bool SketchSolverCircArc::checkPreUpdateValue() { if (NULL == vcsBody()) return false; VCSMMatrix3d vMat = vcsBody()->transform(); AcGeMatrix3d aMat = GeConv::toAcGeMatrix3d(vMat); VCSMCircle3d vcsCir = m_pVcsVarCircle->circle3d(); double newRadius = vcsCir.radius(); // No allow degenerated circle during solving if (std::fabs(newRadius) <= m_pContext->tol()) return false; //if (std::fabs(newRadius) > 1000.0) // return false; // No allow degenerated circle arc if (m_geometry->bounded()) { AcGePoint3d startPt = startPoint()->updatedPosition(); AcGePoint3d endPt = endPoint()->updatedPosition(); if (startPt.isEqualTo(endPt, m_pContext->tolEx())) return false; } return true; }
Acad::ErrorStatus AcRectJig::setPlane() { // Acquire current UCS transformation matrix. // We save the matrix for later use. // acdbUcsMatrix(mUcsToWcsMat); mWcsToUcsMat = mUcsToWcsMat.inverse(); // Get data from user coordinate system. // AcGePoint3d orgPt; AcGeVector3d xAxis, yAxis, zAxis; mUcsToWcsMat.getCoordSystem(orgPt, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis); // Get the current elevation w.r.t current UCS, w.r.t the current space. // struct resbuf rb; ads_getvar(/*MSG0*/"CVPORT", &rb); double elev; if (rb.resval.rint == 1) elev = mpDb->pelevation(); // Paper space else elev = mpDb->elevation(); // Model space // Convert elevation from UCS to WCS. // orgPt += elev * zAxis; mElevation = zAxis.dotProduct(orgPt.asVector()); mNormal = zAxis; mHorizDir = xAxis; mVertDir = mNormal.crossProduct(mHorizDir); return Acad::eOk; }
static AcGePoint3d ProjectPointOfTwoLine( const AcGePoint3d& spt1, const AcGePoint3d& ept1, const AcGePoint3d& spt2, const AcGePoint3d& ept2, const AcGePoint3d& pt ) { // 计算点在直线spt1->ept1上的比例关系 double c = pt.distanceTo( spt1 ) / ept1.distanceTo( spt1 ); acutPrintf( _T( "\n比例c:%.4f" ), c ); acutPrintf( _T( "\nspt->(%.3f, %.3f), ept->(%.3f, %.3f)" ), spt2.x, spt2.y, ept2.x, ept2.y ); AcGeVector3d v = ept2 - spt2; return spt2 + v * c; }
//addded by linlin 20050819 Acad::ErrorStatus PDSphere::getVertices(int Precision, AcGePoint3dArray& vertexArray, AcGeVector3dArray &vertexNors) const { assertReadEnabled(); int actPrecision__1 = Precision + 1; int actPrecision___2__1 = Precision * 2 + 1; vertexArray.setLogicalLength(actPrecision__1*actPrecision___2__1); vertexNors.setLogicalLength(actPrecision__1*actPrecision___2__1); AcGePoint3d varPt = m_ptCenter; //变截面的中心点 double varR = 0; double deltaAngle = PI / Precision; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// begin the division ///////// AcGePoint3d point; for(int i = 0; i < actPrecision__1; ++i) { varPt.z=m_ptCenter.z- m_dRadius*cos(deltaAngle*i); varR = m_dRadius * sin(deltaAngle * i); int j; for(j = 0; j <actPrecision___2__1; ++j) { if(i == 0) { point = m_ptCenter; point.z -= m_dRadius; } else if(i == actPrecision__1) { point = m_ptCenter; point.z += m_dRadius; } else { point=varPt; point.x += varR; point.rotateBy(deltaAngle * j, AcGeVector3d(0, 0, 1), varPt); } vertexArray[i*actPrecision___2__1+j]=point; vertexNors[i*actPrecision___2__1+j] = point - m_ptCenter; } } return Acad::eOk; }//addded by linlin 20050819
