void ASHUD::DrawCenterDot()
	float CenterX = Canvas->ClipX / 2;
	float CenterY = Canvas->ClipY / 2;

	float CenterDotScale = 0.07f;

	ASPlayerController* PCOwner = Cast<ASPlayerController>(PlayerOwner);
	if (PCOwner)
		ASCharacter* Pawn = Cast<ASCharacter>(PCOwner->GetPawn());
		if (Pawn && Pawn->IsAlive())
			// Boost size when hovering over a switchable object.
			ASUsableActor* usable = Pawn->GetUsableInView();
			if (usable)
				CenterDotScale *= 1.5f;

			Canvas->SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
				CenterX - CenterDotIcon.UL*CenterDotScale / 2.0f,
				CenterY - CenterDotIcon.VL*CenterDotScale / 2.0f, CenterDotScale);
void ASWeaponPickup::OnUsed(APawn* InstigatorPawn)
	ASCharacter* MyPawn = Cast<ASCharacter>(InstigatorPawn);
	if (MyPawn)
		/* Fetch the default variables of the class we are about to pick up and check if the storage slot is available on the pawn. */
		if (MyPawn->WeaponSlotAvailable(WeaponClass->GetDefaultObject<ASWeapon>()->GetStorageSlot()))
			FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
			SpawnInfo.bNoCollisionFail = true;
			ASWeapon* NewWeapon = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ASWeapon>(WeaponClass, SpawnInfo);


			ASPlayerController* PC = Cast<ASPlayerController>(MyPawn->GetController());
			if (PC)
				PC->ClientMessageReceived("Weapon slot already taken.");
void ASCharacter::RestoreCondition(float HealthRestored, float HungerRestored)
	// Reduce Hunger, ensure we do not go outside of our bounds
	Hunger = FMath::Clamp(Hunger - HungerRestored, 0.0f, GetMaxHunger());

	// Restore Hitpoints
	Health = FMath::Clamp(Health + HealthRestored, 0.0f, GetMaxHealth());

	ASPlayerController* PC = Cast<ASPlayerController>(Controller);
	if (PC)
/* As with Server side functions, NetMulticast functions have a _Implementation body */
void ASGameState::BroadcastGameMessage_Implementation(const FString& NewMessage)
	for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator It = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); It; It++)
		ASPlayerController* MyController = Cast<ASPlayerController>(*It);
		if (MyController && MyController->IsLocalController())
			ASHUD* MyHUD = Cast<ASHUD>(MyController->GetHUD());
			if (MyHUD)
FVector ASWeapon::GetCameraDamageStartLocation(const FVector& AimDir) const
	ASPlayerController* PC = MyPawn ? Cast<ASPlayerController>(MyPawn->Controller) : nullptr;
	FVector OutStartTrace = FVector::ZeroVector;

	if (PC)
		FRotator DummyRot;
		PC->GetPlayerViewPoint(OutStartTrace, DummyRot);

		// Adjust trace so there is nothing blocking the ray between the camera and the pawn, and calculate distance from adjusted start
		OutStartTrace = OutStartTrace + AimDir * (FVector::DotProduct((Instigator->GetActorLocation() - OutStartTrace), AimDir));

	return OutStartTrace;
FVector ASWeapon::GetCameraDamageStartLocation(const FVector& AimDir) const
	ASPlayerController* PC = MyPawn ? Cast<ASPlayerController>(MyPawn->Controller) : nullptr;
	FVector OutStartTrace = FVector::ZeroVector;

	if (PC)
		FRotator dummyRot;
		PC->GetPlayerViewPoint(OutStartTrace, dummyRot);

		// Adjust trace so there is nothing blocking the ray between the camera and the pawn, and calculate distance from adjusted start
		// TODO: Break down into easy to understand code (copied from ShooterGame)
		OutStartTrace = OutStartTrace + AimDir * ((Instigator->GetActorLocation() - OutStartTrace) | AimDir);

	return OutStartTrace;
void ASGameMode::FinishMatch()
	ASGameState* const MyGameState = Cast<ASGameState>(GameState);
	if (IsMatchInProgress())

		/* Stop spawning bots */

		for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator It = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); It; It++)
			ASPlayerController* MyController = Cast<ASPlayerController>(*It);
			if (MyController)
Exemple #8
void ASHUD::DrawCenterDot()
	float lCenterX = Canvas->ClipX * 0.5f;
	float lCenterY = Canvas->ClipY * 0.5f;
	float lCenterDotScale = 0.07f;

	ASPlayerController* lOwner = Cast<ASPlayerController>(PlayerOwner);
	if (lOwner)
		ASCharacter* lPawn = Cast<ASCharacter>(lOwner->GetPawn());
		if (lPawn && lPawn->IsAlive())
			ASUsableActor* lUsable = lPawn->GetUsableInView();
			if (lUsable)
				lCenterDotScale *= 1.5f;

			Canvas->SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
							 lCenterX - CenterDotIcon.UL * lCenterDotScale * 0.5f,
							 lCenterY - CenterDotIcon.VL * lCenterDotScale * 0.5f,
void ASGameMode::DefaultTimer()
	/* This function is called every 1 second. */

	/* Immediately start the match while playing in editor */
	//if (GetWorld()->IsPlayInEditor())
		if (GetMatchState() == MatchState::WaitingToStart)

	/* Only increment time of day while game is active */
	if (IsMatchInProgress())
		ASGameState* MyGameState = Cast<ASGameState>(GameState);
		if (MyGameState)
			/* Increment our time of day */
			MyGameState->ElapsedGameMinutes += MyGameState->GetTimeOfDayIncrement();

			/* Determine our state */

			/* Trigger events when night starts or ends */
			bool CurrentIsNight = MyGameState->GetIsNight();
			if (CurrentIsNight != LastIsNight)
				FString MessageText = CurrentIsNight ? "SURVIVE!" : "You Survived! Now prepare for the coming night!";

				ASGameState* MyGameState = Cast<ASGameState>(GameState);
				if (MyGameState)

				/* The night just ended, respawn all dead players */
				if (!CurrentIsNight)
					/* Respawn spectating players that died during the night */
					for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator It = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); It; It++)
						/* Look for all players that are spectating */
						ASPlayerController* MyController = Cast<ASPlayerController>(*It);
						if (MyController)
							if (MyController->PlayerState->bIsSpectator)
								/* Player still alive, award him some points */
								ASCharacter* MyPawn = Cast<ASCharacter>(MyController->GetPawn());
								if (MyPawn && MyPawn->IsAlive())
									ASPlayerState* PS = Cast<ASPlayerState>(MyController->PlayerState);
									if (PS)

				/* Update bot states */
				if (CurrentIsNight)

			LastIsNight = MyGameState->bIsNight;