/* ****************************************************************************
* release - 
TEST(AppendContextElementResponse, release)
  AppendContextElementResponse  acer;
  ContextAttributeResponse*     carP = new ContextAttributeResponse();
  ContextAttribute*             caP  = new ContextAttribute("NAME", "TYPE", "VALUE");



  EXPECT_EQ(1, carP->contextAttributeVector.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(1, acer.contextAttributeResponseVector.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(0, acer.contextAttributeResponseVector.size());

/* ****************************************************************************
* postIndividualContextEntityAttributes - 
std::string postIndividualContextEntityAttributes
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  std::string                   answer;
  std::string                   entityId = compV[2];
  AppendContextElementResponse* responseP = new AppendContextElementResponse();

  LM_T(LmtConvenience, ("CONVENIENCE: got a 'POST' request for entityId '%s'", entityId.c_str()));

  ciP->httpStatusCode = mapPostIndividualContextEntityAttributes(entityId, &parseDataP->acer.res, responseP, ciP);
  answer = responseP->render(ciP, IndividualContextEntityAttributes, "");
  delete responseP;

  return answer;
/* ****************************************************************************
* postIndividualContextEntity -
* Corresponding Standard Operation: UpdateContext/APPEND
*   This function is used for two different URLs:
*     o /v1/contextEntities
*     o /v1/contextEntities/{entityId::id}
* In the longer URL (with entityId::id), the payload (AppendContextElementRequest) cannot contain any
* entityId data (id, type, isPattern).
* In the first case, the entityId data of the payload is mandatory.
* entityId::type can be empty, as always, but entityId::id MUST be filled in.
* POST /v1/contextEntities
* POST /ngsi10/contextEntities
* POST /v1/contextEntities/{entityId::id}
* POST /ngsi10/contextEntities/{entityId::id}
* Payload In:  AppendContextElementRequest
* Payload Out: AppendContextElementResponse
* URI parameters:
*   - attributesFormat=object
*   - entity::type=TYPE
*   - note that '!exist=entity::type' and 'exist=entity::type' are not supported by convenience operations
*     that use the standard operation UpdateContext as there is no restriction within UpdateContext.
* 00. Take care of URI params
* 01. Check that total input in consistent and correct
* 02. Fill in UpdateContextRequest from AppendContextElementRequest + URL-data + URI params
* 03. Call postUpdateContext standard service routine
* 04. Translate UpdateContextResponse to AppendContextElementResponse
* 05. Cleanup and return result
std::string postIndividualContextEntity
  ConnectionInfo*            ciP,
  int                        components,
  std::vector<std::string>&  compV,
  ParseData*                 parseDataP
  AppendContextElementRequest*  reqP                  = &parseDataP->acer.res;
  AppendContextElementResponse  response;
  std::string                   entityIdFromPayload   = reqP->entity.id;
  std::string                   entityIdFromURL       = ((compV.size() == 3) || (compV.size() == 4))? compV[2] : "";
  std::string                   entityId;
  std::string                   entityTypeFromPayload = reqP->entity.type;
  std::string                   entityTypeFromURL     = ciP->uriParam[URI_PARAM_ENTITY_TYPE];
  std::string                   entityType;
  std::string                   answer;
  std::string                   out;

  // 01. Check that total input in consistent and correct

  // 01.01. entityId::id
  if ((entityIdFromPayload != "") && (entityIdFromURL != "") && (entityIdFromPayload != entityIdFromURL))
    std::string error = "entityId::id differs in URL and payload";

    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, error);
    response.errorCode.fill(SccBadRequest, error);

    TIMED_RENDER(out = response.render(ciP, IndividualContextEntity, ""));
    return out;
  entityId = (entityIdFromPayload != "")? entityIdFromPayload : entityIdFromURL;

  // 01.02. entityId::type
  if ((entityTypeFromPayload != "") && (entityTypeFromURL != "") && (entityTypeFromPayload != entityTypeFromURL))
    std::string error = "entityId::type differs in URL and payload";

    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, error);
    response.errorCode.fill(SccBadRequest, error);

    TIMED_RENDER(out = response.render(ciP, IndividualContextEntity, ""));
    return out;
  entityType = (entityTypeFromPayload != "")? entityTypeFromPayload :entityTypeFromURL;

  // 01.03. entityId::isPattern
  if (reqP->entity.isPattern == "true")
    std::string error = "entityId::isPattern set to true in contextUpdate convenience operation";

    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, error);
    response.errorCode.fill(SccBadRequest, error);

    TIMED_RENDER(out = response.render(ciP, IndividualContextEntity, ""));
    return out;

  // 01.04. Entity::id must be present, somewhere ...
  if (entityId == "")
    std::string error = "invalid request: mandatory entityId::id missing";

    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, error);
    response.errorCode.fill(SccBadRequest, error);

    TIMED_RENDER(out = response.render(ciP, IndividualContextEntity, ""));
    return out;

  // Now, forward Entity to response
  response.entity.fill(entityId, entityType, "false");

  // 02. Fill in UpdateContextRequest from AppendContextElementRequest + URL-data + URI params
  parseDataP->upcr.res.fill(&parseDataP->acer.res, entityId, entityType);

  // 03. Call postUpdateContext standard service routine
  postUpdateContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP);

  // 04. Translate UpdateContextResponse to AppendContextElementResponse

  // 05. Cleanup and return result
  TIMED_RENDER(answer = response.render(ciP, IndividualContextEntity, ""));


  return answer;