Exemple #1
// Generate
void Report::Generate( const FBuildStats & stats )
	Timer t;

	// pre-allocate a large string for output
	m_Output.SetReserved( MEGABYTE );
	m_Output.SetLength( 0 );

	// generate some common data used in reporting
	GetLibraryStats( stats );

	// build the report


	CreateOverview( stats );

	DoCPUTimeByType( stats );
	DoCacheStats( stats );
	DoCPUTimeByItem( stats );



	// patch in time take
	const float time = t.GetElapsed();
	AStackString<> timeTakenBuffer;
	stats.FormatTime( time, timeTakenBuffer );
	char * placeholder = m_Output.Find( "^^^^    " );
	memcpy( placeholder, timeTakenBuffer.Get(), timeTakenBuffer.GetLength() );
Exemple #2
// AStackStringOverflow
void TestAString::AStackStringOverflow() const
        // constructor with string longer than buffer
        AStackString< 8 > string( "01234567890123456789" );
        TEST_ASSERT( string.GetLength() == 20 );
        TEST_ASSERT( string.GetLength() == AString::StrLen( string.Get() ) );
        // assigned of string longer than buffer
        AStackString< 8 > string;
        string = "01234567890123456789";
        TEST_ASSERT( string.GetLength() == 20 );
        TEST_ASSERT( string.GetLength() == AString::StrLen( string.Get() ) );
        // concetentation of string longer than buffer
        AStackString< 8 > string;
        string += "01234567890123456789";
        TEST_ASSERT( string.GetLength() == 20 );
        TEST_ASSERT( string.GetLength() == AString::StrLen( string.Get() ) );
Exemple #3
// Format
void TestAString::Format() const
    // Create a really long input string
    AStackString<> longInput;
    const size_t longStringLen( 1024 * 1024 );
    for ( size_t i=0; i<longStringLen; ++i )
        longInput += 'A';

    // Make sure we correctly handle formatting large strings
    AStackString<> buffer;
    buffer.Format( "%s", longInput.Get() );
    TEST_ASSERT( buffer.GetLength() == longStringLen );
    TEST_ASSERT( AString::StrLen( buffer.Get() ) == longStringLen );
Exemple #4
// WriteNestedProjects
void SLNGenerator::WriteNestedProjects( const Array< AString > & solutionProjectsToFolder,
                                        const Array< AString > & solutionFolderPaths )
    if ( solutionProjectsToFolder.GetSize() == 0 &&
            solutionFolderPaths.GetSize() == 0 )
        return; // skip global section

    Write( "\tGlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution\r\n" );

    // Write every project to solution folder relationships
    const AString * const solutionProjectsToFolderEnd = solutionProjectsToFolder.End();
    for( const AString * it = solutionProjectsToFolder.Begin() ; it != solutionProjectsToFolderEnd ; ++it )
        Write( it->Get() );

    // Write every intermediate path
    const AString * const solutionFolderPathsEnd = solutionFolderPaths.End();
    for( const AString * it = solutionFolderPaths.Begin() ; it != solutionFolderPathsEnd ; ++it )
        // parse solution folder parent path
        AStackString<> solutionFolderParentGuid;
        const char * lastSlash = it->FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
        if ( lastSlash )
            AStackString<> solutionFolderParentPath( it->Get(), lastSlash );
            VSProjectGenerator::FormatDeterministicProjectGUID( solutionFolderParentGuid, solutionFolderParentPath );

        if ( solutionFolderParentGuid.GetLength() > 0 )
            // generate a guid for the solution folder
            AStackString<> solutionFolderGuid;
            VSProjectGenerator::FormatDeterministicProjectGUID( solutionFolderGuid, *it );


            // write parent solution folder relationship
            Write( "\t\t%s = %s\r\n", solutionFolderGuid.Get(), solutionFolderParentGuid.Get() );

