void SmartMote::config(){ AString conf; AStringList * param = NULL; bool flag; /* se il bottone non è premuto */ if(!checkButton()){ /* ritorno */ return; } /* accendo l'uart */ openUART(); /* inizializzo il modulo come AP */ if(!m_net.initialize(AESP07::APMode)){ /* se fallisce notifico l'errore */ error(); } /* setto il nome come SmartMote e password admin */ if(!m_net.configureAP("SmartMote", "smartmote")){ /* se fallisce notifico l'errore */ error(); } /* imposto l'ip a */ if(!m_net.setIp(AESP07::APMode, "")){ /* se fallisce notifico l'errore */ error(); } /* disabilito le connessioni multiple */ if(!m_net.setMultipleConnections(false)){ /* se fallisce notifico l'errore */ error(); } /* apro il server sulla porta 8000 */ if(!m_net.listen(8000)){ /* se fallisce notifico l'errore */ error(); } /* aspetto di ricevere la stringa */ while(conf.isEmpty()){ m_net.waitForData(conf); } /* prendo i parametri */ param = conf.split(' '); /* se la stringlist è allocata correttamente */ if(param){ saveSSID(param->at(0)); saveKey(param->at(1)); saveHost(param->at(2)); RTCC.setHours(static_cast<uint32>(param->at(3).toInt32(flag))); RTCC.setMinutes(static_cast<uint32>(param->at(3).toInt32(flag))); RTCC.setSeconds(static_cast<uint32>(param->at(3).toInt32(flag))); }else{ /* altrimenti notifico l'errore */ error(); } /* spengo i led */ turnOffRed(); turnOffGreen(); }
size_t AMySQLServer::executeSQL(const AString& sqlQuery, AResultSet& target, AString& error) { target.clear(); MYSQL_RES *pmyresult = executeSQL(sqlQuery, error); if (!pmyresult && !error.isEmpty()) return AConstant::npos; target.useSQL().assign(sqlQuery); return (pmyresult ? _processQueryAllRows(pmyresult, target) : 0); }
void ATemplateNodeHandler_DADA::_loadStaticData() { AXmlElement::CONST_CONTAINER nodes; m_Services.useConfiguration().getConfigRoot().find("AOS_DadaData/dataset", nodes); AXmlElement::CONST_CONTAINER::iterator it; for (it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) { AString strSet; (*it)->getAttributes().get(ASW("name",4), strSet); if (strSet.isEmpty()) ATHROW_EX(*it, AException::InvalidData, ASWNL("AOS_DadaData/dataset missing 'name' parameter")); ADadaDataHolder *pddh = new ADadaDataHolder(); pddh->readData(m_Services, *it); m_Objects.insert(strSet, pddh, true); } nodes.clear(); m_Services.useConfiguration().getConfigRoot().find(ASW("AOS_DadaData/template",21), nodes); it = nodes.begin(); while (it != nodes.end()) { AString str; (*it)->emitContent(str); AString strName; if ((*it)->getAttributes().get(ASW("name",4), strName)) { AFilename filename(m_Services.useConfiguration().getAosBaseDataDirectory(), str, false); if (AFileSystem::exists(filename)) { AFile_Physical file(filename, ASW("r", 1)); file.open(); str.clear(); while (AConstant::npos != file.readLine(str)) { if ('#' != str.at(0, '\x0')) { m_Templates[strName].push_back(str); } str.clear(); } } else m_Services.useLog().add(ARope("AOS_DadaData: Missing file: ")+filename, ALog::EVENT_WARNING); } else m_Services.useLog().add(ASWNL("AOS_DadaData: AOS_DadaData/template missing 'name' attribute"), ALog::EVENT_FAILURE); ++it; } }
void ATemplateNodeHandler_DADA::Node::_generateLine(ADadaDataHolder *pddh, MAP_AString_AString& globals, const AString& format, ATemplateContext& context, AOutputBuffer& output) { if (format.isEmpty()) return; AFile_AString file(format); size_t readresult; char c = '\x0'; AString target(1024, 1024), strType(64,128); while (AConstant::npos != file.readUntil(target, S_DELIM_START, true, true)) { file.read(c); readresult = file.readUntil(strType, S_DELIM_END, true, true); if (0 == readresult) { file.readUntilEOF(target); output.append(target); target.clear(); break; } //a_If not EOF process type if (AConstant::npos != readresult) { if (strType.getSize() > 1) { switch (c) { case '%': //a_Process the tag {%type:tag,tag,...} _appendWordType(pddh, globals, strType, target); break; case '$': //a_ {$variable} _appendVariable(pddh, globals, strType, target); break; default: //a_Passthru of unknown tags target.append('{'); target.append(strType); target.append('}'); context.useEventVisitor().addEvent(ASWNL("ATemplateNodeHandler_DADA::Node:") + " unknown type:" + strType, AEventVisitor::EL_WARN); break; } strType.clear(); } } } file.readUntilEOF(target); output.append(target); target.clear(); }
