Exemple #1
	Handle notifications.

	@param ctid Identifier of the common control sending the message.
	@param pnmh Pointer to an NMHDR structure containing notification code and additional info.
	@param lnRet Value to be returned to system windows send message call.

	@return True if the notification has been handled, otherwise false.
bool TssEdit::OnNotifyChild(int id, NMHDR * pnmh, long & lnRet)
	if (SuperClass::OnNotifyChild(id, pnmh, lnRet))
		return true;

	bool fToolTip = HasToolTip();

	HWND hwndParent = ::GetParent(m_hwnd);

	if (fToolTip && pnmh->code == TTN_POP)
		// Wait 1/2 second after the tooltip disappears before resetting the text on the
		// status bar.
		::SetTimer(hwndParent, knToolTipTimer, 500, NULL);
		return true;
	else if (fToolTip && pnmh->code == TTN_SHOW)
		// This flag keeps the tooltip from recursively appearing and crashing the program.
		static bool s_fIgnore = false;
		if (!s_fIgnore)
			// If another tooltip shows up in the 1/2 second time interval set above, cancel
			// the timer, so the status bar doesn't get changed back to the idle string.
			::KillTimer(hwndParent, knToolTipTimer);

			// Create a new notification message and forward it to the parent in order to get
			// the default response for a normal tooltip (which is currently defined in
			// AfMainWnd::OnNotifyChild).
			nmtdi.hdr.hwndFrom = (HWND)id;
			nmtdi.hdr.code = TTN_GETDISPINFO;
			nmtdi.hdr.idFrom = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)id);
			*nmtdi.szText = 0;
			::SendMessage(::GetParent(m_hwnd), WM_NOTIFY, nmtdi.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmtdi);

			// Update the status bar here rather than above after ::KillTimer() so that the
			// string for the new command is already set.
			AfMainWnd * pafw = MainWindow();
			AfStatusBar * pstat = pafw->GetStatusBarWnd();
			if (pstat)

			if (*nmtdi.szText)
				// Now we have the text for the control, so update the text in the tooltip.
				TOOLINFO ti = { isizeof(ti) };
				ti.hwnd = (HWND)id;
				ti.uId = (uint)ti.hwnd;
				ti.lpszText = nmtdi.szText;
				::SendMessage(pnmh->hwndFrom, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);

				// This is required so the tooltip gets resized properly.
				s_fIgnore = true;
				::SendMessage(pnmh->hwndFrom, TTM_UPDATE, 0, 0);
				s_fIgnore = false;
				return true;

	return false;
Exemple #2
	Load the data needed to display this view. In this case, we need to load the class, owner
	(so we can tell whether it is a subitem), the title, and create date. If all of these are
	already in the cache, don't reload it.
	@param pvwenv Pointer to the view environment.
	@param hvo The id of the object we are displaying.
	@param frag Identifies the part of the view we are currently displaying.
	@return HRESULT indicating success (S_OK), or failure (E_FAIL).
STDMETHODIMP CleRecVc::LoadDataFor(IVwEnv * pvwenv, HVO hvo, int frag)

	Assert(false);  // TODO: rework

	StrUni stuSql;
	ISilDataAccessPtr qsda;
	bool fLoaded = false;
	int clid;
	CheckHr(qsda->get_IntProp(hvo, kflidCmObject_Class, &clid));
	if (clid)
		HVO hvoOwn;
		CheckHr(qsda->get_ObjectProp(hvo, kflidCmObject_Owner, &hvoOwn));
		if (hvoOwn)
			int64 tim;
			// REVIEW KenZ(RandyR) Whey are DN flids in this app?
			CheckHr(qsda->get_TimeProp(hvo, kflidRnGenericRec_DateCreated, &tim));
			if (tim)
				ITsStringPtr qtss;
				CheckHr(qsda->get_StringProp(hvo, kflidRnGenericRec_Title, &qtss));
				if (qtss)
					int cch;
					if (cch)
						fLoaded = true;

	if (!fLoaded)
		// If any field is missing from the cache, load everything.
		IDbColSpecPtr qdcs;
		IVwOleDbDaPtr qda;
		CheckHr(qsda->QueryInterface(IID_IVwOleDbDa, (void**)&qda));
		stuSql.Format(L"select id, Class$, Owner$, DateCreated, Title, Title_Fmt "
			L"from RnGenericRec_ "
			L"where id = %d", hvo);
		CheckHr(qdcs->Push(koctBaseId, 0, 0, 0));
		CheckHr(qdcs->Push(koctInt, 1, kflidCmObject_Class, 0));
		CheckHr(qdcs->Push(koctObj, 1, kflidCmObject_Owner, 0));
			// REVIEW KenZ(RandyR) Whey are DN flids in this app?
		CheckHr(qdcs->Push(koctTime, 1, kflidRnGenericRec_DateCreated, 0));
		CheckHr(qdcs->Push(koctString, 1, kflidRnGenericRec_Title, 0));
		CheckHr(qdcs->Push(koctFmt, 1, kflidRnGenericRec_Title, 0));

		AfMainWnd * pafw = AfApp::Papp()->GetCurMainWnd();
		AfStatusBar * pstbr = pafw->GetStatusBarWnd();
		bool fProgBar = pstbr->IsProgressBarActive();
		if (!fProgBar)
			StrApp strMsg(kstidStBar_LoadingData);
			pstbr->StartProgressBar(strMsg.Chars(), 0, 70, 1);

		// Execute the query and store results in the cache.
		CheckHr(qda->Load(stuSql.Bstr(), qdcs, hvo, 0, pstbr, NULL));
		if (!fProgBar)

	return S_OK;

	END_COM_METHOD(g_fact2, IID_IVwViewConstructor)