Exemple #1
void DrawHelper::ConfigDraw( const CString& geType, const CString& drawName )
    MineGEDraw* pDraw = MineGEDrawSystem::GetInstance()->getGEDraw( geType, drawName );
    if( pDraw == 0 ) return; // 该绘制效果不存在

    pDraw->configExtraParams(); // 配置附加参数

    AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
    ArxDataTool::GetEntsByType( geType, objIds, false );
    if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return; // dwg图形中没有任何geType类型图元

    AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
    if( pTrans == 0 ) return;

    int len = objIds.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        AcDbObject* pObj;
        if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, objIds.at( i ), AcDb::kForWrite ) ) continue;

        MineGE* pGE = MineGE::cast( pObj );
        if( pGE == 0 ) continue;

        pGE->configDraw( pDraw->isA()->name() ); // 更新extra param
        pGE->recordGraphicsModified( true );   // 更新图形

    AcRxClass* pClass = AcRxClass::cast( acrxClassDictionary->at( geType ) );
    if( pClass != 0 && pClass->isDerivedFrom( LinkedGE::desc() ) )
        UpdateLinkedGE( objIds );
Exemple #2
void DrawCmd::DrawChimney( void )
    acutPrintf( _T( "\n绘制风筒测试..." ) );

    AcDbObjectId objId = ArxUtilHelper::SelectObject( _T( "请选择一个掘进工作面:" ) );
    if( objId.isNull() ) return;
    if( !ArxUtilHelper::IsEqualType( _T( "TTunnel" ), objId ) ) return;

    AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
    DrawHelper::GetTagGEById2( objId, _T( "Chimney" ), objIds );
    if( !objIds.isEmpty() )
        AfxMessageBox( _T( "该掘进工作面已设置了风筒!" ) );

    AcGePoint3dArray pts;
    PolyLineJig jig;
    if( !jig.doJig( pts ) ) return;

    int len = pts.length();
    acutPrintf( _T( "\n点个数:%d" ), len );
    if( len < 2 ) return;

    Chimney* pChimney = new Chimney();
    pChimney->setRelatedGE( objId ); // 关联的图元必须是掘进工作面

    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) pChimney->addControlPoint( pts[i] );

    // 初始化并提交到数据库
    if( !ArxUtilHelper::PostToModelSpace( pChimney ) ) delete pChimney;
Exemple #3
void DrawHelper::SwitchDraw( const CString& geType, const CString& drawName )
    // 设置当前可视化效果
    if( !SetCurDraw( geType, drawName ) ) return;

    // 更新所有指定类型的图元
    AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
    ArxDataTool::GetEntsByType( geType, objIds, false );
    if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return; // dwg图形中没有任何MineGE类型图元

    // 将所有geType类型图元的绘制效果更新
    AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
    if( pTrans == 0 ) return;

    int len = objIds.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        AcDbObject* pObj;
        if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, objIds.at( i ), AcDb::kForWrite ) ) continue;

        MineGE* pGE = MineGE::cast( pObj );
        if( pGE == 0 ) continue;

        pGE->updateDraw();             // 更细可视化效果指针
        //pGE->recordGraphicsModified(true);  // 更新图形


    AcRxClass* pClass = AcRxClass::cast( acrxClassDictionary->at( geType ) );
    if( pClass != 0 && pClass->isDerivedFrom( LinkedGE::desc() ) )
        UpdateLinkedGE( objIds );
Exemple #4
 bool ArxEntityHelper::SelectEntities( const AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds )
	//acedSSSetFirst(NULL, NULL);

	if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return false;

	ads_name ss;
	if(RTNORM != acedSSAdd( NULL, NULL, ss )) return false;
	bool ret = true;
	for(int i=0;i<objIds.length();i++)
		ads_name ename;
		if( Acad::eOk != acdbGetAdsName( ename, objIds[i] ) ) 
			ret = false;;
		if( RTNORM != acedSSAdd( ename, ss, ss ) )  // 添加到选择集
			ret = false;;

		acedSSSetFirst( ss, NULL ); // 高亮选中
	acedSSFree( ss );           // 释放选择集

	return ret;
Exemple #5
// 从图元的扩展词典中查找数据对象
static void GetDataObjectFromExtDict( AcDbObjectIdArray& dbObjIds )
    AcDbObjectIdArray allObjIds;
    ArxDataTool::GetEntsByType( _T( "MineGE" ), allObjIds, true );

