Exemple #1
mdp_client_set_timeout (mdp_client_t *self, int timeout)
    assert (self);
    self->timeout = timeout;
Exemple #2
mdp_broker_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * mdp_broker: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");
    //  @selftest
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (mdp_broker, "server");
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
    zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "ipc://@/mdp_broker", NULL);

    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (client);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (client, 2000);
    zsock_connect (client, "ipc://@/mdp_broker");

    //  TODO: fill this out
    mdp_msg_t *request = mdp_msg_new ();
    mdp_msg_destroy (&request);
    zsock_destroy (&client);
    zactor_destroy (&server);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #3
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
        int port = 5556;
        // printf ("Seeking to server at '%s.%d:%d'\n", argv [1], i, port);
        zsock_connect (client, "tcp://%s.%d:%d", argv [1], i, port);

    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (client, 2000);

    while ( 1 )
        char *reply = zstr_recv (client);
        if (reply) {
            puts (reply);
            free (reply);
            puts ("-");

    zsock_destroy (&client);
    return 0;
Exemple #4
void s_mdp_client_connect_to_broker (mdp_client_t *self)
        zsock_destroy (&self->client);
    self->client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert(0==zsock_connect (self->client, "%s", self->broker));
    if (self->verbose)
        zclock_log ("I: connecting to broker at %s...", self->broker);

Exemple #5
zmailer_server_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zmailer_server: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (zmailer_server, "server");
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");

    zstr_sendx (server, "LOAD", ".config/zmailer.cfg", NULL);
    //zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "ipc://@/zmailer_server", NULL);
    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (client);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (client, 2000);
    zsock_connect (client, "ipc://@/zmailer_server");

    //  TODO: fill this out
    zmailer_msg_t *request = zmailer_msg_new ();
    zmailer_msg_set_id (request, ZMAILER_MSG_MAIL);
    zmailer_msg_set_from (request, "YOUROWNEMAIL");
    zmailer_msg_set_to   (request, "YOUROWNEMAIL");
    zmailer_msg_set_subject (request, "Test");
    zmailer_msg_set_request (request, "This is a test email for you !");
    zmailer_msg_send (request, client);
    sleep (1);
    zmailer_msg_destroy (&request);
    zsock_destroy (&client);
    zactor_destroy (&server);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #6
zgossip_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zgossip: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Test basic client-to-server operation of the protocol
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (zgossip, "server");
    assert (server);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
    zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "inproc://zgossip", NULL);

    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (client);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (client, 2000);
    int rc = zsock_connect (client, "inproc://zgossip");
    assert (rc == 0);
    //  Send HELLO, which gets no message
    zgossip_msg_t *message = zgossip_msg_new ();
    zgossip_msg_set_id (message, ZGOSSIP_MSG_HELLO);
    zgossip_msg_send (message, client);

    //  Send PING, expect PONG back
    zgossip_msg_set_id (message, ZGOSSIP_MSG_PING);
    zgossip_msg_send (message, client);
    zgossip_msg_recv (message, client);
    assert (zgossip_msg_id (message) == ZGOSSIP_MSG_PONG);
    zgossip_msg_destroy (&message);
    zactor_destroy (&server);
    zsock_destroy (&client);

    //  Test peer-to-peer operations
    zactor_t *base = zactor_new (zgossip, "base");
    assert (base);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (base, "VERBOSE");
    //  Set a 100msec timeout on clients so we can test expiry
    zstr_sendx (base, "SET", "server/timeout", "100", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (base, "BIND", "inproc://base", NULL);

    zactor_t *alpha = zactor_new (zgossip, "alpha");
    assert (alpha);
    zstr_sendx (alpha, "CONNECT", "inproc://base", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (alpha, "PUBLISH", "inproc://alpha-1", "service1", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (alpha, "PUBLISH", "inproc://alpha-2", "service2", NULL);

    zactor_t *beta = zactor_new (zgossip, "beta");
    assert (beta);
    zstr_sendx (beta, "CONNECT", "inproc://base", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (beta, "PUBLISH", "inproc://beta-1", "service1", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (beta, "PUBLISH", "inproc://beta-2", "service2", NULL);

    //  got nothing
    zclock_sleep (200);

    zactor_destroy (&base);
    zactor_destroy (&alpha);
    zactor_destroy (&beta);

    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #7
zbeacon_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zbeacon: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Test 1 - two beacons, one speaking, one listening
    //  Create speaker beacon to broadcast our service
    zactor_t *speaker = zactor_new (zbeacon, NULL);
    assert (speaker);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_sendx (speaker, "VERBOSE", NULL);

    zsock_send (speaker, "si", "CONFIGURE", 9999);
    char *hostname = zstr_recv (speaker);
    if (!*hostname) {
        printf ("OK (skipping test, no UDP broadcasting)\n");
        zactor_destroy (&speaker);
        free (hostname);
    free (hostname);

