void updateTentative(int i, int j,
                     std::map<Coordinate, Node<DataType> *> & tentative,
                     std::map<Coordinate, DataType> & accepted,
                     Heap<DataType> & heap,
                     Array2D<DataType, IndexType> & A,
                     const DataType & bandwidth,
                     bool inside)
    // Check bounds
    if (i < 0 || i > A.getRows()-1 || j < 0 || j > A.getCols()-1)
    Coordinate coord(i,j,inside);
    // Exit if already accepted
    if (accepted.find(coord) != accepted.end()) return;

    // Find the tentative value and see if it's been deleted
    // (it was outside the narrow band)
    typename std::map<Coordinate, Node<DataType> *>::iterator iter = tentative.find(coord);
    if (iter != tentative.end() && (*iter).second == NULL) return;

    // Otherwise, compute tentative value
    DataType value = computeTentativeValue(i,j, accepted);
    // The point is new and within the narrowband
    if (iter == tentative.end() && value <= bandwidth) {
        //mexPrintf("Adding (%i,%i) as new tentative point", i,j);
        Node<DataType> * node = new Node<DataType>(coord);
        node->cost = value;
        tentative[coord] = node;
    // The point is not new and within the narrowband
    else if (value <= bandwidth) {
        //mexPrintf("Updating tentative point (%i,%i)", i,j);
        Node<DataType> * node = (*iter).second;
        node->cost = value;
    // The point is outside the narrowband and should be deleted
    // if possible
    else if (iter != tentative.end()) {
        Node<DataType> * node = (*iter).second;
        delete node;
        (*iter).second = NULL;
    //mexPrintf(" with value %f\n", value);