Exemple #1
void Builder::FinalizeAnyPolyline()
  // Save the last polyline / polygon if one exists.
  if ( current_polyline_pointcount > 0 )
    if ( current_polyline_willclose )
      polyVertex << DL_VertexData( closePolyX, closePolyY, closePolyZ );

    int dim = polyVertex.size();
    QVector<double> xv( dim );
    QVector<double> yv( dim );
    QVector<double> zv( dim );

    for ( int i = 0; i < dim; i++ )
      xv[i] = polyVertex[i].x;
      yv[i] = polyVertex[i].y;
      zv[i] = polyVertex[i].z;

    shpObjects << SHPCreateObject( shapefileType, shpObjects.size(), 0, NULL, NULL, dim, xv.data(), yv.data(), zv.data(), NULL );

    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Finalized adding of polyline shape %1" ).arg( shpObjects.size() - 1 ) );
    current_polyline_pointcount = 0;
Exemple #2
void Builder::addCircle( const DL_CircleData& data )
  if ( shapefileType != SHPT_ARC && shapefileType != SHPT_POLYGON )
    QgsDebugMsg( "ignoring circle" );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "circle (%1,%2,%3 r=%4)" ).arg( data.cx ).arg( data.cy ).arg( data.cz ).arg( data.radius ) );

  if ( ignoringBlock )
    QgsDebugMsg( "skipping circle in block" );

  std::vector <DL_PointData> circlePoints;
  DL_PointData myPoint;

  // Approximate the circle with 360 line segments connecting points along that circle
  long shpIndex = 0;
  for ( double i = 0.0; i <= 2*M_PI; i += M_PI / 180.0, shpIndex++ )
    myPoint.x = data.radius * cos( i ) + data.cx;
    myPoint.y = data.radius * sin( i ) + data.cy;
    myPoint.z = data.cz;

    circlePoints.push_back( myPoint );

  int dim = circlePoints.size();
  QVector<double> xv( dim );
  QVector<double> yv( dim );
  QVector<double> zv( dim );

  for ( int i = 0; i < dim; i++ )
    xv[i] = circlePoints[i].x;
    yv[i] = circlePoints[i].y;
    zv[i] = circlePoints[i].z;

  shpObjects << SHPCreateObject( shapefileType, shpObjects.size(), 0, NULL, NULL, dim, xv.data(), yv.data(), zv.data(), NULL );

Exemple #3
void Builder::addPolyline( const DL_PolylineData& data )
  if ( shapefileType != SHPT_ARC && shapefileType != SHPT_POLYGON )
    QgsDebugMsg( "ignoring polyline" );

  QgsDebugMsg( "reading polyline - expecting vertices" );

  if ( ignoringBlock )
    QgsDebugMsg( "skipping polyline in block" );

  // Add previously created polyline if not finalized yet
  if ( current_polyline_pointcount > 0 )
    if ( current_polyline_willclose )

      DL_VertexData myVertex;

      myVertex.x = closePolyX;
      myVertex.y = closePolyY;
      myVertex.z = closePolyZ;

      polyVertex.push_back( myVertex );


    int dim = polyVertex.size();
    QVector<double> xv( dim );
    QVector<double> yv( dim );
    QVector<double> zv( dim );

    for ( int i = 0; i < dim; i++ )
      xv[i] = polyVertex[i].x;
      yv[i] = polyVertex[i].y;
      zv[i] = polyVertex[i].z;

    shpObjects << SHPCreateObject( shapefileType, shpObjects.size(), 0, NULL, NULL, dim, xv.data(), yv.data(), zv.data(), NULL );


    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "polyline prepared: %1" ).arg( shpObjects.size() - 1 ) );
    current_polyline_pointcount = 0;

  // Now that the currently-adding polyline (if any) is
  // finalized, parse out the flag options

  if ( data.flags == 1 || data.flags == 32 )
    current_polyline_willclose = true;
    store_next_vertex_for_polyline_close = true;
    current_polyline_willclose = false;
    store_next_vertex_for_polyline_close = false;

  current_polyline_pointcount = 0;

Exemple #4
void Builder::addArc( const DL_ArcData& data )
  if ( shapefileType != SHPT_ARC )
    QgsDebugMsg( "ignoring arc" );

  int fromAngle = ( int ) data.angle1 + 1;
  int toAngle = ( int ) data.angle2 + 1;

