Exemple #1
void poisson_recursive(float *out, float *in, float *dat, int w, int h,
		int scale)
	float *init = xmalloc(w*h*sizeof*init);
	if (scale > 1)
		int ws = ceil(w/2.0);
		int hs = ceil(h/2.0);
		float *ins  = xmalloc(ws * hs * sizeof*ins);
		float *dats = xmalloc(ws * hs * sizeof*dats);
		float *outs = xmalloc(ws * hs * sizeof*outs);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(ins, ws, hs, in, w, h);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(dats, ws, hs, dat, w, h);
		for (int i = 0; i < ws*hs; i++)
			dats[i] *= 4;
		poisson_recursive(outs, ins, dats, ws, hs, scale-1);
		zoom_in_by_factor_two(init, w, h, outs, ws, hs);

	} else {
		for (int i = 0 ; i < w*h; i++)
			init[i] = 0;
	poisson_solver_with_init(out, in, dat, w, h, init);
Exemple #2
void poisson_rec(float *out, float *in, float *dat, int w, int h,
		float tstep, int niter, int scale)
	float *init = xmalloc(w*h*sizeof*init);
	if (scale > 1)
		int ws = ceil(w/2.0);
		int hs = ceil(h/2.0);
		float *ins  = xmalloc(ws * hs * sizeof*ins);
		float *dats = xmalloc(ws * hs * sizeof*dats);
		float *outs = xmalloc(ws * hs * sizeof*outs);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(ins, ws, hs, in, w, h);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(dats, ws, hs, dat, w, h);
		poisson_rec(outs, ins, dats, ws, hs, tstep, niter, scale-1);
		zoom_in_by_factor_two(init, w, h, outs, ws, hs);
	} else {
		for (int i = 0 ; i < w*h; i++)
			init[i] = 0;
	poisson_extension_with_init(out, in, dat, w, h, tstep, niter, init);
Exemple #3
// recursive function to find the displacement vector that minimizes error
// A, B: input images
// w: width
// h: heigth
// scale: number of multi-scale recursions
// d: optimal displacement (output)
void find_displacement(int d[2], float *A, float *B, int w, int h, int scale)
	// find an initial rhough displacement d
	if (scale > 1) // call the function recursively
		int ws = ceil(w/2.0);
		int hs = ceil(h/2.0);
		float *As = malloc(ws * hs * sizeof*As);
		float *Bs = malloc(ws * hs * sizeof*Bs);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(As, ws, hs, A, w, h);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(Bs, ws, hs, B, w, h);
		find_displacement(d, As, Bs, ws, hs, scale-1);
		d[0] *= 2;
		d[1] *= 2;
	} else {
		d[0] = 0;
		d[1] = 0;

	// refine the rhough displacement by local optimization
	int bestn = -1, neig[9][2] = { {-1,-1},{-1,0},{-1,1},
		{0,-1},{0,0},{0,1}, {1,-1},{1,0},{1,1}, };
	float best = INFINITY;
	float tbest[9];

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int n = 0; n < 9; n++)
		int D[2] = {d[0] + neig[n][0], d[1] + neig[n][1]};
		float r = eval_displacement(A, B, w, h, D);
		tbest[n] = r;
////#pragma omp critical
//		if (r < best) {
//			best = r;
//			bestn = n;
//		}
	for (int n = 0; n < 9; n++)
		if (tbest[n] < best)
			best = tbest[n];
			bestn = n;
	d[0] += neig[bestn][0];
	d[1] += neig[bestn][1];
	fprintf(stderr, "%dx%d: %d %d\n", w, h, d[0], d[1]);
Exemple #4
void mnehs_affine_ms(float *out, float *in, int w, int h,
		float *a, int aw, int ah,
		float *b, int bw, int bh,
		double PA[8], double PB[8],
		float alpha2, int niter, int scale)
	float *init = xmalloc(w*h*sizeof*init);
	if (scale > 1)
		int  ws = ceil( w/2.0); int  hs = ceil( h/2.0);
		int aws = ceil(aw/2.0); int ahs = ceil(ah/2.0);
		int bws = ceil(bw/2.0); int bhs = ceil(bh/2.0);
		float *is = xmalloc( ws *  hs * sizeof*is);
		float *os = xmalloc( ws *  hs * sizeof*os);
		float *as = xmalloc(aws * bhs * sizeof*as);
		float *bs = xmalloc(bws * bhs * sizeof*bs);

		double PAs[8] = { PA[0], PA[1], PA[2]/2, PA[3]/2,
			          PA[4], PA[5], PA[6]/2, PA[7]/2 };
		double PBs[8] = { PB[0], PB[1], PB[2]/2, PB[3]/2,
			          PB[4], PB[5], PB[6]/2, PB[7]/2 };
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(is,  ws,  hs, in, w,  h);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(as, aws, ahs, a, aw, ah);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(bs, bws, bhs, b, bw, bh);
		mnehs_affine_ms(os, is, ws, hs, as, aws, ahs, bs, bws, bhs,
				PAs, PBs, alpha2, niter, scale - 1);
		zoom_in_by_factor_two(init, w, h, os, ws, hs);

	} else {
		for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++)
		       init[i] = in[i];	
	global_scale = scale;
	mnehs_affine(out, init, w,h, a,aw,ah, b,bw,bh, PA, PB, alpha2, niter);
Exemple #5
static void create_pyramid(struct pan_state *e)
	for (int s = 0; s < MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS; s++)
		int            lw   = s ? e->pyr_w  [s-1] : e->w  ;
		int            lh   = s ? e->pyr_h  [s-1] : e->h  ;
		unsigned char *lrgb = s ? e->pyr_rgb[s-1] : e->rgb;
		int            sw   = ceil(lw / 2.0);
		int            sh   = ceil(lh / 2.0);
		unsigned char *srgb = malloc(3 * sw * sh);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(srgb, sw, sh, lrgb, lw, lh);
		e->pyr_w[s]   = sw;
		e->pyr_h[s]   = sh;
		e->pyr_rgb[s] = srgb;
Exemple #6
// inpaint the NAN values of an image
void simplest_inpainting(float *x, int w, int h)
	float *y = malloc(w * h * sizeof*y);
	if (w > 1 || h > 1)
		int ws = ceil(w/2.0);
		int hs = ceil(h/2.0);
		float *xs  = malloc(ws * hs * sizeof*xs);
		zoom_out_by_factor_two(xs, ws, hs, x, w, h);
		simplest_inpainting(xs, ws, hs);
		zoom_in_by_factor_two(y, w, h, xs, ws, hs);
	for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
		if (isnan(x[i]))
			x[i] = y[i];