    Write( "\tEndGlobalSection\r\n" );
// Write
void VSProjectGenerator::Write( const char * fmtString, ... )
    AStackString< 1024 > tmp;

    va_list args;
    va_start(args, fmtString);
    tmp.VFormat( fmtString, args );
    va_end( args );

    // resize output buffer in large chunks to prevent re-sizing
    if ( m_Tmp.GetLength() + tmp.GetLength() > m_Tmp.GetReserved() )
        m_Tmp.SetReserved( m_Tmp.GetReserved() + MEGABYTE );

    m_Tmp += tmp;
Exemple #6
// BigString
void TestAString::BigString() const
    // create a massive string
    AutoPtr< char > mem( (char *)ALLOC( ( 10 * MEGABYTE ) + 1 ) );
    memset( mem.Get(), 'a', 10 * MEGABYTE );
    mem.Get()[ 10 * MEGABYTE ] = '\000';

    // create a stack string
    AStackString< 2048 > string;

    // now overflow massively so the buffer resizes
    // (string will now be 10MB, which is well over the 64K limit
    // previously imposed on strings)
    string += mem.Get();
    TEST_ASSERT( string.GetLength() == 10 * MEGABYTE );
    TEST_ASSERT( string.GetLength() == AString::StrLen( string.Get() ) );
Exemple #7
// AStackStringConstructors
void TestAString::AStackStringConstructors() const
        // AStackString<> with no arguments
        AStackString<> empty;
        TEST_ASSERT( empty.GetLength() == 0 );
        TEST_ASSERT( empty.GetReserved() > 0 );
        TEST_ASSERT( empty.IsEmpty() == true );
        TEST_ASSERT( empty.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false );
        // AStackString<> from char *
        AStackString<> fromCharStar( "hello" );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStar.GetLength() == 5 );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStar.GetReserved() >= 5 );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStar.IsEmpty() == false );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStar.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false );

        // AStackString<> from AStackString
        AStackString<> fromAString( fromCharStar );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.GetLength() == 5 );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.GetReserved() >= 5 );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.IsEmpty() == false );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false );
        // AStackString<> from AString
        AString astring( "hello" );
        AStackString<> fromAString( astring );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.GetLength() == 5 );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.GetReserved() >= 5 );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.IsEmpty() == false );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false );
        const char * hello = "hellohellohello";
        AStackString<> fromCharStarPair( hello, hello + 5 );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStarPair.GetLength() == 5 );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStarPair.GetReserved() >= 5 );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStarPair.IsEmpty() == false );
        TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStarPair.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false );
Exemple #8
// TracingOutputCallback
/*static*/ bool FLog::TracingOutputCallback( const char * message )
    uint32_t threadIndex = WorkerThread::GetThreadIndex();

    AStackString< 2048 > tmp;

    if ( s_ShowProgress )
        // clear previous progress message
        tmp += g_ClearLineString;

    // print output and then progress
    if ( threadIndex > 0 )
        char buffer[ 8 ];
        _itoa_s( threadIndex, buffer, 8, 10 );
        tmp += buffer;
        tmp += '>';
        if ( threadIndex < 10 )
            tmp += ' '; // keep output aligned when there are > 9 threads

    tmp += message;

    // output to debugger if present
    #ifdef DEBUG
        #ifdef __WINDOWS__
            OutputDebugStringA( message );

    tmp += m_ProgressText;

    fwrite( tmp.Get(), 1, tmp.GetLength(), stdout );

    return false; // tell tracing not to output it again
Exemple #9
// Monitor
/*static*/ void FLog::Monitor( const char * formatString, ... )
    // Is monitoring enabled?
    if ( g_MonitorFileStream == nullptr )
        return; // No - nothing to do

    PROFILE_SECTION( "FLog::Monitor" )

    AStackString< 1024 > buffer;
    va_list args;
    va_start( args, formatString );
    buffer.VFormat( formatString, args );
    va_end( args );

    AStackString< 1024 > finalBuffer;
    finalBuffer.Format( "%llu %s", Time::GetCurrentFileTime(), buffer.Get() );