void AOSAdminRegistry::insert(const AString& name, AOSAdminInterface& object) { if (name.isEmpty()) ATHROW(this, AException::InvalidParameter); if (m_AdminObjects.find(name) != m_AdminObjects.end()) m_Log.add(ASWNL("Admin object already registered"), name, ALog::EVENT_WARNING); //a_Insert/replace m_AdminObjects[name] = &object; }
int AWordUtility::splitSyllables(const AString& source, VECTOR_AString& result, bool handleSilentTrailing /* = true */) { if (source.isEmpty()) return 0; AString word(source); if (handleSilentTrailing) word.stripTrailing(msstr_SilentEnd); int count = 0; size_t start = 0; size_t pos = word.findOneOf(msstr_SyllableSeparators); while (AConstant::npos != pos) { AString str; word.peek(str, start, pos - start + 1); result.push_back(str.c_str()); ++count; start = pos+1; pos = word.findNotOneOf(msstr_SyllableSeparators, start); if (AConstant::npos != pos) pos = word.findOneOf(msstr_SyllableSeparators, start); } if (start < word.getSize()) { //a_Append leftovers to last word AString str; word.peek(str, start); if (count > 0) result.back().append(str); else result.push_back(str); } //a_Account for the silent trailing letters if (handleSilentTrailing && word.getSize() < source.getSize()) { AString str; source.peek(str, word.getSize()); if (count > 0) result.back().append(str); else result.push_back(str); } return count; }
size_t AWordUtility::getRhymeLevel(const AString& wordOne, const AString& wordTwo) { //a_Check if one or both are empty if (wordOne.isEmpty() || wordTwo.isEmpty()) return 0; AString endOne, soundOne; AString endTwo, soundTwo; AWordUtility::getPhoneticForm(wordOne, endOne); AWordUtility::getPhoneticForm(wordTwo, endTwo); AWordUtility::getSoundsLikeForm(endOne, soundOne); AWordUtility::getSoundsLikeForm(endTwo, soundTwo); std::cout << endOne << ":" << endTwo << "="; std::cout << soundOne << ":" << soundTwo << std::endl; soundOne.reverse(); soundTwo.reverse(); size_t level = (soundOne.getSize() > soundTwo.getSize() ? soundOne.diff(soundTwo) : soundTwo.diff(soundOne)); return level; }
void AFilename::setExtension(const AString& ext) { size_t pos = m_Filename.rfind('.'); if (AConstant::npos != pos) { m_Filename.setSize(pos); } //a_Set extension if any, else clear extension if (!ext.isEmpty()) { m_Filename.append('.'); m_Filename.append(ext); } }
int AWordUtility::countSyllables(const AString& source) { if (source.isEmpty()) return 0; int count = 0; AString word(source); word.stripTrailing(msstr_SilentEnd); size_t pos = word.findOneOf(msstr_SyllableSeparators); while (AConstant::npos != pos) { ++count; pos = word.findNotOneOf(msstr_SyllableSeparators, pos+1); if (AConstant::npos != pos) pos = word.findOneOf(msstr_SyllableSeparators, pos+1); } return count; }
bool AMySQLServer::getFields(const AString& table, VECTOR_AString& sv, AString& error) { if (!isInitialized()) { error.assign("Database has not been initialized;"); return false; } if (table.isEmpty()) { error = "Please use a namespace;"; return false; } sv.clear(); AString query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `"); query += table; query += "`"; MYSQL_RES *pmyresult = executeSQL(query, error); if (pmyresult) { MYSQL_ROW myrow; int iSize = (int)mysql_num_rows(pmyresult); for (int i=0; i < iSize; ++i) { myrow = mysql_fetch_row(pmyresult); if (myrow) { sv.push_back(myrow[0]); } } mysql_free_result(pmyresult); } else return false; return true; }