    // 判断是否数据对象DataObject
    // 且类型名称==type
    if( allObjIds.isEmpty() ) return;

    AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
    if( pTrans == 0 ) return;

    int len = allObjIds.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        AcDbObject* pObj;
        if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, allObjIds[i], AcDb::kForRead ) ) continue;

        MineGE* pGE = MineGE::cast( pObj );
        if( pGE == 0 ) continue;

        AcDbObjectId dbObjId = pGE->getDataObject();
        if( !dbObjId.isNull() )
            dbObjIds.append( dbObjId );
Exemple #6
void DrawCmd::DrawLocalFan()
    AcDbObjectId objId = ArxUtilHelper::SelectObject( _T( "请选择一个掘进工作面:" ) );
    if( objId.isNull() ) return;
    if( !ArxUtilHelper::IsEqualType( _T( "TTunnel" ), objId ) ) return;

    AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
    DrawHelper::GetTagGEById2( objId, _T( "LocalFan" ), objIds );
    if( !objIds.isEmpty() )
        AfxMessageBox( _T( "该掘进工作面已设置了局部通风机!" ) );

    AcGePoint3d pt;
    if( !ArxUtilHelper::PromptPt( _T( "\n请指定局扇的插入点坐标:" ), pt ) ) return;

    Fan* pFan = new LocalFan( pt, 0 ); // 目前假设局扇的角度为0(实际绘图中局扇是没有方向的)
    if( pFan == 0 ) return;

    pFan->setRelatedGE( objId ); // 关联巷道

    // 初始化并提交到数据库
    if( !ArxUtilHelper::PostToModelSpace( pFan ) ) delete pFan;
Exemple #7
void DrawHelper::GetTagGEById2( const AcDbObjectId& objId, const CString& geType, AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds )
    // 查找图元ObjId关联的所有标签
    AcDbObjectIdArray allObjIds;
    DrawHelper::GetAllTagGEById( objId, allObjIds );
    if( allObjIds.isEmpty() ) return;

    // 筛选出类型为geType的tag
    GetTagGEById2_Helper( geType, allObjIds, objIds );
Exemple #8
void ArxEntityHelper::EraseObjects2( const AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds, Adesk::Boolean erasing )
    if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return;

    int len = objIds.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        EraseObject2( objIds[i], erasing );
Exemple #9
void DrawCmd::DrawEffectRanGE()
	AcDbObjectIdArray ttunels;
	int len = ttunels.length();
	if(ttunels.isEmpty()) return;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)

Exemple #10
void DrawCmd::DrawQTagGE()
	AcDbObjectIdArray chims;
	int len = chims.length();
	if(chims.isEmpty()) return;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)

static AcDbObjectId GetContourInfoOnLayer( const CString& layer )
    AcDbObjectIdArray allObjIds;
    LayerHelper::GetAllEntitiesOnLayer( layer, allObjIds );

    AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
    ArxDataTool::FilterEntsByType( _T( "ContourInfo" ), allObjIds, objIds );

    if( objIds.isEmpty() )
        return AcDbObjectId::kNull;
        return objIds[0];
Exemple #12
static void EffectRanDrawed(AcDbObjectId ttunel)
	AcTransaction *pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
	if ( 0 == pTrans ) return;
	AcDbObject *pObj;
	if (Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject(pObj,ttunel,AcDb::kForRead)) return;
	TTunnel *pTTunnel = TTunnel::cast(pObj);
	if ( 0 == pTTunnel)
	AcGePoint3d spt,ept;
	double angle = pTTunnel->getAngle();

	AcDbObjectIdArray eTags;
	DrawHelper::GetTagGEById2( ttunel, _T( "EffectRanTagGE" ), eTags );
	if (!eTags.isEmpty())
		ArxEntityHelper::EraseObjects( eTags, true );

