void showbest (FILE *fp, #ifndef PCOMPLIB unsigned char **aa0, unsigned char *aa1save, int maxn, #endif struct beststr **bptr,int nbest, int qlib, struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct pstruct *ppst, struct db_str db, char **info_gstring2 #ifndef PCOMPLIB ,void **f_str #endif ) { unsigned char *aa1, *aa1a; int ntmp = 0; char bline[MAX_BLINE], fmt[40], pad[MAX_BLINE], rline[40]; char l_name[128]; int istart = 0, istop, ib; int nshow; int quiet; int r_margin; struct beststr *bbp; int n1tot; char *bp; char rel_label[12]; char tmp_str[20], *seq_code, *ann_code; int seq_code_len, ann_code_len; long loffset; /* loffset is offset from beginning of real sequence */ long l_off; /* l_off is the the virtual coordinate of residue 1 */ int n0, n1; struct rstruct rst; int lc, seqc_max, annc_max, nident, ngap; float percent, gpercent; struct a_struct *aln_p; int *tres; int gi_num; char html_pre_E[120], html_post_E[120]; #ifndef PCOMPLIB struct lmf_str *m_fptr; #endif strncpy(rel_label,"\0",2); #ifdef SHOWREL strncpy(rel_label," related",sizeof(rel_label)); #endif #ifdef SHOWUN strncpy(rel_label," unrelated",sizeof(rel_label)); #endif rel_label[sizeof(rel_label)-1]='\0'; #ifdef PCOMPLIB quiet = 1; #else quiet = m_msp->quiet; #endif n0 = m_msp->n0; if (m_msp->aln.llen > MAX_BLINE) m_msp->aln.llen = MAX_BLINE; if (ppst->zsflag < 0) r_margin = 10; else if (ppst->zsflag>=0 && m_msp->srelv > 1 ) r_margin = 19; else r_margin = 10; if (m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM && m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ID) { #ifdef SHOWSIM r_margin += 15; #else r_margin += 10; #endif } if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) { strncpy(html_pre_E,"<font color=\"darkred\">",sizeof(html_pre_E)); strncpy(html_post_E,"</font>",sizeof(html_post_E)); } else { html_pre_E[0] = html_post_E[0] = '\0'; } if (m_msp->nframe < 0) { #ifndef SUPERFAMNUM sprintf(fmt,"%%-%ds (%%4d)",m_msp->aln.llen-r_margin); #else sprintf(fmt,"%%-%ds [%%4d](%%4d)",m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+4)); #endif } else { sprintf(fmt,"%%-%ds (%%4d)",m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+4)); } memset(pad,' ',m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+6)); pad[m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+12)]='\0'; if (quiet != -1) { /* quiet is set to -1 in comp_lib2.c to force all significant hits to be shown */ nshow = 20; if (m_msp->mshow == -1) {nshow = nbest;} /* show all */ /* show specified number */ else if (m_msp->mshow_flg) { nshow = min (m_msp->mshow, nshow); } } else nshow = m_msp->nshow; if (quiet==0) istop = 20; else istop = nshow; if (quiet==0) { printf(" How many scores would you like to see? [%d] ",m_msp->nshow); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(rline,20,stdin)==NULL) exit(0); nshow = m_msp->nshow; if (rline[0]!='\n' && rline[0]!=0) sscanf(rline,"%d",&nshow); if (nshow<=0) nshow = min(20,nbest); } if ((bp = strchr (m_msp->qtitle, '\n')) != NULL) *bp = '\0'; /* fprintf (fp, "%3d %s\n", qlib,m_msp->qtitle); */ if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) fprintf(fp,"<p><tt><pre>\n"); if (ppst->zsflag >= 0) { if (bptr[0]->rst.escore < m_msp->e_cut) { if (m_msp->z_bits==1) {/* show bit score */ fprintf(fp,"\nThe best%s scores are:%s%s bits %sE(%ld)%s", rel_label,pad,m_msp->label,html_pre_E,ppst->zdb_size,html_post_E); } else {/* show z-score */ fprintf(fp,"\nThe best%s scores are:%s%s z-sc %sE(%ld)%s", rel_label,pad,m_msp->label,html_pre_E,ppst->zdb_size,html_post_E); } header_aux(fp); if (m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM) { if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ID) { #ifdef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp," %%_id %%_sim alen"); #else fprintf(fp," %%_id alen"); #endif } else { if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML && m_msp->show_code !=1) { fprintf(fp,"<!-- ");} #ifndef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp,"\t%%_id %%_gid %4s alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs ",m_msp->f_id1); #else fprintf(fp,"\t%%_id %%_sim %4s alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs ",m_msp->f_id1); #endif } if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ALIGN) { fprintf(fp," aln_code"); } if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML && m_msp->show_code!=1) { fprintf(fp," -->");} } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } else { fprintf(fp,"!! No library sequences with E() < %.2g\n",m_msp->e_cut); m_msp->nshow = 0; if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) fprintf(fp,"<p></tt></pre>\n"); return; } } else { fprintf(fp,"\nThe best%s scores are:%s%s",rel_label,pad,m_msp->label); header_aux(fp); if (m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM) { if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ID) { #ifdef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp," %%_id %%_sm alen"); #else fprintf(fp," %%_id alen"); #endif } else { #ifndef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp,"\t%%_id %%_gid %4s alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs ",m_msp->f_id1); #else fprintf(fp,"\t%%_id %%_sim %4s alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs ",m_msp->f_id1); #endif /* SHOWSIM */ } } if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ALIGN) { fprintf(fp," aln_code"); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } istart = 0; l1: istop = min(nbest,nshow); for (ib=istart; ib<istop; ib++) { bbp = bptr[ib]; #ifndef PCOMPLIB #ifdef DEBUG if (bbp->seq->n1 != bbp->n1 ) { fprintf(stderr, " *** lib len error [%d!