void Config() { // Libraries required by geant321 #if defined(__CINT__) gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/include -I$ALICE_PHYSICS/include"); gSystem->Load("libgeant321"); LoadPhotos(); #endif new TGeant3TGeo("C++ Interface to Geant3"); //======================================================================= // Create the output file AliRunLoader* rl=0x0; cout<<"Config.C: Creating Run Loader ..."<<endl; rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root", AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(), "recreate"); if (rl == 0x0) { gAlice->Fatal("Config.C","Can not instatiate the Run Loader"); return; } rl->SetCompressionLevel(2); rl->SetNumberOfEventsPerFile(5000); gAlice->SetRunLoader(rl); if ( TString("VAR_TRIGGER_CONFIGURATION").Length() > 0 ) { AliSimulation::Instance()->SetTriggerConfig("VAR_TRIGGER_CONFIGURATION"); cout<<"Trigger configuration is set to VAR_TRIGGER_CONFIGURATION" << std::endl; } // //======================================================================= // ************* STEERING parameters FOR ALICE SIMULATION ************** // --- Specify event type to be tracked through the ALICE setup // --- All positions are in cm, angles in degrees, and P and E in GeV gMC->SetProcess("DCAY",1); gMC->SetProcess("PAIR",1); gMC->SetProcess("COMP",1); gMC->SetProcess("PHOT",1); gMC->SetProcess("PFIS",0); gMC->SetProcess("DRAY",0); gMC->SetProcess("ANNI",1); gMC->SetProcess("BREM",1); gMC->SetProcess("MUNU",1); gMC->SetProcess("CKOV",1); gMC->SetProcess("HADR",1); gMC->SetProcess("LOSS",2); gMC->SetProcess("MULS",1); gMC->SetProcess("RAYL",1); Float_t cut = 1.e-3; // 1MeV cut by default Float_t tofmax = 1.e10; gMC->SetCut("CUTGAM", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTELE", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTNEU", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTHAD", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTMUO", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("PPCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("TOFMAX", tofmax); //======================// // Set External decayer // //======================// TVirtualMCDecayer* decayer = new AliDecayerPythia; /* FIXME: put back polarization switch ? if (polar == kNO_pol){ decayer = new AliDecayerPythia(); } else if (polar == kTH_pol){ decayer = new AliDecayerPolarized(1.,AliDecayerPolarized::kHelicity,AliDecayerPolarized::kMuon); } else if (polar == kT_pol){ decayer = new AliDecayerPolarized(1.,AliDecayerPolarized::kColSop,AliDecayerPolarized::kMuon); } else if (polar == kLH_pol){ decayer = new AliDecayerPolarized(-1.,AliDecayerPolarized::kHelicity,AliDecayerPolarized::kMuon); } else if (polar == kL_pol){ decayer = new AliDecayerPolarized(-1.,AliDecayerPolarized::kColSop,AliDecayerPolarized::kMuon); } */ decayer->SetForceDecay(kAll); decayer->Init(); gMC->SetExternalDecayer(decayer); //=========================// // Generator Configuration // //=========================// //AliGenerator* gener = CreateGenerator(); std::cout << "VAR_GENERATOR settings " << std::endl; gROOT->LoadMacro("VAR_GENERATOR.C+"); AliGenerator* gener = VAR_GENERATOR(); TString slibs = gSystem->GetLibraries(); TObjArray* olibs = slibs.Tokenize(" "); TObjString* s; TIter next(olibs); std::cout << "List of libraries=" << std::endl; while ( ( s = static_cast<TObjString*>(next())) ) { std::cout << s->String().Data() << std::endl; } gener->SetOrigin(0., 0., 0.); // Taken from OCDB gener->SetSigma(VAR_VERTEX_SIGMA_X, VAR_VERTEX_SIGMA_Y, 0.); // Sigma in (X,Y,Z) (cm) on IP position, sigmaz taken from OCDB gener->SetVertexSmear(kPerEvent); gener->Init(); gener->Print(); rl->CdGAFile(); Int_t iABSO = 1; Int_t iDIPO = 1; Int_t iFMD = 1; Int_t iFRAME = 1; Int_t iHALL = 1; Int_t iITS = 1; Int_t iMAG = 1; Int_t iMUON = 1; Int_t iPIPE = 1; Int_t iSHIL = 1; Int_t iT0 = 1; Int_t iVZERO = 1; Int_t iZDC = 0; Int_t iAD = 1; //=================== Alice BODY parameters ============================= AliBODY *BODY = new AliBODY("BODY", "Alice envelop"); if (iMAG) { //=================== MAG parameters ============================ // --- Start with Magnet since detector layouts may be depending --- // --- on the selected Magnet dimensions --- AliMAG *MAG = new AliMAG("MAG", "Magnet"); } if (iABSO) { //=================== ABSO parameters ============================ AliABSO *ABSO = new AliABSOv3("ABSO", "Muon Absorber"); } if (iDIPO) { //=================== DIPO parameters ============================ AliDIPO *DIPO = new AliDIPOv3("DIPO", "Dipole version 3"); } if (iHALL) { //=================== HALL parameters ============================ AliHALL *HALL = new AliHALLv3("HALL", "Alice Hall"); } if (iFRAME) { //=================== FRAME parameters ============================ AliFRAMEv3 *FRAME = new AliFRAMEv3("FRAME", "Space Frame"); FRAME->SetHoles(1); } if (iSHIL) { //=================== SHIL parameters ============================ AliSHIL *SHIL = new AliSHILv3("SHIL", "Shielding Version 3"); } if (iPIPE) { //=================== PIPE parameters ============================ AliPIPE *PIPE = new AliPIPEv3("PIPE", "Beam