size_t AFragmentString::parse(const AString& str) { size_t iRet = AConstant::npos; size_t iX = 0; AString strHold; while(iX < str.getSize()) { switch(str[iX]) { case '\\' : { ++iX; if (str.getSize() > iX) { strHold += str[iX]; iRet = iX; } else { //a_String truncated iRet = iX - 1; return iRet; } } break; case '(' : { iX++; if (str.getSize() > iX) { size_t iF = str.find(')', iX+1); if (iF != AConstant::npos) { AASSERT(this, iF >= iX); if (!strHold.isEmpty()) { m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentConstant(strHold)); strHold.clear(); iRet = iX-1; } AString strT; str.peek(strT, iX, iF-iX); iX = iF; // advance offset after extraction u1 b; u4 n[2]; b = (u1)strT.toInt(); if (b > 9) b = 9; if ((iF = strT.find(',')) == AConstant::npos) { // Only 1 number, the digit value long stop = 10; for (int i=1; i<b; ++i) stop *= 10; m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentCounter(b, u4(stop-1))); } else { AString str1; strT.peek(str1, iF + 1); if ((iF = str1.find(',')) == AConstant::npos) { n[0] = str1.toU4(); m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentCounter(b, n[0])); } else { AString strQ; str1.peek(strQ, 0, iF); n[0] = strQ.toU4(); strQ.clear(); str1.peek(strQ, iF+1); n[1] = strQ.toU4(); if ((iF = str1.find(',', iF+1)) == AConstant::npos) m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentCounter(b, n[0], n[1])); else { strQ.clear(); str1.peek(strQ, iF+1); m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentCounter(b, n[0], n[1], strQ.toInt())); } } } iRet = iX; } else { //a_Closing tag not found iRet = iX-1; return iRet; } } else { //a_String is truncated iRet = iX-1; return iRet; } } break; case '{' : { ++iX; if (str.getSize() > iX) { size_t iF = str.find('}', iX+1); if (!strHold.isEmpty()) { m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentConstant(strHold)); strHold.clear(); iRet = iX-1;} if (iF != AConstant::npos) { AASSERT(this, iF >= iX); AString strT; str.peek(strT, iX, iF-iX); char cX; while (!strT.isEmpty()) { cX = strT.get(); switch (cX) { case '#': m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentSet(AFragmentSet::Numeric)); break; case '&': m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentSet(AFragmentSet::LowercaseAlpha)); break; case '@': m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentSet(AFragmentSet::UppercaseAlpha)); break; case '%': m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentSet(AFragmentSet::LowercaseAlphaNumeric)); break; case '^': m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentSet(AFragmentSet::UppercaseAlphaNumeric)); break; case '?': m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentSet(AFragmentSet::AlphaNumeric)); break; default : strHold += cX; } } iX = iF; iRet = iX; } else { //a_Closing tag not found iRet = iX-1; return iRet; } } else { //a_String is truncated iRet = iX-1; return iRet; } } break; case '[' : { size_t iF = str.find(']', iX+1); if (iF != AConstant::npos) { AASSERT(this, iF >= iX); if (!strHold.isEmpty()) { m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentConstant(strHold)); strHold.clear(); } AString strT; str.peek(strT, iX + 1, iF - iX - 1); m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentSet(strT)); iX = iF; iRet = iX; } else { //a_Closing tag not found, return iRet at point of error iRet = iX; return iRet; } } break; case '<' : { size_t iF = str.find('>', iX+1); if (iF != AConstant::npos) { AASSERT(this, iF >= iX); if (!strHold.isEmpty()) { m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentConstant(strHold)); strHold.clear(); } AString strT; str.peek(strT, iX + 1, iF - iX - 1); m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentOdometer(strT.toSize_t())); iX = iF; iRet = iX; } else { //a_Closing tag not found, return iRet at point of error iRet = iX; return iRet; } } break; default : strHold += str[iX]; iRet = iX; } iX++; } if (!strHold.isEmpty()) { m_Container.push_back(new AFragmentConstant(strHold)); } //a_If we got here we have succeeded iRet = iX; m_Finished = false; return iRet; }