static int extractEntityInfo(struct resbuf *rb, int& sel_method, ads_name ename, ads_name subname, short& marker, AcGePoint3d& pickpnt, AcGeVector3d& pickvec) { if ( rb == NULL || rb->restype != RTLB ) { assert(0); return 0; } // Get the selection method. // rb = rb->rbnext; // Bump up to the selection method, always after RTLB. sel_method = rb->resval.rint; // Get the first ename (could be either the actual entity name or // subentity name). // rb = rb->rbnext; // Bump up to the first name, always after sel method. ename[0] = rb->resval.rlname[0]; ename[1] = rb->resval.rlname[1]; subname[0] = rb->resval.rlname[0]; subname[1] = rb->resval.rlname[1]; // Get marker info. // rb = rb->rbnext; marker = rb->resval.rint; // Get the pick location and vector, only for PICK and FENCE. For FENCE, // we take the first intersection with the entity as the pick location. // if ( sel_method == PICK_METH || sel_method == FENCE_METH) { rb = rb->rbnext; // Skip to RTLB for pick location. rb = rb->rbnext; // Skip to point description info. rb = rb->rbnext; // Skip to the pick location. pickpnt.set( rb->resval.rpoint[0], rb->resval.rpoint[1], rb->resval.rpoint[2] ); rb = rb->rbnext; // Will be normal vector if we're not in XY view. // Otherwise, it'll be an RTLE for pick location. if ( rb->restype == RT3DPOINT ) { pickvec.set( rb->resval.rpoint[0], rb->resval.rpoint[1], rb->resval.rpoint[2] ); rb = rb->rbnext; // Make it point to the RTLE for the pick location. } } return CONTINUE; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function is called by the drag function in order to // aquire a sample input // AcEdJig::DragStatus AsdkRectangleJig::sampler() { DragStatus stat = kNormal; setUserInputControls((UserInputControls) ( AcEdJig::kNoNegativeResponseAccepted | AcEdJig::kNoZeroResponseAccepted) ); setSpecialCursorType(kCrosshair); stat = acquirePoint(m_BottomRightCorner, plineInfo.m_topLeftCorner); // Now project the point at the crosshairs to the ECS of the // polyline being drawn. // AcGePlane planeParallelToUCS(m_TopLeftCorner, m_vecUnitZ); m_BottomRightCorner = m_BottomRightCorner.project(planeParallelToUCS, m_vecUnitZ); // If the newly acquired point is the same as it was // in the last sample, then we return kNoChange so that // AsdkRectangleJig::update() will not be called and the // last update call will be able to finish thus allowing // the polyline to fully elaborate. // if (samplerCorner != m_BottomRightCorner) { // m_BottomRightCorner will be used to update the remaining corners // in AsdkRectangleJig::update() below. // samplerCorner = m_BottomRightCorner; } else if (stat == AcEdJig::kNormal) return AcEdJig::kNoChange; return stat; }
void AcRectangle::list() const { assertReadEnabled(); AcDbEntity::list(); AcGeMatrix3d ucsToWcsMat, wcsToUcsMat; acdbUcsMatrix(ucsToWcsMat); wcsToUcsMat = ucsToWcsMat.inverse(); AcGePoint3d cenPt = mCenter; cenPt.transformBy(wcsToUcsMat); acutPrintf(_T("\nWidth: %f"), mWidth); acutPrintf(_T("\nHeight: %f"), mHeight); acutPrintf(_T("\nCenter: X= %f, Y= %f, Z= %f"), cenPt.x, cenPt.y, cenPt.z); acutPrintf(_T("\nNormal: X= %f, Y= %f, Z= %f"), mNormal.x, mNormal.y, mNormal.z); acutPrintf("\n"); }
MaterialJig::MaterialJig( const AcGePoint3d& center, const AcDbObjectId& materialId) { mpMaterialEnt = (AsdkMaterial*)AsdkMaterial::desc()->create(); mpMaterialEnt->setDatabaseDefaults(); mpMaterialEnt->setMaterialId(materialId); AcGeMatrix3d translateMat; translateMat.setToTranslation(center.asVector()); mpMaterialEnt->setTransform(translateMat); }
