Exemple #1
NodeSessionI::loadServers_async(const AMD_NodeSession_loadServersPtr& amdCB, const Ice::Current& current) const
    // No need to wait for the servers to be loaded. If we were
    // waiting, we would have to figure out an appropriate timeout for
    // calling this method since each load() call might take time to
    // complete.

    // Get the server proxies to load them on the node.
    ServerEntrySeq servers = _database->getNode(_info->name)->getServers();
    for_each(servers.begin(), servers.end(), IceUtil::voidMemFun(&ServerEntry::sync));
Exemple #2
NodeSessionI::loadServers_async(const AMD_NodeSession_loadServersPtr& amdCB, const Ice::Current&) const
    // No need to wait for the servers to be loaded. If we were
    // waiting, we would have to figure out an appropriate timeout for
    // calling this method since each load() call might take time to
    // complete.

    // Get the server proxies to load them on the node.
    ServerEntrySeq servers = _database->getNode(_info->name)->getServers();
    for(ServerEntrySeq::const_iterator p = servers.begin(); p != servers.end(); ++p)
        (*p)->waitForSyncNoThrow(1); // Don't wait too long.