=%d] *** %s score %d\n", bbp->seq->n1,bbp->n1, bbp->seq->libstr, bbp->rst.score[0]); } #endif #endif #ifdef SUPERFAMNUM if (BBP_INFO(nsfnum) > 0 && sfn_cmp(m_msp->qsfnum_n,BBP_INFO(sfnum))) continue; #ifdef SHOWUN if (BBP_INFO(nsfnum) > 0 && sfn_cmp(m_msp->qsfnum,BBP_INFO(sfnum))) { istop = min(istop+1,nbest); /* fprintf(stderr,"skipping %d: %d==%d\n",ib,m_msp->qsfnum,BBP_INFO(sfnum)); */ continue; } #endif /* SHOWUN */ #ifdef SHOWREL if (BBP_INFO(nsfnum) == 0 || (BBP_INFO(nsfnum) > 0 && !sfn_cmp(m_msp->qsfnum,BBP_INFO(sfnum)))) { istop = min(istop+1,nbest); continue; } #endif /* SHOWREL */ #endif /* SUPERFAMNUM */ if (quiet==1 && ppst->zsflag>=0) { if (bbp->rst.escore > m_msp->e_cut) { nshow = ib; goto done; } else if (bbp->rst.escore < m_msp->e_low) continue; } #ifndef PCOMPLIB if ((m_fptr=re_openlib(bbp->seq->m_file_p,!m_msp->quiet))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** cannot re-open %s\n",bbp->seq->m_file_p->lb_name); exit(1); } RANLIB(bline,m_msp->aln.llen,bbp->seq->lseek,bbp->seq->libstr,m_fptr); #else /* PCOMPLIB */ strncpy(bline,BBP_INFO(bline),m_msp->aln.llen-r_margin); bline[m_msp->aln.llen]='\0'; #endif /* l_name is used to build an HTML link from the bestscore line to the alignment. It can also be used to discriminate multiple hits from the same long sequence. This requires that fast_pan use -m 6. */ strncpy(l_name,bline,sizeof(l_name)); /* get rid of text after second "|" */ l_name[sizeof(l_name)-1]='\0'; if ((bp=strchr(l_name,' '))!=NULL) *bp=0; if ((bp=strchr(&l_name[3],'|'))!=NULL) *bp='\0'; if (m_msp->nframe > 2) sprintf(&l_name[strlen(l_name)],"_%d",bbp->frame+1); else if (m_msp->nframe > 0 && bbp->frame == 1) strncat(l_name,"_r",sizeof(l_name)); if (bbp->seq->cont-1 > 0) { sprintf(tmp_str,":%d",bbp->seq->cont-1); strncat(l_name,tmp_str,sizeof(l_name)-strlen(l_name)); } #ifndef PCOMPLIB aln_p = &(m_msp->aln); if (m_msp->stages>1 || m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM) { if (bbp->seq->aa1b == NULL || (m_msp->ann_flg && bbp->seq->aa1_ann==NULL)) { /* get the sequence but don't save it */ n1 = re_getlib(aa1save, m_msp->ann_flg ? &(bbp->seq->aa1_ann) : NULL, maxn,m_msp->maxt3, m_msp->l_overlap,bbp->seq->cont,m_msp->term_code, &loffset,&l_off,bbp->seq->m_file_p); aa1 = aa1save; aa1a = bbp->seq->aa1_ann; } else { n1 = bbp->seq->n1; aa1 = bbp->seq->aa1b; aa1a = bbp->seq->aa1_ann; loffset = bbp->seq->l_offset; l_off = bbp->seq->l_off; } if (! m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM) { do_opt (aa0[bbp->frame], m_msp->n0, aa1, n1, bbp->frame, ppst, f_str[bbp->frame], &rst); bbp->rst.score[2]=rst.score[2]; } else { if (!bbp->have_ares) { /* showbest() can be called more than once */ do_walign(aa0[bbp->frame],m_msp->n0, aa1, n1, bbp->frame, ppst, f_str[bbp->frame], &bbp->a_res, &bbp->have_ares); /* if do_walign does not provide a fresh a_res, then copy the re-used a_res to a new location */ if (bbp->have_ares && !(bbp->have_ares & 0x2)) { if ((tres = calloc(bbp->a_res.nres+1,sizeof(int)))!=NULL) { memcpy(tres,bbp->a_res.res,sizeof(int)*bbp->a_res.nres); bbp->a_res.res = tres; bbp->have_ares |= 0x2; /* set 0x2 if has local copy */ } else { bbp->have_ares = 0; /* could not allocate memory */ } } } else { pre_cons(aa1,n1,bbp->frame,f_str[bbp->frame]); } aln_func_vals(bbp->frame, aln_p); seqc_max = bbp->a_res.nres + 4*m_msp->aln.llen+4; seq_code = NULL; seq_code_len = 0; if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ALIGN) { seq_code=(char *)calloc(seqc_max,sizeof(char)); /* if we have an annotation string, allocate space for the encoded annotation */ if (m_msp->ann_arr[0] != '\0') { /* the annotation encoding can be considerably longer than the alignment encoding */ annc_max = 4*seqc_max; ann_code=(char *)calloc(annc_max,sizeof(char)); } else { ann_code = NULL; annc_max = 0; } if (seq_code != NULL) { calc_astruct(aln_p, &bbp->a_res); /* we need this for offset information for calc_code, but it is incomplete so we must do it again */ cal_coord(m_msp->n0,BBP_INFO(n1), m_msp->q_offset + (m_msp->q_off-1) + (m_msp->sq0off-1), loffset + (l_off-1) + (m_msp->sq1off-1), aln_p); lc=calc_code(aa0[bbp->frame],m_msp->n0, aa1,n1, &m_msp->aln,&bbp->a_res, ppst,seq_code,seqc_max, m_msp->ann_arr, m_msp->aa0a, aa1a, ann_code, annc_max, f_str[bbp->frame]); seq_code_len = strlen(seq_code); if (ann_code != NULL) ann_code_len = strlen(ann_code); else ann_code_len = 0; } } else { lc=calc_id(aa0[bbp->frame],m_msp->n0,aa1,n1, &m_msp->aln, &bbp->a_res, ppst,f_str[bbp->frame]); } m_msp->aln.a_len = lc; nident = m_msp->aln.nident; if (lc > 0) percent = (100.0*(float)nident)/(float)lc; else percent = -1.00; ngap = m_msp->aln.ngap_q + m_msp->aln.ngap_l; #ifndef SHOWSIM if (lc-ngap > 0) gpercent = (100.0*(float)nident)/(float)(lc-ngap); else gpercent = -1.00; #else if (lc-ngap > 0) gpercent = (100.0*(float)m_msp->aln.nsim)/(float)(lc); else gpercent = -1.00; #endif /* SHOWSIM */ } } #endif /* PCOMPLIB */ n1tot = (BBP_INFO(n1tot_p)) ? *BBP_INFO(n1tot_p) : BBP_INFO(n1); bp = bline; if ((m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) && !strncmp(bline,"gi|",3)) { bp = strchr(bline+4,'|')+1; *(bp-1) = 