    MutexHolder lock( g_MonitorMutex );
    g_MonitorFileStream->WriteBuffer( finalBuffer.Get(), finalBuffer.GetLength() );
Exemple #10
// CompareHashTimes_Small
void TestHash::CompareHashTimes_Small() const
	// some different strings to hash
	Array< AString > strings( 32, true );
	strings.Append( AString( " " ) );
	strings.Append( AString( "short" ) );
	strings.Append( AString( "mediumstringmediumstring123456789" ) );
	strings.Append( AString( "longstring_98274ncoif834jodhiorhmwe8r8wy48on87h8mhwejrijrdierwurd9j,8chm8hiuorciwriowjri" ) );
	strings.Append( AString( "c:\\files\\subdir\\project\\thing\\stuff.cpp" ) );
	const size_t numStrings = strings.GetSize();
	const size_t numIterations = 102400;

	// calc datasize
	size_t dataSize( 0 );
	for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
		dataSize += strings[ i ].GetLength();
	dataSize *= numIterations;

	// xxHash - 32
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += xxHash::Calc32( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "xxHash-32       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// xxHash - 64
		Timer t;
		uint64_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += xxHash::Calc64( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "xxHash-64       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: %016llx)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 32
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += Murmur3::Calc32( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-32      : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 128
		Timer t;
		uint64_t hashB( 0 );
		uint64_t hashA( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				hashA += Murmur3::Calc128( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength(), hashB );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-128     : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (%016llx, %016llx)\n", time, speed, hashA, hashB );

	// CRC32 - 8x8 slicing
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += CRC32::Calc( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32 8x8       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// CRC32 - "standard" algorithm
		Timer t;
	    uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += CRC32::Start();
				crc += CRC32::Update( crc, strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
				crc += CRC32::Stop( crc );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32           : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// CRC32Lower
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += CRC32::CalcLower( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32Lower      : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 32 Lower
		Timer t;

		// lower-case and hash it
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				const AString & str( strings[ i ] );
				AStackString<> tmp;
				const size_t strLen( str.GetLength() );
				tmp.SetLength( (uint32_t)strLen );
				for ( size_t k=0; k<strLen; ++k )
					char c = str[ (uint32_t)k ];
					tmp[ (uint32_t)k ] = ( ( c >= 'A' ) && ( c <= 'Z' ) ) ? 'a' + ( c - 'A' ) : c;
				crc += Murmur3::Calc32( tmp.Get(), tmp.GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-32-Lower: %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );
Exemple #11
// Deserialize
void ToolManifest::Deserialize( IOStream & ms )
	ms.Read( m_ToolId );

	ASSERT( m_Files.IsEmpty() );

	uint32_t numFiles( 0 );
	ms.Read( numFiles );
	m_Files.SetCapacity( numFiles );

	for ( size_t i=0; i<(size_t)numFiles; ++i )
		AStackString<> name;
		uint64_t timeStamp( 0 );
		uint32_t hash( 0 );
		uint32_t contentSize( 0 );
		ms.Read( name );
		ms.Read( timeStamp );
		ms.Read( hash );
		ms.Read( contentSize );
		m_Files.Append( File( name, timeStamp, hash, nullptr, contentSize ) );

	// determine if any files are remaining from a previous run
	size_t numFilesAlreadySynchronized = 0;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<(size_t)numFiles; ++i )
		AStackString<> localFile;
		GetRemoteFilePath( (uint32_t)i, localFile );

		// is this file already present?
		AutoPtr< FileStream > fileStream( FNEW( FileStream ) );
		FileStream & f = *( fileStream.Get() );
		if ( f.Open( localFile.Get() ) == false )
			continue; // file not found
		if ( f.GetFileSize() != m_Files[ i ].m_ContentSize )
			continue; // file is not complete
		AutoPtr< char > mem( (char *)ALLOC( (size_t)f.GetFileSize() ) );
		if ( f.Read( mem.Get(), (size_t)f.GetFileSize() ) != f.GetFileSize() )
			continue; // problem reading file
		if( Murmur3::Calc32( mem.Get(), (size_t)f.GetFileSize() ) != m_Files[ i ].m_Hash )
			continue; // file contents unexpected