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "arc (%1,%2,%3 r=%4 a1=%5 a2=%6)" )
               .arg( data.cx ).arg( data.cy ).arg( data.cz )
               .arg( data.radius )
               .arg( data.angle1 ).arg( data.angle2 ) );

  if ( ignoringBlock )
    QgsDebugMsg( "skipping arc in block" );

  int i = 0;
  long shpIndex = 0;

  // Approximate the arc

  double radianMeasure;

  std::vector <DL_PointData> arcPoints;
  DL_PointData myPoint;

  for ( i = fromAngle; ; i++, shpIndex++ )
    if ( i > 360 )
      i = 0;

    if ( shpIndex > 1000 )

    radianMeasure = i * M_PI / 180.0;

    myPoint.x = data.radius * cos( radianMeasure ) + data.cx;
    myPoint.y = data.radius * sin( radianMeasure ) + data.cy;
    myPoint.z = data.cz;

    arcPoints.push_back( myPoint );

    if ( i == toAngle )

  // Finalize

  int dim = arcPoints.size();
  QVector<double> xv( dim );
  QVector<double> yv( dim );
  QVector<double> zv( dim );

  for ( int i = 0; i < dim; i++ )
    xv[i] = arcPoints[i].x;
    yv[i] = arcPoints[i].y;
    zv[i] = arcPoints[i].z;


  shpObjects << SHPCreateObject( shapefileType, shpObjects.size(), 0, NULL, NULL, dim, xv.data(), yv.data(), zv.data(), NULL );
void SMDImporter::CreateAnimationSource()
	XSI::ActionSource actionSource;

	float animStart = 9999;
	float animEnd = -9999;

	XSI::CString animatedObjects;

	for (int c=0;c<m_pNodes.GetUsed();c++)
		SMDNode* node = m_pNodes[c];

		if ( node->m_pKeys.GetUsed() > 1 )
			if ( !actionSource.IsValid() )
				LPWSTR l_wszActionName;

				actionSource = m_pModel.AddActionSource( l_wszActionName );

			XSI::Parameter x = node->m_x3d.GetParameters().GetItem( L"posx" );
			XSI::Parameter y = node->m_x3d.GetParameters().GetItem( L"posy" );
			XSI::Parameter z = node->m_x3d.GetParameters().GetItem( L"posz" );

			XSI::Parameter rx = node->m_x3d.GetParameters().GetItem( L"rotx" );
			XSI::Parameter ry = node->m_x3d.GetParameters().GetItem( L"roty" );
			XSI::Parameter rz = node->m_x3d.GetParameters().GetItem( L"rotz" );

			node->m_fOldX = x.GetValue();
			node->m_fOldY = y.GetValue();
			node->m_fOldZ = z.GetValue();
			node->m_fOldRX = rx.GetValue();
			node->m_fOldRY = ry.GetValue();
			node->m_fOldRZ = rz.GetValue();

			XSI::FCurve fcrvx;
			x.AddFCurve( XSI::siStandardFCurve, fcrvx	);
			XSI::FCurve fcrvy;
			y.AddFCurve( XSI::siStandardFCurve, fcrvy	);
			XSI::FCurve fcrvz;
			z.AddFCurve( XSI::siStandardFCurve, fcrvz	);
			XSI::FCurve fcrvrx;
			rx.AddFCurve( XSI::siStandardFCurve, fcrvrx	);
			XSI::FCurve fcrvry;
			ry.AddFCurve( XSI::siStandardFCurve, fcrvry	);
			XSI::FCurve fcrvrz;
			rz.AddFCurve( XSI::siStandardFCurve, fcrvrz	);
			XSI::CTimeArray time(node->m_pKeys.GetUsed());
			XSI::CValueArray xv(node->m_pKeys.GetUsed());
			XSI::CValueArray yv(node->m_pKeys.GetUsed());
			XSI::CValueArray zv(node->m_pKeys.GetUsed());
			XSI::CValueArray rxv(node->m_pKeys.GetUsed());
			XSI::CValueArray ryv(node->m_pKeys.GetUsed());
			XSI::CValueArray rzv(node->m_pKeys.GetUsed());
			if ( node->m_pParent ==NULL )
				for (int k=0;k<node->m_pKeys.GetUsed();k++)
					if ( node->GetKey(k)->m_fTime < animStart )
						animStart = node->GetKey(k)->m_fTime;

					if ( node->GetKey(k)->m_fTime > animEnd )
						animEnd = node->GetKey(k)->m_fTime;

