void ExprEngine::examineStackFrames(const Decl *D, const LocationContext *LCtx,
                               bool &IsRecursive, unsigned &StackDepth) {
  IsRecursive = false;
  StackDepth = 0;

  while (LCtx) {
    if (const StackFrameContext *SFC = dyn_cast<StackFrameContext>(LCtx)) {
      const Decl *DI = SFC->getDecl();

      // Mark recursive (and mutually recursive) functions and always count
      // them when measuring the stack depth.
      if (DI == D) {
        IsRecursive = true;
        LCtx = LCtx->getParent();

      // Do not count the small functions when determining the stack depth.
      AnalysisDeclContext *CalleeADC = AMgr.getAnalysisDeclContext(DI);
      const CFG *CalleeCFG = CalleeADC->getCFG();
      if (CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > AMgr.options.getAlwaysInlineSize())
    LCtx = LCtx->getParent();

// Determine if we should inline the call.
bool ExprEngine::shouldInlineDecl(const Decl *D, ExplodedNode *Pred) {
  AnalysisDeclContext *CalleeADC = AMgr.getAnalysisDeclContext(D);
  const CFG *CalleeCFG = CalleeADC->getCFG();

  // It is possible that the CFG cannot be constructed.
  // Be safe, and check if the CalleeCFG is valid.
  if (!CalleeCFG)
    return false;

  bool IsRecursive = false;
  unsigned StackDepth = 0;
  examineStackFrames(D, Pred->getLocationContext(), IsRecursive, StackDepth);
  if ((StackDepth >= AMgr.options.InlineMaxStackDepth) &&
       ((CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > AMgr.options.getAlwaysInlineSize())
         || IsRecursive))
    return false;

  if (Engine.FunctionSummaries->hasReachedMaxBlockCount(D))
    return false;

  if (CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > AMgr.options.InlineMaxFunctionSize)
    return false;

  // Do not inline variadic calls (for now).
  if (const BlockDecl *BD = dyn_cast<BlockDecl>(D)) {
    if (BD->isVariadic())
      return false;
  else if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
    if (FD->isVariadic())
      return false;

  if (getContext().getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {
    if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
      // Conditionally allow the inlining of template functions.
      if (!getAnalysisManager().options.mayInlineTemplateFunctions())
        if (FD->getTemplatedKind() != FunctionDecl::TK_NonTemplate)
          return false;

      // Conditionally allow the inlining of C++ standard library functions.
      if (!getAnalysisManager().options.mayInlineCXXStandardLibrary())
        if (getContext().getSourceManager().isInSystemHeader(FD->getLocation()))
          if (IsInStdNamespace(FD))
            return false;

  // It is possible that the live variables analysis cannot be
  // run.  If so, bail out.
  if (!CalleeADC->getAnalysis<RelaxedLiveVariables>())
    return false;

  return true;
// Determine if we should inline the call.
bool ExprEngine::shouldInlineDecl(const FunctionDecl *FD, ExplodedNode *Pred) {
  AnalysisDeclContext *CalleeADC = AMgr.getAnalysisDeclContext(FD);
  const CFG *CalleeCFG = CalleeADC->getCFG();

  if (getNumberStackFrames(Pred->getLocationContext())
        == AMgr.InlineMaxStackDepth)
    return false;

  if (Engine.FunctionSummaries->hasReachedMaxBlockCount(FD))
    return false;

  if (CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > AMgr.InlineMaxFunctionSize)
    return false;

  return true;
Exemple #4
void FindUnreachableCode(AnalysisDeclContext &AC, Preprocessor &PP,
                         Callback &CB) {

  CFG *cfg = AC.getCFG();
  if (!cfg)

  // Scan for reachable blocks from the entrance of the CFG.
  // If there are no unreachable blocks, we're done.
  llvm::BitVector reachable(cfg->getNumBlockIDs());
  unsigned numReachable =
    scanMaybeReachableFromBlock(&cfg->getEntry(), PP, reachable);
  if (numReachable == cfg->getNumBlockIDs())
  // If there aren't explicit EH edges, we should include the 'try' dispatch
  // blocks as roots.
  if (!AC.getCFGBuildOptions().AddEHEdges) {
    for (CFG::try_block_iterator I = cfg->try_blocks_begin(),
         E = cfg->try_blocks_end() ; I != E; ++I) {
      numReachable += scanMaybeReachableFromBlock(*I, PP, reachable);
    if (numReachable == cfg->getNumBlockIDs())

  // There are some unreachable blocks.  We need to find the root blocks that
  // contain code that should be considered unreachable.  
  for (CFG::iterator I = cfg->begin(), E = cfg->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    const CFGBlock *block = *I;
    // A block may have been marked reachable during this loop.
    if (reachable[block->getBlockID()])
    DeadCodeScan DS(reachable, PP);
    numReachable += DS.scanBackwards(block, CB);
    if (numReachable == cfg->getNumBlockIDs())
// Determine if we should inline the call.
bool ExprEngine::shouldInlineDecl(const FunctionDecl *FD, ExplodedNode *Pred) {
  AnalysisDeclContext *CalleeADC = AMgr.getAnalysisDeclContext(FD);
  const CFG *CalleeCFG = CalleeADC->getCFG();