0; gi_num = atoi(bline+3); } #ifndef SUPERFAMNUM bp[m_msp->aln.llen-r_margin]='\0'; #else bp[m_msp->aln.llen-r_margin-5]='\0'; #endif if (m_msp->nframe == -1) bp[m_msp->aln.llen-r_margin]='\0'; else bp[m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+4)]='\0'; #ifndef SUPERFAMNUM fprintf (fp, fmt,bp,n1tot); #else if (m_msp->nframe == -1) { fprintf (fp, fmt,bp,BBP_INFO(sfnum[0]),n1tot); } else {fprintf (fp, fmt,bp,n1tot);} #endif if (m_msp->nframe > 2) fprintf (fp, " [%d]", bbp->frame+1); else if (m_msp->nframe >= 0) fprintf(fp," [%c]",(bbp->frame > 0 ?'r':'f')); if (m_msp->srelv == 1) fprintf (fp, " %4d", bbp->rst.score[ppst->score_ix]); else { if (m_msp->srelv-1 > 0) fprintf (fp, " %4d", bbp->rst.score[0]); if (m_msp->srelv-1 > 1 || m_msp->stages>1) fprintf (fp, " %4d", bbp->rst.score[1]); fprintf (fp, " %4d", bbp->rst.score[ppst->score_ix]); } if (ppst->zsflag>=0) { if (m_msp->z_bits==1) { fprintf (fp, " %.1f %s%7.2g%s",zs_to_bit(bbp->zscore,m_msp->n0,BBP_INFO(n1)),html_pre_E,bbp->rst.escore,html_post_E); } else fprintf (fp, " %.1f %s%7.2g%s",bbp->zscore,html_pre_E,bbp->rst.escore,html_post_E); } show_aux(fp,bbp); #ifdef PCOMPLIB n1 = BBP_INFO(n1); percent = bbp->percent; gpercent = bbp->gpercent; aln_p = &(bbp->aln_d); seq_code = bbp->aln_code; seq_code_len = bbp->aln_code_n; ann_code = bbp->ann_code; ann_code_len = bbp->ann_code_n; loffset = bbp->seq->l_offset; l_off = 0; #endif if (m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM) { if (m_msp->show_code != SHOW_CODE_ID) { /* we need the coordinates for annotated SHOW_CODE_ALIGN */ cal_coord(m_msp->n0,BBP_INFO(n1), m_msp->q_offset + (m_msp->q_off-1) + (m_msp->sq0off-1), loffset + (l_off-1) + (m_msp->sq1off-1), aln_p); if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) fprintf(fp,"<!-- "); /* %_id %_sim s-w alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs */ /* alignment min max min max */ /* sequence coordinate min max min max */ fprintf(fp,"\t%5.3f %5.3f %4d %4d %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %3d %3d %3d", percent/100.0,gpercent/100.0, #ifndef PCOMPLIB bbp->a_res.sw_score, #else bbp->sw_score, #endif aln_p->a_len, aln_p->d_start0,aln_p->d_stop0, aln_p->q_offset+1, aln_p->q_offset+m_msp->n0, aln_p->d_start1,aln_p->d_stop1, aln_p->l_offset+1, aln_p->l_offset+BBP_INFO(n1), aln_p->ngap_q,aln_p->ngap_l,aln_p->nfs); if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ALIGN && seq_code_len > 0 && seq_code != NULL) { fprintf(fp,"\t%s",seq_code); if (ann_code_len > 0 && ann_code != NULL) { fprintf(fp,"\t%s",ann_code); } /* fprintf(fp," [%2d:%d]",bbp->wrkr,bbp->seqnm); */ /* if we are doing MX_M10FORM and -m 9c, then we want to keep the alignment code string for the alignment output - otherwise, we can free() it If PCOMPLIB, then it is stored in bbp->ann_code*, otherwise, it's in a_res. */ #ifndef PCOMPLIB if (m_msp->markx & MX_M10FORM) { /* save encoded alignments in a_res */ if ((bbp->a_res.aln_code = (char *)calloc(seq_code_len+1,sizeof(char)))!=NULL) { strncpy(bbp->a_res.aln_code,seq_code,seq_code_len+1); bbp->a_res.aln_code[seq_code_len] = '\0'; bbp->a_res.aln_code_n = seq_code_len; } } /* always free the originally allocated encoding */ free(seq_code); seq_code = NULL; seq_code_len = 0; #else /* only free it if not to be used */ if (!(m_msp->markx & MX_M10FORM)) { free(bbp->aln_code); bbp->aln_code_n = 0; } #endif /* also clean up ann_code(_n) */ if (ann_code_len > 0 && ann_code != NULL) { #ifndef PCOMPLIB if (m_msp->markx & MX_M10FORM) { /* save encoded annotations in a_res */ if ((bbp->a_res.ann_code = (char *)calloc(ann_code_len+1,sizeof(char)))!=NULL) { strncpy(bbp->a_res.ann_code,ann_code,ann_code_len+1); bbp->a_res.ann_code[ann_code_len] = '\0'; bbp->a_res.ann_code_n = ann_code_len; } else { bbp->a_res.ann_code = NULL; bbp->a_res.ann_code_n = 0; } } free(ann_code); ann_code = NULL; ann_code_len = 0; #else if (!(m_msp->markx & MX_M10FORM)) { free(bbp->ann_code); bbp->ann_code_n = 0; } #endif } } if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) fprintf(fp," -->"); } else { #ifdef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp," %5.3f %5.3f %4d", percent/100.0,(float)aln_p->nsim/(float)aln_p->a_len,aln_p->a_len); #else fprintf(fp," %5.3f %4d", percent/100.0,aln_p->a_len); #endif } } if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) fprintf(fp," <A HREF=\"#%s\">align</A>",l_name); fprintf (fp, "\n"); fflush(fp); } if (quiet==0) { printf(" More scores? [0] "); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(rline,20,stdin)==NULL) exit(0); ntmp = 0; if (rline[0]!='\n' && rline[0]!=0) sscanf(rline,"%d",&ntmp); if (ntmp<=0) ntmp = 0; if (ntmp>0) { istart = istop; nshow += ntmp; goto l1; } } else if (quiet == 1) if (ib < nbest && (ppst->zsflag>=0 && bbp->rst.escore < m_msp->e_cut)) { if (m_msp->mshow_flg && istop >= m_msp->mshow) goto done; istart=istop; nshow += 10; goto l1; } done: m_msp->nshow = nshow; if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) fprintf(fp,"</pre></tt><p><hr><p>\n"); if (fp!=stdout) fprintf(fp,"\n"); }
