Exemple #1
void CallIRBuilder::imm(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicElement   *se;
  std::stringstream expr1, expr2;
  uint64_t          imm       = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint64_t          memDst    = this->operands[1].getValue(); // The dst memory write
  uint32_t          writeSize = this->operands[1].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic side effect */
  alignStack(inst, ap, writeSize);

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  /* *RSP =  Next_RIP */
  expr1 << smt2lib::bv(this->nextAddress, writeSize * REG_SIZE);

  /* Create the symbolic element */
  se = ap.createMemSE(inst, expr1, memDst, writeSize, "Saved RIP");

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintMemImm(se, memDst, writeSize);

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  /* RIP = imm */
  expr2 << smt2lib::bv(imm, writeSize * REG_SIZE);

  /* Create the symbolic element */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr2, ID_RIP, REG_SIZE, "RIP");

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintRegImm(se, ID_RIP);
Exemple #2
void MovIRBuilder::regImm(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicElement   *se;
  std::stringstream expr;
  uint64_t          reg  = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint64_t          imm  = this->operands[1].getValue();
  uint64_t          size = this->operands[0].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  expr << smt2lib::bv(imm, size * REG_SIZE);

  /* Create the symbolic element */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg, size);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintRegImm(se, reg);
Exemple #3
void MovIRBuilder::regImm(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr;
  auto reg = this->operands[0].getReg();
  auto regSize = this->operands[0].getReg().getSize();
  auto imm = this->operands[1].getImm().getValue();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  expr = smt2lib::bv(imm, regSize * REG_SIZE);

  /* Create the symbolic expression */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg, regSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintRegImm(se, reg);