  // It is possible that the CFG cannot be constructed.
  // Be safe, and check if the CalleeCFG is valid.
  if (!CalleeCFG)
    return false;

  if (getNumberStackFrames(Pred->getLocationContext())
        == AMgr.InlineMaxStackDepth)
    return false;

  if (Engine.FunctionSummaries->hasReachedMaxBlockCount(FD))
    return false;

  if (CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > AMgr.InlineMaxFunctionSize)
    return false;

  return true;
// Determine if we should inline the call.
bool ExprEngine::shouldInlineDecl(const Decl *D, ExplodedNode *Pred) {
    // FIXME: default constructors don't have bodies.
    if (!D->hasBody())
        return false;

    AnalysisDeclContext *CalleeADC = AMgr.getAnalysisDeclContext(D);
    const CFG *CalleeCFG = CalleeADC->getCFG();

    // It is possible that the CFG cannot be constructed.
    // Be safe, and check if the CalleeCFG is valid.
    if (!CalleeCFG)
        return false;

    if (getNumberStackFrames(Pred->getLocationContext())
            == AMgr.InlineMaxStackDepth)
        return false;

    if (Engine.FunctionSummaries->hasReachedMaxBlockCount(D))
        return false;

    if (CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > AMgr.InlineMaxFunctionSize)
        return false;

    // Do not inline variadic calls (for now).
    if (const BlockDecl *BD = dyn_cast<BlockDecl>(D)) {
        if (BD->isVariadic())
            return false;
    else if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
        if (FD->isVariadic())
            return false;

    // It is possible that the live variables analysis cannot be
    // run.  If so, bail out.
    if (!CalleeADC->getAnalysis<RelaxedLiveVariables>())
        return false;

    return true;
bool ExprEngine::shouldInlineCall(const CallEvent &Call, const Decl *D,
                                  const ExplodedNode *Pred) {
  if (!D)
    return false;

  AnalysisManager &AMgr = getAnalysisManager();
  AnalyzerOptions &Opts = AMgr.options;
  AnalysisDeclContextManager &ADCMgr = AMgr.getAnalysisDeclContextManager();
  AnalysisDeclContext *CalleeADC = ADCMgr.getContext(D);

  // Temporary object destructor processing is currently broken, so we never
  // inline them.
  // FIXME: Remove this once temp destructors are working.
  if (isa<CXXDestructorCall>(Call)) {
    if ((*currBldrCtx->getBlock())[currStmtIdx].getAs<CFGTemporaryDtor>())
      return false;

  // The auto-synthesized bodies are essential to inline as they are
  // usually small and commonly used. Note: we should do this check early on to
  // ensure we always inline these calls.
  if (CalleeADC->isBodyAutosynthesized())
    return true;

  if (!AMgr.shouldInlineCall())
    return false;

  // Check if this function has been marked as non-inlinable.
  Optional<bool> MayInline = Engine.FunctionSummaries->mayInline(D);
  if (MayInline.hasValue()) {
    if (!MayInline.getValue())
      return false;

  } else {
    // We haven't actually checked the static properties of this function yet.
    // Do that now, and record our decision in the function summaries.
    if (mayInlineDecl(CalleeADC, Opts)) {
    } else {
      return false;

  // Check if we should inline a call based on its kind.
  // FIXME: this checks both static and dynamic properties of the call, which
  // means we're redoing a bit of work that could be cached in the function
  // summary.
  CallInlinePolicy CIP = mayInlineCallKind(Call, Pred, Opts);
  if (CIP != CIP_Allowed) {
    if (CIP == CIP_DisallowedAlways) {
      assert(!MayInline.hasValue() || MayInline.getValue());
    return false;

  const CFG *CalleeCFG = CalleeADC->getCFG();

  // Do not inline if recursive or we've reached max stack frame count.
  bool IsRecursive = false;
  unsigned StackDepth = 0;
  examineStackFrames(D, Pred->getLocationContext(), IsRecursive, StackDepth);
  if ((StackDepth >= Opts.InlineMaxStackDepth) &&
      ((CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > Opts.getAlwaysInlineSize())
       || IsRecursive))
    return false;

  // Do not inline large functions too many times.
  if ((Engine.FunctionSummaries->getNumTimesInlined(D) >
       Opts.getMaxTimesInlineLarge()) &&
      CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > 13) {
    return false;

  if (HowToInline == Inline_Minimal &&
      (CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > Opts.getAlwaysInlineSize()
      || IsRecursive))
    return false;


  return true;