    //  Create listener beacon on port 9999 to lookup service
    zactor_t *listener = zactor_new (zbeacon, NULL);
    assert (listener);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_sendx (listener, "VERBOSE", NULL);
    zsock_send (listener, "si", "CONFIGURE", 9999);
    hostname = zstr_recv (listener);
    assert (*hostname);
    free (hostname);

    //  We will broadcast the magic value 0xCAFE
    byte announcement [2] = { 0xCA, 0xFE };
    zsock_send (speaker, "sbi", "PUBLISH", announcement, 2, 100);
    //  We will listen to anything (empty subscription)
    zsock_send (listener, "sb", "SUBSCRIBE", "", 0);

    //  Wait for at most 1/2 second if there's no broadcasting
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (listener, 500);
    char *ipaddress = zstr_recv (listener);
    if (ipaddress) {
        zframe_t *content = zframe_recv (listener);
        assert (zframe_size (content) == 2);
        assert (zframe_data (content) [0] == 0xCA);
        assert (zframe_data (content) [1] == 0xFE);
        zframe_destroy (&content);
        zstr_free (&ipaddress);
        zstr_sendx (speaker, "SILENCE", NULL);
    zactor_destroy (&listener);
    zactor_destroy (&speaker);

    //  Test subscription filter using a 3-node setup
    zactor_t *node1 = zactor_new (zbeacon, NULL);
    assert (node1);
    zsock_send (node1, "si", "CONFIGURE", 5670);
    hostname = zstr_recv (node1);
    assert (*hostname);
    free (hostname);

    zactor_t *node2 = zactor_new (zbeacon, NULL);
    assert (node2);
    zsock_send (node2, "si", "CONFIGURE", 5670);
    hostname = zstr_recv (node2);
    assert (*hostname);
    free (hostname);

    zactor_t *node3 = zactor_new (zbeacon, NULL);
    assert (node3);
    zsock_send (node3, "si", "CONFIGURE", 5670);
    hostname = zstr_recv (node3);
    assert (*hostname);
    free (hostname);

    zsock_send (node1, "sbi", "PUBLISH", "NODE/1", 6, 250);
    zsock_send (node2, "sbi", "PUBLISH", "NODE/2", 6, 250);
    zsock_send (node3, "sbi", "PUBLISH", "RANDOM", 6, 250);
    zsock_send (node1, "sb", "SUBSCRIBE", "NODE", 4);

    //  Poll on three API sockets at once
    zpoller_t *poller = zpoller_new (node1, node2, node3, NULL);
    assert (poller);
    int64_t stop_at = zclock_mono () + 1000;
    while (zclock_mono () < stop_at) {
        long timeout = (long) (stop_at - zclock_mono ());
        if (timeout < 0)
            timeout = 0;
        void *which = zpoller_wait (poller, timeout * ZMQ_POLL_MSEC);
        if (which) {
            assert (which == node1);
            char *ipaddress, *received;
            zstr_recvx (node1, &ipaddress, &received, NULL);
            assert (streq (received, "NODE/2"));
            zstr_free (&ipaddress);
            zstr_free (&received);
    zpoller_destroy (&poller);

    //  Stop listening
    zstr_sendx (node1, "UNSUBSCRIBE", NULL);

    //  Stop all node broadcasts
    zstr_sendx (node1, "SILENCE", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (node2, "SILENCE", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (node3, "SILENCE", NULL);

    //  Destroy the test nodes
    zactor_destroy (&node1);
    zactor_destroy (&node2);
    zactor_destroy (&node3);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #8
mlm_server_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * mlm_server: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (mlm_server, "mlm_server_test");
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
    zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "tcp://*", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (server, "PORT", NULL);
    char *command, *port;
    int rc = zstr_recvx (server, &command, &port, NULL);
    assert (rc == 2);
    assert (streq (command, "PORT"));
    assert (strlen (port) > 0 && strlen (port) < 6);
    assert (!streq (port, "-1"));

    zsock_t *reader = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (reader);
    zsock_connect (reader, "tcp://", port);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (reader, 500);

    mlm_proto_t *proto = mlm_proto_new ();

    //  Server insists that connection starts properly
    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_STREAM_WRITE);
    mlm_proto_send (proto, reader);
    zclock_sleep (500); //  to calm things down && make memcheck pass. Thanks @malanka
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    zclock_sleep (500); //  detto as above
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_ERROR);
    assert (mlm_proto_status_code (proto) == MLM_PROTO_COMMAND_INVALID);

    //  Now do a stream publish-subscribe test
    zsock_t *writer = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (writer);
    zsock_connect (writer, "tcp://", port);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (reader, 500);

    //  Open connections from both reader and writer
    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_CONNECTION_OPEN);
    mlm_proto_send (proto, reader);
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_OK);

    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_CONNECTION_OPEN);
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, writer);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_OK);

    //  Prepare to write and read a "weather" stream
    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_STREAM_WRITE);
    mlm_proto_set_stream (proto, "weather");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, writer);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_OK);

