->Id(), monitor->Name() ); } if ( ! monitor->connect() ) { Error( "Can't connect to capture daemon: %d %s", monitor->Id(), monitor->Name() ); exit( -1 ); } char separator = ' '; bool have_output = false; if ( function & ZMU_STATE ) { Monitor::State state = monitor->GetState(); if ( verbose ) printf( "Current state: %s\n", state==Monitor::ALARM?"Alarm":(state==Monitor::ALERT?"Alert":"Idle") ); else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); printf( "%d", state ); have_output = true; } } if ( function & ZMU_TIME ) { struct timeval timestamp = monitor->GetTimestamp( image_idx ); if ( verbose ) { char timestamp_str[64] = "None"; if ( timestamp.tv_sec ) strftime( timestamp_str, sizeof(timestamp_str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime( ×tamp.tv_sec ) ); if ( image_idx == -1 ) printf( "Time of last image capture: %s.%02ld\n", timestamp_str, timestamp.tv_usec/10000 ); else printf( "Time of image %d capture: %s.%02ld\n", image_idx, timestamp_str, timestamp.tv_usec/10000 ); } else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); printf( "%ld.%02ld", timestamp.tv_sec, timestamp.tv_usec/10000 ); have_output = true; } } if ( function & ZMU_READ_IDX ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Last read index: %d\n", monitor->GetLastReadIndex() ); else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); printf( "%d", monitor->GetLastReadIndex() ); have_output = true; } } if ( function & ZMU_WRITE_IDX ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Last write index: %d\n", monitor->GetLastWriteIndex() ); else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); printf( "%d", monitor->GetLastWriteIndex() ); have_output = true; } } if ( function & ZMU_EVENT ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Last event id: %d\n", monitor->GetLastEvent() ); else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); printf( "%d", monitor->GetLastEvent() ); have_output = true; } } if ( function & ZMU_FPS ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Current capture rate: %.2f frames per second\n", monitor->GetFPS() ); else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); printf( "%.2f", monitor->GetFPS() ); have_output = true; } } if ( function & ZMU_IMAGE ) { if ( verbose ) { if ( image_idx == -1 ) printf( "Dumping last image captured to Monitor%d.jpg", monitor->Id() ); else printf( "Dumping buffer image %d to Monitor%d.jpg", image_idx, monitor->Id() ); if ( scale != -1 ) printf( ", scaling by %d%%", scale ); printf( "\n" ); } monitor->GetImage( image_idx, scale>0?scale:100 ); } if ( function & ZMU_ZONES ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Dumping zone image to Zones%d.jpg\n", monitor->Id() ); monitor->DumpZoneImage( zoneString ); } if ( function & ZMU_ALARM ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Forcing alarm on\n" ); monitor->ForceAlarmOn( config.forced_alarm_score, "Forced Web" ); } if ( function & ZMU_NOALARM ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Forcing alarm off\n" ); monitor->ForceAlarmOff(); } if ( function & ZMU_CANCEL ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Cancelling forced alarm on/off\n" ); monitor->CancelForced(); } if ( function & ZMU_RELOAD ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Reloading monitor settings\n" ); monitor->actionReload(); } if ( function & ZMU_ENABLE ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Enabling event generation\n" ); monitor->actionEnable(); } if ( function & ZMU_DISABLE ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Disabling event generation\n" ); monitor->actionDisable(); } if ( function & ZMU_SUSPEND ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Suspending event generation\n" ); monitor->actionSuspend(); } if ( function & ZMU_RESUME ) { if ( verbose ) printf( "Resuming event generation\n" ); monitor->actionResume(); } if ( function & ZMU_QUERY ) { char monString[16382] = ""; monitor->DumpSettings( monString, verbose ); printf( "%s\n", monString ); } if ( function & ZMU_BRIGHTNESS ) { if ( verbose ) { if ( brightness >= 0 ) printf( "New