	AcGeVector3d v = ept - spt;
	double diatance = v.length();
	CString area,way;
	if(!DataHelper::GetPropertyData(ttunel,_T("断面面积"),area)) return;
	if(!DataHelper::GetPropertyData(ttunel,_T("通风方法"),way)) return;

	double minDistan,maxDistan;
	if(way.IsEmpty()) return;
	if(area.IsEmpty()) return;

	if (_T("压入式") == way || _T("长压短抽") == way)
		minDistan = 4*sqrtf(_tstof(area));
		maxDistan = 5*sqrtf(_tstof(area));

		minDistan = 0;
		maxDistan = 1.5*sqrtf(_tstof(area));
	EffectRanTagGE *pTag = new EffectRanTagGE(ept,angle,minDistan,maxDistan,diatance*0.1);
	if (0 == pTag) return;

	if( !ArxUtilHelper::PostToModelSpace( pTag ) ) delete pTag;
Exemple #13
void DrawCmd::UpdateAllWindStationData()
    // 查找所有的测风站
    // 将所在宿主上的面积、风速、风量数据读取到测风站中
    AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
    DrawHelper::FindMineGEs( _T( "WindStation" ), objIds );
    if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return;

    AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
    if( pTrans == 0 ) return;

    AcDbObjectIdArray geObjIds;
    int len = objIds.length();
    bool ret = true;
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        AcDbObject* pObj;
        if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, objIds[i], AcDb::kForRead ) )
            ret = false;

        TagGE* pTag = TagGE::cast( pObj );
        if( pTag == 0 )
            ret = false;

        geObjIds.append( pTag->getRelatedGE() );


    if( !ret )
        //assert(objIds.length() == geObjIds.length());
        int len = objIds.length();
        for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
            ReadWriteData( geObjIds[i], _T( "断面面积" ), objIds[i], _T( "测试断面面积" ) );
            ReadWriteData( geObjIds[i], _T( "风速" ), objIds[i], _T( "测试风速" ) );
            ReadWriteData( geObjIds[i], _T( "风量" ), objIds[i], _T( "测试风量" ) );
Exemple #14
void ArxEntityHelper::TransformEntities2( const AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds, const AcGeMatrix3d& xform )
    if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return;

	int len = objIds.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
		AcDbEntity* pEnt;
		if( Acad::eOk == acdbOpenAcDbEntity( pEnt, objIds[i], AcDb::kForWrite ) )
			pEnt->transformBy( xform );
Exemple #15
bool FieldHelper::AddField( const CString& type, const CString& field )
    if( IsEmptyString( type ) || IsEmptyString( field ) ) return false;

    bool ret = AddField_Helper( PROPERTY_DATA_FIELD_DICT, type, field );
    if( ret )
        AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
        GetDataObjectsByType( type, objIds );
        if( !objIds.isEmpty() )
            AddFieldToDataObject( objIds );
    return ret;
Exemple #16
void ArxEntityHelper::EraseObjects( const AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds, Adesk::Boolean erasing )
    if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return;

    AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
    if( pTrans == 0 ) return;

    int len = objIds.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        AcDbObject* pObj;
        if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, objIds[i], AcDb::kForWrite, !erasing ) ) continue;
        pObj->erase( erasing ); // (反)删除图元
Exemple #17
bool FieldHelper::RemoveField( const CString& type, const CString& field )
    if( IsEmptyString( type ) || IsEmptyString( field ) ) return false;

    int index = RemoveField_Helper( PROPERTY_DATA_FIELD_DICT, type, field );
    bool ret = ( INVALID_ENTRY != index );
    if( ret )
        // 删除图元中的字段
        AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
        GetDataObjectsByType( type, objIds );
        if( !objIds.isEmpty() )
            RemoveFieldFromDataObject( objIds, index );
    return ret;
Exemple #18
void DrawCmd::AutoDirection()
    AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
    DrawHelper::FindMineGEs( _T( "LinkedGE" ), objIds );
    if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return;