Pipe"); } if (iITS) { //=================== ITS parameters ============================ AliITS *ITS = new AliITSv11("ITS","ITS v11"); } if (iZDC) { //=================== ZDC parameters ============================ AliZDC *ZDC = new AliZDCv4("ZDC", "normal ZDC"); ZDC->SetLumiLength(0.); ZDC->SetVCollSideCAperture(2.8); ZDC->SetVCollSideCApertureNeg(2.8); } if (iFMD) { //=================== FMD parameters ============================ AliFMD *FMD = new AliFMDv1("FMD", "normal FMD"); } if (iMUON) { //=================== MUON parameters =========================== // New MUONv1 version (geometry defined via builders) AliMUON *MUON = new AliMUONv1("MUON", "default"); MUON->SetTriggerEffCells(1); MUON->SetTriggerResponseV1(2); } if (iT0) { //=================== T0 parameters ============================ AliT0 *T0 = new AliT0v1("T0", "T0 Detector"); } if (iVZERO) { //=================== ACORDE parameters ============================ AliVZERO *VZERO = new AliVZEROv7("VZERO", "normal VZERO"); } if (iAD) { //=================== AD parameters ============================ AliAD *AD = new AliADv1("AD", "normal AD"); } }
void Config() { // Get settings from environment variables ProcessEnvironmentVars(); gRandom->SetSeed(seed); cerr<<"Seed for random number generation= "<<seed<<endl; // Libraries required by geant321 #if defined(__CINT__) gSystem->Load("liblhapdf"); // Parton density functions gSystem->Load("libEGPythia6"); // TGenerator interface if (proc == kPythia6 || proc == kPhojet) { gSystem->Load("libpythia6"); // Pythia 6.2 } else { gSystem->Load("libpythia6.4.21"); // Pythia 6.4 } gSystem->Load("libAliPythia6"); // ALICE specific implementations gSystem->Load("libgeant321"); #endif new TGeant3TGeo("C++ Interface to Geant3"); //======================================================================= // Create the output file AliRunLoader* rl=0x0; cout<<"Config.C: Creating Run Loader ..."<<endl; rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root", AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(), "recreate"); if (rl == 0x0) { gAlice->Fatal("Config.C","Can not instatiate the Run Loader"); return; } rl->SetCompressionLevel(2); rl->SetNumberOfEventsPerFile(1000); gAlice->SetRunLoader(rl); // gAlice->SetGeometryFromFile("geometry.root"); // gAlice->SetGeometryFromCDB(); // Set the trigger configuration: proton-proton gAlice->SetTriggerDescriptor("p-p"); // //======================================================================= // ************* STEERING parameters FOR ALICE SIMULATION ************** // --- Specify event type to be tracked through the ALICE setup // --- All positions are in cm, angles in degrees, and P and E in GeV gMC->SetProcess("DCAY",1); gMC->SetProcess("PAIR",1); gMC->SetProcess("COMP",1); gMC->SetProcess("PHOT",1); gMC->SetProcess("PFIS",0); gMC->SetProcess("DRAY",0); gMC->SetProcess("ANNI",1); gMC->SetProcess("BREM",1); gMC->SetProcess("MUNU",1); gMC->SetProcess("CKOV",1); gMC->SetProcess("HADR",1); gMC->SetProcess("LOSS",2); gMC->SetProcess("MULS",1); gMC->SetProcess("RAYL",1); Float_t cut = 1.e-3; // 1MeV cut by default Float_t tofmax = 1.e10; gMC->SetCut("CUTGAM", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTELE", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTNEU", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTHAD", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTMUO", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("PPCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("TOFMAX", tofmax); //======================// // Set External decayer // //======================// TVirtualMCDecayer* decayer=0x0; if (TMath::Abs(JpsiPol) > 0) { if(HelicityFrame) decayer = new AliDecayerPolarized(JpsiPol,AliDecayerPolarized::kHelicity,AliDecayerPolarized::kElectron); else decayer = new AliDecayerPolarized(JpsiPol,AliDecayerPolarized::kColSop,AliDecayerPolarized::kElectron); } else decayer = new AliDecayerPythia(); // decayer->SetForceDecay(kHadronicD); decayer->SetForceDecay(kAll); decayer->Init(); gMC->SetExternalDecayer(decayer); //=========================// // Generator Configuration // //=========================// AliGenerator* gener = 0x0; if (proc == kPythia6) { gener = MbPythia(); } else if (proc == kPythia6D6T) { gener = MbPythiaTuneD6T(); } else if (proc == kPythia6ATLAS) { gener = MbPythiaTuneATLAS(); } else if (proc == kPythiaPerugia0) { gener = MbPythiaTunePerugia0(); } else if (proc == kPythia6ATLAS_Flat) { gener = MbPythiaTuneATLAS_Flat(); } else if (proc == kPhojet) { gener = MbPhojet(); } else if (proc == kPythiaPerugia0chadr) { gener = MbPythiaTunePerugia0chadr(); } else if (proc == kPythiaPerugia0bchadr) { gener = MbPythiaTunePerugia0bchadr(); } else if (proc == kPythiaPerugia0cele) { gener = MbPythiaTunePerugia0cele(); } else if (proc == kPythiaPerugia0bele) { gener = MbPythiaTunePerugia0bele(); } else if (proc == kPythiaPerugia0Jpsi) { gener = MbPythiaTunePerugia0Jpsi(); } // // // Size of the interaction diamond // Longitudinal Float_t sigmaz = 5.4 / TMath::Sqrt(2.); // [cm] if (energy == 900) //sigmaz = 10.5 / TMath::Sqrt(2.); // [cm] //sigmaz = 