		// file present and ok
		m_Files[ i ].m_FileLock = fileStream.Release(); // NOTE: keep file open to prevent deletions
		m_Files[ i ].m_SyncState = File::SYNCHRONIZED;

	// Generate Environment
	ASSERT( m_RemoteEnvironmentString == nullptr );

	// PATH=
	AStackString<> basePath;
	GetRemotePath( basePath );
	AStackString<> paths;
	paths.Format( "PATH=%s", basePath.Get() );

	// TMP=
	AStackString<> normalTmp;
	Env::GetEnvVariable( "TMP", normalTmp );
	AStackString<> tmp;
	tmp.Format( "TMP=%s", normalTmp.Get() );

	// SystemRoot=
	AStackString<> sysRoot( "SystemRoot=C:\\Windows" );

	char * mem = (char *)ALLOC( paths.GetLength() + 1 +
								  tmp.GetLength() + 1 +
								  sysRoot.GetLength() + 1 +
								  1 );
	m_RemoteEnvironmentString = mem;

	AString::Copy( paths.Get(), mem, paths.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null
	mem += ( paths.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null

	AString::Copy( tmp.Get(), mem, tmp.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null
	mem += ( tmp.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null

	AString::Copy( sysRoot.Get(), mem, sysRoot.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null
	mem += ( sysRoot.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null

	*mem = 0; ++mem; // double null

	// are all files already present?
	if ( numFilesAlreadySynchronized == m_Files.GetSize() )
		m_Synchronized = true;		
Exemple #12
// ParseNamedVariableName
/*static*/ bool BFFParser::ParseVariableName( BFFIterator & iter, AString & name, bool & parentScope )
	// skip over the declaration symbol

	parentScope = ( *iter == BFF_DECLARE_VAR_PARENT );

	const BFFIterator varNameStart = iter; // include type token in var name

	// make sure we haven't hit the end of the file
	if ( iter.IsAtEnd() )
		Error::Error_1012_UnexpectedEndOfFile( iter );
		return false;

	if ( *iter == '\'' || *iter == '"' )
		// parse the string
		const BFFIterator openToken = iter;
		iter.SkipString( *openToken );
		if ( *iter != *openToken )
			Error::Error_1002_MatchingClosingTokenNotFound( openToken, nullptr, *openToken );
			return false;
		BFFIterator stringStart = openToken;

		// unescape and subsitute embedded variables
		AStackString< 256 > value;
		if ( PerformVariableSubstitutions( stringStart, iter, value ) == false )
			return false;
		iter++; // skip close token

		BFFIterator varNameIter( value.Get(), value.GetLength(), iter.GetFileName().Get(), iter.GetFileTimeStamp() );

		// sanity check it is a sensible length
		if ( value.GetLength() + 1/* '.' will be added */  > MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH )
			Error::Error_1014_VariableNameIsTooLong( varNameIter, (uint32_t)value.GetLength(), (uint32_t)MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH );
			return false;

		// sanity check it is a valid variable name
		while ( varNameIter.IsAtEnd() == false )
			if ( varNameIter.IsAtValidVariableNameCharacter() == false )
				Error::Error_1013_UnexpectedCharInVariableName( varNameIter, nullptr );
				return false;

		// append '.' to variable name
		name = ".";
		name.Append( value );
		// make sure immediately after the symbol starts a variable name
		if ( iter.IsAtValidVariableNameCharacter() == false )
			Error::Error_1013_UnexpectedCharInVariableName( iter, nullptr );
			return false;

		// find the end of the variable name
		const BFFIterator varNameEnd = iter;

		// sanity check it is a sensible length
		size_t varNameLen = varNameStart.GetDistTo( varNameEnd );
		if ( varNameLen > MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH )
			Error::Error_1014_VariableNameIsTooLong( iter, (uint32_t)varNameLen, (uint32_t)MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH );
			return false;