    // 删除所有的风流方向

    AcGePoint3dArray spts, epts;
    GetSEPts( objIds, spts, epts );

    int len = objIds.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        // 添加风流方向
        AddDirection( objIds[i], spts[i], epts[i] );
Exemple #19
void ArxEntityHelper::TransformEntities( const AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds, const AcGeMatrix3d& xform )
	if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return;

	AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
	if( pTrans == 0 ) return;

	int len = objIds.length();
	for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
		AcDbObject* pObj;
		if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, objIds[i], AcDb::kForWrite ) ) continue;

		AcDbEntity* pEnt = AcDbEntity::cast( pObj );
		if( pEnt == 0 ) continue;

		pEnt->transformBy( xform );
void WindStationDockBarChildDlg::readPropertyData( const AcDbObjectId& objId )
    int pos = m_objIds.find( objId );
    if( pos < 0 ) return;

    AcDbObjectIdArray stations;
    DrawHelper::GetTagGEById2( m_hosts[pos], _T( "WindStation" ), stations );
    if( stations.isEmpty() )
        m_hasStation = FALSE;
        m_hasStation = TRUE;

        DataHelper::GetPropertyData( stations[0], _T( "名称" ), m_name );
        DataHelper::GetPropertyData( stations[0], _T( "测试断面面积" ), m_area );
        DataHelper::GetPropertyData( stations[0], _T( "测试风速" ), m_v );
        DataHelper::GetPropertyData( stations[0], _T( "测试风量" ), m_q );
    UpdateData( FALSE );
Exemple #21
void DrawHelper::ShowAllTagGE( const AcDbObjectId& objId, unsigned short colorIndex )
    AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
    DrawHelper::GetAllTagGEById( objId, objIds );

    PrintMsg( objIds.length() );

    if( objIds.isEmpty() ) return;

    // 记录原来的颜色
    AcArray<Adesk::UInt16> colors;
    if( !ArxEntityHelper::GetEntitiesColor( objIds, colors ) ) return;

    // 用黄色高亮显示标签图元
    ArxEntityHelper::SetEntitiesColor( objIds, colorIndex );

    // 中断

    // 恢复原有颜色
    ArxEntityHelper::SetEntitiesColor2( objIds, colors );
Exemple #22
static void FanTagGEDrawed(AcDbObjectId fanId)
	AcTransaction *pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
	if ( 0 == pTrans ) return;
	AcDbObject *pObj;
	if (Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject(pObj,fanId,AcDb::kForRead)) return;
	LocalFan *pFan = LocalFan::cast(pObj);
	if ( 0 == pFan)
	AcGePoint3d insertPt = 	pFan->getInsertPt();

	AcDbObjectIdArray fanTags;
	DrawHelper::GetTagGEById2( fanId, _T( "FanTagGE" ), fanTags );
	if (!fanTags.isEmpty())
		ArxEntityHelper::EraseObjects( fanTags, true );
	CString name,qStr,hStr,way;

	FanTagGE *pFanTag = new FanTagGE(insertPt,name,way,_tstof(qStr),_tstof(hStr));
	if( pFanTag == 0 ) return;


	pFanTag->setRelatedGE( fanId ); // 关联局扇

	// 初始化并提交到数据库
	if( !ArxUtilHelper::PostToModelSpace( pFanTag ) ) delete pFanTag;

void WindStationDockBarChildDlg::writePropertyData( const AcDbObjectId& objId )
    UpdateData( TRUE );

    int pos = m_objIds.find( objId );
    if( pos < 0 ) return;

    AcDbObjectIdArray stations;
    DrawHelper::GetTagGEById2( m_hosts[pos], _T( "WindStation" ), stations );
    if( stations.isEmpty() ) return;

    if( m_hasStation )
        CString v1;
        v1.Format( _T( "%d" ), 1 ); // 默认都是按照规定测风
        DataHelper::SetPropertyData( stations[0], _T( "是否按规定测风" ), v1 );

