Exemple #1
void aesCfbDecrypt(uint8_t *key, int32_t keyLength, uint8_t* IV, uint8_t *data, int32_t dataLength)
    AESencrypt *saAes = new AESencrypt();
    if (keyLength == 16)
    else if (keyLength == 32)

    // Note: maybe copy IV to an internal array if we encounter strange things.
    // the cfb encrypt modify the IV on return. Same for output data (inplace encryption)
    saAes->cfb_decrypt(data, data, dataLength, IV);
    delete saAes;
Exemple #2
int32_t zina::aesCbcEncrypt(const string& key, const string& IV, const string& plainText, string* cryptText)
    LOGGER(DEBUGGING, __func__, " -->");
    if (IV.size() != AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
        LOGGER(ERROR, __func__, " <-- IV wrong block size.");
        return WRONG_BLK_SIZE;

    size_t padlen = (AES_BLOCK_SIZE - plainText.size() % AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
//    data.append(padlen, padlen);

    uint8_t* outBuffer = new uint8_t[plainText.size() + padlen];
    memcpy(outBuffer, plainText.data(), plainText.size());
    memset(outBuffer + plainText.size(), static_cast<int>(padlen&0xff), padlen);  // pad to full blocksize

    uint8_t ivTemp[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];                             // copy IV, AES code modifies IV buffer
    memcpy(ivTemp, IV.data(), AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

    AESencrypt aes;
    if (key.size() == 16)
        aes.key128((const uint8_t*)key.data());
    else if (key.size() == 32)
        aes.key256((const uint8_t*)key.data());
    else {
        LOGGER(ERROR, __func__, " <-- Unsupported key size: ", key.size());
        delete[] outBuffer;
        return UNSUPPORTED_KEY_SIZE;

    // Encrypt in place
    aes.cbc_encrypt(outBuffer, outBuffer, static_cast<int>(plainText.size() + padlen), ivTemp);
    cryptText->assign((const char*)outBuffer, plainText.size() + padlen);

    delete[] outBuffer;
    LOGGER(DEBUGGING, __func__, " <--");
    return SUCCESS;
Exemple #3
void Sekrit::DoEncrypt(const Plaintext& plaintext)
	const size_t roundedsize = util::roundup(plaintext.size(), aes_blocksize);

	assert(plaintext.size() <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max());
	assert(roundedsize <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max());

	m_impl->header.realsize = static_cast<unsigned>( plaintext.size() );
	m_impl->header.size = static_cast<unsigned>( roundedsize );
	m_impl->data.resize( m_impl->header.size );

	// Fill CBC-mode InitializationVector with random bytes. Notice that we use
	// a "tempiv" and don't just work on header.iv, since cbc_encrypt works directly
	// on the buffer (which would leave us with a modified IV in the header - bad.)
	unsigned char tempiv[sizeof(m_impl->header.iv)];
	util::fill_random( m_impl->header.iv, sizeof(m_impl->header.iv) );
	memcpy(tempiv, m_impl->header.iv, sizeof(tempiv) );

	AESencrypt	crypt;
	crypt.cbc_encrypt(static_cast<unsigned char*>(plaintext.data()),
		&m_impl->data[0], m_impl->header.size, tempiv);