    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_STREAM_READ);
    mlm_proto_set_pattern (proto, "temp.*");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, reader);
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_OK);

    //  Now send some weather data, with null contents
    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_STREAM_SEND);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "temp.moscow");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "rain.moscow");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "temp.chicago");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "rain.chicago");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "temp.london");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "rain.london");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);

    //  We should receive exactly three deliveries, in order
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_STREAM_DELIVER);
    assert (streq (mlm_proto_subject (proto), "temp.moscow"));

    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_STREAM_DELIVER);
    assert (streq (mlm_proto_subject (proto), "temp.chicago"));

    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_STREAM_DELIVER);
    assert (streq (mlm_proto_subject (proto), "temp.london"));

    mlm_proto_destroy (&proto);

    //  Finished, we can clean up
    zsock_destroy (&writer);
    zsock_destroy (&reader);
    zactor_destroy (&server);
    zstr_free (&port);
    zstr_free (&command);

    // Test Case:
    //      CLIENTLIST command
        const char *endpoint = "inproc://mlm_server_clientlist_test";
        zactor_t *server = zactor_new (mlm_server, "mlm_server_clientlist_test");
        if (verbose)
            zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
        zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", endpoint, NULL);

        mlm_client_t *client_1 = mlm_client_new ();
        int rv = mlm_client_connect (client_1, endpoint, 1000, "Karol");
        assert (rv >= 0);

        mlm_client_t *client_2 = mlm_client_new ();
        rv = mlm_client_connect (client_2, endpoint, 1000, "Tomas");
        assert (rv >= 0);

        mlm_client_t *client_3 = mlm_client_new ();
        rv = mlm_client_connect (client_3, endpoint, 1000, "Alenka");
        assert (rv >= 0);

        zclock_sleep (500);

        zstr_sendx (server, "CLIENTLIST", NULL);

        zmsg_t *message = zmsg_recv (server);
        assert (message);
        assert (zmsg_size (message) == 4);

        char *pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (streq (pop, "CLIENTLIST"));
        zstr_free (&pop);

        zlistx_t *expected_names = zlistx_new ();
        assert (expected_names);
        zlistx_set_destructor (expected_names, (czmq_destructor *) zstr_free);
        zlistx_set_duplicator (expected_names, (czmq_duplicator *) strdup);
        zlistx_set_comparator (expected_names, (czmq_comparator *) strcmp);

        zlistx_add_end (expected_names, (void *) "Karol");
        zlistx_add_end (expected_names, (void *) "Tomas");
        zlistx_add_end (expected_names, (void *) "Alenka");

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        void *handle = zlistx_find (expected_names, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_names, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        handle = zlistx_find (expected_names, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_names, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        handle = zlistx_find (expected_names, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_names, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop == NULL);
        assert (zlistx_size (expected_names) == 0);

        zmsg_destroy (&message);

        // remove a client Karol
        mlm_client_destroy (&client_1);

        zlistx_add_end (expected_names, (void *) "Tomas");
        zlistx_add_end (expected_names, (void *) "Alenka");

        zstr_sendx (server, "CLIENTLIST", NULL);
        zclock_sleep (100);

        message = zmsg_recv (server);
        assert (message);
        assert (zmsg_size (message) == 3);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (streq (pop, "CLIENTLIST"));
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        handle = zlistx_find (expected_names, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_names, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        handle = zlistx_find (expected_names, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_names, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop == NULL);
        assert (zlistx_size (expected_names) == 0);

        zlistx_destroy (&expected_names);
        zmsg_destroy (&message);

        mlm_client_destroy (&client_2);
        mlm_client_destroy (&client_3);
        zactor_destroy (&server);

    // Test Case:
    //      STREAMLIST command
        const char *endpoint = "inproc://mlm_server_streamlist_test";
        zactor_t *server = zactor_new (mlm_server, "mlm_server_streamlist_test");
        if (verbose)
            zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
        zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", endpoint, NULL);

        mlm_client_t *client_1 = mlm_client_new ();
        int rv = mlm_client_connect (client_1, endpoint, 1000, "Karol");
        assert (rv != -1);
        rv = mlm_client_set_producer (client_1, "STREAM_1");
        assert (rv != -1);

        mlm_client_t *client_2 = mlm_client_new ();
        rv = mlm_client_connect (client_2, endpoint, 1000, "Tomas");
        assert (rv != -1);
        rv = mlm_client_set_producer (client_2, "STREAM_2");
        assert (rv != -1);

        mlm_client_t *client_3 = mlm_client_new ();
        rv = mlm_client_connect (client_3, endpoint, 1000, "Alenka");
        assert (rv != -1);
        rv = mlm_client_set_consumer (client_3, "STREAM_2", ".*");
        assert (rv != -1);

        zclock_sleep (100);

        zlistx_t *expected_streams = zlistx_new ();
        assert (expected_streams);
        zlistx_set_destructor (expected_streams, (czmq_destructor *) zstr_free);
        zlistx_set_duplicator (expected_streams, (czmq_duplicator *) strdup);
        zlistx_set_comparator (expected_streams, (czmq_comparator *) strcmp);