        DataHelper::SetPropertyData( stations[0], _T( "名称" ), m_name );
        DataHelper::SetPropertyData( stations[0], _T( "测试断面面积" ), m_area );
        DataHelper::SetPropertyData( stations[0], _T( "测试风速" ), m_v );
        DataHelper::SetPropertyData( stations[0], _T( "测试风量" ), m_q );
Exemple #24
static void GetModelGEById_Helper( const AcDbObjectId& objId, const AcDbObjectIdArray& modelObjIds, AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds )
    if( modelObjIds.isEmpty() ) return;

    AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
    if( pTrans == 0 ) return;

    int len = modelObjIds.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        AcDbObject* pObj;
        if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, modelObjIds[i], AcDb::kForRead ) ) continue;

        ModelGE* pModel = ModelGE::cast( pObj );
        if( pModel == 0 ) continue;

        if( pModel->getDataObject() == objId )
            objIds.append( modelObjIds[i] );
Exemple #25
static void GetAllTagGEById_Helper( const AcDbObjectId& objId, const AcDbObjectIdArray& tagObjIds, AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds )
    if( tagObjIds.isEmpty() ) return;

    //acutPrintf(_T("\n找到%d个图元,进行比较判断..."), tagObjIds.length());
    AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
    if( pTrans == 0 ) return;

    int len = tagObjIds.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        AcDbObject* pObj;
        if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, tagObjIds[i], AcDb::kForRead ) ) continue;

        TagGE* pTag = TagGE::cast( pObj );
        if( pTag == 0 ) continue;

        if( pTag->getRelatedGE() == objId )
            objIds.append( tagObjIds[i] );
Exemple #26
Acad::ErrorStatus CZhfPalette::Wblock(AcDbDatabase*& pDbFrom, AcDbDatabase*& pDbTo, /*const AcGePoint3d& pt_3d_base,*/ const AcGeMatrix3d & xform)
	Acad::ErrorStatus es ;

	AcDbObjectIdArray objIdsOut;

	AcDbBlockTable* pBT = NULL ;
	pDbFrom->getBlockTable(pBT, AcDb::kForRead);
	AcDbBlockTableRecord* pBTR = NULL;
	es = pBT->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pBTR, AcDb::kForRead);

	AcDbBlockTableRecordIterator* pIT;
	es = pBTR->newIterator(pIT) ;
	for (; !pIT->done(); pIT->step()) 
		AcDbEntity* pEnt = NULL ;
		if (Acad::eOk==pIT->getEntity(pEnt, AcDb::kForRead))
// 			if (!pEnt->isKindOf(AcDbAttributeDefinition::desc()))
// 			{
				AcDbObjectId objId;
				if (Acad::eOk == pIT->getEntityId(objId))
// 			}
			pEnt->close() ;

	delete pIT;

	if (!objIdsOut.isEmpty()) 
		for (int i=0; i<objIdsOut.length(); i++)
			AcDbObjectId objId = objIdsOut.at(i);
			AcDbEntity *pEnt = NULL ;
			if(Acad::eOk==acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEnt,objId, AcDb::kForRead))
				AcDbObjectId objIdDic ;
				if ((objIdDic = pEnt->extensionDictionary())!= AcDbObjectId::kNull)
					AcDbDictionary *pDict = NULL;				
					if (Acad::eOk==acdbOpenObject(pDict, objIdDic, AcDb::kForWrite))
				pEnt->close() ;

		AcDbDatabase *pTempDb ;
		es = pDbFrom->wblock( pTempDb, objIdsOut, AcGePoint3d::kOrigin ) ;
		if (Acad::eOk != es )
			acedAlert( _T("wblock failed!") );
			return es ;
		es = pDbTo->insert( xform, pTempDb ) ;
		if (Acad::eOk != es)
			acedAlert( _T("insert failed!" ));
		if (pTempDb)
			delete pTempDb;
			pTempDb = NULL ;
		acutPrintf(_T("\nNo entities found in model space of DWG"));

	return es ;
ArxDbgDbEntity::deepClone(AcDbObject* pOwner,
              AcDbObject*& pClonedObject,
              AcDbIdMapping& idMap,
              Adesk::Boolean isPrimary) const
        // You should always pass back pClonedObject == NULL
        // if, for any reason, you do not actually clone it
        // during this call.  The caller should pass it in
        // as NULL, but to be safe, we set it here as well.
    pClonedObject = NULL;

	if (ArxDbgOptions::m_instance.m_showDeepCloneDetails) {
		CString titleStr, tmpStr;
		titleStr.Format(_T("Beginning -- deepClone: %s"),
				ArxDbgUtils::objToClassAndHandleStr(const_cast<ArxDbgDbEntity*>(this), tmpStr));
		ArxDbgUiTdmIdMap dbox(&idMap, acedGetAcadDwgView(), titleStr);