void showbest (FILE *fp, #ifndef PCOMPLIB unsigned char **aa0, unsigned char *aa1, int maxn, #endif struct beststr **bptr,int nbest, int qlib, struct mngmsg *m_msg, struct pstruct *ppst, struct db_str db, char **info_gstring2 #ifndef PCOMPLIB ,void **f_str #endif ) { int i, j, k, rel_tot; int irelv; int unf_num0, relm_num0; int unf_num01,relm_num01; int unf_num02, relm_num02; int unf_num05, relm_num05; int unf_num100, relm_num100; int equ_num, rel_3_num, rel_1_num; double unf_score0, unf_score01, unf_score02 ,unf_score05; double unf_score100, equ_score, rel_3_score, rel_1_score; double unf_score0_b, unf_score01_b, unf_score02_b ,unf_score05_b; double unf_score100_b, equ_score_b, rel_3_score_b, rel_1_score_b; char *bp; #ifdef PCOMPLIB int qsfnum[10],qsfnum_n[10],isf,nsf,nsf_n; char *bp1, *bpn, *tp; char sfstr[MAX_FN]; #endif #ifdef PCOMPLIB /* not done here because done in pvcomplib.c */ if ((bp=strchr(m_msg->qtitle,SFCHAR))!=NULL) { strncpy(sfstr,bp+1,sizeof(sfstr)); sfstr[sizeof(sfstr)-1]='\0'; if ((bp1=strchr(sfstr,SFCHAR)) != NULL) { /* look for second | */ if ((bpn=strchr(sfstr,NSFCHAR))!=NULL) *bpn = '\0'; *bp1='\0'; tp = strtok(sfstr," \t"); qsfnum[0]=atoi(tp); isf = 1; while ((tp=strtok(NULL," \t"))!=NULL) { qsfnum[isf++] = atoi(tp); if (isf >= 10) { fprintf(stderr," error - too many superfamilies: %d\n %s\n", isf,m_msg->qtitle); break; } } qsfnum[nsf=isf]=0; sf_sort(qsfnum,nsf); /* now get negatives */ qsfnum_n[0]= nsf_n = 0; if (bpn != NULL) { tp = strtok(bpn+1," \t"); qsfnum_n[0]=atoi(tp); isf = 1; while ((tp=strtok(NULL," \t"))!=NULL) { qsfnum_n[isf++] = atoi(tp); if (isf >= 10) { fprintf(stderr, " error - too many negative superfamilies: %d\n %s\n", isf,m_msg->qtitle); break; } } qsfnum[nsf_n=isf]=0; sf_sort(qsfnum_n,nsf_n); } } else { /* only one sfnum */ sscanf(bp+1,"%d",qsfnum); qsfnum[1]=0; qsfnum_n[0]= nsf_n = 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr," no query superfamily number\n %s\n",m_msg->qtitle); return; } #endif if (m_msg->qframe > 1 || m_msg->nframe > 1) { /* this code is included for cases where there are several scores - forward and reverse, or six in the case of tfastf33s, for each sequence lnum_sort sorts the library by lseek position, which will be the same for the same sequence */ lnum_sort(bptr,nbest); /* merge, saving the best score */ i = j = 0; /* i has the source position we are currently examining k has the adjacent alternative scores ( k > i) j has the destination */ while (i<nbest) { for (k=i+1; k < nbest && bptr[i]->seq->lseek == bptr[k]->seq->lseek; k++) { if (bptr[i]->zscore < bptr[k]->zscore) bptr[i] = bptr[k]; } bptr[j++]=bptr[i]; i = k; } if (j != m_msg->nbr_seq) { fprintf(stderr,"*** warning ***, nbest (%d/%d) != nbr_seq (%d)\n", j,nbest,m_msg->nbr_seq); fprintf(stdout,"*** warning ***, nbest (%d/%d) != nbr_seq (%d)\n", j,nbest,m_msg->nbr_seq); } nbest = j; if (ppst->zsflag >=0) sortbeste(bptr, nbest); else sortbest(bptr,nbest,ppst->score_ix); } /* fprintf(stderr," %1d label is %s (%s)\n",irelv,labptr,label); */ /* get the query superfamily */ for (i=0; i<nbest; i++) { /* if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)) continue; */ if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),QSFNUM)==0 && sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)==0) { unf_num0=i; unf_score0=bptr[i]->zscore; unf_score0_b=zs_to_bit(bptr[i]->zscore,m_msg->n0,bptr[i]->seq->n1); break; } } if (i>=nbest) { fprintf(stderr," %s: %d\n error - no unrelated sequences\n", m_msg->qtitle,QSFNUM[0]); return; } for (i=rel_tot=relm_num0=0; i<nbest; i++) { /* if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)) continue; */ if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),QSFNUM)>0 ) { rel_tot++; /* total related */ if (bptr[i]->zscore <= unf_score0) relm_num0++; #ifdef DEBUG if (ppst->debug_lib) fprintf(stderr,"%d\t%l\t%.1f\n",i,bptr[i]->seq->lseek,bptr[i]->zscore); #endif } } /* relm_num0, unf_num0, unf_score0 done */ /* now calculate number missed at various expectation value cutoffs */ /* calculate z-score cutoff for E()=0.01, 0.02, 0.05 */ unf_score01 = E_to_zs(0.01,db.entries); unf_score02 = E_to_zs(0.02,db.entries); unf_score05 = E_to_zs(0.05,db.entries); unf_score100 = E_to_zs(1.00,db.entries); /* relm_num01, unf_num01, unf_score01 done */ for (i=unf_num01=0,relm_num01=rel_tot; i<nbest && bptr[i]->zscore >= unf_score01; i++) { /* if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)) continue; */ if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),QSFNUM)==0) { if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)==0) unf_num01++; } else relm_num01--; } unf_score01_b=zs_to_bit(bptr[i]->zscore,m_msg->n0,bptr[i]->seq->n1); for (i=unf_num02=0,relm_num02=rel_tot; i<nbest && bptr[i]->zscore >= unf_score02; i++) { /* if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)) continue; */ if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),QSFNUM)==0) { if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)==0) unf_num02++; } else relm_num02--; } unf_score02_b=zs_to_bit(bptr[i]->zscore,m_msg->n0,bptr[i]->seq->n1); for (i=unf_num05=0,relm_num05=rel_tot; i<nbest && bptr[i]->zscore >= unf_score05; i++) { /* if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)) continue; */ if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),QSFNUM)==0) { if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)==0) unf_num05++; } else relm_num05--; } unf_score05_b=zs_to_bit(bptr[i]->zscore,m_msg->n0,bptr[i]->seq->n1); for (i=unf_num100=0,relm_num100=rel_tot; i<nbest && bptr[i]->zscore >= unf_score100; i++) { /* if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)) continue; */ if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),QSFNUM)==0) { if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)==0) unf_num100++; } else relm_num100--; } unf_score100_b=zs_to_bit(bptr[i]->zscore,m_msg->n0,bptr[i]->seq->n1); /* the final criterion finds the score and the number of sequences where the number of unrelated sequences found == the number of related sequences missed. */ equ_num=0; i = 0; j=nbest-1; /* j is counting up the list of scores (actually down the array) from the lowest scoring related sequence i is counting down the list of scores (actually up the array) from the highest scoring unrelated sequence */ for (i=0, j=nbest-1; j>=0 && i<nbest; i++,j--) { /* i++ while sequences are related, stop at next unrelated */ while (i<nbest && (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),QSFNUM) || sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM))) i++; /* j-- while sequences are unrelated, stop at next related */ while (j>=0 && ( sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(j),QSFNUM)==0)) j--; /* fprintf(stderr,"i: %3d %3d %4d; j: %3d %3d %4d\n",i,bptr[i]->zscore, BSFNUM(i),j,bptr[j]->zscore,BSFNUM(j)); */ /* if unrelated [i] score <= related [j] score, quit */ if (bptr[i]->zscore <= bptr[j]->zscore) break; equ_num++; } equ_score = 0.0; if (i>=nbest || j<0) { #ifndef PCOMPLIB if (ppst->debug_lib) #endif fprintf(stderr," i (%3d), j (%3d) off end\n %s\n", i, j,m_msg->qtitle); equ_num = rel_tot+1; equ_score = 0.0; } else { equ_score=bptr[i]->zscore; equ_score_b =zs_to_bit(bptr[i]->zscore,m_msg->n0,bptr[i]->seq->n1); } /* get the lowest scoring related */ for (i=0,rel_1_num=rel_tot-1; i<nbest && rel_1_num > 0; i++) { /* if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)) continue; */ if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),QSFNUM)) rel_1_num--; } rel_1_num = i; rel_1_score = bptr[i]->zscore; rel_1_score_b=zs_to_bit(bptr[i]->zscore,m_msg->n0,bptr[i]->seq->n1); /* get the 3rd lowest scoring related */ for (i=0,rel_3_num=rel_tot-3; i<nbest && rel_3_num > 0; i++) { /* if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),NQSFNUM)) continue; */ if (sfn_cmp(BSFNUM(i),QSFNUM)) rel_3_num--; } rel_3_num = i; rel_3_score = bptr[i]->zscore; rel_3_score_b=zs_to_bit(bptr[i]->zscore,m_msg->n0,bptr[i]->seq->n1); fprintf(fp,"%3d>%s - %d (%d/%d)\n", qlib,m_msg->qtitle, QSFNUM[0],rel_tot,nbest); fprintf(fp," 0.0 criterion- relm: %3d pos: %3d score: %5.1f exp: %6.4g\n", relm_num0, unf_num0+1, unf_score0_b, zs_to_E(unf_score0,m_msg->n0,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,db)); fprintf(fp," 0.01 criterion- relm: %3d unf: %3d score: %5.1f exp: %6.4g\n", relm_num01, unf_num01, unf_score01_b, zs_to_E(unf_score01,m_msg->n0,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,db)); fprintf(fp," 0.02 criterion- relm: %3d unf: %3d score: %5.1f exp: %6.4g\n", relm_num02, unf_num02, unf_score02_b, zs_to_E(unf_score02,m_msg->n0,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,db)); fprintf(fp," 0.05 criterion- relm: %3d unf: %3d score: %5.1f exp: %6.4g\n", relm_num05, unf_num05, unf_score05_b, zs_to_E(unf_score05,m_msg->n0,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,db)); fprintf(fp," 1.00 criterion- relm: %3d unf: %3d score: %5.1f exp: %6.4g\n", relm_num100, unf_num100, unf_score100_b, zs_to_E(unf_score100,m_msg->n0,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,db)); fprintf(fp," equ num: %3d score: %5.1f exp: %6.4g\n",equ_num,equ_score_b, zs_to_E(equ_score,m_msg->n0,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,db)); fprintf(fp," rel[-1]: %3d score: %5.1f exp: %6.4g\n",rel_1_num+1,rel_1_score_b, zs_to_E(rel_1_score,m_msg->n0,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,db)); fprintf(fp," rel[-3]: %3d score: %5.1f exp: %6.4g\n",rel_3_num+1,rel_3_score_b, zs_to_E(rel_3_score,m_msg->n0,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,db)); /* fprintf(fp,"/ ** %s ** /\n",info_gstring2); fflush(fp); */ m_msg->nshow = m_msg->ashow; }
void showbest (FILE *fp, unsigned char **aa0, unsigned char *aa1save, int maxn, struct beststr **bptr,int nbest, int qlib, struct mngmsg *m_msp, struct pstruct *ppst, struct db_str db, char **info_gstring2 ,void **f_str ) { unsigned char *aa1; int best_align_done = 0; int ntmp = 0; char bline[MAX_BLINE], fmt[40], pad[MAX_BLINE], fmt2[40], rline[40]; char l_name[128], link_name[140]; int istart = 0, istop, ib; int nshow; /* number of sequences shown before prompt, and ultimately displayed */ int first_line, link_shown; int quiet; int r_margin; struct beststr *bbp; int n1tot; char *bp, *bline_p; char rel_label[12]; char score_label[120]; char tmp_str[20], *seq_code, *ann_code; int seq_code_len, ann_code_len; long loffset; /* loffset is offset from beginning of real sequence */ long l_off; /* l_off is the the virtual coordinate of residue 1 */ int n1, ranlib_done; struct rstruct rst; int l_score0, ngap; double lzscore, lzscore2, lbits; float percent, gpercent; struct a_struct *aln_p; struct a_res_str *cur_ares_p; struct rstruct *rst_p; int gi_num; char html_pre_E[120], html_post_E[120]; int have_lalign = 0; struct lmf_str *m_fptr; /* for lalign alignments, only show stuff when -m != 11 */ if (m_msp->markx & MX_M11OUT) return; if (strcmp(m_msp->label,"ls-w")==0) { have_lalign = 1; if ((m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM) == 0) return; } rel_label[0]='\0'; SAFE_STRNCPY(score_label,"scores", sizeof(score_label)); quiet = m_msp->quiet; if (m_msp->aln.llen > MAX_BLINE) m_msp->aln.llen = MAX_BLINE; if (ppst->zsflag < 0) r_margin = 10; else if (ppst->zsflag>=0 && m_msp->srelv > 1 ) r_margin = 19; else r_margin = 10; if (m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM && m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ID) { #ifdef SHOWSIM r_margin += 15; #else r_margin += 10; #endif } else if (m_msp->markx & MX_MBLAST2) { r_margin -= 10; } else if (m_msp->markx & (MX_M9SUMM + MX_M8OUT)) { r_margin = 0; } if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) { strncpy(html_pre_E,"<font color=\"darkred\">",sizeof(html_pre_E)); strncpy(html_post_E,"</font>",sizeof(html_post_E)); } else { html_pre_E[0] = html_post_E[0] = '\0'; } if (m_msp->nframe < 0) { sprintf(fmt,"%%-%ds (%%4d)",m_msp->aln.llen-r_margin); } else { sprintf(fmt,"%%-%ds (%%4d)",m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+4)); } sprintf(fmt2,"%%-%ds",m_msp->aln.llen-r_margin+8); memset(pad,' ',m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+6)); pad[m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+12)]='\0'; if (have_lalign) { if (ppst->show_ident) { SAFE_STRNCPY(score_label,"alignments", sizeof(score_label)); pad[m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+16)]='\0'; } else { SAFE_STRNCPY(score_label,"non-identical alignments", sizeof(score_label)); pad[m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+30)]='\0'; } } nshow = min(m_msp->nshow,nbest); if ((bp = strchr (m_msp->qtitle, '\n')) != NULL) *bp = '\0'; if (m_msp->markx & MX_M8OUT) { if ((bp = strchr (m_msp->qtitle, ' ')) != NULL) *bp = '\0'; } /* fprintf (fp, "%3d %s\n", qlib,m_msp->qtitle); */ if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) fprintf(fp,"<pre>"); /* **************************************************************** */ /* done with display format */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* prompt for number of best scores if quiet == 0 */ /* **************************************************************** */ if (quiet == 0) { /* interactive */ nshow = min(m_msp->nshow, nbest); printf(" How many scores would you like to see? [%d] ",nshow); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(rline,20,stdin)==NULL) exit(0); if (rline[0]!='\n' && rline[0]!=0) sscanf(rline,"%d",&nshow); if (nshow > nbest) nshow=nbest; if (nshow<=0) nshow = min(20,nbest); } /* display number of hits for -m 8C (Blast Tab-commented format) */ if (m_msp->markx & MX_M8COMMENT) { /* line below copied from BLAST+ output */ fprintf(fp,"# Fields: query id, subject id, %% identity, alignment length, mismatches, gap opens, q. start, q. end, s. start, s. end, evalue, bit score"); if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ALIGN || m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_CIGAR) { fprintf(fp," aln_code");} fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"# %d hits found\n",nshow); } /* **************************************************************** */ /* have number of scores in interactive or quiet mode */ /* display "The best scores are" */ /* **************************************************************** */ if (m_msp->markx & MX_MBLAST2) { fprintf(fp, "%81s\n"," Score E"); fprintf(fp, "Sequences producing significant alignments: (Bits) Value\n\n"); } else if (!(m_msp->markx & MX_M8OUT)) { if (ppst->zsflag >= 0) { if (m_msp->z_bits==1) {/* show bit score */ fprintf(fp,"\nThe best%s %s are:%s%s bits %sE(%ld)%s", rel_label,score_label,pad,m_msp->label,html_pre_E,ppst->zdb_size,html_post_E); if (ppst->zsflag > 20) { fprintf(fp," E2()"); } } else {/* show z-score */ fprintf(fp,"\nThe best%s %s are:%s%s z-sc %sE(%ld)%s", rel_label,score_label,pad,m_msp->label,html_pre_E,ppst->zdb_size,html_post_E); if (ppst->zsflag > 20) { fprintf(fp," E2()"); } } header_aux(fp); if (m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM) { if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ID) { #ifdef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp," %%_id %%_sim alen"); #else fprintf(fp," %%_id alen"); #endif } else { if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML && m_msp->show_code !=1) { fprintf(fp,"<!-- ");} #ifndef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp,"\t%%_id %%_gid %4s alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs ",m_msp->f_id1); #else fprintf(fp,"\t%%_id %%_sim %4s alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs ",m_msp->f_id1); #endif } if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ALIGN) { fprintf(fp," aln_code"); } if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML && m_msp->show_code!=1) { fprintf(fp," -->");} } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } else { fprintf(fp,"\nThe best%s %s are:%s%s",rel_label,score_label,pad,m_msp->label); header_aux(fp); if (m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM) { if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ID) { #ifdef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp," %%_id %%_sm alen"); #else fprintf(fp," %%_id alen"); #endif } else { #ifndef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp,"\t%%_id %%_gid %4s alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs ",m_msp->f_id1); #else fprintf(fp,"\t%%_id %%_sim %4s alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs ",m_msp->f_id1); #endif /* SHOWSIM */ } } if (m_msp->show_code == SHOW_CODE_ALIGN) { fprintf(fp," aln_code"); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } } /* !