void CreatePipe( const AcGePoint3d& start, const AcGePoint3d& end, const double& radius) { acutPrintf(L"开始绘制管体\n"); //得到线段的长度 double length = start.distanceTo(end); if( length < 0.1 ) return; acutPrintf(L"得到管体高度%lf\n",length); //绘制圆柱体 AcDb3dSolid* p3dPipe = CreateCylinder(radius,length); if( p3dPipe == NULL ) return; //得到线段与Z轴的垂直向量 AcGeVector3d line3dVector(end.x - start.x,end.y - start.y, end.z-start.z); AcGeVector3d rotateVctor = line3dVector.crossProduct(AcGeVector3d::kZAxis); //得到旋转的角度 double angle = -line3dVector.angleTo(AcGeVector3d::kZAxis); acutPrintf(L"得到旋转角度%lf\n",angle); //进行旋转 AcGeMatrix3d rotateMatrix = AcGeMatrix3d::rotation( angle, rotateVctor, AcGePoint3d::kOrigin); p3dPipe->transformBy(rotateMatrix); //得到线段的中心点 AcGePoint3d center(start.x + end.x, start.y + end.y, start.z + end.z); center /= 2; acutPrintf(L"得到中心点[%lf][%lf][%lf]\n",center.x,center.y,center.z); //进行偏移 AcGeMatrix3d moveMatrix; moveMatrix.setToTranslation(AcGeVector3d(center.x,center.y,center.z)); p3dPipe->transformBy(moveMatrix); //加入到3D模型中 PostToModelSpace(p3dPipe); #ifdef DEBUG acutPrintf(L"插入中心线,用于矫正"); AcDbLine *pLine = new AcDbLine(start, end); PostToModelSpace(pLine); #endif }
AcDbObjectId CArxHelper::CreateText(const CString& strText, const AcGePoint3d& pt1, const AcGePoint3d& pt2, double dDist, BOOL bUp /* = TRUE */) { AcDbObjectId textId = AcDbObjectId::kNull; AcGePoint3d pt = (pt1 + pt2.asVector()) / 2.0; AcDbMText* pMText = new AcDbMText(); pMText->setContents(strText); pMText->setLocation(pt); pMText->setDirection(pt2-pt1); textId = AddToCAD(pMText,4); AcDbExtents extents; pMText->getGeomExtents(extents); AcGeVector3d vect = (pt2-pt1).normal() * (extents.maxPoint().x - extents.minPoint().x) / 2.0; AcGeMatrix3d xform = AcGeMatrix3d::translation(-vect); acdbOpenObject(pMText,textId,AcDb::kForWrite); pMText->transformBy(xform); pMText->close(); return textId; }
void ArxDbgUtils::getUcsToWcsOriginMatrix(AcGeMatrix3d& m, const AcGePoint3d& wcsBasePt, AcDbDatabase* db) { ASSERT(db != NULL); AcGeMatrix3d tmpMat; if (acdbUcsMatrix(tmpMat, db)) { AcGePoint3d origin; AcGeVector3d xDir, yDir, zDir; tmpMat.getCoordSystem(origin, xDir, yDir, zDir); origin += wcsBasePt.asVector(); m.setToAlignCoordSys(origin, xDir, yDir, zDir, AcGePoint3d::kOrigin, AcGeVector3d::kXAxis, AcGeVector3d::kYAxis, AcGeVector3d::kZAxis); } else { ASSERT(0); m = AcGeMatrix3d::kIdentity; } }
static double CaclWSGas( double q, const AcGePoint3d& spt, const AcGePoint3d& ept ) { return q / ( spt.distanceTo( ept ) ); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// 将球在圆上分成m_nPrecision段,然后求相应处圆的半径 /////// /////// 再将此圆分成m_nPrecision份。 //////// /////// 所以共 (m_nPrecision+1)*(m_nPrecision+1)个点 //// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Acad::ErrorStatus PDSphere::getVertices(int Precision, AcGePoint3dArray& vertexArray, AcGeIntArray &stdIdx, int &actPrecision) const { assertReadEnabled(); while(!vertexArray.isEmpty()) vertexArray.removeLast(); AcGeDoubleArray dividDbl; getActDivid(Precision, dividDbl, stdIdx); int actPrecision__1 = dividDbl.length(); int actPrecision___2__1 = (dividDbl.length() - 1) * 2 + 1; actPrecision = actPrecision__1 - 1; vertexArray.setLogicalLength(actPrecision__1*actPrecision___2__1); AcGePoint3d varPt = m_ptCenter; //变截面的中心点 double varR = 0; double deltaAngle = PI / Precision; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// begin the division ///////// AcGeCubicSplineCurve3d varcur; AcGePoint3d point; for(int i = 0; i < actPrecision__1; ++i) { varPt.z=m_ptCenter.z- m_dRadius*cos(deltaAngle*dividDbl[i]); double tt = m_dRadius * m_dRadius - (m_ptCenter.z - varPt.z) * (m_ptCenter.z - varPt.z); if(tt < 0) tt = 0; varR = sqrt(tt); int j; for(j = 0; j <actPrecision__1; ++j) { if(i == 0) { point = m_ptCenter - AcGeVector3d(0, 0, 1) * m_dRadius; vertexArray[i*actPrecision___2__1+j]=point; } else if(i == actPrecision__1) { point = m_ptCenter + AcGeVector3d(0, 0, 1) * m_dRadius; vertexArray[i*actPrecision___2__1+j]=point; } else { point=varPt + AcGeVector3d(1, 0, 0) * varR; point.rotateBy(deltaAngle * dividDbl[j], AcGeVector3d(0, 0, 1), varPt); vertexArray[i*actPrecision__1+j]=point; } } for(j = 1; j <actPrecision__1; ++j) { if(i == 0) { point = m_ptCenter - AcGeVector3d(0, 0, 1) * m_dRadius; vertexArray[i*actPrecision__1 + j + actPrecision]=point; } else if(i == actPrecision__1) { point = m_ptCenter + AcGeVector3d(0, 0, 1) * m_dRadius; vertexArray[i*actPrecision__1 + j + actPrecision]=point; } else { point=varPt + AcGeVector3d(1, 0, 0) * varR; point.rotateBy(deltaAngle * dividDbl[j] + PI, AcGeVector3d(0, 0, 1), varPt); vertexArray[i*actPrecision__1 + j + actPrecision]=point; } } } return Acad::eOk; }
void Additional_Class::Get_ArcMiddle( AcDbObjectId PolyLineId, AcGePoint3dArray &Middle_List,AcGePoint3dArray &CenterListInput, LINEINFO &ArcInfoRList, LINEINFO &ArcInfoAList ) { double PI=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; AcDbEntity *pEnt_Temp = NULL; Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEnt_Temp, PolyLineId, AcDb::kForRead); if (es != Acad::eOk) { acutPrintf(_T("\nOPEN ENTITY ERROR")); return; } if (!pEnt_Temp->isKindOf(AcDbPolyline::desc())) { acutPrintf(_T("\nENTITY NOT POLYLINE")); return; } AcDbPolyline *pPolyLine = AcDbPolyline::cast(pEnt_Temp); int num = pPolyLine->numVerts(); AcGePoint3d Start_temp_PT,End_temp_PT; AcGePoint3dArray Center_List; for (int index=0; index<num; index++) { if (pPolyLine->segType(index) == AcDbPolyline::kArc) { AcGeCircArc2d tempArc; pPolyLine->getArcSegAt(index,tempArc); AcGePoint2d CenterPoint; CenterPoint =; AcGePoint3d CenterPoint3d; CenterPoint3d.set(CenterPoint.x, CenterPoint.y, 0); Center_List.append(CenterPoint3d); AcGePoint3d Start_temp_PT, End_temp_PT; Start_temp_PT.set(tempArc.startPoint().x,tempArc.startPoint().y,0); End_temp_PT.set(tempArc.endPoint().x,tempArc.endPoint().y,0); AcGeVector3d tempVec; tempVec = End_temp_PT - Start_temp_PT; double tempVec_Len = tempVec.length(); tempVec.normalize(); tempVec = tempVec*(tempVec_Len/2); AcGeVector3d CenterVec; CenterVec = Start_temp_PT - CenterPoint3d; CenterVec = CenterVec + tempVec; AcGeLine2d CenterLine2d; AcGePoint3d Middle_Pt_OnLine; Middle_Pt_OnLine = CenterPoint3d+CenterVec; AcGePoint2d middle2d; middle2d.set(Middle_Pt_OnLine.x, Middle_Pt_OnLine.y); CenterLine2d.set(CenterPoint, middle2d); int s; AcGePoint2d