3.7; if (energy == 7000) sigmaz = 6.3 / TMath::Sqrt(2.); // [cm] // // Transverse Float_t betast = 10; // beta* [m] Float_t eps = 3.75e-6; // emittance [m] Float_t gamma = energy / 2.0 / 0.938272; // relativistic gamma [1] Float_t sigmaxy = TMath::Sqrt(eps * betast / gamma) / TMath::Sqrt(2.) * 100.; // [cm] printf("\n \n Diamond size x-y: %10.3e z: %10.3e\n \n", sigmaxy, sigmaz); gener->SetSigma(sigmaxy, sigmaxy, sigmaz); // Sigma in (X,Y,Z) (cm) on IP position gener->SetVertexSmear(kPerEvent); gener->Init(); printf("\n \n Comment: %s \n \n", comment.Data()); rl->CdGAFile(); Int_t iABSO = 1; Int_t iACORDE= 0; Int_t iDIPO = 1; Int_t iEMCAL = 1; Int_t iFMD = 1; Int_t iFRAME = 1; Int_t iHALL = 1; Int_t iITS = 1; Int_t iMAG = 1; Int_t iMUON = 1; Int_t iPHOS = 1; Int_t iPIPE = 1; Int_t iPMD = 1; Int_t iHMPID = 1; Int_t iSHIL = 1; Int_t iT0 = 1; Int_t iTOF = 1; Int_t iTPC = 1; Int_t iTRD = 1; Int_t iVZERO = 1; Int_t iZDC = 1; //=================== Alice BODY parameters ============================= AliBODY *BODY = new AliBODY("BODY", "Alice envelop"); if (iMAG) { //=================== MAG parameters ============================ // --- Start with Magnet since detector layouts may be depending --- // --- on the selected Magnet dimensions --- AliMAG *MAG = new AliMAG("MAG", "Magnet"); } if (iABSO) { //=================== ABSO parameters ============================ AliABSO *ABSO = new AliABSOv3("ABSO", "Muon Absorber"); } if (iDIPO) { //=================== DIPO parameters ============================ AliDIPO *DIPO = new AliDIPOv3("DIPO", "Dipole version 3"); } if (iHALL) { //=================== HALL parameters ============================ AliHALL *HALL = new AliHALLv3("HALL", "Alice Hall"); } if (iFRAME) { //=================== FRAME parameters ============================ AliFRAMEv2 *FRAME = new AliFRAMEv2("FRAME", "Space Frame"); FRAME->SetHoles(1); } if (iSHIL) { //=================== SHIL parameters ============================ AliSHIL *SHIL = new AliSHILv3("SHIL", "Shielding Version 3"); } if (iPIPE) { //=================== PIPE parameters ============================ AliPIPE *PIPE = new AliPIPEv3("PIPE", "Beam Pipe"); } if (iITS) { //=================== ITS parameters ============================ AliITS *ITS = new AliITSv11Hybrid("ITS","ITS v11Hybrid"); } if (iTPC) { //============================ TPC parameters ===================== AliTPC *TPC = new AliTPCv2("TPC", "Default"); } if (iTOF) { //=================== TOF parameters ============================ AliTOF *TOF = new AliTOFv6T0("TOF", "normal TOF"); } if (iHMPID) { //=================== HMPID parameters =========================== AliHMPID *HMPID = new AliHMPIDv3("HMPID", "normal HMPID"); } if (iZDC) { //=================== ZDC parameters ============================ AliZDC *ZDC = new AliZDCv3("ZDC", "normal ZDC"); } if (iTRD) { //=================== TRD parameters ============================ AliTRD *TRD = new AliTRDv1("TRD", "TRD slow simulator"); AliTRDgeometry *geoTRD = TRD->GetGeometry(); // Partial geometry: modules at 0,1,7,8,9,16,17 // starting at 3h in positive direction geoTRD->SetSMstatus(2,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(3,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(4,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(5,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(6,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(11,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(12,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(13,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(14,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(15,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(16,0); } if (iFMD) { //=================== FMD parameters ============================ AliFMD *FMD = new AliFMDv1("FMD", "normal FMD"); } if (iMUON) { //=================== MUON parameters =========================== // New MUONv1 version (geometry defined via builders) AliMUON *MUON = new AliMUONv1("MUON", "default"); } if (iPHOS) { //=================== PHOS parameters =========================== AliPHOS *PHOS = new AliPHOSv1("PHOS", "noCPV_Modules123"); } if (iPMD) { //=================== PMD parameters ============================ AliPMD *PMD = new AliPMDv1("PMD", "normal PMD"); } if (iT0) { //=================== T0 parameters ============================ AliT0 *T0 = new AliT0v1("T0", "T0 Detector"); } if (iEMCAL) { //=================== EMCAL parameters ============================ AliEMCAL *EMCAL = new AliEMCALv2("EMCAL", "EMCAL_FIRSTYEAR"); } if (iACORDE) { //=================== ACORDE parameters ============================ AliACORDE *ACORDE = new AliACORDEv1("ACORDE", "normal ACORDE"); } if (iVZERO) { //=================== ACORDE parameters ============================ AliVZERO *VZERO = new AliVZEROv7("VZERO", "normal VZERO"); } }