					XSI::MATH::CTransformation xfo1;
					XSI::MATH::CTransformation xfo2;
					xfo1.SetRotationFromXYZAnglesValues ( node->GetKey(k)->m_vRotation.GetX(), node->GetKey(k)->m_vRotation.GetY(), node->GetKey(k)->m_vRotation.GetZ() );
					xfo1.SetTranslationFromValues ( node->GetKey(k)->m_vPosition.GetX(), node->GetKey(k)->m_vPosition.GetY(), node->GetKey(k)->m_vPosition.GetZ() );

					xfo2.SetRotationFromXYZAnglesValues ( -1.570796, 0.0, 0.0 );

					double dx,dy,dz;
					double drx, dry, drz;

					xfo1.GetTranslationValues ( dx, dy, dz);
					xfo1.GetRotationFromXYZAnglesValues(drx, dry, drz);

					time[k] = k;
					xv[k] = dx;
					yv[k] = dy;
					zv[k] = dz;
					rxv[k] = drx * 57.29577951308232286465;
					ryv[k] = dry * 57.29577951308232286465;
					rzv[k] = drz * 57.29577951308232286465;

			} else {
				for (int k=0;k<node->m_pKeys.GetUsed();k++)
					if ( node->GetKey(k)->m_fTime < animStart )
						animStart = node->GetKey(k)->m_fTime;

					if ( node->GetKey(k)->m_fTime > animEnd )
						animEnd = node->GetKey(k)->m_fTime;

					time[k] = k;
					xv[k] = node->GetKey(k)->m_vPosition.GetX();
					yv[k] = node->GetKey(k)->m_vPosition.GetY();
					zv[k] = node->GetKey(k)->m_vPosition.GetZ();
					rxv[k] = node->GetKey(k)->m_vRotation.GetX() * 57.29577951308232286465;
					ryv[k] = node->GetKey(k)->m_vRotation.GetY() * 57.29577951308232286465;
					rzv[k] = node->GetKey(k)->m_vRotation.GetZ() * 57.29577951308232286465;

			fcrvx.SetKeys ( time, xv );
			fcrvy.SetKeys ( time, yv );
			fcrvz.SetKeys ( time, zv );

			fcrvrx.SetKeys ( time, rxv );
			fcrvry.SetKeys ( time, ryv );
			fcrvrz.SetKeys ( time, rzv );

			LPWSTR l_wszModelName;
			XSI::CString cname = l_wszModelName;

			actionSource.AddSourceItem ( cname + L".kine.local.posx", fcrvx, true ); 
			actionSource.AddSourceItem ( cname + L".kine.local.posy", fcrvy, true );
			actionSource.AddSourceItem ( cname + L".kine.local.posz", fcrvz, true );

			actionSource.AddSourceItem ( cname + L".kine.local.rotx", fcrvrx, true ); 
			actionSource.AddSourceItem ( cname + L".kine.local.roty", fcrvry, true );
			actionSource.AddSourceItem ( cname + L".kine.local.rotz", fcrvrz, true );
			// build up the string list of objects that we want to remove animation from
			if (animatedObjects.IsEmpty() == false) {
				animatedObjects += L", ";
			animatedObjects += node->m_x3d.GetFullName();

	if ( actionSource.IsValid() )
		actionSource.PutParameterValue(L"FrameStart", (double)animStart);
		actionSource.PutParameterValue(L"FrameEnd", (double)animEnd);

	// remove animation on all objects that were imported
	// and animated
	if (animatedObjects.IsEmpty() == false) {
		XSI::Application app;
		XSI::CValue out;
		XSI::CValueArray args(4);

		args[0] = animatedObjects;
		args[1] = XSI::CValue();
		args[2] = (long)XSI::siBranch;
		args[3] = (long)(XSI::siFCurveSource);
		app.ExecuteCommand(L"RemoveAllAnimation", args, out);