(m_msp->markx & MX_M8OUT) */ istart = 0; l1: istop = min(nshow, nbest); for (ib=istart; ib<istop; ib++) { bbp = bptr[ib]; if (ppst->do_rep) { bbp->repeat_thresh = min(E1_to_s(ppst->e_cut_r, m_msp->n0, bbp->seq->n1,ppst->zdb_size, m_msp->pstat_void), bbp->rst.score[ppst->score_ix]); } #ifdef DEBUG if (bbp->seq->n1 != bbp->n1 ) { fprintf(stderr, " *** lib len error [%d!=%d] *** %s score %d\n", bbp->seq->n1,bbp->n1, bbp->mseq->libstr, bbp->rst.score[0]); } #endif /* this gets us a valid bline[] and the library for searching if necessary do not read if we have a long enough bline or we don't need a sequence */ if (bbp->mseq->bline != NULL && bbp->mseq->bline_max >= m_msp->aln.llen) { ranlib_done = 0; /* copy m_msp->aln.llen, not llen-r_margin, because the r_margin will be set later, possibly after the gi|12345 is removed */ strncpy(bline,bbp->mseq->bline,m_msp->aln.llen); bline[m_msp->aln.llen]='\0'; } else { if ((m_fptr=re_openlib(bbp->mseq->m_file_p,!m_msp->quiet))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** cannot re-open %s\n",bbp->mseq->m_file_p->lb_name); exit(1); } RANLIB(bline,m_msp->aln.llen,bbp->mseq->lseek,bbp->mseq->libstr,m_fptr); ranlib_done = 1; } /* get a valid cur_ares_p chain and put it in bbp->ares */ if (!m_msp->align_done && (m_msp->stages>1 || (m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM))) { /* we need a sequence */ if (bbp->seq->aa1b == NULL || (m_msp->ann_flg==1 && bbp->seq->annot_p==NULL)) { if (!ranlib_done) { /* we didn't open the library already */ if ((m_fptr=re_openlib(bbp->mseq->m_file_p,!m_msp->quiet))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"*** cannot re-open %s\n",bbp->mseq->m_file_p->lb_name); exit(1); } RANLIB(bline,m_msp->aln.llen,bbp->mseq->lseek,bbp->mseq->libstr,m_fptr); ranlib_done = 1; } n1 = re_getlib(aa1save, (m_msp->ann_flg==1) ? &(bbp->seq->annot_p) : NULL, maxn,m_msp->ldb_info.maxt3, m_msp->ldb_info.l_overlap,bbp->mseq->cont,m_msp->ldb_info.term_code, &bbp->seq->l_offset,&bbp->seq->l_off,bbp->mseq->m_file_p); aa1 = aa1save; if (m_msp->ann_flg==2 && bbp->seq->annot_p==NULL ) { /* get information about this sequence from bline */ if (get_annot(m_msp->annot1_sname, m_msp, bline, bbp->seq->n1, &(bbp->seq->annot_p), 1, ppst->debug_lib) > 0) { /* do something with annotation */ s_annot_to_aa1a(bbp->n1, bbp->seq->annot_p, m_msp->ann_arr); } } } else { n1 = bbp->seq->n1; aa1 = bbp->seq->aa1b; } if (n1 != bbp->n1) { fprintf(stderr," *** sequence length conflict %d != %d: %s\n", n1, bbp->n1, bline); continue; } if ( m_msp->stages > 1 && bbp->rst.score[2] == -BIGNUM) { /* this is not typically done unless m_msp->stages > 1 */ do_opt (aa0[bbp->frame], m_msp->n0, aa1, n1, bbp->frame, ppst, f_str[bbp->frame], &rst); bbp->rst.score[2]=rst.score[2]; } if (!bbp->have_ares & 0x1) { bbp->a_res = build_ares_code(aa0[bbp->frame], m_msp->n0, aa1, bbp->seq, bbp->frame, &bbp->have_ares, bbp->repeat_thresh, m_msp, ppst, f_str[bbp->frame] ); best_align_done = 1; } } /* end stages > 1 || MX_M9SUMM9 */ n1tot = (bbp->mseq->n1tot_p) ? *bbp->mseq->n1tot_p : bbp->seq->n1; bline_p = bline; if (!(m_msp->markx & (MX_M8OUT)) && !strncmp(bline,"gi|",3)) { bline_p = strchr(bline+4,'|')+1; *(bline_p-1) = 0; gi_num = atoi(bline+3); } /* l_name is used to build an HTML link from the bestscore line to the alignment. It can also be used to discriminate multiple hits from the same long sequence. This requires that fast_pan use -m 6. (6-April-2013) Add ability to specify additional alignments with link_name; */ SAFE_STRNCPY(l_name,bline_p,sizeof(l_name)); /* get rid of text after second "|" */ if ((bp=strchr(l_name,' '))!=NULL) *bp=0; if ((bp=strchr(&l_name[6],'|'))!=NULL) *bp='\0'; /* increase to [6] from [3] to allow longer db names "ref", "unk", */ if (m_msp->nframe > 2) sprintf(&l_name[strlen(l_name)],"_%d",bbp->frame+1); else if (m_msp->nframe > 0 && bbp->frame == 1) SAFE_STRNCAT(l_name,"_r",sizeof(l_name)); if (bbp->mseq->cont-1 > 0) { sprintf(tmp_str,":%d",bbp->mseq->cont-1); SAFE_STRNCAT(l_name,tmp_str,sizeof(l_name)); } if (m_msp->markx & MX_M8OUT) { if ((bp=strchr(bline_p,' '))!=NULL) *bp = '\0'; } else { bline_p[m_msp->aln.llen-r_margin]='\0'; /* check for translated frame info */ if (m_msp->nframe > -1) bline_p[m_msp->aln.llen-(r_margin+4)]='\0'; } /* now its time to report the summary numbers for all the alignments */ /* in the next loop, cur_ares_p could be NULL if we haven't done do_walign() */ cur_ares_p = bbp->a_res; first_line = 1; do { /* if cur_res_p != NULL, then we get rst from a_res->rst Otherwise, it comes from bbp->rst */ if ((!first_line || (have_lalign && !ppst->show_ident)) && cur_ares_p ) { rst_p = &cur_ares_p->rst; } else { rst_p = &bbp->rst; } n1 = bbp->seq->n1; l_score0 = rst_p->score[ppst->score_ix]; lzscore = find_z(l_score0, rst_p->escore, n1, rst_p->comp, m_msp->pstat_void); if (ppst->zsflag > 20) { lzscore2 = find_z(l_score0, rst_p->escore, n1, rst_p->comp, m_msp->pstat_void2); } lbits = zs_to_bit(lzscore, m_msp->n0, n1); /* *********************************** */ /* standard "The best scores are" here */ /* *********************************** */ if (!