void Config() { // Get settings from environment variables ProcessEnvironmentVars(); gRandom->SetSeed(seed); cerr<<"Seed for random number generation= "<<seed<<endl; // Libraries required by geant321 #if defined(__CINT__) gSystem->Load("liblhapdf"); // Parton density functions gSystem->Load("libEGPythia6"); // TGenerator interface if (proc == kPythia6 || proc == kPhojet) { gSystem->Load("libpythia6"); // Pythia 6.2 } else { gSystem->Load("libpythia6.4.21"); // Pythia 6.4 } gSystem->Load("libAliPythia6"); // ALICE specific implementations // gSystem->Load("libgeant321"); #endif // new TGeant3TGeo("C++ Interface to Geant3"); //======================================================================= // Create the output file AliRunLoader* rl=0x0; cout<<"Config.C: Creating Run Loader ..."<<endl; rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root", AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(), "recreate"); if (rl == 0x0) { gAlice->Fatal("Config.C","Can not instatiate the Run Loader"); return; } rl->SetCompressionLevel(2); rl->SetNumberOfEventsPerFile(1000); gAlice->SetRunLoader(rl); // gAlice->SetGeometryFromFile("geometry.root"); // gAlice->SetGeometryFromCDB(); // Set the trigger configuration: proton-proton AliSimulation::Instance()->SetTriggerConfig(pprTrigConfName[strig]); cout <<"Trigger configuration is set to "<<pprTrigConfName[strig]<<endl; rl->CdGAFile(); Int_t iABSO = 1; Int_t iACORDE= 0; Int_t iDIPO = 1; Int_t iEMCAL = 1; Int_t iFMD = 1; Int_t iFRAME = 1; Int_t iHALL = 1; Int_t iITS = 1; Int_t iMAG = 1; Int_t iMUON = 1; Int_t iPHOS = 1; Int_t iPIPE = 1; Int_t iPMD = 1; Int_t iHMPID = 1; Int_t iSHIL = 1; Int_t iT0 = 1; Int_t iTOF = 1; Int_t iTPC = 1; Int_t iTRD = 1; Int_t iVZERO = 1; Int_t iZDC = 1; //=================== Alice BODY parameters ============================= AliBODY *BODY = new AliBODY("BODY", "Alice envelop"); if (iMAG) { //=================== MAG parameters ============================ // --- Start with Magnet since detector layouts may be depending --- // --- on the selected Magnet dimensions --- AliMAG *MAG = new AliMAG("MAG", "Magnet"); } if (iABSO) { //=================== ABSO parameters ============================ AliABSO *ABSO = new AliABSOv3("ABSO", "Muon Absorber"); } if (iDIPO) { //=================== DIPO parameters ============================ AliDIPO *DIPO = new AliDIPOv3("DIPO", "Dipole version 3"); } if (iHALL) { //=================== HALL parameters ============================ AliHALL *HALL = new AliHALLv3("HALL", "Alice Hall"); } if (iFRAME) { //=================== FRAME parameters ============================ AliFRAMEv2 *FRAME = new AliFRAMEv2("FRAME", "Space Frame"); FRAME->SetHoles(1); } if (iSHIL) { //=================== SHIL parameters ============================ AliSHIL *SHIL = new AliSHILv3("SHIL", "Shielding Version 3"); } if (iPIPE) { //=================== PIPE parameters ============================ AliPIPE *PIPE = new AliPIPEv3("PIPE", "Beam Pipe"); } if (iITS) { //=================== ITS parameters ============================ AliITS *ITS = new AliITSv11("ITS","ITS v11"); } if (iTPC) { //============================ TPC parameters ===================== AliTPC *TPC = new AliTPCv2("TPC", "Default"); TPC->SetPrimaryIonisation();// not used with Geant3 } if (iTOF) { //=================== TOF parameters ============================ AliTOF *TOF = new AliTOFv6T0("TOF", "normal TOF"); } if (iHMPID) { //=================== HMPID parameters =========================== AliHMPID *HMPID = new AliHMPIDv3("HMPID", "normal HMPID"); } if (iZDC) { //=================== ZDC parameters ============================ AliZDC *ZDC = new AliZDCv4("ZDC", "normal ZDC"); //Collimators aperture ZDC->SetVCollSideCAperture(0.85); ZDC->SetVCollSideCCentre(0.); ZDC->SetVCollSideAAperture(0.75); ZDC->SetVCollSideACentre(0.); //Detector position ZDC->SetYZNC(1.6); ZDC->SetYZNA(1.6); ZDC->SetYZPC(1.6); ZDC->SetYZPA(1.6); } if (iTRD) { //=================== TRD parameters ============================ AliTRD *TRD = new AliTRDv1("TRD", "TRD slow simulator"); AliTRDgeometry *geoTRD = TRD->GetGeometry(); // Partial geometry: modules at 0,1,7,8,9,16,17 // starting at 3h in positive direction geoTRD->SetSMstatus(2,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(3,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(4,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(5,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(6,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(11,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(12,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(13,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(14,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(15,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(16,0); } if (iFMD) { //=================== FMD parameters ============================ AliFMD *FMD = new AliFMDv1("FMD", "normal FMD"); } if (iMUON) { //=================== MUON parameters =========================== // New MUONv1 version (geometry defined via builders) AliMUON *MUON = new AliMUONv1("MUON", "default"); // activate trigger efficiency by cells MUON->SetTriggerEffCells(1); } if (iPHOS) { //=================== PHOS parameters =========================== AliPHOS *PHOS = new AliPHOSv1("PHOS", "noCPV_Modules123"); } if (iPMD) { //=================== PMD parameters ============================ AliPMD *PMD = new AliPMDv1("PMD", "normal PMD"); } if (iT0) { //=================== T0 parameters ============================ AliT0 *T0 = new AliT0v1("T0", "T0 Detector"); } if (iEMCAL) { //=================== EMCAL parameters ============================ AliEMCAL *EMCAL = new AliEMCALv2("EMCAL", "EMCAL_FIRSTYEARV1"); } if (iACORDE) { //=================== ACORDE parameters ============================ AliACORDE *ACORDE = new AliACORDEv1("ACORDE", "normal ACORDE"); } if (iVZERO) { //=================== ACORDE parameters ============================ AliVZERO *VZERO = new AliVZEROv7("VZERO", "normal VZERO"); } // Load Geant4 + Geant4 VMC libraries // std::string g4libmacro("$G4VMCINSTALL/share/examples/macro/g4libs.C"); if (gClassTable->GetID("TGeant4") == -1) { // Load Geant4 libraries if (!gInterpreter->IsLoaded(g4libmacro.c_str())) { gROOT->LoadMacro(g4libmacro.c_str()); gInterpreter->ProcessLine("g4libs()"); } } // Create Geant4 VMC // TGeant4 *geant4 = 0; if ( ! gMC ) { TG4RunConfiguration* runConfiguration=0x0; for (Int_t iList = 0; iList < kListMax; iList++) { if(iList<kListMax/2){ if(physicslist == iList){ runConfiguration = new TG4RunConfiguration("geomRoot", physicsListName[iList], "specialCuts+stackPopper+stepLimiter", true); } } else if(iList>=kListMax/2){//add "optical" PL to HadronPhysicsList if(physicslist == iList){ runConfiguration = new TG4RunConfiguration("geomRoot", Form("%s+optical",physicsListName[iList-kListMax/2]), "specialCuts+stackPopper+stepLimiter", true); } } } geant4 = new TGeant4("TGeant4", "The Geant4 Monte Carlo", runConfiguration); cout << "Geant4 has been created." << endl; } else { cout << "Monte Carlo has been already created." << endl; } // Customization of Geant4 VMC // geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcVerbose/all 1"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcVerbose/geometryManager 1"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcVerbose/opGeometryManager 1"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcTracking/loopVerbose 1"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcPhysics/rangeCuts 0.01 mm"); // for Geant4 <= 9.4.p03 //geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcPhysics/selectOpProcess Scintillation"); //geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcPhysics/setOpProcessActivation false"); // for Geant4 >= 9.5 geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/optics_engine/selectOpProcess Scintillation"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/optics_engine/setOpProcessUse false"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/optics_engine/selectOpProcess OpWLS"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/optics_engine/setOpProcessUse false"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/optics_engine/selectOpProcess OpMieHG"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/optics_engine/setOpProcessUse false"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcVerbose/composedPhysicsList 2"); geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcTracking/skipNeutrino true"); // geant4->ProcessGeantCommand("/mcDet/setMaxStepInLowDensityMaterials 1 cm"); // //======================================================================= // ************* STEERING parameters FOR ALICE SIMULATION ************** // --- Specify event type to be tracked through the ALICE setup // --- All positions are in cm, angles in degrees, and P and E in GeV gMC->SetProcess("DCAY",1); gMC->SetProcess("PAIR",1); gMC->SetProcess("COMP",1); gMC->SetProcess("PHOT",1); gMC->SetProcess("PFIS",0); gMC->SetProcess("DRAY",0); gMC->SetProcess("ANNI",1); gMC->SetProcess("BREM",1); gMC->SetProcess("MUNU",1); gMC->SetProcess("CKOV",1); gMC->SetProcess("HADR",1); gMC->SetProcess("LOSS",2); gMC->SetProcess("MULS",1); gMC->SetProcess("RAYL",1); Float_t cut = 1.e-3; // 1MeV cut by default Float_t tofmax = 1.e10; gMC->SetCut("CUTGAM", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTELE", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTNEU", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTHAD", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTMUO", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("PPCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("TOFMAX", tofmax); //======================// // Set External decayer // //======================// TVirtualMCDecayer* decayer = new AliDecayerPythia(); decayer->SetForceDecay(kAll); decayer->Init(); gMC->SetExternalDecayer(decayer); //=========================// // Generator Configuration // //=========================// AliGenerator* gener = 0x0; if (proc == kPythia6) { gener = MbPythia(); } else if (proc == kPythia6D6T) { gener = MbPythiaTuneD6T(); } else if (proc == kPythia6ATLAS) { gener = MbPythiaTuneATLAS(); } else if (proc == kPythiaPerugia0) { gener = MbPythiaTunePerugia0(); } else if (proc == kPythia6ATLAS_Flat) { gener = MbPythiaTuneATLAS_Flat(); } else if (proc == kPhojet) { gener = MbPhojet(); } // // // Size of the interaction diamond // Longitudinal Float_t sigmaz = 5.4 / TMath::Sqrt(2.); // [cm] if (energy == 900) //sigmaz = 10.5 / TMath::Sqrt(2.); // [cm] //sigmaz = 3.7; if (energy == 7000) sigmaz = 6.3 / TMath::Sqrt(2.); // [cm] // // Transverse // beta* Float_t betast = 10.0; // beta* [m] if (runNumber >= 117048) betast = 2.0; if (runNumber > 122375) betast = 3.5; // starting with fill 1179 // // Float_t eps = 5.0e-6; // emittance [m] Float_t gamma = energy / 2.0 / 0.938272; // relativistic gamma [1] Float_t sigmaxy = TMath::Sqrt(eps * betast / gamma) / TMath::Sqrt(2.) * 100.; // [cm] printf("\n \n Diamond size x-y: %10.3e z: %10.3e\n \n", sigmaxy, sigmaz); gener->SetSigma(sigmaxy, sigmaxy, sigmaz); // Sigma in (X,Y,Z) (cm) on IP position gener->SetVertexSmear(kPerEvent); gener->Init(); printf("\n \n Comment: %s \n \n", comment.Data()); }