		// store variable name
		name.Assign( varNameStart.GetCurrent(), varNameEnd.GetCurrent() );

	ASSERT( name.GetLength() > 0 );
	if ( parentScope )
		// exchange '^' with '.'

	return true;
Exemple #13
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionCopy::Commit( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
    // make sure all required variables are defined
    Array< AString > sources( 16, true );
    const BFFVariable * dstFileV;
    if ( !GetStrings( funcStartIter, sources, ".Source", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, dstFileV, ".Dest", true ) )
        return false; // GetString will have emitted errors

    // Optional
    AStackString<> sourceBasePath;
    if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, sourceBasePath, ".SourceBasePath", false ) )
        return false; // GetString will have emitted errors

    // Canonicalize the SourceBasePath
    if ( !sourceBasePath.IsEmpty() )
        AStackString<> cleanValue;
        NodeGraph::CleanPath( sourceBasePath, cleanValue );
        PathUtils::EnsureTrailingSlash( cleanValue );
        sourceBasePath = cleanValue;

    // check sources are not paths
        const AString * const end = sources.End();
        for ( const AString * it = sources.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
            const AString & srcFile( *it );

            // source must be a file, not a  path
            if ( PathUtils::IsFolderPath( srcFile ) )
                Error::Error_1105_PathNotAllowed( funcStartIter, this, ".Source", srcFile );
                return false;

    // Pre-build dependencies
    Dependencies preBuildDependencies;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".PreBuildDependencies", preBuildDependencies, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error
    Array< AString > preBuildDependencyNames( preBuildDependencies.GetSize(), false );
    for ( const auto & dep : preBuildDependencies )
        preBuildDependencyNames.Append( dep.GetNode()->GetName() );

    // get source node
    Array< Node * > srcNodes;
        const AString * const end = sources.End();
        for ( const AString * it = sources.Begin(); it != end; ++it )

            Node * srcNode = nodeGraph.FindNode( *it );
            if ( srcNode )
                if ( GetSourceNodes( funcStartIter, srcNode, srcNodes ) == false )
                    return false;
                // source file not defined by use - assume an external file
                srcNodes.Append( nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( *it ) );

    AStackString<> dstFile;
    NodeGraph::CleanPath( dstFileV->GetString(), dstFile );
    const bool dstIsFolderPath = PathUtils::IsFolderPath( dstFile );

    // make all the nodes for copies
    Dependencies copyNodes( srcNodes.GetSize(), false );
    for ( const Node * srcNode : srcNodes )
        AStackString<> dst( dstFile );

        // dest can be a file OR a path.  If it's a path, use the source filename part
        if ( dstIsFolderPath )
            // find filename part of source
            const AString & srcName = srcNode->GetName();

            // If the sourceBasePath is specified (and valid) use the name relative to that
            if ( !sourceBasePath.IsEmpty() && PathUtils::PathBeginsWith( srcName, sourceBasePath ) )
                // Use everything relative to the SourceBasePath
                dst += srcName.Get() + sourceBasePath.GetLength();
                // Use just the file name
                const char * lastSlash = srcName.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
                dst += lastSlash ? ( lastSlash + 1 )    // append filename part if found
                                     : srcName.Get();   // otherwise append whole thing

        // check node doesn't already exist
        if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( dst ) )
            // TODO:C could have a specific error for multiple sources with only 1 output
            // to differentiate from two rules creating the same dst target
            Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, dst );
            return false;

        // create our node
        CopyFileNode * copyFileNode = nodeGraph.CreateCopyFileNode( dst );
        copyFileNode->m_Source = srcNode->GetName();
        copyFileNode->m_PreBuildDependencyNames = preBuildDependencyNames;
        if ( !copyFileNode->Initialize( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, this ) )
            return false; // Initialize will have emitted an error

        copyNodes.Append( Dependency( copyFileNode ) );

    // handle alias creation
    return ProcessAlias( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, copyNodes );