MiddlePT, pt2; tempArc.intersectWith(CenterLine2d, s, MiddlePT, pt2); AcGePoint3d MiddlePoint; MiddlePoint.set(MiddlePT.x,MiddlePT.y,0); Middle_List.append(MiddlePoint); double StartAngle = tempArc.startAng(); double EndAngle = tempArc.endAng(); double Angle = EndAngle-StartAngle; Angle = (180/PI)*Angle; double Radius = tempArc.radius(); CString tempStr_Angle,tempStr_Radius,sita,du,banjing; sita = "θ="; du = "°"; banjing = "R="; tempStr_Angle.Format(_T("%.1f"),Angle); tempStr_Angle = sita+tempStr_Angle+du; tempStr_Radius.Format(_T("%.1f"),Radius); tempStr_Radius = banjing + tempStr_Radius; ArcInfoRList.push_back(tempStr_Radius); ArcInfoAList.push_back(tempStr_Angle); } } CenterListInput = Center_List; }
void ArxDbgDbAdeskLogo::drawSingleCaliper(AcGiCommonDraw* drawContext, AcGePoint3d* pts, ArxDbgDbAdeskLogoStyle* lStyle) { AcGeVector3d viewDir; AcGiViewportDraw* vportDraw = AcGiViewportDraw::cast(drawContext); if (vportDraw) viewDir = vportDraw->viewport().viewDir(); else { // cheat and get viewdir for current viewport from the system variable AcGePoint3d tmpPt; getSysVar(_T("viewdir"), tmpPt); viewDir = tmpPt.asVector(); } if (viewDir == AcGeVector3d::kZAxis) { // if solid fill is on we have to save the current state // first and then restore it. If we don't, then if we // are drawn as part of some other entity, we'll mess it up // for them. if (lStyle && (lStyle->isSolidFill()) && (drawContext->isDragging() == Adesk::kFalse)) { AcGiFillType savedFillType = drawContext->subEntityTraits().fillType(); drawContext->subEntityTraits().setFillType(kAcGiFillAlways); drawContext->rawGeometry()->polygon(5, pts); drawContext->subEntityTraits().setFillType(savedFillType); } else { drawContext->rawGeometry()->polygon(5, pts); } } else { AcGePoint3d allPts[10]; allPts[0] = pts[0]; allPts[1] = pts[1]; allPts[2] = pts[2]; allPts[3] = pts[3]; allPts[4] = pts[4]; allPts[5].set(pts[0].x, pts[0].y, 1.0); allPts[6].set(pts[1].x, pts[1].y, 1.0); allPts[7].set(pts[2].x, pts[2].y, 1.0); allPts[8].set(pts[3].x, pts[3].y, 1.0); allPts[9].set(pts[4].x, pts[4].y, 1.0); Adesk::Int32 faceList[37]; // bottom face faceList[0] = 5; // number of vertices faceList[1] = 0; faceList[2] = 1; faceList[3] = 2; faceList[4] = 3; faceList[5] = 4; // top face faceList[6] = 5; // number of vertices faceList[7] = 5; faceList[8] = 6; faceList[9] = 7; faceList[10] = 8; faceList[11] = 9; // inside left face faceList[12] = 4; // number of vertices faceList[13] = 0; faceList[14] = 1; faceList[15] = 6; faceList[16] = 5; // inside right face faceList[17] = 4; // number of vertices faceList[18] = 1; faceList[19] = 2; faceList[20] = 7; faceList[21] = 6; // outside right face faceList[22] = 4; // number of vertices faceList[23] = 2; faceList[24] = 3; faceList[25] = 8; faceList[26] = 7; // outside top face faceList[27] = 4; // number of vertices faceList[28] = 3; faceList[29] = 4; faceList[30] = 9; faceList[31] = 8; // outside left face faceList[32] = 4; // number of vertices faceList[33] = 4; faceList[34] = 0; faceList[35] = 5; faceList[36] = 9; drawContext->rawGeometry()->shell(10, allPts, 37, faceList); } }
double PDEcone::getHeight() const { assertReadEnabled(); AcGePoint3d orthoPt = getStartPtOrthoInEntPtPlane(); return orthoPt.distanceTo(m_ptStart); }