        zlistx_add_end (expected_streams, (void *) "STREAM_1");
        zlistx_add_end (expected_streams, (void *) "STREAM_2");

        zstr_sendx (server, "STREAMLIST", NULL);

        zmsg_t *message = zmsg_recv (server);
        assert (message);
        assert (zmsg_size (message) == 3);

        char *pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (streq (pop, "STREAMLIST"));
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        void *handle = zlistx_find (expected_streams, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_streams, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        handle = zlistx_find (expected_streams, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_streams, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop == NULL);
        assert (zlistx_size (expected_streams) == 0);

        zmsg_destroy (&message);

        //  NOTE: Currently when producer disconnects, malamute does not destroy the stream
        //  Therefore it doesn't make sense to test removal of streams, but addition
        mlm_client_t *client_4 = mlm_client_new ();
        rv = mlm_client_connect (client_4, endpoint, 1000, "Michal");
        assert (rv >= 0);
        rv = mlm_client_set_producer (client_4, "New stream");
        assert (rv >= 0);

        zlistx_add_end (expected_streams, (void *) "STREAM_1");
        zlistx_add_end (expected_streams, (void *) "STREAM_2");
        zlistx_add_end (expected_streams, (void *) "New stream");
        zclock_sleep (100);

        zstr_sendx (server, "STREAMLIST", NULL);
        zclock_sleep (100);

        message = zmsg_recv (server);
        assert (message);
        assert (zmsg_size (message) == 4);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (streq (pop, "STREAMLIST"));
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        handle = zlistx_find (expected_streams, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_streams, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        handle = zlistx_find (expected_streams, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_streams, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop);
        handle = zlistx_find (expected_streams, pop);
        assert (handle);
        rv = zlistx_delete (expected_streams, handle);
        assert (rv == 0);
        zstr_free (&pop);

        pop = zmsg_popstr (message);
        assert (pop == NULL);
        assert (zlistx_size (expected_streams) == 0);

        zlistx_destroy (&expected_streams);
        zmsg_destroy (&message);

        mlm_client_destroy (&client_1);
        mlm_client_destroy (&client_2);
        mlm_client_destroy (&client_3);
        mlm_client_destroy (&client_4);
        zactor_destroy (&server);

    // Regression Test Case:
    //      Segfault from deregistering zombie connection
        const char *endpoint = "inproc://mlm_server_deregister_zombie_connection_test";
        zactor_t *server = zactor_new (mlm_server, "mlm_server_deregister_zombie_connection_test");
        if (verbose)
            zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
        zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", endpoint, NULL);
        zstr_sendx (server, "SET", "server/timeout", "3000", NULL); // 3 second client timeout

        zsock_t *reader = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
        assert (reader);
        zsock_connect (reader, "inproc://mlm_server_deregister_zombie_connection_test");
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo (reader, 500);

        mlm_proto_t *proto = mlm_proto_new ();

        // If the malamute server is restarted and clients have queued
        // up ping messages, the'll be sent before any
        // CONNECTION_OPEN.  The server eventually tries to deregister
        // this and (previously) would derefence a null pointer for
        // the client address.
        mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_CONNECTION_PING);
        mlm_proto_send (proto, reader);

        printf("Regression test for segfault due to leftover client messages after restart...\n");
        // Give the server more than 3 seconds to time out the client...
        zclock_sleep (3100);

        mlm_proto_destroy (&proto);
        zsock_destroy (&reader);
        zactor_destroy (&server);

        const char *endpoint = "inproc://mlm_server_disconnect_pending_stream_traffic";
        zactor_t *server = zactor_new (mlm_server, "mlm_server_disconnect_pending_stream_traffic");
        if (verbose) {
            zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
            printf("Regression test for use-after-free with pending stream traffic after disconnect\n");
        zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", endpoint, NULL);

        mlm_client_t *producer = mlm_client_new ();
        assert (mlm_client_connect (producer, endpoint, 1000, "producer") >= 0);
        assert (mlm_client_set_producer (producer, "STREAM_TEST") >= 0);

        zstr_sendx (server, "SLOW_TEST_MODE", NULL);

        mlm_client_t *consumer = mlm_client_new ();
        assert (mlm_client_connect (consumer, endpoint, 1000, "consumer") >= 0);
        assert (mlm_client_set_consumer (consumer, "STREAM_TEST", ".*") >= 0);

        zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
        zmsg_addstr (msg, "world");
        assert (mlm_client_send (producer, "hello", &msg) >= 0);

        mlm_client_destroy (&consumer);

        zclock_sleep (2000);

        mlm_client_destroy (&producer);
        zactor_destroy (&server);

    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #9
mlm_server_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * mlm_server: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (mlm_server, "mlm_server_test");
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
    zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "tcp://", NULL);

    zsock_t *reader = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (reader);
    zsock_connect (reader, "tcp://");
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (reader, 500);

    mlm_proto_t *proto = mlm_proto_new ();