void Config() { // Get settings from environment variables ProcessEnvironmentVars(); gRandom->SetSeed(seed); cerr<<"Seed for random number generation= "<<seed<<endl; // Libraries required by geant321 #if defined(__CINT__) gSystem->Load("liblhapdf"); // Parton density functions gSystem->Load("libEGPythia6"); // TGenerator interface gSystem->Load("libpythia6"); // Pythia gSystem->Load("libAliPythia6"); // ALICE specific implementations gSystem->Load("libgeant321"); #endif new TGeant3TGeo("C++ Interface to Geant3"); //======================================================================= // Create the output file AliRunLoader* rl=0x0; cout<<"Config.C: Creating Run Loader ..."<<endl; rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root", AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(), "recreate"); if (rl == 0x0) { gAlice->Fatal("Config.C","Can not instatiate the Run Loader"); return; } rl->SetCompressionLevel(2); rl->SetNumberOfEventsPerFile(1000); gAlice->SetRunLoader(rl); // gAlice->SetGeometryFromFile("geometry.root"); // gAlice->SetGeometryFromCDB(); // Set the trigger configuration: proton-proton gAlice->SetTriggerDescriptor("p-p"); // //======================================================================= // ************* STEERING parameters FOR ALICE SIMULATION ************** // --- Specify event type to be tracked through the ALICE setup // --- All positions are in cm, angles in degrees, and P and E in GeV gMC->SetProcess("DCAY",1); gMC->SetProcess("PAIR",1); gMC->SetProcess("COMP",1); gMC->SetProcess("PHOT",1); gMC->SetProcess("PFIS",0); gMC->SetProcess("DRAY",0); gMC->SetProcess("ANNI",1); gMC->SetProcess("BREM",1); gMC->SetProcess("MUNU",1); gMC->SetProcess("CKOV",1); gMC->SetProcess("HADR",1); gMC->SetProcess("LOSS",2); gMC->SetProcess("MULS",1); gMC->SetProcess("RAYL",1); Float_t cut = 1.e-3; // 1MeV cut by default Float_t tofmax = 1.e10; gMC->SetCut("CUTGAM", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTELE", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTNEU", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTHAD", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTMUO", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("PPCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("TOFMAX", tofmax); //======================// // Set External decayer // //======================// TVirtualMCDecayer* decayer = new AliDecayerPythia(); decayer->SetForceDecay(kAll); decayer->Init(); gMC->SetExternalDecayer(decayer); //=========================// // Generator Configuration // //=========================// AliGenerator* gener = 0x0; if (proc == kPythia6) { gener = MbPythia(); } else if (proc == kPhojet) { gener = MbPhojet(); } // PRIMARY VERTEX // gener->SetOrigin(0., 0., 0.); // vertex position // // // Size of the interaction diamond // Longitudinal Float_t sigmaz = 5.4 / TMath::Sqrt(2.); // [cm] if (energy == 900) sigmaz = 10.5 / TMath::Sqrt(2.); // [cm] // // Transverse Float_t betast = 10; // beta* [m] Float_t eps = 3.75e-6; // emittance [m] Float_t gamma = energy / 2.0 / 0.938272; // relativistic gamma [1] Float_t sigmaxy = TMath::Sqrt(eps * betast / gamma) / TMath::Sqrt(2.) * 100.; // [cm] printf("\n \n Diamond size x-y: %10.3e z: %10.3e\n \n", sigmaxy, sigmaz); gener->SetSigma(sigmaxy, sigmaxy, sigmaz); // Sigma in (X,Y,Z) (cm) on IP position gener->SetCutVertexZ(3.); // Truncate at 3 sigma gener->SetVertexSmear(kPerEvent); gener->Init(); // FIELD // AliMagWrapCheb* field = 0x0; if (mag == kNoField) { comment = comment.Append(" | L3 field 0.0 T"); field = new AliMagWrapCheb("Maps","Maps", 2, 0., 10., AliMagWrapCheb::k2kG); } else if (mag == k5kG) { comment = comment.Append(" | L3 field 0.5 T"); field = new AliMagWrapCheb("Maps","Maps", 2, 1., 10., AliMagWrapCheb::k5kG); } printf("\n \n Comment: %s \n \n", comment.Data()); rl->CdGAFile(); gAlice->SetField(field); Int_t iABSO = 1; Int_t iACORDE= 0; Int_t iDIPO = 1; Int_t iEMCAL = 0; Int_t iFMD = 1; Int_t iFRAME = 1; Int_t iHALL = 1; Int_t iITS = 1; Int_t iMAG = 1; Int_t iMUON = 1; Int_t iPHOS = 1; Int_t iPIPE = 1; Int_t iPMD = 0; Int_t iHMPID = 1; Int_t iSHIL = 1; Int_t iT0 = 1; Int_t iTOF = 1; Int_t iTPC = 1; Int_t iTRD = 1; Int_t iVZERO = 1; Int_t iZDC = 1; //=================== Alice BODY parameters ============================= AliBODY *BODY = new AliBODY("BODY", "Alice envelop"); if (iMAG) { //=================== MAG