int ut_AString_Access() { std::cerr << "ut_AString_Access" << std::endl; int iRet = 0x0; //a_Peeking AString strPeek; AString str0 = "SomethingNew"; str0.peek(strPeek, 0); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strPeek == "SomethingNew", "AString::peek", "0", iRet); strPeek.clear(); str0.peek(strPeek, 0, 9); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strPeek == "Something", "AString::peek", "1", iRet); strPeek.clear(); str0.peek(strPeek, 9, 3); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strPeek == "New", "AString::peek", "2", iRet); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(str0.peek(4) == 't', "AString::peek", "3", iRet); int pos0 = 0; str0 = "path0/path1/path2"; strPeek.clear(); pos0 = str0.peekUntil(strPeek, pos0, '/'); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strPeek.equals("path0"), "AString::peekUntil", "0", iRet); strPeek.clear(); pos0 = str0.peekUntil(strPeek, pos0+1, '/'); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strPeek.equals("path1"), "AString::peekUntil", "1", iRet); strPeek.clear(); pos0 = str0.peekUntil(strPeek, pos0+1, '/'); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strPeek.equals("path2"), "AString::peekUntil", "2", iRet); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(AConstant::npos == pos0, "AString::peekUntil", "3", iRet); //a_Set AString strSource0 = AString("New"), strSource1("Newer"), strSource2("123Now"); str0 = "This is old"; str0.set(strSource0, 8); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(str0.equals("This is New"), "AString::set", "0", iRet); str0.set(strSource1, 8); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(str0.equals("This is Newer"), "AString::set", "1", iRet); str0.set(strSource2, 8, 3, 3); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(str0.equals("This is Now"), "AString::set", "2", iRet); str0.set('n', 8); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(str0.equals("This is now"), "AString::set", "3", iRet); //a_Use str0.use(10) = 't'; ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(str0.peek(10) == 't', "AString::use", "0", iRet); //a_Get AString strGet; str0 = "YetMoreStuff!"; str0.get(strGet, 0, 3); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.equals("Yet"), "AString::get", "0", iRet); str0.get(strGet, 0, 4); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.equals("More"), "AString::get", "1", iRet); str0.get(strGet, 0, 5); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.equals("Stuff"), "AString::get", "2", iRet); str0.get(strGet, 0, 0); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.isEmpty(), "AString::get", "3", iRet); char cX = str0.get(); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(cX == '!', "AString::get", "4", iRet); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.isEmpty(), "AString::get", "5", iRet); str0 = "SomeMoreStuff!"; str0.get(strGet, 0); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.equals("SomeMoreStuff!"), "AString::get", "6", iRet); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(str0.isEmpty(), "AString::get", "7", iRet); str0 = "SomeMoreStuff!"; str0.get(strGet, 0, 0); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(str0.equals("SomeMoreStuff!"), "AString::get", "8", iRet); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.isEmpty(), "AString::get", "9", iRet); str0 = "path0/path1/path2"; str0.getUntil(strGet, '/'); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.equals("path0"), "AString::getUntil", "0", iRet); str0.getUntil(strGet, '/'); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.equals("path1"), "AString::getUntil", "1", iRet); str0.getUntil(strGet, '/'); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(strGet.equals("path2"), "AString::getUntil", "2", iRet); str0.getUntil(strGet, '/'); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(str0.isEmpty(), "AString::getUntil", "3", iRet); AString