    //  Server insists that connection starts properly
    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_STREAM_WRITE);
    mlm_proto_send (proto, reader);
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_ERROR);
    assert (mlm_proto_status_code (proto) == MLM_PROTO_COMMAND_INVALID);

    //  Now do a stream publish-subscribe test
    zsock_t *writer = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (writer);
    zsock_connect (writer, "tcp://");
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (reader, 500);

    //  Open connections from both reader and writer
    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_CONNECTION_OPEN);
    mlm_proto_send (proto, reader);
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_OK);

    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_CONNECTION_OPEN);
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, writer);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_OK);

    //  Prepare to write and read a "weather" stream
    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_STREAM_WRITE);
    mlm_proto_set_stream (proto, "weather");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, writer);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_OK);

    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_STREAM_READ);
    mlm_proto_set_pattern (proto, "temp.*");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, reader);
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_OK);

    //  Now send some weather data, with null contents
    mlm_proto_set_id (proto, MLM_PROTO_STREAM_SEND);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "temp.moscow");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "rain.moscow");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "temp.chicago");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "rain.chicago");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "temp.london");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);
    mlm_proto_set_subject (proto, "rain.london");
    mlm_proto_send (proto, writer);

    //  We should receive exactly three deliveries, in order
    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_STREAM_DELIVER);
    assert (streq (mlm_proto_subject (proto), "temp.moscow"));

    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_STREAM_DELIVER);
    assert (streq (mlm_proto_subject (proto), "temp.chicago"));

    mlm_proto_recv (proto, reader);
    assert (mlm_proto_id (proto) == MLM_PROTO_STREAM_DELIVER);
    assert (streq (mlm_proto_subject (proto), "temp.london"));

    mlm_proto_destroy (&proto);

    //  Finished, we can clean up
    zsock_destroy (&writer);
    zsock_destroy (&reader);
    zactor_destroy (&server);

    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #10
//  Set socket option `rcvtimeo`.
void QZsock::setRcvtimeo (int rcvtimeo)
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (self, rcvtimeo);
Exemple #11
zproxy_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zproxy: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create and configure our proxy
    zactor_t *proxy = zactor_new (zproxy, NULL);
    assert (proxy);
    if (verbose) {
        zstr_sendx (proxy, "VERBOSE", NULL);
        zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "FRONTEND", "PULL", "inproc://frontend", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "BACKEND", "PUSH", "inproc://backend", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);

    //  Connect application sockets to proxy
    zsock_t *faucet = zsock_new_push (">inproc://frontend");
    assert (faucet);
    zsock_t *sink = zsock_new_pull (">inproc://backend");
    assert (sink);

    //  Send some messages and check they arrived
    char *hello, *world;
    zstr_sendx (faucet, "Hello", "World", NULL);
    zstr_recvx (sink, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (streq (hello, "Hello"));
    assert (streq (world, "World"));
    zstr_free (&hello);
    zstr_free (&world);

    //  Test pause/resume functionality
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "PAUSE", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_sendx (faucet, "Hello", "World", NULL);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (sink, 100);
    zstr_recvx (sink, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (!hello && !world);

    zstr_sendx (proxy, "RESUME", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_recvx (sink, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (streq (hello, "Hello"));
    assert (streq (world, "World"));
    zstr_free (&hello);
    zstr_free (&world);

    //  Test capture functionality
    zsock_t *capture = zsock_new_pull ("inproc://capture");
    assert (capture);

    //  Switch on capturing, check that it works
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "CAPTURE", "inproc://capture", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_sendx (faucet, "Hello", "World", NULL);
    zstr_recvx (sink, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (streq (hello, "Hello"));
    assert (streq (world, "World"));
    zstr_free (&hello);
    zstr_free (&world);

    zstr_recvx (capture, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (streq (hello, "Hello"));
    assert (streq (world, "World"));
    zstr_free (&hello);
    zstr_free (&world);

    zsock_destroy (&faucet);
    zsock_destroy (&sink);
    zsock_destroy (&capture);
    zactor_destroy (&proxy);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #12
zgossip_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zgossip: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Test basic client-to-server operation of the protocol
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (zgossip, "server");
    assert (server);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
    zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "inproc://zgossip", NULL);

    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (client);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (client, 2000);
    int rc = zsock_connect (client, "inproc://zgossip");
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Send HELLO, which gets no message
    zgossip_msg_t *message = zgossip_msg_new ();
    zgossip_msg_set_id (message, ZGOSSIP_MSG_HELLO);
    zgossip_msg_send (message, client);

    //  Send PING, expect PONG back
    zgossip_msg_set_id (message, ZGOSSIP_MSG_PING);
    zgossip_msg_send (message, client);
    zgossip_msg_recv (message, client);
    assert (zgossip_msg_id (message) == ZGOSSIP_MSG_PONG);
    zgossip_msg_destroy (&message);

    zactor_destroy (&server);
    zsock_destroy (&client);