(m_msp->markx & (MX_M8OUT + MX_MBLAST2))) { if (first_line) { first_line = 0; fprintf (fp, fmt,bline_p,n1tot); if (m_msp->nframe > 2) fprintf (fp, " [%d]", bbp->frame+1); else if (m_msp->nframe >= 0) fprintf(fp," [%c]",(bbp->frame > 0 ?'r':'f')); } else { fprintf (fp, fmt2,"\n+-"); } if (m_msp->srelv == 1) fprintf (fp, " %4d", rst_p->score[ppst->score_ix]); else { if (m_msp->srelv-1 > 0) fprintf (fp, " %4d", rst_p->score[0]); if (m_msp->srelv-1 > 1 || m_msp->stages>1) fprintf (fp, " %4d", rst_p->score[1]); fprintf (fp, " %4d", rst_p->score[ppst->score_ix]); } if (ppst->zsflag>=0) { if (m_msp->z_bits==1) { fprintf (fp, " %.1f %s%7.2g%s",lbits,html_pre_E, zs_to_E(lzscore, n1, ppst->dnaseq, ppst->zdb_size, m_msp->db), html_post_E); if (ppst->zsflag > 20) { fprintf (fp, " %7.2g",zs_to_E(lzscore2, n1, ppst->dnaseq, ppst->zdb_size, m_msp->db)); } } else { fprintf (fp, " %.1f %s%7.2g%s",lzscore,html_pre_E, zs_to_E(lzscore, n1, ppst->dnaseq, ppst->zdb_size, m_msp->db), html_post_E); if (ppst->zsflag > 20) { fprintf (fp, " %7.2g",zs_to_E(lzscore2, n1, ppst->dnaseq, ppst->zdb_size, m_msp->db)); } } } show_aux(fp,bbp); } else if (m_msp->markx & MX_M8OUT) { /* MX_M8OUT -- provide query, library */ if (first_line) {first_line = 0;} fprintf (fp,"%s\t%s",m_msp->qtitle,bline_p); } else if (m_msp->markx & MX_MBLAST2) { /* blast "Sequences producing" */ if (first_line) {first_line = 0;} fprintf (fp,"%-67s %6.1f %.1g", bline_p, lbits, zs_to_E(lzscore,n1,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,m_msp->db)); } if (m_msp->markx & MX_M9SUMM || m_msp->markx & MX_M8OUT) { loffset = bbp->seq->l_offset; l_off = bbp->seq->l_off; aln_p = &cur_ares_p->aln; seq_code = cur_ares_p->aln_code; seq_code_len = cur_ares_p->aln_code_n; ann_code = cur_ares_p->ann_code; ann_code_len = cur_ares_p->ann_code_n; percent = calc_fpercent_id(100.0,aln_p->nident,aln_p->lc, m_msp->tot_ident, -100.0); ngap = cur_ares_p->aln.ngap_q + cur_ares_p->aln.ngap_l; #ifndef SHOWSIM gpercent = calc_fpercent_id(100.0, aln_p->nident, aln_p->lc-ngap, m_msp->tot_ident, -100.0); #else gpercent = calc_fpercent_id(100.0, cur_ares_p->aln.nsim, aln_p->lc, m_msp->tot_ident, -100.0); #endif /* SHOWSIM */ if (m_msp->show_code != SHOW_CODE_ID) { /* show more complete info than just identity */ /* calc_astruct(aln_p, cur_ares_p); -- this function should not be used after calc_code or any other alignment that calculates amax0/amax1 */ /* we need the coordinates for annotated SHOW_CODE_ALIGN */ calc_coord(m_msp->n0,bbp->seq->n1, m_msp->q_offset + (m_msp->q_off-1) + (m_msp->sq0off-1), loffset + (l_off-1) + (m_msp->sq1off-1), aln_p); /* if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) fprintf(fp,"<!-- "); */ /* %_id %_sim s-w alen an0 ax0 pn0 px0 an1 ax1 pn1 px1 gapq gapl fs */ /* alignment min max min max */ /* sequence coordinate min max min max */ if (!(m_msp->markx & MX_M8OUT)) { fprintf(fp,"\t%5.3f %5.3f %4d %4d %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %4ld %3d %3d %3d", percent/100.0,gpercent/100.0, cur_ares_p->sw_score, aln_p->lc, aln_p->d_start0,aln_p->d_stop0, aln_p->q_start_off, aln_p->q_end_off, aln_p->d_start1,aln_p->d_stop1, aln_p->l_start_off, aln_p->l_end_off, aln_p->ngap_q,aln_p->ngap_l,aln_p->nfs); if ((m_msp->show_code & SHOW_CODE_ALIGN) == SHOW_CODE_ALIGN && seq_code_len > 0 && seq_code != NULL) { fprintf(fp,"\t%s",seq_code); if (ann_code_len > 0 && ann_code != NULL) { fprintf(fp,"\t%s",ann_code); } } } else { /* MX_M8OUT -- blast order, tab separated */ fprintf(fp,"\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%.2g\t%.1f", percent,aln_p->lc,aln_p->nmismatch, aln_p->ngap_q + aln_p->ngap_l+aln_p->nfs, aln_p->d_start0, aln_p->d_stop0, aln_p->d_start1, aln_p->d_stop1, zs_to_E(lzscore,n1,ppst->dnaseq,ppst->zdb_size,m_msp->db), lbits); if ((m_msp->show_code & SHOW_CODE_ALIGN) == SHOW_CODE_ALIGN && seq_code_len > 0 && seq_code != NULL) { fprintf(fp,"\t%s",seq_code); if (ann_code_len > 0 && ann_code != NULL) { fprintf(fp,"\t%s",ann_code); } } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } } else { /* !SHOW_CODE */ #ifdef SHOWSIM fprintf(fp," %5.3f %5.3f %4d", percent/100.0, (float)aln_p->nsim/(float)aln_p->lc,aln_p->lc); #else fprintf(fp," %5.3f %4d", percent/100.0,aln_p->lc); #endif if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) { if (cur_ares_p->index > 0) { sprintf(link_name,"%s_%d",l_name, cur_ares_p->index); } else { SAFE_STRNCPY(link_name, l_name, sizeof(l_name)); } fprintf(fp," <a href=\"#%s\">align</a>",link_name); link_shown = 1; } if (cur_ares_p->annot_var_s) { fprintf(fp," |Var: %s",cur_ares_p->annot_var_s); } else { link_shown = 0;} } } } while ( cur_ares_p && (cur_ares_p = cur_ares_p->next)); /* if ((m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) && !link_shown) fprintf(fp," <a href=\"#%s\">align</a>",l_name); */ if (!(m_msp->markx & MX_M8OUT)) fprintf(fp, "\n"); fflush(fp); } if (quiet==0) { printf(" More scores? [0] "); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(rline,20,stdin)==NULL) exit(0); ntmp = 0; if (rline[0]!='\n' && rline[0]!=0) sscanf(rline,"%d",&ntmp); if (ntmp<=0) ntmp = 0; if (ntmp>0) { istart = istop; nshow = min(nshow+ntmp, nbest); goto l1; } } /* end of for (ib) loop */ if (m_msp->markx & MX_MBLAST2) {fprintf(fp, "\n\n");} m_msp->nshow = nshow; /* save the number of hits displayed for showalign */ if (best_align_done) { m_msp->align_done = 1;} /* note that alignments are done */ if (m_msp->markx & MX_HTML) fprintf(fp,"</pre><hr>\n"); }