brightness: %d\n", monitor->actionBrightness( brightness ) ); else printf( "Current brightness: %d\n", monitor->actionBrightness() ); } else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); if ( brightness >= 0 ) printf( "%d", monitor->actionBrightness( brightness ) ); else printf( "%d", monitor->actionBrightness() ); have_output = true; } } if ( function & ZMU_CONTRAST ) { if ( verbose ) { if ( contrast >= 0 ) printf( "New brightness: %d\n", monitor->actionContrast( contrast ) ); else printf( "Current contrast: %d\n", monitor->actionContrast() ); } else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); if ( contrast >= 0 ) printf( "%d", monitor->actionContrast( contrast ) ); else printf( "%d", monitor->actionContrast() ); have_output = true; } } if ( function & ZMU_HUE ) { if ( verbose ) { if ( hue >= 0 ) printf( "New hue: %d\n", monitor->actionHue( hue ) ); else printf( "Current hue: %d\n", monitor->actionHue() ); } else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); if ( hue >= 0 ) printf( "%d", monitor->actionHue( hue ) ); else printf( "%d", monitor->actionHue() ); have_output = true; } } if ( function & ZMU_COLOUR ) { if ( verbose ) { if ( colour >= 0 ) printf( "New colour: %d\n", monitor->actionColour( colour ) ); else printf( "Current colour: %d\n", monitor->actionColour() ); } else { if ( have_output ) printf( "%c", separator ); if ( colour >= 0 ) printf( "%d", monitor->actionColour( colour ) ); else printf( "%d", monitor->actionColour() ); have_output = true; } } if ( have_output ) { printf( "\n" ); } if ( !function ) { Usage(); } delete monitor; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Error, invalid monitor id %d\n", mon_id ); exit( -1 ); } } else { if ( function & ZMU_QUERY ) { #if ZM_HAS_V4L char vidString[0x10000] = ""; bool ok = LocalCamera::GetCurrentSettings( device, vidString, v4lVersion, verbose ); printf( "%s", vidString ); exit( ok?0:-1 ); #else // ZM_HAS_V4L fprintf( stderr, "Error, video4linux is required for device querying\n" ); exit( -1 ); #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L } if ( function & ZMU_LIST ) { std::string sql = "select Id, Function+0 from Monitors"; if ( !verbose ) { sql += "where Function != 'None'"; } sql += " order by Id asc"; if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql.c_str() ) ) { Error( "Can't run query: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result( &dbconn ); if ( !result ) { Error( "Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } int n_monitors = mysql_num_rows( result ); Debug( 1, "Got %d monitors", n_monitors ); printf( "%4s%5s%6s%9s%14s%6s%6s%8s%8s\n", "Id", "Func", "State", "TrgState", "LastImgTim", "RdIdx", "WrIdx", "LastEvt", "FrmRate" ); for( int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); i++ ) { int mon_id = atoi(dbrow[0]); int function = atoi(dbrow[1]); if ( !user || user->canAccess( mon_id ) ) { if ( function > 1 ) { Monitor *monitor = Monitor::Load( mon_id, false, Monitor::QUERY ); if ( monitor && monitor->connect() ) { struct timeval tv = monitor->GetTimestamp(); printf( "%4d%5d%6d%9d%11ld.%02ld%6d%6d%8d%8.2f\n", monitor->Id(), function, monitor->GetState(), monitor->GetTriggerState(), tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec/10000, monitor->GetLastReadIndex(), monitor->GetLastWriteIndex(), monitor->GetLastEvent(), monitor->GetFPS() ); delete monitor; } } else { struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 }; printf( "%4d%5d%6d%9d%11ld.%02ld%6d%6d%8d%8.2f\n", mon_id, function, 0, 0, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec/10000, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ); } } } mysql_free_result( result ); } } delete user; logTerm(); zmDbClose(); return( 0 ); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { srand( getpid() * time( 0 ) ); int id = -1; static struct option long_options[] = { {"monitor", 1, 0, 'm'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; while (1) { int option_index = 0; int c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "m:h", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'm': id = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': Usage(); break; default: //fprintf( stderr, "?