    //  Test peer-to-peer operations
    zactor_t *base = zactor_new (zgossip, "base");
    assert (base);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (base, "VERBOSE");
    //  Set a 100msec timeout on clients so we can test expiry
    zstr_sendx (base, "SET", "server/timeout", "100", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (base, "BIND", "inproc://base", NULL);

    zactor_t *alpha = zactor_new (zgossip, "alpha");
    assert (alpha);
    zstr_sendx (alpha, "CONNECT", "inproc://base", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (alpha, "PUBLISH", "inproc://alpha-1", "service1", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (alpha, "PUBLISH", "inproc://alpha-2", "service2", NULL);

    zactor_t *beta = zactor_new (zgossip, "beta");
    assert (beta);
    zstr_sendx (beta, "CONNECT", "inproc://base", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (beta, "PUBLISH", "inproc://beta-1", "service1", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (beta, "PUBLISH", "inproc://beta-2", "service2", NULL);

    //  got nothing
    zclock_sleep (200);

    zstr_send (alpha, "STATUS");
    char *command, *status, *key, *value;

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
    assert (streq (key, "inproc://alpha-1"));
    assert (streq (value, "service1"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&key);
    zstr_free (&value);

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
    assert (streq (key, "inproc://alpha-2"));
    assert (streq (value, "service2"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&key);
    zstr_free (&value);

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
    assert (streq (key, "inproc://beta-1"));
    assert (streq (value, "service1"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&key);
    zstr_free (&value);

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
    assert (streq (key, "inproc://beta-2"));
    assert (streq (value, "service2"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&key);
    zstr_free (&value);

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &status, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "STATUS"));
    assert (atoi (status) == 4);
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&status);

    zactor_destroy (&base);
    zactor_destroy (&alpha);
    zactor_destroy (&beta);

    //  DRAFT-API: Security
    // curve
    if (zsys_has_curve()) {
        if (verbose)
            printf("testing CURVE support");
        zclock_sleep (2000);
        zactor_t *auth = zactor_new(zauth, NULL);
        assert (auth);
        if (verbose) {
            zstr_sendx (auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);
            zsock_wait (auth);
        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);

        server = zactor_new (zgossip, "server");
        if (verbose)
            zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
        assert (server);

        zcert_t *client1_cert = zcert_new ();
        zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new ();

        zstr_sendx (server, "SET PUBLICKEY", zcert_public_txt (server_cert), NULL);
        zstr_sendx (server, "SET SECRETKEY", zcert_secret_txt (server_cert), NULL);
        zstr_sendx (server, "ZAP DOMAIN", "TEST", NULL);

        zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "tcp://*", NULL);
        zstr_sendx (server, "PORT", NULL);
        zstr_recvx (server, &command, &value, NULL);
        assert (streq (command, "PORT"));
        int port = atoi (value);
        zstr_free (&command);
        zstr_free (&value);
        char endpoint [32];
        sprintf (endpoint, "tcp://", port);

        zactor_t *client1 = zactor_new (zgossip, "client");
        if (verbose)
            zstr_send (client1, "VERBOSE");
        assert (client1);

        zstr_sendx (client1, "SET PUBLICKEY", zcert_public_txt (client1_cert), NULL);
        zstr_sendx (client1, "SET SECRETKEY", zcert_secret_txt (client1_cert), NULL);
        zstr_sendx (client1, "ZAP DOMAIN", "TEST", NULL);

        const char *public_txt = zcert_public_txt (server_cert);
        zstr_sendx (client1, "CONNECT", endpoint, public_txt, NULL);
        zstr_sendx (client1, "PUBLISH", "tcp://", "service1", NULL);

        zclock_sleep (500);

        zstr_send (server, "STATUS");
        zclock_sleep (500);

        zstr_recvx (server, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
        assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
        assert (streq (value, "service1"));

        zstr_free (&command);
        zstr_free (&key);
        zstr_free (&value);

        zstr_sendx (client1, "$TERM", NULL);
        zstr_sendx (server, "$TERM", NULL);


        zcert_destroy (&client1_cert);
        zcert_destroy (&server_cert);

        zactor_destroy (&client1);
        zactor_destroy (&server);
        zactor_destroy (&auth);

#if defined (__WINDOWS__)