    AcDb::DeepCloneType type = idMap.deepCloneContext();

        // if we know everything will be cloned for us, just let
		// the base class do everything for us.
    if ((type == AcDb::kDcInsert) ||
		(type == AcDb::kDcInsertCopy) ||
		(type == AcDb::kDcExplode))
        return AcDbEntity::deepClone(pOwner, pClonedObject, idMap, isPrimary);

        // following case happens when doing a AcDbDatabase::deepCloneObjects()
        // and the owner happens to be the same... then its really like a
        // kDcCopy, otherwise deepCloneObjects() is like a kDcBlock
    if (type == AcDb::kDcObjects) {
		if (ownerId() == pOwner->objectId())
			type = AcDb::kDcCopy;
			type = AcDb::kDcBlock;

		// now ask derived classes what references they want cloned for them
	AcDbObjectIdArray refEntIds;
	AcDbIntArray refTypes;
	getCloneReferences(type, refEntIds, refTypes);
	ASSERT(refEntIds.length() == refTypes.length());

		// if derived class doesn't have any references to take care of, then
		// we will just let the AcDbEntity::deepClone() take care of things.
	if (refEntIds.isEmpty())
		return AcDbEntity::deepClone(pOwner, pClonedObject, idMap, isPrimary);

        // If this object is in the idMap and is already
        // cloned, then return.
	bool tmpIsPrimary = isPrimary ? true : false;	// get around compiler performance warning
    AcDbIdPair idPair(objectId(), AcDbObjectId::kNull, false, tmpIsPrimary);
    if (idMap.compute(idPair) && (idPair.value() != NULL))
        return Acad::eOk;

    // STEP 1:
    // Create the clone
    AcDbObject *pClone = (AcDbObject*)isA()->create();
    if (pClone != NULL)
        pClonedObject = pClone;    // set the return value
        return Acad::eOutOfMemory;

    // STEP 2:
    // Append the clone to its new owner.  In this example,
    // we know that we are derived from AcDbEntity, so we
    // can expect our owner to be an AcDbBlockTableRecord,
    // unless we have set up an ownership relationship with
    // another of our objects.  In that case, we need to
    // establish how we connect to that owner in our own
    // way.  This sample shows a generic method using
    // setOwnerId().
    AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBTR = AcDbBlockTableRecord::cast(pOwner);
    if (pBTR != NULL) {
        AcDbEntity* ent = AcDbEntity::cast(pClone);
    else {
        if (isPrimary)
            return Acad::eInvalidOwnerObject;

        // Some form of this code is only necessary if
        // anyone has set up an ownership for our object
        // other than with an AcDbBlockTableRecord.

    // STEP 3:
    // Now we copy our contents to the clone.  This is done
    // using an AcDbDeepCloneFiler.  This filer keeps a
    // list of all AcDbHardOwnershipIds and
    // AcDbSoftOwnershipIds we, and any classes we derive
    // from,  have.  This list is then used to know what
    // additional, "owned" objects need to be cloned below.
    AcDbDeepCloneFiler filer;

    // STEP 4:
    // Rewind the filer and read the data into the clone.

    filer.seek(0L, AcDb::kSeekFromStart);

    // STEP 5:
    // This must be called for all newly created objects
    // in deepClone.  It is turned off by endDeepClone()
    // after it has translated the references to their
    // new values.

    // STEP 6:
    // Add the new information to the idMap.  We can use
    // the idPair started above.