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c ); break; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf( stderr, "Extraneous options, " ); while (optind < argc) printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]); printf ("\n"); Usage(); } if ( id < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bogus monitor %d\n", id ); Usage(); exit( 0 ); } char log_id_string[16]; snprintf( log_id_string, sizeof(log_id_string), "zma_m%d", id ); zmLoadConfig(); logInit( log_id_string ); Monitor *monitor = Monitor::Load( id, true, Monitor::ANALYSIS ); if ( monitor ) { Info( "In mode %d/%d, warming up", monitor->GetFunction(), monitor->Enabled() ); if ( config.opt_frame_server ) { Event::OpenFrameSocket( monitor->Id() ); } zmSetDefaultHupHandler(); zmSetDefaultTermHandler(); zmSetDefaultDieHandler(); sigset_t block_set; sigemptyset( &block_set ); while( !zm_terminate ) { // Process the next image sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); if ( !monitor->Analyse() ) { usleep( monitor->Active()?ZM_SAMPLE_RATE:ZM_SUSPENDED_RATE ); } if ( zm_reload ) { monitor->Reload(); zm_reload = false; } sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); } delete monitor; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Can't find monitor with id of %d\n", id ); } return( 0 ); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { self = argv[0]; srand( getpid() * time( 0 ) ); int id = -1; static struct option long_options[] = { {"monitor", 1, 0, 'm'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"version", 0, 0, 'v'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; while (1) { int option_index = 0; int c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "m:h:v", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'm': id = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': Usage(); break; case 'v': std::cout << ZM_VERSION << "\n"; exit(0); default: //fprintf( stderr, "?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c ); break; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf( stderr, "Extraneous options, " ); while (optind < argc) printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]); printf ("\n"); Usage(); } if ( id < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bogus monitor %d\n", id ); Usage(); exit( 0 ); } char log_id_string[16]; snprintf( log_id_string, sizeof(log_id_string), "m%d", id ); zmLoadConfig(); logInit( "zmf" ); ssedetect(); Monitor *monitor = Monitor::Load( id, false, Monitor::QUERY ); if ( !monitor ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't find monitor with id of %d\n", id ); exit( -1 ); } char capt_path[PATH_MAX]; char anal_path[PATH_MAX]; snprintf( capt_path, sizeof(capt_path), "%s/%d/%%s/%%0%dd-capture.jpg", config.dir_events, monitor->Id(), config.event_image_digits ); snprintf( anal_path, sizeof(anal_path), "%s/%d/%%s/%%0%dd-analyse.jpg", config.dir_events, monitor->Id(), config.event_image_digits ); zmSetDefaultTermHandler(); zmSetDefaultDieHandler(); sigset_t block_set; sigemptyset( &block_set ); int sd = OpenSocket( monitor->Id() ); FrameHeader frame_header = { 0, 0, false, 0 }; //unsigned char *image_data = 0; fd_set rfds; struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; while( 1 ) { struct timeval temp_timeout = timeout; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(sd, &rfds); int n_found = select( sd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &temp_timeout ); if( n_found == 0 ) { Debug( 1, "Select timed out" ); continue; } else if ( n_found < 0) { Error( "Select error: %s", strerror(errno) ); ReopenSocket( sd, monitor->Id() ); continue; } sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); int n_bytes = read( sd, &frame_header, sizeof(frame_header) ); if ( n_bytes != sizeof(frame_header) ) { if ( n_bytes < 0 ) { Error( "Can't read frame header: %s", strerror(errno) ); } else if ( n_bytes > 0 ) { Error( "Incomplete read of frame header, %d bytes only", n_bytes ); } else { Warning( "Socket closed at remote end" ); } ReopenSocket( sd, monitor->Id() ); continue; } Debug( 1, "Read frame header, expecting %ld bytes of image", frame_header.image_length ); static unsigned char image_data[ZM_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE]; // Read for pipe and loop until bytes expected have been read or an error occurs int bytes_read = 0; do { n_bytes = read( sd, image_data+bytes_read, frame_header.image_length-bytes_read ); if (n_bytes < 0) break; // break on error if (n_bytes < (int)frame_header.image_length) { // print some informational messages if (bytes_read == 0) { Debug(4,"Image read : Short read %d bytes of %d expected bytes",n_bytes,frame_header.image_length); } else if (bytes_read+n_bytes == (int)frame_header.image_length) { Debug(5,"Image read : Read rest of short read: %d bytes read total of %d bytes",n_bytes,frame_header.image_length); } else { Debug(6,"Image read : continuing, read %d bytes (%d so far)", n_bytes, bytes_read+n_bytes); } } bytes_read+= n_bytes; } while (n_bytes>0 && (bytes_read < (ssize_t)frame_header.image_length) ); // Print errors if there was a problem if ( n_bytes < 1 ) { Error( "Only read %d bytes of %d\n", bytes_read, frame_header.image_length); if ( n_bytes < 0 ) { Error( "Can't read frame image data: %s", strerror(errno) ); } else { Warning( "Socket closed at remote end" ); } ReopenSocket( sd, monitor->Id() ); continue; } static char subpath[PATH_MAX] = ""; if ( config.use_deep_storage ) { struct tm *time = localtime( &frame_header.event_time ); snprintf( subpath, sizeof(subpath), "%02d/%02d/%02d/%02d/%02d/%02d", time->tm_year-100, time->tm_mon+1, time->tm_mday, time->tm_hour, time->tm_min, time->tm_sec ); } else { snprintf( subpath, sizeof(subpath), "%ld", frame_header.event_id ); } static char path[PATH_MAX] = ""; snprintf( path, sizeof(path), frame_header.alarm_frame?anal_path:capt_path, subpath, frame_header.frame_id ); Debug( 1, "Got image, writing to %s", path ); FILE *fd = 0; if ( (fd = fopen( path, "w" )) < 0 ) { Error( "Can't fopen '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno) ); exit( -1 ); } if ( 0 == fwrite( image_data, frame_header.image_length, 1, fd ) ) { Error( "Can't fwrite image data: %s", strerror(errno) ); exit( -1 ); } fclose( fd ); sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); } logTerm(); zmDbClose(); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { self = argv[0]; srand( getpid() * time( 0 ) ); int id = -1; static struct option long_options[] = { {"monitor", 1, 0, 'm'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"version", 0, 0, 'v'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; while (1) { int option_index = 0; int c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "m:h:v", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'm': id = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': Usage(); break; case 'v': std::cout << ZM_VERSION << "\n"; exit(0); default: //fprintf( stderr, "?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c ); break; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf( stderr, "Extraneous options, " ); while (optind < argc) printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]); printf ("\n"); Usage(); } if ( id < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bogus monitor %d\n", id ); Usage(); exit( 0 ); } char log_id_string[16]; snprintf( log_id_string, sizeof(log_id_string), "zma_m%d", id ); zmLoadConfig(); logInit( log_id_string ); ssedetect(); Monitor *monitor = Monitor::Load( id, true, Monitor::ANALYSIS ); if ( monitor ) { Info( "In mode %d/%d, warming up", monitor->GetFunction(), monitor->Enabled() ); if ( config.opt_frame_server ) { Event::OpenFrameSocket( monitor->Id() ); } zmSetDefaultHupHandler(); zmSetDefaultTermHandler(); zmSetDefaultDieHandler(); sigset_t block_set; sigemptyset( &block_set ); useconds_t analysis_rate = monitor->GetAnalysisRate(); unsigned int analysis_update_delay = monitor->GetAnalysisUpdateDelay(); time_t last_analysis_update_time, cur_time; monitor->UpdateAdaptiveSkip(); last_analysis_update_time = time( 0 ); while( !zm_terminate ) { // Process the next image sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); // Some periodic updates are required for variable capturing framerate if ( analysis_update_delay ) { cur_time = time( 0 ); if ( ( cur_time - last_analysis_update_time ) > analysis_update_delay ) { analysis_rate = monitor->GetAnalysisRate(); monitor->UpdateAdaptiveSkip(); last_analysis_update_time = cur_time; } } if ( !monitor->Analyse() ) { usleep( monitor->Active()?ZM_SAMPLE_RATE:ZM_SUSPENDED_RATE ); } else if ( analysis_rate ) { usleep( analysis_rate ); } if ( zm_reload ) { monitor->Reload(); zm_reload = false; } sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); } delete monitor; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Can't find monitor with id of %d\n", id ); } Image::Deinitialise(); logTerm(); zmDbClose(); return( 0 ); }
int main( int argc, const char *argv[] ) { self = argv[0]; srand( getpid() * time( 0 ) ); enum { ZMS_MONITOR, ZMS_EVENT } source = ZMS_MONITOR; enum { ZMS_JPEG, ZMS_MPEG, ZMS_RAW, ZMS_ZIP, ZMS_SINGLE } mode = ZMS_JPEG; char format[32] = ""; int monitor_id = 0; time_t event_time = 0; int event_id = 0; unsigned int frame_id = 1; unsigned int scale = 100; unsigned int rate = 100; double maxfps = 10.0; unsigned int bitrate = 100000; unsigned int ttl = 0; EventStream::StreamMode replay = EventStream::MODE_SINGLE; char username[64] = ""; char password[64] = ""; char auth[64] = ""; unsigned int connkey = 0; unsigned int playback_buffer = 0; bool nph = false; const char *basename = strrchr( argv[0], '/' ); if (basename) //if we found a / lets skip past it basename++; else //argv[0] will not always contain the full path, but rather just the script name basename = argv[0]; const char *nph_prefix = "nph-"; if ( basename && !strncmp( basename, nph_prefix, strlen(nph_prefix) ) ) { nph = true; } zmLoadConfig(); logInit( "zms" ); ssedetect(); zmSetDefaultTermHandler(); zmSetDefaultDieHandler(); const char *query = getenv( "QUERY_STRING" ); if ( query ) { Debug( 1, "Query: %s", query ); char temp_query[1024]; strncpy( temp_query, query, sizeof(temp_query) ); char *q_ptr = temp_query; char *parms[16]; // Shouldn't be more than this int parm_no = 0; while( (parm_no < 16) && (parms[parm_no] = strtok( q_ptr, "&" )) ) { parm_no++; q_ptr = NULL; } for ( int p = 0; p < parm_no; p++ ) { char *name = strtok( parms[p], "=" ); char *value = strtok( NULL, "=" ); if ( !value ) value = (char *)""; if ( !strcmp( name, "source" ) ) { source = !strcmp( value, "event" )?ZMS_EVENT:ZMS_MONITOR; } else if ( !strcmp( name, "mode" ) ) { mode = !strcmp( value, "jpeg" )?ZMS_JPEG:ZMS_MPEG; mode = !strcmp( value, "raw" )?ZMS_RAW:mode; mode = !strcmp( value, "zip" )?ZMS_ZIP:mode; mode = !strcmp( value, "single" )?ZMS_SINGLE:mode; } else if ( !strcmp( name, "format" ) ) strncpy( format, value, sizeof(format) ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "monitor" ) ) monitor_id = atoi( value ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "time" ) ) event_time = atoi( value ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "event" ) ) event_id = strtoull( value, (char **)NULL, 10 ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "frame" ) ) frame_id = strtoull( value, (char **)NULL, 10 ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "scale" ) ) scale = atoi( value ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "rate" ) ) rate = atoi( value ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "maxfps" ) ) maxfps = atof( value ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "bitrate" ) ) bitrate = atoi( value ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "ttl" ) ) ttl = atoi(value); else if ( !strcmp( name, "replay" ) ) { replay = !strcmp( value, "gapless" )?EventStream::MODE_ALL_GAPLESS:EventStream::MODE_SINGLE; replay = !strcmp( value, "all" )?EventStream::MODE_ALL:replay; } else if ( !strcmp( name, "connkey" ) ) connkey = atoi(value); else if ( !strcmp( name, "buffer" ) ) playback_buffer = atoi(value); else if ( config.opt_use_auth ) { if ( strcmp( config.auth_relay, "none" ) == 