    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #13
citizen_server_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * citizen_server: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");
    //  @selftest
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (citizen_server, "server");
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
    zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "ipc://@/citizen_server", NULL);
    // Connect a client
    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (client);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (client, 2000);
    zsock_connect (client, "ipc://@/citizen_server");
    // Message holders
    citizen_msg_t *request, *reply;
    // Check initial server status
    request = citizen_msg_new (CITIZEN_MSG_HOWAREYOU);
    citizen_msg_send (&request, client);
    reply = citizen_msg_recv (client);
    assert (reply);
    assert (citizen_msg_id (reply) == CITIZEN_MSG_STATUS);
    assert (citizen_msg_follower_count (reply) == 0);
    citizen_msg_destroy (&reply);
    // Solicit a follow request
    request = citizen_msg_new (CITIZEN_MSG_IMLOST);
    citizen_msg_send (&request, client);
    reply = citizen_msg_recv (client);
    assert (reply);
    assert (citizen_msg_id (reply) == CITIZEN_MSG_FOLLOWME);
    citizen_msg_destroy (&reply);
    // Solicit a follow request
    request = citizen_msg_new (CITIZEN_MSG_LEADME);
    citizen_msg_send (&request, client);
    // Check that status now shows one follower
    request = citizen_msg_new (CITIZEN_MSG_HOWAREYOU);
    citizen_msg_send (&request, client);
    reply = citizen_msg_recv (client);
    assert (reply);
    assert (citizen_msg_id (reply) == CITIZEN_MSG_STATUS);
    assert (citizen_msg_follower_count (reply) == 1);
    citizen_msg_destroy (&reply);
    // Force an expiration of the client with very short timeout,
    // a message to reapply the timeout time, and a too-long sleep;
    // then reset timeout to default time of 60 seconds.
    zstr_sendx (server, "SET", "server/timeout", "10", NULL);
    citizen_msg_send_howareyou (client);
    reply = citizen_msg_recv (client);
    citizen_msg_destroy (&reply);
    zclock_sleep(20); // client connection should time out
    zstr_sendx (server, "SET", "server/timeout", "60000", NULL);
    // Check that status now shows zero followers
    request = citizen_msg_new (CITIZEN_MSG_HOWAREYOU);
    citizen_msg_send (&request, client);
    reply = citizen_msg_recv (client);
    assert (reply);
    assert (citizen_msg_id (reply) == CITIZEN_MSG_STATUS);
    assert (citizen_msg_follower_count (reply) == 0);
    citizen_msg_destroy (&reply);
    // Cleanup
    zsock_destroy (&client);
    zactor_destroy (&server);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Exemple #14
zyre_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zyre: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  We'll use inproc gossip discovery so that this works without networking

    uint64_t version = zyre_version ();
    assert ((version / 10000) % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_MAJOR);
    assert ((version / 100) % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_MINOR);
    assert (version % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_PATCH);

    //  Create two nodes
    zyre_t *node1 = zyre_new ("node1");
    assert (node1);
    assert (streq (zyre_name (node1), "node1"));
    zyre_set_header (node1, "X-HELLO", "World");
    if (verbose)
        zyre_set_verbose (node1);

    //  Set inproc endpoint for this node
    int rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node1, "inproc://zyre-node1");
    assert (rc == 0);
    //  Set up gossip network for this node
    zyre_gossip_bind (node1, "inproc://gossip-hub");
    rc = zyre_start (node1);
    assert (rc == 0);

    zyre_t *node2 = zyre_new ("node2");
    assert (node2);
    assert (streq (zyre_name (node2), "node2"));
    if (verbose)
        zyre_set_verbose (node2);

    //  Set inproc endpoint for this node
    //  First, try to use existing name, it'll fail
    rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node1");
    assert (rc == -1);
    //  Now use available name and confirm that it succeeds
    rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node2");
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Set up gossip network for this node
    zyre_gossip_connect (node2, "inproc://gossip-hub");
    rc = zyre_start (node2);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (strneq (zyre_uuid (node1), zyre_uuid (node2)));

    zyre_join (node1, "GLOBAL");
    zyre_join (node2, "GLOBAL");

    //  Give time for them to interconnect
    zclock_sleep (250);
    if (verbose)
        zyre_dump (node1);

    zlist_t *peers = zyre_peers (node1);
    assert (peers);
    assert (zlist_size (peers) == 1);
    zlist_destroy (&peers);

    zyre_join (node1, "node1 group of one");
    zyre_join (node2, "node2 group of one");

    // Give them time to join their groups
    zclock_sleep (250);

    zlist_t *own_groups = zyre_own_groups (node1);
    assert (own_groups);
    assert (zlist_size (own_groups) == 2);
    zlist_destroy (&own_groups);

    zlist_t *peer_groups = zyre_peer_groups (node1);
    assert (peer_groups);
    assert (zlist_size (peer_groups) == 2);
    zlist_destroy (&peer_groups);

    char *value = zyre_peer_header_value (node2, zyre_uuid (node1), "X-HELLO");
    assert (streq (value, "World"));
    zstr_free (&value);

    //  One node shouts to GLOBAL
    zyre_shouts (node1, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