    // STEP 7:
    // Using the filer list created above, find and clone
    // any owned objects.
    AcDbObject *pSubObject;
    AcDbObject *pClonedSubObject;
    AcDbObjectId id;
    Acad::ErrorStatus es;
    while (filer.getNextOwnedObject(id)) {
            // Open the object and clone it.  Note that we now
            // set "isPrimary" to kFalse here because the object
            // is being cloned, not as part of the primary set,
            // but because it is owned by something in the
            // primary set.
        es = acdbOpenAcDbObject(pSubObject, id, AcDb::kForRead);
        if (es != Acad::eOk)
            continue;   // could have been NULL or erased

        pClonedSubObject = NULL;
        pSubObject->deepClone(pClonedObject, pClonedSubObject, idMap, Adesk::kFalse);

            // If this is a kDcInsert context, the objects
            // may be "cheapCloned".  In this case, they are
            // "moved" instead of cloned.  The result is that
            // pSubObject and pClonedSubObject will point to
            // the same object.  So, we only want to close
            // pSubObject if it really is a different object
            // than its clone.
        if (pSubObject != pClonedSubObject)

            // The pSubObject may either already have been
            // cloned, or for some reason has chosen not to be
            // cloned.  In that case, the returned pointer will
            // be NULL.  Otherwise, since we have no immediate
            // use for it now, we can close the clone.
        if (pClonedSubObject != NULL)

        // clone the referenced entities
    AcDbObject* ent;
	int len = refEntIds.length();
	for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
		if (refTypes[i] == kClone) {
			es = acdbOpenAcDbObject(ent, refEntIds[i], AcDb::kForRead);
			if (es == Acad::eOk) {
				pClonedSubObject = NULL;
				es = ent->deepClone(pOwner, pClonedSubObject, idMap, Adesk::kTrue);
				if (es == Acad::eOk) {
						// see comment above about cheap clone
					if (ent != pClonedSubObject)

					if (pClonedSubObject != NULL)
			// this case is needed for RefEdit so we can pass its validation
			// test when editing a blockReference.  We don't actually clone it
			// but we add it to the map so it thinks it got cloned and is therefore
			// a valid "Closed Set" of objects.
		else if (refTypes[i] == kFakeClone) {
            AcDbIdPair idPair(refEntIds[i], refEntIds[i], false, false, true);

	if (ArxDbgOptions::m_instance.m_showDeepCloneDetails) {
		CString titleStr, tmpStr;
		titleStr.Format(_T("End -- deepClone: %s"),
				ArxDbgUtils::objToClassAndHandleStr(const_cast<ArxDbgDbEntity*>(this), tmpStr));
		ArxDbgUiTdmIdMap dbox(&idMap, acedGetAcadDwgView(), titleStr);

        // Leave pClonedObject open for the caller
    return Acad::eOk;
Exemple #28
static void QTagGEDrawed(const AcDbObjectId& chimId)
	AcTransaction *pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();
	if ( 0 == pTrans ) return;
	AcDbObject *pObj;
	if (Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject(pObj,chimId,AcDb::kForRead)) return;
	Chimney *pChim = Chimney::cast(pObj);
	if ( 0 == pChim)
	AcGePoint3dArray ctlPts = 	pChim->getControlPoint();

	AcDbObjectId fanId;
	if(!DrawHelper::GetHostGE(chimId,fanId)) return;

	if (Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject(pObj,fanId,AcDb::kForRead)) return;
	LocalFan *pFan = LocalFan::cast(pObj);
	if ( 0 == pFan)
	AcGePoint3d insertPt = 	pFan->getInsertPt();

	AcDbObjectIdArray QTags;
	DrawHelper::GetTagGEById2( chimId, _T( "QTagGE" ), QTags );
	if (!QTags.isEmpty())
		ArxEntityHelper::EraseObjects( QTags, true );

	CString inQStr,outQStr;

	CString way;
	if(way.IsEmpty() || inQStr.IsEmpty() || outQStr.IsEmpty()) return;