0 ) { if ( !strcmp( name, "user" ) ) { strncpy( username, value, sizeof(username) ); } } else { //if ( strcmp( config.auth_relay, "hashed" ) == 0 ) { if ( !strcmp( name, "auth" ) ) { strncpy( auth, value, sizeof(auth) ); } } //else if ( strcmp( config.auth_relay, "plain" ) == 0 ) { if ( !strcmp( name, "user" ) ) { strncpy( username, value, sizeof(username) ); } if ( !strcmp( name, "pass" ) ) { strncpy( password, value, sizeof(password) ); } } } } } } if ( config.opt_use_auth ) { User *user = 0; if ( strcmp( config.auth_relay, "none" ) == 0 ) { if ( *username ) { user = zmLoadUser( username ); } } else { //if ( strcmp( config.auth_relay, "hashed" ) == 0 ) { if ( *auth ) { user = zmLoadAuthUser( auth, config.auth_hash_ips ); } } //else if ( strcmp( config.auth_relay, "plain" ) == 0 ) { if ( *username && *password ) { user = zmLoadUser( username, password ); } } } if ( !user ) { Error( "Unable to authenticate user" ); logTerm(); zmDbClose(); return( -1 ); } ValidateAccess( user, monitor_id ); } setbuf( stdout, 0 ); if ( nph ) { fprintf( stdout, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" ); } fprintf( stdout, "Server: ZoneMinder Video Server/%s\r\n", ZM_VERSION ); time_t now = time( 0 ); char date_string[64]; strftime( date_string, sizeof(date_string)-1, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime( &now ) ); fprintf( stdout, "Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT\r\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "Last-Modified: %s\r\n", date_string ); fprintf( stdout, "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0\r\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); // Removed as causing more problems than it fixed. //if ( !nph ) //{ //fprintf( stdout, "Content-Length: 0\r\n"); //} if ( source == ZMS_MONITOR ) { MonitorStream stream; stream.setStreamScale( scale ); stream.setStreamReplayRate( rate ); stream.setStreamMaxFPS( maxfps ); stream.setStreamTTL( ttl ); stream.setStreamQueue( connkey ); stream.setStreamBuffer( playback_buffer ); if ( ! stream.setStreamStart( monitor_id ) ) { Error( "Unable to connect to zmc process for monitor %d", monitor_id ); fprintf( stderr, "Unable to connect to zmc process. Please ensure that it is running." ); logTerm(); zmDbClose(); return( -1 ); } if ( mode == ZMS_JPEG ) { stream.setStreamType( MonitorStream::STREAM_JPEG ); } else if ( mode == ZMS_RAW ) { stream.setStreamType( MonitorStream::STREAM_RAW ); } else if ( mode == ZMS_ZIP ) { stream.setStreamType( MonitorStream::STREAM_ZIP ); } else if ( mode == ZMS_SINGLE ) { stream.setStreamType( MonitorStream::STREAM_SINGLE ); } else { #if HAVE_LIBAVCODEC stream.setStreamFormat( format ); stream.setStreamBitrate( bitrate ); stream.setStreamType( MonitorStream::STREAM_MPEG ); #else // HAVE_LIBAVCODEC Error( "MPEG streaming of '%s' attempted while disabled", query ); fprintf( stderr, "MPEG streaming is disabled.\nYou should configure with the --with-ffmpeg option and rebuild to use this functionality.\n" ); logTerm(); zmDbClose(); return( -1 ); #endif // HAVE_LIBAVCODEC } stream.runStream(); } else if ( source == ZMS_EVENT ) { EventStream stream; stream.setStreamScale( scale ); stream.setStreamReplayRate( rate ); stream.setStreamMaxFPS( maxfps ); stream.setStreamMode( replay ); stream.setStreamQueue( connkey ); if ( monitor_id && event_time ) { stream.setStreamStart( monitor_id, event_time ); } else { stream.setStreamStart( event_id, frame_id ); } if ( mode == ZMS_JPEG ) { stream.setStreamType( EventStream::STREAM_JPEG ); } else { #if HAVE_LIBAVCODEC stream.setStreamFormat( format ); stream.setStreamBitrate( bitrate ); stream.setStreamType( EventStream::STREAM_MPEG ); #else // HAVE_LIBAVCODEC Error( "MPEG streaming of '%s' attempted while disabled", query ); fprintf( stderr, "MPEG streaming is disabled.\nYou should ensure the ffmpeg libraries are installed and detected and rebuild to use this functionality.