parameters ============================ // --- Start with Magnet since detector layouts may be depending --- // --- on the selected Magnet dimensions --- AliMAG *MAG = new AliMAG("MAG", "Magnet"); } if (iABSO) { //=================== ABSO parameters ============================ AliABSO *ABSO = new AliABSOv3("ABSO", "Muon Absorber"); } if (iDIPO) { //=================== DIPO parameters ============================ AliDIPO *DIPO = new AliDIPOv3("DIPO", "Dipole version 3"); } if (iHALL) { //=================== HALL parameters ============================ AliHALL *HALL = new AliHALLv3("HALL", "Alice Hall"); } if (iFRAME) { //=================== FRAME parameters ============================ AliFRAMEv2 *FRAME = new AliFRAMEv2("FRAME", "Space Frame"); FRAME->SetHoles(1); } if (iSHIL) { //=================== SHIL parameters ============================ AliSHIL *SHIL = new AliSHILv3("SHIL", "Shielding Version 3"); } if (iPIPE) { //=================== PIPE parameters ============================ AliPIPE *PIPE = new AliPIPEv3("PIPE", "Beam Pipe"); } if (iITS) { //=================== ITS parameters ============================ AliITS *ITS = new AliITSv11Hybrid("ITS","ITS v11Hybrid"); } if (iTPC) { //============================ TPC parameters ===================== AliTPC *TPC = new AliTPCv2("TPC", "Default"); } if (iTOF) { //=================== TOF parameters ============================ AliTOF *TOF = new AliTOFv6T0("TOF", "normal TOF"); } if (iHMPID) { //=================== HMPID parameters =========================== AliHMPID *HMPID = new AliHMPIDv3("HMPID", "normal HMPID"); } if (iZDC) { //=================== ZDC parameters ============================ AliZDC *ZDC = new AliZDCv3("ZDC", "normal ZDC"); } if (iTRD) { //=================== TRD parameters ============================ AliTRD *TRD = new AliTRDv1("TRD", "TRD slow simulator"); AliTRDgeometry *geoTRD = TRD->GetGeometry(); // Partial geometry: modules at 0,8,9,17 // starting at 3h in positive direction geoTRD->SetSMstatus(1,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(2,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(3,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(4,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(5,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(6,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(7,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(10,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(11,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(12,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(13,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(14,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(15,0); geoTRD->SetSMstatus(16,0); } if (iFMD) { //=================== FMD parameters ============================ AliFMD *FMD = new AliFMDv1("FMD", "normal FMD"); } if (iMUON) { //=================== MUON parameters =========================== // New MUONv1 version (geometry defined via builders) AliMUON *MUON = new AliMUONv1("MUON", "default"); } if (iPHOS) { //=================== PHOS parameters =========================== AliPHOS *PHOS = new AliPHOSv1("PHOS", "IHEP"); //Set simulation parameters different from the default ones. AliPHOSSimParam* simEmc = AliPHOSSimParam::GetInstance() ; // APD noise of warm (+20C) PHOS: // a2 = a1*(Y1/Y2)*(M1/M2), where a1 = 0.012 is APD noise at -25C, // Y1 = 4.3 photo-electrons/MeV, Y2 = 1.7 p.e/MeV - light yields at -25C and +20C, // M1 = 50, M2 = 50 - APD gain factors chosen for t1 = -25C and t2 = +20C, // Y = MeanLightYield*APDEfficiency. Float_t apdNoise = 0.012*2.5; simEmc->SetAPDNoise(apdNoise); //Raw Light Yield at +20C simEmc->SetMeanLightYield(18800); //ADC channel width at +18C. simEmc->SetADCchannelW(0.0125); } if (iPMD) { //=================== PMD parameters ============================ AliPMD *PMD = new AliPMDv1("PMD", "normal PMD"); } if (iT0) { //=================== T0 parameters ============================ AliT0 *T0 = new AliT0v1("T0", "T0 Detector"); } if (iEMCAL) { //=================== EMCAL parameters ============================ AliEMCAL *EMCAL = new AliEMCALv2("EMCAL", "SHISH_77_TRD1_2X2_FINAL_110DEG"); } if (iACORDE) { //=================== ACORDE parameters ============================ AliACORDE *ACORDE = new AliACORDEv1("ACORDE", "normal ACORDE"); } if (iVZERO) { //=================== ACORDE parameters ============================ AliVZERO *VZERO = new AliVZEROv7("VZERO", "normal VZERO"); } }
