Exemple #1
//  Configure the number of sockets that ZeroMQ will allow. The default  
//  is 1024. The actual limit depends on the system, and you can query it
//  by using zsys_socket_limit (). A value of zero means "maximum".      
//  Note that this method is valid only before any socket is created.    
void QmlZprocAttached::setMaxSockets (size_t maxSockets) {
    zproc_set_max_sockets (maxSockets);
Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zproc__1_1setMaxSockets (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong max_sockets)
    zproc_set_max_sockets ((size_t) max_sockets);
Exemple #3
//  Configure the number of sockets that ZeroMQ will allow. The default
//  is 1024. The actual limit depends on the system, and you can query it
//  by using zsys_socket_limit (). A value of zero means "maximum".
//  Note that this method is valid only before any socket is created.
void QZproc::setMaxSockets (size_t maxSockets)
    zproc_set_max_sockets (maxSockets);
