Exemple #1
/* Called by:  zxcall_main, zxid_callf */
struct zx_str* zxid_call(zxid_conf* cf, zxid_ses* ses, const char* svctype, const char* url, const char* di_opt, const char* az_cred, const char* enve)
  zxid_epr* epr;

  if (!cf || !ses) {
    ERR("Missing mandatory arguments ses=%p (programmer error)", ses);
    return 0;

  epr = zxid_get_epr(cf, ses, svctype, url, di_opt, 0 /*Action*/, 1);
  if (!epr) {
    ERR("EPR could not be discovered for svctype(%s) (missing registration?)", svctype);
    zxid_set_fault(cf, ses, zxid_mk_fault(cf, 0, TAS3_WSC_RQ_OUT, "e:Client", "End Point for the service type could not be found. No end point has been registered? Too strict criteria for id_opt or az_cred? Permission denied? No discovery bootstrap is available?", TAS3_STATUS_EPR_NOT_FOUND, 0, url, svctype));
    return 0;
  return zxid_call_epr(cf, ses, epr, az_cred, enve);
Exemple #2
/* Called by: */
int zxumacall_main(int argc, char** argv, char** env)
  int siz, got, n;
  char* p;
  struct zx_str* ss;
  zxid_ses* ses;
  zxid_entity* idp_meta;
  zxid_epr* epr;

  strncpy(errmac_instance, CC_CYNY("\tzxuma"), sizeof(errmac_instance));
  cf = zxid_new_conf_to_cf(0);
  opt(&argc, &argv, &env);

  if (dynclireg) {
    return 0;

  if (rsrc_name) {
    if (!client_secret)
    return 0;
  if (sid) {
    D("Existing session sesid(%s)", sid);
    ses = zxid_fetch_ses(cf, sid);
    if (!ses) {
      ERR("Session not found or error in session sesid(%s)", sid);
      return 1;
  } else {
    D("Obtain session from authentication service(%s)", idp);
    idp_meta = zxid_get_ent(cf, idp);
    if (!idp_meta) {
      ERR("IdP metadata not found and could not be fetched. idp(%s)", idp);
      return 1;
    for (p = user; !ONE_OF_2(*p, ':', 0); ++p) ;
    if (*p)
      *p++ = 0;
    ses = zxid_as_call(cf, idp_meta, user, p);
    if (!ses) {
      ERR("Login using Authentication Service failed idp(%s)", idp);
      return 1;
    INFO("Logged in. NameID(%s) Session in %s" ZXID_SES_DIR "%s", ses->nid, cf->cpath, ses->sid);

  if (listses)
    return zxid_print_session(cf, ses);   

  if (im_to) {
    D("ID-WSF Map to identity at eid(%s)", im_to);
    zxid_map_identity_token(cf, ses, im_to, 0);
    //printf("%.*s\n", ZX_GET_CONTENT_LEN(nameid), ZX_GET_CONTENT_S(nameid));
    return 0;

  if (nidmap_to) {
    D("SAML Map to identity at eid(%s)", nidmap_to);
    zxid_nidmap_identity_token(cf, ses, nidmap_to, 0);
    //printf("%.*s\n", ZX_GET_CONTENT_LEN(nameid), ZX_GET_CONTENT_S(nameid));
    return 0;

  if (di_only) {
    D("Discover only. svctype(%s), dindex=%d", STRNULLCHK(svc), din);
    epr = zxid_get_epr(cf, ses, svc, url, di, 0 /*action*/, din);
    if (!epr) {
      ERR("Discovery failed to find any epr of service type(%s)", STRNULLCHK(svc));
      return 3;
    for (din = 1; ;++din) {
      epr = zxid_get_epr(cf, ses, svc, url, di, 0 /*action*/, din);
      if (!epr)
      printf("%d. Found epr for service type(%s)\n", din, STRNULLCHK(svc));
      ss = zxid_get_epr_desc(cf, epr);
      printf("   Description: %.*s\n", ss?ss->len:0, ss?ss->s:"");
      ss = zxid_get_epr_address(cf, epr);
      printf("   EPURL:       %.*s\n", ss?ss->len:0, ss?ss->s:"");
      ss = zxid_get_epr_entid(cf, epr);
      printf("   EntityID:    %.*s\n", ss?ss->len:0, ss?ss->s:"");
    return 0;
  if (svc) {
    D("Call service svctype(%s)", svc);
    if (!bdy) {
      if (verbose)
	fprintf(stderr, "Reading SOAP request body from stdin...\n");
      siz = 4096;
      p = bdy = ZX_ALLOC(cf->ctx, siz);
      while (1) {
	n = read_all_fd(fdstdin, p, siz+bdy-p-1, &got);
	if (n == -1) {
	  perror("reading SOAP req from stdin");
	p += got;
	if (got < siz+bdy-p-1) break;
	siz += 60*1024;
	REALLOCN(bdy, siz);
      *p = 0;
    if (dryrun) {
      if (verbose)
	fprintf(stderr, "Dryrun. Call aborted.\n");
      return 0;
    if (verbose)
      fprintf(stderr, "Calling...\n");
    ss = zxid_call(cf, ses, svc, url, di, az, bdy);
    if (!ss || !ss->s) {
      ERR("Call failed %p", ss);
      return 2;
    if (verbose)
      fprintf(stderr, "Done. Call returned %d bytes.\n", ss->len);
    if (out_fmt) {
      p = zxid_extract_body(cf, ss->s);
      printf("%s", p);
    } else
      printf("%.*s", ss->len, ss->s);
  } else if (az) {
    D("Call Az(%s)", az);
    if (dryrun) {
      if (verbose)
	fprintf(stderr, "Dryrun. zxid_az() aborted.\n");
      return 0;
    if (zxid_az_cf_ses(cf, az, ses)) {
      if (verbose)
	fprintf(stderr, "Permit.\n");
      return 0;
    } else {
      if (verbose)
	fprintf(stderr, "Deny.\n");
      return 1;
  } else {
    D("Neither service type (-t) nor -az supplied. Performed only authentication. %d",0);
    if (verbose)
      fprintf(stderr, "Authentication only.\n");
  return 0;