str1; str0="find_file_1"; str0.peekUntil(str1, 2, "1"); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST(!str1.compare("nd_file_"), "AString::peekUntil", "0", iRet); str0.getUntil(str1, "_", true); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST((!str1.compare("find") && !str0.compare("file_1")), "AString::getUntil", "4", iRet); str0="find_file_1"; str0.getUntilOneOf(str1, ASW("_",1), false); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST((!str1.compare("find") && !str0.compare("_file_1")), "AString::getUntil", "5", iRet); str0.remove(1); str1.clear(); str0.getUntil(str1, ASW("_",1)); ASSERT_UNIT_TEST((!str1.compare("file") && !str0.compare("1")), "AString::getUntil", "6", iRet); return iRet; }
AOSContext::ReturnCode AOSModule_Template::execute(AOSContext& context, const AXmlElement& params) { const AXmlElement *pNode = params.findElement(ASW("template",8)); AAutoPtr<ATemplate> pTemplate(NULL, false); AAutoPtr<AFile> pFile(NULL, false); if (pNode) { //a_Element contains script pTemplate.reset(m_Services.createTemplate(), true); //a_Parse template AFile_AString strfile; pNode->emitContent(strfile); pTemplate->fromAFile(strfile); } else { //a_Filename provided, use the cache pNode = params.findElement(AOS_BaseModules_Constants::FILENAME); if (pNode) { AString relativePath; pNode->emitContent(relativePath); //a_File to be used (may need caching for it, but for now keep it dynamic) AFilename filename(m_Services.useConfiguration().getAosBaseDataDirectory(), true); filename.join(relativePath, false); if (ACacheInterface::NOT_FOUND == m_Services.useCacheManager().getTemplate(context, filename, pTemplate)) { //a_Not found, return error ARope rope; rope.append(getClass()); rope.append(": Unable to find a template file: ",34); rope.append(filename); context.useEventVisitor().startEvent(rope, AEventVisitor::EL_ERROR); return AOSContext::RETURN_ERROR; } } else { context.addError(getClass(), ASWNL("Unable to find module/template nor module/filename, Template module did not execute, params")); return AOSContext::RETURN_ERROR; //a_Did not find either module/template or module/filename } } //a_Process and save output ARope ropeOutput; pTemplate->process(context.useLuaTemplateContext(), ropeOutput); //a_Add template to debug if (context.getDumpContextLevel() > 0) { AString str("debug/",6); str.append(getClass()); str.append("/template",9); AXmlElement& base = context.useModel().addElement(str); pTemplate->emitXml(base); } //a_Insert output into outpath (if any) pNode = params.findElement(AOS_BaseModules_Constants::PATH); if (pNode) { AString xmlpath; pNode->emitContent(xmlpath); if (!xmlpath.isEmpty()) { //a_Add output as CDATA context.useModel().addElement(xmlpath).addData(ropeOutput, AXmlElement::ENC_CDATADIRECT); } } else { context.useEventVisitor().addEvent(ASWNL("Unable to find module/path, output from template discarded"), AEventVisitor::EL_WARN); } return AOSContext::RETURN_OK; }
void ATextGenerator::generateFromTemplate(AOutputBuffer& target, const AString &strTemplate) { if (strTemplate.isEmpty()) return; //a_If the last is % and one before is not %, then expansion error will occur size_t end = strTemplate.getSize(); if (strTemplate[end - 1] == '%') { if (end < 1) { //a_Force early termination end = 0; } else if (strTemplate[end - 2] != '%') { end--; } } char cEscape; for (size_t x = 0; x < end; ++x) { cEscape = strTemplate[x]; if (cEscape == '%') { if (++x >= end) break; switch(strTemplate[x]) { case '%' : break; case 'z' : target.append(AString::fromInt(si_Counter++)); cEscape = '\x0'; break; case 'n' : cEscape = generateRandomNumeral(); break; case 'N' : if (ARandomNumberGenerator::get().nextRange(100) >= 50) cEscape = '+'; else cEscape = '-'; break; case 'l' : cEscape = generateRandomLowercaseLetter(); break; case 'L' : cEscape = generateRandomUppercaseLetter(); break; case 'r' : cEscape = (char)(ARandomNumberGenerator::get().nextRange(255) + 0x1); break; case 'R' : cEscape = ARandomNumberGenerator::get().nextU1(); break; case 's' : cEscape = generateRandomUppercaseLetter(); if (ARandomNumberGenerator::get().nextRange(100) >= 50) cEscape = (char)tolower(cEscape); break; case 't' : ATime().emitYYYYMMDDHHMMSS(target); cEscape = '\x0'; break; case 'T' : ATime().emitRFCtime(target); cEscape = '\x0'; break; default : //a_Escape character detected, but no valid control character found target.append(cEscape); //a_Keep the sequence untouched cEscape = strTemplate[x]; //a_Current char becomes escape to stay consistent with the add to follow } } if (cEscape != '\x0') target.append(cEscape); } }
void AWordUtility::getSoundexForm(const AString& source, AString& result, size_t minSize) { result.clear(); if (source.isEmpty()) return; //a_First character appended as is AString str(source); str.makeLower(); size_t sourceSize = str.getSize(); size_t pos = 0; while (pos < sourceSize) { switch(str.at(pos)) { case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'h': case 'w': case 'y': break; //--- case 'p': if (pos == 0 && sourceSize > 2) { if ('s' == str.at(pos+1)) { break; //a_ps => s at word start } else if ('h' == str.at(pos+1)) { ++pos; //a_pf => f, fallthrough } } case 'b': case 'f': case 'v': if (!result.isEmpty()) { if (str.at(pos) != result.at(result.getSize()-1)) result.append('1'); } else result.append('1'); break; //--- case 'd': if (pos+1 < sourceSize) { if ('g' == str.at(pos+1)) break; //a_dg => g } //a_Fallthough from d to t case 't': if (pos+1 < sourceSize && 'c' == str.at(pos+1)) { if (pos+2 < sourceSize && 'h' == str.at(pos+2)) { ++pos; break; //a_tch => ch } } if (!result.isEmpty()) { if (str.at(pos) != result.at(result.getSize()-1)) result.append('3'); } else result.append('3'); break; //--- case 'g': if (pos+1 < sourceSize) { if ('h' == str.at(pos+1)) { if (pos+2 < sourceSize) { if ('t' == str.at(pos+2)) { ++pos; break; //a_ght => t } else break; //a_gh => h } } else if ('n' == str.at(pos+1)) { break; //a_gn => n } } //a_Fallthrough case 'k': if (pos+1 < sourceSize && 'n' == str.at(pos+1)) { break; //a_kn => n } //a_Fallthrough case 'c': case 'j': case 'q': case 's': case 'x': case 'z': if (!result.isEmpty()) { if (str.at(pos) != result.at(result.getSize()-1)) result.append('2'); } else result.append('2'); break; //--- case 'l': if (!result.isEmpty()) { if (str.at(pos) != result.at(result.getSize()-1)) result.append('4'); } else result.append('4'); break; //--- case 'm': if ('b' == str.at(pos+1, '\x0')) { ++pos; //a_mb => m } //a_ Fallthrough case 'n': if (!result.isEmpty()) { if (str.at(pos) != result.at(result.getSize()-1)) result.append('5'); } else result.append('5'); //--- case 'r': if (!result.isEmpty()) { if (str.at(pos) != result.at(result.getSize()-1)) result.append('6'); } else result.append('6'); break; } ++pos; } if (result.getSize() < minSize) result.setSize(minSize, '0'); }
/* Distinct sound groups bfpvw mn sxz ckq gj dt l r Vowels and ignored aeiouyh */ void AWordUtility::getSoundsLikeForm(const AString& source, AString& result) { result.clear(); if (source.isEmpty()) return; //a_First character appended as is AString work(source); work.makeLower(); size_t workSize = work.getSize(); size_t pos = 0; while (pos < workSize) { switch(work.at(pos)) { case 'b': case 'f': case 'p': result.append('p'); break; case 'm': case 'n': result.append('m'); break; case 's': case 'x': case 'z': result.append('s'); break; case 'c': case 'k': case 'q': result.append('k'); break; case 'g': case 'j': result.append('g'); break; case 'd': case 't': result.append('d'); break; case 'l': result.append('l'); break; case 'r': result.append('r'); break; case 'v': case 'w': result.append('v'); break; } ++pos; } }