	QTagGE *pInQTag,*pOutQTag;
	if( _T("压入式") == way )
		pInQTag = new QTagGE(ctlPts[0],_tstof(inQStr));
		if( pInQTag == 0 ) return;
		pOutQTag = new QTagGE(ctlPts[ctlPts.length()-1],_tstof(outQStr));
		if( pOutQTag == 0 ) return;

	if( _T("抽出式") == way )
		pOutQTag = new QTagGE(ctlPts[0],_tstof(outQStr));
		if( pOutQTag == 0 ) return;
		pInQTag = new QTagGE(ctlPts[ctlPts.length()-1],_tstof(inQStr));
		if( pInQTag == 0 ) return;
	pOutQTag->setRelatedGE( chimId ); // 关联风筒
	pInQTag->setRelatedGE( chimId ); // 关联风筒

	// 初始化并提交到数据库
	if( !ArxUtilHelper::PostToModelSpace( pOutQTag ) ) delete pOutQTag;
	if( !ArxUtilHelper::PostToModelSpace( pInQTag ) ) delete pInQTag;
                            AcDbIdMapping& idMap, Acad::ErrorStatus* es)
    m_didTheseDicts.setLogicalLength(0);    // reset the dictionaries we have processed

    AcDbDatabase* origDb;
    AcDbDatabase* destDb;

    AcDbObject* clonedObj;
    AcDbObject* objToClone;

		// we catch this event so that we can wblock objects that are not entities.
		// This happens from the class ArxDbgUiTdcWblockClone where you are allowed
		// to pick non-entities to wblock to a new/existing drawing.  AcDbDatabase::wblock()
		// only allows entities to be in the set of objects passed to it, but you
		// can manually wblockClone them yourself here.
    if (idMap.deepCloneContext() == AcDb::kDcWblock) {
			// see what non-entity objects we have to clone by hand.
		AcDbObjectIdArray handCloneObjects;
		m_cloneSet.getObjectsForDatabase(origDb, handCloneObjects);
        if (handCloneObjects.isEmpty())

            // walk through the clone set and try to clone
            // everything.  If something is already cloned,
            // its ok, it won't be cloned again or return an
            // error, it will just set clonedObj to NULL.
        CString str;
        int len = handCloneObjects.length();
        for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
            clonedObj = NULL;
            if (acdbOpenAcDbObject(objToClone, handCloneObjects[i], AcDb::kForRead) == Acad::eOk) {
                objToClone->wblockClone(destDb, clonedObj, idMap, Adesk::kFalse);
                if (clonedObj != NULL) {
                    acutPrintf(_T("\nArxDbgAppEditorReactor: cloned additional object [%s, %s]"),
                                ArxDbgUtils::objToHandleStr(objToClone, str));
		// catching this event allows us to correctly bring in our Dictionary Records.
		// If we don't do this, then they will be orphaned.  AutoCAD will not hook up
		// the cloned dictionary records automatically.
    else if ((ArxDbgOptions::m_instance.m_doDictRecordInsertByHand) &&
			 ((idMap.deepCloneContext() == AcDb::kDcInsert) ||
			  (idMap.deepCloneContext() == AcDb::kDcInsertCopy))) {
            // have to manually find all things we are interested in inserting.
            // So, look for all ArxDbgDictRecords, if its a dict record,
            // make sure owner dict is cloned in new database
        AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;
        collectAllDictRecords(origDb, objIds);
        int len = objIds.length();
        for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
                // find out if object is a dict record
            Acad::ErrorStatus es;
            es = acdbOpenObject(objToClone, objIds[i], AcDb::kForRead);
            if (es == Acad::eOk) {
                acutPrintf("\nArxDbgAppEditorReactor: hand inserting [%s]", ArxDbgUtils::objToClassStr(objToClone));

                    // clone the owner dictionary if one of our dictionary records
                if (objToClone->isKindOf(ArxDbgDbDictRecord::desc()))
                    insertCloneOwnerDict(objToClone->ownerId(), destDb, idMap);

static bool HasStation( const AcDbObjectId& objId )
    AcDbObjectIdArray stations;
    DrawHelper::GetTagGEById2( objId, _T( "WindStation" ), stations );
    return !( stations.isEmpty() );