Exemple #1
SgAsmGenericSection::get_unreferenced_extents() const
    AddressIntervalSet set = get_referenced_extents();
    set.invert(AddressInterval::baseSize(0, get_size()));
    return set;
Exemple #2
/** Returns a list of parts of a single section that have been referenced.  The offsets are relative to the start of the
 *  section. */
SgAsmGenericSection::get_referenced_extents() const
    if (0==get_size())
        return AddressIntervalSet();

    AddressIntervalSet retval;
    AddressInterval segment = AddressInterval::baseSize(get_offset(), get_size());
    const AddressIntervalSet &fileExtents = get_file()->get_referenced_extents();
    BOOST_FOREACH (const AddressInterval &interval, fileExtents.intervals()) {
        if (segment.isContaining(interval)) {
            retval.insert(AddressInterval::baseSize(interval.least()-get_offset(), interval.size()));
        } else if (interval.isLeftOf(segment) || interval.isRightOf(segment)) {
            // no overlap
        } else if (interval.isContaining(segment)) {
            retval.insert(AddressInterval::baseSize(0, get_size()));
            break;                                      // no point in continuing since we've referenced whole segment now
        } else if (interval.least() < segment.least()) {
            retval.insert(AddressInterval::baseSize(0, interval.least()+interval.size()-get_offset()));
        } else if (interval.greatest() > segment.greatest()) {
            retval.insert(AddressInterval::baseSize(interval.least()-get_offset(), get_offset()+get_size()-interval.least()));
        } else {
            ASSERT_not_reachable("invalid extent overlap category");
    return retval;
static void
showStats(const std::string &label1, const FunctionByAddress &code1, const FunctionByAddress &data1,
          const std::string &label2, const FunctionByAddress &code2, const FunctionByAddress &data2) {

    AddressIntervalSet code1set(code1), code2set(code2);

    std::ostream &out = std::cout;
    std::pair<size_t, size_t> widths(std::max(size_t(20), label1.size()), std::max(size_t(20), label2.size()));
    show(out, widths, "",                   label1,         label2);

    show(out, widths, "bytes disassembled", code1set.size(),   code2set.size());
    show(out, widths, "intervals disassembled", code1set.nIntervals(), code2set.nIntervals());

    AddressIntervalSet bytesInCommon = code1set & code2set;
    show(out, widths, "bytes in common", bytesInCommon.size(), bytesInCommon.size());
    show(out, widths, "bytes in only one", (code1set-code2set).size(), (code2set-code1set).size());

    AddressIntervalSet functions1, functions2;          // could use std::set, but we want set-theoretic operators
    BOOST_FOREACH (const FunctionByAddress::Value &va, code1.values())
    BOOST_FOREACH (const FunctionByAddress::Value &va, code2.values())
    show(out, widths, "number of functions", functions1.size(), functions2.size());

    AddressIntervalSet functionsInCommon = functions1 & functions2;
    show(out, widths, "functions in common", functionsInCommon.size(), functionsInCommon.size());
    show(out, widths, "functions in only one", (functions1-functions2).size(), (functions2-functions1).size());
Exemple #4
MemoryMap::eraseZeros(size_t minsize)
    if (isEmpty())
    unsigned permissions = READABLE | EXECUTABLE;       // access permissions that must be present
    AddressIntervalSet toRemove;                        // to save up intervals until we're done iterating
    AddressInterval zeroInterval;
    uint8_t buf[8192];
    rose_addr_t va = hull().least();
    while (AddressInterval accessed = atOrAfter(va).require(permissions).limit(sizeof buf).read(buf)) {
        for (size_t offset=0; offset<accessed.size(); ++offset) {
            if (0 == buf[offset]) {
                if (zeroInterval.isEmpty()) {
                    zeroInterval = AddressInterval(accessed.least()+offset);
                } else if (zeroInterval.greatest()+1 < offset) {
                    if (zeroInterval.size() >= minsize)
                    zeroInterval = AddressInterval(accessed.least()+offset);
                } else {
                    zeroInterval = AddressInterval::hull(zeroInterval.least(), zeroInterval.greatest()+1);
            } else if (!zeroInterval.isEmpty()) {
                if (zeroInterval.size() >= minsize)
                zeroInterval = AddressInterval();
        if (accessed.greatest() == hull().greatest())
            break;                                      // prevent overflow in next statement
        va += accessed.size();
    if (zeroInterval.size() >= minsize)
    BOOST_FOREACH (const AddressInterval &interval, toRemove.intervals())
/** Obtains the virtual address of the Hint/Name Table.  The Hint/Name Table is an implicit table--the PE file format
 *  specification talks about such a table, but it is not actually defined anywhere in the PE file.  Instead, various Import
 *  Lookup Table and Import Address Table entries might point to individual Hint/Name pairs, which collectively form an
 *  implicit Hint/Name Table.  There is no requirement that the Hint/Name pairs are contiguous in the address space, and indeed
 *  they often are not.  Therefore, the only way to describe the location of the Hint/Name Table is by a list of addresses.
 *  This function will scan this Import Directory's import items, observe which items make references to Hint/Name pairs that
 *  have known addresses, and add those areas of virtual memory to the specified extent map.  This function returns the number
 *  of ILT entries that reference a Hint/Name pair. */
SgAsmPEImportDirectory::hintname_table_extent(AddressIntervalSet &extent/*in,out*/) const
    size_t retval = 0;
    const SgAsmPEImportItemPtrList &imports = get_imports()->get_vector();
    for (SgAsmPEImportItemPtrList::const_iterator ii=imports.begin(); ii!=imports.end(); ++ii) {
        SgAsmPEImportItem *import = *ii;
        if (!import->get_by_ordinal() && import->get_hintname_rva().get_rva()!=0 && import->get_hintname_nalloc()>0) {
            size_t nbytes = std::min(import->get_hintname_nalloc(), import->hintname_required_size());
            extent.insert(AddressInterval::baseSize(import->get_hintname_rva().get_va(), nbytes));
    return retval;
Exemple #6
SgAsmGenericFile::dump(FILE *f) const
    fprintf(f, "Encoding: %s\n", get_data_converter() ? escapeString(get_data_converter()->name()).c_str() : "none");

    SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList sections = get_sections();
    if (sections.size()==0) {
        fprintf(f, "No sections defined for file.\n");

    /* Sort sections by offset (lowest to highest), then size (largest to smallest but zero-sized entries first) */
    for (size_t i = 1; i < sections.size(); i++) {
        for (size_t j=0; j<i; j++) {
            if (sections[j]->get_offset() == sections[i]->get_offset()) {
                rose_addr_t size_i = sections[i]->get_size();
                if (0==size_i) size_i = ~(rose_addr_t)0;
                rose_addr_t size_j = sections[j]->get_size();
                if (0==size_j) size_j = ~(rose_addr_t)0;
                if (size_j < size_i) {
                    SgAsmGenericSection *x = sections[j];
                    sections[j] = sections[i];
                    sections[i] = x;
            } else if (sections[j]->get_offset() > sections[i]->get_offset()) {
                SgAsmGenericSection *x = sections[j];
                sections[j] = sections[i];
                sections[i] = x;

    /* Print results */
    fprintf(f, "File sections:\n");
    fprintf(f, "  Flg File-Addr  File-Size  File-End    Base-VA    Start-RVA  Virt-Size  End-RVA    Perm  ID Name\n");
    fprintf(f, "  --- ---------- ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- --- -----------------\n");
    rose_addr_t high_water = 0;
    for (size_t i=0; i<sections.size(); i++) {
        SgAsmGenericSection *section = sections[i];

        /* Does section overlap with any other (before or after)? */
        char overlap[4] = "   "; /* status characters: overlap prior, overlap subsequent, hole */
        for (size_t j=0; overlap[0]==' ' && j<i; j++) {
            if (sections[j]->get_offset()+sections[j]->get_size() > section->get_offset()) {
                overlap[0] = '<';
        for (size_t j=i+1; overlap[1]==' ' && j<sections.size(); j++) {
            if (section->get_offset()+section->get_size() > sections[j]->get_offset()) {
                overlap[1] = '>';

        /* Is there a hole before section[i]? */
        if (high_water < section->get_offset()) {
            overlap[2] = 'H'; /* truly unaccounted region of the file */
        } else if (i>0 && sections[i-1]->get_offset()+sections[i-1]->get_size() < section->get_offset()) {
            overlap[2] = 'h'; /* unaccounted only if overlaps are not allowed */
        high_water = std::max(high_water, section->get_offset() + section->get_size());
        fprintf(f, "  %3s", overlap);

        /* File addresses */
        fprintf(f, "%c0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64,
                section->get_file_alignment()==0 || section->get_offset()%section->get_file_alignment()==0?' ':'!',
                section->get_offset(), section->get_size(), section->get_offset()+section->get_size());

        /* Mapped addresses */
        if (section->is_mapped()) {
            fprintf(f, " %c0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64,
                    (section->get_mapped_alignment()==0 ||
                     section->get_mapped_preferred_rva()%section->get_mapped_alignment()==0?' ':'!'),
                    section->get_base_va(), section->get_mapped_preferred_rva(), section->get_mapped_size(),
        } else {
            fprintf(f, " %*s", 4*11, "");

        /* Permissions */
        if (section->is_mapped()) {
            fprintf(f, " %c%c%c ",
        } else {
            fputs("     ", f);

        /* Section ID, name */
        if (section->get_id()>=0) {
            fprintf(f, " %3d", section->get_id());
        } else {
            fputs("    ", f);
        fprintf(f, " %s\n", section->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());

    char overlap[4] = "   ";
    if (high_water < get_current_size()) {
        overlap[2] = 'H';
    } else if (sections.back()->get_offset() + sections.back()->get_size() < get_current_size()) {
        overlap[2] = 'h';
    fprintf(f, "  %3s 0x%08" PRIx64 "%*s EOF", overlap, get_current_size(), 76, "");
    if (get_current_size()!=p_data.size())
        fprintf(f, " (original EOF was 0x%08zx)", p_data.size());
    if (get_truncate_zeros())
        fputs(" [ztrunc]", f);
    fputc('\n', f);
    fprintf(f, "  --- ---------- ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- --- -----------------\n");

    /* Show what part of the file has not been referenced */
    AddressIntervalSet holes = get_unreferenced_extents();
    if (holes.size()>0) {
        fprintf(f, "These parts of the file have not been referenced during parsing:\n");
        BOOST_FOREACH (const AddressInterval &interval, holes.intervals()) {
            std::ostringstream ss;
            using namespace StringUtility;
            ss <<"    " <<toHex(interval.least()) <<" + " <<toHex(interval.size()) <<" = " <<toHex(interval.greatest()+1) <<"\n";
            fputs(ss.str().c_str(), f);
Exemple #7
AddressIntervalSet toAddressIntervalSet(const ExtentMap &x) {
    AddressIntervalSet retval;
    for (ExtentMap::const_iterator iter=x.begin(); iter!=x.end(); ++iter)
    return retval;
Exemple #8
ExtentMap toExtentMap(const AddressIntervalSet &x) {
    ExtentMap retval;
    BOOST_FOREACH (const AddressInterval &interval, x.intervals())
    return retval;