void AOSOutputExecutor::execute(AOSContext& context) { AString command; if ( context.useRequestParameterPairs().exists(OVERRIDE_OUTPUT) && m_Services.useConfiguration().isOutputOverrideAllowed() ) { //a_Override requested and allowed context.useRequestParameterPairs().get(OVERRIDE_OUTPUT, command); } else { command = context.getOutputCommand(); if (context.useEventVisitor().isLogging(AEventVisitor::EL_DEBUG)) { ARope rope("Default output generator overridden to: ",40); rope.append(command); context.useEventVisitor().startEvent(rope, AEventVisitor::EL_DEBUG); } } if (command.equals("NOP")) { //a_If NOP was used force XML m_Services.useConfiguration().setMimeTypeFromExt(ASW("xml",3), context); if (context.useEventVisitor().isLogging(AEventVisitor::EL_DEBUG)) context.useEventVisitor().startEvent(ASWNL("NOP detected, defaulting to XML output"), AEventVisitor::EL_DEBUG); } if (command.isEmpty()) { if (!m_Services.useConfiguration().getAosDefaultOutputGenerator().isEmpty()) { command.assign(m_Services.useConfiguration().getAosDefaultOutputGenerator()); if (context.useEventVisitor().isLogging(AEventVisitor::EL_DEBUG)) { ARope rope("No output generator specified, defaulting to: ",46); rope.append(command); context.useEventVisitor().startEvent(rope, AEventVisitor::EL_DEBUG); } } else { if (context.useEventVisitor().isLogging(AEventVisitor::EL_DEBUG)) context.useEventVisitor().startEvent(ASW("No output generator, defaulting to XML",38), AEventVisitor::EL_DEBUG); return; } } try { //a_Find input command, if not found execute the default OutputGeneratorContainer::iterator it = m_OutputGenerators.find(command); if (it == m_OutputGenerators.end()) { if (context.useEventVisitor().isLogging(AEventVisitor::EL_WARN)) { ARope rope("Skipping unknown output generator: ",35); rope.append(command); context.useEventVisitor().startEvent(rope, AEventVisitor::EL_WARN); } } else { ATimer timer(true); //a_Generate output if (context.useEventVisitor().isLogging(AEventVisitor::EL_INFO)) { ARope rope("Generating output: ",19); rope.append((*it).first); context.useEventVisitor().startEvent(rope, AEventVisitor::EL_INFO); } if (context.useContextFlags().isClear(AOSContext::CTXFLAG_IS_AJAX)) { context.useModel().overwriteElement(ASW("execute/output", 14)).addData(command); //a_Publish timers context.getRequestTimer().emitXml(context.useModel().overwriteElement(ASW("request_time",12))); context.getContextTimer().emitXml(context.useModel().overwriteElement(ASW("context_time",12))); } //a_Generate output AOSContext::ReturnCode ret = (*it).second->execute(context); switch (ret) { case AOSContext::RETURN_OK: break; case AOSContext::RETURN_REDIRECT: if (context.useEventVisitor().isLogging(AEventVisitor::EL_INFO)) { context.useEventVisitor().startEvent(ASWNL("Output generator has done a redirect"), AEventVisitor::EL_DEBUG); } break; default: context.addError((*it).second->getClass(), ASWNL("Output generator returned neither OK nor REDIRECT")); return; } //a_Event over context.useEventVisitor().endEvent(); //a_Add execution time (*it).second->addExecutionTimeSample(timer.getInterval()); } } catch(AException& ex) { AString strWhere("AOSOutputExecutor::execute(", 27); strWhere.append(command); strWhere.append(')'); context.addError(strWhere, ex.what()); AXmlElement& element = context.useModel().addElement("output_error"); element.addElement("where", strWhere); element.addElement("exception", ex); } catch(...) { AString strWhere("AOSOutputExecutor::execute(", 27); strWhere.append(command); strWhere.append(')'); context.addError(strWhere, ASWNL("Unknown Exception")); context.useModel().addElement("output_error").addData("Unknown Exception"); } }