Exemple #1
bool Article::operator==(const Article &other) const
	return d->title == other.title() &&
		d->link == other.link() &&
		d->description == other.description() &&
		d->pubDate == other.pubDate() &&
		d->guid == other.guid() &&
		d->guidIsPermaLink == other.guidIsPermaLink();
Exemple #2
bool Feed::isExpired(const Article& a) const
    QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    int expiryAge = -1;
// check whether the feed uses the global default and the default is limitArticleAge
    if ( d->archiveMode == globalDefault && Settings::archiveMode() == Settings::EnumArchiveMode::limitArticleAge)
        expiryAge = Settings::maxArticleAge() *24*3600;
    else // otherwise check if this feed has limitArticleAge set
        if ( d->archiveMode == limitArticleAge)
            expiryAge = d->maxArticleAge *24*3600;

    return ( expiryAge != -1 && a.pubDate().secsTo(now) > expiryAge);