void Config() { // AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliMFT", 1); LoadLibs(); new TGeant3TGeo("C++ Interface to Geant3"); // Create the output file AliRunLoader* rl=0x0; printf("Config.C: Creating Run Loader ..."); rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root", AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(), "recreate"); if (rl == 0x0) { gAlice->Fatal("Config.C","Can not instatiate the Run Loader"); return; } rl->SetCompressionLevel(2); rl->SetNumberOfEventsPerFile(1000); gAlice->SetRunLoader(rl); // ************* STEERING parameters FOR ALICE SIMULATION ************** // --- Specify event type to be tracked through the ALICE setup // --- All positions are in cm, angles in degrees, and P and E in GeV gMC->SetProcess("DCAY",1); gMC->SetProcess("PAIR",1); gMC->SetProcess("COMP",1); gMC->SetProcess("PHOT",1); gMC->SetProcess("PFIS",0); gMC->SetProcess("DRAY",0); gMC->SetProcess("ANNI",1); gMC->SetProcess("BREM",1); gMC->SetProcess("MUNU",1); gMC->SetProcess("CKOV",1); gMC->SetProcess("HADR",1); gMC->SetProcess("LOSS",2); gMC->SetProcess("MULS",1); gMC->SetProcess("RAYL",1); Float_t cut = 1.e-3; // 1MeV cut by default Float_t tofmax = 1.e10; gMC->SetCut("CUTGAM", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTELE", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTNEU", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTHAD", cut); gMC->SetCut("CUTMUO", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("BCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTE", cut); gMC->SetCut("DCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("PPCUTM", cut); gMC->SetCut("TOFMAX", tofmax); TVirtualMCDecayer *decayer = new AliDecayerPythia(); decayer->SetForceDecay(kAll); decayer->Init(); gMC->SetExternalDecayer(decayer); // Generator AliGenerator* gener = 0x0; if (proc == kPythia6) gener = MbPythia(); else if (proc == kPythiaPerugia0) gener = MbPythiaTunePerugia0(); else if (proc == kHijing) gener = Hijing(); else if (proc == kHijing2500) gener = Hijing2500(); else if (proc == kHijing2500Cocktail) gener = Hijing2500Cocktail(); else if (proc == kGenBox) gener = GenBox(); else if (proc == kGenMuonLMR) gener = GenMuonLMR(); else if (proc == kGenParamJpsi) gener = GenParamJpsi(); else if (proc == kGenCorrHF) gener = GenCorrHF(); else if (proc == kGenPionKaon) gener = GenParamPionKaon(); else if (proc == kPythiaPerugia0BtoJpsi2mu) gener = MbPythiaTunePerugia0BtoJpsi2mu(); else if (proc == kCocktailSignals) gener = CocktailSignals(); // Size of the interaction diamond Float_t sigmaz = 5.4 / TMath::Sqrt(2.); // [cm] Float_t betast = 3.5; // beta* [m] Float_t eps = 3.75e-6; // emittance [m] Float_t gamma = energy / 2.0 / 0.938272; // relativistic gamma [1] Float_t sigmaxy = TMath::Sqrt(eps * betast / gamma) / TMath::Sqrt(2.) * 100.; // [cm] printf("\n \n Diamond size x-y: %10.3e z: %10.3e\n \n", sigmaxy, sigmaz); gener->SetOrigin(0,0,0); gener->SetSigma(sigmaxy, sigmaxy, sigmaz); // Sigma in (X,Y,Z) (cm) on IP position gener->SetVertexSmear(kPerEvent); gener->Init(); printf("\n \n Comment: %s \n \n", comment.Data()); // TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->SetField(new AliMagF("Maps","Maps", -1., -1., AliMagF::k5kG, AliMagF::kBeamTypeAA, 2750.)); TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->SetField(new AliMagF("Maps","Maps", -1., -1., AliMagF::k5kG, AliMagF::kBeamTypepp, 7000.)); rl->CdGAFile(); // Detector Setup Int_t iABSO = 1; Int_t iDIPO = 1; Int_t iHALL = 1; Int_t iMUON = 1; Int_t iPIPE = 1; Int_t iSHIL = 1; Int_t iT0 = 0; Int_t iVZERO = 1; Int_t iMFT = 1; Int_t iACORDE= 0; Int_t iEMCAL = 0; Int_t iFMD = 0; Int_t iFRAME = 0; Int_t iITS = 0; Int_t iMAG = 1; Int_t iPHOS = 0; Int_t iPMD = 0; Int_t iHMPID = 0; Int_t iTOF = 0; Int_t iTPC = 0; Int_t iTRD = 0; Int_t iZDC = 0; AliBODY *BODY = new AliBODY("BODY", "Alice envelop"); if (iMAG) AliMAG *MAG = new AliMAG("MAG", "Magnet"); if (iABSO) AliABSO *ABSO = new AliABSOv3("ABSO", "Muon Absorber"); if (iDIPO) AliDIPO *DIPO = new AliDIPOv3("DIPO", "Dipole version 3"); if (iHALL) AliHALL *HALL = new AliHALLv3("HALL", "Alice Hall"); if (iSHIL) AliSHIL *SHIL = new AliSHILv3("SHIL", "Shielding Version 3"); if (iITS) gROOT->ProcessLine(".x $ALICE_ROOT/ITS/UPGRADE/testITSU/CreateITSU.C"); if (iTPC) AliTPC *TPC = new AliTPCv2("TPC", "Default"); if (iTOF) AliTOF *TOF = new AliTOFv6T0("TOF", "normal TOF"); if (iHMPID) AliHMPID *HMPID = new AliHMPIDv3("HMPID", "normal HMPID"); if (iFMD) AliFMD *FMD = new AliFMDv1("FMD", "normal FMD"); if (iPHOS) AliPHOS *PHOS = new AliPHOSv1("PHOS", "noCPV_Modules123"); if (iPMD) AliPMD *PMD = new AliPMDv1("PMD", "normal PMD"); if (iT0) AliT0 *T0 = new AliT0v1("T0", "T0 Detector"); if (iEMCAL) AliEMCAL *EMCAL = new AliEMCALv2("EMCAL", "EMCAL_FIRSTYEARV1"); if (iACORDE) AliACORDE *ACORDE = new AliACORDEv1("ACORDE", "normal ACORDE"); if (iVZERO) AliVZERO *VZERO = new AliVZEROv7("VZERO", "normal VZERO"); if (iFRAME) { AliFRAMEv2 *FRAME = new AliFRAMEv2("FRAME", "Space Frame"); FRAME->SetHoles(1); } if (iPIPE) { // AliPIPE *PIPE = new AliPIPEv3("PIPE", "Beam Pipe"); AliPIPE *PIPE = new AliPIPEv4("PIPE", "Beam Pipe"); } if (iZDC) { AliZDC *ZDC = new AliZDCv3("ZDC", "normal ZDC"); ZDC->SetSpectatorsTrack(); ZDC->SetLumiLength(0.); } if (iTRD) { AliTRD *TRD = new AliTRDv1("TRD", "TRD slow simulator"); } if (iMUON) { AliMUON *MUON = new AliMUONv1("MUON", "default"); MUON->SetTriggerEffCells(1); // not needed if raw masks Char_t* digitstore="AliMUONDigitStoreV2S"; MUON->SetDigitStoreClassName(digitstore); } if (iMFT) { AliMFT *MFT = new AliMFT("MFT", "normal MFT"); } TIter next(gAlice->Modules()); AliModule *detector; printf("gAlice->Modules:\n"); while((detector = (AliModule*)next())) printf("%s\n",detector->GetName()); }