\n" ); logTerm(); zmDbClose(); return( -1 ); #endif // HAVE_LIBAVCODEC } stream.runStream(); } logTerm(); zmDbClose(); return( 0 ); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { srand( getpid() * time( 0 ) ); int id = -1; static struct option long_options[] = { {"monitor", 1, 0, 'm'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; while (1) { int option_index = 0; int c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "m:h", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'm': id = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': Usage(); break; default: //fprintf( stderr, "?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c ); break; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf( stderr, "Extraneous options, " ); while (optind < argc) printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]); printf ("\n"); Usage(); } if ( id < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bogus monitor %d\n", id ); Usage(); exit( 0 ); } char dbg_id_string[16]; snprintf( dbg_id_string, sizeof(dbg_id_string), "m%d", id ); zmDbgInit( "zmf", dbg_id_string, 0 ); zmLoadConfig(); Monitor *monitor = Monitor::Load( id, false, Monitor::QUERY ); if ( !monitor ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't find monitor with id of %d\n", id ); exit( -1 ); } char capt_path[PATH_MAX]; char anal_path[PATH_MAX]; snprintf( capt_path, sizeof(capt_path), "%s/%d/%%s/%%0%dd-capture.jpg", config.dir_events, monitor->Id(), config.event_image_digits ); snprintf( anal_path, sizeof(anal_path), "%s/%d/%%s/%%0%dd-analyse.jpg", config.dir_events, monitor->Id(), config.event_image_digits ); zmSetDefaultTermHandler(); zmSetDefaultDieHandler(); sigset_t block_set; sigemptyset( &block_set ); int sd = OpenSocket( monitor->Id() ); FrameHeader frame_header = { 0, 0, false, 0 }; //unsigned char *image_data = 0; fd_set rfds; struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; while( 1 ) { struct timeval temp_timeout = timeout; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(sd, &rfds); int n_found = select( sd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &temp_timeout ); if( n_found == 0 ) { Debug( 1, "Select timed out" ); continue; } else if ( n_found < 0) { Error( "Select error: %s", strerror(errno) ); ReopenSocket( sd, monitor->Id() ); continue; } sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); int n_bytes = read( sd, &frame_header, sizeof(frame_header) ); if ( n_bytes != sizeof(frame_header) ) { if ( n_bytes < 0 ) { Error( "Can't read frame header: %s", strerror(errno) ); } else if ( n_bytes > 0 ) { Error( "Incomplete read of frame header, %d bytes only", n_bytes ); } else { Warning( "Socket closed at remote end" ); } ReopenSocket( sd, monitor->Id() ); continue; } Debug( 1, "Read frame header, expecting %ld bytes of image", frame_header.image_length ); static unsigned char image_data[ZM_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE]; n_bytes = read( sd, image_data, frame_header.image_length ); if ( n_bytes != (ssize_t)frame_header.image_length ) { if ( n_bytes < 0 ) { Error( "Can't read frame image data: %s", strerror(errno) ); } else if ( n_bytes > 0 ) { Error( "Incomplete read of frame image data, %d bytes only", n_bytes ); } else { Warning( "Socket closed at remote end" ); } ReopenSocket( sd, monitor->Id() ); continue; } static char subpath[PATH_MAX] = ""; if ( config.use_deep_storage ) { struct tm *time = localtime( &frame_header.event_time ); snprintf( subpath, sizeof(subpath), "%02d/%02d/%02d/%02d/%02d/%02d", time->tm_year-100, time->tm_mon+1, time->tm_mday, time->tm_hour, time->tm_min, time->tm_sec ); } else { snprintf( subpath, sizeof(subpath), "%ld", frame_header.event_id ); } static char path[PATH_MAX] = ""; snprintf( path, sizeof(path), frame_header.alarm_frame?anal_path:capt_path, subpath, frame_header.frame_id ); Debug( 1, "Got image, writing to %s", path ); FILE *fd = 0; if ( (fd = fopen( path, "w" )) < 0 ) { Error( "Can't fopen '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno) ); exit( -1 ); } if ( 0 == fwrite( image_data, frame_header.image_length, 1, fd ) ) { Error( "Can't fwrite image data: %s", strerror(errno) ); exit( -1 ); } fclose( fd ); sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &block_set, 0 ); } }