    //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
    zmsg_t *msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    char *command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 4);
    char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    char *name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (name, "node1"));
    zstr_free (&name);
    zframe_t *headers_packed = zmsg_pop (msg);

    char *address = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    char *endpoint = zyre_peer_address (node2, peerid);
    assert (streq (address, endpoint));
    zstr_free (&peerid);
    zstr_free (&endpoint);
    zstr_free (&address);

    assert (headers_packed);
    zhash_t *headers = zhash_unpack (headers_packed);
    assert (headers);
    zframe_destroy (&headers_packed);
    assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (headers, "X-HELLO"), "World"));
    zhash_destroy (&headers);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 3);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 3);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "SHOUT"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    zyre_stop (node2);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "STOP"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    zyre_stop (node1);

    zyre_destroy (&node1);
    zyre_destroy (&node2);

    printf ("OK\n");

    if (zsys_has_curve()){

        printf (" * zyre-curve: ");
        if (verbose)
            printf ("\n");

        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug("----------------TESTING CURVE --------------");

        zactor_t *speaker = zactor_new (zbeacon, NULL);
        assert (speaker);
        if (verbose)
            zstr_sendx (speaker, "VERBOSE", NULL);

        // ensuring we have a broadcast address
        zsock_send (speaker, "si", "CONFIGURE", 9999);
        char *hostname = zstr_recv (speaker);
        if (!*hostname) {
            printf ("OK (skipping test, no UDP broadcasting)\n");
            zactor_destroy (&speaker);
            freen (hostname);
        freen (hostname);
        zactor_destroy (&speaker);

        // zap setup
        zactor_t *auth = zactor_new(zauth, NULL);
        assert (auth);

        if (verbose) {
            zstr_sendx(auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);

        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);

        zyre_t *node3 = zyre_new ("node3");
        zyre_t *node4 = zyre_new ("node4");

        assert (node3);
        assert (node4);

        zyre_set_verbose (node3);
        zyre_set_verbose (node4);

        zyre_set_zap_domain(node3, "TEST");
        zyre_set_zap_domain(node4, "TEST");

        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node3->inbox, 10000);
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node4->inbox, 10000);

        zcert_t *node3_cert = zcert_new ();
        zcert_t *node4_cert = zcert_new ();

        assert (node3_cert);
        assert (node4_cert);

        zyre_set_zcert(node3, node3_cert);
        zyre_set_zcert(node4, node4_cert);

        zyre_set_header(node3, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node3_cert));
        zyre_set_header(node4, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node4_cert));

        // test beacon
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("----------------TESTING BEACON----------------");

        rc = zyre_start(node3);
        assert (rc == 0);

        rc = zyre_start(node4);
        assert (rc == 0);

        zyre_join (node3, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_join (node4, "GLOBAL");

        zclock_sleep (1500);

        if (verbose) {
            zyre_dump (node3);
            zyre_dump (node4);

        zyre_shouts (node3, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

        //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
        msg = zyre_recv (node4);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (peerid);
        name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (name, "node3"));
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);

        msg = zyre_recv (node4);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        msg = zyre_recv (node4);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "SHOUT"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        zyre_leave(node3, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_leave(node4, "GLOBAL");

        zstr_free (&name);
        zstr_free (&peerid);
        zstr_free (&command);

        zyre_stop (node3);
        zyre_stop (node4);

        // give things a chance to settle...
        zclock_sleep (250);



        // test gossip
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("----------------TESTING GOSSIP----------------");

        zyre_t *node5 = zyre_new ("node5");
        zyre_t *node6 = zyre_new ("node6");

        assert (node5);
        assert (node6);

        if (verbose) {
            zyre_set_verbose (node5);
            zyre_set_verbose (node6);

        // if it takes more than 10s, something probably went terribly wrong
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node5->inbox, 10000);
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node6->inbox, 10000);

        zcert_t *node5_cert = zcert_new ();
        zcert_t *node6_cert = zcert_new ();

        assert (node5_cert);
        assert (node6_cert);

        zyre_set_zcert(node5, node5_cert);
        zyre_set_zcert(node6, node6_cert);

        zyre_set_header(node5, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node5_cert));
        zyre_set_header(node6, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node6_cert));

        const char *gossip_cert = zcert_public_txt (node5_cert);

        // TODO- need to add zyre_gossip_port functions to get port from gossip bind(?)
        zyre_gossip_bind(node5, "tcp://");
        zyre_gossip_connect_curve(node6, gossip_cert, "tcp://");


        zyre_join (node5, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_join (node6, "GLOBAL");

        // give things a chance to settle...
        zclock_sleep (1500);

        if (verbose) {
            zyre_dump (node5);
            zyre_dump (node6);

        zyre_shouts (node5, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

        //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
        msg = zyre_recv (node6);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (peerid);
        name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);

        assert (streq (name, "node5"));
        zstr_free (&name);

        zyre_leave(node5, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_leave(node6, "GLOBAL");

        zyre_stop (node5);
        zyre_stop (node6);

        // give things a chance to settle...
        zclock_sleep (250);

        zstr_free (&peerid);

        zcert_destroy (&node5_cert);
        zcert_destroy (&node6_cert);


        printf ("OK\n");

Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zsock__1_1setRcvtimeo (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong self, jint rcvtimeo)
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo ((zsock_t *) (intptr_t) self, (int) rcvtimeo);